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>I am forgotten
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Let's sell water, that'll show the evil empire we're rebelling from.
I have fond memories of just setting up giant 4v4 skirmishes with AI as a kid, matches would go on so long that they started building turrets next to each other and then they would fire back and forth, real total annihilation vibes. Too bad pathfinding was shit, any large group of units would have a long ass command delay and then units would start making a conga line that spanned a good part of the map.

I also remember being very let down by the sequel, early 3d graphics, uninspired designs, and ironically even in the new engine the conga line thing remained. The only salvageable part was the soundtrack.
I only remember that it was a decent C&C clone I got for 8 bux at a computer fair. Review for its sequel were dismal due to devs not knowing how to pathfind in 3d
DR2 had gorgeous graphics.
yes it was considered a 10/10 revolutionary rts

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looking for RTS recommendations with good single player campaigns or matches vs AI.
pic related is pretty much the first RTS I've fully dived into, beat the campaigns twice, spent some hours on skirmish mode but now I'm burned out on it. looking for something similar (other than the sequels), I liked how this game is more tactical and relies on you keeping your units alive rather than just have a massive army.
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There was an obscure game called Ancient Conquest that had a bunch of unusual QoL features for its time like a zoomed-out strategic map or ability autocast. It also had some autonomous commands that you still hardly see anywhere, like automatic harvesting in a specified zone, attacking a zone, defending a zone, or a scout command (move to a point and return if attacked).
That said, UI is not a big deal in most singleplayer RTSes as long as they let you box-select and attack-move.
Vlad and his chicken farms are from Legends
Or are you talking about a mod?
Ah fuck, I am thinking of Legends
He should play that too
Seconding this. Blitzkrieg is a ton of fun, really love it and all of the clones and spin offs. Very much a dated game, but I feel like nothing else has that right mix of jank and simplicity. Stupid difficult at times, but also can be a cakewalk after you memorize all the arty locations and counterbattery. It's worth a play on its own merits and uniqueness.

But it doesn't have much of an AI, which is kind of a plus for a singleplayer, lets you pace yourself, but you can't really skirmish and don't expect complex maneuvers.
Also in need of a space age rig lest you keep running at cooking temperatures

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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I'm a giant RTS fan, and the only reason I don't play it is because it's overly time consuming.

If the remastered version of C&C didn't lack unit promotion feature I'd play it thoroughly. There's nothing more satisfying than gaining the upper hand, dominating, seeing your units get fully promoted, and then deciding you've seen enough victory; it's time to finish this.

The fall of RTS began when Westwood Studios got bought out. I believe there was a conspiracy to memory hole the game due to its red pill story line, but I also believe it simply lost manifestation due to total lack of convenience because of the fact you need a mouse, keyboard, and a fuck ton of wrist room to play it.

Most people aren't witty enough to figure out the game. One of the funniest things to witness is a balls to the wall RTS player in a heated match. Another conspiracy may be the game increases synaptic activity to the point that it is too good for its own good of society.

My actual love is RA2 due to user capabilities. Tanks automictically engage enemy in while motion, and unit have I say again the promotion system enhancement. If you youtube command and conquer you'll find a pretty decent documentary on the game series. They document the watering down of the game quite well once it was bought out. I still play the campaign about once a year.
You haven't played many modern shooters. The turn off your brain and just play tdm type stuff is dead nowadays.
>it's overly time consuming
In what sense? Match length? Depends on the game.
Online, it takes over 30 minutes to finish a competitive match. I think my longest match was around 6 hours. That game is a life eraser. My teens were black days anyhow
RA2 is quite a game to play and the AI will make you feel like an idiot when you first get started.

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Governors really should be automated. There are already values for Powerbase, Popularity and then the four main stats to draw from. From here it can be extended to government and the cursus honorum for Rome, citizen democracies for the Greeks. With low unrest, and war exhaustion (extremely) wealthy Senators with authoritas can fund private armies.
When you conquer territories the provinces, representing land grants would be sold at auction, proceeds collected by the state.
Rather than the timid handing them out for fake government approval. The standing army would have to be dismissed every 15 years (augustan reform extending it to 25), and your veterans settled in conquered lands not sold at auction, not an abstract message like we have now but pops.
Instead of misrepresented political parties, traits will be expanded with good men and populists. Ex-aediles, Ex-Quaestar, 3x Consul, etc will be represented in traits too, accomplishing a pipeline for the elect.
I think this would achieve something more lively and less abstract in government we have.
I would recommend system changes for the diadochi states as well. Instead of the copy-pasted Great Families I would offer positions for the companion cavalry to create your core influential characters. This is contrasted by 3 key factions.
The native priesthood, sidelining them would promote unrests for their respective pops and mass revolts, promoting offers happiness.
The Macedonian veteran generals, xenophobic conservatives attached to their ways. Sidelining, coups and promotion chances for colonists to arrive from Greece and Macedon
Third faction would be the royal family and its pretenders, now you get the gist.
Meanwhile governors for kingdoms/diadochi would behave as their own dynasts, their sons or daughters inheriting the position.
maybee i make more posts with desires
I never tried it but bribing your foes' mercs should save your immersion
Mercenaries are all about money. It's the one system in the game that makes any sense. If anything, the one that doesn't make any sense is the arbitrary number you're allowed to hire. Any nation that has a certain level of income is going to spam mercs anyway. Money is the #1 weapon in this game. The only penalty for not just spamming them and dying in big battles to grind down an enemy's manpower is the fact that if you hire more their morale has to refill. But if your leader has high martial, that'll happen quick anyway. So there's basically no reason not to just endlessly hire mercs, ram them down the enemy's throat, fire them when their troop numbers are too low, and hire more.
Tried it even with the Invictus mod, but really didn't get much out of it.
Fundamentally, I don't enjoy the game, because I just don't give a shit about anything happening. All the countries, religions, and cultures, I don't care about, I have no connections to them. Unlike every other pdx gsg, there aren't any known quantities like Italy, France, Spain, England etc. it's all just mumbo jumbo that may as well be fantasy. I can't play as a German or any regional variant, I have to make due with whatever the fuck "irmimonic" is supposed to be. Thus, I don't care to differentiate one random tribe from another, and so when one of them conquers all the others all I can say is "huh, I guess that's something".
I played Rome once, United my home country as some random tribe I never heard about before, and that was it for me.
There's some other issues, like tech always being the same, the same few hyperblobs forming in every game (looking at thrace owning everything from the Bosporus to fucking Belarus, but not even caring to conquer any other Greek land BOTH GAMES), and me not caring for the character system in the slightest (would have much preferred eu4 level abstraction, resorted to modding every character to have boosted opinion so I wouldn't have to deal with constant disloyal governor's or armies running off to wherever the fuck).

Imo if you're a romaboo I guess the game is fun, but if not, it's ungodly boring and monotonous. The pop system was really nice though, I very much enjoyed seeing those numbers get bigger, and their religion/culture gradually change
It's true that generally speaking, from an historical knowledge point of view, games with a classical setting are "Mediterranean Factions + NPC Barbarians". In general it's better to focus just in a bunch of rapresentatives of the macrocultures (Germans, Gauls, Iberians) etc
You say this but not even Etruria has content in the base game.
The only countries that have content in Imperator are Rome and the Diadochi.
Uniting Iberia gives you the name of 'Greater Iberia", Gaul is named Gaul even if it makes no sense and you cna't even form a proper german state.
Not wven fucking Carthage has content. Only thing it has is kill Rome.

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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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Yes, yes, beautiful. HOWEVER
Very well, very well indeed....BUT!
What do they eat?
The line would just keep going up.
>your body works
Not perfectly

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Devs are really opposed to the players of a rich nation having resources and money to spend for some reason, should have just labled Rizia a poor shithole.
You'd think the difficulty and the amount of resources needed to fend off/piss off Pales, Lespia, Wehlen, and Morella would balance things out, but apparently not.
Seriously? I was hoping that it'd have been finally fixed...i've been waiting since it started to get a playable version without game-ruining bugs.
Half the events and modifiers are bugged right now. They should focus on that instead of balancing everything.
>is this country supposed to be wealthy or not?
starting to wonder about this myself, I enjoyed the earlier version when you had money, resources, and the power to do what you wanted and your success was basically in your ability to think about how or when to deal with problems, really made you feel like a king. It seems the devs think a struggling country that is nominally rich is the proper description for Rizia.

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Which colony would you want to live in, /vst/?
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>inb4: Why?
Because then I wouldn't be asked these stupid fucking questions.
Story of my life. Tried to get into it multiple times but the UI always filters me
Best argument against all those "new bad, old good" faggots. God, that quality of life is unthinkable to play without now.
game is playable with PRAX mod once you realize its civ2 with different skin, obviously you need to know how civ2 worked then UI kinda makes sense

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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>>is now a full tranny
As opposed to what? A half tranny? A honorary tranny?
yeah there is like 100 levels of trannydom. the higher you are the more grooming opportunities you get on discord.
like before he was just a gay dog lover which didn't give him too many opportunities. now that he is full into "im a real woman" phase he's a lot higher up the ladder and allowed more benefits.
Wait is this mod run by a tranny like TNO is?
Likely because the same guys are working on the 40k show.
>Allowed grooming in TNO discord
What the fuck?

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It's Wednesday night, why aren't you player Heroes of Might and Magic III with your wife. What are you? GAY?
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I have never forgotten this lmao
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But I am. VCMI just updated to 1.5 so I can play Heroes on the phone online.
Looking forward to this new mushroom town and since it's made by the same guys who are doing Pavilion, I expect it to not be half-assed.
She doesn't even understand chess
Nothing worse than trying to be gay and nobody will let you :(
I think the Tabletop Simulator mod for the game has miniatures that are in obj or something similar, which can be converted into 3d print file format with a bit of elbow grease.

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Recently i've tried playing EU 3 for the first time. I finished two games - one for Muscovy->Russia and the other for Brandenburg->Germany. I wanted to share some thoughts about this game. On one hand, it's a pretty decent game and i certainly had fun playing it, but on the other, some aspects of gameplay are so annoying that i don't really want to start any more campaigns.

Rebellions. At times EU3 feels like a rebellion suppression simulator. You get rebellions in provinces you recently occupied. Rebellions in provinces with different religions. Rebellions when you have a bit of war exhaustion. Rebellions when you have low stability. Rebellions in occupied territories of your enemies. You'll get rebellion events when moving govt sliders and you'll have random rebellion events. And all of these things are pretty fair, right? People would rebel in these conditions. The problem is there's just SO MANY of rebellions that it quickly becomes a chore not even to suppress them, because you can set your armies to auto-supression, but to even close pop ups with battle results and notifications about the 7th rebellion of Polish Nationalists over the course of 2 previous years. And there are no ways to at least temporarily prevent rebellions from happening. It's just too much.

Vassals. The vassalisation system is bad. First of all, you can't vassalise anything bigger than a 1-3 province minor. It's ridiculous when i, the richest and the most powerful country in the world with 50+ provinces can't vassalise 4 province Bohemia because it takes 125 percent of war score. And even if you somehow get a certain country to be your vassal, it's a chore trying to annex them, because to annex your vassal you have to get your relations with them to 190, get a royal marriage, wait for 10 years and then ASK them to be annexed.
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I played eu3 back when it was new and I barely remember anything about it besides the random time based coring and merchant spam and magistrates being fucking annoying. I have the music stuck in my head now. Imo, a modded 2 (AGCEEP) or early EU4 (first few years) were better than 3. I had fun with it at the time but I would never go back and replay it.
That's beyond border gore, it's border snuff.
Half a century before Castile owned half of Sweden and England had provinces in North-Western Germany before i kicked them out, you can see the remains of their continental possessions in the Netherlands. Yeah, bordergore is also a common problem in EU3.
>Your infamy impacts annexation acceptance too.
I know, but even with 0 infamy i had "unlikely" chances to annex a one province minor as OP pic Germany and had to reload the game 4 times.
yeah there's a reason nobody plays eu3
>That's beyond border gore, it's border snuff.
Isn’t Austria or Bohemia supposed to be snaking across Ukra*ne? That’s how I recall eu3

>the median /vst/er wants a single-player experience, balanced multiplayer, large-scale battles except where everything is close to the front, good graphics that aren't a selling point, and an enormous amount of content except when they have to pay for it, and hates arcadey gameplay except when realism is less fun and frankly, is that too much to ask for from one developer?
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>the median voter wants double-digit deflation
Stopped reading there, the median voter wants 3% or lower inflation (which isn't contradictory with a "booming economy" nor with a tight labour market); a double digit deflationary economy would stagnate harder than the japanese did.
People want lots of things, they never said they were one person or that they think it's realistic.
I want a hot 16 year old to gift me a trillion dollars and her hymen, but I don't see people complaining about it, so that sounds like a you problem.
>double digit deflation
If that is the average voter then fuck them they don't know shit about economics
People don't even understand inflation, what they want is to be able to afford necessities and still have enough money left over for both comforts and savings.
>good graphics that aren't a selling point
Good artstyle, corpo-rat, something you can't just buy from the cheapest indian bidder.
Also twitter screencap posters should be flayed alive.

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
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Warrior General's main strength is faster play. The +15% regeneration stacks with regen in cities. I think the base regen is like 5-10%. You can rotate your damaged units into your 2nd hero and have them end their turn in cities and regen big chunks of health while saving tons of gold. And all of it is % based so it also scales to high levels. Especially good on the dwarf faction who have much higher than average HP pools on all units.

>the AI made a lot of thieves, they fell as easily as the rod planting guys.
yes thieves are easy prey even lvl1 summons kill them but their job is to support your other armies. Just getting a few poison rolls off can make a massive difference in a fight. They can also steal from shops/magic shops and save you a ton of gold if you risk the dice.

Thieves are expendable but very useful if anything just for scouting the map.

>playing whack-a-mole and having to follow the game surprisingly fast pace feels frantic.
Could you explain what do you mean under playing whack-a-mole in this context?
More than a few maps usually have some sort of chokepoint, which you can exploit to stop the enemy from spreading out.
And, if you get a strong enough second army, you can park it in front of the enemy capital and spawnkill his level 1 parties.
Oh, yeah, that'd work.
I don't know very much about D2, but, in D1, Warrior Lord is the best Saga (campaign) choice. You rarely have enough mana of all requisite types (high level spells require more than 1 mana type) to make the Mage Lord's higher spell access + twincast worthwhile. And the Guildmaster's expanded Thief abilities could be useful in the right circumstances (Counterfeit Orders and Assassinate Weakest in particular), but thieves are expensive, fragile, and their abilities have a failure % (which is invariably lethal for the thief). Also, the Guildmaster Lord's unique hero upgrades are, on average, slightly less useful than the other lords'.
>I think the base regen is like 5-10%.
You can increase regen rate by upgrading the city. Each upgrade level adds one extra garrison slot (up to a total of 5), increases the armor value of defenders, increases regen rate, and increases land conversion rate.
>>You can increase regen rate by upgrading the city. Each upgrade level adds one extra garrison slot (up to a total of 5), increases the armor value of defenders, increases regen rate, and increases land conversion rate.
Thanks I know! I know was unclear I meant the base HP regen without absolutely anything, no city, no warrior lord, no special effects just standing out on the map. I am not sure if it is 5% or 10%. But ye I know you can upgrade cities and the upgrade effects the highest is 30% so with Warrior Lord effect 15% that is 45% regen per turn in a level 5 town. I am not sure I think it may stack with the absolute base regen of 5-10% making units heal like half their full HP like that.

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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I've replayed the campaigns recently and loved it. I usually play SC2 but am interested in doing WC3 ladder. Is it possible to get into as a new player or will it be like Brood War where all I can do is get stomped by people who have been playing for 20 years?
>co-op with a friend on voice and on insane difficulty
How the hell can you manage that? I can easily beat insane AI in 1v1s etc but the co-op campaign was kicking our asses on hard. I can't think of any amount of extra micro or macro that would save us on insane difficulty in the harder missions of Frozen Throne.
Understandable. My favorite streamer plays it so it's a pretty good game.

Ass. I hate the World of Warcraft artstyle. It looks nothing like WC2. The voice acting and focus on story revamp is very cringe. Should have just tried to do a straight up port. Those Warcraft 2 winter maps are comfy as fuck.
its on steamunlocked

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Korea looks weird as fuck without Manchuria. If they didn't want to include Manchuria at least make it impassable terrain.
manchurias on the roadmap you retarded monkey nigger
May as well add Taiwan and China proper too while they're at it, so I can have the proper Imperial Japan experience. Can you restore the Emperor in Shogunate?
in some start dates like 1333
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I won't play it until the whole Sea of Japan region has been added

Anyone managed to apply 4gb patch on Linux? I thought I did but BOTET keeps crashing, I suspect it didn't actually patch the game.
Steam version? If so it apparently crashes often compared to the CD version for some reason even if patched. You could maybe have better luck with wine or a VM.
Thanks for replying. Yeah, Steam version. I actually managed to patch it like an hour ago using LAA, simply by running it via Wine using its own prefix (Steam's compatdata for Med2 lacked Mono, so it wouldn't run). But kept crashing. The problem was actually in using WINED3D, after I switched back to DXVK, it started working. I thought I had trouble running Med2 using Vulkan, seems like that's no longer an issue, idk. Anyway, having a blast now, BOTET is an amazing mod.
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If you run it via Steam Proton already applies the 4gb patch for you.
I unfortunately don't actually enjoy playing this game that much but I've played some huge battles and didn't experience any crashes so I'm pretty sure it works as expected
I had a blast with EBII playing as Epirus. What put you off about it?
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It's not EB2 specific its just that I don't enjoy playing Total War anymore :(
And actually it's not even Total War Specific because i don't enjoy playing EU4 anymore either
In fact I don't really enjoy playin any video games desu. I play Pokemon on my phone while I shit and sit in traffic or pretend to be at work but even that I don't really enjoy and I have to add a ton of made up rules but I always either make it too hard, or too easy and it's not really enjoyable I just need to stop doom scrolling Twitter or shitposting on /pol/ during my day because those have worse negative impacts on my mental health so I switched to playing a children's game
So yeah don't take it personally I'm sure in a different time and place I would put 100 hours and 3 months into a ROMA campaign but where I'm at in my life now I enjoy the tinkering to get the Mod working, I enjoy reading all the reviews and recommendations for which mods to download and try out, I enjoy testing them to see if they're working properly, but I can't get past turn 5-10 of an actual campaign anymore

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