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>I am forgotten
Was it even remembered in the first place?
i remember that we had a bargain store nearby ages ago.
they had this and the expansion; i snapped them up both.
damn i miss that place; i got 1/5th of my big box pc collection from that place. good times.
I thought it was neat that everything goes to shit if you don't have enough power. Unit production is obviously slower but you also completely lose the minimap.
Let's sell water, that'll show the evil empire we're rebelling from.
I have fond memories of just setting up giant 4v4 skirmishes with AI as a kid, matches would go on so long that they started building turrets next to each other and then they would fire back and forth, real total annihilation vibes. Too bad pathfinding was shit, any large group of units would have a long ass command delay and then units would start making a conga line that spanned a good part of the map.

I also remember being very let down by the sequel, early 3d graphics, uninspired designs, and ironically even in the new engine the conga line thing remained. The only salvageable part was the soundtrack.
I only remember that it was a decent C&C clone I got for 8 bux at a computer fair. Review for its sequel were dismal due to devs not knowing how to pathfind in 3d
DR2 had gorgeous graphics.
yes it was considered a 10/10 revolutionary rts
I played this as a kid and tried replaying it in the Windows 7 era but couldn't get it to work. Now I don't even have a cd drive. All I remember is that it was a very standard but competent rts and the artillery units had absurdly long range.
I have the boxed set, played both campaigns. How was it even revolutionary? Rough terrain that slows you down? Dynamic fog of war? Flying units?

It was almost no different from other RTS of its time than a few superficial things like having the 2 factions with different units . Of which the Empire faction was significantly better than the Rebels in almost every single way possible.
I don't really remember much of it nowadays, but I think a case could be made for terrain impairing movement speed and line of sight, so if you had to crest a hill the one on the high ground would have an advantage. There also was some unit turning into a tree IIRC. I don't really remember the release dates but that stuff was in some way in AoE/AoE2 and Red Alert too.
>I have fond memories of just setting up giant 4v4 skirmishes with AI as a kid, matches would go on so long that they started building turrets next to each other and then they would fire back and forth, real total annihilation vibes
Kek, I used to do this too. I'd make everyone start with nigh-infinite money and send my construction units into an ally's base to build up because the AI was incredibly good at turtling. Eventually the whole map turns into wall to wall neutron/rail towers and anti-air so the only thing to do is to either spam superweapons or artillery, neither of which the AI knew how to do.
i recall something about making your own units
It had a lot of AI controls, things like waypoints and patrol routes for your units that you could set. They're standard features nowadays but Dark Reign was one of (if not) the first RTS to do that. I remember the terrain was a big deal at the time too.
same for the music and voiceacting. shame the gameplay is dogshit because of the horrendous pathfinding.
I remember weapons being massively OP compared to unit armor/HP pools. Even some lower-end infantry could quickly scrap those imperial plasma tanks.
It was ambitious, but it failed under the crushing weight of its own incompetence.
TA did it
Both Dark Reign and TA both came out in the same year 1997 literally THE SAME MONTH of September. If we really want to argue then DR came out like 3 days earlier than TA.

So it is not like TA did these those features first.
I remember the intro sequence and the really cool lorebook/manual with the textured black cover. I miss when games would come with books like that.
>Heavy Gear
>Lords of Magic
The list goes on.
Was the second an alt universe in which humans didn't get space travel?
I remember the AI raping me
It was supposed to be a prequel IIRC.
the manual was so cool. that shit was like my bible.
It's a prequel. Only The JDF campaign or whatever there called is cannon.

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