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Hopes? Fears?
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And I still love it
I gen better than this. Use a better model.
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I don't care what you like
Why yes, I'm an Isis man
How could you tell?
You haven't been in /x/.
I have to agree with this man

>What is your will?
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i hate fighting killa kans.
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another comfy night of long compstomps. few times when the enemy ai pushed us pretty far back, but we were able to stabilize and finally end it after 2.5h.
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I'll start.

>Play Sacrifice as Stratos/Persephone/Charnel/Stratos.
>Years later, try replaying it, thinking I would try some of the other ones.
>Basically do the same with small differences in the middle.
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It might, but DOSBox is good enough. If you save every turn you won't lose much progress.
Also neither VMware nor VirtualBox properly support 95 and 98 now. You'd have to find a very old version of VMware for that (v8?) and it has its flaws too.
Huh okay.
That's so odd.
i am so confused. what is the gameplay loop? also the store says ww2? but byplanes?
I guess the same urge that forces Americans to put gore and guns into games.

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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Then why is nobody playing them?
You are nigger-faggot-coded.
who cares as long as there is no nigger
Nta but you have next level mental illness.
Nice self own. Banished had a fraction of the polish and far fewer features as a finished product than this game has right now.

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>Starcraft (Before AAA)
>terran settlers had to build their settlements out of crashed dropships and survive against all odds
>protoss and zerg have genuinely interesting relationships as creations of xelnaga
>sense of wonder, awe, cosmic horror

>Starcraft 2 (After AAA)
>overmind was a good boy he only wanted to save people
>kerrigan is a good girl she's just misunderstood
>protoss are humans on steroids they just want freedom
>oh yeah xelnaga big and bad haha

>HW2 (Before AAA)
>the story is about the journey of the people
>every line delivered with reverence, almost completely muted on purpose
>when any unit showed signs of emotion, it actually meant something

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>In the last few years highly trained political propagandists taking over companies and fan communities to get access to normies' minds.
What is this if not hyping up propagandists? There are propagandists. Highly trained? In what? Highly brainwashed, no doubt. Did you mean financiers influencing the creative process to push propaganda? Has happened before video games, who knows how long. So what does "last few years" mean then? Taking over companies? You mean the massive conglomerates are political propagandists? I'm pretty sure they are the kind of people that just follow the money. And don't underestimate the experience behind "pretty sure." The shoe flips, they are all about family values. They'll follow whoever is on top politically. They are cold and calculating, but bad at math.

So, there's elements and slivers of truth blended into soup that seems strange together. Really emphasizing things in a way I don't think is true. If you disagree, be sure to tell me. I'm not in debate mode, I'm in listen mode. Just tell me what you think and I'll figure out if I misjudged your point. I'll think about it on my own.
i didn't post that
if you thought you were arguing with the guy who posted that all this time, sorry for misleading you. i usually remember to specify i'm not the poster in question when i enter a conversation
>use the term "good"
>actually no that's not what I meant
Not my fault your original statement was lacking any nuance, retard.
You said something that was incorrect and I pointed out why it was incorrect.
Maybe you're the one who's illiterate and can't understand concepts beyond their base level.
In what way?
Feels like everyone just parrots this and never elaborates beyond vague ideas.
Sounds like a typical "old good new bad" biased mindset.
Yeah, happens to me, too. I should have also specified on a few posts ITT.

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>Get into RTS games
>Think how lucky I am because now I can go back and replay all the amazing RTS titles
>There's like 20-ish decent RTS games in the past 30 years
Shocking actually. And I'm talking about a decent singleplayer experience/campaigns.
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>play the way you want
>convert to MP
yes, exactly, which part of
>no you don't get it you MUST follow proplayers build orders and it's punishable by death not to
do you not understand?
So you're just trying to lure newbies to stomp?
The contradiction between him clearly stating the way he wants to play and you insisting he both play the way he wants to play but in a way you approve.
Make sure to spread out the old ones with new ones mixed in as you'll overburn on shit pathfinding. I'd say playing all Starcrafts, then all Warcrafts, then all Spellforces and then all Age of Empires would be best.

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CA's next and final Empire DLC Lord/faction will be Boris Todbringer and Middenheim.
No plans for which DLC pack it will be part of or when it will be released,
but it's more or less already created.

Templars of the White Wolf both mounted and on foot, Woodsmen with throwing axes, and Middenheim Militia with 3 variants (polearm men, longbows, or axe and shield men) are some of the new units.

The new Legendary Hero will be a mage type character named Max Schreiber, recruitable by all Empire factions, as well as Malakai's faction for some random reason, but Boris starts with him already in his army.

I have zero of anything to show proof.
I'm not even directly employed by CA,
I learned this through a short stint of freelance work with them that I did remotely.
So I'm not some insider or anything, I only picked up this one juicy nugget, but it's real.
All I can say is when the videos come out in a couple months or whenever,
remember that I was first.
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I'm calling shenanigans. No warrior priest of Ulric? Seems fishy. But a bunch of useless chaff units for tier 1 does sound like CA.
Well I wasn't told that was everything or anything, there could easily be more.
In fact I forgot to include one detail.
One of Boris faction mechanics is he has a giant cannon he can shoot at either settlements or armies, and it causes severe damage to the army/garrison as well as the buildings, in advance of a siege.

It's called either "Ulric's Storm" or "Ulric's Thunder" can't remember which exactly, but it's something like that.
I never read the books but that definitely explains why they'd let Malakai have him too.
They improved a lot with recent DLCs
>2 empire DLCs in a row
Not happening, retard.

Fabledom - Official 1.0 Release Date Teaser Trailer!
Finally out of early access!
Hopes? Fears?
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How dare they include mass transit and a tech level that doesn’t match the setting.


Africans beat the fuck out by nature and the need for food and shelter, but dragons and magic somehow make them cosmopolitan world travelers instead of wipe them out.

Fuck off.
So is the game good if I'm not a retarded poltard obsessed with BBC? Or just another trash city builder trying to surf on the genre's current popularity?
I gave in and bought it.

Idk maybe it's cause I'm playing on normal and am just too good but the game does feel a bit too easy. However I will say it does have a lot of charm and some interesting mechanics. The biggest thing is how housing is done. Houses havw customizable lots that can drastically alter the residence in their needs and environment. Teir 2 residence for instance is dense town houses so you drag out the area and from there customize the courtyard with shops, gardens and other things. It can help alleviate some needs or give a boost to prestige rating. Other than that military is pretty straightforward and I haven't really touched the main selling point of romance yet. I'd say it's best point is it's style. I know a lot of people are memeing on it but once you start getting big it does look really qant ans cute like from a Disney movie.
They can be orcs, maybe. Bit insulting to orcs, though.


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>Tier 1: Super popular
Starcraft 1 and 2
Warcraft III
Age of Empires II

>Tier 2: Popular
Company of Heroes 1 and 2
Age of Empires III

>Tier 3: Intermediate
They are Billions
Age of Mythology
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (inc. Forever)
Command and Conquer franchise
Halo Wars 2

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Tzar (published but two years later) didn't have such nonsense and that's with it being the first game of a bunch of bulgarian developers
Not a limit, but intentional design. Starting from Warcraft 1
>Later in the development process, and after many design arguments between team-members, we decided to allow players to select only four units at a time based on the idea that users would be required to pay attention to their tactical deployments rather than simply gathering a mob and sending them into the fray all at once. We later increased this number to nine in Warcraft II. Command and Conquer, the spiritual successor to Dune 2, didn’t have any upper bound on the number of units that could be selected. It’s worth another article to talk about the design ramifications, for sure.
>AoE 1
You do not realize how many people in Vietnam play this game
>no Warrior Kings Battle
>no Seven Kingdoms 2
>no Warlord Battlecry
>no Tzar

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this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
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>matrix bridge
Probably not the right place to ask this, but how does encryption work with those?
>why are rts games dead?
What's the fastest eco built to T3
You can suicide your Commander and eat it, rush a T2 and eat the factory as well, build a T2 con, eat the T2 factory again, all of these awhile building windmills

You should be able to get a AFU in about 12 mins. You're not spending a dime or anything else though, just T2 extractors and generators, that's it. Once you get an AFU it should feed 4 Metal Generators. For T3 production, you should get 3 or 4 AFUs, and this should be rushed in like 20 mins.
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Fastest catalyst is still 17 mins?

>See on PDX forums that new Vic3 DLC is coming soon
>let’s see what the DDs are saying, wonder if it will make the game playable
>open up latest DD, see this fucking monstrosity

At this point I think the team in charge of the Vic3 UI is intentionally trolling people, this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Especially for a game which claims to be a 19th century “historical” game. Prussian pattern looks like some African design, while Austria is apparently rocking a Hawaiian shirt
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but you can play as a socialist nation in vic2, what makes vic3 special?
I like it
>what makes vic3 special?
It properly simulates them in vic3 and it results in a prosperous and successful country as opposed to more exploitation based economies.
What in the Sam hill is this?
Look it. Those 4 in Idaho-Montana are new.

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Age of Wonders 4 is now one year old. It has seemingly exceeded sales expectations since Triumph Studios confirms that active development will continue beyond the current season pass.
What do you want to see going forward?

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I guess you could play as skinny Halflings, use the Horde tome to make them even smaller and take one of the major transformations that give you wings. It'll look ugly as shit but it's the closest you'll get to having fairies as your main race.

But yeah you can hire several different types of fairies from magic sites, they're good midgame units.
Is this a joke?
AoW4 is like the most boring one. I played a weekend and had to go back to planetfall.
The map customization is limited to 4 choices and some condition flags. There is no way to bypass this with a mod or something to have more options.
You can't tweak individual settings like rather roads should exist or be banned or not. You can only determine a few options for map generation. You can't do something like a desert and tundra map with grasslands turned completely off.
Beyond the map generation, customizing factions is a headache without a cheattable or mod because points are limited and certain abilities lock out others.
It's a single player game, for multiple sure have the admin enforce limits but stop this shit with single player choices.
Moving past game initialization there is nothing to do beyond research and combat. There aren't spy and sabotage options. The AI on the hardest settings is still retarded and just cheats with extra resources spawning troops it shouldn't be able to afford.
Don't get me started on the underground.
Overall it's not a good game which is why I went back to planetfall.
Funny...people loathed planetfall now everyone loves it
Classic 4chin?
Also any insider anon know anything about eldrich realm?
Have you ever played planetfall on release?
The game was far more barebones than AoW4. It didn't have empire mode, you also only had fucking 3 default settings + 1 extra for deluxe version. The diplomacy model was also extremely simple and limited, it got scrapped and replaced with the current system in 1.3. The AI also got extensively reworked.
If anything, I'd say to give it time. When this season pass ends, they will give more effort in building the main game.
Underground in AoW 4 is a disgrace. Easily the worst implementation in the entire history of the series, its existence is an active detriment to the quality and state of the game with the way it currently works.

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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>armies wouldn't be able to advance past enemy provinces
Then it's either Benny Hill through neutral land or Knock on the wall game? (in my language it's called "Baba Yaga looks", and in japanese it's "Daruma-san Fell Over", the one when you turn to look) what I mean is that either you'll have an army constantly chasing them up to their provinces, or have an army stationed in neutral/enemy territory to attrition itself to "lock" the enemy army there?
Like this, or like the Dutch coast, or like the Florida spit, to search for more examples, but while searching for the examples I noticed that all of them have a river so if you don't have one there I might just be wrong about the whole thing. ( youtu.be/Bs-G57JaQm4 )
btfo at this point tbqh
Locked army.

Either way not much progress this week, but I been experimenting with UI and animations.

The thing about the spit, regardless if it should be there, think it's too small to be depicted.
How's everything going?
Planned Release Date: 2024

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the great secret
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I sense a samefag having a mental breakdown in this thread
/gsg/igger moment
So you're telling me all these


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Xcom happened in the Stellaris universe? Do you have a single fact to back that up?
You had one job!
Paradroid was right there!

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>still no Cold War GSG
How hard could it be to create one? I think a game similar to Vicky, where you project soft power,engage in economic dominance, fight bunch of proxy wars, engage in espionage, nuclear arms race, etc. and try to balance the tension meter where the world goes nuclear if you're not careful (and thus causes a game over) could be really fun.
It could even be fun to play as a lesser nation and just try to manage your country and survive by playing both sides (Yugoslavia for example).
Why hasn't Paradox done it already?
time to trigger the retard, ESPIOCRACY.
Play TNO.
Yeah, you want to play a strategy game? Play this visual novel instead
Kill yourself
And the real life Cold War wasn't?

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