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Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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They're designed to be an infantry hard counter, and do that job fine while still not being completely hopeless against anything with above-average pierce armor. For a late archer line replacement or not-Janissary like some wish them to be, they're not as reliable without some combination of civ bonuses backing them. Non-Bohemian HCs also lack the convenience of early production that unique gunpowder has.

On Extreme there's still a tendency for the AI to fast Feudal on Amazon Tunnel, regardless if you wall. In a team game, some of them might still do so, but otherwise on that and FFA arrangements, they'll generally opt for faster Castle times like usual.
Started playing RoR a few days ago, everyone who complains about old AoE2 campaigns being bad should try the ones in AoE1, both the Babylonian and Greek campaigns felt like I am playing harder William Wallace missions with their map size and quality.
Forgotten still has some of the worst campaigns, but it's nowhere that bad really.
Imperialo age boombard cannons pupupupupu and you are dead!
>ONE singular japanese artist
come on now
And she's not even Japanese, she's a zainichi Goryeo.
Shadow (separate item/angle obstructing view)

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Warrior Kings.
It's a game that honestly isn't too bad. Bit janky, but really fun because it's surprisingly deep.
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>remember this game on magazine demo disc
>RTS with base building, a couple of factions that I think were very similar
>good guys were some shade of cyan or teal IIRC
>bad guys were almost salmon
>power armor and a mech with chicken legs
>don't understand anything but love it
>years go by, wonder what the game was
>look in abandonware site multiple times
>finally find it
>forget to save the link and didn't download it right away
>forgot its name again
God damn I feel retarded. Does anyone have any idea what game it could be?
Was it Extreme Tactics?
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> bad guys were almost salmon
who tf wants to play a fish based RTS?
>power armor and a mech with chicken legs
Was it 2D? 3D? It wasn't Space Rangers or something, right?
he means the color

All I hear on here is how bad any given game/mod is. I want to try something that the majority of the board would say is a "good" strategy game, so toss a recommendation.
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Thanks for the advice! I've already lurked around here and have played some strategy beforehand, but I wanted to see what games can be said to be good by this board's standards. Every thread I go into just seems to devolve into "this game/mod is absolute trash", so I came away with the feeling that there isn't ANYTHING that could be recommended and that the whole genre was wrong in some way, which is why I made this recommendation thread to see if anyone could say something good.
i played that, very good presentation and very fun for a while, but definitely not worth playing until the end. also i played before any of the dlc/expansions came out and apparently they make the game even more of a slog than it was.

wow fuck me and my ACTUAL game recommendations then i guess
I've gotten Ground Control 2, just haven't tried it yet though. Thanks!
that's good, it's a good game and obviously i'm biased but i don't think it's dated even a little bit (nor is act of war for that matter), not even in terms of graphics. if you like it, you can move on to world in conflict which is a progression of the same formula, but set during the cold war.
You sound like a cumguzzler so I shan't. Good luck on your thread's remake.

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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Have you guys played the 1992 Lion scenario yet? Also what would a Cuomo presidency played out?
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The midnight creator is still around. He's going to make a redux of both '64 and '65 after he finishes his 1972 Incumbent Humphrey mod
This is the one response in W. that I thought was unequivocally stupid. Would have actually been funny if they leaned into it though. Say something about them selling guns with "extended clips" and "barrel shrouds."

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Have you played any country in the Lake Federation in Anbennar?
If so which and what path did you go?
Recently Sunjalla, the monarchical splinter and the incipient Kalsyto(standard unifier) MT have been added to the BB. The latter is far from done but some of the mechanics are there already AFAIK.
The Steam update is releasing in mid June, so for the next month incomplete content will be fleshed out but little new will be added.
Also why the fuck do Triunics dislike mages? so unrealistic baka
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you can genocide in this mod
If you're losing as goblins, that's a massive skill issue
If you're losing as Nimscodd against the god damn kobolds, that is indeed a skill issue. You're supposed to struggle as the kobolds, not against them. If you really don't know how to play, just wait for tech 4 and crush them bruh, no one else will declare on them even if you want for a bit. The Greenscales are the exception, but you either rush them or just don't bother with them early in the game.

Hmm, going through uncolonized provinces in the Serpentspine appears to be bad, let me do that again. Have you thought of just not doing that perchance?

Yeah, sorry, not even I can blame you for Seghdihr, it's just a shit tag. Go play something else, I suggest Ovdal Kanzad, or any of the adventurers in the Northern spine, cool holds to form there such as Slavery Simulator Hold, Bestiality Hold, Jewish Hold, Worst Mission Tree Hold, and more.

It is a new world to conquer and a high amount of content for people who have gotten bored of vanilla. It's good for power fantasies, since it's extremely easy to just get extremely overpowered very quickly. Some people simply prefer culture converting orcs instead of culture converting the french or germans. It's easier for braindead people since you have mission trees that can last you well into the 1800s. These are a few reasons, not all of them. Enough for you to understand?
>>kobolds demolish my manpower
Manage your stacks properly, divide them in 2 far from the enemey. Chase the enemy and kill it and then carpet siege. Use mercs
>open anbennar
>play dorfs
>have fun
It's just that simple. Never take elffags seriously, never take hummies seriously and KILL gobbofags on site. Now get back to digging.

Wow I beat the whole game in under 5 hours what now? I guess the building animations are cool
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you did.
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Rundling gang
Imagine living in a home next to the homes of your parents and siblings. Working together as an extended family. Imagine the unity. What we've lost.
maybe you should join the amish if you like that kind of stuff?
Like many things you don't 'join', you're either born into it or you are not.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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If I build a bunch of small attack ships and just set them to patrol around their sector will that do the same thing?
They also spawn missions that don't require docking, like repair satellites, deploy mines/lasertowers, repair signal faults on stations, chase down rogue ships, defend ship from pirates/khaak. If it's Vigor Syndicate or Fallen Families then they sometimes spawn criminal missions that you can do to raise rep.

I treat shooting down criminal station traffic as a last resort.

If you want to TRADE reputation then buy a ship and fly it to next to the faction station you want to raise rep with, remove the crew, damage it until it's at 1-2% HP, then sell the ship to a faction that's enemies with the faction you want to gain rep with. Destroy the ship. You can also do this by capturing a SCA pirate destroyer, and supposing you want to raise rep with the Split Zyarth Patriarchy, sell the destroyer to the Argon while it's 40km of a ZYA station, removing the crew first of course.
Frigate is probably overkill for easy and v. easy hunt missions for them, right?
Yeah, Frigates like the Split Cobra carries 25 crew and is arguably the best medium marine carrier, 24 marines will take most large ships. Terran Falx has more front guns but is extremely expensive. On a budget the Boron Dolphin, Paranid Hermes Vanguard and Split Boa are good runners up for cheap freighters that can be used as marine transports (21 to 20 crew capacity)

Honorable mention goes to the Barbarosa, the VIG large 'freighter' but is classified as a raider. Lots of large turrets, fast, maneuverable and has a 128 crew capacity. It's very good pirate ship for midgame. Unfortunately it costs about 10 million to buy and equip (and is annoying to capture otherwise because it is a pirate ship, lots of experienced marines on board) - features prominently in the pirate storyline.
I've just been using argon ships I like the look of them. It is cool how you can pick between skins and stuff by default. Cool hearing about the differences between ship types.

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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I can just post lobcorp stuff here, right? /vg/ is too fast and scattered, and /v/ threads only appear around update days as fitting the self-made rules
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Sure, why not.
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I beat Chesed core today. Playing kaizo mod
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And this is my facility this run, but this was from a few days ago. Today I got and cleared Porccubus and Nameless Fetus and Chesed core. They made Porccubus a WHEN THE WORK RESULT WAS GOOD abno with a counter of 2 and they made Fetus drop counters FACILITY WIDE when he hits 0, and his counter is still 1. He's also a WAW now for obvious reasons
I forgot to say but I meme repo'd back to Day 36 after clearing Chesed core and playing Day 38 to clear Binah's first mission and to grind boxes to rebuy some gear. From the Chesed core win, I lost
>Laetitia + Today's Expression (HE armor) agent
>Solemn Lament (WAW and Pale) agent
>Spore agent
>Hypocrisy agent
and I had all of that in my facility already except Shy Look, who got banished from a previous repo loop. Plan next time I play is to Day 36, then do Tiphereth core on Day 37, then do Gebura core Day 38 if the facility state is good enough to take her on. Then most likely repo back to Day 36

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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do a 360 and run away
So We're on a new version (from when I played).
I couldn't find a changelog.
send a dog to scout, use your gals to shoot at them from afar with penalty
use armored cars when you unlock them
medieval armors won't save you from poison darts and are bad in hot weather, but it's better than eating a plastasteel javelin to a modern armor
use tactical nukes
there should be a readme somewhere in game files, or check the first post in piratez thread on forums
camo+smoke(fire extinguisher)+shotguns
just go grab loot and sleeping gal and run away

any games with combat system like power&revolution/geopolitical simulator 4?

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What made Civ 4 so special that people designate it as the cut-off point from when the series started declining?
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is this true?
Looks true to me
i'm sure no one ever heard about half-life 2 or was enraged about steam requiring always online connection. i sure hope you're a troll.
As opposed to nu-/gsg/ where the only activity is off-topic shitposting and chatroom bullshit?
yes thats unironically your two options

Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
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The Merchant Prince games.
They're trading games mixed with more Machiavellian vying for power.
How do you even play this? I tried installing it from abandonware and it bugs out.
I'll take a look.
Came to post this game

There are two copies in circulation, one with bugged patch, nad one that works. If you are willing to wait, I can offer the working one on Sunday evening, when I will be back from a weekend trek.
Keep in mind that Trade Empires is a very straighforward game in design, but it's intentional - it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
> it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
In fact I loved it as a kid back in the days.
this game is very text heavy but its also very good

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Thoughts on a DPRK simulator RPG?
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It would be so fucking boring

>No real threats
>Everyone loves you and fears you
>No revolts or civil war
>start with nukes
>Start with a cute sister that AI controls half of the country with you

Basically the most comfiest strategy game

I meant more like a 1945+ type of game INCLUDING warfare and logistics.
Pointless cause everything was determined by the great powers involved.
nation only exists due to the us and china not wanting to share a border

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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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There was actually a new OpenVic diary like a week ago. Spudsisters stay winning.
what's wrong with the economy in TGC? maybe i'm just a brainlet but starting as a secondary power it takes me 20 years just to not have a starvation tier economy, in the vanilla game you could not do anything and shit just werks
Sounds based. You are a gde anyways if you let yourself be groomed by a pedophile faggot over fucking discord. At least he puts them to good use.
tranny shovelware garbage mod

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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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I did wonder if that was supposed to be William talking. He never really does it any other time and I wasn't sure if she could be used as an ersatz walkie talkie in the first place.
It's possible he just told her to do that in advance too. He wanted people to think he was in the area after all.
Except he IS in the area, he appears in the endless mode mission after you finally go down. Willy is confident/delusional enough to appear in person when he thinks it'll have an effect, see the lab scene where he executes Mendo's parents. Or when he was hiding at the edge of the fighting to witness the first ever reverse collapse in 2064.
I don't think he was anywhere near the place until the AU left and his enemies in the local garrison were rooted out. There was no risk in him showing up at that point to troll Jefuty.
I got to 30 turns and nothing special happened.

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