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Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
What's the best offense as a flank on TG arena? I've found building a castle out of sight and then surprising them with 2 petards and a group of crossbows to be effective but having 6 villagers on stone early on and building a castle feels like such a big investment
A siege push feels like it can be easily defended by a mangonel and some walling behind. Even a defensive castle can shut it down completely if the opponent was on stone too
Eagles in a siege tower is fun but feels too slow, by the time you have 10 of them, the opponent seems to have 3 TCs so they have plenty of room to garrison and shoot them down
I've tower rushed sometimes too and has worked more often than not I think. Is that the answer?

TG Arena feels different to 1v1 because there it's just about getting relics and pushing in early imp but in TGs, you don't really need to fight for relics so you can just start the push in castle age
I like knocking on enemies gates with MAA asap
then get some archers to attack repairers.
Alternatively lock your enemies gates with stuff of your own to force them to build new gates if they want to leave or destroy your buildings, then snipe their villagers.
All of this in Feudal while they think they can boom freely.
If you main:
You are a casual player
why havent they buffed hand cannoneers yet? it's very sad.
I tried siege crossbows in siege tower but the tower is just so expensive and makes everything akward, if I played with a friend I could ask him to make the tower
Out of GL members everyone is casual and out of the top 10 it's a hobby and allows them to appear in S-tier tourneys
The only buff they need is nicer sound effects.
Siege Tower might as well not exist.
Just make rams to transport units and still be useful afterwards.
You NEED those 8-10 xbows in his base in that moment and rams are not that fast
Yea but that's a ton of wood and gold wasted on on something useless while a ram can break the wall permanently while also threatening a town center, coupled with archers to hurt villagers who try to take on the ram it can cause so much more trouble even in arena than a siege tower putting in a few archers inside the base who have no way of getting out if met by skirms.
Dunno man, just talking out of experience, a ram takes way too long to break the wall and the rewalls that the opponent will naturally do
>if met by skirms.
That's a big fucking if. If the opponent was waiting you INSIDE the walls with skirms of all units he is just spec cheating
Dead gaem. Have you guys tried the onlyfarms challenge? 300 pop on arabia, Magyars so your vills don't' die to wolfs
Ratats archer..
Ladder anxiety is so gay if you thing about it, we all suck ass anyways
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I can finally say I boom like Daut and better than the every member of the china team
It's over. The lord of the west have fallen
>What's the best offense as a flank on TG arena?
Depends the civ match up, there's no solid definitive answer.
The bugs won't be fixed before 2030
Maa rush is literally dead because units just attack the vill they want even on stand ground, is infuriating
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>Maa rush is literally dead
Weakling mindset
>kill master templarer in siege of jew city
>"If you strike me down, I will grow more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
oh shit, should I restart?
Persian players:
May I get a build order for MAA? or is it just a standard 20 pop feudal with double barracks & blacksmith?
>double barracks & blacksmith?
Go 19 pop with no dark age mill and no eco upgrades, it's pure suffering but you can get three fletching archers at a decent time or an archer+spear really fast. Lure t least two deer and make three farms before the blacksmith and that's for generic civs
Is anyone else crashing a lot during matchmaking?
19-21 POP 4 MAAs rush + infantry armor, after which I get Supplies and keep making MAAs, my pocket has Scouts to handle the archers while I either kill the Scouts or rush the everloving shit outta of the pocket
Murder Holes was a waste of resources, but now it's useful in Imperial Age.
Thanks for the Hera vid summary
How do I bust open a castle without trebs?
Your mom is a murder hole
Fast imperialo turks castle drop.
>No mill maa
Don't teach noobs bad habits ghost master, 20-21 pop with loom, lure 2 deers then scout, you can go 22 if your opponent is likely to maa too and you will have a stronger eco for it. If you can't get damage and he is making archers don't upgrade maa, use the resources for eco and skirms
Rams and petards
Fun fact: You need exacly 7 petards to raze a castle
Not my intention, its just how i play
What i usually do is lure all deers for all the food possible, get Lumbercamp, Barracks, gold mine and a mill, in that order, then inmediadly get a blacksmith
Only do this in team games or vs cavalry civs in 1vs1
Oh wait LOL you replied to the wrong guy, >>1746262 that post is me
Bloody phoneposting
>Don't teach noobs bad habits ghost master
Fine, I would advice people to not play and talk about civ splitting instead. He is decent Elo and post his games, I would say he is among the highest Elo in this mouth breather website
>20-21 pop with loom
19 pop with huns feels so smooth, it should be illegal, try it
nothing of value, just like nili
Hera and Viper are jobbers
A nigga got banned because he cheated on a rage forest tourney
Tournament/Qualifier Streams today
Showmatch Lierrey vs. Theviper starting soon
>Thalassocracy Cup
>1v1 Extreme too easy
>1v2 Extreme too hard

>2v2 Extreme too easy
>2x3 Extreme too hard

What do
Play vs real players
have you tried 3v4?
>1v2 Extreme too hard
They still die to archers, one group for each AI, but it does feel cheesy for me

If I want to micro archers I'd rather play against humans. AI is for spamming melee units until they die.
That's probably what my next game tonight is going to be.
>AI is for spamming melee units until they die.
That's fucking stupid since the AI will perfectly micro every single archer it has
Just admit you are too scared to play vs humans, its fine
You can get away with that at low elo
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Putting an annoying Khmer in his place
Hot shit until he gets all his elephants flattened
You now remember the Inca blacksmith feudal rush
Good riddance
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I don't remember nothing, because I play singleplayer campaigns only.
>garbage opinion
>chad image macro
I'm not using any macros, I don't need to cheat. I uploaded that by hand.
It came back more annoying and speaking Sicilian
Do people generally consider wonder/relic wins cheesy?
The resources for a wonder are better spent elsewhere, but if you can keep a relic or your monasteries alive for the whole duration, then you deserve the win.
That said, most people play with the Conquest victory setting.
It has its place but not in regular ranked matches
Wonders were essentially designed to break stalemates and people being elusive niggers in the original AoE. They still have a place, but Conquest being the standard makes them irrelevant. Relic victories are just a less shitty version of Ruins and Artifact conditions, with some other, economic motivation behind picking them up at least; Monasteries (sans Fortified Churches) are just a lot more fragile than Wonders, especially if decentralized.]

Also depends on the map and other settings, closed ones make them a lot more viable, perhaps they lend themselves better in FFA or open dickplomacy games.
what do you do when you are playing flank on BF and the opposing flank just spams stone (sometimes even fortified) walls? how do you even push?
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People understimate how disruptive and actually dangerours a fully commited MAA rush is if you dont have archers
Crushing scoutfags in Lombardia is very easy
i'd love to play as armenians and georgians but why's that shit more expensive than the other expansions despite having less civs
fuck microsoft
Inflation. Sorry bro. Just wait for the next steam sale.
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Fast imp forward castle onagers
Viper said that dravidians and the UU are the best civ and unit in the game.
I think relics are more cheesy because they require less effort than wonders
>Viper said that dravidians and the UU are the best civ and unit in the game.
No wonder he lost to a pleb
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Makes me laugh every time.
>hurrr durrr me click shit fast
It's literally over for me, the dark side have completely taken over me (I started watching memb)
Now show races.
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Gookclick obsessed retard
I meant civilizations, retard
top fucking kek
Sure you did, bozo.
No you didn't you fucking retard
Dont lie to us
It's normal to use races in other popular RTS's get out of your myopic view of the world
Literally no one uses "races" in AoE2. It has always been, and will always be, "civ". Unless this is your first time playing the game, or being in this thread, you're a fucking retard, a liar, and a double retard.
Cool but nobody uses races in AoE2
Fuck off to the Starcraft general you gookclick obsessed cunt
What if empire wars started without loom researched
Insider info: the latest DLC was a huge flop financially, possibly the next planned Chinese split DLC will never happen.
Oh boy
...............................oh really boy..............
>possibly the next planned Chinese split DLC will never happen.
thank god
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I want a DLC that adds Hebrews (Jews/Israelites) to AoE2:DE. Replace Byzantium Jerusalem in Saladin campaigns, lasted longer than the Romans.
Weren't jews supposed to have high verbal iq or something? What the fuck are you blabbering you dumb cock sucker
Finally, we know how to play Empire Wars!
How many people actually give a shit about Empire Wars though? Comes across as being a lot more forced
>portuguese high on this list
>and every list
portuguese is the best civ in the game.
People who can qualify for 140k tournaments, there is more prize money than warlords 3 and hidden cup 5 combined
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i'm kinda bad at this game
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though part of it was i thought this was real (in DE at least, after cutting down the whole forest it seems like it is not)
DLC Roadmap

Dynasties of the Defenders
>Tanguts: Cavalry and Archer civ (Western Xia Dynasty, 1038–1227) - Wonder: Western Xia Mausoleum
>Khitan: Cavalry and Archer civ (Liao dynasty, Western Liao, Eastern Liao, 907–1234) - Wonder: Pagoda of Fogong Temple
>Jurchen: Infantry and Archer civ (Jin dynasty, 1115–1234) - Wonder: Chengling Pagoda

Shields of the Carpathians
>Serbs: Defensive civ (Kingdom of Serbia 1217–1371) - Wonder: Gračanica Monastery
>Croats: Naval civ (Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia, 925–1526) - Wonder: Church of St. Donatus
>Vlach: Infantry civ (Principality of Wallachia, 13th–19th century) - Wonder: Curtea de Argeș Cathedral

African Legacies
>Songhai: Cavalry and Camel civ (Songhai Empire, Dendi Kingdom, 14th–16th century) - Wonder: Agadez Mosque
>Swahili: Naval and Trade civ (Swahili City-States, Kilwa, Mombasa, Malindi, Zanzibar, 8th–15th century) - Wonder: Kilwa Kisiwani
>Kongolese: Defensive civ (Kongo Kingdom, 14th–19th century) - Wonder: Manikongo's Palace

Empires of the Highlands
>Tibetans: Monk and Archer civ (Tibetan Empire, Nanzhao, Khotan, Guge, 7th–17th century) - Wonder: Samye Monastery
>Kurds: Archer civ (Hasanwayhid Dynasty, Ayyubid Sultanate, 9th–13th century) - Wonder: Ishak Pasha Palace
>Afghans: Gunpowder and Camel civ (Qarlughids, Khwarezmian Empire, Ghurid Dynasty, Karrani Dynasty, 9th–17th century) - Wonder: Ghazni Minarets
Masters of the Coast
>Vandals: Naval and Cavalry civ (Vandal Kingdom, 5th–6th century) - Wonder: Carthage in ruins
>Aragonese: Naval and Monk civ (Crown of Aragon, 12th–15th century) - Wonder: Torre de San Martín
>Somalians: Naval and Archer civ (Ajuran Sultanate, Warsangali Sultanate, 13th–17th century) - Wonder: Fakr ad-Din Mosque

Conquerors of the Seas
>Javanese: Naval and Archer civ (Srivijaya Empire, Majapahit Empire, 7th–16th century) - Wonder: Borobudur Temple
>Tongans: Naval and Infantry civ (Tu'i Tonga Empire, Tu'i Manu'a Empire, Tu'i Kanokupolu Empire, 10th–16th century) - Wonder: Haʻamonga ʻa Maui
>Tagalog: Naval and Infantry civ (Tondo Confederation, Maynila, 10th–16th century) - Wonder: Torogan

Lords of the Savannah
>Kanuri: Cavalry and Infantry civ (Kanem Empire, Bornu Empire, 9th–19th century) - Wonder: Gidan Rumfa
>Shona: Infantry and Archer civ (Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa Empire, 11th–17th century) - Wonder: Great Zimbabwe
>Soninke: Cavalry civ (Empire of Ghana, Wagadou, 6th–16th century) - Wonder: Kumbi Saleh
That's okay, I also go sometimes to 2 hours when playing campaign missions
fuck off with the ai posts
I wrote all of it, no AI could make such a perfect post
Didn't read
Kys faggot.
Fuck off and never come back
Why are you so mad?
How do I make it so my archers hit the closest enemy instead of just one? it's not very effective to have 60 composite bowmen if all I need to oneshot an enemy unit is 20 and the rest is wasted
Attack move, I should set my hotkey for that because patrol doesn't do that well
I can tell you "fuck off faggot" in the coolest way imaginable. Why are you so retarded?
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Because I'm genuinely feed up with civ spleeting
Nobody cares about your self masturbatory literal who culture splitting, shut the fuck up and post about the game.
Ok here's a topic about the game: what is THE absolute most baseline build order you can play off of? something that allows you to go into archers or maa or scouts or fc
Scouts and archers. What did you expect¡
Next question.
>civ splitter retard outs himself as someone that doesn't even play the game
I'm just new
My apologies
>React content
The only real difference is 4 vs 3 on wood and some men at arms openings can put the 4th on wood a little later
Ghostmaster tells truth like always.
I agree, that's why we should have new civs that are not a subset of existing civs, like Jurchens, Khitans, Tanguts and Tibetans.

Except Slavs, who should be more explicitly Ruthenians at this point.
Use the Wait button if they're already in position.
Attack Move otherwise.
Chinese, Mongols, Tanguts are Tibetans. Tibet will never get added you know that
is attack move just better than patrol currently?
>Chinese, Mongols, Tanguts are Tibetans.
Nigger, what?
Melee units are broken for the moment but the rule is to attack micro with melee and stop micro with range units
they're the same functionality in programming
"vikings" and "saracens" aren't real civilizations, what should they split into
just rename Vikings to Danes
and Saracens to Ayyubids
no need to split
Shut the fuck up
I will split you in two
since we're talking about civs, when can we add the US?
if the devs were to add anything from north america it might be the Iroquois ,they'll just have their unique unit be the campaign one and boom done no hard work
>No gameplay info
0 point to this discussion.
I guess you could add Puritans
I don't know what they'd do though
hey guys, what do you think of my new civ?

United States Civilization
Gunpowder and Monk focus
Monks are 20% cheaper
Gunpowder units train 15% faster
Villagers work 20% harder due to their Protestant work ethic.

Unique Unit:
Minuteman: Faster training, more accurate hand cannoneer.
After your first minuteman is made, villagers can be transformed into minutemen with a cost of 55gold.

Unique Techs:
Evangelicalism: Monks convert 25% faster
City on a Hill: All civ splitters playing against you die instantly as they bask in your righteousness.

Team Bonus:
+50% bonus damage non-White civs.
Vikings into Norse and Saracens into Arabs, and even that is an unnecessary change. Anything else would be a mental illness.
How we feeling about the auto farm placement update bros
dislike it because then we dont get to see funny farms. besides that, dont care too much.
It's fine
Doesn't really change much
Are campaign missions supposed to take >2 hours or do I just suck really bad
depend which ones , some can take that long
Huns last 3 missions
I still place them normally and I find that it actually gets in the way whenever I'm placing a farm behind my mill. Kind of annoying really
Is there a way to queue building an entire rectangular wall all the way with one drag or do you have to build one straight wall then queue another
yes just hold shift
Depends on the scenario. Victors and Vanquished especially is host to a lot of long ones.

Atilla 3-5 all shouldn't be too lengthy under ordinary circumstances.
depend of mission, the ai varies between campaigns, also there is some questionable mechanic where in one mission ai has infinite resouces but in other not.
Learning to place farms was fun, actually placing farms was really a pain in the booty, you shouldn't need the feature until late game anyways, most likely chaotic mid castle age (in a normal Arabia game), a player that use te features in feudal is definitely low Elo because of the need of consistently placing farms every 60 wood. Definitely a good decision and it's ok for the old guard to raise concerns about further automation of the game, auto scout in all scouts is a little too much imo
Don't like it but it won't factor in at my elo, we don't stack tons of wood unless we are defending serious pressure or in the late game
Can MBL get 4 accounts in the top 4 empire wars and get invited 4 times?
MBL will be lucky if he gets invited at all.
Autoscout on all scouts is also strange because the Camel Scout does have it but the regular Camel doesn't since it's not a 'Scout Unit'.
Why do Goths have such a strong tech tree but such obviously biased towards infantry bonuses?
>Bloodlines hussar + cavalier
>Heavy cav archer
>Hand canonneer / bombard canon
>Masonry / Architecture
>>Heavy cav archer
This is the only thing they should remove, it is complete nonsense. The rest is just memes/inside jokes (proto-Spanish + Gothic architecture).
The camel scout is a provisional scout, not a scout-replacement. Gurjaras don't miss Scouts or LCav.
Because they are viable it don't mean they are good, shitload of civilisations have unique bonuses that put Goths tech tree to the shame, just compare Goth cav to franks or mongols, hc to Burgundian or Turks. They don't have siege engineers too.
This makes a lot of sense considering the gunpowder and how Rodelero-ish the Huscarl actually looks like
But the very unit itself keeps autoscouting if you let it but can't go back to it if you stop when you advance. It's a bit awkward.
>Ioroquois warrior at the castle
>Cavarly Archer
>Xolotl Warrior
>Eagle Warrior
>No crossbow at all
>Tech to improve foot archers regardless
blud's trying to make a shittier dravidians
So why did it take so long to add (Western) Romans anyway
Goths and Huns existed at the same time so not like timeline is an issue
>Civ that transitions from a meso civ to a inf/cav/gunpowder civ in imp
I can see this having potential.
Is Black Forest the map that plays most different at low elo vs pro? I'm in 1.1K and everyone just fully walls in dark age, then goes eco while adding more walls.
I imagine they got HC for the rare circumstances that raw infantry spam simply can't deal with other infantry civs, also the aforementioned proto-Spanish meme. Infantry bonuses tend to be far more jacked-up than cavalry and archer ones by design, which says a lot about just how much help they need.

Outside of their namesake mod, Forgotten Empires was probably more focused on making regionally-themed expansions. If Ensemble originally named the Byzantines as 'Romans' instead, it probably would've been a different story altogether but were otherwise fine using the former as a proxy anyway.
If the next DLC isn't a China split, then it is 100% confirmed that there's some political pushback (i.e. Chinese fans are mad).
Why are there ghost horses in the main menu?
How does one fiercely roll his eyes
Very likely it won't be a Split per se and instead they'll focus on Enemies of China or something where you'd get the usual spleetfag suggestions but without renaming the Chinese at all.
It won't be a split because Jurchens, Khitans, Tanguts and Tibetans aren't Han. At most they'd have to rename the Chinese from 中國人 to 汉人.
>Jurchens, Khitans, Tanguts and Tibetans aren't Han
No one gives a shit about your chens.

Chinese should be split into three dynasties. Current Chinese is the dynasty that got wrecked by Mongols, that explains why they lack so many things that Great Chinese Dragon invented. End of line.
Screen cap this. None of these civ splitter niggers actually play the game
So? we're waiting for civs to split, duh
Which civ is the best at an "anti-cavalry" role? Bohemians?
Seriously? A camel civ obviously. One of the top Bharat civs, Hindustanis or Gurjaras, as confirmed by SotL recently.
For me, it's going up super fast then opening with a few quick archers then going full eco only
Essentially, a semi ff
Once you get a caste, Italians by far.
Camel civs are great vs knight rushes and can turn that into a raid really quickly but Italians won't let horses approach once built up which 70% of the time will make the cavalry civ player mad and irrational, burning even more knights as they fail to send upgraded skirmishers to the fronts.
Gurjaras, Hindustanis, Saracens, Italians, or Tatars.
For once you are based
If you are not using royal heirs shotelai you are sleeping
Italians is very satisfying if you survive long enough to make the gen bows, Mamelukes might be better because of their high HP and mobility.
Why Tatars, their camels are nothing special and halbs only have 1 armor
Flaming camels are now available from the moment you first hit imp, from the siege workshop. Breaks down cav masses like nothing else.
I lost with Gen xbow to steppe lancers against a guy the other day. They're faster than knights and have +1 range which helped. Opponent went all in on them and was pretty effective ngl, reminded me of DE at launch before they nerfed them
shouldve made handcannoneers.
I always been based
what is your age of empires 2:DE edition achievement percentage on Steam
5 Genoese aren't going to cut it, just protect your base's vulnerabilities and put your genoese in the TC if they are in danger. 10 Gen bows should 1 shot Mongol steppe lancers, also do not forget ballistics and thumb ring
51% after 500h
FUCK the campaign achievements I'm not replaying all missions doing stupid shit not even specified in the scenario objectives.
Jurchens = Jin
Khitans = Liao
Tanguts = Western Xia
Chinese = Han, Tang, Song and Ming
I'm giving you four different civs, each with at least one dynasty.
That's okay, as we learned from Yugioh as long as you have 51% you control your game.
>60% 2k7 hours
To be fair I haven't really been hunting for achievements
Finally, a video for us
but i dont play aoe2
whos that, talks like hera
Then fuck off from this thread
nah, i have to keep suggesting civsplits.
Kill yourself
the Vandals are just Goths, the Javanese and Tagalog are covered by the Malay
>May Pup
Fixed a variety of crashes.
Addressed performance issues affecting users on Windows 10 and earlier systems.
Resolved a crash when loading old Return of Rome saves in Single Player mode.

Clamping mouse to window now works properly with multi-monitor setups on any monitor.

Animated Profile Icons are now moving as intended in the Player Icons menu.
Addressed an issue where foragers were not dropping off food to a nearby mill.
Fixed an issue where units could repeatedly attempt to attack a neutral map object (such as a pyramid) they cannot interact with.
Lumber camps and lumberjacks should no longer spawn within a woodline.
Relics should no longer spawn in inaccessible areas of the map.
Villagers should no longer spawn trapped within a woodline.
Adjusted stone spawns in Team Games to be more evenly distributed per team.
The Passage:
Players can no longer delete many trees by partially chopping them and placing a palisade over the tree.
Forests are now visible on the mini map.
Here's something I didn't know was a thing: when you place a building on top of an ally's villager, that villager will automatically move out of the way for your villager to make the building
I learned this whilst walling my friend's gold
Your own units won't do that but the units of the teammate does. Funny
What the fuck? I didn't get a download prompt when I checked two hours ago, although I remember seeing News on Steam.
What the fuck are you on?
Of course your own units move out of the way of foundations, it's been a feature since the 2000s.
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DE got alot of nice hero models. I would love if they add them to be recruited in a castle so I can use Vlad for fun to lead my army in single player skirmishes.
They fucking don't
You have to manually download every PUP update.
You do not play the game.
We should've gotten unique models for regular units out of heroes.
Don't need more civs. Nice even number on the selection screen already. Next expansions should be full campaigns for the civs missing them like Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Vikings, Romans, etc.
How did the DLC campaign perform financially? I know mouth breathers didn't like it because they believed it was going to be more civs even when microsoft said specifically it was going to be a scenario DLC (average civ splitters iq), is it possible to see more of those? Maybe new civs but only on campaigns? With voice acting even
no new civs = no buy
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Jesus christ who's in charge on choosing these fucking garbage maps
me. sorry.
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I fucking hate teuton pickers in arena so fucking much, like it's unreal how much I hate them
You have to go out of your way to counter their braindead OP trush and sweat your ass off to not simply die
I just aged 5 years in this match due sheer stress
Even if we won that match what pissed me off is the fact that, even tho I completely pushed back his first trush, he made a tower behind his wall and he crawled all his way to my base, and I could do nothing but stall until I get to castle age and push him back with teal's help

Reminds me of SC1 Terran vs Protoss
Is there anyone in this thread who had conditioned herself to play the game as "real time with pause" over the decades in singleplayer but managed to unlearn it?
team game map pool continues to be absolute dog shit
>10 skirms 2 pikemen and 3 knights standing on top of your castle foundation
Castle then a wagon and 2 petards to pay him back, you can probably go 24+2 FC with bohemians and you have both mining upgrades, probably best to pick up loom and wall to cut him off. Also if the Teutons player fucks himself to fuck you then its a 3v3
Now we know how good the Huskarl is.
Yucatan sucks ass my dude, no space to expand and gameplay degenerates in control of choke points
By the time you click to castle you already have a gorillon teuton towers that crippled your entire economy, he already has the advantage and the damage is done
Yeah but at the very least the gorillon food you get from sheep, berries and hunt, on top of chokepoint control makes it so archers and cavalry meta is not as prevalent
It's a bad map but I enjoy it more than arabia
>Campaign dlc
I sure love my empty slop fodder.
>cry about tryhards on mp
>cry when provided with more single player content
Not that anon. I love MP.
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>playing chink custom campaign
>comfy build up
>suddenly 4 opponents attack at the same time with siege rams, cavaliers, chu ku nu and other shit
Maybe I just suck at this game
not really i never paused in campaign even tough i never play multiplayer , if i lost so be it ill learn better
This is just bullying at this point

No one will ever stop this warrior of Allah
Been doing my reps as Saracens against random civs on Arabia with Hard AI, winning more often than not now. Do I need to up the difficulty for the AI to do something other than spam skirms and archers as soon as it hits feudal?
Nice pussy and bush
Elaborate further
Do halb and siege
Try ranked opponents
>Try ranked
Yup, only decent rush is scout rush from extreme AI but only with franks.
>weekend shot to shit because of worthless retards at work
>get to waste the last 5 hours of my day off with worthless teammates in ranked
>Players can no longer delete many trees by partially chopping them and placing a palisade over the tree.
Wait wait wait wait
I always considered this to be an intended game mechanic, why's this only being changed for a single map ?
My condolences, IT support guy
>IT Support
I wish.
>boat will no longer be deagrod with house foundation
Seriously, what the fuck is a wrong with devs? Do Indians just hate fun that doesn't include online harassment, and what's the news method
She has nice heavy tits which are the primary focus. But on closer inspection I can see her pussy and bush. Her pussy and bush are visually appealing hence the words "nice pussy and bush".
That's just a shadow
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This campaign was great
Some of the campaigns can get tedious but the Mongol one was really fun all throughout
I really liked Into China especially
I agree, it is the only campaign I got gold for.
The only abuse of pausing I've used was in the early stages of the Komnenos scenario for Monk micro since it's a slog to go through.
The original campaigns made by Ensemble were great. The others are just memes.
El Cid and Montezuma were pretty shit, as with a handful of AoC's one-off scenarios. But Forgotten Empires only started to get genuinely good with the odd holistic campaign by Last Khans. Steppeniggers are eating well.
With the original voicelines mod, yes definitely.
Montezuma was okay. But it makes up with the atmosphere and voice lines.
Agree with >>1754872. The remade audio and art are major downgrades.
How do I disable notifications for shorts on YouTube? I want to see when Hera drops the official truths about civilization rankings and balance patches, but I fucking hate that "new content" dot whenever he uploads his cancer shorts.
You can't. You have to disable all notifications.
Its more like:gotta start an economy from scratch and get 4 castles up asap at the right chokepoints
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I remain unconvinced.
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has anyone the screencaps of Hera tweets about Palestine ? they were posted on reddit but quickly removed.
He is literally Palestinian, whatever he said I think he's allowed.
I don't really care, he is 99.99% focussed on the gameplay not on political commentary, he donated the money from the charity showmatch because he was literally born there
>from palestine
>hamas starts with the same letter as hera
>hamas controls the lil retards in palestine like hera controls the lil retards in aoe2
is hera hamas? i often hear hamas controls them but doesnt live in the country, so maybe hera is hamas...
You can just go on his Twitter he never deleted them, he's not ashamed of having the right opinions
How is denouncing the bombing of innocent children a controversial opinion in 2024
Gonna be honest with you
Who gives a fuck?
That's not the problem though, on social media there's fuckloads of people going out of their way to actively talk about the topic saying that it's a good thing because Isreal is based or something. They put in the effort to talk about how good bayonetting children is.
hey man. im just of the belief that i hope they keep killing each other for a long time to come. just like my age of empires 2: definitive edition games!
Mate, every country on Earth considers bombing civilians, aka "strategic bombing" perfectly valid in warfare, and have since WW2. The US of A in particular have employed this extensively since, and will continue to employ it in the future.
Fuck Israel and all but it sounds like you mistakenly believe this is some sort of unusual scenario.
Holy fuck kill yourself
Which part triggered you?
>It's okay because the US does it
>US is your standard for morality
Anyway Video Games/Strategy
I didn't say it's ok. I'm saying you live in a world where that's a thing that countries do.
Plenty of people give a fuck, sorry for not hardening my heart against the suffering of people
>Mate, every country on Earth considers bombing civilians, aka "strategic bombing"
That is not true, warfare atrocities are on the basis of "if you do it I will do it too"
I was wondering if he ever mentioned something about it, I think he is from Lebanon though
what's your order of most annoying to least annoying?
politics in RTS threads, civsplitters, namefags, handcannoneer buff fag (me btw please buff), archer/cavalry/and or infantry whining, or casual v competitive shit throwing?
Civsplitters get the bullet first. Even before jews and aoe2 devs
Not quite, if you have air superiority you can bomb your enemies and they can't bomb you back. This is the sort of tactic that is only available to one side of the conflict.
This is especially true if the people you're bombing are halfway across the world.

Everyone whether for good or bad reasons accepted these tactics as necessary against Germany and Japan in WW2, and so they can't be opposed out of hand.
Whenever someone wants to employ them again, it's just a matter of arguing for their subjective necessity again, which can usually be done.
>dumb pretentious faggot proves me right without even trying to refute my point
I bet you are also a civ splitter
I have no idea what your point is then.
This isn't comparable to things like killing war prisoners where one side doing it can immediately be followed by the other doing the same. The one being bombed can't retaliate the same way.
>I have no idea what your point is then.
Yeah, that was clear, it's ok, I bet you were busy sucking dick while thinking about new civs
Ok, i think you got it by now even if you don't like it.
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Why no campaigns in this area of the map? Are they racist?
People treating war like a football match and breaking their bonds over political opinions about things happening halfway across the world in random shitholes aren't people. You wouldn't let your neighbour borrow a spoon and haven't visited a local hobo in years but you'd give your vocal cords to some retard in retardland yeah sure.
I do whatever I want nigger
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Shut the fuck up you bunch of retards and talk about the game
Fuck spanish on nomad
I love your mother on very hard nigger.
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Yeah spanish in nomad is specially cancerous
Tho I love when spanishfags get overconfident and send away their conqs just for me to absolutely ass fuck their base
Warcrimes are cringe and gay if you lose, simple as
Portuguese and Spanish are so fucking fun bros I don't know if I'm gonna play anything else for a while
Is it just me or do the campaign swords not make sense
Mongol campaign is pretty fucking hard but it's only 1 sword
Probably because Ensemble Studios were anti-weeb when making original AoE2 and since then the Sengoku era was adapted many times in other games.
Playing through El Cid now and this is insanely easier
How are these considered the same difficulty level
AoE2 timeline is late 300s to late 1500s, the only remotely "US-like" thing they could add is the Roanoke settlers and that's barely recognizable as the US and also they got btfo by mysterious circumstances
China is tedious not difficult, Persia you have to manage two bases but you can just defeat the russians then invade Persia from the north. 5 and 6 you just have to keep producing hussar, mangudai, rams and onagers
>Viper rates Dravidians C in empire wars
Its over
>memb not invited to kotd
That's dirty, I don't even like the dude that much but that is not good
>>memb not invited to kotd
I can't believe memb didn't invite himself to his own event.
Source? Are we really just going to get another shitty T90/Dave wankfest?
I meant redbull top fucking kek
i like them.
You shouldn't apologize for being a hardcore faggot. It's your loss.
5 tips for daut to gain 500 elo
Yeah, it's not a bush, she's wearing pantsu
Why does doubt get all these "special Olympics rewards" videos about him? He's not even top 10
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These guys have just qualified for the UEFA Europa League, say something nice about them.
sPEE is the other way
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does anyone have images similar to these? i've seen several before but never saved them.
w-why is there a petard there?
The retard is carrying the goods to the house.
I hate their wonder because it's looking at you front-on instead of isometrically like all the others
Indian castles also do this
Well it's kind of accurate.
turn the entrance 45° clockwise and it's fine
Indian men and Magyar men very much alike!
I wish there was a way to set a gathering point to "build a farm"
As someone who doesn't have 5000 hours in the game and has never touched ladder, how do I beat hard AI in skirmish?
Why bother?
Black Forest = based, Arabia = cringe Simple as
>Saracens and Turks struggle on Arabia
oh the ironing
I still haven't beat hard AI but something I've noticed is that every AI feeds units to towers/castles especially with murder holes. So I'm thinking take advantage of that and build tons of defenses.
>Double APM
>half the age
>still loses
hv the 'tard devs nerfed archers and knights yet
Will not be watching Hera anymore after he ousted himself as a terrorist sympathizing m*slim
Drill rams are broken, you need only 5 of them to completely level a base.
Nothing of value on the line.
Siege rams have a dmg output similar to trebs, so yeah
So when are they nerfing Drill? It's literally broken every halfwit that randoms into Mongols follows the same playbook, they're extremely hard to curb before imp(thanks to Mangudai) in imp they get a fully upgraded Mangudai(CA on steroids with parthian tactics) + Hussar + 5 seige ramborghinis that level anything in the game.
That's not even factoring their lancers and the retarded anti seige bonus their Mangudai have btw. Mongols are the most broken civ in the game
I am not going to, but I could "ackshually" you repeating whatever pros say about mongols being not broken and even bad according to some but it is a stupid civ specially if somebody goes full braindead: laming+market abuse
Never. Mongols are everybody's favorite civ so they'll never be touched. There's a reason they're consistently banned in every pro tournament.
Portuguese is a well rounded civ now, discount on archers and wood from berries. Turks can do good in feudal age with scouts and archers, Saracens have market which is busted.
You need to get the techs and you can't just go rams or you will die, Mongols only have a dark age eco bonus
Just like in real life, the Mongols (Genghis-Möngke at least) should never lose a battle
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Return of Rome being $15 makes sense since it's an entire port of AoE1, Mountain Royals being $15 doesn't make sense. Doesn't even have as many civs as the Indian one.
What's the hardest cheevo in DE
The percentages aren't real since not many people own Victors & Vanquished so they're all at like 0%
Hera doesn't even put Mongols in S
Am I supposed to know what that is?
is there ai modification that play on all maps good?
The best AoE2 player in the world, you retarded newfaggot piece of shit.
>le ebin internet celebrity
he goes on the list, and you can join him there.
Not FU, missing 2 pierce armor so they lose to Magyar/Tatar/Berber CA on open maps or if siege is not in play.

Honestly Mangudai feel pretty weak to me before imp, they need so many expensive upgrades and still can't fight archers, and they're about even with regular CA. Bonus against siege is the problem in late since onagers are the only "good" answer to any massed unit, and they're so mobile you can't force them into a bad fight like you would foot archers. So you end up having to to go skirms even if you lack bracer.
That's right Csaba, Magyar pride! We defeat Mongols!
Would be nice if you could set vils to a "resource stance" the same way you set your mils to various attack stances. Could even have it so that if there's no resource gather point within 10-15 tiles, they build a new one next to where they're gathering. I feel like this would piss off a lot of AOE2 purists though, since it would automate a lot of the eco micromanagement.
its not a entire port yet tough , still missing 5 campaigns and at this point they might as well add them
I wish they sold it separately, never playing the campaign just wanna mess around with scorpions in ranked
that goes a little too far imo
but i think being able to set a gather point to autofarm is fine
or hell even set a gather point to start building any building
>Mongols are everybody's favorite civ
but mine is Spanish
Mangudai still attack faster than any other civs cavalry archer, you have drill onagers to deal with ranged counters and hussar to deal with ghulam/huskarl/eagles. 8+4 pierce attack also destroys a lot of tanky units
Viper and Daut put them even lower than Hera, it's literally just a skill issue. At /vst/'s Elo rating, the hunt bonus does almost nothing so until imperial they're just a generic civ with slightly better scout line and
Mongol ultra late game is on par with magyar on the "impossible to kill" category
Csokolom, Bela.
Yo mama
haha owned
Yea, you have to attack them early, but early the have the hunting bonus and stronger cavalry...
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Finally, an ewww tier list that even we racists can respect!
>/vst/ malding over Mongols ITT
>Viper puts them one step above bottom
The absolute state
I wish we could produce sheep.
>Goths consistently at bottom tier of everyone's lists
>With Bloodlines Hussar, cheap pikemen, hand canonners, bombard cannons and even thumb ring
I wish we could reproduce with sheep.
t. Celts player
What is the ultimate counter to ballista elephants? and I don't mean something like halbediers that eventually trades evenly with them, I mean something that absolutely decimates them on a head-on engagement
>Counter to ballista elephant
There is killing him early, siege onager, bombard cannon, warwolf, mongol rams, magyar huszar because it can actually close the distance
do you think theyll buff handcannoneers next patch? i sure hope so.
>play arena
>lose because opponent got to imperial first and has gunpowder units
civ wins are so gay
Skill issue, should have pressured early on
Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure, at first glance it does looks like her bush and vayjay are exposed, but you can see lines around her waist and puss which could indicate she's wearing a thong or loincloth, however that shadow and the faint line below it suggests otherwise. Maybe she's wearing a see thru thong, but what's the point then?
Are handcannoneers even bad
OKAY GUYS! Let's solve this once and for all. Place your votes for either...

or because you're all edgy faggots

But know that only votes for pussy and bush or shadow will count for anything.

No just you. Git gud scrub.
I vote pussy and bush.
Is walling off your opponent in Amazon Forest the ultimate strat to beat AI or does it stop working after Hard
Stop fucking coping:

Rating:sensitive because see-through/see-through_dress tags, but no pubic_hair tag and in this quality you can 100% see that the bush is just trigonal underwear, razor sharp lines.
I didn't expect AoE2 to have much of a Japanese fanbase
And you are cornered like a rat
So you voting for team pussy and bush or team shadow?? Vote unclear, opinion discarded...
From what I've played The Conquerors campaigns kind of suck
Age of Kings and Forgotten seem a lot better designed
It literally doesn't
in DE some are good , but if we talk of original forgotten then no , some of those were terrible , tought i would kill for a heavy rework of El Dorado like they did with the rest
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They're designed to be an infantry hard counter, and do that job fine while still not being completely hopeless against anything with above-average pierce armor. For a late archer line replacement or not-Janissary like some wish them to be, they're not as reliable without some combination of civ bonuses backing them. Non-Bohemian HCs also lack the convenience of early production that unique gunpowder has.

On Extreme there's still a tendency for the AI to fast Feudal on Amazon Tunnel, regardless if you wall. In a team game, some of them might still do so, but otherwise on that and FFA arrangements, they'll generally opt for faster Castle times like usual.
Started playing RoR a few days ago, everyone who complains about old AoE2 campaigns being bad should try the ones in AoE1, both the Babylonian and Greek campaigns felt like I am playing harder William Wallace missions with their map size and quality.
Forgotten still has some of the worst campaigns, but it's nowhere that bad really.
Imperialo age boombard cannons pupupupupu and you are dead!
>ONE singular japanese artist
come on now
And she's not even Japanese, she's a zainichi Goryeo.
Shadow (separate item/angle obstructing view)
>Le Loi
Bait, and not even good one
wtf is a zaichi goryeo
do they not have search engines available in your country?
i asked you
Make palisade wall a feudal age building
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Still lost anyways because red ragequitted due turk castle drops and the retarded chink of yellow doing absolutely nothing

Get me out of this 1300-1400 Team ELO hell
Best I can do is recommend you to get at least 1 friend or resign yourself to 1v1
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I do have a fren, it's just happen the other 2 retarded randoms shit the bed and ruin games. Unironically.
>resign yourself to 1v1
After what I experiencied I'm very relunctant to go back to 1vs1s
Montezuma is one of my favorites. Don't care about other Conquerors campaigns.
Is Vietnamese campaign supposed to be wacky or extra hard? I'm not feeling good about episode 2... then again so far I only enjoyed campaigns with good civs/civs that are fun to play (Incas, all cav archer civs, Saracens, Byzantines, Italians, Goths)
Hi Chinese person.
>Le Loi escaped through the drainage system
Don't care.
I love winning. By any means necessary.
pussy and bush over thong
One civilisation should get stone walls in dark age as civ bonus
You fucking idiots there are teeth down there
>Genghis Khan: 1 sword
>Francisco de Almeida: 3 swords
>Mongol campaign is way harder
Deranged opinion, Mongols (or any cav archer civ) campaigns are the easiest.
Because moderate is too easy?
Is there a way to see your stats in more detail? Like how many wins you have with a civ for the icons for example
There's no secret, just pick a build order and practice it and remember to actually use your army
Two votes for team pussy and bush.

One vote for team shadow.

I declare pussy and bush the winner!
The real problem though is how anatomicaly incorrect this drawing is.
According to her elbow position, the pussy line would be below the canvas' bounds and wouldn't be visible unless the image itself was larger.
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Based. I like anatomy autists :)
Also know as "should be common sense for every artfag" but sadly not everyone gets the memo it seems
Is the Vietnamese campaign any good? Vietpussy got me thinking
You can't confuse the normies into thinking you know more about art than you really do when you focus on anatomy.
Gotta get the lighting and shading pretty asap for the sweet, sweet internet attention from literal children.
Aoe insights
Just signed into this but it doesn't seem to track anything that's not a matchmaking game, so no single-player or custom lobby data. I mostly play this game with friends in custom lobbies. A shame.
i never even noticed the gooks face until today. i was too busy looking at her tits and crotch.
I just think that everyone (all 2 posters, probably) who thinks that you can see the girl's bush in the OP is brown skinned or underage. Former is more likely, at least one is Indian, other could be a sand person (Hera fan) or Turko
Joan of Arc 6 is a real fucking difficulty spike, rest of the campaign is extremely easy and then in this one you're getting fucking constantly raided with no breaks while trying to break a wall and then sneak a trade cart past it
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>the absolute state of my base as I was focused on moving the trade cart to the hill
I wonder what Joan of Arcs pussy and bush looked like.
finished another campaign
saladin, barbarossa, or grand dukes next you decide
she had serious roastbeef
Talk about the fucking game instead of the OP image you fucking cuman pickers
The mission really doesn't give you enough time to develop your eco before everyone attacks, you need to wall up/castle your base as soon as you can while moving your surviving army to take out what's left of burgundy before they build a new army.
Barbarossa then Saladin
why can't tranime niggers stay on their designated boards?
fuck off
Anime website, tourist
what is the purpose of >>>/a/ then?
fuck off fat loser
>125 wood saved from just DBA and HC
Would popping two farms down immediately be a good call?
Always, unless you want to build the stable
how are your handcannoneer games going?
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Why you crop out your screenshoots and why you do it so poorly?
Because I am a lazy fuck
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Who the fuck let this guy into RF? He barely plays in their lobbies.
He's in this thread right now
viper didn't want to captain
That's how Lewis is man, a menace to the community
By that logic /vst/ was meant to take all strategy game discussion off of /v/. Protip: It wasn't.
What if the Elephant Archer costs wood instead of gold? A fuckton of wood, mind you, but what if?
Am I the only girl who absolutely refuses to play any of the shitty 4th world civilization campaigns where basically every mission is
>You fight against your civilization x2-4 times.
>In an rts thread
>on 4chan
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>Am I the only girl
>Am I the only girl
You're not a girl
You'd have a War Wagon.
>Massing ranged units and trebs into Bohemians
>Not on scattered formation
You were asking for it.
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You might be just dumb
if im shit, should i just leave everything in scattered formation so i dont get fucked by aoe (area of effect)?
Just leave when post imp hits lol
Depends how many scorps/mangonels/knights you're fighting and which units you're using.
War wagon costs gold ???? idiot!
Misread the question. Choke on a squid.
>Goths lost the Bombard Ship in favor of Dromons
>They still keep their Bombard Canons
Hypocrite much?
You do not have a pussy and bush like OPs pic.
Neither does OP's pic
>moderate AI
>doesn't know how to migrate in Migration
I mean most 1k elos can't play Migration so it checks out.
Finished Vietnamese campaign.. was a slog, wasn't worth the (no pussy/no bush) girl in the OP
It definitely does have pussy and bush, we established this earlier in the thread.
The Extreme AI is also absolutely hopeless at these kinds of maps. Load up an eight-way Regicide game on Nile Delta and see how many of them build up on the edges and leave their sheep and kings on the starting islands.

Considering that on maps like Michi and Amazon Tunnel, they actually cut through tree lines with Onagers, so it's a lack of refinement over such map-specific behavior.
>Another day of thinking I'll play as the Burmese
>Another day of playing Malay instead
>play aoe2 against some /v/irgins
>one guy has 2k hours and stomps me
>the other guy cant get out of dark age after 15minutes
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It's elephant hunting season
Some people are born special
you wouldn't be able to one shot vietnamese elephants with that mass, I like genoese better in this situation
Story of 1000-1100 elo
Most 1k elo dudes know spreadshit builds, if you don't you won't stay at 1k elo for long
Wow the Prihviraj campaign is pretty hard.
It's mix bag from my expirence, I agree a lot of people use builds very well and it make me wonder how 1k elo is default elo but even with perfect build they still can make horrible decisions, focus too much on micro or macro and so on.
They can play a build but it doesn't mean they will execute it well, racking up tons of idle TC time, not getting upgrades on time, throwing whole armies. Knowing a build order is still going to get you military faster than a non-build order player, and if you have military and the other player doesn't your poor execution doesn't matter that much
>make me wonder how 1k elo is default elo
Starting placement is really fucked. You'll notice you start at 1k elo but it matches you against 800-900.
Original was worst
is this any good?
I think it's great, aoe2 is also a math game, what's the point of having too many vills on wood when you need food for your knights.
Key to success. You're on your way up.
Yes and no, when your at 100+ villagers all that matters is how many farms do you have to spam hussar
>Use fortified walls correctly
>Make effective hussar counters
>Push forward with anticav and siege
If you are overboomed and the opponent send 20 hussars to your eco that's 20 army he is not using and some vills that will turn into space for your army
That's a really optimistic way to view the fact that he's killing your eco. Why did you need him to fix that for you again?
>do fine dark/feudal
>start ballooning in resources and having no idea where to spend it when i reach castle
You should learn which units to use/prioritize in that age, then. That will tell you the rest.
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>Ram rush his TC
>Petards in and simply murder my entire eco
I hate Spanish picker so much it's unreal holy shit
I have hacked into the devs database and I know what the next DLC civilizations are. I'm only gonna confirm or deny though, and you have three tries.
Are any of them a Sinicized, Non-Han people?
Afrikans, they don't have access to pikeman but their spears gain +3 range on their attacks
>Want to make a civ without pikes because they didn't face cav in the southern hemisphere
>Take away the pikeman upgrade and give them magical pikes
china split or we riot!
No to all.
Inspired by a recent Hera’s 1:1 Arabia Slavs game where he destroyed his opponent with 4 Barracks longswords spam, I tried to do the same. I was so excited about the idea as I always love infantry and think they’re treated poorly in this game. Not to mention I main Slavs and Teutons. Ended up loosing 6 games in a row. Heart broken. Longswords are shit, loosing to literally anything . Don’t be like me. Can’t get away with it like Hera.
>That's a really optimistic way to view the fact that he's killing your eco.
Gotta look the bright side, also that was just best case scenario
>Why did you need him to fix that for you again?
I had 150 vills!!! D:
The fuedal maa didn't work this time?
Do not go longsword spam vs archers, mix in pikes if the enemy is heavy on cavalry
Get Supremacy'd, bitch.
It was cuman rams + gothic MAAs in feudal age
Looks like the recent campaign DLC got pretty bad reviews, is that the general consensus here? Was thinking of picking it up
Wasn't it because it was a free mod originally?
The bad reviews are for two reasons
1. It essentially shipped out about 10 missions already available as free mods
2. Despite them saying there were no new civs, people bought it hoping for new civs, then gave a negative review saying there was no new civ.
>2. Despite them saying there were no new civs, people bought it hoping for new civs, then gave a negative review saying there was no new civ.
Devs should've watched Tim Cain videos on this topic.
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What did I do? :(
no new civs :(
Whenever I play a campaign mission with resource gathering I end up with 10k wood/10k food, yet I only have 12~20 on wood and maybe up to 22 on food. I have disproportionately more on food because I only put female villagers on food, because I believe in SEX roles (not gender roles, you have SEXES not genders, only words have genders).
How is it fair that India gets 4 civilizations while China only 1?
One China policy.
Just have different dynasties/time eras, just like you have Romans/Italians/Byzantines (or technically Goths and Spanish/Portuguese).
Throward Castle
okay how about
Now what are their bonuses
They live rent free in the mind of dumb cocksucker niggers (quite OP)
the different dynasties is what they did with the persian rework and it recieve mixed reaction from history autists , same peoples that scream : "WHY IS ARMENIA REPRESENTED BY ARMENIA CILICIA"
Hello Dark Elf.
Not everyone is graceful in defeat, let him seethe
Lumberchads gather faster because they are male, you should fire all your female villagers and replace them with men and then you will have stronger economy
Wall in dark age
Has there ever been some kind of a gentleman's agreement among pros to not do certain things in tournaments? Like "this strat is too OP because devs didn't balance it so let's not pick this civ" or "this map is not fun, le'ts not pick it"
There is already civ bans and map bans
for some s-tier tourney (nili's or memb's idr) flemish revolution was banned. you could still pick burgouniards just not use that tech.
I remember aztecs were either banned or picked in some tournament.
Mission #4 of Prithivraj-saar campaign reminds you hard that the campaign was originally for Hindustanis
I won in the end by throwing endless waves of 'jeet discount Hu-saars into their deaths while sniping the monasteries with trebuchets.

And then the Govinid guy was like "yes, we won bigly brother! please immediately go fuck the princess, even though you didn't do anything yourself! you are the king! please let me watch!

Terrible campaign, no clue why it was touted as the best Indian one three threads ago ITT
Why does everyone love the Operation Barbarossa campaign so much?
Why can't you patrol transport sheeps.
>Tariq B-tier
They got filtered by mountains didn't they
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>Honfoglalas in D
>Jadwiga and Rajendra in C
>Le Loi, Pachacuti, and Tariq as high as B
>Fucking Yodit, Sforza, and Bari in A

Good grief.
Magyarorszag Bela detected
go back to your steppes
The fuck?! I also wanted to post this immediately when it came out, thought you were me
Which AoE2 Indian faction is the one that ruled over New Delhi? Like, which one is the "main"? Obviously not Bengalis or Dravindians, but I can't tell if it's Gurjaras or Hindustanis (the other one is obviously Pakis or Paki adjacent).
They need to decrease sheep collision size and increase archer collision size first
Actually, retarded mongoloid, a hitbox is not always the same as collision size.
Last for era of Hera
Also no one wants disconnected scenarios
People want full campaigns for Japan and Korea and the other civs they had in there
>and Korea
I spit, no campaign for Goryeo!! Only nippon deserves campaign.
The collision size of your mother is the same as the hitbox of a truck shut the fuck up faggot
>Despite them saying there were no new civs, people bought it hoping for new civs
Are RTS players fucking retarded?

It's the only fun scenario in that campaign.

Cantonese are Han. We need:
>Chinese (Han)
Maybe some eastern turks umbrella like the Uyghurs but unnecessary.
>copies the opponent civ with a 50% penalty on bonuses but everything is 50% cheaper
>hero unit is the opponent UU with half the attack and 1/3HP but 75% discounted

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