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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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First for catgirls
anons, in a geoscape view, what's a better way to show a 3d representation of a base when a base button is clicked?
>zoom into geoscape where the base is, 3d model is spawned
>move the camera away from geoscape and show the model
>fade to black, show the model
or something else?
Are you borking the zombos into unconsciousness? I thought that was impossible.
Zombies just get knocked unconscious by damage a lot because they have high HP and are immune to bleeding.
Yes but borking does zero damage. Unless you're having the dogs bite the zombies into unconsciousness.
>bite the zombies into unconsciousness.
That happens a lot, yes.
Does anyone know how to make it so dogs surrender? I've finally had it with dogs overextending my missions.
Zeds are ridiculously weak to electric
You can kill them with the 5.56 ep ammo
>always beeline underseas treasures in hopes of getting an early oscillator
is this even a smart thing to do? I've noticed underwater missions are pretty rare before undersea operations so it feels like a major gamble
spears javelins and oxygen tank plus bandages
Even if you get no loot, underwater missions are unique for that training outfits like swimsuits or bikinis give extra xp(20), so if you have rookies that need training they can get huge xp boosts from just one hit.
Getting underwater asap is very smart thing to do. Missions are easy, you get free glamour with bikinis and have a chance of really good shit like mentioned early oscillator or wand of peace. Also diver condemnation has some very nice bonuses.
they're a great source of XP and loot in the earlygame. take low to mid-tier units, put them in swimsuits and enjoy your gainz
>difficulty 4
>Mid April, doing... okay. Lots of macro issues chiefly my hideout layout is garbo
>ez academy crackdown
>another crackdown right after
>It's gonna be ratmen, bandits, something like that, right?
>It's govt and they brought 3 elite soldiers
I have done literally nothing to draw ire from govts, why did this happen? Fight was tough, and I was dumb enough to go for live captives, thinking this would give a smaller infamy hit. At least my losses were bearable- 2 lokknar with little training, a gal with some training and an assault clone. I've been tempted to do it again- I'm sure I could do it with only 1-2 losses now that I know better
research the government captives to reduce the score penalty for capturing (or killing?) them
>why did this happen?
>Warning: you have grown big enough to become object of inter-govt envy. Expect sudden attacks on your Hideouts by competing Govt factions. Aim for 'Family Ties' to end this issue.
Enjoy your glownigger attacks.
But I'm only rank 3 anon
Only capturing- it's the units's value in points for killing them and 2*value for a live captive, unless a live captive is researched, in which case it's always 10.
I checked older saves and I don't see a craft enter radar range, the base attack appears to happen without one
That might be a bug then? Not sure.
you started in thebes. that's what happens when you start in thebes now.
>hooray I finally won't get crackdowns by bandits
>oh wait
Correct, some base attacks are instantaneous and have to be shot down by base defenses. Ninjas are notorious for this
Thebes gives you free crackdowns? Damn that's really good.
>regular obligatory -1000 infamy on victory missions
It just means you need to work on your capture game.
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It's autoguns and military shotguns for the crew, maybe even a few laser weapons, as early as April. Capturing and ransoming the invaders outweighs the infamy penalty (although you won't be doing that the first few times, at least not safely). Heck, Eurosyndicate being sold off as a pile of corpses makes up for the infamy penalty. Thebes really turbo charges the campaign's tempo to absurd levels, it's just a pain in the ass to play it right.
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Next update heckin when
Soon apparently
Aren't Eurosyndicate crackdowns really hard?
Only if you get into a shootout with them. If you go unga bunga with gals in tribal outfits and swing barbaric swords and axes at them, they're trivial along with all the other government raids. Just don't end your turn with two gals standing next to one another.
Don't they explode on death?
Can I build more than one Revolution HQ? Thinking of slapping one in the new hideouts I'm building, still earlygame.
One per hideout.
They're like cyberdisks. They explode if you shoot them, they fall harmlessly if you use the right damage types.
loot, in case you were curious. Not pictured:
2 rocket launchers & 6x explosive- DP rocket
25 frag grenades
2 high explosives

And yeah, it's absolutely doable- about the worst were the three(IIRC) govt elite soldiers with 75 front armor.
That sounds really good then, I'm inclined to throw one in every base!
You won't have room for anything else, though. I forgot if it is a 3x3 or a 4x4 building, but it's otherwise massive.
3x3. So it's pretty big. On the bright side you'll need fuckall else for storage/prison/training/housing
But one in every base means no room for the many research buildings and the many manufacturing buildings you will eventually require.
>I was dumb enough to go for live captives, thinking this would give a smaller infamy hit.
I think that's actually the correct play, even if you haven't researched the enemies yet. You can recoup some of your losses by ransoming them.
By the time that happens you need to be in school graduation at which point you could just scrap rev hq for more efficient buildings but that's a long time span between rev hq unlock and let's say a factory. In my opinion if you're going peasant revolution you should build at least 3 hqs but I see why someone would want one in every single base the building is insanely efficient.
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Um Commander bros ?
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>- OXCE upgrade to 7.12.5 15-Apr-2024
- Fix: Sunken Treasure Mission
- Fix: Red Mage's disappearing ammo
- Fix: car-racing Spiderdemons
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Bride (1 new mission, deployable unit, other stuff) related My arc progress
- New Arc Progress: Mystery Patron, some progress related to before (2 armors, 1 new weapon, story)
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Knight: Labyrinthus Noctis (1 mission, major lore)
- New Mission: Defend the Fort!
- New Enemies: Stygian Gargoyle, Stygian Guardian, Dreamer Medusa, Raider Mudder, Raider Sludgebringer (paperdoll by Wolverin)
- New Facilities: Non-Profit Lab
- New Armors: Blood Dragon (gfx by Brain), Gnome Feuerteufel (gfx by Brain)
- New Weapons: Stygian stuff (x2), BM Light SMG (gfx by RSSWizard)
- New Items: Backpacks (x2)
- New Trainings: Wholesome, Military Drill, Captain's 11
- New Map for Commercial (by Solar & Brain)
- Bandit cars and trucks now hurt your Infamy, but less of them is appearing on months 1-2
- Green Raiders now can appear on Raid missions, especially later on
- Trucks have an extra GR/HAND weapon slot now
- Rebalances (mostly buffs): LACC, Battle Laser, Missile & Fusion Defenses, Sadomaster Training
- Expanded the Captain Personality Test (more types, more complexity, and related stuff)
- New Events
- Added 'Hellerium Trails' theme song (Lyrics by Solar, composed & performed by AI)
- Various minor gfx and sound improvements (thx to Brain, RSSWizard and others)
- Removed all dogfight icons for non-weapon equipment (except STCs)
- Assorted minor fixes (special thx to VDBomber & his OXC FPS project)
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Dress properly, you sluts.
>Bandit cars and trucks now hurt your infamy
Are bandits government agents now?
>green raiders
>expanded personality tests
>another mission beyond the already ridiculous black sun stuff
Maybe that is if you let them do their thing and leave.
Ah, yeah, that makes much more sense. Dunno why I assumed it was shooting them down
>Added 'Hellerium Trails' theme song (Lyrics by Solar, composed & performed by AI)
lol what is this
remember bros wait a week before all the hotfixes drop
>Expanded the Captain Personality Test (more types, more complexity, and related stuff)
reason to restart imo
the thief lacks justice
the priest lacks savvyness
the mage lacks honor
the ruler lacks creativity
Regarding camo catgirls
What are the most common milestones by month?
At which point in the game do you stop actively using them?
I found myself at the end of a year having 3 plantation bases and one fully decked out starter. I filled out my old earth lab in a month and a half, but only got personal ones in April, manufacturing and sickbay in August, and tiger in October. Got a green/lazy but after reading the codex didn't get shadowtech for some reason. Got a lot of mushrooms filling up cargo space and pumping out chateaus with 10 mil in the bank. The game as of now seems way too easy (rank 6) and all I get are strays under 1000 move speed
Day 1Camo catgirls all have their stats 140+ and just obliterate everything with rapiers/bio daggers and silent pistols. It feels like a drag and I think I'm progressing way too slowly. No bounties as well, rarely so. 0 cellar missions, no zaxx bounties beside destroying a shed which is 100 tokens at most. What's your usual campaign pace and wwyd in this situation? Anyone else feel at times they just don't want to improve their base?
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Monthly milestones are whatever you make them to be, actually pursuing an optimised expansion path is largely unnecessary outside of Jack Sparrow difficulty. Filling the Old Earth Lab and personal lab in those times is genuinely extremely fast. Workshop and sickbay by August is fine. At this point, make sure you have your mess hall/onsen built and your rank C bounty licence manufactured and researched when able, overcharged radars in the plantation bases, with four flak cannons to blow up invaders (Hefaistos Batteries are a great alternative, although they don't have OP cannons in battlescape).

Camo catgirls, along with innovative grav harnesses, are never obsolete until late game. Gals in tactical or defender armor are the assault element and the ones absorbing fire anyway. At least until the Peacemaker outfit is available to buy (and only then because ten innocence rockets per battle, per cat is funny, not because it's actually an efficient use of time or money).
They'll always have a relevant role as disposable night scouts, because vision stats are hard to modify, and they come out of the gate with good vision/mobility/stealth. Their role as serious combatants shrinks as the game goes on for several reasons.
>high tech guns and armor shrink the power gap against stat-powered guns
>combat lethality increases across the board, and camo armor's bad defenses will mean the threat of sudden deaths increases proportionately
>because camo armors have bad defenses you won't want to use them on your well trained troops, meaning camo cats will have worse overall stats when it comes to fighting compared to your veterans/enemy elites
>even if you stasis pod your elites it's useless if they just get vaporized due to paper defenses
As a result the combat dominance of camo cats shrinks tremendously as the game goes on, and they take more of a utility role. You can squeeze out some more combat contribution from them if you follow these rules though:
>only ever shoot things that you know don't have spotter
>never aggressively reaction fire, since it could hit a spotter and get you killed
>never end your turns near an unscouted corner or building, since an enemy can just walk out and kill you, and reactions mostly can't protect you from this because of rule 2
>stay away from allies and crossfire zones (retreating them away from combat to heal is still okay)
>only kill spotters or potential spotters with a one hit melee kill from their blind side
>end turn in full cover if you are spotted, don't go near allies
>all canine-type enemies are basically the bane of your existence
You can use this to inform how you'll outfit and use your camo girls for a mission. Reaction-scaling gun being good if there's lots of non-spotters, high impact weapon you can fire once and duck behind cover like an RPG otherwise. High damage melee like fuso or plasma sword are good if there's lots of spotters with terrible vision, like humanists.
Also the plasma sword/dagger are devastatingly strong in the hands of a fresh recruit catgirl, since they have extremely high built in accuracy and scale damage entirely off reactions. The downside is they vaporize corpses, meaning you lose infamy and loot just for using them, and the amount isn't trivial when you're specifically going for instakills.
is camo armor camo paint or guerilla gear ?
guerillas are a little bit more versatile with their better defense stat, especially cold. I skipped all of my missions in the arctic belt because of that. but the bonuses to camo and reactions are smaller, so its either you're not being seen at all and can shoot through walls with your silenced toy gun, or you could survive a hit or two or a turn or so in the cold regions. idk
>filling out is genuinely extremely fast
I just sold glamour, engines, captives on the market and all my starter squad went to tiger tourism, easily netting around a mil or more in the first month
>Gals in armor
yeah I suppose I should have one in a plate mail/chainmail drawing out fire. platemail/shield easily tanks everything up to 14mm, makes it way easier to assault ninja APC
>mess hall/onsen
I did rush mess hall as well but kinda forgot about the warehouse mission so I fumbled a bit. onsen will genuinely take a lot of time since I didn't research weed plantations till halfway through the year and I only got a little bit, barely enough for one plantation, but that output would be enough to seed 9 more so its gonna be fine if a little slow
>shoot everything but spotters
I usually shoot at dogs and osiron but I guess I should've done the opposite
they have ridiculous reactions to the point that early game was getting shot at and bitten every time you moved/shot.
>banes of your existence
now they don't bother me as much, since dogs can't land a hit and osiron just dies in one shot from gun scaling past 100 dmg. that gun is ridiculous. I could shoot, penetrate, and destroy an APC its so powerful.
got no humanists at all never had a mission with them which is extremely weird. I only get traitors at large and underwater expedition (3-4 old money cases), and one or two lokk narr farm bounties in a year, RNG fucked up a little
I shall use the alt. start mod to do a gnome-only run.
Early game the main reason to use guerrilla is if you don't have better life protection for an experienced cat, later on the main reason to use it is climate or the extra carry weight for IE another RPG round. It won't save your catgirl from the main killer, explosives, or any of the better guns, but she at least won't get one tapped by a random drifter's carbine. Dogs (including werewolves and wolfmen) are bad news because they have good NV, high anticamo, spotter, lots of TUs (and thus can sweep a lot of ground on their turns), can detect cats through walls, and by the time you can reliably dodge them (front only, if they come from behind you're fucked) your cat is probably too experienced to be in a stealth armor. You don't want to rely on reaction attacks to protect yourselves from them either because of the spotter aspect. Even when farming EXP from shot down trucks dogs can be an issue, if the map has too much visibility your cats might waste all their TUs shooting at someone taking a step at the edge of the map and then just stand there while a dog runs up and mauls someone.

It's possible to shoot spotters and somewhat nullify the threat they present through defensive procedures like ending the turn behind strong cover, but each time you do that there's a non zero chance someone just decides to throw a grenade or rocket at your cat. The suppressed pistol is very good with a high reactions armor, but the problem is enemies with high pierce res start appearing frequently, and there's basically no high reactions armor which is actually good at preserving your catgirl's life until Blitz. There's a ton of shit you need to protect against, which results in random death if you don't, as opposed to just giving a workoutted ironcat an autolaster or something, still doing very high damage at close and medium range, still easily beating most enemies in the game in terms of vision and reactions, without putting a 25+ mission veteran at nearly as much risk.
What difficulty are you playing on anon?
Good luck!
Is there a "scroll left" option somewhere? There's way too much shit in this left and it's very annoying when equipping soldiers, and I think this is only gonna get worse as I unlock more things.
right click
a catgirl with a chaos dagger is one of the strongest melee attackers in the game, too.
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>silver snake gives oldtimer now
>magic fucking cards give oldtimer for some retarded reason
I fucking liked that pistol.
why are people so deathly afraid of any negative effect of a condemnation?
-TU is fucking cancer, I can deal with -morale, stun, energy etc. -TU is going too far.
This has such a minor impact, let's make an example. Gal with 100 TU using castaway, has rank 1 oldtimer with -1TU condemnation. If your freshness is higher than 35% of maximum value this -1TU has no effect. If you're not a gal or have less than 100 time units the effect is even less severe, this example also assumes you've ended your turn with exactly 0 TU which does not happen all that often, in reality oldtimer is likely to cause problems when you're at ~20% freshness or less at which you'd have problems either way.
That's cool. At least I won't feel this on the one gal that got it, after I trash all silver snakes and replace them with magnums for ever.
Some pitiful reaction and firing are not worth it, simple as.
Yeah chaos dagger with holosuit, blitzsuit, or gravboots is ridiculous. If for some reason I had to melee with an experienced cat before blitz it would be a holosuit with chaos dagger. It's a shame it causes vehicles to explode though.
Is green codex the only way to get a perfect gal's stasis pod and by extension unlock designer beauty?
Hold shift when you click the arrow.
reaction is the most important stat tho
Be that as it may, you can get plenty from other sources that don't fuck with your TU.
aren't you have like other shit tonns of condemnations that give you Tu to balance it out ?
Flat TU, yeah there are few. TU recovery no, super rare. To be specific there are only 2 condemnations that do that (at N7, didn't upgrade to N8 so dunno if it's the same). One is warp damage kills, the other trap kills (no idea if it even works, pedia don't seem to list any items that give it).
Don't care, I'm just not gonna do it. Hahahaha!
Just use the search to get exactly what you want
The left arrow key on your keyboard.
Normal fire rockets seem like an absolute meme. You're paying high explosives price or more to coat less of the map in fire than a spray targeted flamethrower burst which costs vastly less.
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>busty brown Nekomimi
Regular fire rockets aren't very useful, you're better nine times out of ten just btfo'ing your target with a regular rocket. Rapid fire and indirect fire like assault GL and quad launcher are better for the long range fire blanket strategy most of the time. The advantage to the fire rocket is that you can then switch straight to your giant fuck you rocket after you light up a dark area with your incendiary one
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This is fucking retarded anon. Reactions give value to your soldiers at all times, even with exhausted freshness. For reference, a cyberdisk has 80 reactions if it doesn't move, meaning it's simple to make your first crop of elite soldiers immune to its plasma cannon of death. With heavy reaction farming, you can snap shot a disk in the face and still withdraw without it reacting. The negatives of Oldtimer are explicitly conditional on your soldiers running around with depleted freshness (for the sake of argument I won't care why and how the player gets into this situation) and is worth less than half a tile of walking.

Commendations that buff reactions and max TUs both boost a soldier's initiative and are massively valuable for reaction manipulation. Commendations that buff TU regen don't and are garbage. You just hold your ground for one turn to recover TUs and stamina if needed, anyway.
the normal fire rockets are indeed a meme, but the lighter fire explosives like 40mm grenade are good for target illumination. the FAE rockets are quite robust and a good upgrade to the HE rockets especially for soft targets.
Is it even worth climbing the aircraft tech tree earlygame as opposed to just outfitting an angry bird and beelining codex craft by interrogating hoes/experiment victims?
god ai slop is fucking garbage
Angry Bird is too slow to catch anything but ground vehicles, and I'm pretty sure it can't go high enough to catch pirate zepps. Car Thieves is more reliable to get something fast and you need it for shadowcraft anyway.
advanced earthcraft fighters like the hyperjet would be really useful in year 1 but they're way too far up the techtree to be relevant in early airgame.
Painted by Japanese artist ONEQ, fusing Japanese culture with 80's pin-up girls in the similar vein of Heavy Metal comics. Good try though.
Hoverbikes, Zeppelins, Necroplanes, Black Helis, as well as all the ground vehicles (including courier) are slower than the Angry Bird. The only thing the necroplanes can catch that Angry Bird can't is Thunderbolts.
As a bonus it also has extra carry capacity compared to the airbus unlike most craft so it can double as the training transport for whatever it shoots down.
>sudden realization that you can just send a bunch of dogs to deal with lokk-only missions
So anon, about xpiratez, the first difficulty completely blocks voodoo stuff and maybe something else, right?
But there's no mention of it, not in the game itself, not on the mod page on DB, not on the main forum thread, right?
I came across a hint of it myself quite by accident. And it turns out if someone just simply wanted see what mode has or didn't have 400 hours of ft, but wasn't lucky enough or just didn't look for information about it, they're fucked up, gitgut all that jazz?
Feel free to correct me, but leaving such a point unaddressed in the description feels like a quite dick move, if I've seen one.
yeah it doesn't really tell you in any way that i can remember until you've already played a few months. it definitely should but it doesn't.
don't feel too averse to starting a new run, you weren't very far, you can probably make it back to where you were pretty fast and smooth now that you've finished a demo run.
if you don't have 400 hours to blow on this shit you're probably not going to like it no matter what difficulty you pick because none of them really play faster than the others. not like you have to no life this shit though. i just play a mission or two before work.
Has XCOM Files gotten any better?
Over what time frame? Four years? Loads. One? Ehh, incremental.
Has the bloat been corralled a bit? Last time I played getting aircraft was a pain.
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Oh, no, if bloat is your concern, abandon all hope. Likewise, getting decent aircraft is still horribly bottlenecked at getting your first fighter plane, then immediately rushing several tiers instantly once the dam breaks. But hey, more ghost missions.
How do i change cat girls death screams? those are fucking disturbing .
I only have an XCF install up atm, but look under the game's "Resources folder", look for one that governs sound, then hop in there and look for screams. They're all in .wav format, so just play them in your fav media player of choice until you find the culprit.
Every day I hate the patch that introduced stat buffs to commendations because it brings up stupid discussions like these.
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You and me both, but only because I sink to the retardation of other anons and their slavish need to 'optimize', for trying to highlight that the perceived value in any commendation is literally fucking nothing during actual play. Especially the negative regeneration commendations. Honestly, I blame myself.
For most of the races in the game HP commends can account for like a third of the HP on veterans.
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>Non-Profit Lab
Govts are interested in your research, which nets you a solid chunk of Infamy. Not enough for such a Visionary as yourself! You'll build a lab so dazzling and advanced they'll start throwing grant money on you! It needs a nice smell, a lot of blinking lights, sexy interns, it'll have snazzy merchandise and marketing materials (you already have ideas for those), and finally, your personal invention - the Big Bubbly Ball Of Wow! You're a fucking genius! 3 Labspace & 15 Workspace. $150k profit/month. Needs Cultural. 15 Slave Maids & 50 Cultural Wealth to build. 1 per Hideout. Warning: can lead to unexplained explosions at your Hideouts. These will be written off as 'missile strikes'.
I wish I knew. Someone please convince the figureheads to allow this to happen.
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True. And how many hundreds of missions and kills does it take to grind HP commendations to that degree? Your starting six uber gals will have lived to jailbreak star god plasma pistols at that point. Whilst commendation stacking can eventually be powerful, it's always been a vanity project anon, something to do for fun. Naturally, many players take this to stupid lengths and treat it as an objective to achieve and grind out. And a good many more actually change their behaviour and gameplay to do so, in the pursuit of inconsequential numbers on their favourite catgirls.

Actually optimal play would be to spread those kills over a larger roster of soldiers, fuck the stacking.
The worst case of commendation autism I've seen was a streamer guy reloading the game over getting wounded because negative one freshness from soft target is simply unacceptable.
>veteran 5
>monster 5
>monster hunter 6
>birthday cake 4
30 missions (token appearances on easy UFO crashes count), 25 monster kills with a bone club (doable in like one monster hunt or rat cellar), 2 years in the barracks. +17 HP and +3 all armor. That is extremely significant on anyone but the OP units (gals/ogres). That's even ignoring other things like soft target and gal of steel which you can mass farm with some simple gimmicks.
>Actually optimal play would be to spread those kills over a larger roster of soldiers, fuck the stacking.
This is only correct for gals and ogres, because they almost never die and almost always just get wounded/incapacitated by damage instead. For cat/peasant path/lokks/bugeyes/male touch/gnomes it is optimal to make a groomer squad with a bunch of farmed up HP commends because the base units are too inherently vulnerable to attrition mechanics to be careless about your EXP investments.
To add, this is because HP (and natural armor, to a lesser extent) are the only reliable attrition mitigation mechanics in a game where attrition is unavoidable by design. The more armor you have the less likely you are to be killed outright by damage, and the more HP you have the more likely you are to be incapacitated (and thus protected from enemy aggro) by damage. More HP directly translates into more protection for accumulated experience, and more accumulated experience means more realized stat caps and commendations. In other words, HP merely by existing means your units will naturally accumulate more stats on average, relative to the stats lost to unit attrition. HP in the current balancing is valued a bit high in the stat spectrum, like strength, but not nearly high enough. One point of HP in practical terms is worth at least 4 or 5 points in the lesser stats, at least when assuming supermutant rules on non-easy difficulties.
>more ghost missions
But who was Otto Zander? That's not my name.
Holy based
>But who was Otto Zander?
My boy you have some catching up to do.
>he doesn't know
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Just wear a backpack bro
I was excited about this item until I realized it only goes in the wear slot and not the backpack slots.
It's still useful, mainly for the races with too little strength to fill their own inventory slots.
I'd be impressed if anyone'd actually go through all that in this day and year
I think fuso start for C4L is a trap. Samurai armor kinda sucks ass and is extremely overpriced for something that dies to a single HE grenade and has no camo or NV enhancements. You're going to be rushing research on cat armors anyway and Catical is already better.
Why would you do cat path anywhere but cali? Fuso is fun start for everyone else though.
Does anyone know what's the formula for piloting stats? Does it have a cap or can I farm condemnations for firing and reactions forever?
Because you're getting cats anyway, and fuso gives you a special catgirl armor. The big thing is that the armor sucks, and cat path's cats are the lowest quality recruitable cats in the game, and it basically takes a first month's worth of research before you can even start recruiting them. Meanwhile Cali gives you an entire squad of high quality outlaws to train right from the start, research-free. There's also an argument for the other generally good start locations like Blackmarch, Turan, and Thebes, since fuso armor is such a mediocre option.
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On paper that doesn't seem excessive. Until it's put into practice and now the player is training themselves to look for ways to make the giant bone work against blood hounds and chupacabras. Until you remember that a soldier isn't typically going to be sitting around for two years being idle. All to be more resilient against ballistic pistols, shotguns and the basic HE grenade. By year two you're now against laser, gauss and a little plasma, eroding the value of these elite supersoldiers you're trying to make. If you're happy to go ahead with this nonsense and put so much investment into a few troops, instead of playing this like classic X-COM and screening with a small horde of trained but expendable goons, go do it. If you want to treat soldiers as if this were Nucom 2, you do that. You're honestly playing yourself just as much as you're playing the game at this point.
It's not conditionally correct, it's a universal reality. Soldiers you don't want to lose are screened by soldiers in heavy armor who are expendable, and the more competent and trained that expendable frontline soldier is, the better able they are to protect your rear echelon. If after this your backline still get fragged, you the player positioned them poorly, probably out of greed. Trying to patch up these failings by stacking HP on squishy soldiers in an attempt to turn them into ubers is a solution, but a retarded one (The elephant in the room is that this is the only way to get tanky soldiers for players doing exclusively cat/peasant/whatever runs, but I'm repeating myself about how players do retarded things to themselves. Gals will never be a mutually exclusive soldier and should be used at the front).
Yeah, HP and armor (and reactions and max TUs) are great for not dying, and make for an attractive insurance policy to get in the background during normal play. Can't see the forest for the trees at this point, however.
open your Piratez_Factions.rul file, search for "STR_DOGG_TERRORIST" and below "energy recovery" you need to add the line "canSurrender: true".

This should do it: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/qc4utm56837andp2b0dnw/ADUsUexXC805KVIhECr8uok?rlkey=2u7jgwe508zem6svr750y3f7v&st=q8gjluiv&dl=0
If you can find the stupid ST suit for Contacts: Nekomimi then you can buy space suits which are basically the only armor you should ever need for the first year.
>immune to extreme climates
>22 NV 50% THV SPOT 2, can NV bully even other NV units and take advantage of smoke
>25% burn, 50% chem (hot pursuits and ghoul town), 90% concussive
>big inventory, light weight
>20 armor and 10 HP, enough to deal with stray small arms shots and to serve as life protection against grenades
>way cheaper than samurai, doesn't need to be researched like catical
It's good enough to be a main mission armor until you get the secret deal.
I'll use this when my playthrough of Jagged alliance 1.13 is over
Gals and ogres are the most expensive units in the game, and recruit with particularly bad stats for their cost, using them to catch rockets is literally the exact opposite of best practice for their unit archetype. If you're "screening" with gals and/or one-a-month ogres outside of gal path and not running out of screens, then that's no longer a case of screening with disposable units, that's facerolling content with overtuned units. You're not going to be able to do the same thing with any other race without them dying in droves, meaning you have to start resorting to alternative screens like fragile camo scouts or armored vehicles, which leaves holes in the "screen" compared to a thick front line of borderline unkillable units, and those holes are far more punishing when your backline isn't also composed of units that are borderline unkillable due to having >100 HP and 20 armor by default. Your understanding of the game and proper play is built around using OP shit and taking snowball effects like durability commendations your units automatically accumulate by not being instakilled when shot for granted.
But who is gonna eat the rocket then?
Also meleeing chupas and hounds to death is trivial if you have fuso armor.
If you're lucky, nobody because your squaddie camo/flying catgirl saw it first and took it out first. If you're unlucky, then hopefully it shoots the squaddie, or your tank. If you're very unlucky, then it'll hit your veteran catgirl that was busy killing 5+ enemies per turn in your thickest armor, at which point you better hope she has 80+ HP from soft target/veteran/defender/birthday/monster/bodybuilding/etc etc so her corpse has a better chance to be intact for sleeping beauty project or her eventual sivalinga resurrection, because even revive mechanics are biased in favor of the tanky races. This is obviously way fucking harder than just throwing gals at every role and every problem. Your reward? 15 extra TUs (lol) and 25 extra melee skill (lmao) and some extra NV.
catgirl op
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I haven't a clue what made up universe you're playing in, but none of it describes what happens in game and the fact that you seem to be wilfully confusing 'screening' with 'recklessly charging into the fog of war and actually dying' demonstrates this.

Everyone has gals through young ubers, captured raider scouts and the odd rescued castaway. Have three of them in heavy armor as the core of any squad and you're set. My understanding of the game is proper positioning and ending my turn so that an enemy walking out from the fog has to walk 10 tiles and round a corner before he even sees my soldiers. My shit is even more OP then HP stacking because my soldiers rarely get shot at in the first place, and anyone who does is a bandit with a peashooter and sniper/spotter and is bouncing bullets off a gal's abs anyway. Normal, proper play trumps commendation stacking and that's the end of it.

Anyone play the new missions yet, and are they multi mission cancer like with Aurora?
>I haven't a clue what made up universe you're playing in
>Soldiers you don't want to lose are screened by soldiers in heavy armor who are expendable
Your words not mine.
>the fact that you seem to be wilfully confusing 'screening' with 'recklessly charging into the fog of war and actually dying' demonstrates this.
Again, your words not mine. Maybe don't make strawmen if you don't want to have to argue against your own made up fake points?
>Everyone has gals through young ubers
Young ubers are rare, and they have other uses, like exchanging for pre-commended catgirls. Using and losing a young uber is the same as losing a catgirl with better caps, particularly in STR and HP.
>captured raider scouts
Doesn't have the same problems as young ubers, but don't even appear until much further into a game, and it still attempts to address the issue of HP being an essential stat with "just use high hp units".
>and the odd rescued castaway
Lunatics generate 25k per month just by existing. Each one is a permanent and risk-free upgrade to your economic power. Suggesting to use them for a "disposable" role is absolutely ridiculous.
>My understanding of the game is proper positioning and ending my turn so that an enemy walking out from the fog has to walk 10 tiles and round a corner before he even sees my soldiers
My understanding of the game is that you're rarely given the luxury of such convenient positioning because of missions starting with you surrounded by full TUs enemies stationed all over the map including with direct LOS into your vessel from multiple directions as well as dense urban or jungle bullshit obstructing LOS far more often than fog of war. I guess throwing gals at every problem lets you just forget about these things.
>My shit is even more OP then HP stacking because ... anyone who does ... sniper/spotter ... is bouncing bullets off a gal's abs
I went ahead and extracted the main takeaway from your post for you.
Other stats are a force multiplier on certain in-combat actions, whereas HP is a force multiplier on everything else a unit can do. They really should not be viewed as within the same tier. HP is to Firing what Firing is to Energy: A fundamentally more important stat.
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Anon, I'm stating the obvious here, but expendable and disposable doesn't mean they're condemned to die in the short term (or even the long term). Look after them as best as you can to screen effectively whilst sweeping the map. And you definitely are the source of all the strawmen with the absurd implication that gals and ogres should catch rockets when screening. Learn to position well, and don't disembark turn one, use a smoke grenade to prevent reaction fire and you're receiving a lot less abuse such that commendation grinding an elite cadre of soldiers isn't useful.

Your opinions on young ubers, raider scouts, the misuse of castaway gals and the delineation between fog of war and occluding terrain objects are your own. X-COM battlescape has always been a game about positioning and that will always serve you better than grinding for HP.
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Your entire argument is boiling down to pic related at this point.
>just don't ever get shot bro, I only spam the specific units with 4 to 6 times the EHP of other units and 1/10th the chance to permadie for the heck of it :^)
>Warning: can lead to unexplained explosions at your Hideouts. These will be written off as 'missile strikes'.

Now I have zero desire to make one.
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Close! I was going for this instead. The one you're referencing was originally a comic poem written in Russian because players still make hilarious misplays on the battlescape, despite X-COM being 30 years old at this point. You'd think the point wouldn't have to be made anymore, yet here we are.

The original argument has always been that commendation stacking is foolish, and the optimal way to develop a team of soldiers is to share experience over a larger pool, so the player has a large roster of experienced soldiers. This leads to more options on the battlefield and better hedges against losses. Yes, using a soldier with more innate EHP in frontline roles is ideal compared to trying to stack HP on a non uber, and players advocating to commendation grind have lost sight of the game to pursue a vanity project.

Have a good night anon.
To justify wasting base real estate on ghost jail, duh.
I wish it was possible to uncap or at least increase the size of bases...
I want to try grey codex next
do I go with males, peasants, gals or catgirls for maximum mind fuckery?
The solution to cat path midgame is vehicle spam. Armored cars cost only a little more than samurai armor to buy the materials for, they give catgirls both insane mobility and good armor/resists and help fix their dogshit HP, they give them a really good gun to leverage their glass cannon shooting stats despite their garbage strength, and you won't want to kill yourself for losing them like you would a gnome pilot if the car gets RPG'd. Super high reactions is actually quite strong for vehicles since they use so little TU on attacking and moving, and it helps them keep up with Gnome accuracy somewhat. Most enemy vehicles have bad reactions and will let a catgirl pilot drive circles around them in a tank. It also solves the EXP attrition problem to the furthest extent possible because you only need to train up catgirls for the relatively less numerous piloting duty, and leave the dangerous scouting duty to fresh recruits.

The only downside is that catgirls don't get to pilot any of the high tech vehicles (no mechas for catgirls? What the hell dio?), but you'll hopefully have blitz armor and chaos daggers for them by then.
>The one you're referencing was originally a comic poem written in Russian because players still make hilarious misplays on the battlescape, despite X-COM being 30 years old at this point. You'd think the point wouldn't have to be made anymore, yet here we are.
The joke went right over your head, just like every argument in this thread.
>chaos daggers
And just how do you get them regularly? I haven't seen a single one in like 5 runs at least. Probably more.
Demon God Shrines
I do all of them, always. Now what?
TU > strength > energy > weapon skills > voodoo shit > dogshit > HP/armor

Positioning is the king of the battlefield.
When someone doesn't value HP or tells me they simply never get hit I suspect they savescum each time some "bullshit" happens. It's no bullshit, your unit just died and you have to deal with it. As a reminder XCOM is not an RPG but a lot of people treat it as such.
Invest points into luck (irl)
>strength 2nd best
fistycuffs OP
I very much enjoy it when my unga bunga 150 str annihilator gal can cut ufo walls with a vibro ax.
I'd say resists are more valuable than hp/armor
Does anyone actually like the spotter-sniper system?
I'm not going to say I like it but I don't hate it either, it makes hard cover a lot more valuable.
Helps you carry good equipment without being overburdened.

Gals have plenty HP and 20 armour butt naked.
It's the first thing I prioritize when assigning new recruits to training. You can still get lucky hits in with shitty aim, but you need to be able to lift the gun.
Wait, you can PRIORITIZE stat training?
TU > reactions > weapon skills > strength > HP/armor
No, I mean that the peasants with worst strength get training first.
I find armour/HP much more valuable in X-Files. Your dudes arent superhuman and cannot move from hard cover to distant hard cover every turn. Also Solar has better intuitive grasp at balancing the game I suppose.
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>Also Solar has better intuitive grasp at balancing the game I suppose.
It's a mere coincidence that the xpiratez racial tier list is literally ordered by how much HP and armor each race gets, I'm sure. Surely it can't be that having two high combat skill caps like firing and melee, or firing and TUs, have diminishing returns while HP/armor/resists have an innate multiplicative return on eachother and other stats yet aren't appropriately valued as such.
your tier list sucks dick and is retarded though. why do you think your shitty opinions are somehow an objective source of proof?
Why are you seething at gals being overpowered which has been common knowledge for years?
Playing peasant revolution I get the biggest dilemma when peasant stats become too good they become too valuable to lose while peasants are supposed to be the disposable trash soldiers you shouldn't care about. They end up getting stuck in this limbo where they're not good enough to be part of my AAA team of gals ogres and gnomes but they're too good to be sent to the meatgrinder.
>X-FAG shit
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Like here's an example, I clearly stopped giving a shit about this peasant at some point and she ended up warming up the benches at the back of the craft, the stats are good but these can never match better races or the special girl guides.
What do you even do with these people? I keep running into a problem where I have too many trained soldiers and no idea what to do with all of them.
Compared to what? They're the default unit you start the game with.
Defensive troops at secondary bases.
How are catgirls below peasants
Wait for Dioxine to implement better armor
Ogres are not good because they are too slow. Fast and tough is better than fast and fragile, but fast and fragile is better than tough and slow.
Just view them as particularly competent garrison/reserve forces. They will never have the high ceiling of the three mutant types, and therefore shouldn't be invested in the same way. Your units will automatically accumulate a lot of stats because the HQs have 3 free dojos among the 15 or so buildings they're comprised of, and you probably built a lot of them. Higher statted peasants mean you don't need as many to defend your bases, which reduces your salary and crewspace needs, so they're still useful. There's also the rare peasant or human exclusive missions you can send them on, in which case veteran peasants are useful. There is indeed very little reason not to fill your harvesters with nothing but mutants as soon as you have enough of them, since mutants just have better stats than other units for the same number of crew slots, and therefore will contribute more to the overall mission stability than even suicidal peasants will.

In what way do you think acquisition criteria relates to tactical use validity between different units?
>too slow
An ogre in liquidator is exactly as fast as a gal while being way tankier. They get slightly less base TUs but better TUs in heavier armor. Slow ogres is a fucking meme.
An ogre in liquidator is exactly as fast as a gal in Tac Armor*
Ogres have very high energy regen due to their hp pool, you can sprint with an ogre every turn and never run out of steam.
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>Also Solar has better intuitive grasp at balancing the game I suppose.
Triarius is already good enough to be cydonia capable, you can't really ask for much better than that.
eh, you will end at some point with too many troops
making crafts much slower so you need multiple bases and multiple teams on each to cover earth would be a some sort of solution but it would come with plenty of downsizes
I wish vehicles got shooter medals.
You can't get reaper and cannoneer but you can get bomber and pyromaniac. It manages to be the worst of both worlds.
Leave the most competent peasants for challenges and other hard missions that limit your troops, and train more. Better lose a peasant than a good gal taking a stray bullet while wearing a holosuit.
What do you do with troop surplus? I've gotten too many Young Ubers and DILDOs from pogroms and ratmen caves.
Also, those tentacle lair missions can go fuck themselves. I made a mistake researching that.
>What do you do with troop surplus?
use them as garrison troops or get them killed on dangerous missions or cool-and-risky plays
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You're right to be sceptical as most players are genuine retards who play badly. Twitch is full of them. You're also a retard for not realising that player owned and computer units in XPZ have massively inflated TU stats (deliberately to make melee pushes viable), and how such freedom of movement to position yourself on the board is fucking overpowered and what wins the battle. You're dead right that X-COM is not an RPG and that a lot of people play it as if it were, so now we've got idiots embracing medal farming and calling it a strategy.
This is retarded and you are hallucinating.
>I keep running into a problem where I have too many trained soldiers
What a fantastic problem to have. Get them into battle by sending them actively on mission or reactively leaving them as a garrison somewhere. Either way, they're there to fight and possibly die, taking the heat off of your more valued troops and assets.
It's true that ogres can sprint around with a heavy machinegun, but one day they're gonna eat an RPG HEAT, or a heavy laser blast, or a plasma bolt because of their shit reaction scores. Their high HP and armor scores are good despite that (or perhaps because of it).
This sounds like a perspective problem, to put it politely. You just need to change your thinking. Expendability is based on how much it costs to replace (in time or price), not how good they are. If you're not using them, then they're the same as being dead.
>ogres, gals, gnomes
Undisputed strongest races in the game. Anyone claiming otherwise is a delusional shitter.
Not the strongest individually but have ridiculous logistical value due to being the cheapest units in the game by far.
>cats, bugeyes, lokks
So bad that using them is usually a misplay.

>they're gonna eat an RPG HEAT, or a heavy laser blast, or a plasma bolt because of their shit reaction scores
The strongest strategy in the game is camping your landing zone and expanding a safety bubble outward, which ogres are gods at doing. Your ogre for some reason needing to sprint through enemy reaction fire instead of just killing his way to wherever he's going with the highest stat total and concentration of high tier stats in the game. To begin with counting on pathing your units through RPG fire with just reactions score to protect their lives (as an Ogre is the only unit in the game that will facetank a HEAT rocket pre lategame) is just bafflingly retarded. You clowns really come up with the dumbest LARPs imaginable to downplay how game defining HP and armor values are.
Your ogre for some reason needing to sprint through enemy reaction fire instead of just killing his way to wherever he's going with the highest stat total and concentration of high tier stats in the game simply isn't a realistic proposition.*
Bugeyes having sense and inherent voodoo makes them excellent spotters and makes the bank mission a breeze because you can panic the guards inside the vault
Lokknars I agree with outside of avenger armor, you give them an infinite ammo ranged weapon and they'll easily clear anything requiring small races. Also good in shadowrealm because they keep their shields even in the initial visits where everything gets taken from you
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Trying to set up a reaction fire usually leaves you more vulnerable to losses than you would have been just using those TUs to move into perfect cover. Especially if you're not a gal. Any location you had to cross reaction checks to get to is too dangerous to be ending your turn in anyway, and if you got reaction checked that also means you were seen and thus probably tagged by spotter AI. Reactions is simply a weak stat. Ironically, the greatest strength of high reactions camo/invis outfits is that they make your reactions stat almost irrelevant by directly turning off reactions of enemies that can't see you, which even godly reactions can't do because of the stupid TU scaling system. Stealth armors' biggest strength is allowing you to attack all your TUs away while ignoring the reactions system, whereas heavy armors are the best for aggressive reaction positioning tactics because only a tanky heavy armor unit can best survive the consequences of the reaction shots failing to neutralize the exposed threat zone.
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>Your ogre for some reason needing to sprint through enemy reaction fire
I don't sprint my ogres around to draw enemy heavy weapon reaction fire because I'm not a retard. What I have said is that A) ogres can and should sprint to get around the map and B) They have shit for reactions.

Leading us neatly onto your shit-for-brains 'tier' list where you put ogres at top. Try clearing the LZ by opening with an ogre when star gods with plasma are on the field. Or mercenaries with a heavy gauss. Or late game academy pioneers / guild exosoldiers. You're obviously inviting so much avoidable return fire that a gal is clearly better.

Trying to make a tier list in the first place (centered around HP no less) was the truly clown move.
Protip for the first phase of the X Residence mission: go with catgirls in camo at night, and find a way to either evade or kill the tank without it exploding.
Of course, then you'll have to fight Black Sun dudes and a lot of Stormtroopers and a few Supersoldiers at relatively close range
As someone who went through that mission, I recommend having a hovertank or something that draws the small arms fire, and about 7 or 8 mortars ready to take out the gun emplacements
That or you bring a loader suit gnome and drill through the mountainside to the end
>Reactions is simply a weak stat
Difficulty 2 "Fair"
I only play it for fair market prices but actually, especially in early game, difficulty 3 is a bit easier
You get another shambler, around 20% more enemies to stun and ransom, more glory and loot etc.
Its cheaper, sure, but the amount makes up for it
>Try clearing the LZ by opening with an ogre when star gods with plasma are on the field.
Turn 1:
>Take cover inside and/or using ship, throw some grenades where applicable, end turn.
Turn 2+
>Focus fire down enemies in order of proximity/visibility of the LZ, because the start of the mission is when you have access to your entire roster against each opponent. Apply heavy ordinance, which ogres can field like assault rifles, as necessary
It's just the standard LZ clear procedure. The fuck else are you trying to do?
>oh I'm such a strategy god taking snap shots into the LZ while reserving half my TUs each turn
>wtf how am I supposed to know an enemy would reserve so many TUs there and instakill my gal [reload save]
>wtf they lucked right through my web of reaction fire and vaporized half the crew with a single hellerium grenade that's so bullshit [reload save]
Ogres are the closest units in the game to being RNG proof. They can't even die to a direct hit from an RPG at full HP while naked. They field the absolute maximum amount of firepower during your turns when you have the ability to make responsive decisions, and they have the mobility to accommodate that responsiveness. They have the absolute maximum amount of HP and defenses to survive whatever the AI does whenever it's not your turn. Enemy reaction fire is something that happens on your turn and is ultimately under your own control, it uses snap shots which are generally less dangerous than aimed shots and autos, it's an easy mechanic to deal with against the AI and a bad mechanic to rely on against the AI for the same reason. Reactions put the initiative in the opponent's hands while leaving you unable to deal with unexpected fail states or prioritize targets until you get a new turn. Ogres also get one of the most absurd transformations in the game, as well as totally unnecessary access to Charmy Dance and Designer Beauty for even more HP and armor. They cost less upkeep than fucking bugeyes.
Haven't played in a good while. Is there an early-game source of gnomes now or do you plan to just last with the 9 the mod gives you?
You're not wrong, but you're also aware that whether or not you get reaction fired at is contingent on the reactions of the unit moving, not just the reactions of the shooter, right? Gals can take a shot and not get shot back at in situations where Ogres would 100% eat reaction fire.
They're contingent on both units' reactions, of which the enemy's reactions score is generally unknown. They're also contingent on both unit's TUs, and how much TUs the opponents have is fundamentally unknown unless it's either turn 1 or you watched them play their turn and counted their TU expenditure. Due to the amount of moving parts and opaque variables, the reactions system is a huge source of ambiguously risky interactions. This is also just assuming you're checking an enemy for reaction fire, not trying to actually use reaction fire, at which point there's all sorts of variables like whether enemies can come out in an inconvenient spot and waste all your TUs, whether more enemies can come out than you were prepared for, whether you can just roll shit on accuracy or damage and get shot in the face because of it, and so forth, on top of the already cancerous reactions check formula.

To put it another way, because of the amount of unknowns involved with the reactions system, you're usually better off just mitigating exposure to it like you would using ogres anyway. Other units might have the reactions to avoid some of the fail states related to reactions checks, but it's moot if they lose the ogre's durability in surviving the failstates that reaction score wouldn't help them avoid. Meanwhile by comparison, HP and armor are just straight up universal risk-mitigation systems that are working in a clear way no matter what you do.There's no diceroll in how much overall damage you can take, and there's no diceroll in how much of your armor applies to an attack, they are strictly guaranteed "more damage is survivable", "more damage is mitigated", and "more chances to be KOed instead of killed" stats, which are also mutually synergistic. If you look outside and there's too much bullshit pointing at your ship turn 1, you can just press A and leave.
That's a lot of words to try to pretend reactions isn't important.
How can we fix sl(ave)op soldiers?
That's a pretty disingenuous way to concede the argument.
Times ogres are bad
>when you would get shot for over 250 fatal damage by accident and having better reactions would let you avoid triggering the shot
Times ogres are good
>any other time your units are at risk of taking damage ever
Better stop using gnome pilots in favor of lokks too. After all, reactions are le hecking important. :^)
>blood dragon armor special attack does 1000 fatal wounds
>hero only
Don't care about ogres i'm not using male units.
Transition transformation for ogres and ss when?
Can't chort m*les, bro.
Get a base for the SS and use Ogres there
what're some more and less common weapon types/technologies in tactics games? i was thinking about it and so far i have:
is there an interesting weapon type that hasn't been done to death yet?
Dunno, why don't you ask ChatGPT.
I can think of a few things nucoms do that no openxcom mod has copied
Yeah openxcom has mind control but it doesn't have any of the really cool shit like ghost grenades or stasis or the ability to remotely detonate grenades. You could also look at underrail for examples of more creative ways to utilize psi like the temporal magic school.
>crowd control
More of an RPG thing but why not have a damage type that specifically disables enemy units either reducing their stats or TUs or something. I have no idea what kind of pain in the ass it would be to implement status effects into an XCOM game or if it would fit or play good either.
>meaningful ranks/officers
Long war 1/2 made an excellent job at making officers the core of your squad, ranks in openxcom mods mean pretty much nothing by comparison. How about an outfit for high ranking xcom officers only that allows them to use geoscape resources on battlescape? As example in LW2 there are turn timers and you can spend intel which is geoscape resource to extend time on battlescape. Or I dunno an item that's the equivalent of starcraft comsat so you can gain vision anywhere on the map usable only by an officer provided you actually have a satellite or facility capable of providing such utility.
An early "medbay" (due to their profession they got quite adept at patching their wounded brothers and now they can practice their healing ways on the hoes too).
Return to Grug (learning the caveman tech now leads to your men gaining the Grug promotion, they go out into the wilderness to train and practice the true Grug ways making them 'arder then those modern sissies who rely on those fickle conveniences of the fragile civilization).
HUMAN MEN (learning how to recruit gals of other species for some reason empowers your slave soldiers in different ways).
>An early "medbay"
this would fit really well with SS Operations tech. thematically it's about the gals bringing in outside specialists to fill gaps they don't know, and a MASH Hospital-type facility would fit perfectly.
couple it with some sort of Medic/SS outfit analogous to Nurse/PEA
Replace SS with highwaymen
Old earth voodoo could also bring in special outfit ideas like cowboy outfits or even MIB-style outfits for slave soldiers, the latter would be the perfect thing to accompany undercover operations tech so you have a specialty for slave soldiers
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>It's just the standard LZ clear procedure. The fuck else are you trying to do?
The same thing you are doing, but better and faster. This is because I don't fetishize ogres and HP like a retard who has to fall back on passive defences for maximum survivability. Gals put out for more firepower than ogres can without inviting return fire.
The rest of your post is strawman and clumsy justifications for why you like HP as a stat.
Mind probe you fucking moron; it explicitly tells you exactly how many TUs an enemy has left and the reactions it has, with which you know when it can reaction fire. If you were an actual Ogre user you would have one soldier on the craft scanning enemies so you never eat a return heavy plasma and have your 1recruit/month in sickbay for 25 days. The reactions system being a 'huge source of ambiguously risky interactions' is only because retards are willingly choosing to play it as such. Tools are available to reveal everything and you should roll them into your loadout. This does go a long way to explain why you value HP over everything to hedge against your mistakes, but if you learn how to manipulate reaction scores and use high reaction soldiers to open offensive actions, you will elevate your play. Just don't fucking fall back onto commendation stacking for the love of Christ.

And for any midwit wondering why they should have one mindprobe on the dropship taking up a soldier's hand slot: Now you have a useful action to take when a heavy plasma guy ended their turn looking directly at your dropship, and now you'll know if you can shoot him in the face without him reacting or not (Which, for the umpteenth time, is something an Ogre is complete dogshit at doing without going into medbay for completely avoidable reasons. Use mixed squads if you're not going to roll an all gal force).
early access to airgame alongside TRUCKS
>a damage type that specifically disables enemy units either reducing their stats or TUs or something
we've already got this in piratez. "disrupts reactions" or damages TUs is a secondary effect on some weapons
I'd like it if you were able to "pirate" guild armors for the slave soldiers, capture guild security? You get decent kevlar, marsec operative? Free personal armor, marsec bodyguards? Free power suits. It always annoyed me that you can't use any of these on your own troops and they'd be perfect fits for male soldiers.
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Building on this, again XPZ does dabble with all of this. Grey codex spawning friendly auxiliary units. Aforementioned 'disrupts reactions' weapons like the humble spear. Some outfits and weapons also indirectly favor officer ranks, see Gold codex, laslock pistols and shotguns, and officer pistols that the humanists like to run around with.

XFiles has flashbang grenades that attacks TUs. 40k/Rosigma also does a bunch of crazy shit, especially with the Imperial Guard and their commissars, but that means you have to play 40k and Rosigma. There's actually a lot of ideas from Nucom that is present in many Openxcom mods in one form or another.
>If you look outside and there's too much bullshit pointing at your ship turn 1, you can just press A and leave.
Or you can be normal and use your high reactions to safely let off a shot or smoke by each gal to see if you can clear/block the landing zone before having to leave. Not that I'm saying HP is too unimportant to be farmed, but saying reaction is a weak stat is going too far when it's clearly one of the most important ones, only behind TU in importance.
>reactions is a useful stat because... you can probe everything you shoot
The LARP is getting out of control. I'll stick to needing 2 maxroll heavy plasma hits just to be KOed in blue armor, shooting the heavy plasma guy in direct view of the ship with a vulcan so as not needing to care about his TUs, and not taking several hours to clear the mission, since I don't play whatever imaginary version of Piratez you're on where every enemy in the game suddenly has tankbuster weaponry because someone mentioned on the internet that Ogres are overpowered.
It's just not that sort of game. That's very gamey and vanilla Xcom takes a more simulationist approach to things. In real life officers don't have magic spells that only they can do, they're there to give orders and do leadership. That sort of thing fits more in the class-based nuCom where soldiers can only use certain guns and the ability to carry an extra grenade is considered a special ability.
El Admiral, Kummissar, the Battle Flag...
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>taking several hours to clear the mission
>with a vulcan so as not needing to care about his TUs
>every enemy in the game suddenly has tankbuster weaponry
Spoken by someone who doesn't know how to clear a board through positioning, has to rely on brute force and ignorance and manages enemy fire by eating it, and hasn't gotten to late game and encountered Academy Pioneers and Guild Exoguard.

As stated from the very beginning, you are retarded and hallucinating.
I mean really all I'd like is long war command in an item form of openxcom, all command is officer sacrifices his own turn to give someone else a turn and that is super versatile. It's not that crazy of a magical superpower.
this is literally the Battle Flag and Officer's Lash from X-Piratez. play Gold Codex, it's made for abusing this shit.
being able to make a weapon that damages enemy TUs also means you can make a 'weapon' that restores friendly TUs.
Reaction fire walls are the only way to correctly play the game
t. has played ROSIGMA as the Guard
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There's also the runt outfit you can give to gals which is basically meant to represent an ammunition bearer and also restores TUs via 'gentle push'
Battle flag was changed at some point to now damage enemy TU and officer lash only works when you're in melee and your target is practically naked. None of these are really comparable to command where it just unconditionally grants a turn to anyone as long they're within your line of sight.
>outlandishly unlikely hypothetical involving high tier enemies with highest-in-category damage
>ignores obvious solution in favor of gimmicky savescummer bullshit
>condescending strawman
This autist needs new material.
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>within your line of sight
>It's not that crazy of a magical superpower.
It's literally magic. And a superpower.
I have this idea to do a peasant rev run and use my starter gals and any castaways as my vanguard.
I strongly consider a ballistic shield and handgun as a foolproof load out for the early game.
Handguns and 1h smgs are more than good enough for 90% of year 1 but is the ballistic shield and to a lesser extend the outfit shields going to provide something meaningful outside of the peak aesthetics.
give them reasonably good stats, they should be solid choice to field fresh from recruitment
>and also restores TUs via 'gentle push'
wait what>
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Outfits with physical shields held in a hand have bullshit high evasion scores, and that always has value when you can get adjacent to an enemy. Either passively through corner/door camping or actively by moving up to someone. Said enemy is then rolling really lopsided CQC checks and usually spends their attacks shooting the floor. It's a risky move that usually completely wastes an enemy's turn, or get a rifle auto shot in your chest. Also has innately good resists and evasion against zombies and animal hunt missions, if you're not using a flying outfit for whatever reason. A gal in chainmail and holding the shield can no sell a series of chryssalid attacks for reference (at least briefly).

Shields that are items (the shotgun shield and riot shield, as well as handheld energy shields) don't have the absurd evasion scores and don't prevent you from getting attacked should you fuck up. It just means you get less hurt.
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>It's not that crazy of a magical superpower.
Ah yes, the normal ability all real-life military officers have to make their subordinates run 50% faster.
how do i actually destroy the beacons (green things?) in devil's reef
I still don't think it's that ridiculous of an ask considering one of the most common classic xcom strategies is a grenade relay which is nothing else but sacrificing one unit's time units to save another which is exactly the same thing. I'm looking forward to mental gymnastics how it's totally ok for live grenade being passed around by 3 or 4 units but being told by an officer to work extra hard just this one turn is literal magic.
But of course openxcom is a simulation masterpiece with features like jumping off buildings without fall damage or you know fighting aliens, my bad my bad.
It uses the magic power called authority, the same one that police cars use to make every car in sight drive 50% slower.
Why don't you just use the runt outfit?
>jumping off buildings
Heh, actually the soldiers don't jump, they fall. "Realism" faggots are in shambles. Tacticom chads stay winning.
Falling and not taking ground collision damage is still more real than not falling at all.
>HUMAN MEN (learning how to recruit gals of other species for some reason empowers your slave soldiers in different ways)
I keked
Someone send this to Dio immediately
Satchel charges, slugthrower or melee are viable options early on. I hear kraken cannon can also be used underwater but never tried it myself.
keep farming boots
no codex gives 7 but you need to keep one prisoner for research. blackmarch gives a few guaranteed and a chance for more. a good number but not enough to sustain an entire campaign
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>Spent 2days making terrain
>it's shit
10/10 very mortarable map.
At the moment in my game, I don't yet have the urge to get any more. I'm still looking forward to an injection of gnomes from reject the power, so I will probably be okay for a bit, but I fully intend to just cheat myself some more gnomes just to keep to the theme, if I ever need to.
What do I need to do or research to make the Tentacle Lair missions stop spawning?
afaik it doesn't stop
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Open up factions.rul and make sure the unlocked research isn't commented out, pic related. Or just update to the latest version. Should resolve the issue from the following month onwards.
Thank you for the observation Captain. It doesn't stop despite the mission briefing clearly saying that it should.
>It doesn't stop despite the mission briefing clearly saying that it should.
So it's an one time mission? I did it, but another popped up the next month.
Awww Anon it's fine, I like the silo in the back, the large flat building and a few others!
Huh, someone posted my proactive ninjas mod to the forum. I'd totally forgotten about it. I should probably update it.
How about keeping human men and other races units having a chance to give these other units "pregnant" condemnation that takes them out for coupple months (a bit less than 9 months for peasants, possibly much less for hellerium powered races) but gives huge amount of glamour? Same for ogres. Bugeyes can get others pregnant and can become pregnant themselves.
You can send hot babes to tank chryssalids in chainmail+shield?????!??

Also what's the deal with needing energy to dodge attacks? And is the evasion modifier on armor for dodging melee attacks or for dodging ranged attacks?
Also cant you use the admiral outfit and a battleflag to restore TUs? That still exists last I remember
Umm no you won't steal my waifu Rabid Corpse's virginity!
You can, but you really probably shouldn't for obvious reasons. Energy is needed to CQC an adjacent enemy trying to shoot you; if you don't have the energy, they'll automatically succeed in shooting you point blank. And the evasion modifier counts for both dodging melee attacks as well as dodging enemy ranged attacks in CQC.

see >>1746741
Battleflag (as well as battlepipes and the astrocaster) got changed after Gentle Push and the Lokk Commissar were introduced.
>You can send hot babes to tank chryssalids in chainmail+shield?????!??
Don't do this. She MIGHT survive, but it's not the kind of gamble you want to take.
>More of an RPG thing but why not have a damage type that specifically disables enemy units either reducing their stats or TUs or something. I have no idea what kind of pain in the ass it would be to implement status effects into an XCOM game or if it would fit or play good either.
Do the stun rod/freeze bomb type weapons that knock things out in the base games not exist in openxcom?
This isn't a porn game yet anon
>You can send hot babes to tank chryssalids in chainmail+shield?????!??
I don't think this has been pointed out so far, but the AI on its turn tries to attack your soldiers from the back, where evasion score is lowest. So evasion-based strats against melee opponents really only seem useful for dealing with (melee) reaction fire.
That's exploitable with chokepoints. I've had a Hyena gal stand to one side of a doorway and taze four nurses and a yeoman in a single enemy turn. But on an infinite flat field, yeah, doesn't make a difference.
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Well thank you fren' I made a script that makes shit less clutterd so it's should be fine. I hope
the flat-roof building with the solars on top needs a better roof texture. all the 2-wide stairs up to the roof should be 1-wide, and the outside stairs should have a different visual than the inside stairs (ex. metal scaffolding)
smaller red bricks overall imo, should be half the size. the join between bricks should be at the midpoint of the bricks above and below it.
the solid walls should be a different colour than the terrain, they're both kinda pinkish so the walls blend into the terrain.
flesh out the corn stalks a bit, they're barely visible
What programs do modders use to make new tiles?
Every door being on the same side makes it look wrong.
The cult of sunbath, a major minor enemy faction, coming to X-Com Files.
It seems safe to say by now that there's no major bugs in the new version.
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Xpedia updated holy shit!
I simply disperse the influenza virus. Unique bullshit missions were fun the first two dozen times.
The game itself mocks your never ever get hit fart huffing, you know.
Feng shui approved farm.
>hotfix tomorrow
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Yes, and if that is your only take from reading the entire chain then you've completely missed the point of it.

Yes a 'Just don't get hurt' approach as an absolute imperative to the exclusion of all else would be insane since such rigid optimisation is not necessary to play the damn game. Yes the game makes a number of jokes warning against being a slave to meta, calling such things grubby grumblings and angry noises that have lost the big picture. Ogre retard above is one example, since they profess that ogres are OP, cats are bad to the point of being a misplay (lol) and that they use ogres to kill things with opening salvos and tank return fire with their HP pools. Whilst ogres are good at their niche, they are one tool in the tool box, and when presented with other tools to incorporate, they reject them. HP commendation stacker above is the second retard, for not having bigger rosters and other reasons already mentioned (and funnily enough is the actual audience that the Less People = More Oxygen article is mocking).
tl;dr you're a retard.
Nta, but what's your tldr strategy
Would you rather an ogre tank shots with hp or a platemail gal with armor? I think there's next to no good outfits whatsoever for any race besides gals and peasants (ss doesn't have shit) to diversify your squad. You may argue that a pyroman ogre with a shield is better, but gals have better stats and TU.
I'd put one camo dagger+silent pistol catgirl, one platemail/heavily armored squaddie, and a couple of gym suit cattleprods if its a VIP transport. That's for an early-mid game ofc. All of that fits into an aircar nicely.
>Whilst ogres are good at their niche
When one's "niche" is bigger than the niches of multiple races put together, there's a balance issue.
He's already explained his strategy in the thread
>always walk in front of unseen enemies with high TU high reaction units, if those stats are incidentally not high enough and your unit dies to reaction fire as a consequence then reload lol
>always probe visible enemy units so you can reliably shoot them without triggering reactions, if you fail to meet the necessary damage output to secure your surroundings and someone gets killed because of bad defensive reaction fire rolls then reload lol
>seethe and avatarfag at anyone that points out high HP high armor units are easymode for "being a slave to meta"
Apprently having 10 times as much EHP compared to other races and being almost impossible to kill or permakill, and knowing how to position and sweep the map safely, are mutually exclusive. I didn't know the reactions stat was necessary to end each turn behind full cover or out of sight range.
I camp inside transport and take potshots from windows for first dozen turns.
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my woman of color
>not smoking a cigarette on each mission for permanent HP gains
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Using muscular men because they make the game easier is gay.
>not magdumping assault shotgun rubber bullets on your hands for gal of steel 10
I just farm it up on Hyena riders. A green codex perfect gal with maxed out Monster Hunter/Gal of Steel is gettable inside the first year trivially even if you don't have your own dudes shoot her. Give her a riot shield and she becomes incredibly hard to kill.
Perfect gals are an easy use case for EXP funneling. They're very hard to kill and too rare to use for high risk endeavors. More HP and more base armor both make their natural regen naturally better. I don't see the point doing something like that on catgirls since they'll just die to a stiff breeze and waste your efforts, and even if they live a long time they'll be obsoleted instantly by Theban Catgirls which have like +25 every stat at recruitment.
The downside of theban catgirls is you have to cuck to another force to use them just like you have to have the mutant alliance's permission to use your own humanist soldiers.
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Strategy to do what, clear a typical UFO assault? Build a roster of soldiers over the first 12 months? Something else? Establish context and define what the situation is and what tech level we're working with.

Forced to choose between the two, the platemail gal is better suited because you typically want armor to soak all damage and not rely on HP at all, unless you really like having medbay timers. Early game missions with the airbus I greedily roll with as many gals as possible and try to get them all up to 80 strength and to train melee, typically with stun batons since they also train reactions when used. Holes in the roster due to injuries are supplemented with peasants and a few dogs. Always go at night, take shotguns, avoid streetlights or shoot them out. This prepares a gal force to immediately trounce government raids when they begin, by hitting them with barbaric axes. Then you steal their autoguns and shoot everything.
This isn't a competitive multiplayer game, what the fuck is 'balance' in XPZ. Ogres aren't running about at night outdoing cats or gals at the murder Olympics, mind controlling mercs like bugeyes, or walking out in the open unspotted like a goblin regardless. If you don't find value in these things and find those niches too narrow to bother with in lieu of just stomping about like a barbarian with an ogre, that's your call. Ogres are strong, can shoot and can tank, and they are genuinely good to use in every battle because of that, but that doesn't make the other soldier types complete garbage (Except peasants and SS, but that's their role as mass deployable trash).
Well done anon.
Govt raids ?Are you a Sparrow-fag ? I mean I do equip my starters with melee as well, but the rolls can be outright ridiculous. Like, one might be as bad as a peasant with 40+ in each, and another straight "out of the box" almost predetermined to their role with a high skill roll of up to 90+. These would be a pain and waste of time to train if their highest stat isn't melee, IMO. In that, i also do not recruit any peasant early on at all. Bad company and isolated valley are too hard for a 30-something nobody squad with an old shotgun on their hands. Regarding tech and time, im asking about a first year start in a "normal" location (no Thebes) on normal-ish difficulty with at max 20 brainers. Typical UFOs in that timeframe are bandit transport, academy nurses, and maybe raiders/osiron/marsec later, close to the end of the year. I actually didn't know you could shoot the streetlights out. I know its hard to get ogres in a year, but sometimes I get one or two from a prison break mission. And by the end of a year you should reach about platemail tech easily. If not, chainmail w/ shield tanks up to 5mm/chryssalid as stated earlier.
They kick in at a certain rank even on lower difficulties, and are usually a pain in the ass because you're eating, like -2000 infamy, even if you can potentially make a bunch of it back in ransoms.
The only bad Ogre stats are Reactions and VSKL. They don't even have bad vision, being ubers with free THV, and 0 camo is the baseline for most units and armors in the game, meaning they are good or at worst fine at every task in the game that does not actively rely on those two stats. Most tasks in the game do not actively rely on Reactions and VSKL. High NV high camo high react gimmicks have been in the game for years via lokks, and based on the value and performance of lokks it can be readily observed that those stats in that combination are of low performance compared to just having high stats, particularly in HP, armor, and firing. You keep arguing that Piratez is supposed to be some avengers assemble bullshit even though pre Gnomes pre Ogres pre Cats it was just all Gals all the time unless you wanted to challenge yourself with some gimmicks or use vehicles, and is still fully capable of being played that way. Catgirls made sneaky units usable, but usable is still way fucking below Uber/Ogre level of "the basic carry unit of the game", and the blatantly obvious reason for that is fucking HP and armor, while the less obvious reason is unavoidable EXP attrition and the differences between unit types to it.

Cats don't even get to be listed alongside Gals in the "murder olympics", because they lack the best damage scaling stat in the game, Strength, especially for fixed TU attacks. Reaction scaling effectively lets them skip up to laser tier in the earlygame. Using catgirls for melee is a good way to fill up your graveyard with expensive units. Catgirls being particularly strong or killy compared to any mutant with training is a gigantic meme just like ogres being slow or weak, it's people that don't pay attention to unit growth limits, slapping a bunch of random shit into squads, and being wowed by a unit type that has good bases but shit caps.
Technically you can delay them pretty much arbitrarily by choosing not to research solar courier.
it has been my experience that just having one in your inventory at midnight gives you the research item and allows for the next rank, but not the lookup for actually researching it. i have been able to avoid ranking up by selling it at the pogroms loot screen
How do you load up a convoy effectively? And gameplay-wise is large troop transport worth it? Glamour farming is the only thing that comes to mind, honestly. Up to 24 pawns to play each turn is wild. I get bored with 6
>How do you load up a convoy effectively?
24 peasants, the strong ones get an RPG and the weak ones get an LASS
treat each peasant as a single-use fire-and-forget weapon. most maps will run out of enemies before you run out of rockets, for the rest simply bring more.
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Peasants are always various shades of garbage when recruited and don't have the TUs or melee to hit things with a sword. Give them a domestic shotgun or SMG and a bandage and they're good to go. Have them join your gals when clearing rooms and position them so they're the ones eating enemy shotgun blasts and not the gals. All gals are melee monsters and the early game is filled with bandits and nurses to smack with handles, ball bats and herder staffs. A gal in melee or with javelins can one shot dudes and even beat power armor. Guns can't do this, so give your gals cutlasses to go with their SMG/shotgun and get used to using it. Buy tribal outfits day 1. Shoot an enemy dead when the gals approach 50 morale (A 20% live capture rate is good enough to work with. More captures are a luxury and asking for wounds). Do not bother with ratmen, they've better melee and night vision than starting gals. Consider killing the first Church Priests instead of capturing, especially if they're holding a heavy shotgun or billhook. Play around with those hanging curtains that obscure doorways in some church layouts, you can stop an enemy pathing through and waste their turn by blocking valid routes through (and softlock the game if your soldiers get LoS on the enemy somehow during their turn, typically if the curtain is damaged and at oblique vision angles, so be mindful of that). Always do bandit camps at night, and during large camps actively target Drifters (and nearby dogs) since they have sniper/spotter and can carry Big Irons. Illuminate flanks with molotovs, hunting arrows, personal computers, or a magna-light (that you put back on your belt afterwards). Shot down bandits and your first landed scout/cutter follow the same principle and should really be done at night. Learning to play battlescape can't really be done through words, you just have to play more battles and learning what you can get away with on what maps. Have a high fight density, aborts are free.
Continued. Geoscape has a lot of structure and can be described in words; it's all just a build order and it's all a variation of unlocking Bounty Hunting, Warehouse Wars, Toppling Towers, Underwater Missions and Bandit Camps, whilst getting the Little Bird in the air, whilst also working towards building the Mess Hall, Personal Labs, Workshop, Sickbay and Overcharged Radar. Some players value building other bases filled with plantations before this, but I think there's more value in getting healthier gals and vision on landed craft sooner, than some extra money. Having a high fight density and doing as many missions as possible is the general answer for more money anyway through infamy. You can skip Ratman Rodeos and Freelance Pogroms to a large degree, depends how you feel.
And TUs. Ogres are comparatively disadvantaged in TUs and don't have access to MMA training, so they're always recruited with dire movement. Yes they can sprint, but they're always short 6-7 tiles compared to gals (10 or so in practice, since gals run to melee charge when they aren't positioning). That's the width of a typical mapblock, and since a board is a 2D plane, it means TUs roughly scale quadratically, not linearly. Gals and cats have so many more options on the board to be it's absurd. Cats even more so, despite not being able to fully utilise strength scaling (just use a rapier and pistol). Reactions are used whenever you attack inside enemy LoS (and get away with it). I never said assemble a diverse squad, I said use a mix of soldiers if you're not going all gals. I never thought I'd have to mention the obvious part about accommodating for ogres being slow and prone to getting shot. But you've made it clear you don't value positioning in favour of inviting enemy bullets to the face of an ogre. It's fine, but to proclaim that ogres are better than everything and cats are bad is opening yourself up for scrutiny and ridicule.
Double barrel shotgun with peasants. I don't know why the fuck I thought domestic shotgun.
As long as the gals aren't wearing a light outfit they don't have more mobility than an ogre, because ogres get a 10TU discount when wearing comparable armor to a gal. Ogre barragers have more TUs than fucking blitz cats. Ogres having bad movement is simply false.
Hell, Ogres have a base TU cap of 85. They get more TUs than SS, Peasants, Bugeyes, Lokks, and Gnomes. Liquidator has 0 TU penalty for better defense than a gal's Tactical Armor (H). Humies have to take TU penalties just to wear a shitty 25 armor Tac Vest. Ogres are quite literally among the faster units available to the player.
Yes anon, if you take a gal and put her in heavy armor and use her in a heavy armor/shooter role, she's lost the ability to freely position and gained the ability to be more tanky. This happens when you don't play to a race's inherent comparative advantage. All you demonstrate is that ogres are better heavy armor users (which everyone knows already, it's fucking obvious), and that forcing whatever peg into an ogre shaped hole leads to a sacrifice in versatility and value, reinforcing the erroneous idea that ogres are better than others at X. As for barrager, that's post Back to School and is available to build after the workshop and surgery have been finished, as well as sourcing a Technocracy robot, typically done by clearing a space mission if RNG doesn't give the player a landed Hopper. Ignoring a year's worth of gametime (the early game, the period that BUILDS the midgame and allows the barrager to exist as an option) where ogres are slow and the other races are fast makes for poor and disingenuous analysis.

Barrager is neat though. It's the exception to the rule.
TUs scaling quadratically is also a totally misleading claim because high movement gets quickly bottlenecked by energy consumption, which ogres are vastly superior to gals and catgirls in sustaining. A high freshness high HP Ogre Liquidator gets 48 energy regen base, while a Tac Armor (H) Gal gets 24 energy regen, and a fucking Guerrilla Catgirl gets like 42. This means that a tired ogre is faster than a tired catgirl, because his base regen is higher. It means that a low freshness ogre is also much, much faster than a low freshness catgirl, because most of the ogre's regen is HP based while most of the catgirl's is freshness based. It also takes way fucking longer for the ogre to get tired at all because he has vastly higher base stamina and freshness than the gal and the catgirl. This is all while having heavy ass armor and being able to carry like 100kg worth of shit AND having full shooting/throwing aptitudes. It's ridiculous, the unit does basically everything on top of being unkillable in exchange for not interacting well with a mechanic that's overall quite easy to nullify with one's playstyle.
>if you take a gal and put her in heavy armor and use her in a heavy armor/shooter role, she's a strictly worse ogre
Fixed that for you.
>As for barrager, that's post Back to School and is available to build after the workshop and surgery have been finished, as well as sourcing a Technocracy robot, typically done by clearing a space mission if RNG doesn't give the player a landed Hopper
Blitz cats need School Graduation and Divine Code.
Again this is a poor analysis that hasn't accounted for comparative advantage. Ogres are armor users, their advantage is that wearing heavy armor doesn't penalise them. Other races are not heavy armor users, and they ARE penalised for wearing heavy armor. Comparing A to B when B is handicapped, not identifying the handicap, and then trying to present the result as a fair comparison is hilariously retarded (despite the correct observation that ogre energy regen is strong, and why they should sprint often).

If anything, thank you for demonstrating my point that ogres should be mixed in with other unit types filling other roles. The ogre wears heavy armor so the gal doesn't have to, won't have to pay the armor penalty, and do something she excels at instead (although you've made it clear that you're anathema to the idea of anything not being in the biggest armor numbers at all times).

Lastly, assuming total energy expenditure and constraining yourself to look at regen only, whilst ignoring everything that has happened until this point is stupid. Before energy is burned down, there are a number of turns where gals and cats have more stamina and TUs to spend, which yields more options to place units on the map, which yields a greater number of dead enemies compared to ogres. After that period, yes, we enter a regime where we constrained by regen, and ogres are playing to their comparative advantage (But as stated, you observe you get cats die in melee, I assume to you getting them killed, so you don't see this window where cats and gals run rings around ogres whilst killing shit faster than them). All your arguments up to this point have been flawed, your last one included. I'm glad you like ogres though, but claiming other races are bad is still dumb and myopic.
>Blitz cats need School Graduation and Divine Code.
This is an argument about why ogres aren't the be all and end all, not an exceptional data point that you picked and tabled in an attempt to prove a point. Cats are recruited day 1 with high TUs and stamina and don't need blitz to run around with a pistol that hits like a laser, whereas ogres need to wait a year to get this ability.
>Ogres are armor users, their advantage is that wearing heavy armor doesn't penalise them
And also that they have 2 to 4 times the HP of every unit in the game, de facto infinite energy, good shooting skills, power armor tier carry capacity, the next cheapest pay after Lokks, and the next highest speed after gals. That's a hell of a lot more than "they don't get penalties in heavy armor". If you think "uh they don't do LITERALLY everything just ALMOST everything" is a good argument then you have genuine brain damage. The design philosophy toward Ogres and Gals is quite clearly "they are good except [thing]" whereas the rest of the game's units are "they are bad except [thing]. Lokks, Cats, Bugeyes, and humans are all literal garbage outside their one gimmick while the mutants are a bunch of overstatted mary sues.
>Before energy is burned down, there are a number of turns where gals and cats have more stamina and TUs to spend
You have evidently played very little Piratez without ogre crutches because you apparently don't even know what it's like using tac(H) or chainmail(S) gals, which were already good units, and having them cripple their mobility for the rest of the mission or chugging beers because of throwing a javelin or sprinting one turn. Ogres having better energy regen and base energy means they can sprint much more frequently, which directly translates into more movement relative to shots with TU% weapons, just like a cat gets by having higher base TUs. Better energy regen and base energy also means being able to use throwing weapons a lot more, which do absolutely devastating damage from Ogre strength and have very high reliability in their effective range. The cats' glorified Silver Snakes will not shoot more often than anyone else's Silver Snakes no matter if they have 20 or 30 more TUs.
>if you take a gal and put her in heavy armor and use her in a heavy armor/shooter role, she's a strictly worse ogre
... That's the exact point being made, just using different words you retard, you haven't fixed anything. Dressing up a gal and playing her like an ogre, isn't playing an uber gal, what part of
>forcing whatever peg into an ogre shaped hole leads to a sacrifice
didn't parse?
You're so dense we could throw you into space and see the fucking lens.
so any chance that slave soldier route get anything?
no there is no reason to even take it
Gals were already oppressively strong units that the game was build to be beatable with the exclusive use of, and the premier heavy armor units of Piratez. They were the implicit "it's okay for them to be kinda OP because they are the main characters" race. For another unit to just show up and render armor gals entirely obsolete through direct power creep instead of role division is extremely questionable.
i dont use ogres at all
They aren't remotely necessary, because the game was already balanced for years around access to gal-level heavy armor units. A unit that's just heavy armor gals, but better, is therefore a stronger unit than the game was designed around.
i dont use gals
just peasants and dogs
based John Silver enjoyer.
How to get around high star god reactions? I'm downing a lot of stargods planes with Nekomimi troop transport. It is hella expensive but a major step up in terms of firepower and fuel. But when I need to actually fight my top tier cats get blasted on the way out no matter the turn. There's a sectopod guarding the exit to MY craft and nuking everything that moves and I don't even have a library yet. Is it feasible or am I just wasting time?
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Sure, that's a fair observation. Ogres are indeed outright superior to gals in a number of metrics and it's a valid design to question design if the star of the show is losing their star. I'm unsure if outright labelling them obsolete is fair, however. Whilst ogre stats on paper are great, gals still have a laundry list of things they can leverage. One obvious example being they're no where near as rare with a 1/month recruitment limit, as mentioned way up. And whilst ogres indeed are super powerful, this isn't the point of the argument.

The point was getting an explanation for that retarded tier list above and a claim that cats were so bad that they could be a misplay to field. >>1750001 has gone at length to show the obvious and that ogres are OP. Yeah, we get that. I've agreed with that observation many times now, but just because one thing is OP doesn't mean everything else suddenly stops working, they're merely a lot less competitive. All their arguments thus far can be roughly summarized as 'ogres are good therefore everything else bad', which is obvious, and I haven't yet gotten them into explaining why a cat, something that isn't limited to 1/month, is bad based on her own (de)merit. They're still cherrypicking dressing gals in heavy armor and also having them sprint/use throwing weapons as a line of argument, for instance, which isn't properly leveraging a gals stamina pool for maximum movement and offense.
ogres are gay tho
if you field ogres you are gay
If anything on your roster doesn't have tits (dogs exempted) you are gay.
preach brother
holy fuck I came across the leddit news of xpirates discord getting nuked

>people unironically saying xpirates was a game about feminist empowerment
hahah holy shit did the LITERAL PORN PIN UPS not clue them in?
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jezzus TFTD is an unbalanced mess
except ogres are just stupidly rare and getting a team of them is basically impossible without cheesing.
>Positioning is the king of the battlefield.
not with the retarded detection system

>want to ambush aliens getting out of a door
>ooops you didn't place your soldiers perfectly perpendicular to the door, no reaction for you!
>ooops you placed them on the adjacent tile, no reaction for you!

Raiding ships in Vanilla xcom was a royal pain in the ass, there's like 3 viable ambush placements in all ships combined because reaction handles doors and corners like total ass, so the only decent strategy was parking the team outside the main exit and waiting for turn 20 to hit, or just nuking the whole thing.

Also Xpirates has a completely different stat balance, like other anons said. You need to play endgame more.

utils make or break fights.
If ogres got there max stat caps changed; firing 120 -> 105 , TU 85 -> 75, HP 160 -> 140. (for example)
Would anyone that uses them, stop using them? I know i would still use them; but i don't think they would be rated first in as many "roles" as they are now, but would still let them fill a niche. And i have no issue with gals being the top dogs over the other races.
>render armor gals entirely obsolete
How in the fuck are you recruiting enough ogres to ever render gals obsolete. It takes literal years to recruit enough ogres to make an entire team of, and that assumes that you never lose even one.
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>a band of women who see men as inferior beings fighting against another band of women who see men as inferior beings
Really activates the ol' almonds, huh
The issue isn't inherently that ogres take over a role that was formerly held by gals, since as you said gals have so many options anyway, it's that they power creep on an area in which the player (through gals) was already strong. Gal-based units, among which heavy armor gals were already considered solid, were already strong enough to make one tend to avoid using other units in the first place. This is because gals' net performance is good enough that it's attractive to use and limit oneself to strategies that exclusively or mostly run gals in your crew slots over, say, ones that run gals+lokks, or gals+SS, even if other options offer "utility" that gals do not. If attacking is overall better than defending then the strong strategies will inevitably start to centralize on attacking as much as possible. Likewise, if gals are 'just overall better than' other units then strategies will centralize on gals, and if ogres manage to be "even better than gals", then good strategies will centralize on using ogres and gals specifically, because even if other units bring something else to the table, that "something" simply isn't good enough not to have another 160 HP 120 STR 120 firing supercombatant onto the board.

Knights can do something queens can't but "more queens" is still generally better as an option than "more knights", and thus introducing "more of something better than queens" into the mix makes the "more knights" option even worse. As for gals being normal mode, non gals being hard mode, and ogres being easy mode, that isn't inherently an issue, since Piratez is a strategy sandbox where you can choose how hard to make the game for yourself. The point being made when calling ogres OP and gals superior is to draw attention to what stats make them so good in the first place, the most blatant ones being HP, STR, and Armor.
For example, capped catgirls actually have slightly more total stats (trainable stats, I don't count the others like base armor or vision mainly because they get technically overwritten by outfits anyway). Despite that, they're noticeably weaker than properly trained gals, because their stats are mostly concentrated in redundant weapon skills (you can only hold so many weapons, and only use your TUs on one at a time), while being much worse in almost all the "force multiplier" stats that assist you no matter what weapon you're holding: HP, STAM, STR, armor, freshness, etc. 15 more TUs and 25 more reactions is simply not good enough to justify 45 less HP, 40 less strength, 10 less Fresh/stam, and so on.
For example, capped catgirls actually have slightly more total stats than capped gals*
They're guaranteed from !Socializing!, so at worst you pay a research tax in the form of that and their unique armor line, or wait to capture a bandit boss and roll Nunity from interrogations, to permanently establish a drip feed of units that are basically way better than the other market-recruitment options. You never don't recruit them because they charge very little pay, and you never don't feed them missions because they have the best caps in the game by a pretty big margin.

Ogres seem to me like they're based on mechanics like Sacreds in Dominions, you pay an up front cost for the privilege to get limited-recruitment elite units. These units are small in number early in the campaign but because they are elite forces, when used right, they will take low attrition and you will accumulate a significant force of them by the midgame. In dominions, this is fine because battles scale infinitely, and non-sacred troops increase in quantity faster than elite Sacred troops will, but in Xpiratez the scale of battles is constantly constrained by your crewspace limit. The transport ship mechanic inherently biases Xcom strategy in favor of quality over quantity tactics, meaning jumping through a couple hoops to get a supply of purpose-made elite troops to fill your crew slots is a pretty easy choice. Ogres will fill up your A team over time just by existing because there are so many reasons to use them and so few reasons not to use them.

But well, it's ultimately the player choice if they want to use them at all. My main point is that ogres are strong evidence that HP is not even remotely a "low tier stat", not that ogres are ruining the game or anything like that.
I'd be leery about nerfing their HP or their strength, since that's what makes them ogres to begin with. Nerfing firing and/or throwing makes sense in terms of flavor (they're simpletons) and creates another point where they're different from the baseline, instead of diminishing an area that makes them unique, and lower firing would make them bias more away from precision firearms as would be expected from a heavy gunner role. I think 85 TUs is actually the right amount for them, ogres are supposed to be stupid rather than slow.

Something like firing 120 -> 90~100 throwing 90 -> 75~80 would make them more interesting in my opinion, they'd still be brutes with incredible durability and physical prowess but they would have subpar precision in every weapon class. You can still obliterate things with 100 damage javelins but they won't be master archers with superhuman strength and stamina. They can still vomit explosions everywhere with 5 magazines of explosive autocannon ammo but they can't be 180 HP snipers.
you may not know but dioxine is self proclaimed feminist and white knight - his own words
I'd give them like 60 firing. Ogres shouldn't get to use any guns more accurate than a heavy flamer/slaughter cannon/minigun. They're laborers, not supersoldiers.
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Is it worth it?
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>They're guaranteed from !Socializing!, so at worst you pay a research tax in the form of that and their unique armor line, or wait to capture a bandit boss and roll Nunity from interrogations, to permanently establish a drip feed of units that are basically way better than the other market-recruitment options. You never don't recruit them because they charge very little pay, and you never don't feed them missions because they have the best caps in the game by a pretty big margin.
That is true, but unless you are loading during the battlescape losses are inevitable, and usually it's your best frontline unit the first to get it.

managing attrition is the name of the game here

based but fights in dom are rarely on equal footing and you'll either curbstorm or get demolished

But yeah, thinking of xpirates as xcom gameplay misses that xcom carefully balances units around low HP and uses armor distribution and damage types to force you to minimize damage via positioning, and anything can get 1-hit killed by heavy plasma. That carelful balance goes down the drain when you units have x3 the HP
I think it's very unlikely that ogres played right will take much permanent attrition at all, since they inherently favor a very low-risk playstyle of dumping all your TUs through a very big gun or bow down range and then ending turn behind full cover, and have the durability to survive a maxroll Heavy Plasma hit with pre-BTS gear pre-commends (liquidator, shotgun shield, radiator shirt, full HP). They mainly suffer time attrition by being put out of commission for months on end if they do need to leverage their high HP for tanking (instead of just generating infinite stamina), which combined with their scarcity and expensive research logistics can make an argument that they're not OP per se, but at least in terms of craft seat space they are ridiculously good.
Spamming cigars or, Destroyer forbid, smokes in every mission is very anti fun, so no.
"You want vampire missions?"
"TOO BAD, FUCK YOU. Also, ghost missions!"
This is all very well and sound in principle, but again this is boiling down to 'ogres are great, therefore everything else is bad, utility niches be damned'. Yes it's a brutal minimisation and your observations are not wrong, but it would be too narrow to fixate on HP, STR and having everyone wear heavy armor. You think otherwise and get good value out of big chonky stacks of HP and armor, I think two spots on the team need cats in grav boots and get good value out of one turn melee murder sprees in the UFO/urban maps. But I've repeated myself enough already.
If you read what people say instead of spamming a strawman over and over again you wouldn't have this issue. I don't even particularly care whether ogres are OP or not, I can just choose not to use them. My point is that ogres prove HP is a powerful stat, and it's a powerful stat because it includes STAM regen (every armor in the game derives stam regen from HP), EXP preservation (wounded and KOed units don't cause EXP attrition), and crisis prevention (living units can keep acting whereas dead units cannot). HP is a total force multiplier stat just like STR and TUs.
Oh and if you're trying to say in a roundabout way that other units aren't bad compared to ogres you're simply wrong. Contextually effective =/= strong. Strong means at worst mediocre in almost any situation. Contextually effective means useful in select situations and dead in others.
i am bored of you fags barking at each other
kill yourself
cant do, too much hp and armor
lol. lmao.
Did you enjoy the nigh unkillable lobstermen, long as fuck missions, and blaster launcher spam at the endgame?
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>Did you enjoy the nigh unkillable lobstermen

I had to reload from 2 separate total party kills then psi-cheese it as soon as I found a lasoth

I appreciate what they tried to do but they objectively fucked up.

>let's shake up gameplay by:

>replacing the auto heavy plasma with a high acc sniper weapon
>ooops we forgot to add a weaker full auto option to compensate.
>gauss? what the fuck is that for?

>hey what if we actually distributed armor inequally so you are made to use strategic positioning?
>do we have an equally distributed armor to compensate? aqua plastic maybe?
>lol no they are all straight improvements btw it's worth 3 times more than power armor

>let's mix the alien species up
>flying shooter that shits on your cover? gone. just gone.
>high reaction high hp shooter? triplicate his hp but now he's blind, mute and psi-retarded and inmune to explosions. would be actually nice if he wasn't immortal against all but the one-shot per turn guns and appears on month 2 when you team is still 100% rookies
>can see you through smokes? nope it's gone you get a useless green retard
>lasoth were legit good
>btw there's no endgame enemy. those special needs lobsters are all you get

>shit people complain geoscape is too unfair
>i know let's force you to take 12 extra hard one time only missions as soon as you research a starter tech so you can't detect 80% of them
>it's ok you get 10 mill per successful mission completely trivializing you economy

>btw there's no psi-strong enemy, the game's over as soon as you get 2 high psis to survive for a month

there were objectively good ideas here and there. But they work as additions to UFO defense, not on their own. I don't know if it was literal tech limitations they made the game basically unplayable to all but masochists. Piss easy geoscape but impossible battlescape.

>and blaster launcher spam at the endgame?
that's just normal xcom
Also who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to force you through 3 levels of stairs on a colony raid
>I don't know if it was literal tech limitations they made the game basically unplayable to all but masochists.
It's because there was a bug in the original X-Com, which someone noticed in 1998 or so, which reset the difficulty to the lowest after the first mission of a campaign. They didn't know about this until WELL after they'd released TfTD.
So basically they got a lot of feedback from people going "I really liked this game but even on the hardest difficulty it's kinda easy, isn't it?"
And they looked at that, looked at their difficulty settings, said "Okay then", and then made TfTD.
was that really the official story or just fanon?

Also even then, it ain't about the difficulty, it's just an unfortunate rebalance of items and armor that would mesh well if *added* to main xcom guns, but not *replaced* them
Dunno. It's the story I've heard. I couldn't cite you a specific interview or anything.
anyone know of any patch incoming or should i just start my new save now
Eat more apples
I can't read your mind to figure out which patch you're talking about but both piratez and XCF have updated recently so I wouldn't expect another update anytime soon.
wait a second... Is this true?
Yes, missing hp is missing hp and the game does not care how you've lost it. You can farm soft target or battle-scarred by using 2 smokes, from my experience missing only 1 hp sometimes does not award the medal, rounding problem or something? I don't know, missing 2 hp seems to work every time.
So far it's a personal challenge
I'm thinking of starting a campaign with the boys next time since I usually drop the runs midway and they don't really have that much more problems up to the early mid game (read 1 year+)
You get extra odds of disciples of twilight, truck rotogun can carry a lot of early missions, and it's the only way to get the 7 heroes on no codex route
its nothing
tell dio that it sucks and he sucks too
>extra odds of disciples of twilight
whoa it's fucking nothing
>truck rotogun
>7 Heroes
>a challenge inside a challenge run
>a challenge inside a challenge run
It's extremely easy if you get the tribals in catacombs missions, keeping all of them alive is 30 blessings and if you prioritize race locations for bases you'll easily get the required amount
Turns out all the new personality types block chaos saint.
Guess that needs a more extreme personality to be meaningful.
How the heck do you get Chaos Saint then?
Only the 4 old ones?
Yes, but why would you ever not go for chaos saint form gameplay perspective?
Because some personalities are shit and you wanna play a specific codex?
>that's just normal xcom
I was referring more to the enemies, it's like every aquatoid was packing heat as opposed to the one or two in Cydonia.
there's some pretty interesting Trainings unique to the new jrpg class captains though. Priest, Ruler and Thief each have a unique training and they're all rather good.
even though i normally shill chaos saint i think it's fine to ignore it and play the new stuff instead. it doesn't get you anything other than the gimmick missions.
happened backwards to me. t'leth had 8 out of 10 enemies packing... the stun gun. year 1 so I was technically on super late game so maybe i just broke it.
desu the nuke stops being a concern in both games because you are not beholden to not just nuking everything too, and have plenty of expendables to scout. Real problems in the final cydonia was the psi rape and chrys ambushes. t'leth was done with robot scouts tanking nukes then just mind controlling the ayys.

with that said survival rate to the nuke is a tad higher in tfdf because the frontal armor is ridiculous.
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Allright anons, I feel beta testing relise is getting closer and closer.
Release of what?
Every year I try to beat The World of Terrifying Silence for TFTD and I just started my run yesterday, wish me luck because I’m bad at the game and it’s hard
There's a point where it just gets annoying. One Science Ship/Colony Assault mission is fine, but the next 40 of those is just annoying.
I’ve thought about making a sub mod to cut out some of the autistic bloat but figured I want be able to complete it without save scumming first. There’s a lot of cool changes but things get autistic fast
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I wish syns were less rare...They're so good
And I wish codex specific units appeared only if you chose the respective codex that can use them.
I have no use for Jim in a red codex run!
That anon's mod about fighting crime syndicates/warlords in the dark future with no aliens, maybe?
Just cheat a bit so the slog isn't as stressful
Better than just dropping the campaign altogether due to burnout
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Mercs are easy with any source of mind damage but how in the hell do I deal with their tanks?
Try to mind control the mercs, let them do your job for you.
Laser, plasma or cutting damage to strip shield, then rpg or emp.
Hovertanks come with a strong blue shield you need to get through that first, cutting, laser, plasma or laser damage is effective and after shield are down use any type of HEAT/anti tank rocket and it'll go down or if you have a MP lascannon or your own tank with a lascannon you can just blast through the hull no problem.
with great care and difficulty. strong blue shields plus considerable armor is about as tough as anything gets in piratez. if the map allows you can whittle down the shields with out of los shots or camo troops, draw out the reaction shots with sacrificial dogs, or risk it with high reaction troops and hope the tank doesnt shoot back. you can also try bombarding it with basic grenades to break the shields, theyll deal much reduced damage but will get it done eventually.
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Do you like turrets on Humvee ?
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Looks like certain personalities are also needed for specific dr.x lines, like priestess having the traits necessary for marrying her
So I've gotten to July on Revolution Chaos Saint and i have a few observations.
Peasants (namely revs,clones and guides) are surprisingly good, almost to the point i don't notice my crew is 80% normal's, they even managed a guild hq raid with nothing but light cannons and LASS (The unipuma outlaw did a lot of work) and with only 4 casualties.
The HQ building is so good I now cannot live without it.

A few questions.
What is the game plan in between Legion and Defender? It's a long way to go before printer and the armor options are looking scarce.
How good are normal's as voodoo users, as in what do i want to get to make it worth running?
Went dumbass gray for context.
>What is the game plan in between Legion and Defender?
Use legion or defender, there is no in between plan. In my last peasant game I went from durasuit to defender I didn't even bother getting legion but that's because I switched to a mostly gal/ogre team with few filler peasants so their armor wasn't a priority.
>How good are normal's as voodoo users, as in what do i want to get to make it worth running?
It sucks but you need to be on gal path to really make voodoo peasants shine, ravenclaw outfit is NOT available on peasant path and it's what makes voodoo peasants godlike. You can still tech up to ghostbuster and use a voodoo rod it should still be good vs mercs and such.
the only tank I destroyed was in base defense when my dogs stripped shield in suicidal charge and gal trashed it with RR
really fucking cool
>The HQ building is so good I now cannot live without it.
Do explosives have 4x damage to shields too when it's 2x2 unit? If so, marsec grenades or even crates of violence would possibly be a nice tool to strip the shield. Personally I just pour laser fire on it until it drops.
>Do explosives have 4x damage to shields too when it's 2x2 unit?
>gal path to really make voodoo peasants shine
That sucks, wish grey would give an outfit for them, I otherwise really enjoy this codex.

Also does spotter AI bypass smoke entirely? The bootypedia entry is not super clear, Ive been using a lot of smoke and I worry the game will take away my crutches.
>Also does spotter AI bypass smoke entirely?
If there's line of sight sniper AI is allowed to take the shot, that's the only condition it checks. If an enemy has an arcing weapon or grenade then line of sight may not be needed just viable arc.
Smoke can help by reducing their hit chance if it will block their vision but it does not prevent getting shot at.
Thats a relief, i tend to smoke my craft so an arcing shot is rare.
Thanks for the info.
its me or current version starts is much slower than previous one?
So is cats4life good yet
gals are superior is still the most fun, peasant revolution is still the strongest.
what even is the point of gunwagons if i cant get guns for it?
No? If anything it's faster than usual because angry bird is now useful and there's early game traffic and more missions to do.
The assault cannon you start with can be used in it but I've never been able to shoot down any vehicles with it. LMGs and HMGs can also be used if you loot them from highwayman hoverpods
>if you loot them from highwayman hoverpods
dont you need to shoot them first?
That's right. So unless you get lucky with early pogroms having guns it can use you won't shoot anything down unless you beeline the bird and its built in 14mm.
You can get lmgs from crates as well from bandit camps I think
N7 cats4life was okayish
Previous versions not really
Didn't play the new one
Apart from gals and peasants every paths a bit barren
But cats4life rushes a nekomimi contact and that gives you a random catgirl ace event with incredible stats and a great mid-late game interceptor for free. You need a lot of planning, storage, and money to fuel that thing since it only works on nekomimi batteries (both fuel and the craft's gun) that have like a 3 day delivery and insane price of $30000 per unit while you'd need a good 20 per refuel+rearm
>build little bird
>no more ground movement
It's still an unlimited fuel vehicle, so you can use it to serve as a bad mini-radar or to delay mission timeouts. If you're lucky it can win you a ground race, which unlocks you the battle cab. Manufacturing a second AC and getting 15%+ aim bonus is enough to shoot down most craft and with nitro it can catch most craft. If you don't care about the fuel range or the ground races then angry bird is pretty quick to research and is almost strictly better.
starting base really need extra hangar or two early
make slave soldiers route give garage that is extremely fast to build
>see 2 armored airbusses flying around
>arm defenders lighty expecting nurses
Anyone can get the ace pilot + fighter event, it's rng. Cat path has supposedly higher chance. Also that event is way older than cat path.
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cats4life has an extra roll for it with much better odds and fewer reqs
I'm on october second year cat path and got it last month. Not sure how (un)lucky that was.
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Slightly better than a coinflip. Xcom starts at month 0, so the earliest the cats4life version can fire is january of year 2.
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Killing zombies with axes doesn't grant Monster Hunter? God dammit.
Zombies don't count as beasts demons or monsters so nope.
Last update?
dio died from hunger
just shotgun them like everything else in the early game
The main issue with Necropirate base invasions is that they show up with fuckin' vampires. The necropirates themselves are scrubs, as usual.
Aren't non-lord vampries chumps?
They also sometimes have Lords. But yeah, the basic ones aren't particularly hard to kill, but can still eat a gal alive if you don't spot them and focus them down before they hit melee. Which is a pain in the ass because they have a shitload of camo.
How to fight canny gals
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They're invisaniggas
Shotguns work pretty good. They may be tough but one bleeding wound takes a lot of the piss out of them.
Please tell me you're not fighting them at night.
light them on fire
use armors with SPOT and units with SENSE to detect them
throw javelins
If you've unlocked them, a flying suit and an arena fireball launcher makes setting the entire map on fire pretty easy. Takes forever, though
do a 360 and run away
So We're on a new version (from when I played).
I couldn't find a changelog.
send a dog to scout, use your gals to shoot at them from afar with penalty
use armored cars when you unlock them
medieval armors won't save you from poison darts and are bad in hot weather, but it's better than eating a plastasteel javelin to a modern armor
use tactical nukes
there should be a readme somewhere in game files, or check the first post in piratez thread on forums
camo+smoke(fire extinguisher)+shotguns
just go grab loot and sleeping gal and run away
Should each base just be specialized (except the start base which kind of has to carry everything for a while) as much as possible to simplify deployments/operations?
Dio is a shitter for turning off landing alerts.
I have radar coverage of the whole fucking world, I'm going to miss things if there aren't alerts.
Literally have to make a file read only so Dio's faggot game can't turn off landing alerts.
>waiting for things to land
>not shooting everything down the moment it is detected
you're never gonna be an air dictator like that
every base should have a hangar and a radar to provide airgame coverage as well as a basic workshop/still to manufacture enough grog to cover the bills
beyond that you definitely want to be making specialized bases for things like plantations, prisoner processing, high-level industry (Industrial Printer and Factory), training, underwater and/or space ops, and so on.
>Load up a second party for low priority missions/to train the peasants
>give them muskets but no ammo
Well, it'll teach them to be independent, at least...
>(Industrial Printer and Factory)
How? There will be no room for for the secondary but still important manufacturing buildings (Extractor, Refinery, Still), Crew Quarters, Vaults and ways for the base to defend itself (Defenses, maybe a Hangar)
>important manufacturing buildings (Extractor, Refinery, Still)
Hellerium plant has you covered. Endgame factory base can house factory, printer, plant, hangar, 2 luxury condos and the rest you decide yourself. You probably want library + surgery as well.
Also power planet and fusion energy.
Power is in hellerium plant, but fusion yeah, forgot about fusion.
Fuck, quoted myself. >>1760626 is meant for >>1760625
Eventually? Sure. Initially, starting everything out with at least four plantations and a beehive means you can expand super fucking fast, although defending them becomes an issue.
How big was a base? 6x6?
It's easier to keep track of them if they're specialized but base tiles outside of your first base are plentiful there's a lot more space than you will ever need. With 5 bases I feel like you can fit in everything you need if you're optimal and there's 3 more slots to be used for whatever you want.
>can fit in everything you need if you're optimal
I thank you for assuming that I am smarter than I am.
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What's a 'canny'?
Canny is an adjective.
Canny Gals are Cannibals.
>can become a cleric captain and train my peasants to be wholesome
Pretty sure that's more of a pun than anything else.
can I just fucking ignore all the non-cult/alien shit in x-files or am I forced to do the ghost and underground bullshit.
Good luck with that. Its required.
There's almost no skippable content because everything is a giant chain of dependencies.
You are going to knock out everything, and you are gonna like it!
no because solar is a fucking retard and kitchen sink and bloatware enjoyer
i am kind of lost in new piratez version
there is now much more tech and shit
How 'new' is this version for you? Have you jumped multiple letters?
yeah actually
dio has been steadily adding early game techs to slow down player progression.
i noticed
lab capacity is also nerfed
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First time playing UNEXCOM.Any tips to offer?So far the early game seems slow...
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So if I understand correctly despite presenting with isometric sprites X-Com UFO defense actually has a 3D game world used for line of sight and firing calculations??? As in every box, vending machine, and alien has a 3D collider for a traced bullet trajectory??
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Yes. You can take fps screenshots and look for yourself. It looks like this (pov of selected unit).
I only play the Warhammer 40k mod as imperial guard
Based "I lose 20 troops every time I deploy" player.
The "N" patch of x-piratez has been ongoing for so long I'm getting dumb ideas like trying to speedrun the game.
I wonder how long would that be like 50 hours? Definitely not doable in a single sitting.
Camo paint catgirls rape them in the daytime.
Do you name them?
No. This is the guard.
>fifty hours
Who can even guarantee it? What if you get tech gated by one item refusing to drop?
I don't know that's just an estimate since there are no speedruns of the mod, nobody seems that crazy to do it.
How do I do that anon?
>Literally have to make a file read only so Dio's faggot game can't turn off landing alerts.
Can't you just edited the parts of the piratez mod that force the option off?
There's a personal labs extension that you unlock pretty early which gives 4 scientist slots
There's a hotkey for that. You can also change it to whatever you want on controls/battlescape. But you have to alt+tab to view it since it writes to your save dir.
>humanists are hardened and willing to fight to the death so long as you don't shoot their heckin doggos
I love Xpiratez and hate it.
Dio has done a wonderful job making something so intoxicating that I cannot truly run from it, and yet I curse it as I flee for a time.
>using whore skills to knock people out makes you constantly suffer from losses of morale
I thought Bimbos had more fun?
They get horny and go crazy
I came here to become the Galaxy's biggest slut and instead I enter the Darkest Dungeon.
There are also Darkest Dungeon mods for that, if you're enjoying it.
>I thought Bimbos had more fun?
wrong, why do you think sluts are bipolar?
can you send wounded gals to tiger tours and do they heal there?
Try it and see what happens?
(I thought Tiger Tours weren't worth it though?)
i mean, yeah but if i get gal early in hospital for 60 days i may send her there just so she earn some cash and heal
So...get a gal in the hospital and see if you can tour her?
Tiger touring lunatics is free money.
They have to be paid while they're touring unless Dio changed it.
lunatics have lesser upkeep
You can tour wounded gals. Tours put them into a shipping queue instead of a medical queue, but I haven't yet seen whether wounded gals come back from the tour fully healed or not. I would assume not since gals won't heal if you ship them between bases.
>sending away your lunatics
This is against my roleplaying standards. The General cannot tour.
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>The General cannot tour.
the general is ancient AI LARPing as LEWD pirate
lewd doujin
there is so much free money in the game that i would rather just have the lunatics.
The thing is, the negative salary of a touring lunatic can mostly pay for the salary of a non-lunatic, and then if the non-lunatic dies you don't suffer the permanent income loss you would if you had a lunatic die and replaced them with a non-lunatic (or other lunatic that could have been touring instead). Money isn't that big of a deal in piratez but there is almost no reason not to tour off your lunatics because it's permanent risk free income.
i would honestly rather have six dead lunatics than six lunatics in the cuck shed generating chump change for the entire game.
The cuck shed is the natural destination for people who do it for free. It can't be helped.
Know what else is free money? Using the lunatics to do missions, and selling the loot.
Perhaps more important is that an Escaped Lunatic is probably worth far more on the frontlines since their skills will be through the roof.
How can I play this on android? Have to root the phone?
If you lose lunatics or could have done the mission with a cheaper unit or otherwise just incidentally don't have enough mission demand for as many ubers as you have lunatics (pretty easy to achieve by midgame when you've rescued enough castaways and don't mind using non-uber units), then the opportunity cost of not touring them is higher than the opportunity cost of having a stock of non-lunatics to do missions. There's an argument for sooner income vs long term stable income, but at the very least there's almost no reason to ever turn castaways into brainers since tour slaves are just better logistically.

Lunatics only get +1 to every stat, they're not actually anything special compared to other ubers.
Sending Lunatic ubers out on Tiger Tours is an absolutely horrible return on investment. The opportunity cost is over three months worth of soldiering, which is enough to turn rookie ubers into murder machines that can axe down power armor goons. In return you get about half a brainer (which is sort of worth something in the first few months, but is fucking peanuts afterwards). Holding on to your lunatics, training them up at every opportunity, so you can go big game hunting asap is what powers a campaign out of the early game and comfortably sets you up for mid. If you're already in midgame and finding there's a lack of missions to send lunatics on, your fight density is low for your roster. Find more fights to get into before touring an uber. Go trigger crackdowns or something and play more battlescape.

Tiger Tours was originally a quasi debug, because Dio was testing the viability of a roster full of weaker soldiers and wanted to cull all the ubers without having to actually press the sack button. Now you can troll yourself for 90k and one point of voodoo power.
>only get plus 1
THey're around from the start. Unless you're utterly mismanaging them, they'll be racking up bonuses and stats.
I only use tiger tours to raise bravery of gals because bravery training is pain.
You can just train something other than a lunatic to do missions and not lose a quarter of a plantation every time someone dies. Recruits are not a particularly scarce resource, lunatics are.
Sure, I could send only the crappier races in. It would just be far slower and with none of the progression tempo. So I send gals with a couple of more expendable peasants/dogs instead. Benching the best soldier type in the game instead of investing in them is so risk averse to the point of losing opportunities.
Step 1: Send out (desired soldier type) with (one or two) dogs.
Step 2: If the one (or both) dogs die on leaving the ship from something dangerous enough to also kill your (desired soldier type), you evac on the spot.
Step 3: If not, you kill or capture everything on the map.
You could also send in non-lunatic gals or OPgres and nonetheless not lose a quarter of a plantation every time someone dies while still having good units.
Yes, that applies to all races. Also missing the point entirely on comfy early game progression into midgame. Tiger Touring won't help here compared to just playing the game and looting more shit.
>You could also send in non-lunatic gals or OPgres
>So I send gals with a couple of more expendable peasants/dogs.
Anon, come on now. I avoid losing gals while still having the best units, and they deliver millions in value over the first few months. Peasants and SS can't match it if the lunatics are benched. You don't even have ogres available at that time. Go shit up a different thread if you're going to be so tediously retarded.
If you don't like anything other than gals then just use gals. You know there are non-lunatic gals in the game, right? Ones that don't cost permanent economy when they die?
>permanent economy
Tiger tours is so little cash as to be utterly negligible any time past the month you unlock it in.
Yeah, young ubers and raider scouts are great. I use them in tandem with lunatics to have a roster full of ubers, all accruing experience. They smash minor government raids when they start with Boss rank during summer when radar bases are getting built, they grab every landed cutter and gunship. Without all ubers on call, lunatics included, you have to lean more on looted guns instead of throwing/melee. This is a slower approach, costs more freshness and further taxes the soldier roster, such that you may have to skip missions. Getting lunatics actively involved yields far more than the paltry 90k per 100 days, per lunatic.

Regardless of the recruitment path chosen and what soldiers you have available, Tiger Touring lunatics in the early game isn't smart. It's a bad idea during midgame too, with proper interceptors being built and creating additional, more dangerous (and lucrative) crash sites. Get that soldier doing something useful.
If you need so many gals that you're using young ubers+raiders+lunatics then it's time to just get gal route and buy gals. Then you'll never have to play the "just never lose a lunatic bro" game in the first place.
Filling harvesters with superhuman aliens does not feel like it's the intended use case for peasant path.
>it's time to just get gal route and buy gals.
>Regardless of the recruitment path chosen
The only one here who wants to never lose a lunatic is you. Go project elsewhere.
If you lose a single lunatic on a mission, that represents around 300k per year income lost for the rest of the game on top of the actual unit. When anything other than a lunatic dies, it represents the loss of the unit and recovery of whatever salary they were being paid, which often also can mean hundreds of thousands in a year. Furthermore, the vast majority of missions simply aren't hard enough that you need to throw lunatics at them to clear them, and early training is in very high supply with the ability to shoot down bandit trucks. There is simply very little reason not to throw lunatics into the tours once you research your recruitment path and get a batch of your main troop type, and being rendered basically financially immune to troop losses by the tiger tours actually lets you take on higher risk missions than you would otherwise. Harvester cheese is probably the one exception, but even then missions that need a harvester stuffed with ubers to clear instead of it being total overkill are also extremely rare, and run a high risk of attrition that you don't want happening to lunatics.

Your proposed way of playing simply does not take into account logistics or loss-resilience whatsoever. Risking a lunatic dying is simply a bad idea most of the time, and thus passing missions that could have been cleared by running a more expendable unit instead is more correct. By acting like these concepts don't matter at all it implies you're playing with settings that are too easy, such that negative consequences are underrepresented and taking the greediest route is always correct.
If you're going to attempt a quantitative analysis, at least include the earnings. For lunatics, it's not 328500 a year, but a way bigger figure. The earnings a lunatic generates also eclipses what any other soldier can reasonably deliver.
>the greediest route is always correct.
This is actually correct in principle early game, especially on harder difficulties where selling prices are gimped. Mission lootables and infamy is how you get the personal lab and workshop built, and loss-resilience isn't going to pay for that in the immediate future. Neither are Tiger Tours, where if we recruit and bench every available lunatic, gives what, about over a million in cash by March/April? As for logistics, I haven't a clue what your definition of it is in this context, but I've got a larger roster of ubers ready and developing up to stat caps.
>a quarter of a plantation
>300k a year
the more ways you find to quantify the opportunity cost of lunatics while framing it as a big deal and not completely irrelevant, the funnier this gets. there is no difficulty in which money is so hard to come by that this kind of shit is necessary or even a good idea, you just enjoy minmaxing money for it's own sake.

the cost of lunatics when they're not on tiger tours (lol) is a functional "salary" in the form of lost income of slightly less than 30k a month, and they cost around 10k when including items that you probably already have lying around anyways. this makes them cheaper to recruit and cheaper in upkeep than even the lowest level of hand (40k salary 50k recruitment). given that they, as you said, are not particularly outstanding soldiers compared to regular ubers, there's no reason to not just use them until you lose them.
you are actually fucking losing money putting your cheap ubers into tiger tours just so you can spend MORE money on hands to take their place.
If you're never actually going to use them as anything other than glorified courtesans, then you would actually be better off just getting rid of all your lunatics and replacing each one of them with a single runt. That would give you significantly more profit for the quarters space that the touring lunatics still take up.
The X mission requires a Lunatic.
According to pedia any type of uber gal should work. Unless you mean disc duel, then still no because it also allows weirdgal and has for a long time (or ever?).
I wasn't saying it was a good idea or even remotely advisable.
Tiger Tour is gay and bloats the tech tree for no real gain.
>The earnings a lunatic generates also eclipses what any other soldier can reasonably deliver.
False, the earnings a lunatic generates is equal to that of a regular storebought hand because +1 to all stats is statistically insignificant for mission performance. Since they're both going to have effectively the exact same performance and mission income is capped by how many missions you spawn, it's desirable to collect additional uncapped income on top of mission income while collecting mission income using units that don't have the explicit feature of giving you free money for not being sent on missions.
If that's the case half of the tech tree is bloat.
>the cost of lunatics when they're not on tiger tours (lol) is a functional "salary" in the form of lost income of slightly less than 30k a month, and they cost around 10k when including items that you probably already have lying around anyways. this makes them cheaper to recruit and cheaper in upkeep than even the lowest level of hand (40k salary 50k recruitment). given that they, as you said, are not particularly outstanding soldiers compared to regular ubers, there's no reason to not just use them until you lose them.
You're using logic that assumes you'll never lose lunatics in battle and then proceed to argue that you may as well lose your lunatics in battle. Curious, considering losing lunatics in battle is exactly where your reasoning runs into its fail state, and the losses start to outweigh the gains. Lunatics are not outstanding soldiers, their outstanding feature is that they generate free income you can use to pay for more soldiers.

Crewspace is basically never a bottleneck for runt income compared to resources and workshop space, stop being disingneuous. Tiger tours is superior to cigar production in terms of income per crewspace and that's before factoring in the sell price nerfs of higher difficulties.
It also pays 100 days worth of labor up front as a lump sum instead of over time as an incremental payment, which is very strategically significant.
>False, the earnings a lunatic generates is equal to that of a regular storebought hand because +1 to all stats is statistically insignificant for mission performance. Since they're both going to have effectively the exact same performance
Your actual understanding of the game and the assumptions you make continue to be hysterically wrong. You're confusing the commendation the starting 6 lunatics get with actual stat caps. You've completely ignored that lunatics spawn with slightly higher minimums across the board, and so are far more capable out of the box and finishing missions faster and more cleanly. Your model goes straight to midgame and doesn't consider the earlygame transition where lunatics have clear advantage. Your entire attempt at a cost benefit analysis is garbage, and I've only critiqued your breakdown on benefits and earnings so far. There's more to fix when we look at the associated costs (a young ubers wages being a net deficit, and officer pay due to the extra soldiers that aren't soldiering, being howling omissions).
>You're using logic that assumes you'll never lose lunatics in battle and then proceed to argue that you may as well lose your lunatics in battle.
NTA, but now you're just hallucinating and making shit up, or just don't understand, whilst being a tremendous faggot.
Go elsewhere with your 'strategically significant' 90k and take your ogres with you.
>Your actual understanding of the game and the assumptions you make continue to be hysterically wrong. You're confusing the commendation the starting 6 lunatics get with actual stat caps.
Recruitment is like one week to research, if you want to be ultra jewish you can wait till the start of feb to buy recruits to not need to pay january salaries. Month 1 is pathetically slow for missions on top of being shit for EXP and uber stats are so randomized that losing the first 2 weeks to 1 month of stats is statistically trivial. If you're failing/skipping missions because of an uber having 65 firing instead of 75 firing then you want to be touring them out anyway because you're probably skipping even more missions for fear of one of them getting killed, a fear that is vastly diminished when you have non-lunatic ubers or other units in play.
>NTA, but now you're just hallucinating and making shit up
Your ESL ass apparently can't read basic argumentative structure. It's no wonder every single post you make is utterly retarded despite being loaded with pointless pretense.
>the cost of lunatics when they're not on tiger tours (lol) is a functional "salary" in the form of lost income of slightly less than 30k a month, and they cost around 10k when including items that you probably already have lying around anyways. this makes them cheaper to recruit and cheaper in upkeep than even the lowest level of hand (40k salary 50k recruitment).
Calling tiger tours income loss a "salary" is fundamentally incorrect, because salary is something you only pay when a unit is alive, whereas tiger tours is something you keep paying after the unit is dead, hence "using a logic that assumes you'll never lose a lunatic in battle" and "losing lunatics in battle is exactly where your reasoning runs into its fail state". These statements were both literally true. Fucking midwit.
This entire discussion also ignores the most potent use cases for tiger tours which is shipping off castaways, which you will continue getting long after getting a trained fighting force, and wounded lunatics that will be spending many days in bed because of shitty earlygame medical structure, who will probably be obsolete by the time they come back anyway, since EXP growth scales so rapidly after the first month or two that they'll be left behind by their replacement. Setting the benchmark to "using tiger tours means sending off your 6 starter lunatics instantly" is moving the goalpost and thus disingenuous. Even if you do opt to keep some or most of the first 6 lunatics as a main force long as they have high success in missions, adding more throughout the game has far less of a use case.
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Does anyone else feel like there's just... way too many missions you *could* do? I feel obligated to do every single one I can catch, but frankly this gets pretty draining.

>That whole tiger tours discussion
You're weighing the benefit of having one more soldier(which is already hard to measure)
Holy seethe. Take time and compose your thoughts into one post instead of double posting because you're getting criticized for your shitty arguments. Month 1 is slow, and is worth about 20 points of additional TU, HP, Stam, strength etc. Calling that statistically trivial is dumb. And that's also not recognizing months 2 and 3 worth of warehouse wars, necro flesh hunt and so on. You yourself recognise that with the admission that
>since EXP growth scales so rapidly after the first month or two
The point on sending lunatics on tour because some missions are scary I'll ignore as it's irrelevant, since there's plenty of other missions they can attend and excel at. Once again you curiously advocate for non-lunatic gals, despite hiring them setting you back 80k for each lunatic replaced with a young uber (in absolute terms, and that's generous since I won't include officer premiums for now).
>Calling tiger tours income loss a "salary" is fundamentally incorrect, because salary is something you only pay when a unit is alive, whereas tiger tours is something you keep paying after the unit is dead,
What a dismal display of stupidity. Here's two statements that are actually demonstrably true. You're a retard and you're making shit up.
As for the other use cases of Tiger Tours and when to use it, limiting it to grievously wounded gals is obviously a negligibly small cash flow and at best a conciliation prize for fucking up in the first place. That's obvious, and is why that use case is largely ignored, and no one is going to actively seek out wounds, so why mention it. Potent use case my ass.
>Setting the benchmark to "using tiger tours means sending off your 6 starter lunatics instantly" is moving the goalpost and thus disingenuous.
You're the one saying lunatics should be generating income through Tiger Tours and that other races should be on mission instead.
30k lost income for the rest of the game... oh god... oh fuck i think im gonna shit and piss my pants... how could this be happening...
30k lost income for the rest of the game where you're drowning in money and you barely even give a shit when the ninjas eat half of it. but free ubers for the part of the game where you actually need small amounts of money. wowie zowie. it's almost like this is what castaways were designed to be.
>Does anyone else feel like there's just... way too many missions you *could* do?
Yes everyone who played this mod.
>I feel obligated to do every single one I can catch, but frankly this gets pretty draining.
That's because nucoms long wars and other xcom experiences generally force you to do every mission x-piratez does not. Remember you are not the commander that saves the world you are the captain that catches the booty. As long your score is positive at the end of the month that's all that matters.
There are many criteria by which you can start skipping missions, the game deliberately tells you in the "Air supremacy" topic that it's okay to just shoot things down in the air and that's all you need to maintain score.
Personally if a mission only grants XP or money I stop doing it. I only do missions that advance the tech tree and the game flows much more smoothly that way.
The secret is playing for an hour or two and then dropping the game for a day or few. It's easy to burn out. I've been playing this mod for like 2 years and that's how I do it and still come back to it.
i can't even hire hand at the start and later 90k for 100 days is just chump change not worth mentioning
>As long your score is positive at the end of the month that's all that matters
>As long your score is positive
-200 infamy event that can fire multiple times LOL
IF I get hit with any of the negative infamy events, I immediately debug missions until my score is rectified.
If 200 points is making or breaking your month something is fundamentally going wrong.
This poster is also >>1768350 >>1768352 >>1768595 btw
>What a dismal display of stupidity. Here's two statements that are actually demonstrably true. You're a retard and you're making shit up.
>30k lost income for the rest of the game... oh god... oh fuck i think im gonna shit and piss my pants... how could this be happening...
Why do low IQ faggots like this sperg out so goddamn hard when they meet someone who is better at them at strategy games? It's an internet argument about metagaming an obscure slavic mod to an obscure foss mod to an old ass video game, chill the fuck out and stop throwing tantrums the moment someone disagrees with you. Concession accepted by the way, both your posts are utterly retarded and contain zero coherent information about the game, just massive amounts of seethe over a subtly advantageous metagaming gimmick.
You get paid 90k up front for touring off the lunatic, this means you get immediate funds to buy a hand (50k) and pay a month's salary (40k), and that month is more than enough time for the hand to pay itself, or at least its salary, via mission participation, provided you actually need ubers at all. Using the 90k to buy runts would pay itself off in a very similar way. Even if the hand dies in its first mission you have the remaining 40k to pay off all but 10k on the replacement hand who can then keep your roster full and the mission income flowing. Compare this to if you decide to treat lunatics as the core of your ubers roster and you suffer a near squad wipe in early february by pushing a pogrom and getting a very bad turn against ACs/RPGs, you're fucked, and have to rebuild your main force while the benefits of salaryless lunatics, which only exists if they are alive, are completely lost. Meanwhile a near squad wipe for pushing a group of hands bought with tour money is a minor inconvenience at worst, as the 540k from touring off 6 lunatics gets you the first 6 hands with enough leftover to buy 5 replacements at only a 10k deficit. Meanwhile, you also have the original lunatics waiting in the wings to either be toured off again or injected into the combat force once their tour is over.

Sending lunatics to battle to save on total army salaries is a winmore strategy in a game that simply does not need winmore strategies from you to win. You don't get game overs by making money too slowly, you get game overs by falling into a death spiral. Tiger Tours is a massive anti-deathspiral mechanic. If 90k up front per lunatic is petty then the people freaking out about hiring hands with that money being a net ~40k deficit by the time 100 whole days are up are downright retarded. Even IRL loans can have far shittier terms.
>send a gal away so that you can afford to buy a replacement gal
Galaxy brain
what is the point even?
also does this include that you pay more because of rank increase?
anyway the whole dispute is gay
I just wanted to know if gals heal in transit because if they don't then its not worth really unless desperate for cash NOW
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>I just wanted to know if gals heal in transit because if they don't then its not worth really unless desperate for cash NOW
Injured gals on tour do not heal during the 100 day transfer time. Pic unrelated.
that suck
If you tour a lunatic to recruit a hand you will overall be down the recruitment cost of the hand and around 15k net salary for each month the hand survives (it's actually somewhat better than that, because tiger tours pays the full amount immediately while salaries are only paid incrementally at the end of each month, but quantifying that depends on how well you can invest the immediate surplus money). However, that 15k per month net salary won't be "lost" in the event that the hand dies, whereas the Lunatic's 0 per month salary will. A single lunatic dying and being replaced by a hand represents that same hand recruitment cost plus a 40k salary increase, meaning every 2.66~ tours are net worth it if they prevent a single lunatic's death. The numbers are even more favorable if it's a young uber or a cargirl outlaw or ogre replacement instead of a storebought hand. In the earlygame a lunatic's death is a relatively easy occurrence if you take on high risk high reward missions, like pogroms or narlocks, on higher difficulties with SM rules, because of no or bad armor. It's far, far more likely on most difficulties with if the player isn't an autist with encyclopedic knowledge of Dio's 400 hour game (particularly gimmick missions like UAC vaults), and xpedia open to spoil every single encounter ahead of time, or who reloads every time a lunatic dies. In the "worst case", where you would have never lost any lunatics ever, then you're implicitly winning hard and don't care about paying some trivial lokknaar salaries to your replacement hands.

Basically, unless someone's literally cheating, it's hard to justify not running tiger tours on fresh castaways or on starter lunatics that are wounded for more than 2 weeks at the start of the month, at least on gal or cat path. It can still be argued that humies don't have a good enough supply to elite troops to cut lunatics from the combat roster.
i like this mod less and less
On a random note, looks like the retaliations for thebes start is heavily influenced by codex/route, with male/no codex having the smallest chance of retaliation (30% each month versus 60% or 90%)
>male/no codex
That's enough kick in the balls without having to factor retaliations.
Optimizers suck the fun out of everything. It is inevitable.
in openxcom, when you have a radar it has aa 10% detection chance. is this detection calculated as-is every cycle? as in, is it always 10% and that's it?
it rolls to detect every 5 minutes iirc
At least in XPiratez it's every 30 minutes. I think it's the same in base X-Com, but I'm not completely sure on that.
The no codex hurts a lot more than male path, you can't stop the last 30% chance of crackdown until you do all the primal hunts since thebes contact is locked behind getting crowned
Can you use vehicles like armored cars in base defense? If so that sounds like a good way to get some heavy troops with low investment, I cba to train proper base defenders
Yes, you can. Blindfiring a battle tank HE round into the general direction of the airlock or the hangars is sure to result in hilarity.
You can, it's the first thing I do when I get enough funds, a single battletank can take care of any crackdown below mercs (and potentially mercs too with a little support)
thanks anons
It can even take care of mercs with the will of Allah.

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