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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
You magnificent bastard
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Anyone else who plays City Wide Revolt?
I have these Hana Section 1 Decks that I made but I don't like the light cost investment for Reach Heaven. It refunds itself next scene with "Through Violence" and gives me Haste and Strength on the Scene After.
But Unyielding Faith is cheaper to play and can actually clash with Non-Counter Dice. Conviction is an alright alternative to 1 Strength.
In terms of Passives I have Lawbringer giving all my pages a 4-8 Block die at the end and Temperance giving me +1 Draw and +1 Strength at the Start of the Scene if I have any remaining Block dice by the end, which is where Reach Heaven/Through Violence comes in with its "On Play" nature. Naturally this dilemma only really exists for long fights
I play it. No i don't understand how my decks work on a mechanical level. I just build singular strike cory.
Anyone have that pic of Red Sheet Sinclair that got turned into Reimu?
I uhhh. I use Natalie gun deck on floor of Philosophy and uhhh big numbers happen.
I would drop ceaseless and at least one another card in favour of two copies of Witch's whims. Light + draw for 0 cost is fair.
I don't like CRW Hana all that much. Something about using Trigrams every scene rubs me the wrong way. Also I can't remember how every one of them interact with skills and text is too small.
Witch’s whims is bad without Legendary. Hana Light recovery and draw beats it.
I personally love the fact you MUST play trigrams to actually get anything out of Hana cards. Besides, you have Tabitha to baby you if you can’t keep up with your trigrams
>Witch’s whims is bad without Legendary
Not that bad from my expirience. It's just fast Unlock. I think alternative would be that Zwei card, that gives 3 light if you keep counter dices. Don't remember name atm. Something like last line of defence.
>Besides, you have Tabitha to baby you if you can’t keep up with your trigrams
It's exclusive page. And I just forget to use them.
God, I love Santiago's page. Nothing will compare to spamming out 3 light cards at the enemy.
I have a schizo theory. What if the mirrorverse genocide is happening and nobody is noticing it. People forgot about Catherine, so who's to say they don't forget about the random shmucks who died thanks to the boughs?
You'd waste boughs to delete random people?
It's more of a retard theory not schizo.
It happened to Catherine, and nothing is stopping the same events from happening to other people. There are probably dozens of evil mirrorverse hopping variant trying to kill themselves.
Btw this doesn't mean all of the bough kills are happening in the universe we play in.
Havent payed much attention since the g*cha, Has PM said anything about their next game yet?
Yeah. Turns out making gacha and working on another project is too hard, so they postponed everything to focus on Ligma Company.
Enjoy the PM version of the mcu
Why did jannies spoiler the thumbnail?
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When I reached the age of sixteen, my father began to initiate us into the mysteries of the cabbala of Sephiroth. First, he gave us to read the Sepher ha-Zohar, or book of splendour, which is so called because nothing can be understood of it at all, for it sheds so bright a light that it dazzles the eyes of the mind. Next, we studied the Siphra di-Zaniutha, or book of concealment, which at its most explicit might well be thought to be written in riddles. Finally, we were shown the Idra Rabba and the Idra Sutha, also known as the greater and lesser Sanhedrin. These are dialogues in which Rabbi Simon bar Jochaï, who wrote the two preceding books, simplifies his style to the conversational, pretends to instruct his friends in the most basic knowledge but actually reveals to them the most astonishing mysteries; or rather, all the revelations that come to us directly from the prophet Elijah, who secretly left heaven to join Simon and his friends under the pseudonym of Rabbi Abba.
You non-initiates may think that you have got some idea of all this Holy Writ from the Latin translation which was printed together with the original Chaldean in 1684 in a small German town called Frankfurt. But we cabbalists laugh at the presumption of those who believe that all that is needed in order to read are the physical organs of sight. That may suffice for some modern languages, but in Hebrew every letter is a number, every word a learned combination of signs, every phrase a terrible formula, which, when correctly pronounced with all the appropriate aspirates and stresses, could cause mountains to crumble and rivers to dry up. I do not need to tell you that Adonai created the world by the Word and then made himself into a Word. Words strike the air and the mind, they act on the senses and on the soul. Although you are not initiates, you can easily grasp that they are the true intermediaries between matter and every order of intelligence.
Because its a disgusting phoneposter image
So it's a mess of fan-service and threat scaling that makes the entire thing unapproachable?
I just found the thread because I tried to make it with that image
Hokma’s realisation was kinda dull
Sort of, they pretty much made Dante the savior of the multiverse. Because N corp wants to commit total multiverse death.
I respect them as far as them not going full force with it of involving all literature or something, but multiverses will always be shit. Involving N to that extent when they were previously unmentioned (as far as I'm aware at least) isn't exactly great, but I don't know what established corp could threaten all theoretical universes, so it'd have to be someone new if they wanted to go that way.
Man, Greta’s page is kinda ass
This might be one of the worst.
I dunno what they’re thinking with it
One unique passive that costs 5 points and it only works on offensive die when bleed is on the target
Yujin has one that’s just plus 1 to all die all the time, so that being Greta’s only passive is really shite
You think she’d be the bleed queen, not the bleed fool
It's just Dong-Hwan page that is slightly more customizable. It doesn't help that you need to beat the game to unlock her own version of Disgorge Innards. Bleed support dropped rather hard towards SoTC.
Tbdesu a lot of the ensemble pages are bad. Prime example? Oswald. His passive is literally just attribution bait for Yujin. The best ensemble pages are Argalia and Tanya. The latter who has more effective HP than the designated "tank."
>replaying Ruina
>beat binah realization on my first try
>can’t beat black silence
I dunno how I did this the first time
Should add that I’m trying to do it with Hod only
I bite it near the end
How? You have team-wide healing and +2 dice power for one guy.
Post decks
Turns out I never had enough light gen and page draw lol
>Friend doesn't want to play LoR
>Come over to his house and force him to watch skibidi toilet official movie
Yep yep yep, psychological torture is needed.
>on distorted ensemble
>want paying attention and forfeited when I loaded the game
I’m going to kill myself
never mind, the game fucking crashed and I never lost anything
Well I beat the game without touching Yesod, Gebura, or Binah (I only used those two when I had to grind the red mist book)
Probably the most fun I had with the game
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That's probably what I'm going to do next time I play through LoR, on a side-note, damn, I forgot how nice and comfy it is here.
/lcg/ is such a a shithole goddamn
I'm surprised by how much easy power you can get with Hod and Chessed. It's sort of nuts. Plus non-nix tiph has insane amounts of damage with pierce.
/v/chads are laughing at you btw
Do you think our war with ABIB was just a pointless tantrum? There's a reason we fought tooth and nail to avoid the fate of being sent to /vg/.
I like how the floors gameplay style can represent the sephirots personalities
I wonder if the Anon who's grandma painted those pictures of the Library, Blue Reverberation and Crying Children is playing Limbus. I especially wonder if their grandma made any more paintings, they were very good
Can you post them?
This sounds really cute
Ayin lost
...the losers competition.
And won the even bigger losers competition.
>But we aren’t allowed to go anywhere. Carmen just wants to keep us confined here.
>She’s a good person. I hope you’ll open up to her soon.
>I don’t want to get to know anyone else, all I want is to be with you.
>I can’t promise to be next to you forever.
>There’s a lot of things that I’ve been mulling over for quite some time, and I thought I may find some answers for them here.
>Some of my thoughts may be so absurd that the answers to them might not exist at all.
>Or, even if the answers do exist, they might vanish too soon...
>But, in the process of searching for those answers, I will be able to cast off my shell.
>Then I can fly away at last, leaving my heavy body behind...
>Sometimes, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
>I don’t know where you want to go, but promise that you’ll take me with you, Enoch.
I can just post lobcorp stuff here, right? /vg/ is too fast and scattered, and /v/ threads only appear around update days as fitting the self-made rules
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Sure, why not.
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I beat Chesed core today. Playing kaizo mod
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And this is my facility this run, but this was from a few days ago. Today I got and cleared Porccubus and Nameless Fetus and Chesed core. They made Porccubus a WHEN THE WORK RESULT WAS GOOD abno with a counter of 2 and they made Fetus drop counters FACILITY WIDE when he hits 0, and his counter is still 1. He's also a WAW now for obvious reasons
I forgot to say but I meme repo'd back to Day 36 after clearing Chesed core and playing Day 38 to clear Binah's first mission and to grind boxes to rebuy some gear. From the Chesed core win, I lost
>Laetitia + Today's Expression (HE armor) agent
>Solemn Lament (WAW and Pale) agent
>Spore agent
>Hypocrisy agent
and I had all of that in my facility already except Shy Look, who got banished from a previous repo loop. Plan next time I play is to Day 36, then do Tiphereth core on Day 37, then do Gebura core Day 38 if the facility state is good enough to take her on. Then most likely repo back to Day 36
>Overhaul mod
I've heard about this one but I never bothered with mods in LobCorp. Sounds interesting, I might try to do another LC run after finishing my current backlog.
>Spoiler text
Sounds horrifying enough.
God, /v/ is almost unbearable especially with the current Election Season. At least there was a good thread that happened a few days ago.
It's this one
To the guy who's making the difficulty mod for LoR. You should consider adding in new battle pages for the combat encounters. I feel like that's where less easy ruina shot itself in the foot. It would be much easier to add difficulty by giving the enemies more tools.
For example: What if Katriel had a one use grenade mass attack that gained power and status effects based off of the bullets discarded. And maybe she could have a custom abno page (enemy only) that converts all of the status effects she inflicts into paralysis.
Any good channels that do Mod gameplay and show the cutscenes?
My PC’s busted and I need to get a new GPU/PSU
There's /ourguy/
I got filtered by this mod's installation, it just bricks my interface on launch and that's it. What do?
Contact the mod maker for help? First you should check if you have basemods
Do you have BepInEx installed on Ruina (most likely for Skin Format Normalizer)? If yes, your version is most likely outdated and thus is bricking mods that require a newer version of Harmony, so go and redownload it (should be at least BepInEx 5.4.19 / Harmony 2.9 - just don't skip to BepInEx 6, it's not backwards compatible).
Otherwise - do you have Unity Explorer/Basemod (Experimental/Nightly)/Harmony Load Order Fix? If none of the above, grab the last one from workshop (and don't forget to restart the game at least once afterwards).
Got too popular.
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one day there will be "grandma paintings 2"
Those are really good
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Damn...based grandma.
She's got a good eye
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Still alive guys? I'm about to do Tiph core on kaizo mod
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Grinded up Rudolta in the process. It took me a long while to get real white damage weapons like this. It's like everything's red or black damage now, with a bit more pale in the mix
In the process of grinding boxes on Melting Love, which is more fair in this mod than in vanilla, I accidentally execution bullet the elevator squad about to kill an Indigo Noon group, instead of black shielding them
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The real power of a Temperance gigachad
Gave Red Mist a try. Phase 1 is as easy as ever, resistances are whatever. Phase 2 is 1.0 normal to black, 0.7 endured to pale, 0.2 resistant to red and white. Da Capo triple combo is easy instapanic while the Mimicry swing is boring as before. I didn't check how much the Heaven spear toss does, but it's probably still a danger. Whoever my melee black users are have to have white resistance on because anybody else will get panic from that. I might have to invest my prudence guys into being those. I was absolutely correct to have the gift chance increase mod to grind gifts on people, because it alone has made Hod's core suppression winnable as well as many other problems. This is not a mod for the faint of heart, despite being a "difficulty remix" original style of kaizo and not a "haha fuck you lol" style of modern kaizo
I kill every thread I post in. I'm a cursed man.
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Who the fuck are you again
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Project Nexus released official Workshop support. Now you can cosplay as PM characters much easier
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I bought lob corp and installed the kaizo mod. GOD, do I hate the ordeals and abnos breaching. At least ppodae calms down if he kills somebody. But the forsaken murderer is an entirely different beast. Let me not get started with amber dawn.
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So did I until I had enough agents to survive plus gear. Post facility.
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The unknown guy is forsaken murderer.
You got trainers for all 4 stats already. I forgot which one Ppodae does and I don't have him in my facility
Fairy Festival
One Sin
I will tell you right now that success rates are a BITCH in this mod unlike vanilla. It is an eyeopening experience. I have had high level agents die to Wellcheers because of it. Take my advice and get other mods too. I can link you the ones I have when I get to my PC, but you absolutely need gift chance increase because Hod and Chesed were almost impossible without stacking stats with gifts like I did.
All their damage values, damage resists, and HP values are altered from vanilla. Even at Day 36-40 working at Briah cores, Green Noon is a threat that can kill people without red shields.
Okay so here's what I have from what I can recall and by checking my downloaded mods history thanks to nexus
and of course Kaizo Corp itself
AND this ALEPH Justice Fix mod that was erased from nexus, but a kind anon was able to upload to catbox last april
Source https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1404274/#q1407918
Anon, you did play and beat Lobotomy Corp first before playing Kaizo Corp, right? You aren't playing kaizo mod as your first time unspoiled, right?
You motherfucker
Where the fuck is your OneBadManyGood equipment retexture mod?!?!?


its motherfucking ESSENTIAL
I didn't know it existed, okay?! I'll get it right now!
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I can tell you his gimmick.
He's a 1 qliphoth abno that has a chance to breach on normal results. His good result range is 16-18.
Due to his gimmick, and how awful he is to suppress I just work on him when I'm forced to.
But yeah for now my abno selection seems really good considering most of them aren't that bad. Gonna install the mods btw
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There's some other abnos that are also counter 1 and can breach on normal. I don't have any right now outside of Forsaken Murderer myself
>good result range is 16-18
Fucking KEK, what are his success rates to compensate? Is his gear any good?
Can't you just micro him like always? He only has 1 attack
>abno selection
They promoted a lot of abnos in ranks. In fact here, pic related is my facility right now. I plan to meme repo back to 36 after I clear Gebura core. The unknown is Skin Prophecy.
>install the mods
Good, you'll need them.
His movement and attack speed got boosted. You can't kite him with 3 justice. Although it would probably be feasible with 5, maybe 4. He's also resistent to red and white. Although when I get black damage he should be a joke.
His first Library of Ruina play-through was Starlight Revelry. But he did play normal Lobotomy first
Ignor me, that’s the wrong guy
I have no clue what the other guy is talking about. But I beat lc on a pirates copy. Mostly playing kaizo just to see what got changed and to not have lc stay in my steam library untouched
There's a lot of black damage in the mod, or maybe I just rolled abnos that give black damage weapons too much

Who's laughing now?
Are you winning son?
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DD game... One day...
Lol, lmao even. The day we see something other than limbus is the day when asia runs out of money to throw at gacha.
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>He still has expectations
What's the DD game as someone new to the series?
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Wacky adventures with the ten commandments dudette and associates.
WE'RE CROSSING THE RED SEA WITH THIS ONE *fire emoji *fire emoji *fire emoji *fire emoji
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About to face Gebura core again. Already had 2 retries; first was her throwing her weapons to extraction from central 1 and instapanicking people in-between the rooms, and second was her gold rush in phase 1 killing like 5 people who could not get out of the way in time
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So what happened was Gebura threw Da Capo, which made Bongbong have red text but stay sane. I assume the Da Capo throw did so much raw white damage that it instapanicked her but Chesed reward procced and she nulled the damage. But it still somehow counted her as panicking for the purposes of Funeral's instakill, even though Funeral does Pale damage now and not White. What a stupid reason to have to fail the attempt. It was going well too
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What are Safety clerks doing down here?
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Much better attempt
I kinda feel bad (blog?)posting like this, but I'm actually playing the damn game and it's better than going to a /v/ thread or to the /vg/ general
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2 instapanics. One has Laetitia armor for 0.7 HE white resist with 120 SP, the other has Adoration armor for 0.6 ALEPH white resist with 97 SP. I forgot about the phase transition being an insta-fuckyou like that, but I'm glad I managed to get the other safe black weapon users out in time. I'm out of bullets after those paralysis ones plus pale shielding the other black damage group against Funeral just in case.
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Bullets reloaded. My only viable ranged to take her on are Hypocrisy, Syrinx, Hornet, and Hornet. Rudolta melted down so I didn't want to bother sending Bongbong all the way to work on him and risk being Justitia blown to bits. I completely forgot if she still does Gold Rush in phase 3, but I might rabbit her at the end of phase 3 to force her to go to phase 4 just to be sure.
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She still does the Burrowing Heaven spear toss in phase 3 it seems. With these resists and stats that's some major damage. Also I can't rabbit her because Extraction has "low openness" I miss those old translation days, now it's properly "Expansion Level Insufficient" so I need to hope she either does Gold Rush in this phase to go elsewhere or I have to play fast and loose later
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So both Hypocrisy (20 Very Long) and Hornet (25 Very Long) are within the Justitia wave range. There's nothing I can do here except micro back and forth to dodge it at the doorway. She hasn't popped Smile yet thankfully, so I should be safe? I sent away the Syrinx agent because Syrinx is even shorter range compared to the other two weapons, but if I'm at the door juking her then Syrinx is still usable
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The elevator room is slightly lower in elevation than the actual main room is, so the spear simply went over their heads?
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The time it took for an agent to open the fucking main room door to exit actually mattered and got somebody killed. I can still do this attempt okay if I play it safe and rabbit her now, I was planning to meme repo anyway after this
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I couldn't isolate the marked agent and everybody got blendered. Also the modder made her all Normal in phase 4 and not all Fatal. Also the modder made her resistant to paralysis bullets where she's slowed but not as much as she is in vanilla. Also I accidentally rabbited Central with nobody there and not Info where Gebura was.

I really hate this core suppression. More than half of the entire thing is simply waiting for her to fucking move away so I can engage her at proper distance and because baiting her away is suicidal most of the time in her phases. This shit wastes your time as a player for fuck's sake. Without TT10 mod at max speed toggled, I bet this takes like 2 hours real time
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Clutch elevator dodge
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Crumbling Monk is a BITCH ASS NIGGER and so is his armor
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Had to sacrifice the weak low-gift Bear Paws agent to the blender, but I got her without backing down this time
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Good work, Manager.
Keep it up
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Grinding out Child of the Galaxy plus getting the last bits of gear on Rudolta and Melting Love before I repo back to Day 36
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So my plan for next time is to stack abnos on either Hokma or Binah, whichever one still has missions to complete, to get the missions unlocked so I can unlock their core suppressions. This also helps me get more abno gear and codex completion by looping 36-40 again. I want all Atziluth missions done and cores unlocked before I ever think of going into Day 41. I'll also need to grind up more agents. 3 agents for Extraction immediately when it's unlocked on Day 37, so they can have the long-time 10-day bonuses built up by the time I get to Day 47. Then 3 more agents where one is for Central Team 2 and the other two are for Training Team. I might still have to train up more agents in preparation for Day 46-50 to occupy Architecture Team. It sucks that my only HE+ white damage weapons are
>4 Christmas
>2 Wrist Cutter
>3 Frost Splinter
>1 Syrinx
Frost Splinter is underrated when it comes to tearing up Gebura phase 1 by the way, because when she targets the ranged agents in the back and tries to move to them, the Frost Splinter agents slow her strongly enough without any need for paralysis bullets. She bears the full deathball assault for many seconds until she Gold Rushes out.
They put all the ass into the sephirot women
NTA, I really like this kaizo mod so far. If I had to compare it to less easy ruina. Then I'd say the LC modder put in much more thought and attention into the kaizo mod than the ruina dev did for his.
Were you the guy complaining about Forsaken Murderer? How far in are you? Post facility?
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Yep that's me. Btw I love forsaken murderer, his weapon is amazing. Who I actually hated was ppodae. I'm not that far in, I got sidetracked by playing deadlock. But I'll oblige. The teddy bear is the unknown one btw, his gimmick didn't change.
I can just tell the mod author put a lot of detail into his mod and made the abnos thematically consistent. Less easy ruina isn't bad for the most part, but the focus is more about making it really difficult by applying random gimmicks rather than something that would make sense.
>weapon is amazing
I love his armor more for early on, it helps fight Green Dawn and it's 0.8 white resist which is OK early but there's better white resist TETH armors.
I love him, he trains all stats especially Justice with amazing success rates for bald agents, and his gift is /fa/ as fuck this early and easy to get with the gift chance increase mod, and he gives a ranged white damage gun for antipanic. 0.6 black resist TETH can help you endure Galaxy kid's work damage there
They made it unusable, I hate it. The wearer is always guaranteed dead if you don't return it in 90 secs, so you're only meant to ever use it against a nearby or immediate threat that won't take long to kill. Heart is infinitely more workable than this. I miss my free justice tool, fuck the mod maker for nerfing behavioral adjustment to worthlessness like this
The armor SUCKS for anybody that isn't using his token to heal, and the mod maker nerfed the gift by making it only heal HP and not HP/SP like in vanilla. It's still a good gift, just not as overpowered anymore
Wrong, the mod maker added a "if Temperance 2 or lower, die" to him. His armor is very good as a default shitter HE armor for a while
>made the abnos thematically consistent
He made it so you can raise Melting Love's counter with Good Instinct or Attachment work results with the slime husband agent, which makes her safe to work on without the agent being on a timer to counter 0 death like in vanilla
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Compare this armor to Hornet, which in kaizo is
>0.5 red
>1.0 white
>0.5 black
>1.5 pale
>173 cost
>2 max (3 with Gebura)
Both this armor and the weapon for DRV cost 48 too. This is the economy WAW gear of the mod, it seems. The helmet gift gives the same +8 SP that Laetitia's helmet gift does, but Laetitia forces the agent to only work her while DRV is a lot more lax. In fact, DRV is as tame in this mod as he is in vanilla, though I haven't seen him breach in the mod yet
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Did you guys know Void Dream's breached light projectiles go through the entire facility?
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This is my life now until I get all his gear
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Loresages, what does this mean?
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Why is Da Capo armor 1.0 white? Is it because the mod maker wants the player to use it with the EGO gift? Rather pathetic for an ALEPH gear by itself now
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Aren't you using the higher ego gift chance mod? It should be relatively easier and better if you had 3 agents that were immune to white damage.
Yeah good point. I'll be meme repoing back to Day 36 again once I finish grinding up Army in Black. Then I'm done for the day. Next time I play I'll do 36-40 for real and grind agents up accordingly. I might pick up Silent Orchestra again on the way just to grind his gift on the 2 agents with his armor on. Though that Army gift plus the buffed gun look real powerful, I'd rather not have more clerk lovers in my facility past Monk and Funeral. I'll have to loop 41-45 once or twice of course for Hokma/Binah, but I hope I can get and complete Train around that time too. I seriously want to get both WhiteNight and Apocalypse Bird on the final run into Day 46-50
Thing is that even if I do Repression work on Army, sometimes the counter doesn't even decrease. It's not a 100% drop rate.
Put Bongbong in your facility anon
Less Easy Red Mist is all you need to see how fucking stupid the balance of that mod is
I forgot if it was Xiao or Proxies, but you fight WhiteNight at the same time in one those receptions

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