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By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
An RPG style Water Margin remake would be kino.
>playing as the Ashikaga on IT
>get both of the weaker clans' castles to the west
>the Honganji march to Kyoto as soon as this happens

I really should have planned this better
Also, to the anon who stopped watching the Mori NHK drama, in which episode did you drop it?
I have 3 episodes left and there is at least some tension and stuff going on, not at the same level of Itsukushima though
After Itsukushima and Takamoto's seething, yet I did should on towards Terumoto's introduction and the very end of the series. I have to say, the final episodes were good. A fitting conclusion to Motonari's life but it is a bit bittersweet given that after Takamoto, it all went south during Terumoto's reign.
I've decided to ditch the Date and start over as the Mori.

I'm currently allied with the Uragami and Ryuzoji and dominated the Chugoku region and almost conquered Shikoku by trashing the Miyoshi and devouring the Chosokabe. Also, Archer tech is a bit underrated given how OP musket tech is.

Aside from consolidating my gains and focusing on researching techs, I'm pondering on whether I should attack the Uesugi by sea by attacking the castle at Hokkaido.
Suikoden series?
Has very little to do with it's namesake. I like it though.
New thread? That's cool.

I tried playing as He-Jin in the Yellow Turban start in Rottk14, expecting not to like the game as much when most of the map is empty. As it turns out however, I was correct. Seriously annoying to just have the Yellow Turbans take over most of the map with no effort. Might try again in the future, try to rush down south to stop the Yellow Turbans. For now however, I'll probably play some more Awakening first.
Why not create some custom forces?
A lot of people really like 14, but I personally hate the combat system. While I do like certain aspects of it - the importance of formations, being able to disrupt supply lines, making use of terrain and structures - I feel like it's all seriously impaired by the turn-based/pre-programmed (can't think of a succinct descriptor for Frozen Synapse-styled "have everyone queue their own actions and watch it all unfold simultaneously") combat. On account of how big the map is and how many tiles there are, structures like traps or towers feel underpowered because enemy formations can just move around them unless you spam them everywhere (which I don't believe is even viable on account of the cap on how many you can throw down per territory). Then again, I'm also a brainlet whose favorite games (as far as combat mechanics go at least) are ROTK13 and NA Awakening (the latter I feel being a refinement of the more freeform ROTK13 and SOI combat maps, mixing the best of those games with IT's limited movement routes).
And with that being said, I'll now reinstall 14 to give it another fair go.

Once the alliance with the Ryuzoji was done, they decided to attack me and I respond in kind by prematuraly beginning the invasion of Kyushu.

Thanks to AI being content to dump all their forces into one spot, I was able to quickly capture one of their ports and proceed to attack of their lightly manned castles. The Ryuzoji soon gathered all their forces to protect the castle, leading to a long and drawn out battle which I barely won and gained their almost all their manpower due to all those injured troops.

Then I decide to perform a blitzkreig operation to simultanously attack all of their castles. By the time a coalition was formed against me (The Oda, the Miyoshi, the Ikko and the rest of the Kyushu daimyos) it was all too late and I'm busy devouring the Otomo, attacking the last Kyushu daimyo with a castle while the Shimazu and the Ryuzoji are stuck in ports and forts.

Kikkawa Motoharu MVP.
Feel like playing some NA. Is awakening worth checking out or should i just reinstall sphere?
How do I into sphere of influence?
Awakening is very interesting and, at least so far, I really like it. I can see it being acquired taste however, it feels like a officer game minus the officer gameplay. It's also never on sale.
I might. I normally dislike using them to fill in holes left in the map, but the Yellow Turban start date is honestly bad enough I kind of feel I need to. Honestly just wish they would disable certain regions in certain start dates.

I like the combat system to be honest. The main issue I have is that you can only have a few adjutants at a time. I wish you could just select tactics for everybody Otherwise, I'm weird so I enjoy the whole programing armies thing. My bigger issue is just that navy combat feels VERY underutilized.

Buildings are mixed. I would say the once that take a bit more effort to unlock are generally better. Like catapult towers can be downright terrifying. Also traps.
A bold strategy
Rise to Power, Iron Triangle and Tendou are the MVPs
>Make a comment saying it's never on sale
>Look on Steam
>It's on Sale.
Granted, it's only 25% off. Still, feel like I have egg on my face now.
A bit late but also Motonari died before the invasion of Kyushu began so his son Takamoto is now the heir and I'm surprised he's outlived his father considering his early death irl ,(was it because Koei went with the suspected poisoning angle?)

Was he really that good irl? He's basically a jack-of-all-trades in stats (all 70s) while his son Terumoto is just garbage except his average POL stat.
This guy is stuck in the Dynasty Warriors dimension
I hope it's not the English DW3 dimension.
>Was he really that good irl?
He didn't get much of a chance to do anything in real life so it's easy to idealize him.
Bandit kings was so kino, bros. When will koei make another one?
On a different note, Nobunaga's Ambition Awakening is on sale. How does it compare to Sphere of Influence? Is it worth getting?
As someone else said it here before, Awakening is strange in that it feels like an officer game but you can't actually play an officer. There's a big emphasis on delegation. Economic system is rather boring and barebones, and there were some pretty big issues with AI diplomacy at release (not sure if that was fixed or not), but otherwise it's a really solid game. Somewhat too, playing Oda was rather challenging for once. Probably the best thing out of recent Koei fare.
The music was really disappointing though.
That's a bit of a shame, I was open to the delegation part of it but ROTK 14 felt very barebones with so much automation. I kind of miss playing these games, I really liked Iron Triangle and the story aspects of SoI I really enjoyed. One thing I really liked is that you could just change the music for music from previous games, could solve the issue you mentioned.
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>only America has fat agents
What they meant by that?
I honestly find it does the delegation ROTTK14 was going for WAY better. It's nowhere near as tedious and it can actually feel pretty satisfying to get your clan up and running. It helps that money is actually really useful and you don't have to constantly spam suggestions and search to optimize your play.

The story aspects mostly come down to events rather than the Quests of SOL. They are WAY better than ROTTK 14 however, being nowhere near as finnicky and hard to trigger. It helps that the game actually seems to pace itself. My Okehazama Oda playthrough is actually chugging along pretty nicely towards 1582. Only a few events breaking, mostly because of some minor clans getting wiped out.

>and there were some pretty big issues with AI diplomacy at release
So far the AI seems to function pretty well. Only real problem is that, as usual, it's stupidly game breaking in the hands of the players. Though at least marriage alliances means the AI will generally maintain it's alliances instead of having them break due to being stupid.
I like ROTK14, but I do kind of have to agree. Only thing I prefer from 14 is the combat, and even then mostly the main map combat. The actual battles in Awakening are pretty fun.

If they ever make ROTTK 15, I say just steal most of the ideas from Awakening. Maybe keep the map combat similar to ROTTK9.
I would say combat in 11 is decently involved, frankly. The combat in 14 feels way closer to something like 9.

The biggest problem I have with the combat of 14 is simply that they decided to lock tactics behind the adjutant system. Which is just... why? Proper use of tactics do actually make a massive difference, yet it's so limited because even at the end game you can only select 5 officers to be your adjutants. The only reason I can think of why they did that is because unlike 11 and like 9 combat is real time (Sort off), but even then 1: You can pause whenever you want. 2: There is no multiplayer so ???
god you really are a virgin aren't you
NTA but, yes? Goes without saying.

Imagine going up to a girl and explaining that you have a deep unhealthy interest in Chinese history. Most of them probably think you are a CCP spy.
ok bros, I got the game and started an Okehazama Oda campaign. I like that the tutorial this time around is integrated in the playthrough instead of being its own thing, hopefully it won't be too hard to grasp.
Hope you like it! It's definitely not for everybody, but I honestly do really enjoy it so far.

>I like that the tutorial this time around is integrated in the playthrough instead of being its own thing, hopefully it won't be too hard to grasp.
I managed just fine. Though I am playing on Easy Mode. So, make of that what you will.
you are using nethersx2 right
change it to the old buttons it looks better
also what game and what is your settings
I mean, two hour refund.

I actually bought SoL yesterday and then refunded it today because some Russian guy I knew got me a torrent with all of the DLC.
Sometimes it's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Honestly though I've found myself revisiting games I bought ages ago and had specific gripes with, only to really appreciate it later with a different perspective.

Like RoTK, as an example, I used to be obsessed with creating historical outcomes from early starts, but now I've grown to love the dynamic bullshit that can happen when the game does its own thing, and if I really want a historical situation I just pick that start date instead of slavishly trying to recreate history.

For example, in 13 I had a Liao Hua yellow turban game where I had originally planned to go patriot after the YT fell, but instead managed to dunk on He Jin, take Luoyang and destroy the Han dynasty (not nearly as interesting of an event as it sounds).

I kept on conquering, put the YT in a dominant position against Liu Yan, Sun Jian, and Gongsun Zan, while also siphoning money away in case I saw a good chance to revolt and take the crown for myself.

Got caught siphoning and lost the debate to defend my actions, which permanently kicks you out of the force. joined Dong Zhou for a while in a losing battle against the YT juggernaut I had built, and then decided to use my accumulated cash to speed-run an Executioner victory instead killing YT officials and generals to slow down their rate of expansion.

I also dipped into Merchant temporarily to get better dueling items and sell off my spare specialties I had accumulated prior for more execution cash.
Corn-fed Midwesterners
I'm always kind of torn on historical events vs a more freeform sandbox, especially for the officer games. If nothing else, I would like a few fallback events like Liu Bei fleeing to Liu Zhang or Liu Biao when he inevitably gets wiped out in the early game. It's hard to make him a major player unless you script the hell out of the game.

Though in theory they could just improve the AI and the mechanics enough that such things wouldn't be necessary. I never understand why characters don't flee from battles they are clearly going to lose, for instance. Last stands should really only happen when they have nowhere to flee.
Op here. I won't stop the Koei threads until my bussy is destroyed.
Are there reasons to choose muskets over bows in Kessen 3?
Since they can't shoot over your guys and some terrain levels, it makes them worse than bows for me, even if you take the higher damage into account. Maybe I'm not using them properly
>northern warlords insist that Liu Yu proclaim himself Emperor
>Liu Yu declines
>Gongsun Zan kills him
Literally what the fuck was their problem? Dude just wanted to vibe to the extent where even the northern barbarians thought he was too chill to fuck with.
Ok, but only if you dress up like Nobunaga and I'll be Ranmaru.
Aside from Nagashino forcing your entire army to use musket, literally no reason to ever use musket iirc.
> tfw no femboy to DW and chill with after work.
Liu Yu also didn't want to go down in history as a rebel if he went that path since he'll always be a Prince if he doesn't.
Also Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu had some pretty bad feuds leading up to that in regards to how to run the northern borders.
Zhou Yu and Sun Ce do have THAT dynamic going on, if you know what I mean.
I mean, Zhao Yun seemed mostly nice far as I can tell. Also does Fei Yi count? He seemed like a decent fellow for the most part.
Pang Tong was a total bro. Same with Ma and the old man general that was part of the Five Tigers.
Ma Liang was a pretty interesting dude to be fair.
There's Liao Hua
Too much corn syrup
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This one is new
>Decides to kill Hidetsugu instead making him a regent to his newborn son.
>Somehow thinks that a council of lightweights can stop Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Poor Hideyoshi became a retard in his later years
>The Decision to kill Hidetsugu and by extension, his wife that hasn't even met him yet turned the Mogami and Date against him
>The Mogami and Date attacking the Uesugi in 1600 were one of the reasons why Sekigahara didn't go well and the Toyotomi were removed from power.
It really all goes back to that one event huh?
His actions later in life could only be explained as "someone used a console command to control him and deliberately picked the worst choices to ensure his clan will be exterminated the moment he dies."
This is almost as rare as getting Bismark in PTO 2.
It's called Demantia.
>bid for slots
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Flights, each slot is a flight per week(game turn is 3 months)
A airport can only take so many flights per week
Does anyone have tips to deal with the Takeda and Uesugi on IT?
I'm trying a Satomi run, got allied with the Satake and attacked the Hojo, the instant they were beaten both Shingen and Kenshin came to beat my ass, even if I ally with them they blob up too fast
For some reason they NEVER fight between them too

Speaking of which, has anyone watched the NHK Drama about Shingen? I don't know if to watch his or Nobunaga's
I mean, it worked for Liu Bang.
Guns are the greatest equalizer to be introduced. Worked for me in Tendou, can't imagine it not working in Iron Triangle. Though the Satomi aren't known to have good gun commanders iirc, so get the Satake first, unfortunately.

I have yet to watch Shingen's drama, but I did watch Kansuke's, which also heavily involves him (really good Shingen, pragmatic as fuck, but a really horrible Kenshin, not because of the actor, but because of the writing)
Nobunaga's drama is mixed for me. Stopped after Mino and no plans to go back. The magic subplot is just bad.

Speaking of which, might do another Hideyoshi run.
Yep. Comrades can die in battle like normal, and they can still die in events so long as the conditions of the event aren't broken.

So of course he'll need to be in Dong Zhuos force in order for the event to trigger. Don't think there are other specific requirements.

Your big issue is probably going to be the YT subjugation event firing correctly unless you're playing on historical force trend (which is boring, and even then things can break)
I've noticed that being in Dong Zhuos faction seems to cause issues with the assassination event.

Did you get the burning of luoyang too? It's required for the assassinaton event in 13 because it's the bridge too far for Wang Yun that makes him start the plot.

For what it's worth, Dong Zhuo staying alive tends to counter-balance the eventual Cao Cao blob, although if you're in Dongs force its a little on the easy side. I had a Dong Bai game where the assassination event didn't happen, and even on hard we rolled the rest of China in a decade and a half.

> Jia Xu
Excellent taste in tacticians. Separation is honestly an insanely strong tactic for late game wars on hard mode because it lets you debuff and CC the big 20k Zhang Liao/Guan Yu/etc stacks.
'>I've noticed that being in Dong Zhuos faction seems to cause issues with the assassination event.
Amusing considering in a ton of games it was a requirement.

>For what it's worth, Dong Zhuo staying alive tends to counter-balance the eventual Cao Cao blob
Yeah. Though if you play your cards right you can rush Cao Cao down asap and then basically walk over everybody else.
Bandit Kings of Ancient China is kind of like that.
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>coolest portrait in NA SoI
>bs impossible starting location
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Welp, second campaign done. Actually got the good ending this time, though also still the "Tyrant" character ending. Still not sure what causes both of them, I've read online that it has something to do with the condition of your land and how many people you executed. I mostly didn't bother with the former and only executed a handful of people, so I'm not sure what happened.

Anyhow, with that I'm probably done with ROTTK 7 for now. I kind of still wanted to do a playthrough as a strategist but right now I just don't feel like it. Game isn't bad but it's WAY too repetitive, mostly because of the combat.
I like how even though Sphere of Influence tries to whitewashing his later evil acts, they still straight up said that he went crazy.
So I decided to come back to NA after a couple years away.
Picked up Ascension and Taishi on a sale. Gonna ramble some thoughts about it.

> Ascension
I think it's really cool that they're attempting to model feudalism. Both series have had a real issue with realms being way too stable and retainers not having a way to exercise pressure on rulers.

Unfortunately that's where my praise ends. Combat is just as shit as in Sphere, Domestics somehow became way more tedious, and there's a lot of funkiness like the game expecting you to do a million dull 1 vs 1s between castle assaults, and those 1 vs 1s exist in a pocket dimension where the passage of time and supply use no longer applies.

> Taishi
Overall much better than ascension. Battles feel great, although I wish theres was still a passage of time/supply management side to battles, it's a series staple for a reason.

Province development kind of sucks. There's only a couple buildings worth making but a ton of province to make them in, and if I'm just gonna spam reservoirs and forges on every province then the game should do a better job of automating that process.

The agriculture management side is cool, although it's not actually super interactive. I found myself always wanting to do land clearance and there didn't seem to be any way to expedite the process with cash or high stat officers.

Policy mana as a tech tree is a very clever way of making good officers provide good tech bonuses.

As a niche complaint, officers almost never seem to die in battle in both games, which sort of makes the massive roster meaningless. Guys dying at awkward times is fun emergent gameplay. I remember back in Lord of Darkness, every time you took musket fire there was a tiny percent chance of instant death, so once your army got big, you ended up leading with some above average guys to eat the first muskets shot before you closed in with your best officers to secure kills.
I should try Taishi. I actually quite like Ascension, but some of the ideas of Taishi actually sound pretty cool. Probably won't get it right now though, I'll wait until it's on sale again.

>As a niche complaint, officers almost never seem to die in battle in both games, which sort of makes the massive roster meaningless.
This is a issue with Rottk 14 as well. I actually set the game death rate to high and still fuck all happened.
not koei but could have been a koei game

playing some Tenchi wo Kurau. Great game with lots of romhacks. Too bad the manga isn't translated and games seem more famous.
I could fuck with a Taishi Ci game in 13.

What should my goals be? Which faction should I join? Emperor Kong Rong sounds like suffering but it could be good.
>What should my goals be?
Emperor Kong Rong or Emperor Liu Yao.
Pretty cool that Capcom made a roleplaying game as they don't delve to frequently into the genre.
In Ascension, is there any way to get more than 15 districts. I could plop down more castles I guess, but I'd love to just expand the one I have instead of making more and trying to grow their population from scratch.
Is my shitty Ryzen 3 1st generation processor good enough for Awakening?
OK, after a couple weeks I beat my first awakening campaign as the oda. I quite enjoyed it. I like the feudalism simulation and officer management. There are also a ton of events, perhaps too many. Right now I split my realm in two, giving one half to Mitsuhide and the other half to hideyoshi so that they can conquer north and south and give me the supremacy win. I'll probably play Takeda next. I want to do Akechi in 1582 but I don't think I'm skilled enough to do it just yet.
The fuck? Are you literally me? Was plotting to make this very post, even including playing as the Takeda next.
Well, regardless, I've finished my first campaign as the Oda as well. Really like the game so far. A lot of it felt like they tried to do the management stuff ROTTK 14 was trying to go for but actually did it well. Building your realm is actually a lot of fun, and I enjoy the way the game encourages you to roleplay as a Daimyo. Combat was a bit more mixed, though I would hardly consider it bad. At worst it was a bit on the easy side, and I was playing on Easy difficulty so I guess that fit. Outside of that, I also like the way events are written. Unlike the incredibly specific once of Rottk14 they actually seemed design to still trigger even in the relative late game if possible. While I cleared the game before Honnoji, I was on track to actually getting such a major event despite starting all the way back at Okehazama.

Only real issues I have with the game, at least so far, are somewhat niche. Like the other anon said, nobody ever seems to die (Though it's not QUITE as bad ROTTK 14 insofar that battle deaths actually seem to happen). I also wish the game had more historical battles. A lot of event seem like they would be historical battles, but then they just aren't. Finally, and this is more of a missed opportunity than a genuine flaw, it's still weird to me that it's not a officer game. Everything about it just felt like a officer game, minus the part where you can play a officer.

Anyhow, probably going to go play either the Takeda or the Imagawa next. Also want to play as the other two unifiers before long.
After spending days playing Rise to Power, I'm conflicted on whether this or Iron Triangle is the best Nobunaga game.

The war gameplay is fun as hell even if the unit pathfinding is messy for an RTS.

>Play on Normal mode.
>Get bored because I'm steamrolling as the Oda.

>Play on Hard Mode.
>Neighbors constantly attack me and they become more competent on the battlefield, especially with the Tokugawa ripping my army to pieces.
/eagg/? is that you
Thinking of donating to this guy's Patreon so he can make a FastROM patch for Lord of Darkness and make it more playable: https://www.patreon.com/Kandowontu

Seems he already did one for Operation Europe.
I mean...unfortunately we never got most Nobunaga games so it's hard to say which is the best one.
I just mute the emulator and run it at 150% speed. It's got great music but you can always just listen to the music off YouTube or as mp3s or whatever.

Rise to Power is a really odd one. You can't deploy a ton of officers, nor can officers lead many troops, so you're often on parity of forces in battles. Cool, an anti-snowball mechanic.

Problem is, you have to play an RTS using a controller, which is suffering. And a pretty low time to kill RTS at that.

Domestics are pretty odd too, but they hardly matter past the early game because of the above mentioned force limits meaning you cant mobilize a large resource excess even if you have one.

Culture and Foreign are pretty useless as I remember. They buff your defenses, wow.

Also I'm pretty sure that any alliance attempt with the Tokugawa should trigger the kiyosu alliance event, but you do have to trigger it yourself by suggesting the alliance.
>While I cleared the game before Honnoji, I was on track to actually getting such a major event despite starting all the way back at Okehazama.
I wasn't so fortunate lol, in my campaign honno ji actually happened and my realm completely split off. I had to reload a save, but it's great that it happened since you can pretty much never get this progression in the other games.
The events have some jank, though. I got the battle of Tedorigawa while I was fighting Nagamasa and the Asakura, so many years before it was supposed to take place. Also the shogun never really betrayed me, but events pretended that I had defeated him and exiled him while he was my ally still seating at the capital. Continuity was funky,
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Oh shit. I didn't know this was a general event in this game. Was wondering why an event even occurred for an ongoing game with historical events set to only player.

Just thought this was interesting to stumble upon. This just makes the Hiragumo hard to find or deleted entirely iirc. This also occurred while he is still under the Hosokawa's thumb.
Events can be a bit jank, yeah. The funniest one for me was Matsunaga Hisahide joining the Oda, then instantly betraying them and blowing himself up. Still, it's a massive step in the right direction compared to whatever ROTTK 14 was going for.
watching sum souten kouro. it's like hokuto no ken meets three kingdoms

also my campaign as liu bei in rotk2 from 194 is going swell. just conquered liu yong
In rotk10 is xp only useful for unlocking skills? Is my dude gonna be a better cavalry commander at 1000 cav xp or is it irrelevant beyond the point where you unlock the relevant skills? I'm using the PUK if it matters.

Also is there a way to swap your commander into the sub-units mid battle other than getting your main unit wrecked and hoping you didn't get captured?
ROTK 8 isn't an officer game right? Never played it but I'm interested in the remake.
ROTK8 is one of the RPG hybrids.
It's a officer game.

Played it for a bit, intend to play more, it's pretty good. Way better than ROTTK 7, anyhow.
Speaking of which, when are they gonna announce the actual release date for the Remake? It's middle of April already.
Well I started a campaign with the Takeda on Awakening, first scenario. Decided to play on Hard, because it's the Takeda so how hard could it really be? It was going well but after a few years the Hojo grew massive and kept declaring war on me. I didn't stand a chance.
How do you properly expand in Rise to Power?

If I expand too fast, I'll be overexpanding to point I'll have too few officers and funds to properly defend while building up too much means powerful factions like the Takeda/Uesugi/Otomo will blob like hell and overwhelm me.
Choose the Oda. Build up your infantry and gunners.
Do the Imagawa event and ally with Tokugawa
Take out Dosan Saito after all of that
Continue to recruit generals and develop your gunnery.
Also, keep Hirate Masahide alive for as long as possible. I believe RtP has a merchant that sells life extension times. Get Hideyoshi asap.
Tomes not times
i'm getting into Sphere of Influence for the first time and though i am enjoying the game quite a bit i am confused why you can't combine armies from multiple castles into one unit
i just conquered a province that has 5 or so small castles that provide 500ish troops each. is this province always just going to be worse than an "equivalent" province with 1 fortress that provides 2500 troops? why can't i order my supposedly loyal retainers to stand next to each other while besieging a castle or fighting an enemy instead of forming a single file line at 5km intervals on the road to their target?
is there a way to move population or troops from one castle to another?
>why you can't combine armies from multiple castles into one unit
think of each castle as having its own army, you can't really form into an actual force, you just have to make do with the decentralized system the game uses. try using multiple roads at once, that will allow you to attack from multiple angles. two to three armies can only attack when they're on the same road, which makes holding chokepoints worth it in the game. mountain roads limit the amount if troops further, so watch out for that.
>is this province always just going to be worse than an "equivalent" province with 1 fortress that provides 2500 troops?
no, either they'll grow later on the game due to higher population, or you could enact a policy that increases fortress troops. take into account the gold and food each castle in a province makes, rather than the troops they provide. personally, I would destroy them to remove the tedious micro and focus on good old castle gameplay or automate the fortresses to the ai so there's an extra resource base.
>Attack a castle in Rise to Power.
>Significantly outnumber the enemy.
>Enemy has a 800-man musket unit hiding in the castle.
>Castle is well developed that you can only go through the gate.
>Enemy musket destroys my army without breaking through the gate because he keeps somehow manages to proc confuse that stops my army dead.
yeah the RTS stuff in rise can be pretty weak.
If you get big enough you'll get cannons.

In the meantime consider a) sending less troops to get the AI to be more aggressive and b) mulch his entire castle town, you'll either force him to fight or gimp him enough to let you focus attention elsewhere.
>It was going well but after a few years the Hojo grew massive and kept declaring war on me.
Don't you have a marriage alliance with them?
They talking shit about Nobunaga in/vr/ right now. Someone called him a chud.
He actually got laid, so no.
I didn't, in the earliest scenario the alliance hadn't happened yet and I didn't bother to do diplomacy with them because I thought I'd be safe until the alliance event triggered. I was wrong lol. This time around I kept him in my good graces. They're still the strongest clan but I can focus on killing kenshin now. I feel like the Takeda are better suited for the 1560 start. Starting as early as possible requires you to sit on your ass a lot if you want to see all events.
Yeah, the Takeda in 1560 seem REALLY strong. You start off allied with two of your main potenial rivals, can easily ally the oda, and have about 7 years to hyper focus on destroying Kenshin before events break your alliance with the Hojo and Imagawa. Only downside is that Shingen will die earlier, but by the point that becomes a actual problem you should already own most of the map.
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checked and bussy-billed
Did they overhaul the visual aspect of combat in Awakening? I miss when there were cannons, cavalry, muskets and infantry working in tandem on the battlefield.
Aside from The Last Warlord, any mobile Koei-likes out there?
Holy based
Op's bussy must be quivering in anticipation.
is the AI still totally broken and unable to improve their lands/castles in Ascension?
The game stopped receiving updates ages ago. Of course it hasn't been fixed.
Is it that bad? They seemed alright when I was playing.

Granted, I was playing on Easy so I had low expectation of them.
honestly TW3K with its Han officials governing cities is really good option to this(and then mod that cause them go independent)
>Samurai Warriors 4 got a PC port out of nowhere
What the fuck is going on in the minds of these old salarymen?
Is that basically 4(full game) + XL
Also, 8 remake news please KOEI
Agree. Though, amusingly, that game suffered from still having a few empty provinces here and there as well.
it really wasn't finished, like few dlc and it could be really good
not great as the character and unit system with retinues was half baked and should borrow more from RoTK
Watching 3k(2010)
Its really good, I was playing games before(3k and few RoTK) and watched some other media and read some stuff but it really make me rethink my opinions of some characters
I hope they just shadow drops old gems like Dynasty Tactics or Kessen like this too. More people should be aware of those masterpieces.

No, it's just the original SW4 plus all its DLCs. The "expansion", 4-II, was already on Steam ages ago.
I still hope they just get somebody to translate all of the Japanese games.
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didn't expect that
How much of a retarded nigger does a guy need to be to call fucking NOBUNAGA a chud?
he should name him noobchudnigga
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That 2010 3k series really make me see both Cao Cao and Liu Bei differently
Damn its good
It's almost June already. When are they gonna announce more ROTK8R info?
>Speaking of which, has anyone watched the NHK Drama about Shingen?
it's my favorite taiga dorama i highly recommend
bro? Your Katsuie? Why do you hate him?
Imagawa is really fun, he has one of the best starts and since you are an ally of Hojo and Takeda you can expand without worry about your rear, also you have a fictional event were you defeat Nobunaga
hello Hidetada, you fucking loser
Yeah, it seems like a fun campaign. Only real downside is that if you can't actually win Okehazama meaning you have to start before 1560 or turn the event off (Though granted that is really easy).
anyone played ps2 rotk X?
>The Royal Blood 2(Gemfire 2) download link at the Tokugawa Corporate forums no longer works.

Did anyone here managed to save the file?

I'd wish I archived it just like I did with Genghis Khan IV but didn't have the time to do it.
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I've yet to see it, but there's a later series called The Advisors Alliance which also excellent from what I've read.
It's about Sima Yi but funnily enough, it has Liu Bei's actor from the Three Kingdoms series playing Cao Cao, might be worth checking if you liked 3k.
>it has Liu Bei's actor from the Three Kingdoms series playing Cao Cao
I played it a bit.

Looks fun. Wish it was on PC though. Well, wish a good English version was on PC.
I think it's actually the worst of the officer play games. The only unique thing 10 has going for it is being able to put together a custom unit as a free officer and partycrash battles, and there's basically no room for progression in that.

Many of the things 10 tries to do, 13 went on to do better, with the notable exception of INT plots existing in battle and the duel/debate mini games having some depth to them.

In most ways it's a pretty big downgrade from 7 and 8. Many of the skills are straight up worthless on the player character (including all domestics), your attributes don't increase through use and training via tutor is inefficient, so in practice the only officers worth playing are the already good ones.
so its better to play 7 or 8?
Well, try them all out if you want, form your own opinion. Emulation is free after all.

Some people love the battles in 10, I find the AI to be retarded and the combat to be rock paper scissors hell.

13 is probably the most approachable of the officer play games if you want to try them out.

Also 8 is getting a remake sometime this year. Don't know if that changes the arithmetic for you one way or another.
Ok, it's time to play NA again (the last one), should I play as a custom character, the Imagawa, Ashikaga (with Yoshiteru not his faggot brother), Saito or Nanbu? I never played as the Chosokabe, maybe they will be fun too
I usually don't like to play as strong clans like Oda or Shimazu because one of the things I enjoy the most is recruiting their officers and I usually marry my daughters to the most talented officers
Just a warning if you want to play as the Chosokabe in the earliest start date. The second you take one of the clans that borders the Miyoshi, they WILL conscript every man woman and child and launch a massive invasion to take away the province from you.
Damn Miyoshi! Lucky for me most of the important guys die quickly. Thank you Hisahide
I wish that Iron Triangle was available on PSN.
What is the most FUN version of Uncharted Waters?
New Horizons
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it's happening...sort of
>Emulation is free after all.
both have problems working on ps2 emulator
It's been a very long while since I last played it, but it's my favorite in the franchise.
>It's a nightmare.
>It uses 4 different things:
>1) Textures replacement
>2) Cheat codes
>3) Patch file (xdelta or umdgen replacement)
>4) After all that setup, it will only work on his own custom version of ppsspp "Gihren Type v1.2" for windows only..

>It's just so many hoops for people to jump trough.
From the comments. That does sound like a bother.
Just learn Japanese bros
if you use PCSX2 0.9.9.r5326 then they should work.
thanks it worked
>a gritty "realistic" reboot
but at what cost?
I saw:
Cao Cao
Lu Bu
Guan Yu

I am curious to see what the gameplay changes will be.
I've been playing Awakening for a few hours and I dunno, it just hasn't clicked for me yet compared to SoI/ascension. I think I prefer the billions of castles in SoI with their own forces over the mega castles with surrounding counties. I'm not some min-maxxer but in SoI I felt that I knew what to do in order to achieve my goals while I'm bumbling around in Awakening and winning through sheer numbers/quality officers rather than good decision making.
The opening gives me DW4 vibes. I hope they didn't implement DW9 combat.
I got it running but I still couldn't understand how to play the damn thing. It sits on my hard drive rotting away.
I've never played Koei's strategy games but I'm thinking of playing Iron Triangle/Kakushin. Is there any reason to get the version on Steam over just emulating the ps2 version if I can read Nipponese?
It has the PK compared to the PS2 version. I think the PK nerfs some bullshit the original version had, never played it. The tribes were annoying in the original but toned down with PK from what I recall.
Good luck finding a copy that can work
Wu Long sequel looking good
I've heard the features in the PK actually kind of break the game
The Steam version has Power Up Kit expansion included. Off the top of my head, the added things are

>new scenarios
>new editor function
>foreign trade and foreign techs
>tribes that occupy where used to be empty lands that you can build fortresses on
The added tribes are especially game-changing/annoying. Like, if an enemy faction has control of a ninja tribe, their tactic success rate would sky rocket so much that you units will be confused and forced back to their bases every other day.
Thanks. I've been very slowly downloading a torrent for the pc version but it has now totally stalled so I'll go for the ps2 one

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