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> Have been trying to get a very niche job role In the military for nearly 8 years, there are literally 2 positions in the entire country.
> Job finally comes up but there is an issue with my application and for some reason this causes an argument with my mother when I ask her about it. Didn't get he job because of it.
> Cut to yesterday. Mum rings me out of nowhere.
> "Oh hey anon. That kid who made your life a living hell in high school and punched you in the face repeatedly got the job you were applying for. Theyre standards are not that high. You should apply again".

Why the fuck would she tell me this?

I don't even have a Facebook page and have told her repeatedly over the past decade not to bring this stuff up from high school again. I didnt even know the first thing about this person as an adult. I'm mortified but mostly at my mother's gossiping.

Did she do this on purpose?
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"Didn't get he job because of it". Ahh yes that was the reason you lazy dog. Imagine not being able to focus for 10 seconds ADHD loser. Just blame the mom. Much easier.
She wouldn't give me my diploma and they cut me out of the job pool.
Ok I'm the faggot here nevermind. Just cut her off entirely. Not even joking. She offers nothing to your life besides misery. Just get the hell away from her and stop contacting that pig. She probably enjoys seeing you like this. Wouldn't surprise me. She is a dumb whore clearly. She keeps bringing things up even after serious conversations too... Just cut her out of your live. Wouldn't keep friends like this right? Why should your mom be any different?
I have no idea what the issue was in that instance. Either way I came to find out she only had the grades and never collected the certificate so I'd have to buy another I guess.

Despite being a gossip and a pain in the arsenal she can be supportive in other ways. I also don't have a support network beyond myself and my parents. I just want her to acknowledge her shortcomings and I guess to vent a little.

I couldn't give a fuck about this job anymore. I just hate that she can't just shut her mouth sometimes and not say every single thing that comes to her head. It makes me blame myself for continuing to trust her and then have her abuse that trust time and time again.
I understand cutie. The problem is she won't understand it. You gave the answer to solve all of this yourself: "It makes me blame myself for continuing to trust her and then have her abuse that trust time and time again". The reason is very known, yet she has this stupid hold of you. Get someone else. Anyone. Even a granny from a retirement home. There are no boundaries and she is self centered. The only one to change any of this is the person writing, otherwise you'll be asking yourself this 5 years on the future. Cut your losses. My answer cannot be more clear. It's like a wife beaters wife.

Im going to a wedding in july, how do I learn to dance
classic tip is that even if you suck at dancing, positive attitude can make it better for people to dance with you than being a pro who's clearly disinterested etc.
useless advice from me
Go to a dance studio, that's what they do.

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How do I ‘grow up’ and become a normal adult that just goes out and does stuff he enjoys? I sometimes want to do something but then don’t because it will feel weird being alone or just me being hesitant because of the questions I will get from my parents about me randomly leaving the house. I have plans to save money and move out and hopefully it will be easier to just do what I want without being ‘judged’.

I also am hesitant because I don’t like spending money. How do I get over these self imposed boundaries? And what are good / fun things to do? I feel this will also help in my dating life as talking about my life currently makes me look very boring (which tbf, I am)
>how do i 'grow up' and become a normal adult
>goes out and does stuff [you] enjoy?
pick one, anon.
being an adult means doing the stuff you hate doing and doing that on a regular basis over stuff you would rather be doing (ex. fun).
well, first of all i would start by figuring out what is possible. we are all limited, severely limited, by what is possible for us to "do"

sure you can get on a bus and go to los angeles and try to be an actor, but youll probably end up living in a shelter and doing craigslist jobs
>or just me being hesitant because of the questions I will get from my parents about me randomly leaving the house
if your over 18 you don't have to explain shit. just yell shut the fuck up Dad
Sure, I guess thats a different discussion though lol

Obviously, but I am not necessarily talking about doing fun stuff in the sense of work because my career is just fine the way it is. I am more talking about going out in the weekends, what could I do and how do I get over this anxiety

thats rude
Take walks

How do I find the right hobby ?
I tried music , painting, skating and singing
and I suck in all of those
then I thought maybe I could be good at something like chess or cooking
again the best I could do is master the basics
i am 27 and so far I am good for nothing
how do people find the right hobby that they're good at without wasting too much time or money ?
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That's all subjective, retard.
Having a hobby is gay. Just get a job in your free time like food-delivery or deal with it.
Not the OP but thanks anon I was looking for hobbies too. I think I'll try origami
Never said there was something wrong with it. I write in a journal. That can be seen as very girly or gay, but I thinking yours is over the top of gayness. Putting up what I'm putting down?
But then how are there people out in the world that can claim doing x thing "is their calling?" It sounds exactly like it magically clicked for them

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Does anything help?
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>Stop doing [thing that normal people do all the time without it causing them any problems]

Why is /adv/ like this?
Well, have an apple for fuck’s sake.
I felt the same, it sucks but eatting in the morning its super helpful as it turns out i have shit blood pressure. Also i have low iron, so try a week of iron supplements with food! Christ you will be sick other wise. Fyi If your a woman it will fuck w your period but it will be worth it.
I'll try iron, thankyou anon
How long has it been?

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I’m a heterosexual man who likes reading lesbian romance stories and reading lesbian hentai, and I self-insert as the lesbian characters when I do so. For whatever reason I don’t get as easily invested in heterosexual romance stories and heterosexual hentai than Yuri, why is that?
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you're already too far gone. if you can't separate your fantasy and reality then you're already trooning. your fetish will never be realized irl. its fine to have fantasies but women aren't going to romance a dude in a dress
women like andro boys nowadyas
> you can self-insert as the male link on the chain.
But I don’t do that, I self-insert as one of the women in lesbian stories.
> Why exactly do you not want to be a father? Why does it even matter?
It’s not that I don’t want to be a father, it’s just that I would prefer to be a mother, I want my children’s bodies to have formed in my womb. Now I know that there are children that have great relationships with their fathers while at the same time having strained or even terrible relationships with their mother, but still I prefer to be a mother.
Well you're gonna have to be a father. Plus you wouldn't even want to be a mother because you're not into guys. If you were a lesbian you couldn't have kids with your wife. So you're pretty lucky.

So i've got these opium poppies in my garden and the thought of processing them into opium is intriguing me. I have been warned it's extremely addictive by people who i can't imagine know a lot about it. Is it really that bad?

seeing as I only have a handful of plants I don't think i can produce a whole lot more than one time use, so I won't be repeating it again anytime soon, which I imagine should mitigate the risk of addiction. Is this a stupid idea? Is the high worth the hassle?
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opium isnt as bad as heroin no. not even close. but it is euphoric nonetheless and does cause dependency and withdrawal symptoms if taken at a certain rate

i would think youll be ok messing around every few months or whatever. drinking tea doesnt have the same euphoric thrill as snuffing heroin or whatever
it's a fuckin plant. it's not heroin
Just eat them. You can eat leaves and heads. Grind the stems to make tea. Way pain in the neck to do anything more. They are enjoyable to eat. Bitter taste tho.
Opium is a plant until they find a pod that you sliced. Then it is manufacture of a schedule I controlled substance.

Opium is just as illegal as Heroin. Heroin is much healthier, euphoric AND safer though. I've taken Heroin powder orally and that is probably what Opium feels like just less nauseous.
i knew a guy who did this. he grew the poppies. extracted the sap/nectar. rolled it into a ball that was like a jawbreaker. then we would shave it with a razor blade onto bowls of weed and get high. honestly it’s ok but not my kind of thing. it’s just a big downer but you feel good. you are only going to get addicted to it if you have a lot of it and nothing else to do

what they don’t tell you about addiction is most people who take highly addictive drugs don’t get addicted to them

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A crazy homeless man can just walk up and shoot you in the head. Maybe I'm retarded but this paralyzes me to do anything with my life.

How do I stop thinking my life has zero value and I'm worth nothing because I can just be killed and nobody would care?
A meteor can fall from the sky straight into your room and kill you. A lighting can fall on your building. travel through the electrical grid, come out of the outlet closest to you and strike you.
I think there is something deeply wrong with me because all this did was make me more afraid and manic instead of relieved that probability will account for these things never happening to me.
Because that means your screwups don't matter either, so you might as well do whatever you want in your limited time on earth
I don’t think homeless people can keep their guns for very long.

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Today I saw a young college-aged woman with big tits and a she wasn't wearing a bra. I imagined myself sawing off her tits and her head until I got a headache.
Obviously i'd never do this but I still get urges.
Yes, i'm an incel.
No, I don't think having sex would fix this.
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>I saw a young college-aged woman with big tits and a she wasn't wearing a bra
Just say "Hi, nice nipples!"
Easy bro.
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It's just thoughts, many people have intrusive thoughts. Ever see a mother with a baby and think "what if I pushed her baby into traffic"? It's actually pretty common. Obviously I don't get a headache thinking of doing it to babies since I have no problem with babies and it is just an intrusive thought but I actually dislike women which is why I get a headache if I think too deep about it. Obviously I wouldn't hurt women though.

Read above.

I'm 23 and in college, still living with my parents. I'm talking about oldcel cucks who settle down with 25+ grannies. I want to date while i'm young. At 30+ i'm probably just going to buy some cabin in the woods and live away from society.

my inhibitions are too high to do this.
>Ever see a mother with a baby and think "what if I pushed her baby into traffic"?
>many people have intrusive thought
Seriously do you think everyone ITT is being a goodie goodie? There is a difference between intrusive thoughts and really bad intrusive thoughts.
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that's what intrusive thoughts are.

yeah, I really hate women. I wish I didn't have to see any woman again. It really demotivates me. Sometimes on my way to the gym when I see women wearing slutty clothing, I lose all motivation and just go home.

I don't know what to do. I find everything boring and it's been this way for years. I don't care for anything, don't desire anything, don't have any real ambitions, nothing. I don't want to hang out, don't want to go out, don't want to play games, don't wanna talk. I don't wanna do anything.

I go to college and I'm doing very good there academically (stem). I'm also very financially stable because of some work I do on the side but even so, I am just so bored. I'm bored of life.
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Sounds like you need alcohol in your life
yeah bro you just need to become even more bored and sad to deal with your problem of being bored and sad this totally isn't retarded bullshit, everybody knows the people the most bored and saddest are the happiest ones when people think of ideal life they think of life in prison with nothing to do this is why we sent people to jail as a reward, not doing anything is very very good for your mental health
dopamine fry = brain stops rewarding you for things you used to enjoy doing.
You're bored because your brain is not rewarding you like it's supposed to.
You should wake up with a natural high and enjoy things in your life when your brain is healthy.
I never get bored anymore because since I repaired my brain. I feel good even when I'm just sitting outside with my dog or reading a book.
Not sure about a dopamine detox but I have been actively forcing myself to do things that I'm not excited about for awhile. Nothing changes.
Sounds like you need a dopamine detox.
Start by quitting fapping and sugary drinks/desserts.

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I'm 20. I'm jealous of people who drink, smoke, and party, and when I see it in films or shows, I get envious of the characters. I was always lonely my whole life, and only now do I have an IRL girlfriend, but I never had a "school life" or was invited to parties, nor did I ever drink or smoke except for one date with a girl and never again afterward.

Should I try now? How do I even try? My whole life, I've avoided all of this because I'm pretty mentally unstable on occasions, and I'm afraid of all that coming out.
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I'm 27 and none of that meant anything to me once I left college. Spending $200 to have 3 hours of mid-grade "fun" is not something you sit around wistfully remembering.
20 years old? literally fuck off and kill yourself

15: smoked weed first time
17: got big into drinking, girls, partying sex
17: cocaine, mushrooms first time
20: mdma first time
21-26: after college. drinking every weekend. more mdma. more cocaine. lsd first time
29: stopped smoking marijuana
30s: ketamine, dmt

i went to a party school and married a lot but i partied way harder in my 20s and 30s. and i had a kid at 26. you’re only old if you act old
I was in the exact same position as you anon. I’m 20 as well. I envied that lifestyle as well when I was in high school. All I wanted was to do drugs and party and have sex with chicks. Only recently have I realized all of that shit is fake and lifeless. Nothing really matters. Having meaningful and deep friendships and relationships with people are more important than fake or lifeless relationships with people at parties. You can still have fun without that life. I realized that spending the late night with my brother, sitting out on my porch and looking at the stars and talking about our lives is the most valuable thing ever. Parties, drugs, women etc. don’t mean much when you have actual important things you love and give meaning to.
Hang out with blacks in the parking lot after the liquor shop closes.

Why isn't male sexual abuse taken as seriously?
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Because of our culture that defines male sexual exploits as a symbol of power and strength.
because when a woman gropes you there are so many things you can do... you can punch it in the tits, you can scream heil hitler, etc they are never really in control of the situation
not if you are some lanky 100 pound man
Because men are more strong than womans. There are exceptions. But they (womans) have the control of the situation and say a shit like you try to rape her and everybody gonna believe her
harder for a man to come forward.
The justice system is humiliating, imagine going months talking about how much you are a victim. Most people take the mental scar and leave it in the past.

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I'm dating a girl that has a good heart but is a bit leftist and im a chud

how can I remove her leftism and turn her into trad wife?
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>boring 2 paragraph politics argument on the Internet

you're so leftoid and you don't even see it
How much leftist he is?
If she got pregnant from you, does she will abort?
If you become wheelchair bound due to an accident, will she oppose T4-aktion?
Why do you have cuck articles saved

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I've just been told I won't be able to go online and browse the internet at work anymore. I never went here or on other iffy places, but the big bosses still don't want me doing it even it the other people I work with can vouch I do my job just fine.

I've got to be ready for eight hours of total enslavement now, without any means to vent. I don't understand how people do it. I see my mom or other people who work very 9 to 5 jobs and I don't get how they can just sit in front of a computer or assembly line for eight entire hours and numbs their brains like that and be satisfied with just a few crumbs of vacations and activities. It's the kind of stuff that makes you a machine.

I want to make it clear I'm not antiwork. I like to work when I feel I'm doing something worthwhile and I feel useful. But this isn't. This is a summer job, but even then I think I might quit if I can get this other job that starts in june. It's the same kind of stuff but at least it's better paid. How do I cope?
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For me, I just realized I'd rather my stressors be other shit than being broke, hungry, and having utilities disconnected. It's a shit existence.
They don't even see us as human beings, OP. We are just resources to them, that's why they call it that.

It's monstrous, honestly. And they're all like this. Why?
If they pay you, they own you and your 100% attention from clock-in to clock-out. Like it or not, that's the contract you made when accepting the job. ANY non-job activity on their time is theft.
I didn't lie. What lie did I say?
It's still better than last summer when I was jobless, but it's still awful.
> I don't understand how people do it
You literally have to be mindbroken. They hope you give up and just comply. Just gotta find something that makes you happy and have hobbies.
Also, get some podcasts and phone games.

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>go to club
>see girl eyeing me
>approach her
>we dance and drink and end up going back to her hotel room
>we get into bed
>she tells me I can take my clothes off (in a non-sexual way imo)
>I do
>she asks if she can put her hand on my chest
>I say ok
>she does for a little while
>we go to sleep
>she ghosts me the next day

Was the sex supposed to happen then? I didn’t get any indicators she wanted to fuck. We didn’t even kiss much. we made out for a bit at the club but she pulled away after a few seconds each time.

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it'll be a year on June 9th. I'm going on a solo holiday again in 2 months to Prague and I want to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
Pay for it. Most secure was of insuring that.
>Pay for it. Most secure was of insuring that.
I've been escortcelling since 18. It was fun for the first year or two, but it's depressing now. It doesn't count.
>and I want to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
Ok great, so stop being a pathetic mentally ill faggot then. That is the advice.
A normal guy would have most likely fucked this girl. Or, even if he hadn't for some reason, not still be going obsessively on about this a year later. Because he will have had other opportunities since then, and not have caught feelings for some drunk club skank for some reason like you have.
These threads are actually WORSE than your usual creepshot threads, which is a really tall order.
>A normal guy would have most likely fucked this girl. Or, even if he hadn't for some reason, not still be going obsessively on about this a year later. Because he will have had other opportunities since then, and not have caught feelings for some drunk club skank for some reason like you have.
I actually had a good few opportunities since then, including the very next day after what happened in OP. I fucked up all of these possible ascension scenarios. I'm sick of it. I want to ascend and lose my unpaid virginity already.

>These threads are actually WORSE than your usual creepshot threads, which is a really tall order.
why are they worse and why are any of them bad in the first place?

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