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What sports leagues tend to be good for making friends? I'm late 20s, moved to a city for work, and have 0 friends. I'm supposed to live nearby but the job is otherwise almost fully remote, so I won't talk to a single person in months if I don't want to.
For playing sports. Go to your local rec center and see what's going on. Every area is different. For watching and making friends with fans, the nfl crowd is by far the most dedicated. You could probably make a best friend for life just by wearing a sweater with his team on it.

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Today I saw a young college-aged woman with big tits and a she wasn't wearing a bra. I imagined myself sawing off her tits and her head until I got a headache.
Obviously i'd never do this but I still get urges.
Yes, i'm an incel.
No, I don't think having sex would fix this.
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Motherfucker get off this website.
You are literally falling for every psyop that is shilled here.
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like what?
I've been here since 2015.
Of a fucking r9k/pol user
>Blind hatred of women
>jews rent free in mind
>le npcs
>epic trolling the jeets
Motherfucker get your shit together. The real world is not the internet. Go outside, seek therapy. Not giving you any more (you)s
Lol I do go outside and that's how it is. If I blindly followed what blackpill hindus and /r9k/ niggers say, i'd be telling you about how I can't get a gf because muh mythical chad is out there having sex with all the women, but i'm not doing that because I can think for myself.
I've been here since 2009 and if jews don't live rent free in your mind, your head must be made out of concrete

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>24 years old
>did all the self improvement crap for the last 7 years
>got fit
>got a career
>got money, savings and investments
>got a sports car
>literally wish i was dead
>not a virgin but never had a girlfriend
There were moments in the last 7 years i was homeless, spent christmas and birthdays alone, no friends, no money and no one to go to but i still had hope in these moments for a better future for myself. that better future came and honestly that little amount of hope just left my body. I just don't have positive view towards anything and the worst part is im so young i have so much further to go. It sounds good but it'll just be a slow grind down to death in my view. Obviously being 5'7 is brutal in the dating market but ive gone on dates, been with women and had success with really good looking girls but idk i guess its just how transactional everything is its hard for me to really even want a relationship aside from the fact its just never happened.
>OK now that my body count is higher than your age and you have X Y and Z im ready for you
like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better
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this is what roids do to a man
Have you asked yourself what are you living for?
The rat race has always been just to distract the sheep of the world, of course you feel nothing *le making it*.
Here is some food for thought
>Are you doing things you are passionate about?
>Are you someone you, or younger you would be proud of?
>If you were a chick, would you date yourself? if not, why?
>Is there something you wish you could do?
>like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better

Just remember to pay your girl's phone bill and help her with her student loans, or some richer guy will do it and she will leave you. Without her, you will not be able to appear cool to Generation X and Baby Boomers. you do want to look cool don't you anon? or do you want to be the nerdy dweeb that everyone laughs at for not having a girlfriend and who shoots up his glasses with the finger he picks his nose with after a sniffle?

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>be me
>volcel the last two years
>life went so fucked I ended up in rehab
>now feel well and want to be better
>forgave my past and everyone who ever hurt me
>understood nobody is perfect and they don't know how to live either
>"I want to improve myself, I want to do my best and die in peace"
>realize I want a girlfriend to do simple things with
>acepted I am a classic romantic one and don't want to ignore that fact anymore
>actually once had a girl in my life who showed me that love is real
>need that feel again, know it would be a great boost
>feel so calm, life's so good
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Sorry. I meant "other things that get you going" like the 500 hours you have on Apex that gets you so hyped up, you know?
Nope haven't felt it outside of familial love. Had a gf for many years and sure at first felt something.
>Turned out to just be butterflies from anxiety of being in unfamiliar situation or lust

But after that it just became another chore on the list. Hang out with gf for x amount of times this week. I would love to feel it and find someone but likelihood is low. Not to mention my expectations now are way out of proportion.
I do, but never found it. I've resigned already, I'm pushing 40 and the only way I'm getting any affection is by utility. I still believe I might find it, I just stopped looking and I'm focusing on getting better at extraordinary things. I wish you good luck and may you find what you need.
You're gonna get back with her if you show her this thread. It's gonna happen this year. I have no stake; it is just The Lord Jesus Christ.
>I am a classic romantic
No way. You're more likely to be a pedophile.

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Previous: >>31273390
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>sickly palor
A pale face?
>do you ever worry a dick can be too big?

>Can something tear?
Yes. Had vaginal wall tears before from having sex with my bf. FUN FUN FUN.
They come out when they want, it's not directly indicative of how I'm feeling. Unless I'm really cold, I guess.
in the past though they always message when its going to happen and leading up to it people message in the chat and if you don't go you get dmed but nothing, not a thing
And I mean it's the guy's job to provide financially.

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should I tell them?
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Ya brah.
So if none of those are available to you, then what is? It’s not having things that’s impressive to others, it’s doing things. Pick something to focus on. Get good at it. Find other people who are interested in the same thing. Chase money and eventually you’ll have it and be miserable. Follow your passion and the money will follow only now you have a strong foundation for yourself
No one disputes that YOU will never make it OP.
Why do you feel the need to cope and extrapolate that to other people? Or did I just answer my own question...
I already made it. Now, I’m just goofing around.
i made it
>skill issue

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Should I ever shop at a store that requires every single customer that walks in with a bag to leave it at the front counter before going to shop?

Yes, it has happened to me.
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If you’re not going back, you should give them a piece of your mind. Big corporations would not expect that. Maybe they’ll learn how to compete.
I boycotted walmart because an employee told me I had to leave my bag at the front. I shop at cost co now.
this is a thing now?
criminals keep ruining more things...
Dang. Which one?
kek so true

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Git gud nigger

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How do I make my girlfriend's friend like me? Basically a month ago i smacked my gf in the face and called her a dumb bitch (i know, very wrong but we she made me very mad, we talked about it and our relationship is ok) and because of that her friends are very cold towards me
Lmfao who cares
angry retard
>How do I make my girlfriend's friend like me
Have you tried smacking her on the face until she tells you likes you?
You can't. They dislike you because you hit their friend, which is a normal reason to dislike someone. You just have to not be a violent ape for a long enough period of time for people around to realize you have changed
people never change though.

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I hit 50, but still feel like I'm 18. I realize this only when I look at the mirror, or when someone calls me sir.

When I talk with adults like me, I feel like I'm still 18 talking to older people.

I need feedback to understand if this is a common situation, or if my brain is underdeveloped for my age.

Pic related.
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Your brain is not underdeveloped. You are inexperienced. People your age have gone through a lot. They've had children. They've raised children. They've seen their children get married. Their children have children of their own, and they've seen that. Their mind is elsewhere when they speak to you. Their focus is not on the interaction with you really. Their focus is somewhere else. This is why you have difficulty connecting with them, because you don't have the same experience.

For example, when I was 29, people my age were married and thinking about children, and I was looking at videos online.
I was "immature".
When I hit 30, I decided to change, and overnight I felt more grown up and connected better with people. Speaking to adults, the conversations became different too. I began preferring speaking to fathers, rather than single men.
I suspect this is the same for you, except you never grew past 18.
You have the experience of a child, and people your age are supposed to be the elders. So you are not "underdeveloped", your brain is fine, you are just inexperienced.
Do you have children?
>When I hit 30, I decided to change, and overnight I felt more grown up and connected better with people. Speaking to adults, the conversations became different too. I began preferring speaking to fathers, rather than single men.
This sounds incredibly immature of you
I have been thinking about the same, but I am 29 feeling like a 18 MAX. My conclusion is that different people have different intelligences and personal developments meaning your system/experience is evolving according to your subjective development, BUT NOT ACCORDING to other people's systems/experiences.

In short, you compare yourself to others, but you should compare yourself to yourself yesterday. That's my conclusion.

Sir you should keep some object or piece of clothing on you to constantly "remind" you of your age.
How you dress affects how you feel and see yourself

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I finally got a girlfriend at age 29. Got to admit, I made a lot of doomer and blackpill posts here. Made a lot of angry posts. I thought I was for sure never going to make it. But then I just went out for a hinge date (number 605, I was actually recording stats) and miraculously a girl likes me who I actually like, for the first time in my life. So how about that. I used to think that I was going to have to figure out what to do differently or where to move, like anything to change my success rate, but in the end I didn't even do anything. Just met a girl who happens to be perfect, and when I'm with her everything works like the way I always imagined it should.
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>so almost every fat person out there is dating
at least 40%*
actually 57.1% i made a mistake
My "views"? Being demoralized isn't a "view"
Can you break down the process of what worked for you?
"Overweight" counts people who have higher than average muscle percentage. BMI isn't as accurate as you think since it doesn't consider muscle/fat ratio. Also you shouldn't compare those rates between men and women since men have more muscle mass than women. Overweight women are just fat.

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I'm a homosexual, who used to be proudly open about it. But after sifting through all the media brainwashing, and seeing what the homosexual lifestyle was really like, I decided to suppress it. It's not hard to hide the fact, I don't have the appearance or mannerisms of a typical homosexual. But mentally, it is destroying me. Homosexual thoughts will be followed by this intense pain in my chest, my head involuntarily shakes, I start to lose my grip on reality. Is there no fix to this? I just imagine my future, and it's all a lie. A wife I don't find attractive, kids who'll have a father plagued by this disgusting curse. My present is a lie, acting macho and hyper analyzing my every thought and action to avoid detection. My best option is to keep on lying, and just let this pressure keep building in my chest. Is that all there is for someone with this disease? I feel like I'm going to die from a heart attack with all this stress and anxiety.
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witnessed domestic violence, became very distant from my father and overly reliant on my mother.
Using a condom puts transmission rate at 0.
As is clearly shown, gays don't use condoms
>using protection
Good one

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I've tried getting into drawing for years now but there's always the same problem: I can't imagine what I want to create. I don't even know what it is that I want to create. I know there's something in my mind, because I can feel the need to get stuff out, but whenever I'm in front of a sheet of paper it's just white noise. Nothing comes to mind. No images, no concepts, nothing at all.
I can copy stuff just fine, as long as I have something to look at while drawing, I can work, but I can't make any changes to it voluntarily because I just can't imagine what a face would look like if it was looking at a different angle, or if it had different eyes or whatever.
People usually tell me to just go outside and focus hard on what things look like, but that just isn't working. I can't even remember what the faces of my family look like when I'm not looking at them. It's very frustrating.
Is there any way to improve creativity?

TL;DR: Can't imagine stuff, how to develop that skill?
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and the bing suggestions generated by the first prompt
>I want to learn how to draw
>nonsense, you want to use AI
Fucking shills
way to misinterpret the post retard. I'm not saying make the ai and be content, I'm saying use that to have something to draw if you can't make pictures in your head by yourself. is that hard to understand for you? literally everyone starts from very slight alterations to references
>Can you see the picture?
Not really, no.
what do you want to draw? there are different workflows for different type of art. illustration, comics, fine art, animation, all different.

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I have basic honor for my mom and the work she's put in to provide a home for me, but she's kinda dumb...I want her to be smarter but she literally refuses. Just an example, I tried to get her to explore using smartphones and computers before they became a necessity and she only did the bare minimum and now I'm at the age where she's literally asking me how to do her taxes and how to write a professional email, often when I'm not in the mood to deal with how behind she is intellectually. All she does is watch TV and do chores but I would like her to become more curious about learning and exploring the world. It gives me leeway to fool around in my room when she's not looking but that backfires on me too because I'm not putting as much effort into my purpose/career. What do I do to improve this?
Anon, leave her be. "I would like her to" isn't your prerogative. Help her when and where you can without too much hassle, or direct her to professional services when you can't. Your attitude of trying to change her ways is how every young kid feels, trying to "educate" the person that gave you life. You're the child, she's the parent, and it's your job to help her, not direct her. If you really don't want to then don't. If she wants to learn, offer it to her, if she doesn't, leave her be.

Im going to a wedding in july, how do I learn to dance
classic tip is that even if you suck at dancing, positive attitude can make it better for people to dance with you than being a pro who's clearly disinterested etc.
useless advice from me
Go to a dance studio, that's what they do.
Nothing more pathetic than getting married to a modern western woman. Just go and laugh at the faggot. No matter how badly you dance, it won't be anywhere near as embarrassing as watching the groom kiss the bride on the same mouth that got skullfucked by dozens of cocks at random frat parties back when she was still young and attractive.

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