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For women: What qualities instantly makes a guy attractive to you, stand out to you, and are what are some green flags you like to see in guys?
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Maybe I should have specified then, working on your issues EFFECTIVELY.
Not possible.
t. coping incel8SSSSJ
>not into video games
And suddenly /r9k/ is a comedy board.
Thanks, anon

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So the amazing weekend that I had planned with my bf fell apart because his wife snooped through his phone and she saw our messages. She blew up my phone screaming at me and blubbering, calling me an evil whore and a homewrecker. I put so much effort into preparing for a whole weekend with him, mentally, emotionally, physically and it all went to shit! I was devastated to say the least. I have been contemplating so many things this week. I feel like I'm choosing between staying with my bf, which is painful right now, and breaking it off, which would be monumentally painful. I love this man. He is the best sex I've ever had. Yet, I struggle because I know my worth. I know I deserve more than what he can give me. I was with bf because it worked and because I like my freedom too. I have no guilt for the situation. I just wish last weekend never happened. Yet here we are. How do I stay strong through all of this?
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You a whorible person you deserve all the bad things I'm happy when people like you get caught and pay. next
His wife is gorgeous, actually. I couldn't help but look up her Facebook profile and I was surprised he'd want to have anything to do with me when she's so beautiful. I realized later that he liked me because I was more attentive to his feelings and needs and that made our connection was stronger.

Of course I believe it. Nobody gets up in the morning wanting to be evil.
Post the pics, RP fag. Screenshots and receipts or it didn’t happen.
well thats just not true, plenty of people wake up with evil intent. but your statement was oddly 3rd person so i think that you are being disingenuous
You are an evil whore and a homewrecker though.

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I want to be plug an shit

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>on line
>most annoying spammy one of the groupchat/server/guild/whatever...
what causes this?
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or simply because its to compensate for the lack of interaction/attention we get.
its E.E. from metal gear 2
When you're IRL it is possible to embarrass yourself, when you're online you can turn off your phone. That is why you have less anxiety online than in person.

I guarantee if you blacked off a Gabaergic substance (alcohol, xans, etc.) while in front of your friends/acquaintances you'd speak from your dick, not the act you put on in public to seem normal.
That makes more sense, yeah, I am very insolated. Also thanks for the info.

Failed extrovert with social anxiety?
the only comparable phase I can remember is wheb I was 11-12 years, right before middle school
this makes sense too

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I haven't seen a thread like this in a while so I thought that I'd give it a go.

How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? What habits are you trying to foster? What challenges are you facing and trying to overcome? What long-term goals are you hoping to achieve?
Did some work on a programming project today. Need to do some leetcode, read some war and peace and read a book on the history of India.

tomorrow gonna go to the gym. I'm a skinny dyel bro I'm hoping to hit 60kg bench by end of summer (on 45 right now)

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how do you spend your weekends?
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I don't have a life. I wage.
You get overtime tho right?
I just wish my former close friends were still close to me
Everything feels blank
microdosing Xanax and playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Drive to another city and go to the gym. Get something to eat. Shitpost. Might visit my brother or my mother.

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I keep having dreams of my female cousin where we are involved in some kind of sexual or romantic interaction or we are just straight up kissing and the dreams keep getting more and more intense it gets more sexual the more i dream about her. I never told her about my dreams and i also love her and have feelings for her in real life, but i don't have the balls to tell her i know she kinda likes me too but i don't know what to do at this point.does the dreams mean something or is it just my own thoughts going crazy in my head creating all these dreams
hahah... damn. i had a crush on my cousin for years and years. she kinda knew, and she liked me back too, romantically even. then she got pregnant, and started being cold to me. we dont talk much nowadays.

one time she put her head on my lap, and i got a massive boner, hahaha. she realized. then another time, sneaky me was giving her a massage. i got a boner again. i was sweating so much from the stress. again, she realized.

the dreams mean nothing, its your brain.

sorry, but i think you gotta move on man.
I can't move on i see her everyday we hang out a lot honestly i feel like i should tell her something if i get a negative response from her than thats a good sign and a good reason to move on, but i can't just keep on living like this it will bring peace to my soul if i just tell her something, whatever happens happens
hmmm... what if you started making subtle advances then, instead of going all in? start being more physical with her, get drunk together, say sweet things to her, stuff like that. i never told her about my feelings because it would just make things awkward, permanently.
What advice do you want?

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>Be decent looking
>Extremely fit
>Have game etc
>in bed I cum after like 7 pumps. 20 seconds.
>Disappointed every girl I have had over
Things Ive tried:
>Be drunk... nope still
>Use delay spray... nope didnt work
>Use delay condoms... still now.
>tried masturbating and not maturating. , etc didnt work.
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The more tense and nervous you are the worse itll be. If youre always worried about it then itll always happen. What does help me sometimes is curling the toes/feet and/or flexing the legs while trying not to flex the muscles around the dick. Distracting your mind in the moment helps. And usually the second round is way longer especially when using those tricks. But most important is that you satisfy her right? So get good at using your hands and tongue. Get her off before you even drop your pants and she will be less likely to complain
try fucking a man i bet you will last longer
First have the girl give you an incredible blowjob slowly. Pump her mouth full.
Then wait 10-15 mins and engage in regular vaginal sex.
Also, the more times you had pussy, the less often you'll have premature ejaculation due to too much excitement.
Maybe you're just young.

Pro tip: when you're about to cum, slow down and either think about Garfield or a penguin.
Trust me, it works wonders.
What if he just ends up developing a sexual attraction towards Garfield and penguins?

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How do you recover from getting ghosted by a friend who wanted something more for years but then, for some reason, got the ick and decided the best course of action was to ghost instead of talking?
I don't know what narrative that can explain it and it confuses me, destroys my confidence and gives me regrets beyond belief, what do I do? Does she know what she is doing?
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All me btw but maybe only this, the last post, matters: >>31276123
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It's over
Why did you guys leave the thread
Help me
I could vomit. This is going to be my last bump. The feeling always comes back to me. Analyzing myself, I'm disgusted..........

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How do I stop my butt from leaking?
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Why are you directing this towards me?
Maybe eat less food that causes that?
I'm not gay though
Maybe go fuck yourself?
Why are you so aggressive xister

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About to get my BA, wanna travel the world whilst making money and have fun a little.

What’s a good job with traveling I could strive after and get sort of easily, atleast out the door with my degree to see places? Wanna get the hell out of the US.
I don’t care if it’s even boat work I just want to make money and travel and put my degree to use.

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>sedentary lifestyle with lots of weed and bad food
>big moobs and wide hips
>peen doesn't work right
>estrogen was measured at 141 pg/ml when the male average is 10-50 pg/ml
>total testosterone on the other hand is 650 ng/dl (well within range)

Is this something that can only be fixed with medicine and supplements, or can simply changing my lifestyle fix these issues?
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So are you gonna give me any advice or are you just here to call me a fag?
not OP but if i go from 270 pounds to 180 or something will i get a bigger dick? I really couldnt give a fuck about muh masculinity or whatever, I can still grow full beards and have muscles from working outside but I always trim my facial hair because I look better without it imo.
t. fatty
No s o y.
Eat red meat.
Lose weight.
You are fat.
Adipose tissue produce estrogen.
Research it yourself or dont do it if you enjoy delusions.
Disgusting lard ass, thin yourself before you can't reach your ass for cleaning.

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I feel like I’ve been jerking off a little too much lately. My girlfriend is a bit of prude so we’ve been very slow on sexual activity but I’ve been watching porn to make up for that but I feel filthy and gross, like I just ate Taco Bell or something. What’s a good way to cut back without relapsing so much?

I’m 20 years old, so I’m pretty horny all the time, but it doesn’t seem right.
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>t. person who has no moral or character
>My girlfriend is a bit of prude
If she's had guys before then there is 0 reason to not have sex
Lets calm down a little.
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"Advice" on this board
>Man bad, woman good
>You should worship women more
>Women are perfect and men exist to be their slaves
>Women owe you nothing and you owe them everything
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alright chuddy, do you feel better? back to your goon cave now... off you go.
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Realize what is for you/already yours and realize what is not for you.
Yeah, marriage is the woman. Just thank God for your Ws because you'll get carried away if you feel too much pleasure from them.

How do I fully get over my first love?

It’s been years since we’ve been together and I still think about her and miss her
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nut inside. Let's talk about that.
Full name and from please.
I mean the anime Elf!
You don't. It was your genes telling you this is your best chance. And you missed it. GG
by getting UNDER your second love!

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