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Are you able to find fresh bay leaves where you are? Do they really make a difference? Also where are you finding them, if you don't live in a warm climate? Whole Foods only had dried.
i grow them. i don't use them enough to know the difference
Fresh bay is quicker but you also gotta pull it earlier
No you add it later. Terrible advice btw.
That's the same thing
ever drink bay leaves from a shoe
I don't think it's a big deal, dried bay leaves are so strong that most people use only a few for a whole meal. Can't say I've tried fresh ones though.
Fresh bay is much more fragant and aromatic.
Yes. Yes. Literally every supermarket in my area that isn't a bargain store or discounter.
>Whole Foods only had dried.
If fucking ShopRite, Hannaford/Food Lion/Giant and Acme/Safeway all have fresh fucking laurels/bay leaves, then Whole Foods does, too.
>tfw Delaware is now a subtropical paradise because OP can't find laurels
Bay leaves do literally nothing
Biggest scam ever
What if you didn't live within 100 miles of a major port?

>But I did eat breakfast this morning
cooklet detected
I've seen the fresh shit in fucking Pittsburgh, FOHWTBS
i bought a bay plant like a year ago and keep it in my kitchen. shit doesn't die even if i forget to water it for two weeks.
Pics, please? I can't imagine growing one in a pot so I'm very curious to see, if you wouldn't mind.
Not that guy but my mother does the same but in a larger pot outside and inside during winter.
I guess I misworded. My mother kept one, too, in a fuckhugic pot outside. But dude said he kept it inside, strongly implying a much smaller pot. I'd like to see this smaller pot of laurels.
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not home at the moment but i just bought one like this from a garden center
changed its pot once but it just seems to stay alive.
Neat! Thanks for posting something.
Yeah in my garden. I can even harvest during winter
their taste is just very subtle, that's why i use it for rice
Fucking wut.
They have an extremely strong flavour. Trying buying ones that were picked and packaged in this decade, homie.
This. It is a memeleaf and adds nothing, but retards will love to be condescending about it and lie to themselves to feel superior.
If someone gives me a recipe and a bay leaf if one of the ingredients, I know with confidence that person is a certifiable retard.
They give a sort of vegetal/fir like fragrance just fix your pallet bro
in the bay
>warm climate?
you don't need it, i'm in northen Italy and i have a bay tree in my garden.
I'm in central Germany and it even works here. Shit is getting huge
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Alright let's settle it. On the left we have organic dried store-brought bay leaf, on the left we have freshly picked bay leaves from the tree in my garden. Let the comparison begin:
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First, smell.

A similar amount was crushed up and smelled. The dried bay had very little smell at all! Perhaps a very mild hint of old citrus and a bitter tone. The fresh smelled fantastic - a very citrusy fresh floral "essential oil" type smell.
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Next I cut up the same amount to do a brew test
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5 minutes in hot (but not boiling water, left to steep). A comparison between the colour of the tea shows little difference, perhaps the fresh being slightly more 'yellow' if I squint a bit.

The flavour differences between the taste of the tea were HUGE though. The fresh leaf tea being just a liquid version of the smell - a prominent, pleasant floral citrusy "herbal" drink. Notes of rosemary, thyme, lemons, essential oils. Very refreshing and I actually drank the cup.

The dried however? The overall flavour was less prominent, but the flavour itself was different - little to no floral or aromatic notes, with a prominent almost bitter "stale lemon" flavour after being swallowed, with little prominent flavour beforehand. It wasn't particularly pleasant.
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Conclusion: we have a clear winner. Fresh Bay!

Although I do think dried bay leaves could add a subtle background "bitter citrus" note to a soup or stew, I'd imagine you'd be better off just adding a partial lemon, especially to avoid the almost "stale" taste. It's hard to describe as it's not actually stale its like a muted, dead leaf (duh) type of flavour. The fresh is great however, giving a complex aromatic herbal/citrus flavour notes that goes beyond just what a lemon would add to a dish. Good enough to just drink as a tea as well, which I may end up doing again.
Neat, thanks for sharing. Is the one growing in your garden Laurus nobilis or some other species of bay leaf?
why do they need to be fresh?
are you making bay leaves irish cream?

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