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Everyone is just pretending to like this, there is no actual way people enjoy blue cheese, right?
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I genuinely like it. Last night I made an amazing gorgonzola butter with shallots, honey, anchovies and black pepper. It was a great addition to the grass fed filet.
if you dont gag to blue cheese.
i bet it would pair well with mushrooms
Blue cheeses are (always? sometimes?) inoculated with specific molds during the cheesemaking process. It's kind of like how we add specific bacteria to milk to make yogurt instead of just letting it go sour naturally.
I was going to disagree, because I used to make my own yogurt with milk...but now i can't remember whether or not I added a spoon of yogurt to the clay pot of scaled milk.
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here ur mitchlin star tacos, ese.
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found this on reddit
maybe you should stay there
Fake and gay. Probably written by a robot.
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>orale I'm glad I waited three hours for these tac-- ACK!
Just don't sell drugs bro

Have you ever known this simple joy?
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It's AI.
Of living in a dead lame suburb? No thankfully
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Lattice top pie thread?
is that bluebree or blackbree?

also I have made some pies but never one like that :[

What am I in for? What should I try?
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you really should try a Cleveland Steamer instead. Delicious.
Had no problems, worth a try but not a real staple item.
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are you unabashed?
i want to try it but i can't find it anywhere. i can buy a box of 8 for like $50 but that seems expensive.
also i have to order it online

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Cut open a lemom and this brown goo was inside. Anybody know what that is?
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It did not taste like lime
Idk if that supports or disproves the trans lime theory
'was' because it's dead now, dummy
big if true
How does it taste?

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what food did you eat in the last full day (i.e. yesterday if today is not over)?
me (I am sick):
>2 open face sandwiches with egg and kaviar
>spaghetti bolognese
>2 open face sandwiches with pic related and cheese
and you??
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Protein shake
Quark jam and oats
4 egg 150g meat tomato and cheese = 2 wraps
Half ball of mozzarella
1 Chicken drumstick
Think that's it.

Quark jam and oats
3eggs butter and ham on half a baguette
Some fruit yoghurt thing
Will eat later today
Other half ball of mozzarella
Only have enough for 1 wrap today so 2 egg 75g meat

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a bowl of cereal
a cup of yogurt (black cherry)
two fried egg sandwiches on ciabatta buns
a bowl of pasta bolognaysee
those kwik trip boneless wings are really good, i usually get them whenever i cross the river into WI. the dodgeville gas station staff now calls me "three for free" because i always ask for three sauce packets

>didn't have yogurt sauce
>third item on list: yogurt sauce
Reverse order again: chickpea flour dumplings in tomato curry with rice and roti, turkey club sandwich with salad, homemade carrot bisque and leftover homemade cucumber muchim with a slice of Korean melon after, milkcoffee, shopbought butter rum muffin, blueberry/raspberry green tea.
>cup of coffee (black)
>bagel with cream cheese
>handful of assorted berries
>cup of coffee (black)
>handful of granola
>ice cream sandwich
>pork loin with roasted root vegs

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Eating authentic Chicago town pizza tonight bros
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>can't into dairy
Shouldn't this be Detroit style piiza instead?
why do people buy these small pizzas? a single normal store bought pizza is bigger and more food then those shitty 2 small ones.
because they don't sell these "deep dish" pizzas in the larger sizes
im not referring to those specific types just small pizzas in general
>You could microwave it but it would be soggy as fuck.

he doesnt know

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Last week I brined some cut roast for jerky in quart jars for 2 days
Dumped jars out in a collander over a bowl
Made beef jerky
Used brine on a couple chicken breasts for a couple days
Slow cooked chicken in brine for delicious shredded chicken
Once again strain the now stock/brine and shred chicken for various meals, first was crispy carnitas
Today use the stock/brine as a soup base for avgolemono with some of the shredded chicken and orzo
it is delicious

Tell me stories about not wasting ingredients at all and making meals from leftovers, etc
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>thread about not wasting ingredients and using leftovers
>whines about a little hair
kombucha is terrible shit. almost $10 for a regular drink size bottle of it and it tastes like absolute SHIT.
last year after thanksgiving I took the entirety of the leftover turkey, broke it down, tossed it into a big pot with water and seasonings and let that shit simmer and reduce for like 5 hours. Tada! Turkey dinner soup.
Across how many days did this brine recycling take place? Also, for how long did you slow cook your chiken?
1 week from making brine to eating the soup
simmered it for just under two hours and it shredded nicely and was still juicy. the days i'm brining i'm sure saved me some cook time by pre tenderizing
i'm wary of over slowcooking things because the meat ends up dry somehow... why most people's pot roasts suck
honestly brining just makes everything better. haven't tried on steak yet though...
this is perfectly what I mean. how does one lacto ferment things you drink, doesn't it require a salty brine?

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Chili hounds time
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i could throat two of those at the same time
Does somebody make this stuff or is it some kind of office pot luck that everyone and their cat avoids? What kind of shitty offices are you "people" working for?
>calls out op for being retarded
>posts an esl tier run on sentence
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I did chili dawgs a couple days ago but was so excited to eat them I didn't toast the cheese. They were still good though
U gotta love those chili canines

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is trader joes the best grocery store or wegmans? Trader joes has so many amazing exclusive items i love it!
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For me, it's Tops
I have a sudden craving for Buffalo wings.
Jealous then since it's probably cheaper there, my Walmart doesn't sell any ITO EN stuff. I'm jealous in general, I have to go out of my way to get any decent Asian market stuff that isn't at Wegmans.
>Trader joes has so many amazing exclusive items i love it!
I don't give a rat's ass about exclusives. I care about getting the basic ingredients at a decent price. For me, it's Winco.
That's completely normal. But tell your caretaker if you have a sudden craving for Buffalo wangs.

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I've been trying to make a lemon bars recent.

I strayed from traditional lemon bar recipe because it always ends up tasting like a fucking terrible cake with a shitty shortbread crush that falls apart and instead took a basic Key Lime Pie recipe and replaced the limes with lemon and up it in an 8x8 pan.

The flavor and texture are absolutely perfect, but it's just not setting properly and it's really runny in the middle.

If I add cornstarch, will it help it set without fucking up the taste?
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how do I make a raspberry glaze for my lemon bars? I've only ever made lemon bars from boxed mix, but they stopped selling the version that had raspberry topping. I tried spreading jam on the top after it's baked, but I want it to set up more.
dehydrate it more (boiling), more sugar
will that make it not sticky anymore? I want it to be like the raspberry filling in jam cookies where it is kind of slick like a candy instead of sticky like jam. if I boil it first how do I stop it from burning through the custard when I pour it on?
I'm a Nazi and offended that you're lumping us in with grammar trannies.
just add some pectine or agar

This Burger is way better then the overrated and overpriced Big Mac
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Unfortunately this sandwich is incredibly gay.
Ur mom is a gay
If McDonalds disappears in your area, can you even get a burger?
I usually only eat McDonalds when going on a road trip with my best friends so I'll be fine if the ones closer to me vanish. The closest one is about 20km away from me anyways.
That is why they deny you it. Forcing you to eat the Big Mac and Quarter pounders, which will put pounds on you, is a humiliation ritual.

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Tfw some1 reposted my pic
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The only assholes that claim Tabassco as the GOAT are inbreeding toothless fucks that lives in either Louisiana or Alabama or Mississippi. Literally go fuck yourselves up the ass and use your shitty watery vinegar as a lubricant.

I fucking loathe any piece of shit degenerate scum of the fucking earth’s crust that claims that Tabasco is king. Fuck you and pic related, one example of a hot sauce that with Molly woo and pummel that ever living shit out Tabasco in a one on one taste off.
And you are sexually attracted to the man on the front.
No my pipes are lead.
>>xanthan gum poison
ooooh boy new schizo material!

French fries may be the king of fast food sides, but potatoes au gratin is the king of home cooked sides.
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Would be better with small daps of cream cheese inside and bits of jalepenos, maybe ham if not bacon. Bit more toasted on top.

Add some "rooster sauce", whatever its called.
that looks really good anon, hope you enjoy
>French fries may be the king of fast food sides
Baked potato with brocolli. About as much effort as potatoes au gratin.

Cheap meal.
It was never a main dish. I don’t understand your complaint.

Lads, I need your help! I found this recipe for Carolina Gold BBQ sauce on Reddit:
1 cup yellow mustard
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup cider or white vinegar
few grinds of black pepper
1 tblsp worcesteshire sauce
warm in saucepan to combine

It tastes way too mustardy and tangy for me. How do I cut that back? Do I add more ketchup? Or perhaps sugar?
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>i made a mustard sauce
>it tastes like mustard
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>ketchup in mustard sauce
i know this sounds crazy but put the zest and juice of a large orange in. if its still too tangy add more. you wont taste the orange and your sauce will be smackin.
just put less mustard and vinegar in. both of those would add tanginess. you could also try dijon or other mustard types besides yellow.
a good amount of brown sugar and some kind of citrus is the way i'd do it. also instead of using classical yellow mustard you could mix in some other types- i have used sweet hot mustard and honey mustard along with the normal yellow and it came out really good. orange juice really brightens it IMO

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