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Stfu cokefag
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this just the Civil War movie map
ngl, some grape soda sounds good right about now
Incorrect, no one outside of rural ND, SD, MN and WI use pop anymore.

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Have you ever gotten a custom birthday cake?
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In the books this was one of the first stories in the setting, before Thomas was introduced. The intent of the original story was that he stayed bricked in forever, but the publisher insisted on an extra story that had the three engines of the compilation together.
Thomas has seen everything
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Coworker spoils me. This was last years. Didnt do one this year, prices are batshit currently
When I was little the nearby bakery had one of those machines that could print a picture on icing and they didn't give a fuck about like, violating copyright, so they would print whatever picture you gave them onto a cake, and for one of my birthdays I got a big green cake with buzz lightyear printed on it.
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It sounds like the author was a diesel

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what are some well known drinks from your country?

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Found this black stuff inside a female lobster. It also seemed like it had fewer eggs than usual.

I've been eating lobster all my life and I've never seen this before. What the fuck is it?
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How does it smell?
Why did you post a thumbnail if it's your own photo?
lobster cancer

I've seen lobster poop and it wasn't this color or anything close to that size.
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Well I’ve got good news and bad news.

>Good news
It’s not shit or crude oil; it’s Lobster Roe (eggs) which is quite rare if it was wild caught because technically you’re supposed to throw them back….I don’t know how but fish and game can tell just by looking at them and you as a fisherman should know too (that’s why you invoke your 4th amendment and keep them in a cooler)

>Bad News
The reason it looks like that is because it’s not cooked at all, or at least not enough heat made it to the eggs. Some people literally JUST eat that shit raw and don’t even touch the lobster. But naturally should want to be eating a fully cooked lobster, unless you’re cool with parasites.

But since you’ve been eating lobster all your life then you should already know all of this.

Mexican-style sandwiches.
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and I thought they were burritos
bitch how dare you
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I'm so sorry...

How many Big Macs do you think you could realistically eat? I'm choosing the Big Mac because it is very popular, recognizable and virtually the same size worldwide.
Here's the challenge: You have a full 24 hours to eat as many Big Macs as you can. Once you finish a Big Mac, a freshly made Big Mac takes its place. The Big Mac must be eaten in its entirety before you receive a new one for it to count, small amounts of fallen morcels are permissable to move on(fallen lettuce, sauce ect ect.). No fries are involved, just the burger; you are, however, allowed whatever size drinks they have to offer, and the drinks can be refilled at any point. The challenge ends if the participant taps out, pukes, leaves the premises or the 24 hour period has ended. Using the washroom is permitted. You must be sober when attempting this challenge, you cannot be drunk or high. You can bring in entertainment, within reason, to pass the time. You can choose to see this challenge as an endurance challenge or a casual single sitting attempt, up to you. Or contemplate both, knock yourself out.
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Am I getting paid per big mac?
I guess I'll just eat two. one for lunch and one for dinner.
maybe another later at night after a few beers and blunts
>Who wants to play "drink the beer"
>You win
>Alright, what do I win
>Another beer!
about tree fitty
in fact of course

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What would you make for Ramsay if he came over for lunch?
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Kek, where is that mormon guy now?
>What would you make
I would make a point of not answering the door, and the calling the police if he knocked a second time.
>this is what passes for "OBE" in current year
I mean, it's not like England doesn't deserve everything it's getting, but a hearty kek all the same.
Yeah, it's great.
Anything from this list, I'll take that British fuck to flavortown
Tbh this.

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Leafbros, why get anything else? It's so honest in its soullessness that it becomes soul again.
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What could have soul than these shit threads you keep posting over and over again? What you need is an excorsicm.
Because it takes a special kind of person to commit murder and those ppl are usually not mentally well and have completely different priorities.
PC mogs No name at basically the same price
It tastes like how you imagined this tasting when you watched Lost for the first time two decades ago
i'd have to shop at no frills and i'd rather pay more elsewhere to avoid the stink and proximity of immigrants and welfare cases.

>chocolate chip cookies
>molasses cookies
What are some other good cookies to make?
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No, for me.
Anything with macadamias (the best nut) in it
Danish butter cookies

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Honestly, how can anyone find this appealing? Just sitting in a pool of its own blood, its disgusting.
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I would pour that in to a ramekin and drink it.
Did that person's mother cut up some bite sized chunks of the steak before setting the knife down and walking away
Who eats like that?
already debunked OP
I don't understand why fags insist on incorrectly using the word murder when slaughter sounds more extreme anyway
That's not blood, if it were blood it would literally taste like rust.

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the fuck
why is this so tasty
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>just shoveling handfulls of pickled ginger in your slob mouth is bad for you
i don't believe this
my guess is it wass less the ginger, more the brine, i didnt finish the bag btw and it took me weeks to start feeling weird
I can't eat that stuff without my body going into a full allergic shock. Like the whole deal, shitting water, vomiting, sweating followed by chills and rashes everywhere. A shame really cause I liked the taste.
I love pickled ginger. Pickled anything. Though I had ramen the other night and the pickled bamboo had an overwhelming smell of urine. Apparently this is not unusual when places use cheap bamboo shoots
I never liked it myself but I love the more red, thinly sliced pickled ginger they serve with yakisoba and curry rice (and is the best part about curry rice)

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Everyone is just pretending to like this, there is no actual way people enjoy blue cheese, right?
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I genuinely like it. Last night I made an amazing gorgonzola butter with shallots, honey, anchovies and black pepper. It was a great addition to the grass fed filet.
if you dont gag to blue cheese.
i bet it would pair well with mushrooms
Blue cheeses are (always? sometimes?) inoculated with specific molds during the cheesemaking process. It's kind of like how we add specific bacteria to milk to make yogurt instead of just letting it go sour naturally.
I was going to disagree, because I used to make my own yogurt with milk...but now i can't remember whether or not I added a spoon of yogurt to the clay pot of scaled milk.
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here ur mitchlin star tacos, ese.
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that's the weirdest michellin star and I say this as a mexicano
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found this on reddit
maybe you should stay there
Fake and gay. Probably written by a robot.
Just don't sell drugs bro

Have you ever known this simple joy?
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It's AI.
Of living in a dead lame suburb? No thankfully
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Lattice top pie thread?
is that bluebree or blackbree?

also I have made some pies but never one like that :[

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Cut open a lemom and this brown goo was inside. Anybody know what that is?
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It did not taste like lime
Idk if that supports or disproves the trans lime theory
'was' because it's dead now, dummy
big if true
How does it taste?

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