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there, does this help?
If I ask for a soda and a lady brings me a dr pepper I'm hitting her
>lived in georgia for over a decade
>have heard exactly one person generically call all pop "coke"
>it was 2 weeks ago
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no, soda makes you unwell
>living right below the western border between "soda" and "pop"
Huh. Guess that's why Grandma calls it "pop" while everyone else in my family says "soda." Either one is better than calling root beer "coke," tho
I'm not from America but I live in American soda country and say soda.
I've never heard someone call them that down here unless new orleans is some sort of exception
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I say soda, pop, and soda pop. southwest USA
for me it's Mr Pibb or bust
"soft drink" in my country
Honestly all I'm seeing from this image is 'groids who don't realise that "coke" is a specific soft drink.
Noo you can't just hit women
I'm from Soda and I say coke to refer to any cola, not sure if that's the same thing. I can't imagine anyone saying "coke" and expecting a sprite or root beer, regardless of where they're from.
It's 'Grab me a Dr Pepper', 'Can I get a Pepsi?' 'Pour me a Coke (when wanting the specific Coca Cola brand'

You call it by the brand name. What sort of mongaloid says 'Grab me a soda / pop'. Which fucking one, dumbass? Let me go back in time and grab you a crystal pepsi real quick, fucko, because you didn't fucking specify.
Kids say pop, adults say soda. Sometimes an adult may call it pop when speaking to a kid. Nobody calls it "soda pop" unless they're being sarcastic.
>What sort of mongaloid says 'Grab me a soda / pop'. Which fucking one, dumbass? Let me go back in time and grab you a crystal pepsi real quick, fucko, because you didn't fucking specify.
What's even worse is when you are at a restaurant and your friend asks for a Pepsi when they only serve Coke, or they ask for a Coke when they only serve Pepsi.
I mean, how fucking Asian (mongoloids) are these people, for real for real?
But when you're not talking about a brand. When you're talking about the category. I plan to have a milkshake tomorrow at a place that opened a few weeks ago. I have not decided what flavor. I am waiting to see what they have first. So I will not say the flavor. I will only refer to the milkshake category. If I were going to a party, I might be planning to abstain from alcohol and stick to fizzy lovelies for the night. But I wouldn't be certain what fizzy lovelies will be on offer, so when conveying that information to a friend before the party I would need to refer to the category rather than a brand.
my family calls everything pepsi
Change Soda to Saliva
I specify which drink I want. If I say Coke, I want Coke. If I say Pepsi, I mean Pepsi. I suppose the only exception would be if neither Coke nor Pepsi were available I'd say Cola to specify whichever generic alternative is available. Dr Pepper is not Cola though, it's Dr Pepper.
I hate boomers so much, it's unreal. It's not a Band-Aid, it's a bandage. It's not a Kleenex, it's a tissue.
>I hate boomers so much, it's unreal. It's not a Band-Aid, it's a bandage. It's not a Kleenex, it's a tissue.
And I'm sure there are plenty of boomers and zoomers that both hate autistic people like you.
Pretty much this. I’ve never called soft drinks by some careless generic name, I always name the drink specifically.
>but what type of drink is Pepsi?
>"it's Pepsi man it's just Pepsi"
>but imagine you were putting Pepsi in a group
>"you ain't make sense man Pepsi is Pepsi"
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All of NM says coke
Coke and Pepsi are both a type of Cola.
I think this map is bullshit. I lived in Washington for 4 years and never once heard anyone call it a "pop"
>baking soda
>baking pop
>baking coke
>None of the michiganders, new yorkers, or mexicans that have taken over the south say coke, nobody ever said it here, and if they did they're gone now, which is a good thing.
Every single thread
I saw the updated map and it's almost all soda now.
for me it's "no thank you". i'll have some water, perhaps a coffee. you can be fat on your own
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I LOVE being able to watch both ancient and novel cultural distinctions being erased in real time.
This or fizzy drink is acceptable
your pic is just soda, soda, and soda. Idiot
no more brother wars
coke niggers must fucking hang however
fizzy wizzies (Australia), or 'fizzoes'
based tonicbro
I live in the NW corner of the blue area and the only time I've ever heard "pop" instead of soda was from someone born and raised in Ohio who recently moved here.
Used to say soda, now I say pop out of spite
b-but a terminally online autist said that everyone in the South calls it a coke!!!
Band-Aids aren't bandages. They're sticking plasters.
Rarely hear anyone call it pop in Ohio
Stepdad asks "you wanna coke er a water?"
"What kind?"
"Dr pepper"
Stfu cokefag
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this just the Civil War movie map
ngl, some grape soda sounds good right about now
Incorrect, no one outside of rural ND, SD, MN and WI use pop anymore.
Calling fanta coke is the dumbest thing ever
Soft drink.
>no watermark
i fucking love reddit
change soda to sodomy
what is coke but caramel lemon fanta?
I've lived in Tennessee / Georgia my whole life and I've never heard anyone use coke to refer to soft drinks generically. This is either a very old person thing or inbred hillbilly thing.
Also I once worked with a British guy who tried to convince me they call it fizzy drink. Do brits really?
In my country we use the proper term, poison.
Soda /soft drink
soft drink
Cokebros, how can we expand our area? Where should we go on the offense?
Do it yourself you lazy cunt
as a michigander, first let me say "sorry" and second, how dare you insinuate that my former neighbors aren't southern material.

Unless they're from detroit, and they're all scum then.
y'all ain't all bad, I admit. Just tell tony to stay up there :)
Why would someone call all sodas Coke? Thats a very specific brand
coke was first and invented here. also lack of brand loyalty at the beginning and more recently the 90's.
I've always said coke or soda I thought pop was mainy use in the higher north east.
>stupid Americans don't even call it a "bubbly fizz good for the kids"
Carbonated Beverage
To me Coke only means Coca Cola. Cola is any dark carbonated soft drink except root beer, like Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc. Root beer is its own thing. Soda is any clear carbonated soft drink like Sprite, Selzer, Sierra Mist, etc. Pop is any carbonated soft drink that is colorful and very sweet like Mountain Dew, 7up, Squirt etc.
>Seattle is in the Midwest
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Cokebros... We must extend an offer of alliance to the Pops.
We can't go on like this...
Only the West Coast is sodomy
This map has to be from the 1950s, nobody in this state south of I-10 calls it coke. South Florida it's always been soda with Midwesterners calling it pop occasionally
Only the deepest of deepest Dixie calls it coke, North Texas, Oklahoma they usually say pop along with some parts of Appalachia. But anyone within an hour or two of a true city will just call it soda, certain rural flyover places near Canada will call it pop but nowhere else really. Very outdated map
t. never left xer state
Coke is $4/2L. It's made itself irrelevent trying to coast on dead brand recognition; same as McDonalds.
Pop bros... I don't feel so good..
When I ask for a coke I'm asking for a coke. Why name anything other than the exact item you are ordering
You're not relaxed enough and that is why you're a virgin
pop sounds like a brief exchange between homosexual men.
>in my virgin mind
>I'm from Soda
I found this absolutely hilarious lol. As for the other thing, yeah I think most people say coke as a generic reference to any cola. I think it's why waiters have to ask, "is Pepsi okay?". They don't know if you're asking for specifically coke, or just any cola. I don't think anyone thinks of sprite's generic name as coke. Personally I use 7up as the generic name for lemon lime flavored soda. I'm from Soda as well btw.
Soft Drink
pop bros, soda bros
Its time we form an alliance
I call it "sodapop"
together, we can finally crush the coke menace

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