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Everyone is just pretending to like this, there is no actual way people enjoy blue cheese, right?
nobody pretends to like any food or beverage. any time you're wondering if people are just pretending to like something, the answer is no. you're just too (literally) autistic to understand people having different thoughts and feelings than you. every single poster on this board who accuses people of pretending to like things is on the spectrum.
I like it. Why would I pretend? It's genuinely tasty.
It can be good. All about the quality.
Why am I suppose to throw away my normal cheese when there is mold on it, but blue cheese is fine?
You're not. You're supposed to just trim off the moldy spots with a knife or whatever and keep eating.
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blue-cheese can actually be pretty varied in terms of palate, constancy, sweetness, etc.....its a catch-all term for a cheese made with the mold-culture, and doesn't refer to anything specific
consistency* wtf, stupid phone
Blue cheese is the best cheese and I'm not gonna let some limp wristed, beta goudalet convince me otherwise
The mold on the rind can be eaten usually, but the parts that are tasty and meant to be enjoyed are the mycelium pockets that have spread the bleu mold spores throughout the cheese, which typically look blue. It's all taste-related. I like softer tasting cheeses these days, but for a good while I would just eat chunks of bleu cheese alone or with crackers. I am happier eating firmer goat cheese like pecorino and parm. Nutty > sharp, nutty > bleu. I am coming to appreciate good brie cheese now too. But low quality brie sucks, like low quality anything does.
A taste doesn't necessarily have to be pleasant to be enjoyed.
Haven't you ever watched a sad movie? Nobody likes being sad, but it's still an enjoyable experience.

Stop being such a baby.
I'm one of those people who thinks others just pretend to like beer, wine, coffee, and spirits to appear adult and cultured. All those taste like shit and I don't consume them.

But I like blue cheese. I literally just eat hunks of it. So you can be assured I genuinely like it, not pretending. I admit it's a very strong flavaour and not for everyone. It's kind of like marmite or century eggs. You either love it or hate it.
U sound like ur on the spectrum bud. The “pretending to like it” is obv a meme.
Some people are thick and project all sorts of stuff on others. Not just food tastes, but media likes and political opinions and all sorts of stuff.
It's a symptom of them being very very stupid. They just can't cope with the concept that there are other, different perspectives.
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Roast beef and blue cheese sandwiches are really good. Blue cheese is fantastic.
Blue cheese is intentional molding anon. If its random mold you have no clue what it could be.
If its a hard cheese, just cut off the mold. Otherwise throw it away (Or melt it until over 60c)
Blue cheese and chive sauce is literally the only thing I'll dip chicken tendies into. Try it sometime.
Literally rotted cheese on flesh. Why are carnists like this.
whats it like tripping over your 2 left feet, clod?
Penicillin is made from a mold. They're quite useful for humans.
Also, gorgonzola on pizza is great.
If mold has sprouted and is dense enough to be visible on the surface of something, the entire thing is already infiltrated by mold
Quiet, homosexual.
no, cheese is too dense, it's not a loaf of bread. you really are OK to trim it
True for most foods but not hard cheese. Hard cheese is too dense and dry for mold to spread through it much. If hard cheese gets moldy it's usually because the surface just got wet, and you can trim it off and it's fine. With softer cheese that might be true though.
for me, it's bocconcini
Yeah, that was what I was told when I asked about it at some food safety session at CNE years ago (summer job), but they don't explain why blue cheese mold is fine but other cheese mold is not.
You don't eat it with the eyes.
>Blue cheese is intentional molding anon. If its random mold you have no clue what it could be.
truth and this board has been so overridden by newfag autists it's insane
It's not even autism. Zoomers are just extremely childish.
I genuinely like it. Last night I made an amazing gorgonzola butter with shallots, honey, anchovies and black pepper. It was a great addition to the grass fed filet.
if you dont gag to blue cheese.
i bet it would pair well with mushrooms
Blue cheeses are (always? sometimes?) inoculated with specific molds during the cheesemaking process. It's kind of like how we add specific bacteria to milk to make yogurt instead of just letting it go sour naturally.
I was going to disagree, because I used to make my own yogurt with milk...but now i can't remember whether or not I added a spoon of yogurt to the clay pot of scaled milk.
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>Blue cheese
Sir, that's a cadaver's brain
Mold on the surface is the “flowering” part, there is a wide spread network in the food itself
Is it impossible for /ck/ to eat anything but fast food slop and steaks?
>nobody pretends to like any food or beverage.
True for most things with the very massive exception of alcohol, which a very great many people do indeed pretend to like, especially insecure guys trying to compensate by pretending to love shitty beers.
I pretend to like all sorts of food and drinks to fit in with other people so they don’t think I’m completely retarded. I would be happy eating rice and beans and drinking water for every meal but noooooooo people think you’re a fucking creep if you don’t eat their meme food like pizza and steak and drink their meme drinks like wines and beers and sodas. They won’t let me eat my bland food and drink warm tap water in peace without going all WHATS WRONG WHY ARENT YOU EATING AND DRINKING ALL THIS SUPER STRONGLY FLAVORED FOOD AND DRINK IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG?!?!?
Take it easy, buddy. Look! I brought you your apple sauce and cheese sticks! Ok? Can we practice our counting method? Deep breathe! One … two … three. Now exhale. Good job!!
Blue cheese is one of those things heaven lets us have to remind us it's still there.
>Pretend to like shitty beers
I drink Budweiser, i find it crisp and refreshing. I like craft beer too, but i dont pretend to like IPA's because i think they taste like shit.
another rage bait thread hidden
I understand not liking blue cheese but not liking steak and pizza means you need to leave, sars.
being that picky is an autistic trait
Blue cheese mold is healthy, it's the same thing they make penicillin out of
I fucking hate gorgonzola, but other than that I generally love blue cheese.
No it isn’t. It means I have a sensitive, discerning palate. They tested me for autism many times and decided that I was just stupid.
Can you make penicillin out of mold taken from a blue cheese bloc in fridge or frozen? Preppers talking about stocking up on antibiotics, but knowing how to make it is really important.
No it isn't. Different blue cheeses use different mold cultures.
I ruined brie for myself by buying a random wheel of it from a supermarket deli and it straight up tasted like a public urinal
>public urinal
I refuse to picture the circumstances around which you got to taste that and pity you it made you dislike a little ammonia in well cured cheese.
Being easily overwhelmed by strong sensations such as sounds, smells and tastes is a huge autism trait. You can also be extremely stupid.
I have to be in the mood for it but I'll eat it on occasion
I don’t have autism. Not every fucking retarded weirdo who prefers bland food and eats the exact same meals everyday is autistic. The internet has made people think that all strange people are autistic and I’m sick of it. Regular stupid people who aren’t autistic exist!
yeah but you're not regular stupid, you're special stupid.
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You're posting on /ck/ and replying to my posts. You don't have any right to call me stupid.
>any time you're wondering if people are just pretending to hate something, the answer is they're making a shitty bait thread
>They tested me for autism many times and decided that I was just stupid.
Somehow that's worse.
that actually sounds bomb, i'm gonna have to make one sometime. on sourdough, ofc
do you fuckers not know how to look things up on the internet?
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>go to restaurant
>heard they have decent burgers
>craving a black & blue
>all burger options but the classic are crazy overwrought carb and grease monstrosities like pic related
>say to server: I see you have bleu cheese crumbles for salads
>can you ask the cooks to make me a black & blue burger?
>server comes back after a minute
>they said they cant
>why not?
>the bleu cheese is only for the salad
>it's a dressing, the crumbles can't be separated
>mfw you can use bleu dressing just fine for a burger just add caramelized onions and/or grilled mushrooms and skip all the other condiments
>that's too many substitutions
>no ordering off-menu

it's some variation of no + bullshit excuse, EVERY SINGLE TIME. I don't WANT to pay steakhouse prices for a fucking burger, that's why I'm asking for one where it's half the price and nobody's trying to sell upsell me wine
Another one that fuels my rage eternally
>used to tend bar wine bar that served fancy bruschetta
>placed closes, find new job at izakaya/ramen bar
>see new Italian place same complex
>haven't had bruschetta in forever, been living off tonkotsu for weeks
>craving basic bitch tomato basil bruschetta
>stop by after shift
>look at menu
>only bruschetta option is the jarred artichoke crap
>ask server
>can I just have tomato basil bruschetta
>immediately sense hesitation
>uhhhm, I think it only comes like how it is on the menu
>try to handle this as reasonably as I can
>This is an Italian place, yes?
>you have Italian bread?
>you have the means of toasting it?
>and olive oil?
>and diced tomatoes?
>you have fresh basil?
>and salt?
>then what's stopping you from making it the way I'm requesting?
>it doesn't come that way sorry

Can someone please explain this bullshit to me I'm going to go the way of Falling Down any minute now
Insufferable asshole is a tired bit. Get some new material.
>Zoomers are just extremely childish.
I'm elderly millennial. our generation were the ones to infantalise absolutely everything. fully grown people playing fucking quidditch, le epic bacon, etc.

kek, I love blue cheese but this image always makes me chuckle.
so I had to deal with customers raging about bogus dietary restrictions
>is x processed bread item gluten free?
>dude nobody's 'allergic to pork' just say you're jewish)
and the thousands of inane complaints with a smile for years, but I'm not allowed to ask reasonable questions? If you have the ingredients, you can make it. I would always find ways to not OVERcharge my customers, AND accommodate their requests. Sauce on the side? You got it. Upselling, that's another story. But dude, I'm not about to nickeldime people over a side of ranch or some pita bread. How am I insufferable from trying to get the same when I'm the one paying? I never yelled and made a scene, id just leave.
Nah, I don't think so. We are social animals, and our avowed preferences, even our private opinions, are influenced by social pressure. People absolutely, without question, do choose to consume foods and drinks for reasons unrelated to flavor. To feel included, to signal status, to connect with some culture, there are many possible motivations. Food does more than please your taste buds and nourish your body.

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