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whatchu now about grapeseed oil, white boy?
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They want to keep their distinct cultural identity intact even if it’s something silly like AAVE, formerly known as Ebonics. They don’t want to fully assimilate into American culture and lose their uniqueness which is understandable as a concept but in practice it seems to mostly make other people not like them. The ones who do fully assimilate and are good people and productive members of society are called horrible names by the majority who choose not to assimilate.
Soy isn't wordfiltered here, bud
They don't have a culture of their own. These people were separated from us by 1.3 million years of evolution and failed to build a two story building or a functioning civilization that advanced out of the stone age in the entire time. Even the stone age civilizations of North America did a better job adapting when they came into contact with us, adapting to the use of horses, firearms and other modern technology almost immediately to the point that they posed a real threat and we had to take drastic measures to wage war on them back.
the actual name
Good for an initial seasoning on a freshly stripped pan but other than that it's pretty useless.

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>crunchy water
>umami bomb
>al dente
>hit it with the
>better than sex
>bed of rice
>burrito bowl
>fusion dish
>melt in your mouth
>za, nugs, sammy, guac, noods, veg, tendies
>open-faced sandwich
>reverse sear

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>meat sweats
>food baby
>referring to the waiter as "garcon"
garcon means boy
>bot post
>let it slide
>mouth feel

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is she german?
you digest everything but the skin
Chewing your food is a lost art these days. And probably the reason for 90% of digestive issues
Kek, thanks for the laugh anon, I haven't thought about that game in years. Loved it as a kid.

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Hey /ck/, what's the most cursed cocktails you've made or had?
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Irish car bombs or what I described specifically?
Milk and moonshine. It was vanilla flavored moonshine so I thought they'd go together well. It didn't. And the bottle got warm before I finished it, so it was just thoroughly unpleasant all the way around. Still drank it all though.
Burn in hell unironically. You don't deserve human rights. I wish Lego's in your urethra.
does anyone know what mixes well with remy martin?
Maker's Mark and Aldi's brand fruit punch

take the slop pill

have leftover veggies? add eggs and cheese
have leftover rice? add eggs and cheese

slop is so easy to make you can just throw everything in a bowl make cook in the microwave
i'm not a nigger or a retarded amerilard too lazy and stupid to learn to do anything properly yet with an inflated ego so i'm good thanks

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/ck/ related webm thread
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I'm numb to this food on counter and eat with fingers niggery but holy fucking shit warm soda?
the fuck is this?
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your taxes pay for ebt and anyone spending it on frivolous shit likely has plenty of income it's just unreported and criminal. Drug dealers, thieves, burglars, able-bodied welfare queens, and under the table workers.

i.e. ebt users are mostly criminals that are supported by taxes. You know, the 30-50% of your paycheck that magically disappears

>t. grew up in an environment where everyone had ebt and also made the equivalent of anywhere from 20 to 500 dollars an hour, untaxed and unreported
Thread hidden
Cow has an infection, yeah it's really gross.

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>first 90+ degree day of the summer
>mom decides to make Texas chili for dinner
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>Gay also means happy you massive fucking autistic retard.
*slow golf clap*
You won this round, you big man, you.
Your penis is so much bigger than mine.
I have such a SMALL micropenis.
It is 4 nanometers wide and 2 nanometers tall.
We are so much smaller than the manly Americans.
Please send more ammunition to Ukraine
It doesn't come across as very sweet when you eat it. The salad is a really nice balance of sweet, sour, salty and funky. The candied pecans are salted and the dressing is more sour than it is sweet and it's got a decent amount of salt so it doesn't really read that sweet. Funky stuff like blue cheese or organ meats goes really well with some sweetness. And the butter for the filet barely has any honey it; just enough to make the shallots really pop.
Why would you eat a filet?
Because grass fed whole tenderloins were on sale for 9.99/lb and they actually had good marbling for a tenderloin so I bought two
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Spicy food is one of the best best things to eat on a hot day. It promotes sweating and cools you off.

I'm sorry that your mom's son is retarded.

Sup guys, I know there’s some Japanese curry lovers out there, what’s your favorite curry mix you guys get? Do you guys know a brand that isn’t dump loaded with sodium?

Pic related, not my favorite, Asian market was closed for the day
I picked some of that stuff up a few weeks ago. I got the medium hot mix. It was alright but I don't think I'll make it again. I don't like the way curry stinks.
The average Japanese person eats 10 grams of salt a day, everything from Japan is loaded with sodium. If your body is so weak it can't handle a bit of salt you don't deserve to live anyways.
Japanese people can handle more salt because they evolved from sea demons who lived in salt water
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pic related

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Is serving food “piping hot” or just hot in general, just a big meme? I’ve found that in my own personal life, whether it’s dining out, or even if I’m picking up food for someone, everyone is obsessed with getting their food hot as possible and eating it the second it cools just enough to be edible.

But for me, I’ve found that everything, from fast food to home cooked meals to fancy restaurants… everything tastes better when it’s cooled down to room temperature. The flavor comes through better.
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>Hey OP, are you going to fucking respond to my comment?
Fuck you, NIGGER.
kek based
I lived in my car for a year, and then it got stolen by basketball Americans, and then I lived in a cardboard box on the sidewalk for another year. You definitely miss having a good, hit meal after a while.
>I lived in my car for a year, and then it got stolen by basketball Americans, and then I lived in a cardboard box on the sidewalk for another year. You definitely miss having a good, hit meal after a while.
These things don't just happen.
I've been homeless.
You let some cum dumpster slut take advantage of you while you were homeless, and you somehow managed to end up with even less than what you had.
Embarrassing, yes, but that's the fate of retarded fucktards like you. Do you want to be some other bitch's white knight?
I will keep my sanity, thanks.

Why does McDonald's have the best toys?
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cant wait
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it doesn't
Are these in America yet?
You forgot the cool box that it all comes in.
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They never let me have the girl toy ;_;

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is there any more simple or satisfying snack as the buttered cracker?
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pate should be rather easy to make yourself right? I've never tried but thought about it before
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I remember doing this too but it was graham crackers not saltine crackers.
Maybe thats the cracker that you remember breaking up
oh that would make sense
please stay in england

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I got a well done pizza at costco and it seems basically the same in firmness as a normal one except it looks more burnt

What a scam...
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what 20oz soda has 420 calories? or are they counting 40oz
No way a 20oz soda is 420.
I will keep my sanity, thanks for the concern
Yeah, "with refill".
It's a 20 oz soda with refill. So two sodas technically.

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Got asked to test some batch cocktails for a wedding and getting prepped
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>not a single bourbon or whiskey
Gay marriage was a mistake
nice one. one of my best friends asked for help doing a couple cocktails for her wedding, particularly my house boulevardier that she and i would sit around and get hammered on. i made a very clear recipe with instructions for the bar staff at the event space and they completely botched it. it was upsetting.
Nice, luv me negronis, simple as

It's delicious and you can build it in the glass. I should try a pre-batch next
I wonder how much $ all that is
Off the top of my head I'd guess somewhere between $180-$200. I buy a lot of that shit somewhat regularly.

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Whats your i dont feel like cooking meal you like to make?
I'm cheesed with dry cured sausig.
Low effort high reward.
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sweet potat evoo drizzle in the oven. simple as
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usually it's just not eating. with or without beer.
A big bowl of cram chowder
>Whats your i dont feel like cooking meal you like to make?
>Cooking: the act of preparing food

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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>t. sissy
Can't let your anal fissures act up I suppose, homo.
Nope. Pesnuts do no belong in food.
they are good if you toast them and don't use all spicy ones
I like mostly guajillo and some arbol for salsa
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