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I cannot fucking wait until my parents die
you will regret those words, either here, or in hell.
If I'm going to hell I probably won't be able to escape them there either. They're narcissistic, pop-culture obssesed, helicopter control freaks with no conception of what it means to help someone. Every time I mess up I'm just making "excuses" but it's all projecting - they do nothing but make excuses for their miserable lives. They're unhappy and they take it out on me. They don't care about humanity, they care about their new sports car or some new TV show on Apple+. If I don't snap now I will later.I don't genuinely want them to be murdered or become ill - I want them to get the FUCK out of my way
boomers will never die! :3 keep waiting kiddo
Don't be naive, they're next on the list to croak. The next generation will hate us too for being TikTok losers who never did anything. The entire world is made up of ad timelines and every now and then - 50% because of chance and 50% because of real effort - a correct and good timeline occurs. Unfortunately people like you and I are not living in that timeline, which is why we're here right now.
yea in all seriousness.. i get what you are saying. i have decided to ignore the world as much as i can and devote my life to my marriage and God. i will make sure my next generations get the most out of this effed up world!

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Kind of been using /pol/ since I was 11 leading to me being a lonely, sad neet who is also very high so I'm ranting but I lately find myself thinking a lot about my own sadness. My own misery and loneliness. How I'd give anything to be happy. Forget about a gf at this point I'd take any kind of friend. Then I began to realise that if for some reason I was certain, I mean 100 percent certain that trying to be the opposite sex would make me happy. Well I'd do it too. Of course they can look silly, of course there are tons who try to do weird shit like involve kids. and honestly they as a group are genuinely annoying. But the actual, genuine transgender on an individual level? One who just wants to be happy and live life that way? I don't hate them. i envy them now that I'm thinking about it. They know what will make them happy and are trying, trying more than I ever have tried. I actually feel kind of bad and guilty for hating them. I don't think I actually believe in the validity of their gender identity and I don't know if I ever can but that doesn't matter anymore. The world isn't getting any better, so who cares if they're right or wrong. I just genuinely hope I haven't made anyone end it. I haven't really directly harassed many people directly although there were some. But now that I'm sitting here all alone and sad I just wish I was nicer. It wouldn't have changed anything in my situation, but still. Hope you enjoyed my blog.
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>is a loser
glad i grew out of my /pol/ phase lol
OP here. Just wanted to see how many troons browse this board. SIKE GAS ALL TRANNIES
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so true sister! fuck those pol/cels/
The incel to tranny pipeline continues to be as sure as the air that I breathe
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I love this. Life-altering. Also reads like a Metal Gear Solid monologue, for some reason. Like I totally read this in David Hayter's voice.

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Do you remember the popular kids in highschool who thought they didn't have think for their future?
What do you think they become when the grow old?
They screwed over their life and now rely on affordability, family values and esoteric therapy to keep going.
They are easy pray for politicians that able to make them think that they'll save them.
I wouldn't blame these politicians, I'd do that too

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>tfw no Latina gf to give me footjobs
women don't general care for bald men, no
but yeah puppet maxxing doesn't attract latinas unless you're gonna be today again.
t. yesterday and tomorrow

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>tfw my first gf was a huge buttslut and gave me an anal fetish and every girl since then got mad when I went for her ass
Go back with her obviously.
How do you even get that ? Dont you think that asshole is fucking disgusting ?
Never was a problem, every girl I was with was clean and well groomed I think that's mostly a fat people problem

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You take the red pill, I'll show what is behind the veil.
You take the blue pill and you'll continue in this illusory world.

Machines? Fuck machines. I'm talking about this you're living right now. It's all illusory.

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>completely missed out on teen love
>if I try to date a 18 year old I'm viewed as creepy even though I probably have LESS sexual experience than her
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I don't know what you highschool you went to but no it's not
Nigga, by whom??
Quit overthinking
Nah it may be viewed weird by some but 18 is the age of consent universally. Nobody can call you out. As soon as it is a minor then yeah that is creepy. Women naturally want older guys and that range can vary. Some 18 year olds even want 26 year olds 30 year olds etc etc. Ive seen it all
I regularly fuck 18-19 year olds. I'm 35. Stop being a pussy. (yes I'm white, 6', with an exciting career)
Why do you need her to be 18? Just get anyone within that 5 year window (or even a bit above) and you're fine

I'm 31 and never bothered to make it out of the hole
All there is for me now if I suddenly turned it around are divorced moms with 2+ baby daddies
Don't become comfortable in apathy and don't get stuck believing 23 isn't young

i talked to a turbonormie today
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Bite the bullet and date her nigger
He was like some brownish brodude finance student, 22 or so years old, it was pretty trivial, but I could tell we both disliked each other by the end.
But did you talk to Barzini?
They want you to believe that they are special, cool, that thei fit in in this group of losers or whatever.
>period on question
whats with people being pedantic about everyone but themselves?

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why are asian women (female) like this?
because people want to see my die. this person has no place finish, but everywhere to go
Too ugly for the kpop or average Asians, also a minority in America so less options

It's like when blacks used to get only the fat girls
they're coping hard. that's all it is
>why are asian women (female) like this?
what you've never seen the neo-nazi with the black g/f?


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Would you ever consider dating a Gamer, femanon?
What about marrying?
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I would totally like to date a real gamer and not some retard who only plays Fortnite.. plus.. I hear that rage fucking after he's had a hard night tends to be fun..
Yes that is ideal

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>Oh, am I in your seat?
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They are GOOD speakers. Very GOOD.
I highly recommend those chairs anon.
do they lift you in the air and you gotta hold onto the armrests to not get launched like a cartoon character when a loud sound plays?
No lmao. They do get pretty fucking loud though at max volume if you want to piss off people in other rooms or your neighbors.
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Get the fuck out of my chair
*throws whore into crowd of pakistani men*

>have a woman who's also nerdy and autistic
>she's always inside working cuz her remote job requires it
>I read her books and beg her to watch something with me to feel some sort of emotional connection
>"I'm sorry anon, I promise I will after I'm done with this book"
>still waiting on that, might have to wait forever
If she refuses when she's done I'll just drop her, better be alone than with someone who doesn't want to invest in you
Women don't invest. They just exist and expect you to entertain them and provide for them. The only exception is if you are way above their league in looks (Chad) and status/money so they are the ones chasing you. If you are ugly or average nobody will ever chase you.
How do you get a nerdy autist gf

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Wadup nikka?
What of hard R

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I live in croatia all of the women are into tall, sporty and outdoesy men. No exceptions. Even the fat ones demand a gym bro with zero self reflection or whatsoever, thin, nerdy men are hated more than jews here.
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NTA, but there's stages to it
>Neurotypical Chad
you won the genetic lottery, you get to fuck all the young pussy and or find a hot wife, dating is easy mode
>Autistic Chad
At the very least, you are attractive enough for women to ignore your autism and lack of appealing personality, dating is medium mode since social drawbacks still apply
>Average/Sub-Average Neurotypical
You aren't attractive to women, but your neurotypicality compensates you enough that you CAN get women with it, you might still wind up a failed normie, but you have a chance, dating is hard mode
>Average/Sub-Average Autist
You are not attracting women unless you pretend to be a normie, which will only be a temporary fix as the facade will fall eventually, dating is hell mode
yeah its over. fuck this. im done. nowhere is safe.
>girl that likes nerds
thats movie bullshit. doesnt exist. they want tall chad that plays video games or rich techbro as a betabuxx if they say "i like nerds"
or looking for beta provider/emotional chewtoy on the off chance she's not pulling it out of her ass.
you have any idea how entitled city girls are?

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Meet the most annoying little man in the world, today only

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