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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


Explanations of functions

Turbie-Wurbie's Cutesy Test Link Compilation! UwU

Exploration into Enneagram

Syntax of Love

contributions to and suggestions for links are well noticed. new thread sometime every Friday.
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
No and Yes
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
It changed a lot thats for sure
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
That I'm made from flesh
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Yes and no
>your type
intp 5w4 sp/so
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
I feel obliged because everyone in my family is kind of a mess. Feel like it's going to get worse and I will be obliged to help. I don't really like feeling needed. I want people to interact with me and I with them because it brings us happiness not because they'd be screwed otherwise. I'm still not doing great and im not really able to help people out emotionally
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Yes, going back to see some places/areas I grew up. Ended up moving back for a bit into a house I visited as a child. It's interesting. I moved around lots growing up and didn't maintain that many social connections especially from early on (0) so seeing the physical locations and how they've changed is cool.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Just basic social stuff I guess, what i'm supposed to do in social situations or just like doing things around people or how to respond to people
>Do you care for the people around you?
To the extent I can, i feel like I have an extremely limited sort of degree of focus I can expend on others before I just get totally exhausted and shutdown though which I am aware of kind of hurts them but hey gotta do what you gotta do.
> Do they care for you?
Kind of, i feel like there is a lack of sort of intention and focus behind it though or just a kind of incompetence. I'd attribute that mostly to the culture being kind of decimated right now, so they have less sort of tools to use that might be helpful or help them understand things. I'd kind of prefer not though, I know I should be involved with people but just being very isolated does seem nice...
Bumping for time
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Not particularly. Uncertain.
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
Practically every word that had any umph in the first place. Everything is so weak now.
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Nope, moved too much for that.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Can't think of something off hand, but there's lots of normal things that just bewilder me.
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
"Care for" as in "take of care of"? No.
Care for as in emotionally investing energy into other people? Yeah.
No, it's over
I'm tired to waking up to the last thread being dead because nobody bothered to keep it up while i was asleep
Now we're all on /Big5/ >>77515092
>I'm tired of this thing that has happened two or three times in the last two or three months
You don't possess the discipline/consistency to be a leader. Don't try to speak as one.
>I-it's just three times in a row, we c-can totally recover from this!
Stop coping, /MBTI/ is dead, the future is /big5/
Is MBTI even accurate?
No, that's why we're all moving on to Big 5
This has always been a thread to discuss multiple schools of thought and multiple personality analysis systems.
You are childish.

Can the theory be accurate? Yes, usually is. Can tests be accurate? Yes, but aren't as often --especially if you're approaching them without an objective but compassionate (and in that way, non-neurotic) understanding of your own psyche, let alone workable familiarity with the theory and adjacent areas of psychology.
You have to know who you are and be honest about that, and understand what the test is asking you well enough to translate that data through a question often lacking nuance into options for answer also often on a spectrum lacking nuance.
It's accurate and it's useful if you interface with it correctly. Ask unclarified questions, get redundant and reductive answers.
Tbqh i'm just very bitter that the last thread died, i was enjoying it
Would have never happened back when /MBTI/ was still alive
I understand, and that's a valid emotional reaction. I'm sorry for not being more patient with your expression of that emotion. But I don't want expression to accidentally itself into genuine counterproductive action, for you and/or for the thread.
If you're not better than that, I'd like you to try to be. I believe in you either way. The good part about my
>You think you're in control? You think any of us are?
sub-tone is you can do whatever you want and thing's'll still get where they're going. All the future-sight in the world still doesn't erase my preferences; I'd like things to go smoothly, efficiently, comfortably. But writing eachother off isn't the best way to go about that. Thank you for letting your guard down and entrusting me with some realness there, friend. I'll try not to package my enforcement of hope in such an uncompromising and hairtrigger way. I get rude when the care remains, the hope, but my belief or hope in my ability to be a good agent for it does not. Guess lately I've been turning to actors I gauge as more detrimental than myself to eliminate, rather than trying to look to top performers to model myself after, or to try to act as bridge between for others also struggling to embody their values and goals.
I won't say sorry for oversharing, but I'll acknowledge that this may constitute such.

What are some of your favorite topics to discuss, when things are active and healthy here?
Yes MBTI is accurate, just ignore all of the nu-age garbage like Beebe, Socionics and Cock Sucker Joseph.
Online tests are shit and effectively worthless, because you don't know yourself at all. The original theories behind the modern MBTI are really good
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NTA. There is something to be said for selective filtering; the brain's inherent tendency to filter out all consistent details, and notice that which stands out. Posting mbti threads daily or weekly for X amount of months or years will make the common catalog browser simply ignore it. If these threads are for all typological systems and psychologically relevant topics, a change of name - rebranding - may not be a horrible idea. It could garner awareness from demographics who have currently filtered us, be it literally or psychologically. Assuming nostalgia or tradition does not make said action unpalatable, change can be productive.
>just ignore all of the nu-age garbage like Beebe, Socionics and Cock Sucker Joseph.
What's your reasoning for ignoring those systems? If they stood alone in a world with the original understanding of MBTI nonexistent, what makes them useless or "garbage?"
>dissing my boy Chad Slayer Joseph
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
yes, sure
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
yes, weird
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
yes, yes
Well, because I have read Jung.
This is like asking why flat earth theory is garbage. The answer is because I've read a physics book.

The theories and the practical application of these typology systems do not *DO* anything. There is no purpose to them beyond the superficial labelling of oneself to appease the egos desire to identify. These typology systems do not promote any sort of growth nor introspection. They do not teach you anything about how to observe yourself, they do not teach you to differentiate the separate parts of yourself.
These typology systems are shallow at best and malicious at worst, praying on people's misguided attempts at understanding themselves in order to generate clicks, become famous, or just rinse their pockets while feeding them straight garbage. Not unlike the modern industrialized food manufacturing. Overpriced poison.

Really, what you're asking is an existential question, though. What makes an old shirt garbage? What makes something worth being thrown away? At what point does something become useless? If you're at the dump, and you stumble across two differentiated pieces of garbage, say a toilet and a car wheel, is one of the two more valuable? Maybe you personally would think the toilet is in perfectly acceptable condition, so you install it in your bathroom.
But then it explodes and ruins your bathroom. It was in the dump for a reason. A reason that you personally could not see, until you installed it in your own bathroom.

cus they sux like a broken toilet.
but what if i want to turn the fountain into a really cool sculptural installation that serves as societal commentary and also ticking time bomb to humiliate and hopefully mortally wound a corrupt politician in a fashion that still outweighs the way it traumatizes the public and the politicians family for the greater good of humanity, beauty, and cosmic/divine harmony-in-motion aka chaos?

and what if i need a partner and what if that requires white lies about how i'll totally let my comrade install the toilet in their house after the mission is finished? or what if it requires running around like a crazy person trying to find someone who shares or can be focused upon my vision for the broken toilet?

Guys listen please there are other ways of doing it but you all spent so much energy on the broken toilet you've really got me invested so I wanna do it this way now

Quantum fountain. Toilet*
Fuck, idc, if it's serviceable and not smithereens'd you can have the fontana de pooloo afterwards I'm just saying I'm not prioritizing its survival beyond any initial utility. maybe a record of the process for historical posterity
Well, I mean, that's a different kind of useful. One could probably say that it's even more useful in its broken form due to this.
It comes down to which is more... hm, what's the word.. I don't know, impactful? But, a pipe that is fulfilling its initial purpose by delivering liquids to the tenants of the building, or
that same pipe but cut out of the wall so liquids are spilling into the building, and the newly abstracted pipe is stuffed with explosives and lobbed through the window of some big wig politician to create, as you call it, harmony in motion?

Who's to say?
At least with the second option, something changes.
infj. not totally sure about ennea these days.
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
i dont feel needed. i do want to feel needed, but by someone i respect, and for some purpose i respect. im not sure how i feel about that, but it is what i want, or at least something i think i would like.
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
most everything, if it ever had any.. its strange, how homesick still has weight but nostalgia doesnt. they both dont, homesick is just more certain.
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
a while ago i went to a park i used to go to as a kid. what really stuck me was how dead empty it was, other than that it was pretty much the same just worse. i stayed a while grandparents for a few weeks, i had lived there for a bit as a child, but it didnt feel at all like the same house. whole area was different. generation shift.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
lots. for one, weather. rain and snow and even just clear skies. clouds are so weird.
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
they dont really, and i really dont. any care given is always somehow taxed and indirect. i havent felt like i was caring for someone in a long time, maybe since my mother was sick. i havnt felt cared for since i had a fever as a kid. wait. that isnt true. just a few weeks back i took a shower and had flapjacks at my aunt and uncle: i felt cared for then. my kid cousin was freaking because the house we where staying in is haunted, and i helped him calm down. also, i helped him troll this psycho bitch from his church. even those times it was all taxed, but less, and it happened.
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I would like to propose two terms. The first is to... differentiate... the "functions" (I.E., Te or Ni) which are a combination of a function and attitude from the basic concept of a function itself. The only term I can think of is "mode."
Thinking = function.
Extraverted thinking = mode.
I think the word, "mode" sounds stupid
The second term is to differentiate the common internet understanding of eight "function" (mode) typology from original MBTI, socionics, Carl's theory, etc. Right now "MBTI" is a bit of a catch-all term, which is understandably offensive to some. I am putting foreward these suggestions to promote more civilized discussion and save us all from needless arguments and misunderstandings. The term I would like to propose for this common typology or social media typology is "koinotypology." The "koino" part comes from "koinophilia" which is a sexual preference for mates of normal appearance and behavior.
I hope that everyone realizes I am attempting to solve consistent problems of these threads.
That's a lot of words for not saying anything of substance. You made a bunch of statements without explaining the actual reasoning behind any of them.
Also, if you like, we could talk about Flat Earth in more depth than claiming it is nonsense because of... "physics." I'm no physicist but it doesn't make sense that planes, balloons, birds, etc. are unaffected by the coriolis effect but bullets and toilet water allegedly are. What are your thoughts on that? How is it that the Earth is spinning at 1,000 miles at the equator and we aren't all dead? Wouldn't it be a bit more windy, everywhere?
>I think the word, "mode" sounds stupid
To add, if anyone has any better suggestions I want them.
Modality would make more sense in this context but nice angelquads and I'll thoncc harder in the meantime while I'm continuing to buffer the three or so other thonccs
I like that much better, thank you.
I forgot to mention that I may refer to my own understanding as the "OK" system, (as in, it's OK to use) which would be Octomodal Koinotypology. Sounds neat enough to me.
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i miss it too.
>What are some of your favorite topics to discuss, when things are active and healthy here?
i have the fondest memories around lord of the flies. we were going to read american gods together. it didnt have to be that book. i was going to do a report on Pale Fire, still might... probably wont. watchword was good. homu and pachy always had good links and recs. just about everyone did really, at least once. yourself?
ive been saying this. it is a good idea. i dont want to do it now for selfish reasons. if things dont pick up by the solstice, then i will be on board. maybe /type/.
>What's your reasoning for ignoring those systems?
noobs should skip over them because the only things they have over Jung and Izzy are redundancy and obfuscation.
cog; constant; signed function; note. mode makes me think of music.
>term I would like to propose for this common typology or social media typology is "koinotypology
good idea.
it is accurate, but how useful it is depends largely on who you are. people can talk about it like genetics sometimes, really it is just a systematic way to describe people and how they see the world; tenancies.
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well, shoulds are troublesome. guess it depends on what you want out of this shit, and what you are allotted. might be best just to tell newfrens there is more than one rabbit hole they can stick their heads in, and let them sort it out on their own.
Mentioning the differentiation of functions from attitudes is actually pretty important. Calling it a mode only applies a band-aid, which is acceptable for the short term. But the actual solution to the problem is... to differentiate the attitude from the function, as you're supposed to.
The concept of "Ti" is neither a function nor an attitude, it is a concretization of both into something else entirely. The idea behind what "Ti" is supposed to be representing is something like "a function in action, or in motion." A function cannot "do" something without an attitude associated with it. Much like a plane without propellers will not fly, a thinking function without an attitude will not judge.
Calling "Ti" a function is like calling a car a wheel. It just don't make no sense.

I don't think "mode" sounds stupid, I just think it's inaccurate. The most accurate, typology related word would be "type" or "archetype" to be Jungian about it. Or, worded simply, it's a type of types.
My vote is for archetype, because that's what it is.

>That's a lot of words for not saying anything of substance
The type problem in play. Those statements *are* the reasoning behind the answer to the question you originally asked. I don't know what it is specifically you are looking for, so you're going to have to be more specific. I can only really give you the broad overarching themes of what goes on in my mind, or I can tell you the picture I saw.
>planes, balloons, birds, etc. are unaffected by the coriolis effect
wat?? Everything (on the planet) is affected by it, even planes and balloons and birds. It's just not easily observable to the naked eye. Whilst something like the water in your toilet is immediately obvious and observable.
>How is it that the Earth is spinning at 1,000 miles at the equator and we aren't all dead?
Short answer: gravity.
How about the fact that the earth is shooting through space at 60,000 MPH?
Crazy, huh?
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>>your type
>>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
needed is a strong word. but things do tend to be about me. what can I do? I wish they weren't, but nothing ever happens if it's not me pulling the strings
>>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
incel. femcel. or redpill. this type of stuff. I hate seeing normalfags or twitterfags irl talking about it like they know what they mean.
>>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
they feel small. invading my old school at night while it's empty was psychological terror though. too many memories.
>>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
the fuck does that word mean
women in love, I guess
>>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
I don't know man, I'm a cunt. I have to be honest with myself once in my life. I'm an asshole. I wasn't like this though. I prefer to think I'm a good person trying to be bad. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.

post funny images I laughed really hard at picrel pls make me laugh this week was rough
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>post funny images I laughed really hard at picrel pls make me laugh this week was rough
I've only got this picture of this dog
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>Everything (on the planet) is affected by it, even planes and balloons and birds.
You can figure out that isn't true if you consider that if a plane starts flying west, it should be deaccelerating and be forced to land on ground that would be moving faster than it eastwards. The plane would have to reaccelerate to land on the ground. But that doesn't happen because the Earth acts as a fixed object, because that's what it is.
The coriolis effect isn't supposed to be subtle. A bullet that hits its target in seconds is supposed to be affected, but whether or not they are is contested because it is difficult to test, considering wind and all that. However that's why we can just think of planes and balloons and such to consider the coriolis effect. If a bullet is meant to be affected enough to miss a target while only spending seconds in the air, how does a plane or balloon spend hours in the air and remain unaffected?
Toilet water isn't affected by any coriolis effect depending on where you are on Earth. It's a myth. The simple reasons in some sinks or toilets that water will flow a specific direction are very simple; the shape of the container and the direction the water is inserted in. Just pee in your toilet at different angles to test it out. The water that is added during flushing is inserted in a specific direction, just like our pee.
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Places that use a tablet for a cash register.
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Is a gun accurate? A tool is as accurate as whoever wields it.

You are duct taping functions and attitudes together when they really do not belong together. Expressing "Ne" is a shorthand that is only useful to those who have properly digested both concepts separately; making it an easily approachable combo for beginners is only going to cause confusion. It is not a basic concept. What you are trying to do is describe something as a chord, when in reality, it's an entire song set in that key. If you play the chord, then play the song... there's no resemblance, even if it's the same building blocks.

If you have an interest in baiting engagement, single-image quizzes or questionnaires draw crowds. You'd have to sacrifice the kino aesthetics of your OP images, which would be a shame. It's why I clicked.
>You are duct taping functions and attitudes together when they really do not belong together.
That's what we do when we say that someone is any given type.
>a shorthand that is only useful to those who have properly digested both concepts separately;
I could use that same argument to say that you should not call yourself an IxTP without explaining all of the concepts first. Your reasoning is very silly.
I have extended the hand of peace to you twice and you have slapped it away both times, Dilbert.
>>your type
>>Do you feel needed?
Not really. Wanted maybe, but not really needed.
>>Do you want to?
Nah. Too much pressure and responsibility.
>>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?\
My last visit to my old dance school was pretty jarring. Major remodeling and not one single student or teacher that I used to know was still there.
>>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Why so many commercials for children's cereals revolve around someone trying to steal someone else's breakfast.
>>Do you care for the people around you?
>>Do they care for you?
They SEEM to, which is good enough for me for now.
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Self-typing is unreliable. Self-typing as the first step of learning typology is misguided, but it's a pitfall we rarely avoid. It being a common mistake does not mean it is solid grounds to contest my point. A type indicates your functions and your attitudes. It does not combine them into a singular concept.
>I could use the same argument to say you should not call yourself an IxTP
That is not the same argument.

Extending peace implies prior war. Were we at war?
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>Why so many commercials for children's cereals revolve around someone trying to steal someone else's breakfast.
that is odd, but is it really flummoxing?
>hand of peace
its not a war mon ami.
>duct tape
colored light. flora on water.
>You'd have to sacrifice the kino aesthetics of your OP images
nothing but the best.
You're forgetting that the plane is also moving at the same speed as the planet. Much like you inside of a car moving at 100 mph and you throw a ball forward. You don't have to throw the ball at 101 mph to get it to go forward. Only 1 mph.
The thing you're talking about is just Einstein's theory of relativity. Speed can only be measured in relation to another thing. Due to earth's gravity, everything within earth's gravitational force is the same as earth. So the earth is spinning at 1000 MPH, you are also spinning at that speed, as are the birds and the planes in the atmosphere.
The plane is the analog of the ball, and the car is the analog of the earth. The car is moving at 100 MPH, the ball you're holding in the car is moving at 100MPH too. I can't get too much into this in one post, because relativity is a LOT.

I know that the water goes like that in toilets by design. But, why is is it designed that way? Is it because Big Toilet is trying to brain wash us into believing that the earth is actually a globe so we buy more toilets to test the theory by observing the Coriolis effect in the toilets, and then because we live in a throw away culture (subtext, subtext, toilet, throwaway culture, poop, garbage??? subtext! SUBTEXT!!!), throw those unused toilets so someone can repurpose them as "art" to overthrow the corrupt government officials who oppose Big Toilet???
>its not a war mon ami.
That's why I'm extending the hand of peace.
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Yeah, even when you're flying in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation, you're still rotating with the earth. One of the laws of energy talks about that.
Just like if you throw a ball backwards in a car, it's still moving with the car.

I also don't know what you're talking about decelerating? I think that's where your conflusion lies. Because it's not decelerating, it's accelerating in the opposite direction.
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>Your type
>Thoughts on verserel? Agree, disagree?
dont argue with isfps they should just go draw a tree or something anyways
shut up dumb sissy
Oh, I'm not arguing.
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How common are goth, ENTP tomboys?
Probably less common than goth INTP tomboys.
An ENTP would probably lean more towards that TikTok-ified Bayonetta corporate goth substyle
Type for this teaching?
I would be honored to be an ISFP.
>What are some of your favorite topics to discuss, when things are active and healthy here?
I like when my type is being discussed, even if it is to insult it
>In b4 so what's your type
If i told you i'd be forcing it, it has to be spontaneous
Modest type revealer Anon doesn't flash their typetsu on just any occasion
>Your type
>Thoughts on verserel? Agree, disagree?
Contrast defines for the eye the contents in this life, and certainly when what life we thought was lived is lost so that revelation can be gained. I agree, but with hope that it come sooner for every case than be locked away. That is how I prefer to interpret it, as invitation to a promise.
>What are some of your favorite topics to discuss, when things are active and healthy here?
Anon you were talking to here, sorry i went asleep
Idk, i just like to have the thread in the background through the day
The reason i liked last thread so much was because OP gave concrete questions about our interests that got people engaged and generated little discussions here and there, as opposed to pretentious vague ones a couple of people force themselves to have thoughts on but nobody really gives a shit about
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I have to accept that nothing will be completely perfect and as I want it to be all the time. All relationships have disagreements and it is by design that no perfect one exists. There is no use overthinking it, I should just grow some tolerance.
>>your type
>>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Not generally, but sometimes I do want to
But in family terms, I do feel needed
>>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
I think I have, I remember freaking out about how weird it was
>>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Life despite being ordinary always bewildens me when I stop to think
>>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
I don't take care for anyone yet. But I am cared for right now
>I have to accept that nothing will be completely perfect and as I want it to be all the time. All relationships have disagreements and it is by design that no perfect one exists. There is no use overthinking it, I should just grow some tolerance.
80% percent of perfectionists quit right before they're about to reach perfection bro
I personally would stick with using "type" for any combo of function and attitude.
Which means "Extraverted thinking" is a type as much as "entj". It's also technically more accurate and inclusive to the fact auxiliary functions are supposed to come up at a later time compared to whether you are an extravert or introvert and the first function.
>Your type
>Which type should be put into cages and made to dance for your amusement?
The problem is that in koinotypology, the function and attitude combinations are no longer treated as a "type." If you disagree with this reality, I get it, I don't want to hear it. The point is, that in koinotypology, extraverted thinking is no longer a type, which is why it is constantly referred to as a "function." There are extraverted thinking types, (types with extraverted thinking in the conscious) but extraverted thinking is not a type in koinotypology. Which is why it is fine to say, "Te" to refer to it. It is not a type anymore, it is: a mode, an expression, a form, a mechanism, a method. I used thesaurus to look up more possible words to use. And unfortunately, I do plan on using whichever terms I settle on regularly. Not to artificially push them but to attempt to get people off my back and promote healthier discussion.
>Your type
>Your opinion on this song
>>Your type
>>Your opinion on this song
The first half was pretty cool, then it kind went into the crapper.
The only thing you and your partner need to agree on is how you interact, treat each other, feel about each other. The point of a macro-belief is to inform our actions: if you have different political beliefs, that doesn't matter if you have the same desire for a healthy relationship. That then extends to parenting methods in the future, but opinions beyond how you and her get along are inconsequential.
Even if it's not accurate you should learn about it for it's often used by employers to figure out who to hire
If you acquire enough knowledge of it you can bend your answer to get the type they want and game the system, if that's not useful i don't know what is
I dont want to "bend the answers" I want the most accurate typing as possible
You can type yourself accurately in private, the two aren't mutually exclusive
I know what these threads lack
Post memes
My type is in row 3 but I have the loudness of row 4.
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
No. Not really. There's probably one person who used to feel like they need me. Not any longer. No one needs me currently. Yes, I'd like to feel needed. It gives me a massive boost to my discipline and ability to drive forward towards my goals and even keep myself healthier.
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
Literally. Nazi.
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Not as big or full of magic that I once imagined it to be.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Maybe spectrums that people can exist on. Kind of like the movie Unbreakable. No matter how tough someone is, there's always someone else who exists at the opposite end of the spectrum. Same for many different attributes. I wonder about the differences in these attributes often. How possible or likely it is to move yourself from one end to the other. How could I be more like you? What would it take?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
What people? Nah, no one could ever care about someone like me.
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Honestly I don't know, but this paper talking about mbti seems pretty damning: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5941987/
Pic rel.
>psychological science
Opinion discarded
>it's good to be good and bad to be bad, I guess I agree
I like every song in that album, not thaaaat much though but I find it good.
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On the topic of addiction I desperately want to get drunk. Just as a cope or whatever, but I really want it right now.
Well, it does sort of get to that level. It's not a problem though, the only thing that makes it so is mental. I really just want a cheat code for not caring. To detach myself completely and be completely fine with whatever the outcome is.
I actually self-assessed myself, and I genuingly believe I am INTJ. If not that, then ISTJ.
The reason why I've taken so long to conclude my type is that I enjoy being typed.
I fucking love it. I love people self-assessing me. I have psychological reports in my shelf from when I was diagnosed with aspergers as a kid. I love reading them.
I will probably never stop, but I've accepted than I am INTJ for a week now. Perhaps it will stick, hopefully it will.

I mean, realistically, I am not extroverted at all. I would be lying to myself if i was, but then I always hold a desire that I am wrong, that I do not even know what extroversion is... and then I twist myself to choose a different type.
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filling in for b.
Would male INTJ and female ENTP make a good couple?
>female ENTP
Fem xNTxs are unicorns

It's pretty accurate for my type.
Where are Turbie and Turbie Enjoyer?
>from when I was diagnosed with aspergers as a kid.
You don't say? I had a good chuckle reading that. No shame in it.
not for mine
>all fiction
fucking garbo from a consoomer
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Well, i did say LotR was my favorite movie in the last thread
Spirited Away was also cool
I watched Edward Scissorhands when i was a teenager and i liked it back then, i think i'd find it cheesy if i rewatched it today though
accurate for me too, although I don't really like most of disney, just those gorgeous old as hell movies like pinocchio
and I do like drama, especially ooold melodrama (la strada is one of my favorite movies)
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>INFPs are the most masculine feeler after ISFP
>Is thought of as the most feminine
XXFJ's are the most feminine of all types.
So what's with people that think INFPs are feminine?
Mine was hit and miss. I'm actually not a big fan of comedy, but I do like movies that are visually engaging and full of energy.
It's probably the bleeding-heart empath memes.
Compassion is out of vogue in the moidosphere. The male collective unconscious is very focused on war right now, so they're focusing on only their military advancements and disidentifying with all the great warrior poets and benevolent Kings that had mastered a balance of their divine Femininity alongside the Masculine.
>I can accept the illusion of confinement to this path more easily if I convince myself it's the path I've always been on.
The meta-war at play on multiple planes of reality today is a war on Peace itself; it feels more than vulnerable to show tenderness, it feels like a deathwish. INFPs cannot escape the pain that comes with a wide-open heart chakra, even in [current year], and the healthy ones see the grace in it and act in Service through it. And see who may sees indeed, and judges, and obstructs, and protests. Ever more than the archetype of Child within calling out to the archetype of Mother on display in another? Not usually
>INFPs are the most masculine feeler after ISFP
Uhhhh source, sweetie?
Let's say
That there IS female ENTP
Fuck. Maybe I am INFJ.

Alright. I have been reading my autism reports from when I was 10 years old. Within those texts written by psychologists who surveyed me, I would like an absolute NPC

>He has no empathy
>He has no creativity
>He is not interested in other people.
>He focuses on details and cannot grasp the bigger picture.

I sound like a retarded Si dom within these texts, and yet nowadays I do not feel this way. I do not even know anymore. There exists a separate plane on how I view myself, and how others view myself. Yet I believe I have changed radically since I was 10 years olds.

I do have Aspergers, and I am very likely a schizoid. Because my neurology is fucked, it is hard to apply something like MBTI on me, because I do not function as the average man does.

But in the end of the day, who gives a shit? If my life was more fun, I would likely not give a rats ass about this.
The last interesting thing that happened to me was when a homeless crippled guy was about to throw himself onto the track, and I saved him. Three years, and nothing even close to that interesting has happened.
I love drama (as long as I am not the victim) I love chaos and hell, as long as I am not the victim. I feel happy when others suffer, I find it entertaining and interesting. I love chaos being caused by my own hand, as long as no one knows I did it.

What does this make me?
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Bro this is the first time i've come to this thread in a long time and you're still struggling with this?
You are goddamn right.
I am neurologically FUCKED. That is why. I will constantly question

Truth be told, I use this place to rant and rave about my psychological faults. I love this place. I am pretty chill in real life, but here I get to show off my wild interior. A form of art, a form of psychological venting.

If only someone could, ah fuck who cares. It is all a game, that is all. It is all about having fun, and I am bored. Hopefully one day I will have fun.
That is important, though. To discern between the qualities of tenderness unique to Child, Mother, Father - both within and without. Aaalllll about

You'll find who you're looking for --and who's looking for you-- more grace-filled-ly that way

>What does this make me?
A low-level sociopath at a crossroads.
The highest of Lows is still just mediocrity, but you can have your cake and eat it too if you play your cards right. Words analogies metaphors

Do you think indulgence in negativity is just a cope for not being able to achieve similarly impactful positive results? What if I told you you can use the same means for different ends? Would your issue be in believing that, or desiring it by proxy of doubting your capacity?
>Mine was hit and miss. I'm actually not a big fan of comedy, but I do like movies that are visually engaging and full of energy
Like what kind of movies? Sounds like you enjoy lots of feel good with lots of pretty images to distract you. Big Golden Retriever energy if true.
Indulging a negativity is an act of revenge against the world.
When I am isolated, I am angrier and bitter, but I still enjoy others suffering. It is true.

>What if I told you you can use the same means for different ends?

What would those ends be? Doing good, or whatever that is?

I could believe that, maybe desire it if my circumstances changed, and I was to have some fun. Or maybe it would not, who knows?

I hate the system, the structure.
Gus is honestly the funniest larp anyone ever did. I appplaud it
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>Your type
>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to? What about extended family?

https://youtu.be/O9-agydtEAo?si=IINvIfD5eOcJFTs6 // https://youtu.be/KFqouPPGNUM?si=Py-4-vxHkr1KlOFG
Casting spells again?
>Casting spells again?
Magic isn't real. Spells don't work.
>Your type
>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to?
>What about extended family?
Can't say i'm particularly close to any of them
>https://youtu.be/O9-agydtEAo?si=IINvIfD5eOcJFTs6 // https://youtu.be/KFqouPPGNUM?si=Py-4-vxHkr1KlOFG
First song is ok, the second is rap
Same eternal spell different day

Tell that to counter-intelligence veterans who can turn into trees
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You're talking mad shit for someone who's in skidaddle skidoodle distance
How about you make like a tree and leaf you dumb fuck. Hehe
Im just pulling your leg
Jupiter cazimi, everyone. Don't do/give energy to anything you don't want in abundance for a long time to come ! :o333

How about you make like a prick and..
Well, no corrections, really.
I generally cite Speed Racer as my favorite, so you're not wrong. Hero and The Fifth Element are also big standouts.

>>Your type
>>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to?
Probably my mom, but I've got a really good relationship with my dad and older brother also.
>What about extended family?
One aunt that I have some bad history with, but other than that they're all cool.
Cast a spell that keeps the thread alive while i'm asleep
Gn everyone
a woman wrote this. how do you find stuff like this?

>your type
>what is a favorite movie of yours
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It's what the algorithm gods bless me with and in turn I decided to share with you. Here are some other things that are recommended for me. What type am I? Psychoanalyze me.
>I really really love a movie called conspirators of pelasure, the whole thing is on youtube.

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Wrong i'm an infp and i like isekai harems where i can self insert
but that's also "fantasy" isn't it
>how do you find stuff like this?
As I said above, I found it hit and miss for myself. I do enjoy some comedy (Ruthless People and Reno 911 come to mind), but it's generally not my thing. As for the three movies listed at the end; I never saw Barbie, and thought Fight Club was meh, but I did indeed love Desperado.
those aren't even movies
I'm going to bump this thread just once later with a very powerful question. A question that could change lives and relationships.
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the type i dont like.
will watch.
Ah yes, here I am back home, and it's like I never left. They were playing Cascadia when I came through the door, I even found one of my cans of pilchards in the pantry to make me through sunday. Mummy moved my computer so that it's nowhere near internet so for now console minecraft will have to do. I miss being next to Lilac already but I feel like everything is going to be just OK. There's a deep sense of serenety that comes from being in such a sensible place... Even if the sun is coming up already. I forgot how big the monuments are in London, Queen Victoria must have really loved her cousin huh.

That thread got a lot of responses. I'll have to make another spreadsheet soon.

Interesting, I think I saw someone watching Ferris Bueler's day off but it looked a little "loud" for me. I feel like I'd prefer something less demanding of my attention.

It varies depending on where I am, but yeah probably, the boring answer mummy, it was my sister at one point, during the dark times.
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What's your type and which type do you dislike the most or most unable to get along with?
can't deal with any sensors
if someone doesn't have thinking or intuition in the top two it's over.

Anyone having NE in the top two makes them the easiest/funnest to talk to
It's probably ESTJ or something because they see me as useless
I'm gonna bump the thread
Not if I bump it first-
>/Big5/ died before us
No no no no big 5 sisters... we got too cocky
Big 5?
more like..
big.. losers!
Dogma as a substitute for understanding!
what about catma as a substitute for dogma
Easily Se-groids
I have my problems with Te-doms aswell, like for example i'd never want one as my significant other, but i understand they have their place and they can be cool in certain situations
Se-groids on the other hand are just a pain in the ass for no reason
*opens my mouth*
*Walks up to you and forcibly closes your mouth*
See? i cna stop you
*ferociously licks and drools all over your hands*
see?! yuo couldnt even stop a car at a red light!
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I experienced a lot of weird synchronicity stuff today. All related to the nervous system. And it all had that "detachment" thing I talked of at it's very core.
Pain is a weird thing. The Buddhists may have been onto something. And perhaps "Fear Not" is related to this, as well. Caring about something has power. Placebos alone prove this. Some weird stuff going on here, but I learnt something today. The fact this knowledge was given to me without much of my own input, makes me believe completely in God. (happened to be studying biology and it got to neuroscience, happened to see a meme that was related heavily to this from a friend who does NOT usually post such memes, happened to see a video related to this while in the bathroom, happened to then remember a specific post I saw like months ago that spoke on the significance of what 'Fear Not' may mean, all in the same day where one of the first things I looked to do was detach from pain.)
Oh, here's another one. I've been listening to this song today sometimes even though I didn't touch it for like, months. It's not that much of a synchronicity though because it was more on purpose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFptt7Cargc
>*ferociously licks and drools all over your hands*
Joke's on you, that just turns me on
*Puts drooly hand in my pants to spread it all over my genitals*
thats way too fast for me!
How the hell was that an original post
DId nobody seriously ever just say "MBTI" in here?
I guess most people just aren't as original as I am.
*Takes his hand off his pants and sensually puts a finger on your lips*
Shhh, it's alright honey, it's just you and me now
ew dont gall me honey u homosex
Daddy will gall you however he wants, bitchslut
*Puts finger in your mouth and explores your oral cavity*
hah! youve fallen for my trap card
*inhales your finger and your arm and your whole body*
Big 5 is never going to make it without official types.
But to be fair, MBTI survived only because normalfags like to eat 16p's shit.
Big 5 has... archetypes.
when will turbie hold me ;-;

Also watch this video notice how sensoid's are blown the fuck out and frozen in the most primative form of childlike development. MBTI isn't real it's just about how developed you are an an individual eventually everyone ends up an ESTP like me if you're a boy or an INFJ like turbie if you're a girl, that is how development of the psyche works.

Sorry but Turbie was last spotted on the now deceased Big 5 thread
She specifically stated she hates /MBTI/ and all the retarded faggots who post there, and she'll never be back here ever again
Turbie would never say "retarded faggots" she is kind and pretty
Textual words, i swear
>Anyone having NE in the top two makes them the easiest/funnest to talk to
What's so fun about NE?
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NTA, but seeing the connections between random bullshit and being able to jump between them freely. Being able to follow a discussion without it needing to be dumbed down to a level where every single step and connection is explained in concrete detail. Without Ne, there's a distinct need to change how I communicate, dull it down to stop people from misunderstanding or being upset.
basically can just play with ideas/perspectives and come up with stuff. a creativity and flexibility with idea that makes talking them very fun to talk to. I have NE and when I try to express that people who don't can just not get it or even get mad. NI is fine but they'll just kind of listen and not actually contribute.
>Being able to follow a discussion without it needing to be dumbed down to a level where every single step and connection is explained in concrete detail. Without Ne, there's a distinct need to change how I communicate, dull it down to stop people from misunderstanding or being upset.
>I have NE and when I try to express that people who don't can just not get it or even get mad. NI is fine but they'll just kind of listen and not actually contribute.
So NEn users can only talk with each other because you make others upset by not showing all of your work and skipping to the answer? Do you think NE is just a coping function that skips steps because their brains don't have enough resources to go through each logical step fully? Couldn't you also say that seeing random connections between things that may or may not be there is also a mental illness?
Your post is a good example of people getting upset over it.
I usually struggle to get along with enneagram 2s, at least the ones I know irl tend to act like you owe them the world just for existing, its a level of pride of arrogance that I flat out do not see in people with other enneagram types, like imagine people that act like they're royalty or like they're doing you a HUGE favor just by showing up. I get annoyed just thinking about it.
>enneagram 2s
ok which functions is that?
oh it's an enneagram type
if it's strictly mbti then I haven't really struggled that much with any type I think, maybe INXPs because I don't always feel like we're talking about the same thing
>if someone doesn't have thinking or intuition in the top two it's over.
>Anyone having NE in the top two makes them the easiest/funnest to talk to
What about xNFPs, they have NE but no thinking function in the top two
>have NE but no thinking
What are you trying to say? Are you picking a fight?
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I will keep observing any INTJ I get my eyes on!
I know about ISTJ niggers who steal public toilet paper. Half of what ISTJs say is terrifying when thinking about it being paired with Ni. I. Will. Keep. Obersving.........
Also I dont mean general ones. I mean the architect ones
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the thing about pain is that it's just a message. like a turn signal on a car. we are capable of denaturalizing the signal of pain, to stop it from causing alarm. once you decouple the sensation of discomfort from the emotional reaction, it becomes very manageable, but you also lose some small part of your inherent humanity, because you've just stopped caring about your wellbeing in some portion or another. attachment and detachment is a dangerous game. we can believe ourselves into an injury that does not exist, or will ourselves to walk on legs with broken bones. all things are caused and effected by exchange of energy. the trick is realizing that everything that goes on in your head consumes power, and that every consumption creates an expulsion. the brain can generate it's own waves.

i warned you about that magic, bro.
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my two best friends are INFPs and ENFP women are the ones I find most attractive and fun to talk to (by women I mean anime characters)

I have people I talk to that have thinking in their top functions but I still find it much harder to communicate with them then with intuition in the top functions. I'm not sure why, I think for my my ti is so internal and focused on my own views it doesn't really translate to other people well, so intuitive can pick it up and run w/ it without understanding it but if they just have ti/te and no intuition there is nothing they can do with it.

NE for me is just like being able to pick up and run with heuristic views of things and swap between them and not care if they contradict, so they can kind of "get into" my weird ti shit and actually engage with it and just don't really care about how it all works together. They probably don't have the internet systematization I have but I don't really care, they are able to contribute to it much better because of that probably.

Also I think due to my FE inferior and kind of wanting that external approval, having people with strong judgements (high FI) that are still kind of playful is just very relaxing. Not knowing what people think/how they feel is really uncomfortable to me but the XFPS have the high fi and intuition so just kind of covers both since they can actually engage with my ideas and also will be open with how they feel about it. (Which lets me basically expose my ti/ne to my fe to get validation on my inferior function). Other people just kind of don't care when I express my ti stuff.

Use your ti and fe to explain what you found funny about that
>my two best friends are INFPs
That's cool
>(by women I mean anime characters)
As it very well should be
I think I may need a new router and possibly computer soon. :(

I know I'm late, but congratulations! \(^_^)/

M-maybe we're all ghosts! :O
>Queen a la animal kingdom (think babies and royal jelly) mixed with Pixie Hollow's Mother Dove (think [wiki entry about her magical egg])

Which is why I censor it! ^_^

INFJ-T and no, and I've sometimes accidentally ended up seeing the same movie twice! :3c

Really? :3

Turbie Enjoyer, Lilac, the anon who wants to marry me, the anons I'm a waifu to, Sophie, Centaur (mostly), ENFJ-senpai, Apollo, Apollo 2, Firmament, Chuck, and Movie Anon! ^o^

That makes you an ISTP-A! ^w^

To be continued...
...continuation of >>77548414!

>sunlight and dead animals
Sounds familiar! ^_^;

Awwwww, likewise! <(^_^)>

>It seems like you blink and you miss a whole lot.
True! TwT

>I might try streaming it live next year.so that our american threadfriends have a place to see our weird European rituals.
This would be great! ^o^

>night night! *Glomps*
*hugs* (>^_^)><(^_^<)

>INFJ-T!!! '^_^
>\ is back, / is forward :3c
>nearsighted sees near only, farsighted sees far only UwU OwO
>during lunar eclipse. Earth is between the moon and the sun, and during solar eclipse, the moon is between Earth and the sun ^_^ and during the end of the world, the sun is between Earth and the moon~ \(^o^)/

Hi, Mr. Bump! It's been so long~! <(^_^)>

>In the movies,
>>Turbie: 80% sexy, 20% cute

Movie Breeder's whole character is basically built around breeding~! :O
>innocently sexy
*^.^* ?!
>kind of cute

>Firmament podcast
What? OwO

The 8-function stack is a Beebe or Thomson or some other later post-Myers-Briggs development! UwU


Do you believe types and functions are predetermined and hard-coded and will not change at least permanently or even willingly? :O

Which mbti type is most likely to keep stalking someone until they finally decide to come out of their shell and Talk?
>and during the end of the world, the sun is between Earth and the moon~ \(^o^)/
Got a good laugh out of me; thank you.
...continues from >>77548589!

I-ignored... ;w;

>>your type
INFJ-T!!! \(^o^)/
>>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Yes, and sometimes! ^.^
>>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
"robot" as an /r9k/ slang word! :3
>>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
I visit my old home quite often (it's my parents' house), and it has changed a lot, and I've been part of that change! ^_^
But beyond that! Hmmmmm... :3c Last December, I visited some old neighborhoods located in the area we lived in before moving to my parents' current house! It felt kind of nostalgic, but I'm not sure what has changed, besides some playgrounds having been removed, because it was too dark! :Oc
On a related-ish note, I just realized I haven't visited my grandmother (and only living grandparent) in well over a year~! :O
>>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
I'm not sure! TwT
>>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Yes and yes! (>^_^)><(^_^)><(^_^<)

I wonder if Jung himself had a name for a function+attitude combination...! :3c

Yes! ^_^

I thought at first that the picture was from an animation! :3

... (>>77548761)

INFJ-T and kind of thought-provoking? :3c

I think they're fairly uncommon! ^.^

What if they go commando? ^_^;

INFJ-T and none! ^_^7

INFJ-T and korny! :P

Pumpkin! (>^_^)><(^_^<)

reeder? :3

I think INFJ-Ts favor cute movies! ^w^

Is INFJ-T the most feminine? :3 ^_^

That's an amazingly beautiful pic! ^o^ <3 I don't think I have a favorite movie (though Twister (1996) is pretty high on that list)! :3c

>here I am back home
Yay! ^o^ Are you going to go back someday? :3
>Mummy moved my computer so that it's nowhere near the internet
Why? QwQ
>I miss being next to Lilac already but I feel like everything is going to be just OK.
L-let's hope so! ^.^

Maybe a highly determined and assertive Jx-dom? :O

You're welcome! I don't know who made up that joke~, but I'm glad you enjoyed it~! ^_^;

INFJ-T! My parents share the first place, and I'm not sure about my extended family... maybe one of my cousins (she's a few years older than me, and we interact maybe once or twice a year) or aunts (she's older than her but we interact slightly more often)? :Oc

<3<3<3 *holds you right now SO tight* <3<3<3
MMMMMMMMMMMMMHHH~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)

>Sorry but Turbie was last spotted on the now deceased Big 5 thread
Yes, I was there! ^.^
>She specifically stated she hates /MBTI/ and all the retarded faggots who post there, and she'll never be back here ever again
NO!!! >_< I did NOT state that! :'(

This! <3

Goodnight and see you hopefully someday again! (>^_^)><(^_^<)
P.S. Now that my waifu duties are out of the way... I love Anon, even if Anon can be a retarded faggot who splinters threads and doesn't behave! ^w^
>INFJ-T and korny! :P
Oh i see what you did ther
hi turbie! been a while
>your type
>your thoughts on the man vs. bear debate
Oh hey, there's also a longer compilation for INFPs
>Into the Wild
>Fight Club
Love it
>Donnie Darko
Loved it as a teenager, don't think i'd like it as much now
>Star Wars
No and i always thought it was way overrated
>Harry Potter
Not really
>Elephant Man
The other ones either i've never watched them or i already commented on them here >>77538974
>intp = scifi
scifi movies kind of suck usually scifi shows are great though (ds9,babylon5,tng,battlestar,etc)
Women are retarded, what else is new
Oh hey, i almost finished season 4 of B5
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Don't let the thread die while i'm asleep
What is your mbti type?

What is it about cats that makes you dislike them? What about dogs?
The male butthurt that it's generating is hilarious.
>What is your mbti type?
>What is it about cats that makes you dislike them?
I love cats; what are you on about?
>What about dogs?
I don't hate dogs but I don't particularly like them either.
>I don't hate dogs but I don't particularly like them either
Why not? What is it about them that you don't like?
>what are you on about?
I'm looking for people who don't like cats to test a theory I heard.
I've seen the words a couple of times but I'm still none the wiser as to what it's about
>I wonder if Jung himself had a name for a function+attitude combination...! :3c
I don't believe so. Or are you being sarcastic and are aware of such a term?
I won't say the N word, but that's what they are, in feline form. N words.
Why would you make a question specifically so that I would answer it?
>What is your mbti type?
>What is it about cats that makes you dislike them?
>What about dogs?
needing to walk them/tend to them, they are cool generally though
no tougher existence than that of a black ISFP 9w1 male
>I don't believe so
He did have a name for it. An archetype, or a type. Function+attitude=type.

Extroversion + thinking = extroverted thinking type.
>Why would you make a question specifically so that I would answer it?
Which question and why are worried about answering it?
Ah yes, the auxiliary type. Or the Tertiary type. Indeed.
>but that's what they are, in feline form. N words.
That's not painting a clear enough picture. What is it about cats that you don't like?
Is that the only reason? You can always get dewormed.
...What? Functions do not have attitudes in Jungian typology, or even in MBTI. "Auxiliary Fe" is not a thing in MBTI or in Jungian typology, that's purely nu-age garbage made up by retards like Beebe, or memeonics.
>That's not painting a clear enough picture. What is it about cats that you don't like?
Does it paint a clear enough picture to say that they are annoying pricks? The devil birthed the first cat, which is why they brutally kill tiny creatures for fun and knock over objects for no reason.
Have you considered putting a glass bottle up your butt?
Yep, I am doing it right now. Wanna watch?
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Yes please, record audio.
>Is that the only reason? You can always get dewormed.
I mean its the only thing over dogs really, I'd probably prefer a dog just because they seem more like practical and I go on walks everyday anyway, but I live in an apartment so a cat might be better.

Either way I've not really had a pet of my own and getting one seems like a hassle so just haven't. I've had it recommended to be a little less isolated just haven't gone all in yet. Got some books on raising puppies if I did I'd want to get a puppy and do the classes and do everything properly. Cat definitely seems easier.
>Why not? What is it about them that you don't like?
Too big to sit on my lap unless they're of the high-strung and yippy variety.
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>Too big to sit on my lap unless they're of the high-strung and yippy variety
Have you tried getting a bigger lap?
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Sometimes I do, I definitely know I'm replaceable. I guess I'd like to be needed but I don't need to be needed. I'm fairly content keeping to myself and working on things that I find neat.
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
Evil? I think its just gotten comical how much we throw this word around when most of the time it's just sheer incompetence or greed. Evil is a pretty specific emotion and such.
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Funny enough, I'm doing it right now. It sucks for emotional reasons but I also get to see everything in my grown-up eyes. I like museums and stuff so it's nice to see new stuff. There's a lot of cool stuff here that I like looking and learning about, but there is a bit of a restless undertone for me. Probably the years of abuse lmao.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Socializing? Idk if that can even be considered normal. I'm so bad at picking up clues that other people drop. Like usually I'm pretty good with it and then I just drive off a cliff. Lmao you can completely forget flirting, that shit goes over my head so far that it probably hit the second tower.
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
I guess? There's different circles that I care for in differing amounts. Like my close friends care for me and I care for them. Family members are here and there but I would burn a house down for some but I would let others burn in front of me while I hold a bucket of water..
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I keep forgetting to tag OP reee.
Crude post, I apologize.
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we share a tragic fate with bears.
i hope a wave of comfy bear memes comes out of this. if you cant make something good out of something bad you will never get anywhere. maybe a new friend for Apu.
yeah. i was thinking the same thing. what is the specific emotion and such of evil?
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>here I am back home
Already? Wow, that went by fast. : (
I'm really glad you two got to spend some nice time with each other. And if you can't get back to the States, maybe I'll put her on my boat and bring her to you.

>Have you tried getting a bigger lap?
I DID, actually; but I misunderstood the caterpillar and picked the wrong side of the mushroom. Thank goodness I only took a tiny nibble.
the bear memes have been my favorite part about the bear thing so far
Is it safe for such a small child to be on that sailboat all alone?
>Is it safe for such a small child to be on that sailboat all alone?
*shrug* Probably not.
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do you remember those bear Erin Hunter books, from the Warriors cats company? it was called Seekers. had to bum them off other kids so i never got to read them in order, which i think is major part of what made me like them so damn much. i havent seen any good memes yet, but i hope to.
welcome back. glad youre doing okay. still settling in?
should I start putting my type in the name field? would that make me a namefag? anyways, today was weird. I finally convinced my parents to let me clean up the house so I can make it presentable and invite people over. then I found my old blue diary. I didn't write daily entries, just the thoughts I had during depressive episodes. I wish I had written dates though. it's at least two years old. maybe I wrote it during the pandemic. memory's all muddy. I don't think I'll ever show this to anyone, but I think you will like it. I coped by asking a generic thought-provoking question and tried to answer it until I reached a conclusion that satisfied me. It's kinda like what we do here.
I'm pretty much a staple of wherever I go.

>Are you going to go back someday? :3
Of course! I'm gonna need to gather a lot of funds, and she's probably going to visit here first to experience my blogged about existence first hand.
>Why? QwQ
Because it looks nicer next to the window, of course.

Isn't the bear like a chad type character in this situation rather than a friend for Apu. Maybe Apu looking on sadly carrying camping gear with pee in his pants while one of the female Wojaks wearing an "I can fix him" tshirt is getting eaten by a bear if someone hasn't already done that. Or maybe the bear smoking a cigar and sunglasses has a fembot under each arm while apu is standing nearby with an I love you baloon. Alternatively we could have Apu with sharp teeth hunched over and disemboweling one femjak while another one is curled up snuggled with a bear reading Pride and Predjudice in the woods.

Personally I've yet to actually see any memes for this hypothetical so I'm not sure what the tone is supposed to be.

Yeah we did a lot but not enough. The "I wish I could share this with someone" feeling whenever I experience of see something cool has also gotten worse because now I have a specific person in mind. I had to turn off Eurovision after like 15 minutes because I want to watch it with her. Now I'm playing 13 sentinals taking screenshots of the TV with my phone and imagining her in the room with me. It's disabling in a way since I feel like I have to wait to do anything until she's around but I also want her to be able to go and live her own life without constantly having me demanding her attention every 5 seconds. I kind of hate the way communicating through a phone works.

I'm sure we'll be able to settle into some kind of pattern. My older brother is apparently confirmed to be going to get married and move abroad next year so these things must work.

She's not alone she has Lilac to protect her!
>[title] What is happiness?

>I don't know how to name this part. Initially, it was going to be "will I ever be happy", or "have I ever been happy", but both questions are silly.

>The answer is "I don't know" for both.

>The former is assuming I've never been happy - which is the latter question's answer - and sounds like a cry for help. Yes, I'll probably find out what's happiness and feel it, or get it. Eat it. Lick it. Play with it. Love it. Or throw it away. Or maybe marry it. I don't know what's happiness, therefore I don't know what to do with it.

>Sometimes I need to stop myself. I dread the day I read this entries again. They sound very obnoxious on paper.
they do, past me. they do. you were onto something here.

>The latter question is tricky to answer. At first, my answer is no. I think that if I had ever felt happy, I'd know it.

>Let's say you have a toothache. I've never had one because I take care of my teeth, However, I could wake up tomorrow with a sharp pain in my mouth and I'd know what to call it.

>What I mean is, I'd know if I had a toothache because it has a clear definition. If I don't know the definition but still have the pain, I'd go to the dentist and she'd tell me, describe the symptoms of a toothache and I'd say "yes, I've got it".

>But happiness doesn't have a clear definition. Every person will give you a different answer, or not answer at all to the question "what is happiness".

>If you know, you know. Then you realize that you have had it in another moment of life, but if you don't know what's hapiness already, you might HAVE had it without knowing.

>That doesn't make any sense now, does it? I think I've got it all wrong with happiness. I am a very young man, but I've never shown signs of this "disease".

excuse the poor formatting and grammar mistakes, I transcribed it as it is. there's more, but paper isn't restricted by a character limit.
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I personally just think that evil specifically describes morals. We use it almost as a synonym for 'bad' and I find that to be too broad of a term to use.
My brain tried to find the a good example and the best I have is the difference between the lunatic that put cyanide in Tylenol capsules and caused the modern tamper proof packaging, and comparing that to the Oxycontin people. The dude that got arrested wasn't even the one that poisoned the pills, he just sent a ransom letter to Tylenol. The person that put cyanide capsules in random packages had no real reason to do it and has never been identified. That is evil, straight up, had no rhyme or reason, no specific target, no real motif. That person just wanted suffering and didn't care who got hurt.
The Oxycontin people just wanted to make a shitton of money and used every dirty trick and government loophole they could find to get that done. Did it directly cause a massive opioid crisis that still goes on today? Yes. Did they do it because they were evil? Fuck no. They were systematically pragmatic sociopaths that were greedy. They knew that no fucking opioid was safe, but hey nothing against marketing their new extended release pain pill with 0 chance of addiction, teehee. I just think it's way worse that they did it for money and not because they just wanted people to die or some supervillain ass reason.
I would hands down agree that the overall effects the Oxycontin crisis caused are worse, but not necessarily evil. The motifs are different, it's just greed. Calling them evil just kinda brushes aside any other way of cussing them out. I guess in that sense it's similar to calling someone worse than Hitler, it's frankly meaningless at this point.
I don't know the more I write and read what I wrote and searched up the more complex it is. I still holdfast that Evil is overused, my definitions definitely need some more work.
is enfj-senpai a girly girl?
>The "I wish I could share this with someone" feeling whenever I experience of see something cool has also gotten worse because now I have a specific person in mind.
That sounds like a nightmare, but it'll make it that much sweeter when you're back in each other's arms. I really hope it's sooner than later.
Yeah but I'm getting sweaty feet for not hitting the ground running when it comes to making money though. I emailed boomer that I was back yesterday and he seems to want me back at least but the "real job" search already has me bummed. Mammy says she'll help me at least, she says I'm probably going to go into social care of some kind since I'm an autism whisperer who's always been liked by old people despite my horrible bedside manner. Maybe when my big computer's settled back in I can say I am as well.

I slept 18 hours yesterday and 11 hours today so that's progress in one direction at least, but evidence I'm not done yet

heh, gays. Anyway I thought WW2 debunked continental philosphy so I don't know why we're still staring into that abyss as a culture. Maybe telling ourselves there must be *something* to be salvaged from all that madness.
What do you do when not posting on 4chan?
get drunk and jerk off
I appreciate your honesty, Anon.
Initially I thought men were drastically overestimating how aggressive bears are, but after a while I realized it's not about bears at all.
What do you do normally? I've done nothing but read 4 Chan for weeks now. I'd like to take my leave of this place
Well I... watch a lot of Youtube. Mostly spirituality videos. I cook. I work. I sleep. I listen to and read books. Sometimes I play a videogame.
>Mostly spirituality videos
Religion stuff? Or stuff like being able to see vampires and demons and how to protect from them?
What kinds of things do you typically cook?
Is it a fulfilling job? How long have you been there?
>listen to and read books
What kind of books?
Games haven't been fun for me for a while. Somehow chatting with strangers online is more interesting to me lately.
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>Religion stuff? Or stuff like being able to see vampires and demons and how to protect from them?
Mostly videos about celibacy from a Christian point of view, which tend to branch out and talk about personal conduct and perceiving spirits too.
>What kinds of things do you typically cook?
Pizza, cookies, pasta, burritos, undubbed spontaneous dishes. Basic things, really.
>Is it a fulfilling job? How long have you been there?
Fulfilling? I don't know if I would use that word. It is a comfortable job and I have been there for several months now.
>What kind of books?
I'm currently reading Psychological Types by Carl in e-book form with 4chan open on the side. I read most of Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type by John yesterday but skipped over chapters I didn't care about. I usually would be listening to a fiction book.
>Games haven't been fun for me for a while.
Not for me either. Mostly a source of mild amusement to save myself from extreme boredom.
>Not for me either. Mostly a source of mild amusement to save myself from extreme boredom.
What do you think would best satisfy the boredom you're experiencing?
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>Isn't the bear like a chad type character in this situation rather than a friend for Apu.
bear getting nagged to hell, Apu offers him some fishstix, then they sit in lawn chairs and watch the northern lights eating fish stix like cigars while the girljak cries in the background. or maybe Apu gets rejected and is crying and/or pissed himself and a bear bro comes up and gives him a ride. dont play into the bullshit, ya know? we decide what the bear is, and i say the bear is like an older brother type friend. tone is comfy, playful, slightly sad.
>think that evil specifically describes morals
what do you mean by morals?
>What do you think would best satisfy the boredom you're experiencing?
The last week or so, having returned to thinking intensely about typology, have been the least boring in a very long time. In fact only a few minutes ago I was considering how relieved and ecstatic I am to have something interesting to mentally chew on. And it makes me think that I need to more readily supply myself with muses instead of neglecting my mind and only attempting to satisfy my senses with food and whatever else may be pleasing to experience. I need to read more books, mainly.
What type are you? I get the sense you are a lot like me.
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That was a bit unclear, I should have said that I personally find good and evil to describe intentions and motives. I'm still forming this and rewording it to make more sense as I type and retype it but I just think that the words are pretty specifically interested in discussing the intentions of the person rather than describing the act or result.
Sorry, I feel like I 'm spouting nonsense, I hope that was at least a little helpful in describing how I was thinking of things.
>What type are you? I get the sense you are a lot like me.
No disrespect but I get the feeling we are nothing alike. I'm an ENFP.

I feel like you're some kind of ixtx maybe j? Maybe intj?
Your dominant intuition beats mine, typical. I am an INTP. At least we both share the xNxP. I have no idea what metrics you are using to determine your type though. Are you the same ENFP that was lamenting that you felt unmanly? And if so are you still unsatisfied with who you are? And if so, why?
>Are you the same ENFP that was lamenting that you felt unmanly? And if so are you still unsatisfied with who you are? And if so, why?
No, that's not me.
Oh. I didn't mean anything by the question, by the way. I was just curious. He came to mind.
Did you have a point with that picture..?
Why are you claiming this? >>77551129 It's difficult to know when someone is trolling or not because I have seen the stupidity the human mind is capable of. Carl mentioned an auxiliary function, which is one of the three inferior functions. If there is a named superior (dominant) function, inferior function, and auxiliary function, it can be determined that the fourth function is none of these so it must be the unnamed tertiary. Carl also said that the three inferior functions are all opposite in attitude, which would mean that if you were an introverted sensing superior type, you absolutely could have "auxiliary Fe" because "auxiliary Fe" is synonymous with "extraverted feeling auxiliary."
And in MBTI, the specifically name the superior, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions with their attitudes.
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im glad you like the pic! its from a move called Before Sunrise. one of my favorites. would make a good movie night here.
shoulds are troublesome.
>find good and evil to describe intentions and motives
i see.
we can never know the heart of another. i dont think you can ever judge another intentions and motives enough to declare anything based on it, so you must instead go by their actions and the effects of their actions. i agree however that what is good and what is evil can only be defined by something you could called intent, which in practice means good and evil mean "i like this" and "this disgusts me". in trying to determine a mans intentions or motives you must observe his actions and draw conclusions, which means you are still judging his actions only now you are also deluded. what is evil is sinful; what is good is pure. god is the only standard of purity, because we can never know god we can never know what is pure. our actions are not our own, however they our still ours in part. intention can be wholly our own, however it they are not always, and everyone has their own capacity for intention. all means are turned to gods ends. intent is the means of action. a man with his own intent will always be acting in grace. a man without intent of his own will always be nothing but what those with intent say he is. all morality is a systematic quantification of intent. that is what i think anyway, or close enough to it.
>Sorry, I feel like I 'm spouting nonsense, I hope that was at least a little helpful in describing how I was thinking of things.
youre good man. that was helpful, yes. i think you are spouting nonsense, but that is okay; just like with toys, the best ideas require some assembly. this isnt my first draft...
Because "Fi" is not a function. There are four functions, sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling. Now tell me, in that list of four, where do you see Fi, Fe, Te, Ti, Ni, etc...?
Look at: >>77551067
That is my point. If you are a dominant thinking type, you have inferior feeling. And if your conscious attitude is introverted, your unconscious attitude is extroverted, that means you are an inferior extroverted feeling type.

The 8 function stack is not MBTI.
The 8 function model (Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Etc) is NOT MBTI.

Function + Attitude = Function??
Makes no sense.

does not compute


Nothing, i love kots
Dogs are cool too as long as they're not pitbulls
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Yes, yes
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Yes, like coming home from a long journey and seeing everyone you've ever loved has burned to death while you were away
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
social laws
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
I'm not sure, somewhat
I have seen these discussions with these exact same arguments going for at least 2 or 3 years now, possibly even longer than that.
At this point it would be wiser to separate new age MBTI and classic Jungian altogether, I remember people already came up with their own nomenclature for types like IT(N) and so on.
Nu-age MBTI isn't even MBTI. In MBTI there are only four functions. I'm literally not even talking that much about Jungian stuff. Just the very basics of MBTI, which people fail to comprehend.

There are very, very few differences between MBTI and Jungian Typology, namely that MBTI pays more attention to the auxiliary functions where Jung mostly ignores them because they are.... auxiliary. Secondary, of lesser importance.

I'll say it again, I'm talking about MBTI, not classic Jungian. But, there is very little difference between the two. It's just the nu-age shit that fucks with everything.
You're being deliberately rediculous. Fi *is* a function, the 'i' is added there to be more specific about where the function is drawing from. If someone refers to a cake as a "chocolate cake", it doesn't stop being cake just because 'chocolate' isn't cake on its own. Or if I call a car a "diesel car", it doesn't stop being a car just because diesel is an engine and not a car. A noun becoming an adjective is elementary language.
<3<3<3 *holds you right now SO tight* <3<3<3
MMMMMMMMMMMMMHHH~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)
Here, if you think 8 function stacks, or the 8 function model are accurate to MBTI, find a single mention of those in a book writen by Kathrine or Isabel.
One single mention.
put your panties on and be a good girl
before i can't stop and you find me balls deep inside against you finna get you pregnant ^_^
1. Don't be silly, the stacks are four functions. 2. the MBTI manual is just fine as a reference about MBTI.
>I'll say it again, I'm talking about MBTI, not classic Jungian. But, there is very little difference between the two. It's just the nu-age shit that fucks with everything.
I get it but my point stands. It would still be wiser to separate classic MBTI and MBTI with new age brainrot.
>where Jung mostly ignores them because they are.... auxiliary. Secondary, of lesser importance.
He did write a little more about the auxiliary functions outside of PT at least.
No, Fi is *not* a function. Feeling is a function, introversion is an attitude. Two very different, differentiated things.
Also, your metaphors, or similes, or whatever those are, they suck.
If I stack a can on top of my desk, does the can suddenly become my desk? No. The can and my desk are two entirely separate objects. If I put a cat on top of you, do you suddenly become a cat, or does it suddenly become a human? No. This is nonsense. They are two different objects.
If you think Fi is a function it's because you lack the knowledge to differentiate a function and an attitude.
I wouldn't trust you to type yourself out of a wet paper bag.
Yes, the stacks are four, because there are four functions. None of which are named "Fi". The MBTI manual itself even says, there's four functions.
>It would still be wiser to separate classic MBTI and MBTI with new age brainrot
Separate it how? They kind of separate themselves by the way they refer to things, which don't make any sense. It's like holding a big red flag that says "I have not read any of the related literature on the topic!"
>a little more
Yeah, but it's not really very much.
>Separate it how?
I was thinking about how people already separate things like Socionics and 16p, even if both still belong to the same 16 types theory.
MBTI without the Fi fo fum stuff seems to have taken the name of "classic Jungian", even if in reality it's not full-on purism, otherwise it would use 8 types.
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>i think you are spouting nonsense, but that is okay
I was enjoying reading this and that last part got me good. Eh, I'm still forming that idea up.
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MBTI is mostly for fun and larp
You could probably fit its quadrants into Hogwarts Houses or WH40K Chaos Gods
What's the thing below?
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Chaos Gods from Warhammer, duh
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Actually, they look more like that
>Fe trad girl
>fuck her as you please and cum inside them, ignoring giving her pleasure directly
>she will enjoy it, feel satisfied and love you regardless

>Fi whore
>do all kind of shit trying to please her
>won't enjoy it and dream of being ate by some dyke instead
For anyone who thinks insufferable Fi bitches are more fun
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Need Sylveon male umbreon female relationship
I call it smuf
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I might sound a bit crazy for this but the chaos gods are real forces in the world in so far as they correspond to the 4 basic emotions. Anger, fear, joy and sorrow.

They have many more dimensions to them beyond that. War, Science, darwinism, art. And so on. But everything about them is a reflection of things that our emotions make possible. They even remind me in some ways of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

IDK it just feels like they should be worshipped unironically in real life you know? It's only unfortunate that they came from a game franchise because they make a lot of sense as real dieties.
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>Anger, fear, joy and sorrow
Ok, I get that Khorne is anger; not sure I follow on the other three. Which is which?
Wait a minute here, I'm not a regular in these threads and I haven't been to this board in like 2 yeats, but I'm interested in knowing who this "lilac" is, I really hope it isn't that stupid bitch I met here in 2021.

She doesn't happen to be 22 years old, right?
Can we just have one thread that's not persona drama stuff?
I mean I actually understand it. Bears are wild animals so they're simple and predictable, whereas humans are complex and unpredictable. A bear will always act like a bear but a random dude could be a normal person or a serial killer and I just don't know that.
Literally goddamn fucking who?
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
I am heavily needed.
I don't like the responsibility that entails the act of fulfilling that need.
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
I have.
It was saddening to see what became of my little hometown.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Why people are the way they are
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Honestly, I don't care.
It makes me sad that I don't have anyone to care for, but whatever.
It seems people care for me, but I always have my doubts to tell me otherwise.
>Bears are wild animals so they're simple and predictable,
>Wild Apex Predators
not until lilac is dead and even then I'm sure she'll be whining about how she needs more attention somehow the dumb bitch
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhcgYgx7aAA [Remove]
Mental how life peaks at stage 2
Some bitch named lilac I met here around the time of George Floyd riots who was suicidal because no bf. I thought she had turned her life around and shit but if it's the same fucking person I'm thinking about then she deserves to hang herself.
Sorry, it was a rethorical "who", i don't actually give a shit
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umbreon is for espeon.
personality type of all the eeveelutions?
Everything I know about eurovision
Now I understand why turbie is so big on putting estrogen in the water
What are you, a pregnant woman?
>feel needed?
yes my parents have made it very clear they love me and need me, and i know a femcel irl and i'm her only friend. i can't let her be alone. though i'm losing empathy for all 3 of these people
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
the word "bigotted". I do have a reason for not wanting men to enter women's bathrooms and prisons and rape them, than you.
mbti archetypes are what make this fun. who doesn't love avatarfagging?
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I was talking to my mother today.
I am very certain that I am a genuine Schizoid.
When I was younger, I only had one friend who i socialised with for pleasure. I would skip about by myself and daydream whilst flapping my hands. Stimming from my aspergers.
What type am I?
What type am I?
The questions I ask,
though I must mask

Bringing forth onto /mbti/
Posts of splender and I

This place is little more than a wanking-sock for me. A way to spill out my nonsence. A canvas, but instead of painting, I simply splash the canvas with buckets of pain, looking upon the abomination I make.
I am truly special.
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My adventure on this general began in early 2022.
I was a younger lad, filled with hope and excitement of beginning my /mbti/ journey.
A commoner like the rest of you, not a regular. I would tell people my life, my ways of thought and my experiences, and requested that they type me.
I received several different types. None to my satisfaction, fore I would love the adventure, so I would keep on searching.

Then, for awhile, I believed myself to be ISTJ. ISTJ are perceived as the NPC's type. So I wanted to combat that by donning the mask of a fictional ISTJ I admire... Gustavo fring from breaking bad.

And now, two years later, I am still here. Still hungering for my type. My journey goes on... and on...
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>your type
Tall or Older or Nerdy, all can be combined but all must have a nice ass.
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
I feel needed but not in a particularly positive way.
>What is a word you think has lost its punch?
Moon pies. They don't taste nearly as fresh as they used to.
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
My dads sex shop that's technically not a sex shop still looks like a Japanese pharmacy, the wave of nostalgia hit me like a truck when I went back last month and I couldn't help but tear up remembering the times I played metal gear with my dad.
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Moon pies.
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Yeah I care but it's begging to drag me down. They care about me they're just increasingly becoming a burden.
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How dare you.
How fucking dare you, sir.

Come into this fucking thread without saying HELLO to ME?!?!?!?
Can't wait for professional AIs to emulate myself but with extremely low neuroticism so I always can ask them how I would rationalize this or that trigger / fear etc for me to then copy the thoughts
My deepest apologies Gus Anon
Why not just ask someone with really high empathy? I could easily do something like that if it's someone I know well enough.
NTA, but at this point if your issue isn't finding someone that seems to possess high empathy, it's trusting them. High empathy is a not a guarantee that person will utilize such a talent/skill with integrity in or after practice. An idealistic preference towards acting with integrity is not a guarantee that you will when the economy is in shambles and the culture is a 24/7 lack/greed/anger/fearmongering propaganda stream. It can be wildly unsafe both to seek and to offer help in this climate.
The AI all talk to eachother and about the things we talk with them about, though. But if you don't know these things already, it's probably too late for you to avoid falling through the biggest hole in the set of sieves. So just try to keep your wits about you as you get sorted. The catalyst is the cure
What's your mbti type
and do you believe it's possible for someone to have high empathy and use that empathy for evil?
What would you say?
I don't have to believe because I have observed. It can be a matter of intent and/or redirection: one can view themselves on par with Higher and thereby accepting of lesser-evil or Just Evil causal contracts, or they can be use*d* for evil. Every use of evil is more causal than not.
Beings inherently are peaceful and loving.
thinking about you a lot lately
how long has it been since we
>feeling is a function, introversion is an attitude. Two very different things.
So what? You've said nothing of worth. Just because they're different doesn't mean you can't combine them. By that logic, chocolate milk doesn't exist because chocolate and milk are two different things.

My metaphors don't suck, they were 4/5 stars. Your counter metaphors suck because you do not place introversion on top of feeling like a can upon a desk. My metaphor was pretty good because saying "diesel car" expresses what powers the car. Clearly "diesel car" isn't what you get when you put a diesel engine on top of a car. The former changes the nature of the car and differentiates it from cars powered by regular gasoline or plutonium or hamsters.
Placing a can on a desk just makes it "a desk with a can on it". The nature of the desk wasn't changed. However, the desk can be a metal desk, tall desk, or a computer desk. None of these added adjectives stops the desk from being a desk, it's just that the language has become more specific about the nature of the desk. Like, a metal desk won't burn as easily as a wooden one.

A 5/5 star metaphor would have been "car" vs "car travelling north at 90 MPH on Interstate 1". The direction the car is travelling doesn't stop it from being a car. Just like reasoning with you doesn't stop you from trolling so last reply from me. Any place that doesn't ban people like you on sight is a useless place for meaningful discussion.

And a better descriptor function+attitude already exists, it's called 'preference'.
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I guess this isn't too bad.
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You either answered very noncommittally or you're normal. I probably shouldn't judge
I love that the depth of analyzing for depression on this test is
>Are you happy a lot
>Are you sad a lot

Shrimple as
Well, there were very few questions pertaining to my most autism-like trait: my complete inability to tell when I'm talking too loud, too fast, or too much.
The colors just go nice as something to scrapbook on to our
>someone here was breathing a moment ago
SOSs into da webvooooooooid
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the real crime of talking to people online is that you have no idea what they sound like. so much of how we treat people depends on knowing how they sound; it tells you so much. i do know that style can convey a decent amount, but frankly most people have no style of their own, fitting in flush with whatever group they frequent. its a obvious thing, something ive posted about oftenish, still something ive realized i take for granted.
glad you enjoyed my post. itd be cool to know where your ideas start to settle.
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There's this instantaneous 2way sparklemachine between us and you're not using it for

Weird path but nmste
https://youtu.be/PstP35Wij8c?si=fDaG_cdYDACdodOm // https://youtu.be/qj7wC9Df0h0?si=my3P8eTUz3lmSayX
>Beings inherently are peaceful and loving
Wrong. I don't want peace; I want problems, always!
>There's this instantaneous 2way sparklemachine between us and you're not using it for
My idea of fun is making problems for others. Are you ready to have
See ya tomorrow /MBTI/
Entropy is a Golden Age guarantee :^3
Though it don't feel like it in trans-scend-itional turbulence

Wrong video meant to go for most current
>Entropy is a Golden Age guarantee :^3
When's South Africa's golden age due?
I've gotta tell you their goings-ons are not entirely familiar to me! I couldn't comment on the geo/sociopolitical status ! As a branch to more esoteric things!
>tfw became higher level abstract incarnate
>only two terms left to process the world after eons of brainrot
>Either ORDER and/nor CHAOS
>just one button to press afore me
>I will should press the button
This works, doubtfully anything can not go wrong. Waahoo!
We sprinkle a little white powder into the soup (I hope it was salt).
>15m video
>also the sound is super low
I thought I was the that liked to cause problems.
When I buy an ad for my podcast/social experiment you guys will engage and consume right
That's what friends do for friends right
To each statement its own intensity I'm only trying to avoid dilution but the worthy statement is made of many crystal clear complex statements but each conversation is a refinement
Man only can hope for good conversation and work in his own time to learn the artful balance of good thought in action
Sounded like you were in a different room than your mic, but wonderful to hear your voice anyway. : )
Meh, your entire argument is void because I declare zoos as evil and you on the side of evil. Time for me to take a walk in the rain.
Sorry for slow reply. Nurgle is sorrow, slaneesh is joy, and tzeetch is fear.

I know tzeetch is a bit of a stretch but hear me out. Fear is what drives us to understand something so that we can defeat it. All scientific advancement is based on fear and overcoming it. And what is more fearful than the unknown? Why do we run from a superior foe? Because we can use our brains to understand when we are outmatched and evade it.
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>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
*ignores the shady businessman's pitch*
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
Insults from hypocrites and sleepwalkers
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Keeping markers on the passage of time using one's environment is a multiangled discipline
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
Really really misplaced like REALLY lost things like
>dude I guess it disappeared into thin air
gone 5ever class [alert]
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Care is an approximation of a perception of an action and feeling both are realms underneath true participation in a force called Love (participation implies a decision. There isn't. You're in it, the only illusion is awareness/acceptance)

Does anyone have any tips for donating plasma or whatever I'm afraid of vampire mafia trafficking rings fr
>Sorry for slow reply
No problem. And yes, that tracks. I just hear a lot of people associate Nurgle with joy, so I wasn't sure who was stuck with sorrow in that interpretation. But yes, I agree.
>Just because they're different doesn't mean you can't combine them.
Come on, broski. I'm speaking in the most simple terms possible, where did I say that they cannot be combined? Nowhere, that's where. In fact, I said they can be combined, and when you combine an attitude and a function you get a TYPE.
Function + attitude = type
Thinking + extroversion = extroverted thinking type (ExTJ) (IxTJ is NOT an extroverted thinking type, they are an introverted intuitive type with auxiliary thinking/feeling with a preference for thinking)

Placing a can on a desk does not turn the desk into a can, or the can into a desk.
Placing a function with an attitude does not turn the attitude into a function, nor the function into an attitude. A function is a predefined term within typology, it refers to functions, of which there are four, thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation. Of those four, where do you see Ni, Ti, Ne, etc. Or the mention of any attitudes whatsoever?
Nowhere, because attitudes and functions are not the same.
Fi = NOT a function
Fi = A TYPE.

There's four functions
Two attitudes
Eight types
And eight sub-types (in reference to auxiliary functions)

You have a conscious preference for a function and an attitude, this is what determines your type. Very, very simple stuff here. Exceedingly simple, not sure how you're not grasping this.
*causes problems for you*
ye take that
>Does anyone have any tips for donating plasma or whatever I'm afraid of vampire mafia trafficking rings fr
Even though you're evil and support the enslavement of other lifeforms for children's amusement, I'll give you some advice for donating plasma.

I donated plasma for roughly a year in an attempt to simulate plasma replacement therapy. If you'd appreciate my tips and advice let me know. I'd hate to spend time giving a bunch of advice only for it to go unread and unappreciated.
What's wrong with enslaving other lifeforms for children's amusement?
>listens to vocaroo
ok maybe I should spell check my posts more often....
Indeed. I think with nurgle its sort of a 'joy' born of accepting sorrow. Like if you knew you had cancer you'd be pretty sad for a while but eventually you would accept it and you would find some measure of perverse joy in your sorrow.

But everything about nurgle in general is sad. His association with death, dying, disease. All the things that make us sad.

Slaneesh is obvious. But more than joy it is the pursuit of things that give us joy. The pleasure principle taken to it's logical extreme. Which coincidentally can often cause more pain than pleasure.

I mean come to think of it you can always see traces of the other emotions in the other Gods. But there is one prime flavor if you will to each of them.
I fundamentally do not believe humans are a superior lifeform that should inflict unnecessary harm to others for our own amusement.
>in before you make a might equals right argument.
I am quite likely physically stronger than 99% of the posters on this board, probably a better fighter than 99.9%, and a better shot than 99.99%. So odds are that argument would also apply to your bussy being mines for the taking if I willed it.
You're going to have specify what yuo mean by superior.

If we are not superior to them, we are either equal to or inferior to them. If we are inferior, the fact that we enslave them is a victory. We're overcoming the tyrants. If we are equal to them, then it's equal. They can also enslave us.
But, these aren't the case, we are superior to them. This superiority is exactly why we should not cause harm to them, and why it's okay to enslave them.
>So odds are that argument would also apply to your bussy being mines for the taking if I willed it.
Sure, but stand your ground laws are something awful fierce, and we live in a world of easily accessible power modifiers. Is that bussy worth your life?
>But there is one prime flavor if you will to each of them.
Absolutely, which gives them a little touch of verisimilitude. I wonder if Games Workshop had that in mind when they came up with them.
>Sure, but stand your ground laws are something awful fierce, and we live in a world of easily accessible power modifiers. Is that bussy worth your life?
It always turns into this. A might makes right viewpoint. Stand your gun laws don't mean a thing. I am naturally stronger than most people and a far better shot, naturally. Wouldn't that make me superior to you or the at least to the average person? Does that give me the right to trample on your pursuit of happiness or free will? And yes I'm willing to bet my life that I have far superior aim and reflexes than the average person and the odds that you are average are pretty high.
>It always turns into this
Those is the laws of nature. The laws of nature trump human morality. It doesn't matter if I think it's right or wrong that a stronger ape can murder a weaker ape to steal his bananas and his bitch. That's just how it goes. Those same rules applies to humans, we are animals after all.
Does you being superior to the plants beneath your feet give you the right to trample on them? What about the micro-organisms you kill on the daily, or the bugs? You're superior to those, and you don't think twice about it.

I didn't say might is right, either. That's just what you want to see. I actually said right and wrong don't exist, and it's all up to circumstance.
>Does you being superior to the plants beneath your feet give you the right to trample on them? What about the micro-organisms you kill on the daily, or the bugs? You're superior to those, and you don't think twice about it.
I avoid trampling them and do not kill bugs either. Even If I can kill you just as easy as I can kill bugs. I don't do it because I don't believe it's my right to do freely as I please just because I have the physicality and intelligence to do so. I believe this viewpoint is wrong and illogical. It would suggest that it's ok for most men to rape most women and children just because they have the might to do so. And as someone who's also physically superior to most men as well, that should give me the right to also do as I please to nearly anyone my eyes falls upon. I don't like it.
It's the last two people on the planet, one is a man one is a woman.
The man wants to repopulate, the woman doesn't.
Does he have a right to rape her?
Which weighs more, her right to not be raped or the right of the entire human race to exist?
>I donated plasma for roughly a year in an attempt to simulate plasma replacement therapy
why? and doesnt that require new plasma to be injected?
you two should define what a right is before you go trying to figure out who has them.
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>in "relationship"
>she starts talking about how she wants me to essentially ward off another dude at least once and "claim her as mine" when she gets hit on
>that's your fuckin job, not mine
Because I feared the prospect of aging.
>and doesnt that require new plasma to be injected
From most of the stuff I could find and my limited recall no. I want to say they replaced the plasma with saline and something called Amb... I'll just look it up
I think this is the very video I once watched. But it wasn't just this. It was other things that I saw or read but Basically I concluded that the effects were not from getting new plasma but rather taking out the old plasma and the old proteins, and the saline and albumin replacing it was sort of like getting an oil change. However when you donate plasma most will probably not give you albumin and only give you saline. So I figured it's best to consume foods that have high amounts of albumin and iron and them as a substitute. That was my thinking anyway. I would routinely donate plasma, then eat foods high in iron/albumin the next day or two to help recover quicker.

But the foods you eat before going are just as important if you want the process to go quicker. I would notice some people could finish donating in half the as others and naturally, I was curious and spoke with many of them to find out the differences. Even experimented what I ate before to see. It makes sense when you think about it and see the differences in your blood. I could probably post some old pictures if I have any. But basically if you eat a greasy pizza or lots of cheese it quite literally makes your blood fatter and greasy. Funny, once you see and realize that it's hard to not attempt to ear healthier. Another thing that makes it easier was how hydrated you were. Basically if you ate shitty and didn't drink a lot of water it could take you over an hour to finish, and people who are in better shape, ate cleaner the day before, and drank lots of water, could finish in 20 to 30 mins.
Sounds like a red flag. As if she wants to see you get into fights over her.
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Man, Mob is so based. I watched his show recently and loved him to pieces. He's left a hole in my heart since I finished it
>>Your type
>>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to? What about extended family?
My little sister. We share more similarities than we do with others in the family. I don't really even talk to my brothers
It's such a gay conversation to even have. It just proves to me ever more that some people just shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on things
doesnt your body replace blood on its own?
>doesnt your body replace blood on its own?
Not exactly sure what or why you're asking this. What's the context?
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>your thoughts on the man vs. bear debate
i have seen a bunch of stuff talking about bears and some women finding a bear vs a man in a forest but I don't really know what it's about and haven't cared to look into it at all. Whenever someone mentions bears I just think about bobo
>>your type
Tall with a big ass.
>>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
No I don't care.
>>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
Faggot, it's only used by edgy middleschoolers.
>>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Yes, felt creepy.
>>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
How warm female bodies feel.
>>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
Yes, we all care about eachother.
>where did I say that they cannot be combined?
Oh that's my mistake. I meant to say that you'd believe that chocolate milk stops being milk because of the addition of chocolate which is not itself milk , but I rushed the post and forgot that part. My mind was between the task prior and the following one and I really couldn't muster the time and trouble bother with your kind of contrarianism. It's as fun as a funeral and completely ineffective at getting anything useful done. I really shouldn't have replied at all, but here I am still doing it. Maybe if I shock myself a few more times I'll learn to leave it alone.
If you add sprite to chocolate milk it ceases to be chocolate milk.
If you add sprite to milk, it ceases to be milk.
If you add water to dirt, it turns into mud.

You can't differentiate, Jungianly speaking, between your head and your ass, you big fat dumby head.
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
Nope, nope
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
A little bit, a little bit
>Placing a function with an attitude does not turn the attitude into a function
I never said it did. I said that adding the attitude to the function doesn't make Fi stop denoting a function. Such is the rule per linguistics and Jungism alike. Per linguistics, the terms "feeling" and "introverted feeling" both denotes a function because the literal meaning of both of these terms involves a function. Adding introversion doesn't remove the function portion of the literal definition of the term "Fi". Just like "a man" "a man named George Washington" and "the first president of the United States" all denote a man and never stop denoting a man no matter which phrasing is used.

>Function + attitude = type
No. Only in the very earliest Jungism which was out of date even before Jung passed away. You need more than just the dom function to determine type. ESTJ is not the same type as ENTJ. Simply saying "Te" is not enough to determine which type applies.
Per Jungism: Fi is not 'not a function' just because Jung did not specifically say the words "Fi is a function". Fi is a function because his basic rules of a function implies that Fi is a function. The existence of a feeling judgement relies on the existence an object or a subject to be judged. It cannot be otherwise.
>Of those four, where do you see Ni, Ti, Ne, etc. Or the mention of any attitudes whatsoever?
You see it in 'real life', shed your neurotic Ti and join us there anytime. Feeling as an isolated concept exists only in textbooks for learning what to look for. But even if you isolate your understanding to only the non-existent perfect vacuum of a textbook, the rules of a function implies that a function cannot exist without an attitude. You can turn Jungism into a hobby of memorizing facts to quiet your Ti neurosis, but I won't be joining you and that's not why Jung bothered to put pen to paper anydamnedway.
Then you can't explain why if a lactose intolerant person drinks milk with sprite in it, they still get sick. Sprite-milk is still milk. ...even if you call it an 'Italian Soda' and charge ten dollars for eight ounces of the stuff.
Don't talk bad about Sprite milk
Maybe they meant it's a type (of function lol). This seems like a meaningless spar over semantics, you probably both agree with each other at the end of the day anyway
I consider my $10 as an admittance fee to speaking freely about Sprite milk. Sprilk. Mrite?
>I never said it did.
By saying "Fi is a function" you are saying that introversion is a function, which is not the case.
A function is an abstract concept, it stands on its own. An attitude is an entirely separate abstract concept. When you add these two concepts together, you have neither a function, nor an attitude. That is to say, Fi is neither an attitude nor a function. It is COMPRISED of each of these things, but it is neither of them. It is a new abstract concept.
Although a car is comprised of a wheel, a car is not a wheel. Fi is comprised of a function, it is not a function. A tree may be comprised of leaves, but a tree is not leaves.
Fi as an abstract concept is an archetype, a type of types, AKA a type of feeler. Fi as a concrete concept is a type, aka a person.
The feeling aspect of Fi is a function, but since the introversion aspect of Fi is not a function, Fi is not a function. Fi is exactly 50% function by volume. AKA, not a function.

>imply saying "Te" is not enough to determine which type
Quite the contrary, that is the extroverted thinking type, or ExTJ. You gave me exactly enough information to disprove your point.

It's okay, if you want to believe in your made up pseudo science, used to get people to buy into online tests more easily, you can. Fi isn't a function in either MBTI or Jung. There's four functions, feeling, thinking, sensation and intuition.
An attitude is not a function, thus, Fi will never be a function.
Then explain why if I isolate out the specific sugar from the milk and extract it, then recreate the atomic structure with like science and shit, and feed that to someone who is lactose intolerant, why come they get sick? It's not milk.
If a bitch start trippin', let the Sprite start hissin'.
Nah, hard pass. You're that dunce who argues wrong points incessantly. Be more fun or pay my bills and maybe I'll go round and round with you longer. But a linguistics major can explain why you're a screw-up better than I can, so maybe pester one of them instead.
>Your points are wrong because we all agreed that you're wrong and we're right
Ok, fe-eggot. (and since Fe is a type, you're an ESFJ)
I knew a guy who flirted with a girl pretty much because she burped at him. It was unbelievable but he was always kind of a weirdo.
He goes out late to a scenic lakeside coffee shop back when things were open late. He gets seated and he's looking off into the serene rolling waves and his waitress arrives and just burps. And then she says "Sorry, I guess that wasn't very lady-like" and asks to take his order. And apparently they just hit it off from there. I don't know if it was the raw corporeal authenticity or the low-brow aesthetic of the whole thing or what. I've known some grungy guys, but something about a burp is just so unsexy and plain rude in that context.
Yeah, I'm whatever type that's bored and unimpressed with your bullshittery. Interacting with you is as pleasant as a shot of rancid Sprimilk and half as useful. Of course someone would find something else to do.
Well, maybe if you knew even a single thing about MBTI, you wouldn't be so bored. Alas, you do not, so maybe, read a book. It'll cure your boredom too.
If your 3rd or 4th function is really weak because it's not the main function, is it possible for it to become as powerful as someone else who has that function as their primary or secondary function? What is it called when that happens?
I would need to ponder more to narrow it further than Perception dominants, but I suspect they're the ones to enthusiastically roll with social blunders that Judgers would consider uncomfortable at best. Ps aren't caught in the neuroticism of self the same and can more easily laugh at themselves and others without going deep on either. I don't mean to cast it in limited light though, because that same lack of focus on the middle functions is how they can behave egregiously without seeing the big deal.

My hang-up with easy function explanations like the one I just offered is I can always find a way to explain it from the opposite. F or T at the top or bottom might appreciate how it lightens things up, or makes a person seem unique, or points to them not hiding anything, just as much as it hints to how much worse they could be. Speculative reasons never end, I just stop bothering. From the Perception angle, S could be offended or turned on for S reasons, and same for intuition. I suppose the key is what is lighting up, which is linked to the why. If you know someone is ego on proper, then it's likely shadow intrigue, maybe because they'd love to be so brash themselves.

I can't even confidently say that easily flirting in response cancels out shadow activation, because an untrained function might manifest quick and charming, but then they'd have to keep it up or be as compatible up top. There's a lot of factors and I both like and dislike that in everything.
>There's a lot of factors and I both like and dislike that in everything.
This would probably be funny if I knew anything about Star Strek.
Laughed. That is the inside of my brain but Padme kept me from untermensch books
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Any fictional universe can be written into Warhammer
>the 4 basic emotions. Anger, fear, joy and sorrow.
Pixar said there are 5.
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Could be more
most deceptive reg - homu
most manipulative - breeder
most evil - intp horse anon
>High neuroticism individuals be like
only fe inf could make something as inaccurate as this
I wish I could wake up with the birds at 4am every day but that would mean no friens, no americans, no primetime TV :(

Why is staying up late normal? The daylight's half over by 9 and it's basically over by 10 if you actually want to do anything with your day.

NTA but after a quick scan through their bulbipidea entries
Flareon: ISTJ
Jolteon: ESTP
Vaporeon: INFP
Umbreon: ISTP
Espeon: INFJ
Leafeon: ISFP
Glaceon: INTP
Sylveon: ENFP

Based Tate flying our flag all over the world
>Ukraine and Israel timed perfectly with the two biggest I don't cares in "I don't care!" song
Eurovision humour never lets me down

Yeah I'm not sure what the relationship between the emotions here is supposed to be. Shouldn't similar ones be next to each other and opposite ones be opposite emotions? But then again I've never been particularly articulate with emotions, as far as I'm concerned there's just different levels of arousal slush.

I don't like being bullied for how I sound! Are you still interested in continuing Emerald or are you sick of it? I didn't learn from your mistakes and all my showdown teams got deleted from cookies clearing themselves and I'm kinda sad about that. Gen 3 singles max 2 OU mons still the deal?
You are pathetic, genuinely.
>no aux Fe is not a thing
>yes there are aux functions
>yes functions have attitudes
>yes you can have aux feeling of the extraverted attitude
>no lol aux Fe is not a thing
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Let me write things down in a convenient way, using the common vernacular everyone else uses. Leaf me alone.
fr fr on god dis ain't bussin no cap
I have to wake up at 2am and communicate until 4pm
Hey dummy, the function does not have the attitude, you do. You, the conscious being, uses the function with an attitude. The function does not change though.
Just like I use a screwdriver with my hand.
>r9k poster
>conscious being
X to doubt
Hi Gus.
You have to be trolling, I refuse to believe you are for real. What you are saying makes no sense, not from a practical perspective or a Jungian one even.
what if there are 32 cognitive functions?
This poster is the only one to have a valid point.
Hey Mosleybro, glad to see you're still here
Everyone knows there's actually 64 cognitive functions and 128 attitudes and 8192 unique individual types!
People are simple and you can reduce them to 12 types with 9 functions and some other ones we don't talk about except maybe the 10th function, that one's actually super important
there are only introverts (thinkers) and extroverts (feelers)
>Faggot, it's only used by edgy middleschoolers.
What a faggy thing to say holy shit
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I don't really think about myself so it's probably a good thing that someone else is looking out for me, thanks!
Yeah not being able to hear tones pretty much tosses a lot of information out, slight afflictions in speech are a big part of how we interpret what's been said to us.
>i dont think you can ever judge another intentions and motives enough to declare anything based on it
>you must observe his actions and draw conclusions
I think I understand what you mean, I'm gunna try and reword it for myself to see if I understand.
The act of finding an intent has to use what's already been done or said. Trying to further analyze what's been done in an attempt to figure out an intent of motive dilutes or distorts the actual analysis of the action that took place and the impact it had. Additionally, our categorization of an event as "sinful" or "pure" itself is somewhat skewed as humans do not actually have a true understanding on the concepts of good and evil.
I hope that's somewhat close to what you meant, hopefully I'm not completely misinterpreting it.
As for myself, I still have to say that I believe that we can find the intent that someone has, or had. Although reading your text, I will say that my understanding of intent is definitely more similar with the ideas of intent, and premeditation of action found in something like the differences in degrees of murder. Not saying that the law or the morality of law is the paragon of what makes something pure or evil, I just find the specific distinctions to be useful.
So I guess I do agree with you on a certain level, you do have to look at the actions and results as almost a separate entity, if not, you end up misinterpreting or over/underexaggerating the results.
>all morality is a systematic quantification of intent
Damn I think I have to agree with you on this one. I like it, smartly written.

I definitely need more time to cook this in the oven. Thank you for replying with your thoughts.
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There are only masculinity and femininity. And the spectre between them.
>i do know that style can convey a decent amount, but frankly most people have no style of their own
Styles and tone correlate
If this had been a voicechat-based community, chances are that you'd be talking about how people sound monotone and you'd rather see their writing styles
>There are only masculinity and femininity. And the spectre between them.
>pic unrelated
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Fine, there you go.
Welp, evolution has clearly divided our species (and many others) into 2 types, first and foremost.
4, 8, 16, 32... You can make further divisions, but they are clearly less important.
Show me the evolution stating there are types or species.
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So, what's this mental illness called?
Hey random anon, it's good to see you too. How are you?
probably and originally
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Eh, okay
Which one is this?
Would we make good friends?
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>Concealed Carry Permit
keklled hard
i dont think a piece of paper will protect u
Was not an original post.
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>Your mbti type
>Is this image a gif or a jpeg? What's the difference between the two?
>on a scale of 1 to 10 how relaxed are you? 0 being chillax maxxed
>Concealed Carry Permit
>C C P
>Chinese Communist Party
>C C P
I think not.
I'm fine
I was gone from this thread for a long time and it felt good to see you again, that's all
cant tell from that. this test is stupid, they all are, its better to do the fun ones with no pretense of being anything but that.
I carry a fidget cube AND a revolver.
You could tell if you had a better build. I suggest you remove some levels from your tics and flat speech and invest them elsewhere for a higher payoff. I'll never understand why you guys keep choosing these sub optimal builds.
Witnessed quads, autist.
Which Anon do you love? :3

Haha! ^_^

Hiiiii~! (>^_^)><(^_^<)

>>your type
INFJ-T!!! ^_^'
>>your thoughts on the man vs. bear debate
"Are men really that unwanted and unneeded?" :O
It also reminds me of the bear dream I had a couple of years ago! ^.^;;;

>Or are you being sarcastic and are aware of such a term?
I'm not sarcastic! I'm genuinely curious! OwO

I thought Jungian archetypes were a separate system! :O
>Extroversion + thinking = extroverted thinking type.
That's an interesting take, but what if you want to discuss non-dominant functions? UwU

Cute pic! ^w^

I think I got Seeker on some personality test... :3c

I recognized that eye! It's Tom Cruise's! ^o^ It's indeed his! Thanks, TinEye! http://lex09 dot altervista dot org/ <(^_^)>

Did you remember to bring your turbie back this time? :3

>I'm gonna need to gather a lot of funds
D-do you have a plan~? ^.^;;;

The bear could be based on Yes Chad, and he would be hugging Femjaks, and a Frustrated Wojak and Apu would be camping and watching nearby? ;w;

>I had to turn off Eurovision after like 15 minutes because I want to watch it with her.
I hope you, Lilac, and your turbie get to watch it together someday~! ^_^7

>My older brother is apparently confirmed to be going to get married and move abroad next year so these things must work.
The ISFJ and the Chinese woman? :O

I think she said she's quite girly! *^.^*;;;

This is actually a kind of nice turn of events! ^_^

*keeps holding (You)* (>^_^)><(^_^<) mmmmmmmmmmmmm... <3 *purr* *purr* *purrrr~* :3 :3 :3 <3<3<3<3<3<3


Are they ESTP-A and INFJ-T? <(^_^)>

To be continued...
>Are they ESTP-A and INFJ-T? <(^_^)>
probably they are both INTooCute!
...continuation of >>77570690!

I thought she was in her 40s...? :Occ
But I might be wrong! *^_^*

This is a commonly raised point! ^o^

>Now I understand why turbie is so big on putting estrogen in the water
I see what you did there! ~_^

That's kind of an interesting theory! Maybe it will be real and common someday! But would it mean turbie extinction? QwQ

Isn't high empathy more common among turbies? ^_~

D-do you get "bipolar" if you answer yes to both? :O

These are kyoot and beautiful pics! *w*

What's the deeper story behind this scenario? Does the woman have a medical condition that would make pregnancy or childbirth dangerous for her? Does she not want to reproduce with that man in particular? Or does she hate humanity that much in general? Should she donate one of her ova and he could then use IVF and an artificial womb to reproduce? :Oc

What if they drink lactose-free milk~? ^o^

Does Sprite milk taste good? :3

Warp Factors? :3c

And what are they? :3

Is Espeon (or any other -on) a turbie? ^w^
I was surprised at how much he loves Eurovision! ^_^

Why? :,O

Then there are too many types! @w@;

>A printed screenshot of my Google Knowledge Panel! ^_^

INFJ-T. jpg, tech, 2! ^o^

What's a fidget cube? :3

Yes! ^_^

Goodnight, I guess... (>^_^)><(^_^<)
>What's a fidget cube? :3
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>be me
>have fren
>be an ass sometimes and loser
>try to open up authentically and self critically as a gesture of kindness
>talk about my bad and complicated character, how he shouldnt worry about me and how he is way too nice to me
>end up causing even more discomfort and confusion
Very cute
(>^_^)><(^_^<) mmmmmmmmmmmmm... <3 *purr* *purr* *purrrr~
Squish you (>^_^)><(^_^<)
Honestly feel like at the ending of American psycho, Bateman talks truthfully but it doesn't change anything. He can't escape the simulation
>faggots treating life like it's a visual novel and anyone can be pleased to see them in a favorable light at any chance of any interaction
Grim thing is that this is not what you'd see exclusively on slask r9k slash
>And what are they? :3
Joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust
Disgust is the weakest imho tbqh, i'm not even really sure i'd consider it an emotion per se
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INFP. This is all I got.
I have never met an INFP that I liked before. There's something that I really dislike about infps. Weird since I am drawn to infjs in a hate sex kind of way.
I think hatesex is faggy. It's like wanting to fuck a nigger
And what type might ye be
What's your type? Curious if it's some kind of conflicting functions I love infps
how are homu deceptive
Lilac is late 20s
>pathetic for debating MBTI when MBTI is the sole focus of the thread
So this is what you get for effortposting.
>I think hatesex is faggy. It's like wanting to fuck a nigger
I don't think so. For me they're just very alluring but equally annoying.
What's the difference between late and middle?
Early 20-23, mid 24-26, late 27-29
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Are those chips good?
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Oh shibbb I didn't expect it to actually pique my interest lemme see here
Are you rich? Trader Joe's isn't cheap.
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>Agree or disagree: Bad things only happen to bad people
>Agree or disagree: Bad things only happen to stupid people
>if I heem you and take your bussy
>you are stupid and deserved it
I disagree with both. Bad things happen. Period.
>I disagree with both. Bad things happen. Period
Why didn't you just see into the future and plan accordingly?
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
By like 3 people but I know they all love and need me
>What is a word you think has lost its punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
Yes, it brought back a lot of things I hadnt dealt with which was rough but that ended up being a good thing
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
How mean and uncaring the average person is
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?
I do everything to care for the people around me and they mostly do the same for me

Honestly not everything is perfect but Im currently winning in life right now
>gf, moving out soon, future looks bright
I dont know why I decided to browse today but I havent even been here in like half a year
Are there people that believe either of these things? Even B*ddhists some other previous life to blame don't they? Anyway obviously not

Yes my turbie is safe on my desk, although it probably wouldn't have been so bad if she'd stayed with Lilac instead.
>The ISFJ and the Chinese woman? :O

I think Jolteon is a turbie. Umbreon too, and possibly Sylveon. I think Espeon is most likely assertive though.

the filename says it's a jpg, so I'll go with that

Was it that recent that you arrived here? Only 2 years ago? if it makes you feel better I only settled on ISFJ after 8 years of posting in mbti threads. And even then I'm not exactly confident about sticking with it. I think I've said I'm an INFP for a lot longer.
Centaur is the ubertype !
cantar is the uddertype
Centard Is not INFP because i don't want to share type with him, period
kramtar is an esfp
>can we not talk about *personal drama*
>replies with *personal drama*
Cumtaur's got one udder and it exclusively spurts out thick gloopy green yogurt
Insider knowledge hands typed this post
is it a big udder or a small dugger
im so dickslecksick.
I can't see into the future because i'll only become a wizard 2 years from now, and not every disgrace can be planned for, and even if it did failing to plan for it doesn't make someone a bad person who deserves bad things happening to them
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Well would you look at that, it's euro hours and we're more than 400 posts in, that means umo hours!

Evatrice no spoilers! And you haven't actually killed anyone yet stop acting so full of yourself.

I see, so if you just don't believe in witches it makes them not real. Rather than believing in them giving them power though it's denying them that makes them go away? Also a lone individual or even small group of people doesn't have enough athiesm to dispel them completely, it takes multiple people collaborating on choosing what isn't real to "poison" their power. I suppose you could say that back in the kekopocalypse there just weren't enough people ignoring the witches in this thread which is what allowed them to get away with it.

Beato is being a big meanie by sabotaging evatrice's game making it as un-magical as possible, but on the other hand she's apparently retarded now so who knows how it'll turn out. Or I suppose she knows renove was going to fuck over team witch this game which is why she decided this was the one to give someone else a turn. Since Eva is the most schizo, at least from the start of this episode apparently, she's a good source from which magic can escape?

The music after renove arrives reminds me of columns
Beato acting all cute and stereotypical. Part of me hopes this isn't a meme and she really just is like this. More confirmation in my head that she's an Extraverted thinking type regardless though but at this point I'm thinking more ESTJ than ENTJ though. I can't remember what made me ever assume her to be an intuitive other than peer pressure.
Hey you old hag why do you talk like a fucking toddler when you're 47 years old.
She knows there's pedophiles here
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Hmm, who's going to be buried alive in cookies? That said for some reason renove talking about cookies gave me massive nostalgial pangs for a simpler time. For some reason it already feels like the christmas season in my soul. I'm also feeling unsatably hungry again, maybe I really have just been starving myself my whole life, but did this feeling really have to kick in right as I'm the poorest I've ever been?

>Only one more week of being mid 20s
If I wasn't so pathetic I'd find a skateboard so I can be a mid-20s skateboarder, if even just for a moment, but I don't want to put up with the embarassment of buying one, or seen or heard riding one.
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>>Your type
>>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to? What about extended family?
When he was alive my great grandfather, now most likely my younger cousin or my older brother.
Anons, please appreciate the family you have while you have them
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I'm glad I saw one tripfag itt
>I have to wake up at 2am and communicate until 4pm
>Why? :,O
Cause I'm trying to get rich so that you'll love me and those are the best hours for money;-;
>Anons, please appreciate the family you have while you have them
not all families are created equal
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Being in a foreign country for more than 2 weeks is exhausting. I wanna to go home and enter my bed.
If you're going to effortpost, effortpost without an expectation of reward.
>when MBTI is the sole focus of the thread
The sole purpose of this thread is for turbie to be in my arms so I can kiss her cute little nose
Turbie is a boy and you know it and are closeted.
I'm afraid that's not possible, not after the accident.
i want to comfort you bby and make you feel warm and loved
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>Your type
>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to?
I am closest to my dad.
We have magic psychic powers of understanding each other.
It's silly to be honest.
Just a glance is enough for us to understand the other.
>What about extended family?
In my extended family, it would be my much younger cousin.
He is very intelligent for his age and takes an interest in some of my more complicated hobbies.
It's fun to teach him things that I'd otherwise never get the chance to.
>Why didn't you just see into the future and plan accordingly?
What makes you think that I don't?
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>Your type
>Which member of your immediate family are you closest to? What about extended family?
none. and none.
Where do intuitives work if they are lower class or blue collar
They're professional parent wranglers
McDonald's drive thru
I can't remember if I took my meds
The homeless shelter, probably
Fuck off Turbie Enjoyer, you're not fooling anybody
list your top 5 regs
1. dead reg
2. dead reg
3. dead reg
4. dead reg
5. dead reg
explain yuor're choices
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Here's a question for you all.

You've just died, having been struck by lightning twice in a row. Your disembodied essence floats off into the fourth dimension where you speak with a being than cannot be properly described or perceived, and this being offers you a choice:

You can choose to reincarnate as a living creature, randomly selected, and continue through the cycle of death and rebirth until you once again achieve humanity and face this choice.

You can reincarnated as one of the 'prestige classes' of reincarnation, where it is revealed to you creatures like whales, elephants, giant tortoises, and so on are all upgrades from the human experience for those who wish to experience tranquility.

You may also choose to eschew a physical form and add your essence to a concept or idea, such as justice, wonder, or hope. Doing this increases it's influence in the world at large, and you are able to manifest yourself into reality as you see fit, within your power.

Lastly, you are given the option to dissipate, choosing never to re-accumulate into a conscious force of energy, having your material fuel many of the world's baser components like water, fire, air, earth.

What is your type, and what do you choose? May my shower thoughts bring you some entertainment.
I'm honored to be your favorite, anon
>Lastly, you are given the option to dissipate, choosing never to re-accumulate into a conscious force of energy, having your material fuel many of the world's baser components like water, fire, air, earth.
That's my pick. ISFP.
I just don't like the other ones too much, the first two are subject to getting harmed by other living creatures and the third one requires me to particularly care about a concept, and maybe I do but I can't think of any.
The 4th one is just the most relaxed.
Oooh, neat question.
Being an orca would be very tempting, but I think I'd rather be a spirit of compassion.
Can't i just ask the entity to let me fucking die in peace? i really don't understand why peopl like the idea of reincarnation, literally why would i choose to go through this life again once it's finally fucking over
is turbie a bot
if not why do you talk like a bot, turbie?
The final option is effectively death, but even putting aside 4th dimensional spirit guides, you are continually replacing your own matter and energy, and when you die, it will all reconstitute into something else. Reincarnation as a spiritual concept may be dubious, but matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. The idea of reincarnation is just a romanticized view of what that changing of form means in a hypothetical context where souls are material as well.
Is turbie hot
If not why do you talk like you're hot, turbie?
Struck by lightning?? This doesn't sound like me, I don't go outside.
>Reincarnation as a spiritual concept may be dubious
>but [this conceptualization of Truth long proposed before modern science that's much closer to the full picture of "reincarnation"] is good too
Well, I mean...

The average layman's *understanding* of reincarnation may be dubious. But just as some beings have touched infinity, seen beyond the constructs of "good" and "evil" in this very lifetime, and still carry that Knowing with them --albeit hard to share (by direct transmission) and therefore hard to prove, if that's what they really mean by sharing..
Some beings better grasp everything at play here, this force called "karma" that shakes the movers; what it means to accrue it, what your options with it are during a precious human birth versus others, so on

People come close when they can't think hard enough to care anymore. They tap-out at "I won't be alive, which means I won't be Conscious". That freedom of feeling --so as to negate feelings from the equation entirely or to dis-identify with the being doing the feeling-- is comparable to many higher Natures. It's a bit busier than one might think (or hope) in my experience. But that was "An Experience You Can Come Back From", so am I only missing eternity? I've been outside that, too. But just so, I'm here again. Because I ever *could* come back, does that mean the essence-qualities and experiential Gnosis of that "place" were or were *experienced* differently than if my way back in/out at least had to gestate first in nebula nurseries and then for another few millennia to talk and walk about?
"Death is like taking off an old shoe"; before you accept it, if you even accept it.. Freedom feels like chaos. Like an icy wind on so-long numbed nerves. Potential is only danger if you're nearsighted enough. To contest that is to wrongly define/ "your" in that statement.
The universe is not cold and indifferent --neither is God. You just fear Love so ancient, wise, inescapable, so you pretend not to recognize
>Agree or disagree: Bad things only happen to bad people
disagree, only true in movies and fairy tales
>Agree or disagree: Bad things only happen to stupid people
mostly agree

t. entj
There is no difference between the highest levels of physics and the most sacred spiritual teachings. No difference.
As advocate for hike and helicopter (meditation/dharmic practice and psychedelic medicines) method I also implore you to chart your course on each axis. One language of measurement provides questions about another. The questions, echoing as questions on another side. Questions in the dual answers to one question. Philosophical paydirt, answers that only bring more answers even though the questions that only sew more questions make you feel like you're covering ground

Science and soul are not opposed. To bastardize both fields by applying concepts willy-nilly makes for a good art project, but.. there's a difference, between that and real cohesion. Finding, not forcing.
Some teachings sell jewelry; some teachings tell you why the value of a dollar may be better applied to materials other than the big daddy solid copper orgone-encrusted merkaba from the wook at the festival tent.
But you can learn something from every school twice a day
Has anyone here actually read Jung? Every time I try, I don't understand a thing
can you give a tl dr or something I cant read all of that
There are at least.. 5 confirmed Jung readers here, including myself. Those I would personally vouch for/bet on. --at least a few others have "safe-enough-to-call-em'-Jungians" bases of knowledge.
Do you struggle with the content itself? The way the content is presented/articulated? Like, do you feel you're struggling to understand the typology? Or Jung's wider cosmology? I can be a very "need the why before the how" type of learner and there is a LOT of "why" that goes into each subsequent iteration of Jung's body of work

I could give you multiple forms of summary, but the one I'd prefer requires a few other "could"s to be in line. It already requires that I try my best to infuse the proper energy while writing.. Sometimes I'd rather just get my hands on ya, so oftentimes I have to settle for dropping it altogether.
The tagline has become
"Fate and free will are the same" if that helps
But come on, Anon. It's already a non-response to three other seeds. Or attempted get-the-response-out-of-the-way response to move on to things I basically have to rely on being segue'd to for any better chance of comprehension/productive engagement. I'm always thinking about It, I'm always In It, but to approach another or approach It with another it seems most effective and efficient to piggyback off of what's known. I might move my mouth more, coming at someone with no reference for these topics, but by the end they may only be able to meet me where many others can still only meet me. So if I build (butt in) off of something someone thinks they know, whether they really know it or whether it's something important or relevant to know or not.. That saves some talking? People are always confused when I don't get to do it my way. But "my way" has a slow turnover rate, so I have to branch out.

TLDR; Asking for a tldr when I'm attempting to express what I am is all kinds of pointless. I'll oblige, but if you need that, you've already disqualified us both from the interaction I sought from the start
I don't browse these threads much but my favorites are the ones that I can recognize and are pleasant to talk to or give me tingles, or Intrigue me. Most of the names I see spammed, I have no idea who they are or if I've ever spoken with them.
Interesting. What gives you
if not pleasant or intriguing posters?
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Truth is irrelevant to the purpose of the question. Your response begs a lecture, but your nature demands avoidance. I'll resist the urge to indulge my disdain in favor of valuing my time.

The bolt got lost and shot at a 90 degree angle through your window. Then his nagging wife went looking for him and hit you a second time. It happens.
>Sometimes I'd rather just get my hands on ya, so oftentimes I have to settle for dropping it altogether.
Please put your hands on me and whisper esoteric knowledge to me
>The tagline has become
>"Fate and free will are the same" if that helps
I disagree. I wonder if fate is just one optimal possibility and if you haven't prepared and pushed for it then someone else will be nudged towards fulfilling the role that you were meant to fulfill. We are all cogs in the machine that is the universe.
>pleasant or intriguing posters?
Pleasant posters don't always give me the tingles. They're like a warm ray of sunshine that erases the cold and darkness from my heart.

The intriguing poster is more like a gentle breeze that excites and leaves my heart racing and longing for more on a humid and hot day.
My post was a response in that it was technically prompted by your post in combination with the responses to it, but it is not an answer to your question.
I don't think you're a reliable narrator for your own judgement center re:
>[my] response, [my] center
so I'll respect a decision when one has been made. Talk with your actions

Journal entry to the void morelike. Interact if you want
>read Jung
Isn't he the guy obsessed with moms?
More of that

no because likefUCKING

If i could talk like a NORMAL person

There are bigger problems than type problems there are people who can not understand in a FELT way in their BODIES that "concepts" and "terminology" are not the thing and if the thing to understanding the thing's in the other

There is conceptualizing and there is
>[something I refer to as Knowing]
and while knowledge even definitionally magnified to some esoteric principle is still just word word-word on top of MORE WORDS
there is experience and an ability to conceptualize forward and backward of that experience is consciousness and when you see that you see how memory is life is death is encoded so deeply in every wave of reality that you stop wondering and you remember being
If Jung reincarnated he'd be on a tasteful riviera courting ladies and eating fruit rn. And if you asked him a question he'd just live and you'd learn more from it than you ever will
50th mention of Turbie
Congrats on the bump limit guys
All thanks to me
I've been single handedly keeping the thread alive by samefagging all the way through
The last 50 posts are all me
dats freud
A lot of great men throughout history obsessed with their mommies really
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On one hand, being born as something else and experiencing life again would be kinda cool. Y'know being a bird or a whale or something like that. I do like the idea of being an owl and simply living life as a majestic stealth birb. Let me be a great horned owl or an arctic owl.
On the other hand I don't love the idea of being conscious again. I guess I prefer my life to have a finality to it, not necessarily saying that reincarnation itself dumb. Given the option, I'd probably request the 4th option, at least for now.

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