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kill yourself faggot weeb
why is rivian where it is. it's prob the best all-around EV at the moment. there are a bunch of them around here in nashville and as a whole they are some of the most considerate drivers in the area.

dodge should be at the same level as infiniti, the rest i agree with.
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>Mexicans, upper middle class white snobs, and Toyota tards who can't bring up Toyota without the word reliability in the same sentence are fun to be around
>Did I mention how reliable Toyotas are?
Okay maybe the Hondafags are fun to be around but still
I, too, am in the east coast drunk driving discord
Toyota has created such a cult that people on this very board have blatantly been exposed lying about how reliable their car has been, saying they've had to make no major repairs after admitting previously in another thread that they rebuilt the engine.
where would we put the DSM fags desu?
>jeep, dodge not way off to the left
>tesla not subterranean
>porsche and lambos not below the middle
>mazda not true neutral
not terrible, but could use some adjustments
so far down the bottom left that it would reach the image size limit
Porsche boomers have to be some of the most insufferable fags on the planet no cap though
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t. miatafag
Replace porsche with jaaaaaaaaaaaag and I'll listen.
No Chevrolet?
Where's SCUM

Literally the most insufferable owners alive. The Honda fags aml think FWD civic base model is a FWD type R and literally a race car like Senna and won’t shut the fuck yo about shit like BMW reliability.

Bro, nobody with a BMW gives a fuck about a FWD economy car. STFU.

Easily the worst.

Toyota fags are next, I respect the family but they’re not that reliable and they’re not cheap. They’re not fun at all. And they’re not cool at all.

Shit chart and Onviosily the op drives a civic and thinks he’s max verstappen
Honda owners are too cool and broke to have an opinion about being cool and broke.
Maserati should be right next to Dodge
Nissan encompasses the entire graph
Gib template
this is true I drive a WRX and haven't made any friends since I dropped out of college.
uhhhh Hyundai bros? Literally where we at?
Porsche and Aston should swap places, BMW should be lower, also Toyota should be a smidge lower than Honda, the rest looks fine
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ruhrohraggy rehehehehhehe
>Sucking up to toyota drivers because its the most popular car brand
>lexus drivers/porshe fun to be around
Subaru must be much further down in the insufferable range.
Lexus needs to be lower on the has money.
Lotus owners has their Lotus as their second car. Most Lexus owners has theirs as their main car.
>Toyota and Lexus
>no Acura, just Honda
This. Toyotafaggots and their "point A to point B just fine"mobiles
I think it's European and they don't have Acura there
You can tell cause there's not a single GM brand, so definitely not from an American perspective.
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>based poor honda bros hooning in the mountains in their sub 2000 pound shitbox
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>bit more shuffling
EVfags to the bottom
>Lamborghini owners not insufferable
>Volvo owners not the most boring people on earth
is this made based on data from a different time or world or what
Gonna hard disagree with Toyota's placement. The kind of person who drives a Corolla is the kind who enjoys watching paint dry. 4Runner owners are just as bad as Wrangler owners if not worse because they don't have actual performance capability to back up their faggotry. Supra and 86 owners are insufferable like Hellcat owners, constantly dickriding the two or three competitive examples of their cars while never touching actual motorsports except for Forza.
Don't know about Honda. The cheapest new civic you can buy now in EU cost 40k and their used ones demand a hefty premium making them far more expensive than almost anything of equivalent mileage/age. You can get a used BMW 318 cheaper than a used 1.5t civic!
>Maserati is poorer than Volvo
The rest of the planet still has 5k-15k hondas for sale all day long and is what sets the stereotype for ownership, not 40K brand new ones being sold to Euros who don't want to drive krautshit which is an absurdly specific and irrelevant example for everyone else on the planet.
(used maseratis)
acura has like two crossovers and two sedans
Why is jeep so high???
Acura should be next to McLaren
Volvo next to BMW
Maybe their recent lineup I haven't looked, Acura had some decent stuff in the 2000's though, just Honda with leather seats and more horsepower.
Oh sorry, did my truck trigger you liberal??? Yeah I do support Israel. Yeah I do hate terrorists. No I won't apologize
Wrangler driver spotted
I think Jaguar should be moved further up. Have you met Jaguar owners? They are either old money geriatrics who will tell you all the cool history that is conveniently left out of textbooks, psychiatrists that have done LSD that would be more than happy to prescribe you weed or adderall if you so choose to request it from them, or they are hardcore enthusiasts that like to wrench on their old Jags because they love those flawed beautiful cars.
The only insufferable Jag owners are the ones who buy them because it was a cheap used luxury car then proceed to ruin them into clapped out shitboxes when they realize the can't afford it, and it proceeds to become a project for an enthusiast to restore. Because Jaguar isn't as popular as BMW, this is the least common Jaguar owner.
This feels more accurate. In particular I've known TWO guys who owned an Aston and they're both really fun dudes to hang out with.
Where did the reliable Toyota touch you?
>repliers probably right
Op's choices were offensive. I didn't think too hard when I shuffled it.
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>Dodge, Jeep and BMW owners most fun to be around
>Tesla fags have more money than Aston Martin owners
>Corvette owners have more money than Ferrari owners
Based and wally pilled
>Corvette and Merc fags more money than Lamborghini and Ferrari chads
Move all Japshit to below Tesla/Ferrari.
>tfw no toyota touchy time
I love them anyway
>hondinguses and toyotards
Makes me feel to buy 1990s honda
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How about we move you 6 feet under you little monkey?
swap honda and dodge
>support israel
>hate terrorists
Pick one
Kinda hard to forget their dancing innit. Even if its been more than 10 years.
Maserati needs to be swapped with Infiniti.
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Only people that buy Toyotas and the mechanics can figure out they actually aren't THAT reliable over Honda or Ford europe. I still don't know how they got the whole reliable meme going.
brown hands typed that post
I own a Toyota
I had a well take care of 1997 Camry and the transfer case exploded for no reason.
If you own a Chevy you’re existence is just forgotten.
>don't know how they got the whole reliable meme going
Top Gear and the "Unbreakable Hilux" episodes.
switch the x positions of Jag and Aston
whats the shield in the top right? some faggot euro maker?
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>Top Gear and the "Unbreakable Hilux" episodes.
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usa = le bad
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no le comments
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nip cars are made in mehico out of china parts anyway nig brain
that's gm and ford more than anyone else. toyota unironically makes more of their shit in the US than them
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Correct, american cars are fat and ugly so fat and ugly americans can buy it
I've owned a couple Toyotas and the reliability thing is such a myth. You have to replace shit constantly
Dodge, Jeep, BMW, Mazda, and Subaru should be WAY lower.

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