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>be me
>start my ‘90 mazda mx5
>can let it idle for years and the idle insists on sitting at 900rpm
>move car (or rev the piss out of it)
>idle suddenly decides it likes sitting at 1500rpm better and refuses to come down unless i force it to (by turning on the AC)
Vacuum leak? IAC valve? I’d prefer to hear answers from guys that have experienced my exact symptoms before I go out buying smoke machines and firing the parts cannon at this old thing (I’m BROKE!)
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As a girl, are there any reasons why I shouldn't look into becoming a mechanic?
This should seem like a stupid question, but just to check:
Did you let the engine cool down? Almost every car (including miatas, I had an NA) revs high at first to warm up and cycle oil then drops. It's usually from like 1300 to 800 once it cools down.
Have you tested the PCV valve?
Have you checked the throttle cable? (though this usually loosens, which wouldn't cause this)
1) is there slack in the throttle cable? There should be at least a little.
2) could try adjusting the idle screw
3) replace your idle control valve.
I have a Golf, for some reason I'm getting an EPC and engine light warning but it'll just go away if I restart my engine after driving for a bit, and other times it'll just randomly not appear.
OP has an excuse that his shitbox doesn't have OBD, but YOU! PULL A CODE NIGGER
If you are young, good looking, you should be a wife and mother and let men fix heavy equipment instead. Or maybe you can help your husband and kids with various mechanical projects.

As you can see from the video that woman made, shes coping hard for some reason. That isnt natural
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>Did you let the engine cool down?
nope. the car had been running for an hour when i barely noticed the idling issue. temperature gauge stays directly in the center and occasionally creeps towards the Cold side. Nothing wrong there (i think) it drives really great besides this one slightly annoying issue (thing couldn’t pass smog because of the idle)
>Have you tested the pcv valve?
pulled it just now. it still makes that rattling noise when i shook it up a bit
>Have you checked the throttle cable?
Just did that too. There’s slack there. Everything checks out. I’m just unsure of how to “check” the iac valve..the previous owner threw a piece of cardboard on there before i owned it, sort of looked like picrel. It idled REALLY rough (300-400rpm) and shook the whole car with it slapped on. But never idled strangely after that first minute. Should I do as he did and throw it back on? This video covers that last thing I just mentioned. It’ll be a temporary solution for now…Just want this thing to pass smog.

Ac shouldn't affect the idle. Theres some kind of compensation device that gives it enough gas to keep it idling at the same speed when the compressor comes on.

Check for vacuum leaks, intake cracks, etc.also who cares if it idles at 1500? Literally does no harm.
I used to have a Jeep XJ that did this, I figured it out but never ended up fixing it before scrapping it. But it turned out it was an air intake manifold gasket leak. The way I tested for this was taking the air pipe off the top of the throttle body, then I took some vinyl tubing and a cigarette and I sealed the tubing in the throttle body with my hand, and just blew cigarette smoke into the other end of the tube and used a few bright shop lights to watch for where the smoke came out and it was coming from the underside of the intake manifold on cylinder 6. If you do this test it will reveal any vacuum leak, you could also use a vape if you wanted to, or buy a diagnostic smoke machine. But cigarettes are the cheapest and not that risky if you don't inhale.
Unfortunate for OP. A few of those nuts are a bitch to get to, if this is the case.
I don't know what that means
Borrow an OBD2 code reader or buy one and see if your car has any active error codes that might point to your issue. It might help diagnose what's going on. Or someone else with a golf and the same problem will stop by...
How can i cruise-pill a family member of mine? He keeps building high horsepower cars and bikes and then wrecks them
I have a car that's known for having synchro issues in a certain gear. Right now it's just a little crunchy symptoms. That said, the tech literally grinded it once while driving with me in the car and he drives the exact same car. The service advisor says they aren't going to do anything until it's popping out of gear. It doesn't grind for me, I don't shift super boy racer fast / no lift shift or any other shenanigans. They have changed transmissions for it before once it starts popping. I have 3.5 more years of warranty and 40k miles left.
>Should I stick to OEM fluid and hope that sumbitch grinds and work for a replacement
>use aftermarket fluid which is known to fix many trans issues and hope it never grinds and miss out on a warrantied trans (possibly)
My mk1 focus has the perfect camber driver front but almost neutral camber on the passenger front. There is no camber adjustment do what suspension components might be the issue?
It could be the lower control arm but those are usually sturdy. But they've been bent before.
Otherwise, something with your strut. Either where it bolts to the knuckle or at the shock tower. If you ever want camber adjustment with these I think you need after market coilovers and then a camber plate kit. I think adjustable front lower control arms also exist.
Dunno when LCAs were done but I've driven the car about 20k miles so far. Replaced a decent chunk of the rear end but aside from coilovers haven't done anything to the front.
Manlet driving a hatchback. As of right now I have to press the clutch completely against the floor, so I'm forced into an upright position for full leg extension. I want my pedals to go a bit further out so that I can lean back, is there any way to do this or is it more work than it's worth?
Move the seat forward and lean back. You generally have better visibility and car control if you don't lean back though.
You're not going to move the pedals. It's not gonna happen.
year? I would bet one of your coil packs is on its way out
are PGW brand windshields dogshit or is it a me issue? I got a new used car and gave it it's first wash at home, some of the water dried on the windshield after the final rinse because it's hot obviously, after drying it off I went to go take the mineral stains out just with some glass cleaner and they came off but it appears to have etched the glass because there's a "shadow" in the shape of the splotch still there and you can feel it just barely with your fingernail. I have city water so while it's not like dionized it's not really that hard. now driving the car these splotches catch the sun and are incredibly annoying and sometimes make it hard to drive when you're driving into the sun. should I maybe call a glass shop and see if that company has a warranty or something? is there any way to fix it so we don't have to go through all that fuckery or replace what was a nearly perfect windshield on a car I just got?
its very taxing on your body and extremely labor intensive most people in my family work on cars n trucks either professionally or as hobbyists and when they get older they have massive health consequences and there is a reason why its mostly bigger dudes. but get an apprenticeship and try out though so you can really see whats its like
>go to craigslist/offerup
>offer asking price
>no response
>5th time now
damn what is up with these people?
Miata has two idle adjustments. ECU, and a physical screw.
You don't need a smoke kit. Get a vape.
You can install an adjustable camber bolt, even if.
Hire a lawyer, threaten the dealer with a lawyer. Only way they learn.
They also have no way of knowing if the wrong fluid was changed as long as it's the same type. Aka it doesn't smell different
Check your clutch fluid. You should never need to press the clutch pedal all the way to shift.
Clay bar the windshield.
Apply rainx
Use rainx brand washer fluid.
Fingernails always dirty. Girls can be mechanics tho.
Spray soapy water at shit while it’s running. You’ll hear a change if you blast a leak.
Something is bent. Buy an aftermarket adjustment kit.
Adjust whatever stops pedal from continuing movement when released. There’s probably a bolt stop. Most will need more fluid after adjustment but some will have an adjustable pushrod to make up for free play.
what is the clay bar supposed to do in this situation?
People shouldnt look into becoming a mechanic in general.
Unless youre doing fleet work or heavy equipment/
aerospace, it's just not worth being a mechanic.
Money is dogshit
Hours are dogshit
Labour is beyond dogshit
Entrance fee is dogshit
Benefits are non existent
Not to mention, if you don't have tough skin as a woman, you're gonna get chewed and spat out real quick (and probably worse).
Not to discourage you from following your passion, just be smart about it.
GX470 or 460?
No one trusts offers made by text or email. Request to check out the car and then only offer to purchase it after looking at it
My buick is making a humming noise, when you're driving it sounds like a motorcycle that's far away. It starts with a low hum around 30mph and gets higher pitched as speed increases. It's only changes with speed, not acceleration. Isn't affected by braking or turning. I already replaced the cv axle and wheel bearing on the front right wheel where it sounds like it's coming from, but that didn't do anything. Anyone know what the issue could be? Car has >200k miles.
Help remove that blotch
Could Belts, belt tensioner pulley, steering pump
Any noises at idle, or revving?
Drive with the noise and kill the engine in neutral.
no noises at idle or revving
I have a column mounted shifter and it's not always easy to select neutral, if I did that and accidentally shifted into reverse while driving will it blow up the transmission? It's a 2003
I didn't think slushboxes are that retarded
but as far as I can tell The glass was etched/damaged, not that there was excess material left on it but that the minerals actually damaged or removed the glass or its coating
very possible you damaged the transmission especially if you went to reverse at speed, however if it was low speed like in a parking lot going like 5 mph or less, not an issue at all other than maybe if you rev bombed it. if you're talking low speed and no neutral drop, then you should still look to your drive train. very likely a bearing especially since it happens and changes with vehicle speed only. Best thing to do is get your car in a lift so you can use either just your ears or a mechanic stethoscope to listen to the other wheel bearings. if they check out, could be internal to the transmission like the differential and it's bearings. you could do it on jack stands, but it would be incredibly dangerous to spin the wheels to speed and climb under it to listen to the bearings, so I highly recommend against it.

of that vintage absolutely. those older ones are just the same old hydraulic transmissions of the '80s and '90s, just with a computer attached to control the shifting. they do whatever you tell them to, if you slap it in reverse at 10 mph it'll say fuck it you want reverse here's reverse mothafucka. I'm sure most if not all have a lockout over a certain speed so you can't do it at like 50, but you can absolutely do it at lower speeds and they'll just happily slam right into gear.
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Ayup, *slaps rectifier ring*, there's your problem, blown diode
If it changes when the vehicle is experiencing centrifugal force from a turn, that is indicative of wheel bearings. I can’t remember the let means right but it’s always the one that you don’t suspect.
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That's some shitty anti glare coating that's coming off. You can try acetone, or nail polish on a small button corner and see what you get.
>Inb4 hand
Last year I traded in my car to a dealership, gave them the title and all. It got auctioned off, and a different dealership decided to buy that piece of shit and tried selling it with the check engine light still on in the listing images. I got a letter today saying it got towed and all this shit about how much is owed. What do I do? I'm pretty certain I notified the DMV of the vehicle sale, but it's been such a long time I can't remember and nothing shows up when I search up my old plates. But even on the letter it says "registered owner's name: (dealership owner + address)". Why would they even contact me if it's in his name? Everything surrounding car sales is such a fucking headache.
>I already replaced the cv axle and wheel bearing on the front right wheel where it sounds like it's coming from, but that didn't do anything
Do the other side. Wheel bearings sounding like it's coming from the side opposite the problem is a thing.
I installed a new serpentine belt a bit ago and it's squealed almost since I installed it. It's definitely installed right, should I replace the auto tensioner?
Sometimes theres shit on the pulleys. You can try spraying the belt with tire shine while its running. Usually solves the problem. But its also possible that your alternator or ac is taking more power to turn for whatever reason
Talking with an older friend and we got on the topic of gear shifts. He mentioned on older vehicles it was standard to have a column shifter and you could pay extra for a floor shifter.

Why? Wouldn't the floor shifter be cheaper?

Sometimes I rub deodorant on it to stop the squeal but I'll try tire shine. Alternator is new so that shouldn't be it but I'll check the AC.
Letter from who? I had a similar situation and was summoned by the sheriff and owed someone fees. I got out a piece of paper and told them I wasn’t going to be assed to jump through any more hoops after putting it in the mailbox. I had released interest in the vehicle therefore, you’re talking to the wrong person. I did not go to court and never paid a dime. No warrants last time I was detained and released. Everything has been fine for like maybe fifteen or more years.
Looks like it's from the towing company itself. Crazy that you were detained over it. So, it would probably work out okay to just ignore it and see what happens, and if shit hits the fan just take it to a small claims court to dispute it should it go that far, right?

I looked more into the names and addresses listed in the letter. Turns out it's owned by an individual, and it was found at an international airport on the other side of the state. Sounds like someone stole it. Not my problem though.
What's wrong with your hand?
In some cases 3 speed manual column shift (3 in the tree) was standard and 4 on the floor was optional. In the case of automatics, the floor shift is easier to manual mode, and floor shift manuals are way easier than 3 in the tree.

But column shift was easier for fondling your GF or having 3 + people share the front seat. Once I was at a party and my frens got spooked, and somehow 13 of us were in my gutless Cierra. The iron duke engine was slowly pulling us away at full throttle as cops showed up at the house. Now days its impossible to load that many drunk teenagers into a sedan
upcoming stupid questions
when people list their car for sale, why do they make it a point to say that the tags are up to date? don't you re-register it anyway?
after you fill out the necessary portions of the title, give the seller money, do they take their license plates?
it's a prerequisite to have insurance before registration. how do you get insurance when you don't even have a car?
what else am i missing in the car buying process?
from what i gather, it's title, insurance, registration
i just wanna be able to exchange dollars for vehicle and drive home, but in order to do that legally, what other horse hockey must i have to deal with?
When you have decided what you're going to buy, call the insurance company and tell them you're going to buy the car and ask them what they need from you. If you're buying from a dealer they might not let you drive it off the lot without insurance, if you're buying from a private seller they won't give a fuck as long as you pay them.
>when people list their car for sale, why do they make it a point to say that the tags are up to date? don't you re-register it anyway?
Yea I never understood this shit. Everyone I bought from kept the plates and I always had to get it reregistered anyways and new plates obviously. Maybe for car flippers looking to make a quick buck there's a reason for this because there's a window where they don't have to register it in their name.
Call your insurance let em know you may buy a car. They'll get a profile ready so on the day you may or may not purchase the car you can get coverage ASAP.
Make sure they sign the title. I think there's a form as well when you register for the seller to sign as well.
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Are those overheating marks? Brakes are squeaking heavily when not applied when the pad is passing over this spot. Daily driver with no extreme driving.
What is the best manufacturer of pads/rotors for e36?
My -01 Lexus is sometimes running on 5 cylinders instead of 6. I was thinking it might be an ignition coil on its way out, but when I scan for codes there are none.
Looks more like a rock or some material got smushed. Or maybe part of the rotor itself considering it's lipped and you can tell some material fell off near the edge.
Buy some centric rotors and whatever the fuck pads you want. Power stop, ebc, akebono whatever. Whatever ECS tuning sells is probably fine.
are there 4 point harnesses which are safe to use without hans and roll cages? which ones?
Do dealers pay a sales tax or anything when someone sells a car to them? I've tried googling this, but all I can find are articles about the taxes that consumers have to pay.
tap the iacv with a hammer when it's improperly high idling. see if it comes down. if so, replace or clean and lube the iacv.
sometimes ACDelco synchromesh friction modified helps with crunchy gears but if you're under warranty just fuck it up until it pops out of gear, get it replaced with a new unit, and then get it built up to race spec by a trans builder and you should be good for the rest of the vehicle's life.
struts is usually bent. things like potholes can bend a strut on macpherson setups. you won't see the bend until you have the strut off, sometimes.
disable fuel and spark and crank it. listen to it. if you have a dead cylinder that doesn't make compression, you'll hear it. a misfire on a dead cylinder won't slow down the engine enough for the computer to notice a misfire on older models.
You only pay tax at the dmv when you register a vehicle and dealerships aren't required to register them because you don't need registration to sit in a parking lot. It's called a dealership license.
It's one of the single worst paying professions in the world. You'd have to be a fucking moron to want to be a mechanic
That really has to be one of the best rackets around. No wonder they have so much influence even over manufacturers.
I bought a subaru with a backup camera that isn't working not sure what the fix is or to troubleshoot but I swapped out fuses and no change, didn't get too deep in the trunk wiring but everything looked connected and fine from what I saw there. When its in reverse, the screen doesnt even change to a black screen or display anything so I'm guessing it might not be plugged in up front and I don't want to bother if i have to remove all that. Any other ideas?
I hate to do this but I could use some spoon-feeding.
In short, can someone post some examples of real Toyota or Honda listings that you'd actually consider worth getting and explain why? Then maybe some examples of shitty deals you wouldn't consider? I'm looking to buy my first car and I'd really like some concrete examples of what to look for (preferably in the southeast US).
I have over 21k in my car fund but this thing will be just an appliance to run errands in a few times per week. As such, I'd like to save as much as possible while having little to no headaches in both obtaining and maintaining it too.
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Something like this hits the sweet point between new enough, cheap, and "low" miles. $20k could buy you a nice CPO, but the two optimums for appliances are leasing the cheapest new shitbox available or owning an easy to fix used shitbox (pic rel)
I was just asking as hypothetical
Isn't turning the engine off bad for the transmission since the oil pump will shut off?
Obvious troon
That accord would do just fine for me I bet! Thanks I'll keep an eye out for something like that. An easy to fix used shitbox is the route I think I wanna take too.
I had some family members say I shouldn't get a car that old though or they look at the mileage and think over 100k is too much. I've heard it's more about whether or not the car was taken care or though (look for rust and all that).
Is there any merit to their concerns?
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Did the rust general not last? I've seen enough youtube videos, should I just get sandpaper and start grinding to bare metal? Tips? This is a really fucked up spot. How hard is panel removal?
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This at the very top where the windshield meets. Fucking bubble. I'm unafraid of tackling this, just some tips if anons have. I've been neglecting this for too long
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Don't mind the dirt, haven't washed it since winter. I haven't been driving much
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Check engine light came on bros... I don't feel so good...
I’d still write an FU, sorry to hear that letter, before you get summoned. It may be part of the stupid process that the tow company needs to go through, in order to take legal possession and sell the vehicle.
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Any clue what this noise might be? Only happens between 1300-1500RPM and after at least half an hour of driving. Anything below that rpm or above the noise goes away. It's a 2001 civic mb.
>1.6 mazda miata (na)
Previous owner didn’t notice this while installing a new clutch. o2 sensor’s pinched between the transmission and the motor. Should I snip this thing in half so the cat goes into “failsafe mode” or leave it as is and continue driving? I’ve got a “code 15” when I put the car in diagnostics mode. that code is obviously for the o2 sensor. BUT I need to drive this car soon.
>snip it?
>leave it?
It already is in failsafe mode if you get a code.
Why not just loosen that one bolt a little and pull the wire out? Won't fix it, but you will no longer have an ugly wire where it shouldn't be
would this be a good grease for a screw jack?
many lithium greases advertise having molybdenum but most of them are generic wheel bearing greases for high speed/low load rolling bearing situations, not for ultra-low-speed extreme load thread lubrication with no bearings
selling my 14 dart gt for an 07 eclipse... is this a good idea?
It will be fine

Not sure which one sucks less. If I told you to get rid of one, I would be endorsing the other, and I cannot do that.

If it doesn’t even go to a blank screen, it sounds like a software thing. Has it ever worked? Maybe there’s some override in the settings and somebody turned it off?
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What are these bolts called? Aerocatch calls them strike pins, but I'm trying to see if any hardware stores have these in stock, and nothing comes up for strike pin except aerocatch products.
You could possibly find “eye bolts” that fit, but looks like a pretty specialized application and those may not be off the shelf bolts
Maybe the same switch or fuse that turns the reverse lights on, when shifting to R. Idk the car but easy to check a floor shift.
Just got my receiver for my single cab truck. Is 22 watts per channel enough to hear my music over the wind and road noise, or should I get an amp?
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The squeegee boys have showed up in my city and I was thinking about locking my wiper blades down so they can't fuck with them.
I tried attaching brackets to the side but that didn't work because they just rotated with the wiper blade lever and didn't restrict movement. This is the left pic.
I also tried placing it on the top but the lever action of the wiper blade is so powerful I could easily bend the brackets. I tried doubling them up but I could still pull the blade up. This is the right pic.
Does anyone have any creative ideas?
saying "my check engine light is on" is like saying "there is an error message on my computer" it could be one of literally thousands of things. you need to read the message with a code reader (or an obd eleven is even better), and give us the exact code if you want any sort of help at all.
This, I cannot for the life.of my get my nails to grow out more than a few cm. There is some girl on tiktok who is a really careful mechanic with like hood girl nails but thats just turbo autism, be careful with getting hair dirty but thats way easier than nails imo
You will never be a woman
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I got a 2021 Toyota Camry
This USB-A shit on the dash to connect my phone to the head unit is gay as fuck.
Is this a standardized keystone module, or is it some special Toyota juice that I need to find a specific part number for USB-C?
what the fuck is a squeegee boy? is it some new nigger trend?
just remove your wiper arms, its usually a small tab you push with a flathead
Bolt the bracket from the side, but use four bolts instead of two.
Car companies are about 5 years behind on tech.

Odds are the only thing available is USB-A.

If you want USB-C you're going to be looking at an aftermarket head unit.
They have been a thing in the hood since at least the day the gov’t introduced crack into the inner cities. They make your windows more dirty
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Just took my car out of storage since 6 months, battery reads 4V on multimeter. Whay are my chances of reviving it
How old is the battery? Did you trickle charge it whilst in storage?
want to try to replace the timing belt on my polo 6r 1.4. the manual states that the screws have to be replaced but one of the 3 screws on the top also holds the ground cable with an extra nut on top. however the replacement number is only for the pictured (flat top) screws. should i just reuse the one for the ground or am i being retarded?
Can the ground be relocated?

I will say I don't understand why bolts holding on a timing pulley are TTY or need to be replaced, that is stupid.
Just reuse the one if you can't get it new. I have reused all of those bolts a thousand times
>or am i being retarded?
i was being retarded just found the number i was looking for in a different parts catalog. thanks for your help though! might reuse the top nut on the mount though so i dont have to buy the no1 screws
I wouldnt worry about that, you're only turning it off for 30 seconds to hear any noises
I'm trying to sell a niche hobby rn and it's only been listed on fb marketplace so far.
Is it worth listing on ebay or anywhere else?
Local FB marketplace tards don't seem to understand the car and what it's worth
Charge it. There’s a non-zero chance it will get you through the summer and then will refuse to start your car the first cold morning in the fall.
Bought it exactly year ago when last one died, didn't trickle charge. I was able to jumpstart it, drive around for an hour and restart it using only battery, so maybe it'll hold this summer, I hope. Really wish I'd have took the battery off and inside to keep it healthy
The heat shield on the 8th gen Si started dragging under the car. I tore it of, with metal cutters.

1. Is it going to melt all the wiring and brake lines that are 3-6 inches away?
2. If I drill exhaust bolts, will they come out? I have never actually drilled them, I always just cut the exhaust.
You shouldve verified the wheel bearing was bad before firing the parts cannon. You can purchase a mechanics stethscope for little money at harbor freight or even amazon.
>Lift front drive wheels off the ground
>Secure with jack stands
>Chock rear wheels
>Go underneath and put the stethscope needle on the steering knuckle.
>Have some one drive the car up to speed. You can unplug the ABS fuse or ABS connector if traction control is kicking in too much
>A good bearing sounds like a higher pitched hiss. Think of a snake hissing
>A bad bearing sounds like a lower pitched hum or groan. Think of a dog growling
For the rear, you do the same thing but youll need to have someone manually spin the wheel and the sound will be much more faint due to the speeds. You can still hear it if you listen carefully though
>Grab the tire and spin it hard like you want to bust the wheel on The Price Is Right
I forgot to mention to check your engine and transmission mounts. I had a time where i did that wheel bearing check and swore it was the passenger front bearing.
>Acura RSX
>Changed passenger front bearing twice. >Changed the driver front as well just in case. Since it groaned a little as well on the test
>Changed the axle intermediate bearing
>Was about to call the transmission
Turns out the engine mount was collapsed causing the engine to droop. Part of the engine mount was touching the body mount portion. Metal on metal transmitted the engine vibrations to the passenger front area like a bad bearing.
It would get louder and softer as you shifted the weight of the car since you were shifting the weight of the metal on metal portion as well
USB C is usually marked by a blue coloured tab. That one is just regular USB
This >>27664082
They wait at busy intersection stop lights with a squeegy. Usually near a gas station so they can rewet their stolen squeegy for free. At a red light theyll go and squeegy peoples windows for spare cash. As you can guess, that squeegy gets real dirty real fast. Most of the time it smears shit rather than cleans.
The nice hobos will ask before squeegying. The crackheads will just auto squeegy and lose their shit if you dont pay them. Many reports of the crackheads damaging cars that dont pay them.
Putting them in jail doesnt help since they get released the next day and start squeegying again
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Smoking in a car makes it reek for years, even decades after it last happened.
Are there any air freshener smells that have a similar effect? I need something that makes the car smell good almost permanently.

Mixing scented oils into my undercoating only makes it smell nice from the outside.
My parts cannon guess is the alternator. They make feedback noises for weird reasons. Some of the old accord alternators would fuck with the transmission shifts
>Check the electrical connections and grounds going to it.
>Get a mechanics stethscope and put the needle on the alternator. Any weird noises?
Worst case, take a shot and change the alternator
Just a rant:
I hate being a car enthusiast because I can’t decide what car I want to get with a $20k budget, after getting a new job. Fortunately, I’m not planning on getting a car until next year, so I can continue agonizing over this until then.
So far, the cars I’m considering are:
7th-9th gen Honda Accord – commuting/pleasure – owned a 4th and 7th gen in the past and may look for a V6 manual coupe, this time.

Acura TSX – commuting/pleasure – to own an authentic 2000’s Honda Accord rather than a rebadged Inspire.

Lexus GS/ES – commuting/pleasure – to finally get the taste of an “affordable” luxury car; GS would be ideal for cruising down winding roads, while an ES would be ideal for traveling and would be more affordable to own due to shared parts with the Toyota Camry.

Scion FRS – pleasure – to own an entry sports car.

Subaru Outback – commuting/utility – been considering owning these wagons/SUVs for a decade and it would be ideal to have for my improving outdoor lifestyle; also decided this would be more ideal to get over a Honda Crosstour due to cargo space.

Toyota Tacoma V6 – utility – another long-sought-after (secondary/backup) vehicle; would be ideal to have for hauling project cars.

2017-2019 Nissan Frontier – utility – they’re decent, reliable trucks, but not as good as the Toyota trucks. Have considered getting one of my own after driving them for work.

I have considered 80s/90s sports cars, but I will most likely get one as a project car.
Buy perfumes/colognes or use your scented oils mixed with isopropyl alcohol to make it atomizable. Spray on fabrics that dont get much friction. Like the headliners or side of carpets. Do this religiously for a few weeks/months and itll stay forever
You can buy perfumes/colognes at discount stores online (you save anywhere from 15-90%). Dont waste your money on them at big box stores.
You can also find clones of the name brands that are a fraction of the cost and still perform as well if not better
Living in Canaderp.
Im trying to figure out a way to weatherproof my cabin area.
My old car had a hanging gas pedal so my rubber floor mats caught any water/snow/dirt that dripped off them.
New car has a floor mounted pedal. Rubber floor mat cant cover the floor mounted pedal or catch the drippings/dirt.
Im worried the salt water will eventually rust out the floor pan at the gas pedal. I pulled the carpet back and already saw some rust building up...
>Put wet shoe on gas pedal
>Water rolls down my shoe and gets caught by floor mat. Good.
>Water also rolls down gas pedal. Drips into front carpet and joint where the pedal connects.

Any ideas? Ive read people online put rubberized tape or duct tape to bridge the gap between the gas pedal and the floor mat, but they say the tape lasts about a week before crumbling/cracking in the cold.
Ive also thought of putting a roll of absorbant fabric on the floor between the pedal and mat to catch any drippings but thatll easily lose its position unless i zip tie it to the mat.
Maybe a sock over the pedal to absorb any water/slush on contact?
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Should I use thread locker on these?
They screw into the top of the car and the instructions say to retorque them periodically.

Pretty sure one of them ozone generators or ozone bombs is the way. But be warned it works by oxidizing the odors so idk if it can make shit rust too. I think it's poisonous too during, so don't sit in the car.

Lube it up with ACF-50
>Should I use thread locker on these?
Or fuck should I go the opposite way and put anti-seize on them?
I can try that.
Im trying to find a way to prevent this in the first place though. How do i stop water from dripping into the floorboards when the car has a floor mounted gas pedal
They got USB-C in the center console too
shit lame
I guess this is what happens when engineers are silo'd
Spray cosmoline over the tightened bolt and any exposed metal. Itll weatherproof it. Check it annually.
If you do put threadlocker id probably stick with blue
First ever car!
I don't know a lot about cars but I need to get one because job. I have some questions. Excuse my poor english.

>be me
>I have to drive 160 km like three times per week
>Safething is big deal for me because I just started to drive cars...
>My limit $ 12.000

I have these options:
1. Nissan Versa 2022 1.6 L. ~ 31 miles / 50 km. $ 11.500
2. Toyota Corolla 2015 1.8 L. ~31 miles / 50 km. $ 12.000
3. Kia Soluto 2021.1.4 L. ~ 24 miles / 40 km. $ 10.000
4. Hyundai Hb20 Sedan 2022. 1.6 L ~ 10 miles / 17 km. $ 12.000

>Which one consume less gasoline per 100 km?
>How important is the car's manufacturing date?
>Do the Corolla 2015 is a good idea? Its almost 10 years (and very suspicious km)but It look really good and there is not psycal damages. But if the date manufacturing thing is important in this case, I wouldnt buy it.
anon there's a gorilla in your car be careful
Why does my engine model not match the VIN?
front fell off, and after it was towed out of the environment a different front was put back on

The Corolla is the best car on that list by a wide margin.
Kek, I actually kinda lucked out
It was an impulse buy and the engine it was supposed to have turned out to have reliability issues, the one it has turned out to be the most reliable car I've ever owned
I'm gonna replace my wiper blade inserts
It doesn't really matter which, right? I assume rubber is rubber
You mean the rubber filler? Where do you even find those anymore?
As long as it's the right length it should be fine.
you can buy the inserts from rockauto. they sell the piaa silicone ones now too
Honda sells them. Youll need to research which length you need and present the parts guy with the numbers though. If you have a honda you can just give the dealer your VIN and theyll pull the part number
I got them for my Acura because i cant be jewed into buying new OEM wiper assemblies and didnt want to replace the assemblies with inferior aftermarket ones
>car for sale 262 days at stealership
This is a GIGANTIC fucking red flag and I shouldn't even entertain seeing it, right? Right? It's a 2011 manual GT with 70k on it. Price they want doesn't seem bad at all. But yeah hasn't sold for more than half a year. Very strange.
My catalytic converter was stolen and I drove the car for for like 200 miles over 3 days before I got it fixed. It's been a couple weeks now and the car still feels a little sluggish. Is something damaged or does the computer just need to adjust?
here you go anon, it's like a bug bomb only for smells
it's sluggish after it was replaced?
driving without a cat won't damage anything. possibly the retarded guatemalan monkey that stole your cat or the retarded guatemalan monkey the fixed it fuck something up in the process. also the car likely had more horsepower when the cat was missing so maybe you got used to that. also possibly a shitty part was put on and there is too much backpressure. i'd do a full work through looking at the live data from the sensors and fuel trims to any anomalies.
Yeah, sluggish a couple weeks after replacement. I don't know much about cars, but backpressure might be good to look into. I have a scanner I've never used, but I'll see if it can give me some useful data. Thank you
Thats why
2006 subaru SOHC

Pulled the heads off the engine today. Did not put the timing at TDC before removing belt...

Once I am ready to put the heads back on, how do I put the cams/crank in time? Do I have to line up the marks on the cams with the heads off, and then put them back on? Or can I put the heads back on and then with everything assembled align up the timing marks before I put the new belt?
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I'm a photographer and sim rally player who lives in SE Michigan. What are some motorsport events that occur in the area? I'm completely unplugged from that scene, and would love the chance to get shots at a race of really any kind, rallycross/rally especially. Pic unrelated
>2019 Dodge Grand Caravan
>PowerStop drilled and slotted rotors front and back
>PowerStop Z36 Pads on the front, Z23 on the back.
>Motul DOT 5.1 brake fluid
How can I improve the stopping performance of this land barge, I want to fell like I'm getting fused with the dash board when I hit the break peddle.
drilled rotors are a meme. slotted at most as that can actually provide slightly better cooling, but plain rotors are perfectly fine. go to a track and you'll see plenty of cars using plain rotors
wider tyres or increasing the contact patch is the primary way to improve stopping distance though.
Seriously though? More than half a year? It's not like the price is that bad. Down to 17k from like 20k
LMAO at the "dirty hands" shot. I've literally gotten more dirt on my hands opening the packages parts came in than from that. There's NFW she does actual mechanic work if she thought that was a flex. Especially if she's claiming diesel equipment is her bread and butter.
For short trips less than 5 miles one way (cold engine), is standard gasoline or hybrid (not plug-in) more efficient?
i have a couple of containers of subaru coolant. the container says "not for re-use". I used some to top off my coolant reservoir and when you open it theres a foil cover over the opening.

What specifically do they mean by 'not for re-use' here? I can continue using that container to top off my coolant right even though I opened it right? Does it 'expire'? I am assuming 're-use' is like, don't re-use coolant by draining it from your vehicle.

But then it seems really odd to me they would write that on the container
does anyone have experience installing these hitachi coil packs in jetta's, golf's, or beetle's? I have a stock 6 term ignition pack thats gone bad in my clapped out beetle and I got a nasty 3rd cylinder misfire that sounds like a machine gun going off. I've got new plugs, wires, and a hitachi coil pack to install tuesday

Since this isn't the coil pack style that's on the vehicle stock, how do I wire the cylinders? I very obviously assume cylinder 1 goes to A, cylinder 2 to B and etc. But I just want to double check. I haven't been able to find anything online (maybe because my questions so dumb) so any help is appreciated!
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Do you guys think I'm frying my dash cam with this sun shield
Manuals just dont sell well at dealer jews. Their main used car customers are normies.
When i was at the dealer, the used manuals would not move off the lot and that was in the early 2010s. Id imagine the share of drivers who can drive a manual is dropping as boomers die off
Yes, the A,B,C and D resemble cylinders 1,2,3 and 4. You could double check with a multimeter. A and D should have a connection between them and the same with B and C. That would be a few kilo-ohms.
This could be the same coil? Has instructions written on the site
Hybrid most likely. The hybrids like the Toyotas I believe are still getting their battery power with regenerative braking, so short city drives is where they shine, while highway driving isn’t much of an imrpovement over a non-hybrid similar sized car like a Corolla.
I think it means not to re-use the container itself. Like, once you go through the coolant throw the container in a local waterway, don't re-use it
I doubt the car's still there (if it existed at all) unless the ad has been updated recently. It seems dealers throw these ads all over the place and forget about most of them so they stay up potentially forever on some of these sites that don't time ads out. For that reason I usually set a filter for last 30 days if it's available.
Hell, for that I'd just go straight BEV if you can charge it. If not, then I'd look into a Prius Prime since that one will run battery-only out to about 30mph or so. It's actually kind of a let-down when the engine starts as that adds the normal amounts of vibration from an engine like any other car. Next choice would be a regular Prius as Toyota hybrids just work better ime. Last choice would be like a Chevy Bolt because cheap.
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Anyone? Is there a different motorsports board I should go to?
>City redoing back road
>New asphalt isn't flush with the old road so there's a decent gash and height difference between the new & old
>Got distracted & drove over it at speed instead of slowing down
>Solid CEL comes on 5 minutes later
I was driving an SUV with thick sidewall tires so I don't think it's anything serious, what do you guys think?
Don't have a reader myself, my friend does and I'll know for sure when I get with him. I've been having issues with the evap system throwing me cels a lot in the past so I'm defaulting on that. Maybe my exhaust got jolted just enough.
>drilled rotors are a meme
I'm aware, but they came as part of a kit with the pads. I was previously burning the shit out of the Advanced Auto rotors, but so far these are holding up fine.
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is it wrong for me to be emotionally attached to my car despite it being a piece of shit that isn't fun to drive at all because its been with me through so many ups and downs through the first half of my 20s.
I have a problem with my car ('08 Renault), when the engine is turned off, the xenon lights work fine, they are bright, but with the engine turned on, they flicker, at idle it's barely visible, but while driving they flicker like crazy
Is it the alternator? I don't have any trouble otherwise, no warnings on the dash and all the other lights work fine
Not at all lad. It's only right.
Call me a faggot and tell me to fix my shitbox.
You're a straight, well-adjusted man, and you don't need to fix your shitbox.
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female in 20s
dunno shit about cars
mom wants me to get a honda or jeep from 2010s
i want a miata (or some sort of coupe)
brother thinks i should look at miatas pre 2000 bc quality concerns w/ newer models
looking for something used in 8k range
have no gauge for risk/reward potential, need advice
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A Miata is fine. No idea what "quality concerns" your brother is worried about as they're all built cheap, so just get whatever model/year you like best and can afford. The risk is that generally speaking the older you go the more likely rust and mechanical issues become an issue, and the reward is a fun little car that you can soak up the sun in.

>t. 1995 NA8 owner
Just get the newest miata with the fewest miles possible at your budget. They're tiny cars with tiny 4-cylinder naturally aspirated engines, the new ones aren't exploding any worse than the old ones. But the older you go the more time you're going to spend chasing mechanical issues instead of driving.
Thanks! not necessarily married to the idea of a miata even though i do love them... in terms of overall quality do they hold up pretty well against other smaller cars from the 1995-2010 range or are there other models i should be looking at?
Nothing particularly bad comes to mind, but it's wide stretch of time that you'd have to research and maybe take a look at whatever car catches your eye in person as there many many options. Miatas are probably one of the more reliable of their size and price, my '95 has had no problems that weren't related to age.
your brother is a retard but he's probably getting confused because the '99-2001 miatas have the highest hp/lb and lack vvt which makes them a bit more reliable and more desirable for stuff like autocross and spec miata where modifications are limited by the rules
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Hey guys, can you name some cars which have a pull-type clutch slave cylinder from the factory? Google seems to be useless these days.
I'm going to try to convert a mechanical clutch to a hydraulic one with a minimal budget.

Pic unrelated.
toyota r154 gearbox used a pull type clutch, although the slave cylinder still pushed on the fork. it was just mounted to the bell housing with the pushrod facing the front of the car, rather than the rear, as was the case for the w58.
Where do I get the service manual for my car without spending 200 shekels plus tip for it on ebay?
pirate bay might have it? or add 'pdf' to the search query, you might get lucky
Pls help
I have a problem with my car ('08 Renault), when the engine is turned off, the xenon lights work fine, they are bright, but with the engine turned on, they flicker, at idle it's barely visible, but while driving they flicker like crazy
Is it the alternator? By mistake I dropped engine oil on it 6 months agoz but it hasn't caused any trpuble
I don't have any issues otherwise, no warnings on the dash and all the other lights and functions work fine
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does it vroom or is it soulless
Interesting. That would be one way to accomplish it.
What's a good hand vacuum for cars? I have an old luxury car with leather seating so it's basically like a couch so I guess anything that works there would work for it.
If blowing into a trash bag from some distance away helps fill it up with air faster, would having a tiny tube blowing air into a carburetor provide better air velocity?
Okay guys 2015 camry, trunk latch wont lock around the bottom ring to actually close the trunk, tried following some videos on youtube without any luck, should I just buy a new mechanism for 30 bucks off amazon or am I a retard and im missing an easy fix?
no, like a drop in the ocean
you need a large amount of air blowing in to add any noticeable amount of power, now congratulations, you've just invented the turbocharger.
the two are often mutually exclusive unfortunately. if every car guy liked cruisers the CT6-V would’ve sold like hotcakes.
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Try Library Genesis, their URL changes sometimes but just google it and it'll be the first result. Then try various search terms and pray someone archived it. Seems like there are actually a fair few pdfs of 2000's owner/service manuals out there, but try every permutation of the search (in the "Non-Fiction" section) you can think of.
So, any good Detroit-area motorsport events coming up? I just went to my first car show on Sunday, it was amazing
off the top of my head, michigan has a huge cruising scene but not a rally scene
woodward dream cruise
hines cruise
telegraph cruise
fort street cruise
as for rally type events, snowdrift is the only one i know of. and thats during the winter up north somewhere. but there are plenty of small clubs that get together and do shit like lemons. best bet is to just google or show up to a track like M1 concourse or waterford and see what’s up.
yeah start with the alternator, try having it tested at your local parts store
woodward is the biggest one, that’s in august. there are some scattered small events in different areas at like moose lodges or churches, honestly just keep an ear to the ground or check the Woodward facebook page. people advertise all sorts of random meets there
does it just need some lubrication?
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Sounds good, thanks a bunch
its more general offroading than rally but the silver lake sand dunes are popular if you don't mind travelling a bit
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Does anyone know how to replace the sunroof button that fell off of my car? I tried looking into it, and people in other forums said you need the whole assembly replaced. 35830-T3L-A31ZC is the part number, but I can't find it online except a shady eBay seller and other websites that sell OEM parts that are a different color. Should I just go to the junkyard or the local Honda dealership to get this part?
I would try a junkyard. Dealership will likely try to sell you a whole assembly.
No it moves freely, the mechanism just won’t seem to latch and actually close onto the hook at the base of the trunk
is there a site where i can get like detailed info on any car or model that mechanics prob use, specifically torque specs?
Charm.li is pretty comprehensive.
How much is it gonna cost to maintain a cheap boxster? Am I better off just getting an MRS if I want to pretend to be frugal with spending on stupid toys?
couple others i just thought of
indycar races in downtown detroit the weekend of may 31st
nascar races at MIS august 18th
some local weekly series race down at flat rock speedway semi-regularly. thats the closest short track to detroit i believe
What is the name of this part that I bent under my NC? How can I look it up to replace it? Can I keep it like this or would it have a negative effect?
NC miata *
check the rubber stoppers, are they too tall that they cockblock the latch from fully engaging?
My 1st gen Lexus is200 is burning or leaking oil but it's only something like 250ml every 1000km.
Should I get one of these blue/yellow liquid head gasket testers and should I try out one of the oil stop additives (if so which one?)
The car has done 230.000km so I don't really mind pouring some mystery chemicals into the tank.
instead of just doing random things, why don't you diagnose the actual problem and fix it?
picture is shit, does that connect to your suspension? if so it's the subframe and your alignment will be fucked. if not it's a support member of some kind and probably ok to leave.
Dash making an irregular clicking noise
Pressing the gas or brakes doesn't change anything
Goes away after driving for a bit
What should I do apart from the combustion leak test? I don't have an endoscope cam to check the cylinder walls and there are no obvious oil leaks underneath the engine, nothing that would look too weird for a 22+ year old car at least.
My American colleagues at work got really angry when I told them that the priority should be C -> A -> B.

>B is going straight he doesn't need to give the right of way! It doesn't matter if main road is not marked, it's obvious! If you disagree you should never ever be allowed to drive!

Are the rules in America perhaps different than here in Germany? Greetings from Germany!
Can a catalytic converter be loud without leaking?
sounds loud like it has an exhaust leak.
Is it even possible for it to just be loud or does it have a hole in it somewhere hidden behind the heatshield.
What oil are you using? 5w30? And how frequently do you change oil?
Try going up to 5w40 and see if oil consumption changes.
I have a feeling your valve seals are just old and no loger holding oil in.
newfag aspiring wrenchlet here. Is oil filters capacity counted for total oil capacity of an engine? If an engine takes 3.7L oil, is that 3.7L going to be exactly as much as you need or a little under?
Right of way applies mostly when a stop or yield sign is in affect.
if you're leaking that much oil, you should see evidence of it, track down the leaks (use UV dye if you need to) and fix them. if you're burning that much oil you should see a rich condition in fuel trims, blue smoke on startup, and oily exhaust pipes. check your valve seats and head gaskets, if those are ok you likely have bottom end problems.

Catalytic converter shouldn't affect the volume much unless it's leaking. Start the car and let it idle, then plug the tailpipe with a rag. if it doesn't stall out within 1-2 seconds, you have an exhaust leak somewhere. If you don't have a leak your muffler is probably shot.
Locate the clicking component and use wiring diagrams to figure out what it is and troubleshoot the circuit.
You're overthinking it, the capacity is a fairly wide range, it's not a specific number.
That intersection doesn't exist, it would have to have a stop or yield sign somewhere, so the exercise is mute, for all intensive purposes.
>That intersection doesn't exist,
Really? Didn't your driving school instructor take you to one? Residential areas typically.
>Catalytic converter shouldn't affect the volume much unless it's leaking. Start the car and let it idle, then plug the tailpipe with a rag. if it doesn't stall out within 1-2 seconds, you have an exhaust leak somewhere. If you don't have a leak your muffler is probably shot.
yeha ill take it out later and grind off the heatshield.
5w30, wanted to go up to 5w40 but I still have like 10 liters of 5w30 left. I did frequent oil changes, like every 8-10k km. Will go up to 5w40 when I use up this container.
The car is worth 2 grand, so I'm not going to dismantle the entire engine. The effort must stay reasonable. No oily exhaust, no blue smoke, and no oil stains under the car.
While A waits for C to pass B will just mash the pedal
Dont fuck up your engine with snake oils for such a tiny bit of oil burning. The snake oils cost more than topping up oil anyway.
And hundreds of innocents will die!
I have a straight cut gearset that sounds annoying af.how do i dampen the bastard. How often do i bring it on for maintenance if it always sounds like a nagging wife.
Just bought my first genuine high-mileage car, a J series at 230k miles. Normally I wouldn't even consider a car this used, but it drivers better than my other two shitboxes around 150k miles and was kind of a good deal, is there anything I need to do to help keep this thing running perfect like shorter oil change intervals?
Correct answer is D (ABC, ironically). CAB is not an option on the list because they "enter" in that order, but C has to still wait for B once inside the junction, but this will allow A to go ahead as there is no longer anyone on his right side. So C goes in first but leaves last.
Use lucas oil stabilizer or something similar for the next few oil changes till you use up your 5w30. Maybe half a quart per oil change should boost the viscosity enough. If it works, then ya youll benefit from going up to the 5w40 later.
Whats the condition of the engine? Did the prev owner do regular oil changes?
Make sure the timing belt was done, and if you have time you can clean out the EGR which looks like an ant farm it's probably gunked up with carbon by now.
How hard is it to import a cheap EV from China into EU? Eastern Europe specifically.
I'm friends with the previous owner so I know they weren't neglecting oil changes and the timing belt looks new to me. I have no idea of the condition of the EGR I can look at that this weekend. Unfortunately the windshield is completely fucked so I'll need to get that replaced but at least that isn't affecting performance.
Well that was a waste of time.
Cat had no holes. Replaced the gaskets. Its still loud.

Back to the junkyard I go
My cat has three holes:)
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When my car does that its because the throttle cable is just too tight
What will happen if I put 255 wide tyres on my 7 inch alloys?
Check in and see when he did the last services. May as well give it a good fresh start. New spark plugs, engine filter, cabin filter, engine oil, trans oil, coolant, pcv valve, power steering flush if its hydraulic.
If you do it all yourself itll be $300 tops for fluids and parts
Do you have a mechanics stethscope? You can pull off the needle so its just the tube. Have the car running and properly supported on jackstands. Go underneath and run the tube to where you think the exhaust leak is coming from. If it has a leaks itll be fuckin loud with the stethscope. You can usually snake it around tight areas too and not worry about burning yourself.
Good for finding pinhole leaks
Tire bead might not even seat itself properly. Maybe higher risk of unbeading itself at high lateral loads. You probably shouldnt risk it if you drive on public roads
Damn, got a good deal on some tyres and was eager to use them
I have a Toyota Sienna, which had a check engine light for a cylinder misfiring. luckily it was one of the front ones, and replacing the coil fixed it. Ran great, but 6 months later, same thing, and again one of the front cylinders and new ignition coil fixed it.

I bought a scan gauge 3. Its been showing like a misfire or 2 every time i drive, but the check engine light never comes on, and i dont see any error codes.

So, I replaced all 3 front spark plugs, and the remaining front ignition coil. now, my scan gauge is showing like a dozen or more misfires every time I drive.

I am going to have a mechanic replace the back plugs/coils tomorrow.
but why after putting new parts in the front am i getting more misfires? I expected the same or less.
Whats the actual tire size? If the side wall has enough depth it might work.
If its a low profile its probably a no go. You have over 1 inch of tire hanging off each side...
>Did something fall inside the plug hole before you put the new coil ontop?
>Was there something insde the new coil?
>Were the new plugs correct and gapped properly.
>Did you fick up the connector when unplugging and replugging?
>Is any connector corroded?
Maybe a bad part but you wont know unless you can trace the misfires
Why do some bolts say the need to be, for example, "33 ft-lbs + 90 degrees" rather than what the ft-lbs is when you wrench it down that far?
The bolt stretching is what clamps down the load. Every degree turned is a fixed amount of stretch.
Any debris or shit caught in the threads can increase/decrease the force required to turn the bolt.
>90ftlbs to turn a bolt 360°
>55ftlbs to turn a bolt 360°
Assuming both bolts are the same spec, they will clamp down just as hard but one took more force to turn
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what is the advantage of these longer curved grooves over your typical straight grooves?
Looks cool.
Got an oil change today (landlord won't let me do it in the lot) and the tech says I need a fuel system service solely because my engine air filter had some black stuff on it. He says it is not dirt but my engine kicking back carbon on to it, is that possible? I don't know much on cars but if this is true and I should carbon clean I'd like to do what I can myself. 86K miles on a 2018 Fiesta 1.6L which I think has sequential multiport fuel injection which from what I understand means that the intake valves really shouldn't have carbon build up cus the fuel passes over them? So could I just clean the throttle plate and throw some injector cleaner in?
If there's black on the backside of the filter, that's not good. It does make a difference what side it's on since there shouldn't be anything on the engine side.
Getting Sea Foam intake cleaner and then regular Sea Foam and throwing some in the tank is cheap insurance.
You know why the oil monkey tells you that stuff? Because he wants to sell you something and he hopes you'll take it at face value.
>takes out your air filter
>folds it like a deck of cards try to make dust pop up
>it's a humid day in south georgia so nothing happens
>you need a new air filter
>puts it back in
>doesn't latch the air box
>runs his finger around the inside lip of your oil cap
>holds up the resultant grime
>your oil system is dirty, you need an oil system flush
Fuck you oil monkeys, oil and filter. That's it. I fucking hate oil monkeys so I always do it myself now.
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some believe it keeps pads cleaner and reduces brake fade
however, you will not notice a difference while driving your honda cr-v to the mall
More surface area
You can try seafoam like this >>27672904 for cheap insurance
Maybe consider doing your plugs and a new PCV at this point. Sounds like your intake plenum has some shit in it.
A throttle cleaning probably wont hurt either
Also, go floor the car on a highway on ramp a few times. You'd be surprised how much buildup gets cleared out from your intake when you go open throttle. Do it after the car is warmed up though, not on a cold engine
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Looking at the filter now there's no black on engine side but a fingerprint, I think the dude was just fucking me. He insisted the engine was putting carbon on it. I'll still consider carbon cleaning and some new parts anyway
Ya that just looks like a regular dirty filter.
Some shops give small commissions for parts and service sales.
ignore that other guy. it looks like a crossmember that’s mostly there just to catch your exhaust in case it falls off. it’s not your fucking subframe lmfao. there’s 0 chance in hell the subframe sits that close to the tranny. take it off or keep driving with it. literally doesn’t matter as long as it’s not slapping the floor while you drive.
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>BCA say americans
australia too. traffic going straight always has priority unless otherwise noted e.g. give way/yield sign
toyotas at least will specify how much to fill with and without the filter. other manufacturers probably will but I have no idea
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wouldn't you have less surface area on that rotor? those grooves are longer than a regular straight slot.
I have peeling tint on my windows. Is it easy for an amateur to remove tint?
You're using OEM coils and plugs right? Chinkshit from amazon or autozone is guaranteed to misfire.
>ignore that other guy
That's exactly what I told him you illiterate fucking nigger.
yep OEM, all Denso. Going to the mechanic in a few minutes to get all the back ones changhed, will ask them to look into it.
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This shit is literally 1/3 the price of the name brands. What's the catch?
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>check engine light on
>its a fiat so its probably normal
>friend leaves it in to mechanic
>its the MAF sensor
>simple fix
>"Would that cause the car to go into limp mode anon?"
>Yes its not getting a reading from the air flow meter so its putting it in limp mode
>explain it 3 more times
>confused retard look on his face
>"OK google, will a bad MAF sensor cause a car to go into limp mode???"
>starts rhyming off the first result
>"b-b-but i wasn't doing THAT"
>explain AGAIN
>doesnt believe me at all

How to explain to retards how things work?
Youre confusing surface area with contact area. Lots of people make that mistake.
When it comes to braking, especially in heavy duty and performance applications, cooling is the bottleneck, not friction. Your average grocery getter can pretty easily lock its brakes.
More surface area means more cooling area
It's not hard. Just annoying. Youll want to heat it up to get the glue soft. Use a blow dryer or towel soaked in hot water and try to keep the glass warm when youre peeling.
Any remaining glue you can use goo gone or iso alcohol to remove with a razor blade
Probably cheaper additive package. From what i know, most base oils are the same stock from the same 3-4 companies
They also pay less money for marketing so they can likely put more money into the product relative to their budget.
It meets API spec so it cant be that bad. Cheap oil is better than no oil
How do I check to see if my tires need to be at a different PSI than what it says on the sticker? Sticker says 42 for rears and and 36 for the fronts. The previous owner looks like they put aftermarket wheels on and had all 4 tires at around 44. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong or he was doing it wrong.
>5 Seconds of google.


I will ask tho, what car do have that requires the rears to be so high?
2013 Mercedes-Benz SL550.
>How to explain to retards how things work?

Send them through elementary school again. Otherwise don't bother.

I've explained to my mother how engines and clutches worked and even pointed out that shit when I had engines disassembled when she asks. Still doesn't get it.
>find car that ticks all the boxes for good price
>its 2,000 miles away
uhhh so how do you manage buying a car online and shit if it's not from carmax, etc
fly out and drive it back? you have to coordinate shipping and buy it sight unseen?
it's a 1st party dealer, do i call a local dealer and see if they can get it shipped?
i've only ever bought 1 car and the dealer got it from 1 state over, so this is all new to me
Okay, so the fronts are 255/29 ZR19 and the rears are 285/30 ZR19 and that's what the OEM sticker says the sizes are so... I have genuinely no clue why the previous owner had the fronts all the way up to 44. Granted the front tires have a max PSI of 51 so it probably wasn't that bad on them but the OEM sticker says 36 for the fronts. But also I have to figure out why it slips gears when flooring it uphill and hope to god it just needs new transmission fluid.
255/35 my bad.
Gonna drop my first tranny. About to do my first clutch job. Do I NEED to replace the slave cylinder while i’m down here?
>2006 vq35DE Nigsan 350z
Clutch and flywheel seem like enough to me…No idea why i’d have to touch the hydraulics if I’m not opening any of them. (afaik)
Common practice is to just replace the rear main seal, throwout bearing and whatever else is a hassle to change if it breaks in the near future.
So I got a 240 for 300 dollars. Hasn't passed MOT in 10 years, been standing still for a majority of the decade.

Bought it and I've begun fixing the frame and floor pans that were completely gone.

Plan is to make it pass MOT cheapest possible way. But it's got so much oil around the engine.

Do I actually spend the time and replace all seals along with gaskets and o-rings or do I just keep it as is?

I've replaced air filter, oil, oil filter, 3 spark plugs, an ignition wire, replaced thermostat that was stuck open, going to change leaky water pump, clean oil trap and hoses. I've yet to spot an actual oil leak.

Help me decide br/o/s. Do I just send it and keep it as a budget beater or fix er up?
What type of Slave is it?

If its one of the internal slaves that's inside the bellhousing yes, + what anon said here. >>27674748
I don't care about 240's at all, so I'll say do the sensible thing and fix as much as you can without spending more than what the car's worth. If something costs 20 bucks but makes the car worth 200 more, it's worth doing. If the reverse is true, then don't do it.
Some people do fly out and drive it back but it depends on your budget, and how much the car is worth.

Can you budget couple hundred dollar flight on a 10k car?

If you're dealing with a dealership, you may just need to see what they (the dealership selling it) do for shipping, as some do have dealer networks they work with that can ship. As in call them and talk to them.

Just be mindful that buying sight unseen is always risky, and it maybe wise to have a buffer for potential repairs.
Oh, I should also add that oil leaks aren't strictly a fail, so just clean it up a bit before you go for your test and it should pass with an advisory at most (assuming it's not pissing out, of course).
>checking fbm classified
>See prestine cars, which should be worth 10-20 grand more than asking if the advert is honest
>History has nothing abnormal, if not prestine
What's the catch?
You show up and they rob you.
And this why CL was better while still being shit, They'd take shit ads like that down with just one report.

FB don't give no fucks.
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thanks br/o/s
looks like this. guess i’m in the clear then?
>VW golf VI
is the 1KM version the same as AJ5 version?
Nah should be fine, just pull it off the bellhousing and hang it up, don't disconnect the line in or you'll need to bleed it.
I'm an incel, will people judge me if i get a somewhat flashy looking car?
I just want it for my own enjoyment, but i feel like i would get made fun of.
hello i know nothing about cars but hoping someone can give me some advice here?

i have a 2015 volkswagon jetta and the other day it wouldn't start so i had to have it jumped. it was fine for a couple days and then the same thing happened so i got it jumped again today and drove it to auto zone. they said my battery and alternator (?) were fine but some tests failed. the receipt sys "system test fail" and "bad starting system". is this a really serious (expensive?) problem? i'm going to a mechanic tomorrow but just want to brace myself.. and make sure i have a realistic range for how much this should cost so they don't take advantage of me :(
having AC issues on an 8th gen civic. it stopped working suddenly a couple summers ago.

so the ac compressor clutch doesn't engage when I short the two terminals that the relay plug into. I even tried pushing the clutch into the pulley rotor while the car was running with the AC on (both with the relay in and again with the terminals shorted). I pushed the clutch enough to make contact with the rotor but it still did not engage. I squeeze a .65mm feeler guague in the gap between the clutch and rotor on the top but not the sides. could it still be a air gap issue or what could the issue be?
>I'm an incel, will people judge me if i get a somewhat flashy looking car?
The clutches on Hondas are prone to failing. You can replace the clutch with an OE one. They used to be like $500-600 10yrs ago. Not sure now.
You need to
>Remove the top plate
>Remove the Spring Clip
>Slowly tap off the pressed on pulley
>Swap the clutch
Its a pretty tight spot. Youll need a wooden stake to hammer on to get the pulley off
Or you can replace the entire compressor with an aftermarket for about the same price in parts. Youll need to evacuate/recharge the system though
Anon! I think someone is trying to steal your car!
Sounds like an issue with getting power through the statter.
My first thought was a parasitic drain, but based on the test, your starter probably has a high internal resistance somewhere.
Best case, its a bad ground or power connection.
Otherwise its probably a bad starter
i still have my first car because im emotionally attached to it. i dont even drive it. i jsut like ot sit in it and remember when i had friends.
tits or gtfo
blue board
I am looking for a picture of a purple dragon farting and eating pizza inside of a car. Does anybody have one?
new (to me lmao) 97 nissan pathfinder, code p1447. before i start ordering shit off of rock auto, what can i do to diagnose the issue specifically? or should i just go ahead with replacing all of the likely culprits (evap solenoid, vapor canister, purge valve assy) so i don't have to worry about it? vehicle has 267k kms, i've heard it's a common issue so i'm not surprised but if there's a way to diagnose the specific issue without taking it to a shop, that would be minty.
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If changing pads yourself is not an option, what's the average labor rate to swap out front and rear brake pads?
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'91 Jeep Cherokee, 4.0 6cyl manual. I am a wrenchlet by all accounts but I notice while my cherokee is running this bit on what I am sure is the fuel rail gets damp with gasoline and drips once irregularly every 10 seconds or so. I know it's gas because I tasted it and it's sure as fuck not sweet. I don't know whether this is a minor leak, either way I'd like to fix it. I asked a guy I know who could only say "Your O-rings are probably bad" but I cannot figure out what the part is called or which part would be bad. The fuel injectors aren't leaking as far as I can tell. If anyone knows what it's called or if anyone's dealt with this before I'd deeply appreciate a name of the part or anything that could point me in the right direction to getting this fixed. Picture included of the spot that gets damp with gas, any and all help appreciated.
car i want to buy on carvana is double the kbb value for the vehicle. why would this be? is there any reason to pay $18k for a 2012 honda civic?
Fuel pressure regulator
You mean P0447? P1447 looks to be BMW specific. The only "culprit" there is the vent valve solenoid, or the circuit.
Check the resistance of the solenoid, if it's bad it will either have very high resistance or be open circuit. Use a small test light as a dummy load, clear the code and actuate the valve with a scan tool. If the light turns on and the code doesn't return you know the rest of the circuit is good.
>Fuel pressure regulator
Awesome! Thank you, I can do this for sure now.
Anyone in Aus know where to get some decent bushings front control arm bushings for a 350z?
Peddars seems to be the go, saw the whiteline kit but wasn't sure about the quality.
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Second question, since the hose coming out of the pressure regulator is so fucked I may as well do a new one while I'm fixing the regulator itself. I've tried looking up "fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose" but it brings up other vacuum systems on the cherokee, can any tubing be used here or is there a specific name for this hose? Thanks.
Any vacuum tubing that fits will work. Whatever you can find at your local auto parts store
because carvana is a literal scam, worse than a normal stealership
they have several lawsuits against them right now for not handing over the title and for selling cars with serious issues
is carmax better or shoud i avoid buying a car online? i'm only looking at these sites because i've been searching or a month and can't find anything locally that fits my needs and budget.
what can i do about a sagging headliner (early 2000s audi)
>surface area vs contact area
ahh right i see what you mean now
although it's worth mentioning that lots of track cars use plain rotors. but they probably have shit like air ducts etc.
pic related but with drawing pins/thumb tacks. alternatively, get headliner spray and do it yourself. although in my experience, the pros that do this as a mobile service have glues that are much better than any of the store bought headliner glues and unfortunately unavailable to the general public.
youre tellinv me i can just stick a pin in it and it shouls hold? i thought about it but i imagined that the roof is solid above the cloth
also what about gluing a magnet to the roof and putting one below it?
Ain’t there protection to lock off the compressor when pressure is low? The majority of A/C problems come from a leaking shraider valve on the high side. They’re like two bucks so, I’d change high and low and recharge, if you haven’t tried that.
Just change the battery. You can do it.
Kids at the parts store came from McDonald’s and are trained to test components by other kids who don’t know.
Looks like majority of the hose is hard plastic and only the ends, that are fucked up are rubber. You only need to replace the ends and literally any suitable size hose is good for that.
Dont do this. Once you open the system you need to run a vacuum before refilling or youre just wasting your money.
Also the guy already jumped the clutch relay which would bypass the computer.
kbb is mostly bullshit and is often wildly off in both directions, better off shopping actual cars for sale to see real values.
i've bought several cars on carvana and it has always been a good experience. ymmv though.
the foam the holds the cloth to the board breaks down, you can't reglue it as the next layer of foam will just flake off and it'll sag again. the only fix is either the pins or to take the entire headliner out, remove all the fabric, scrape all the foam off, and glue new foam backed fabric to the backer board and reinstall. 3-4 hour job and a pita but will look really good if you take your time.
Roof is probably steel, right? Don't even need the second magnet, just get a bunch of small neodymium magnets and they should stick by themselves
Okay anal retentive one. That vacuum sucker is like ten or twelve bucks from harborfreight.
they even make a tool that lets you replace schrader valves without discharging the system.
You sound like the neighbor who can "do the job for less"
And no the $10 sucker wont pull enough vacuum to work. Even if you have a proper pump that pulls sufficient vacuum, how will you refill the oil?
The schrader valve tool is fine if you catch the leak early on and its actually the valve thats leaking so thats cool
It’s not the same vacuum pump you use to bleed brakes.

Also what other anon said, there’s a gadged to change the schraeder cores without losing a charge, I think it’s like $20.
Buying a brand new spare part, is it wiser to buy from my local 3rd party dealer, a manufacturer directly owned dealer or the part manufacturer themselves?
depends on the part and how long you expect the car to last
if it's a nice car buy only OEM (either original manufacturer of car or part itself), and buy only from reputable sources (dealer, rockauto).

if it's a shitty car, if the part is electronic (fuel injector, ignition coil, o2 sensor etc), buy only new or used (junkyard) OEM. otherwise non electric parts (stabilizer bar link, ball joint) buy aftermarket.
So I just have to buy corollas for the rest of my life ?
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No? Why do you care what other people think, you're already bottom of the barrel as an incel, you literally have nothing to lose, just drive what you want.
>how will you refill the oil?
fwiw when I regassed my system I just poured some POE oil into a cup, made sure the valves on the gauge set were all shut, disconnected the hose going to the vacuum pump and stuck it in the oil, let it suck it all up. Then I spun the compressor by hand like 10-12 times to at least make sure some of the oil wasn't just sitting in the hose, before pulling vacuum again. Oil didn't get sucked back out.
Then I found out that since I was only replacing the drier/receiver, I could've just poured the oil into that directly lel.
Are GM parts interchangeable among models of the same year?
Should I disconnect the battery before checking the interior fuses?
Is there a way to look up private information from a license plate? Car was parked and involved in a hit and run and the police and insurance aren't doing anything with a picture of the license plate I got from a security camera.
Thanks man. That's what i wanted to hear.
I know what it is. You don’t need that fancy schmancy crap.
Just because you can suck start a fuckin harley doesnt mean everyone else can. Now stop butchering cars with your hack job shortcuts. There are more honest ways to make money
Just because you work with other people’s money doesn’t mean that everyone else can.
DIY smoke machines are only a few dollar. See vidya.
Dumping more refrigerant than the tool costs is a false economy. DIYing auto AC can save serious money as it has for me. The first job I did paid for the vacuum pump, gauge set and misc tools (oil injector etc). Several subsequent jobs on my other vehicles were a bonus. I have enough gear to work on heat pumps too but mine has behaved itself. One can never have too much equipment.

If the cost of a core tool matters you failed at life and don't need AC or comfort or oxygen. Poverty is the mark of stupid adults unless they're legit mental defectives or seriously crippled.

No, look up each part number.
Why are you telling me? If my air conditioning breaks, I fix it.
But yeah, most of em.
Youre right. Waste your own money on your own hack projects.
Let people spend their money on someone who wont fuck their shit up longterm with a short term solution

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