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>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


>Anime .gif/.webm repository

>Sakuga Extended: Add ons to play video on sakugabooru frame-by-frame
Mozilla Firefox:
Chromium based browsers:

>Reference (artbook, settei of actual anime production, color designs):

previous thread >>7086680
not to start the thread off with negativity but i truly hate the incomprehensible anime fight choregraphy trend of recent years
looks terrible and takes no skill to pull off but retards still clamor for it
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Anyone here working in the Japanese anime industry? How can I follow your path?
I really like the idea of using blender to see how the animation would go in a 3d space that the anon in the previous thread did.
genuinely why the fuck would you want to do that? It seems like one of the most soul-crushing jobs that will suck all the fun out of art
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There is someone from here doing that.
Probably doesn't hang around here anymore though.
That's why i love Baki, especially the early non-netflix series.
It gets stupid and wacky but punches are still punches.
as always, YWN PYW. Lurk more, nodraw
>takes no skill to pull off
i have seen some new animators hiding bad animation behind chaotic sakuga camera moves. But to paint it all as "no skill" reeks of dunning kruger delusion. Lets see your wonky bouncing ball
I've worked on a few, unless you live in a low cost 3rd world country or live with your parents and don't need any income i'd recommend not doing it. they typically pay 4000-6000 per cut (25 - 40 dollars) it's an absolute joke and an insult but somehow they still find people willing to work for this pay. It is worth doing for the experience and to tick it off your bucket list but to make it a career is not worth it.
>How can I follow your path?
post animation on twitter and put アニメーター in you bio and you will occasionally get desperate PAs contacting you in dms.
>It is worth doing for the experience and to tick it off your bucket list
I'm thinking about doing it for that reason, but $25-45? how many hours do you work for that? I don't work for free(or close to free)
That's like a day's worth of work or more depending on the complexity of cut, they pay a flat rate per cut unless it's really complex. Some veterans can power through 4 or 5 a day but even then it barely enough to live on
I'm a better background painter than animator, but I don't suppose they would look on twitter for that.
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dropped animation again now i wanna start from square one
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not really satisfied with the 3/4 my perspective is fucked
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I've been using flipaclip for about 2 years and I'm just starting to get used to it. However, some of flipaclip's limitations are starting to become more noticeable. Flipaclip is so easy to use, but I've started testing moho pro, but so far have found it difficult to understand and work with. Is there another similar program to flipaclip or another easy to use program that can make up for flipaclip's flaws? Some being having to copy a layer for every frame, lack of camera movement, and blending options.
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I finished this recently
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So I decided to chase the nsfw animator patreon bag, I was the guy in the last thread doing animation for that newgrounds game. This is for newgrounds also, I went with a Derpixon parody because they're a popular artist/animator on that platform and they support fanart of their works. Any thoughts on this so far?\
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tried again and it still doesnt feel right, think i just need more practice. gonna do something more fun now
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I think it's supposed to fall around the "X" I drew in blue. I hope you understand.
Dong Chang went to Japan on a visa and applied for in studio jobs, and now he makes a living as an animator in Japan.. I hear you can't make a living with freelance animation, but maybe the studio route could work for you
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the OP post is pretty straight forwrds no?

-first we get the initial positioning via the camera revolving around the main subject
-then a close up of the expression + wind up for the punch (with a the blurred shaking lines bg to convey force)
-then the crunchy impact frames ( i counted around 3 might be more idk)
-followed by th traditional paralax shot with dust fx in the bg and the flexing of the belly flaps
-followed by the finale impact into the wall with dust/ debris flying out

the OPM clip is pretty formulaic and doesn't pull any cheapo tricks that i can think of

last incomprehensible choreography i recall is the climax fight from ep 3 of kizumonogatari
it took me like 3 watches before i could follow the flow but i'd call it anything but terrible

idk what you mean specifically when you say "incomprehensible anime fight choregraphy"
could you post a recent example of this since i tend to not watch FOTM anime so i wouldn't be privy of this trend
but would like if you coud pont to an example

i think demon slayer did have a few spilling their sakuga sphagetti moments
but can't point to a specific clip myself
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yea i wasnt really thinking about perspective when i first tried lol. thanks for the line tho this is how ill mentally project it in the future
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Hi just wanted to post this little animation I did of Marcille. It's not a perfect loop because I'm stupid struggle with simple math.
Anybody got any tips to make good animated loops?
Make the first frame the same as the last frame. Animate your actions, end where you began.

Looks beautiful btw I had to go searching for the loop imperfection wouldn't have noticed had you not mentioned
This has some potential now that CACANi has become an abandonware.
Folioscope or RoughAnimator, not sure if they're available on Android.
That animation is perfectly serviceable
>i think demon slayer did have a few spilling their sakuga sphagetti moments
You might mean this. People often mistake a lot of flashing lights, explosions and debris effects for good animation. I feel like a lot of modern fights lack choreography, timing and weight and attempt to make up for it with overuse of filters and after effects.

This fight right here is an prime example. Not to say the animation it's is bad per say, but the over-polishing and compositing feels like it makes up for the more cookie cutter action.
Thanks for the help. I'll try testing Rough Animator.
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yep that's the clip i was referring to
it feels like the director was over-compensating

after watching it a few times what i can note specifically was
-initial close-up ease-in shot the stabbing motion felt off like the compositing guys jumped up the zoom in far too early thus making the stabbing motion feel awkward
-the next reaction shot where we the extreme perspective on the arm the bg movement isn't synced up right so it gets a wierd sliding effect
-there are far too many camera revolutions around the subject action during the exchnge of blows in the sequence coupled with the 3-d bg being rendered on 1s (i assume) while the chracters themselves are often noticably on 2s and 3s making the subject action feel like it's sliding across the screen
-the mid and close-up shot flip flopping between not showing/blurring and fully showing the BG just makes for a disoriening sequence
-the demon guy's slash fx having thick outlines made it very difficult to differentiate from the almost identical color pallete of the BG layouts
-the hand animated fx and the obviously 3-d rendered brick/debris fx did not follow the same aesthetic
-the multiple filters added in post made thing more difficult to follow

this specific sequence was the jump the shark momen for this kinda fx/filter heavy style in the demon slayer anime
I've seen the Fate/Stay night anime handle this sorta filter/fx integration way better desu
>How can I follow your path?
Forget about sleeping
Actually draw
This drawing should be done from the moment you wake up, till you fall sleep
Remember to eat maybe (optional some days)
Forget about money, dreams of personal and professional improvement, having a family, hobbies, not even movies or games.
That's about it
Who are you though?
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>try actually animating something
>it's actually really fun
guys, I think I just found my new life's path...
May I see your life changing animation?
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>Animation is my passion
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"Yaah, Gero Sengen."

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joe doom talking
crude but soulful
Is this a galo sengen videogame animation meme thing?
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Big tvpaint update soon https://youtu.be/vtiztblBQqg?si=uvkx6PPDlE6X1l4T
What does it mean to study animation? Like the studies that other animators posts on social media, i mean. And how do i study a cut or even an animator?
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still waiting for someone to crack 11
Give me the installer.
I could try cracking it.
How is she filling in her cells so quickly at 18:20? What keys is she pressing? many thanks! you have big dick energy.

here's the current demo installer (11.7) https://files.catbox.moe/lj98de.zip
and here's the full ver installer for the original release (11.0, from 2017!) https://files.catbox.moe/xjh8w4.zip
She's bound a custom 'new animation cel' key and that creates the cel ready for her to use the fill tool.
You can do that in shortcut settings which you can find in the 'file' menu top left.
She has also bound moving between frames to custom shortcuts, I use number keys for this to quickly flip between frames. (although I have just now changed these from flipping between frames to flipping between cels which I'm just realizing is more convenient for my purposes)
she's not oing anything special just quickly clicking through to the next frame and clicking fill on each one. there is a way to autimate it with auto actions but im not sure how
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my first ever animation, made on a scuffed pegbar
This is a great first animation I see that you're reading the animators survival guide which is good! Walk cycles are hard and you're halfway to your very first full one, I hope to see more from you
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thank you, I'll for sure keep hanging around here shit's mad fun, it's mostly incomprehensible black magic for now
very nice, keep at it anon!
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2nd attempt animating
Having lots of fun. Might watch some tutorials.
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guys can i get some feedback on pic related
i feel the arm motion is slightly off but i cant quite put my finger on it
also does the piroutte itself making her fly feel fine?
or should i have bend her support leg as wind up before she jumps off?

been stuck on this motion for the past few days
could use some outside perspective
is that kochikame?
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Anyone know of good software for viewing animation refs?
I want something basic that will let me view webm/gif/mp4 files frame by frame conveniently.
Sakugabooru is ruining a whole generation of animators.
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Yes, already had 2:20 minutes of it but decided to scratch it to actually make a good animation for once. The internet is already full of trash.
I think the pirouette feels fine but she could probably use the knee bend since she just snaps into a jumping pose
nothing wrong with a high-effort shitpost
does anyone know where I can get ahold of a cracked version of Toon Boom Harmony? I don't need the latest version I just have never sailed the seas before and don't know where to look
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the krita file is pretty big its at 330 mb but I only have a few more seconds left to do should i just do the rest on a separate file and edit them together after words or continue on (i'm gonna clean it up btw)
I usually use getintopc.com for most of my pirated software
Its finished.

part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CMjJrDL6MQ&ab_channel=Bones

part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8GTPg7Xd9E&ab_channel=Bones
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bottom pegs is much better than top pegs
i need to build some sort of camera stand cause scanning each frame from my printer is retarded
what you mean? I'm assuming you mean how everything looks like a weightless jjk fight scene?
nice walk,
on the 2nd step the lifting heel kind of pops up which looks odd
>bottom pegs better
I always found it annoying how the pegbar gets in the way of my wrist with bottom pegs, is it better for you because it's easier to flip?
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i like rolling better than flipping, at least for my current setup with my homemade pegbar and the shitty hole punch I got flipping is hard
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I did this in adobe animate. It is not a very inuitive program. I was tasked with creating a character based on 3 different shapes i was given randomly so I thought of a coat hanger with a hat.
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finished pencils of my work, gonna try and finish this by the end of the year.
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just some goober shit
castlevania was a very good example how a bit of smart fight choreography could replace some of the more exaggarated anime fight tropes like always screaming the name of the attack or shit like that. I almost forgot there could be an anime without all the japanese tropes. I even think it was lipsynced to english, very surreal experience.
Cute, I like her outfit
> I even think it was lipsynced to english
It was done by an american studio in texas I think so its most likely why it was synced so well
Whatever game community this is would absolutely love a galo tribute. Finish it someday if you've come this far already.
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Kek what the hell is Weilin Zhang cooking? Bro is low on rent money???
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I was very bored during the final hour of work today, and my boss had already left, so I scribbled this on some loose sheets of scratch.

Never tried animating before, looks like I should have had a 5 frame walk cycle instead of 4, and I didn't quite get the legs right. This was kind of fun.

I remade the intro and put it all together into one 20 minute long full length animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy7DEkq1uXM&ab_channel=Bones
what program do you guys use?
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TIL an animator named Dick Humor invented the inbetweener
krita I used to use photoshop before but I hate its ui

For the hand drawn animation and silly cartoon lovers, boom bam. Check it out in the link above.
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Hey words of encouragement i like those. I'll try to finish it , i bet all 12 etrian odyssey fans are going to at least get a laugh out of it
that's pretty cool, professional even. You have a lot of talent.
Everything's pretty appealing... except for the genitals, which unfortunately ruin it. They're a bit too shoddily simplified and I'm not getting the penetrative motion from the fucking, looks like he's just kinda bumping her.
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made this last year
thanks, also nice quints
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you think so.
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how bout now ?
i think i fixed it up alright
I'm no expert but I think this looks pretty good, marginally better than the first example.
That's awesome. I love easytoon and how the animations look when done really well.

How long have you been animating and how long did that one take you?
Looks pretty good now
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Is there a way to copy a selection of a frame layer into another one in CSP?
When I paste it creates a new layer instead of pasting what I copied into the selection of the other frame

I can't believe you're not able to do something so basic, searching around I only find years old posts saying that you just can't do this but there's no way right? All I want to do is copy an eye of a previous frame into another
this is one of the reasons i quickly abandoned csp after trying it maybe 5 years ago, funny to see it's still a problem
Here's how I would do it: copy whatever you want, go to the frame you want, right click the layer and go to [create folder and insert layer], paste in the folder, then right click the folder and merge it
Thank, I'll try that
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thx for the praise anon, glad to see that stick figure anims can still be entertaining.

When I was younger I sank a lot of hours into "advanced" stick figure animation but I lost motivation over the years, also could never get into fullbody because of the required time-effort (maybe its just an excuse but I dont regret not becoming a professional animator, the business seems exhausting)

I think I did this particular piece in one go, took me approx. an afternoons worth of time.

picrel was a little excursion into pixel art animation
somebody please recommend me a simple animation software (for linux)

i just want to drag+drop frames that i draw in my dedicated art software

all apps i have found so far are either not working for linux or way too overcomplicated

i also spent one hour and two tutorials trying to create a simple loop out of my 5 measly drawn frames, and FAILED... blender is such unusable garbage >:(

pic related is a literally-who app i found googling that does what i want (import frames, drag+drop) but is sadly not meant for sub-one-second frame duration... it gets very tiresome dragging clips to be precisely the length i need and not leave a one-pixel-gap between the automatically aligning / snapping frames which results in flickering of the final video

please help ;_;
Tried Krita?
oh damn krita can animate? i did not know that. i only tried krita for a couple of days for "regular" drawing before uninstalling it. i was pretty disappointed with how clunky it is (in some areas). i will give it another try. i hope its not unusably bloated too...

by the way, this is my first (real) attempt at a short animation. please dont take offense since it is loli...

i already learned a lot and would do many things differently on my next attempt. still any outside feedback is very much appreciated!
I'm pretty sure every animation program is clunky in a way or another, for some reason after literal decades of development there isn't a software that just works
agreed, maybe I'm nostalgic about Flash but I do miss it a little because I think it would still hold up UX wise. It was far from perfect tho ngl
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did my first doodle
Which software did you use to animate this?
What animation software do they use?
that sounds horrible
pencil2D opentoonz and flipaclip are free too
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3rd time ever animating something. Gotta do it more its fun
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my first animation and attempt at drawing in general after doing like 10 loomis figures in total
used a pencil for the first time in my life today
ayyy i recognise that choreography
did you reference the Sword of the stranger movie's final sequence?
Thats literally production work from the film, by nakamura
Anyone here subscribed to setteidreams' Patreon?
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If I find scanning my pencil drawings too much of a hassle then is a screen tablet my best option?
yeah it's what most people use these days and isn't that far removed from drawing on paper
I'm trying to find an ios animation reference app I remember seeing a while ago but I don't remember what it was called and it's driving me nuts trying to find it.
From what I remember it had a collection of shots from anime like Dennou Coil and you could frame by frame through it and it matched up with the time sheet attached. It looks like it would be great learning reference
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3d guy just learned blender can also do 2d stuff, am I gonna make it bros???

ok jokes aside does anyone here use blenders grease pencil? i eventually need to learn this shit to accomplish my goal of ultimate mastery over the software but goddamn is it weird and unintuitive, even for blenders standards
professionals use keyframe pro but mpv can do the job too
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thingy i made a little while back
audio removed sadly :(
animated in maya and i refuse to render it
VirtualDub2 for video
7GIF for gifs
do the basic 2d animation excercises or atleast look into the 12 principles of animation
lacking polish in all the key poses namely you haven't stretched and squashed enough where you could have
Go to preferences, then go down to animation and it should say
How to paste to cels
Change it to to say paste to selected layer
I had this exact problem for so long and was surprised that there was just a setting for it.
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but there's no animation section in preferences?
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Which version are you using? It might be a ver 2.0 or 3.0 only thing sadly. I know it really sucks to have to re buy it but I'd say 3.0 upgrade is worth it for animation because they finally added audio scrubbing on the timeline.
version 2.0.3 perpetual licence. that's a huge bummer, isn't 3.0 subscription only? I hate subscription models
3.0 has a perpetual license but you don't get upgrades which might not be too big a deal. Subscription you get all the updates from 3.0 and on.
There might be a 2.0 to 3.0 perpetual license discounted upgrade but I don't know if that's still a thing.
MAPPA could never
that doesnt look like OC, and its not something I'd expect people here to be able to produce
It's not it's by Yutaka Nakamura... I thought it was obvious enough to shitpost
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Animated button
Don't mind me, I don't draw shit but I like hoarding digital books. I'm looking for a scan of アニメーションの本 (generic name, I know, but it's what the Japanese use) by アニメ6人の会. Hope someone has it :)
I dont really understand this..
I'm trying to create a moving slime animation in pixel art and I have 0 idea what kind of principles I have to keep in mind to make the movement look good, or what I could even reference to.
Do I just read all these animation books and suddenly it clicks "ah this is how this fictional thing should be moving" or what..
There's a discussion worth having about what your intentions are with the movement and your goals with the piece in general, but looking up the 12 animation principles won't hurt you regardless. I'd also say look at how other artists approach the problem
Yeah what>>7166798 said. Look what others have done. You can always look up how real slime moves and just dial it up or down depending on what u want.
Want the slime to be a solid little blob like in dragon quest? Make it more bouncy and less gooey.
Want it to drool all over the floor? Make it less bouncy and more slippery.
trial n error my friend
Got it, thanks for the reply.
I'll look into the animation principles for starters I suppose.
Not only that but if you never tried it I would try sketching out the movement on paper and maybe doing a little flip book esque action to see if it looks right.
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Experimenting with walk cycles and trying to work in head-turns.
Do you guys have any resource for animating faces? more specifically mouths with dialogue
Do you guys think using Clip Studio Paint for 2D vfx is a good idea?
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Shilling my animation pipeline test for my personal project
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a daring synthesis!

looks good! in the near future he might need a slightly better "stop walking" animation to make it seem more natural.

getting there! If the layers allow it I might even angle the arm higher so that the two frame shake has more impact.

this I did as because I was bored and wanted to try two weeks ago. For the last few nights I've messed around on a pocket-sized sketch pad to try again and be a little more "ambitious." I realize that I really need something that helps me trace like a light board because keeping things looking the same every frame is actually really tough, lol. This is just a short scene of someone waking up to go to work. I might try to add more little loops like this, a small-term goal is to get to one minute of 'animation'

Also it's total craziness to try and draw a whole scene one at a time, what was I thinking?

(also, I didn't realize I needed to clean the scanner, that smudge really bothers me)
>zurbrigg Keyframe Pro v1.15.1 (x64)-fixed.zip (41 MB)

Video editor with frame-by-frame playback. Installation instructions included. The crack dlls may set off your virus protection so you may need to add exceptions/restore the files.
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how is it going so far?
Thanks a lot, anon!
Just wanted to post my first ever animation without any training
I want to make hand-drawn animated characters for 2D platformer games and such.
How it is done so it wouldn't be a pixelated mess, but also detailed? Something like Cuphead, I guess.
No clue but i think that some sheets of paper have sizes analogue to pixels resolutions, so you could draw in a paper similiar to your in-game resolution so it will look alright.
Not bad at all. Keep up with the good work, man!
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this im trying to pursue the anime industry
Just a small note since this looks really good, fix the line thickness on the legs.
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so i've been in a bit of a doodle quarrel with someone on /i/
you guys got any suggestions for quickie 2-3 frame beatdown poses for me to use?
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something with 4-5 frames is also fine just its gotta loop and be funny
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gonna do one of em DBZ multiple fists smear frme too but i need more original suggestions
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fyi this is an unemployed indian man obsessed with some woman who would rather he just leave her alone
you're just mad i shoved you in a locker
nice style. could maybe use some more volume control in his shoulder area
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how's this run cycle lookin lads?
any feedback?
looking great already but maybe she is too bouncy?
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How do (you) practice drawing?

How do (you) get good enough to keep volumes consistent from frame to frame?
Animators can cheat by using the previous cel to trace over the next one, it's a fugly example but it's what I did here: >>7170493
the secret ingredient is to have a lotta sex with your gf
that's it
might sound like a meme but having sex with a loving partner makes you better at art
Is there a way to optimize webms for posting here?
Gifs fucking suck for animation.
Why is everything related to traditional animation so damn expensive? Especially in the shit hole Ilive that use monkeycoins
Try an encoder called "HandBrake". Makes VP9's without any problems far as i can tell.
I like the cat flossin, made me laugh
Is any codec and pixel format ok?
From the webms on the board it looks like either VP8 or VP9 is fine but everything uses yuv420p.
for anyone that uses opentoonz do you use OT for all of your drawing or do you do certain things in another program?
/ic/ knows fucking nothing about technology. most people here don't even know what a video codec is.
The fist jump has more weight (impact) than the second jump. But second jump is higher. Just my 2cents
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trying out toon boom
I think you need to work on your spacing a bit more bc all of these feel the objects move at a constant speed instead of speeding up/slowing down with gravity etc. so it feels like they're in a simulation instead of reality
>toon boom

How is it? i mostly animate with photoshop/premiere
I am currently animating a personal project. How do artists usually do those backgrounds in anime? Did they make a 3d model and render a location?
Does anyone have any good animation course for free? I wanted to try the "2d animation frame by frame" from Coloso and the gumroad one from Toniko Pantoja, but they cost a fuck ton (like 200$+ each). Does anyone have them?
I already read some books, watched tutorials on youtube and did some exercises. I'm so shit at animating that I still can't understand it.
seek out the Animator's Survival Kit
the pdf should be freely available through some googling
the're an accompanying video course but it isn't mandatory the Pdf is good enough to get started
Is procreate dreams any good yet? Bought it and it was very clunky; haven't opened it since.
would the anons here recommend and 8gb or 16gb ipad for getting into animation. Can I realistically work around 8gb or will I forever be gimped.
I read it, I already have the pdf (even the physical book) but I still can't do anything good. I saw that the coloso course is good especially for fondamentals and I learn better with video than books,
no it's a complete mess still, lacking basic functionalities. The only viable animation app on ios is Toonsquid
Hmm. How's krita for animation? I've got an intuos. I just don't want any subscription shit. Also, must run on linux, I hate booting into windows.
Just go and try it man. Krita is free, lightweight, it has professional level tools, and it was build on Linux from the beginning. But that doesn't mean that it will work better on Linux, I only used the Windows version and it's awesome.
Not the same person who was talking to you but reading this I'm glad I bought that one a few days ago. I was indecides between that and Rough Animator, but Toonsquid looks easier
i suggest you make the front foot touch the floor during the contact pose so it feels grounded, and paying attention to the hind foot's arcs. it looks like it's going a bit too much backwards and feels like the character is just running in place instead of forward
its okay. I'll probably do a full animation to get a proper opinion but for now csp is #1
Some do they mostly just paint the backgrounds though but these photobashing and touching backgrounds to look a bit more stylized and using 3d models for locations is a bit more common
I wanted to get back into animating so I did some lip sync practice
Workable, but honestly - pretty shitty when compared with CSP, TVPaint or other dedicated tools.
Krita indeed has a number of amazing tools and is unbelievably good for processing graphics for gamedev purposes but it's animation tools are clunky and not so much comfortable to use. And it's brush engine is shit.
Are there any other known sources of gengashuu collections other than settei?
try e-hentai
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I was able to find some stuff from Yoshinari, thanks 'teen.
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made this from imagination while i was high last night
I hate weed niggers so much
Kenshin remake was a breath of fresh air when it came to proper fights and not flashing lights
Do you guys have any opinion on the Moho animation software?
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Is there a program that can do Live2D besides the official "Live2D"?

I do trad and would really like to be able to chop up my drawings and jiggle the pieces around instead of trying to start all over again learning digital (especially since I don't have a tablet)
This is the ugliest looking "animation" Ive seen
adobe after effects

Spline, DragonBones, AfterEffects, EMote, Unity, Unreal - dozens of them. Mesh transforms and animation included in almost any 2d package nowdays.
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That was an unusually productive evening...
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smear smear smear
well what do you wanna animate to begin with?
do you have an end goal in mind a benchmark you wanna achieve?
T.A.S.K is mostly foundation stuff like timing arcs squash stretch etc etc if you want specific stuff then you gotta give us specific criteria

sorry for the late reply but yeah i adjusted it a bit more

forgot to reply but thanks anon you helped me out a bunch
sometimes you really gotta take a few steps back to spot the issues
i got too tunnel-visioned to notice that fault

hehe mooo

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