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The eternal debate. Which side are you on?
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going larger is usually a worthwhile decision, a large tablet and a large screen beats a mid sized screen tablet to me.
left gives you carpal tunnel. right gives you a hunched back.
for linework pen because handeye coordination is natural
for painting tablet because your hand isnt in the way
Tablet is more comfy + your hand isnt in the way, but you have to accept thats all youll be able to draw on confidently. With displays i can transition between traditional without feeling like i have to rewire my brain again. It's more natural. Overall i vote displays
Traditional. Nothing beats licking and smelling the ink.

Digital? who cares, they are the same thing.

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No more questions, just draw edition

If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

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Well after skipping a day I was able to come back with this.

Decided I'll try to work on doing torsos for a bit. I was feeling less confident yesterday and earlier today, but after this I feel more confident all of a sudden...even though it doesn't look great and is full of issues.
it's a visual novel. Im making it for a class, since the final project was a multi media kinda thing meaning you could do whatever as long as it presented an argument of some sort. my argument is "everything will be alright" and im basically just using the girl character to be the optimistic opposite of the player character who's more nihilistic. pretty much they just go on a walk to a store to find food to feed a stray cat and she talks to you and tries making you realized things aren't all so bad. script still in progress, but im glad you were interested.
really like your style anon
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Had to cruch the fuck outta this to get it to post. full size here:
> https://files.catbox.moe/879o5g.png
Thoughts? Anything I could do to improve? This was a comission I did for a friend of their skyrim character.
You've certainly got promise. I would reccomend looking into getting more of a grasp on how the arm works/bends. It will take some time, but you're clearly putting effort in to be better!
wtf flip him back over :(

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What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?
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If you didn't start drawing a lot as a kid, you should honestly pick a different hobby/path. Most late starters will never get good (with some exceptions) because they will get demoralized far easier. Kids won't care that their work sucks, at least not too much. Adults are far more critical.
People hate hearing this because it's bleak but it's also true. There is absolutely a point where it's too late. At least, too late to become great and forget about becoming a fucking pro.
this pic always hit me hard
This one and the penguin walking towards the mountains
Your art will never be enough for you no matter how great you become, but it will be for someone else, so post it anyway.
just lol if you arent having sex and doing drugs right now
>The fastest way to get "organically" popular is to pay big artists to promote you
Paying for promo might get your name out there fast, but it isn't organic, it's like buying followers with a bot.
Put in the work, grind out quality content, flood the feed with quality works, network with others in your niche on platforms like hydro, its a great way to expand your reach and get paid
It may be a slow burn, but way more sustainable. Don't fall for thepaidhype.

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Whew boy, is this guy the most overrated painter of all time or what?
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If you're a complete beginner (or haven't even started), then his paintings look nice. But even then, I have never encountered anyone who said that his paintings were of particular skill. As many anons have said, Bob Ross was liked because he made painting a relaxing thing where you don't have to stress over the end result, and he showed how anyone could do that. He never held himself out as some kind of artistic savant. He just wanted people to paint and chill out.
>Hating on Bob Ross
Still better than 99% off this board.
He's no Shishkin but I wouldn't call his art bad, just not great.
there's literally nothing impressionistic about them

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Patreon confirms it doesn't require proof of consent between fiction characters, and it's only for content featuring real people, is faith restored?
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I regularly call them AIfaggots too, all derogatory. AIbro is no different than Cryptobro which was always used in jest

Either way I find them all disgusting and this type of shit annoys me as I pointed out in my first post
they should completely ban AI images and permit fictional porn
He draws actual rape though, like that one pokemon girl getting raped in front of her brother. He's a hardcore NTRfaggot, like having dudes cry and shit. So yeah I can understand that one
if he drew vanilla there wouldn't be much to separate him from his legions of AI clones
Some Random Payment Processor makes it wordy. The image of MC/V makes clear who the Somebody is.

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Why aren’t you doing this new trend /ic/? Easy likes/followers
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Are bots counted as veiws?
speaking of trends
>new character gets revealed
>1 hour later
>several fully illustrated pieces of fan art that get every detail right
how people do this so fast... I can't draw a character with just a blurry little gameplay video as the only reference. I need ultra clear large pictures in all angles and then I have to look for the perfect dynamic original pose and perfect composition
the cynic in me says some of these clout chasers essentially have ych styled templates with the basics rendered so all they have to do is color/edit a few things when a fotm character pops up
Maybe your art isn't appealing looking in the first place
They think because its a gross fetish that the art is automatically bad. They don't think about fundamentals or composition or things like that, they just want to send a message and believe that since their message is good, their art should be popular. Thats why they post some fucked up porn that is well drawn.

Fantasy artwork was best when being made by coomers like Royo or Caldwell.

Now what fantasy art are you making anon?
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How high do you need to be to draw 25 percent of a canvas like this?
>pre covid
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>inb4 warcraft
Yeah I know it'sa nonsensical shitshow but I like the atmosphere and lighting of this one
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draw this in your style
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Anon! I cant find the Flash
Check it on swfchan. Someone on /f/ uploads everything to that site. Search for it as "Pirate Tales". It has to be there. If not. I may have to post it again. But I'm sure is on swfchan already. I hope you like it. lol

Imaishi and Yoshinari literally have significantly better technical skill and more professional feel to their art than 99% of actual manga artists.
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there's some good stuff in here
You don't get the skill of animating until you actually animate.

What I mean is, you don't understand how rigorously animators have to keep the volumes consistent from frame to frame. Illustrators, mangakas, all other artists are incredibly loose, by comparison. Nobody knows the strictness that animators have to adhere to, without actually trying it out themselves.
A really good read, so far. Thanks for the rec.
can a beginner realistically animate traditionally with a peg bar. i refuse to switch to digital but id like to get up to doing walk / run scenes.

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Annon how do I draw like the great Kim Jung gi

Yes I know practice but like HOW do I practice
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Kim said he was doing memory drawings since Kindergarten.

He would try to draw playground slides from imagination, realize he couldn't do it, then at school he'd study how to do it. Then he'd go home and continue drawing full-fledged perspective scenes.

Probably 0 people on /ic/ had that level of devotion back in kindergarten, much less keeping it up for their whole lives
>Probably 0 people on /ic/ had that level of devotion back in kindergarten
I did, but towards lego...
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You probably came to the worst place to ask for advice because as you can see

People are relatively really annoying and sheltered to the point where asking for help or advice leads to just crucifying someone for not doing “enough” or having enough “talent”

I mean this not to be a dick but maybe you should ask reddit.

Plus most people on this board can’t draw for shit let alone anything that isn’t anime pussy or furry shit.
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Touch grass, it isn’t that serious.
KJG said he would see something on his way to work, draw it when he got to work, the next day he'd see that thing again and notice what he got wrong and draw it again to correct it, repeat
So do lots of master studies and memory drawings. Oh and I think he said he would sit on the second floor of coffee shops and draw people looking down at them to help with perspective.

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Do I really need to buy 12 different books if I want to begin drawing?
Just draw
Ordinarily I'd say no, but since you don't have the mental capacity to work that out yourself, I think you in particular need those 12 different books.
yes, but dont forget to buy a brain first
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What is the Final Solution to the Howie Question?

How do you cope with the feeling of being trash at art even If it isn't true?
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im good but i also am not good compared to what i want to be so i draw more because i want to be really good
the method is just wanting to get better so much that not being good becomes a motivating factor (wacked mindset idk if it will work for everyone but it has worked well for me)
I lowkey have a similar mindset so its good knowing I'm not the only one in that.
Its just that sometimes it feels like my objectives are unreachable because Im aiming at professional works that are done by a lot of very skilled artists and Im just 1 guy that tries.
positive <3 <3 <3 affirmations <3 <3 <3
At this point its just sunk cost fallacy. That is about the only thing keeping me going.
Either I get good enough to feel a modicum of anything but (well-deserved) disgust when i look at the drivel that I secrete from my fat little fingers, or I brighten the greater artistic community by spilling my putrid, fly-blown excuse of a mind across my living room with a shotgun.
Really looking like the latter at this point, to be honest with you senpai-a-lam.
Haven’t felt that way in years, but i would say those feelings have a lot of truth in them.
You probably aren’t good, use those feeling to double up your efforts and work harder towards ur goals

I'm filling someone's request from last thread
Nikola Vitol Casual Poses 2 500+ jpg

download link
If it expires I can reupload

Make requests
Share what you have
Draw your pile of refs
Don't let the thread die, please!
I'll add more later if I have time.

Enjoy everyone! Make lots of art!
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You can also try couple dance videos. There are so many and I don't think they can copyright a random dance pose?
Thank you very much sir. You are a true gentleman and a hero of our times.
thanks, retard!
anyone have good foot poses?
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take every pic on this thread and look down

How do i get better at drawing legs. Or cheats and simplification
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Give pdfs
Im too lazy to go into medibang and cap to make the image a layer to trace it. How do i do it faster....
Whatever you do, DON'T draw more legs, it will only make you worse. Try your hardest to find shortcuts, because once you do, you will be better and more efficient than everyone else I PROMISE.
kys and hope for better stats in your next run
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Same. And morpho feet aren't suckable.

I need an artist who can draw cute feet.

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Reminder that japs literally learn by ripping off other artists while you retards waste your time reading loomis.
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we done BEEN known this
I wish I could travel to the future, copy popular art, and then come back and post it before they do
Manga's audience grows exponentially each passing day
you need an IQ of at least 80
there are third worlders with no access to the internet doing art
even cavemen were doing this shit
Are you guys serious? Have you never been to 2chan?

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