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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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>mobile game board
>seperate mobile from non-mobile games
>don't allow generals
>mobile game discussions stay on /vg/
we governed by absolute retards
MY gacha general is only three months old
Because rules aren't enforced properly
the /vst/ thread is still up lmao, and there are still generals on /v/ from time to time. Its a fucking mess.
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You forgot /tg/ and drawboard.

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Two neat dumplings, makes me wonder about how's the kingdom mainland version, new special cookies based on particular snacks, new costumes for all cookies, but wew, accessing it is a challenge because of the other app requirements. Will just check the updates on social media photo or video posts, but it's cool to see how it took on a separate event path from kingdom global.
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it's 4 substitutes of sugar like xylitol when they mentioned in the trailers dumbass
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Yup, would definitely like to stick with just the Ovenbreak and Kingdom. Anyways, found a neat recap of the early game experience of Kingdom by the official CN social media post, Nice to have collected all the cookies in Kingdom, Kingdom CN with their fruit gummy snack special cookies are real nice, but that barrier with requiring a separate app and their verifications is quite a solid gatekeep. Anyways, gotta love the exclusive costumes and cookies, so many of them!
Saw your guide, tried it out:
Thanks for these Epics!
Thanks for the specific pointers for Pond Dino, will try scoring that high among 600M in the future!
Running them got me the rank of Master, but was surprised how far (and quick!) it went to Master IV. So glad it didn't reach Rainbow 1, haha! Also hoping to be able to max out my last Epic Treasure, the Darkwind Quiver (currently Lv.11/12+6, maxed out already all known legendary treasures, the hourglass, and all rare treasures) so I can use the gems for the legendary cookies and pets. Hopefully Day 2 replenishes well with another 8K (or 11K) Crystals, another crumb of Pitaya, and those Legendary Potions. Already have 305+ of each regular cookie and pet potions to max the new fellas in the next update, yessir
Excited to see what Witch cookie or the First Batch (sans Dozer and Gingerbrave) that would embody a category of the elements, or aspects of light and darkness, yeah.
If ever we're getting a Black Hole Cookie, It could be like a beastly version Kingdom's Stardust Cookie. Its mane and body resemble that of Stardust Cookie, judging by the colors. Regardless, neat to see more legendaries in the future for ovenbreak, aside from the elements, the dragons, the forces of nature, and apparently, cookies destined to define eras and change history, including the established great minds as sovereigns and polymaths, sans Gingerbrave, of course.

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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
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Same reason Sword Art Online blew up. Sometimes shit that's pure power fantasy blows up.
Some codes
Thanks anon. 1000 Essence and 10 draws are good shit. Even if all my draws are shit.
One more
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People keep talking about her much Cha Hae-in A3 (4 Copies) is broken good.
Tempted to roll on her just for the A1 and save for next banner.
I definitely felt a power boost when I got her free weapon from the dice event but could just be copium I've been hoarding gold.
Also fuck cerberus.

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>the anime keeps flopping
>the mobile game sells like crazy for years now

How come?

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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now you get to spend your life one by one doing that retarded card game mode. devs want you to be wasting your life all the time
idk why you think the game is much nicer when they just keep adding stats on stats on retarded upgrades
the game is at the worst its ever been
So the new styles are shit again? That's a shame these are very cute
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You can't rely on a youtuber to go through all the choices.
My lord, I'm on the worst luck streak I've ever been in this game. I'm going for like 280 pulls without a random SS now. 1 full spark without seeing one and a whole bunch before.

I didn't need these 1/5000 odds. HBR rng is so broken. Either it's one extreme or the other.

Only Aina is alright, but only if you have Tsukasa bunny, dark Adel, Tama suit AND the old Yanagi (tower upgrade).
Tsukasa's bunny form shits out 5 hit buffs with her ult for up to 3 dark styles (including hers), which you can use to build OD rapidly. 1 Tsukasa ult + 2 auto attacks (hers and Adel's) + 1 new Aina ult is 36 base points of OD. 1 OD bar is 40 points. Should be able to get a bit more with giving Aina an OD increasing accessory.

This covers Tama's weakness of needing a fuckton of SP quite well, the new old Yanagi has so good healing (+ charge) that you are able to live against harder hitting enemies as well. Aina can also help with a little sub-dps as her dark def down skill actually hits fairly hard during OD. This is where 1 Tama ult + Yanagi charge could increase this to be significant, but it's cumbersome due to needing to apply your fragiles as well that obviously eat buffs. They don't eat dark enhances, but that's it.

Considering dark is an element you can force it's pretty strong.
Now that I think about it some more, dark is shaping up to be near broken.

Consider the following vs ST: Suit Megumi, suit Tama, Bunny Tsukasa, dark Adel, dark Aina and tower Yanagi. (31A is dominating!)

-OD building galore via Aina and Tsukasa's hit buff
-Charge + 1 Tama ult = guaranteed crit + good sub dps for breaks via Megumi's second ult
-2 stacks of def down, perm def down, perm dark def down, fragile, possibly even dark def down (even if it's aoe), dark resistance down + heal block
-2 stacks of Hit buff (adel or otherwise), dark enhance, normal big enhance, mind eye, crit rate, crit damage, 1 stack of +20 stats (if you have thunder Tama)
-Actually very good healing via Yanagi (close to 4k per 11 sp with 20% overcap. Better value per sp than Muaa's 7sp healing)

You can do this with Lolita as well, if you think the blast isn't needed, you have no Adel or want another healing source/defensive helper. For aoe purposes Megumi wouldn't be useful, so you'd do Isuzu again (maybe also against VERY HIGH dp enemies). Aoe damage if needed could be done via Kura. Not nearly as good, but serviceable thanks to Tsukasa's hit buff.
What you are technically missing is a field and ST dark def down would be preferable vs 1 target. The field is a huge problem in some fights, but aside of that? And it's not like dark fields don't exist. They are on.. not very useful characters, but even with that it'd be likely good enough. And if you remember... Tsukasa can actually use a field. Wrong one, yes, but it still dispels the sandstorm of the desert worm just fine, as an example. It's the cheapest zone in the game, too and buffs enhances.

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Thread for discussing Omniheroes idle game

And the waifus
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It's shit, played it for a while. Looking to replace it with something else.
Their entire pricing scheme is fucking retarded
This game is like a constant tug-of-war of good and bad decisions. The last few updates have been solid, full of good waifus and nice quality of life changes. So now of course we get...
- A stupid World Arena mode, yet another PvP thing, with NO quick battling (after they just added it to Yggdrasil...) that takes forever, having to confirm your teams 3-5 times EACH PER BATTLE, with the incentive being that ONE(1) person gets a custom skin from it? The fuck?
- The preview of new characters in the survey was a literal fucking Panda in a Chinese hat (hmm I wonder where they got that idea from) and a Sun Wukong ripoff. Like what the actual fuck. If these end up being our S4 heroes then I think I'm done for good.

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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Story stages are still quite short but they do get somewhat improved in the later chapters.
I never really judge gachas on main story missions because you will never do them again once they're done. For me the endgame loop is what matters, and I like snowbreak's, the coop, the events, and dispatch. They don't take too much of your time and are pretty fun.
Ok, thanks.
I think after ch11 the stage and enemy design improves a lot, the stages are more visually connected to one another and they change up the environment a lot, to frozen sea of not!Russia and its NASA equivalent. Stages can also get a bit longer but you they all still have the "clear under 180s" condition
That's good to hear. I looked at the general and I think anons there said the studio went through a shake up after player feedback.

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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Did they add the phase shift exp thing yet? Need to max a few weapons and I am losing my mind.
Yeah, two updates ago. It is pretty RNG though.
Ok, thanks anon
W-what about Galliard?
He's good but he's not slash or magic so wouldn't slot easily into the bullshit comp I made up.

do you yhink she has a fat futa cock
yeah she should step on my cock while her futa nuts dangle on my face

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Does this game have a future?
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rumBULLs we're so back

They made ragnaros able to become a tower like in hots, nice
>with a guildmate
>team up
fucking why... can't I play this game solo?

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new freya sexo skin is out
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I hope Dyrroth doesn't get a nerf any time soon. I enjoy deleting people before they even know what's happening.
They just need to revert the defense item changes. It's not a Dyrroth issue
This, they need to unfuck the balance this isn't a one hero issue
Wasting time doing brawl as tank isn't fun nowadays. Nolan and Lancelot literally one hit kill me easily.
I'm currently roaming as saber to decimate the enemy nolan,lancelot and martis

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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For me, it's Clan Drama that keeps me playing
for anyone that didn't notice yet
they are giving away a whole ass evo (royal giant) and a magic coin for basically free on clash royale
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Where can I find old loading screens?
all that time you spent creating the perfect base, just to get 3 starred by my 8 super dragons and broken hero equipment.
>broken hero equipment
what do you have equipped anon?

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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We are getting at least one new character in two weeks. Whether is a completely new one or a retrain of one already in the game, is anyone's guess
Another Kyo
>Piss off whales with this shit
>Proceed to piss off whales even more now that they're rerunning UE characters on the same banner of a new UE character so now whales have a bunch of useless dupes
It feels like the dev team has had enough and is trying to purposely kill the game
no hopes and fears
A3 Kyo/Oswald/Isla certainly makes it possible, if luck-based.
>It's a "you fucked up the timing on your supers and spawned the second team right before the boss super" episode

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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Have you gotten any 3* units yet? I can't even fathom the grind needed to reach 4* since they will constantly be introducing new characters, too.
Only chicken lol
I don't know
You tell me what I thought about the game
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>ten thousand coins to continue your streak

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Is this worth the $10?
Looks okay, but I want to know if this has gacha or any microtransactions.
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Did they ever address how the main girl looked to have female pattern baldness?
Games antipiracy seems to shit itself if you try to play it on anything other than a samsung or google pixel, had to refund it because it wouldn't work on my Odin 2
Have you tried it with an actual cellphone?
works on my one plus
Why would I download games on my phone when I have a tablet specifically for them

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