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Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
Spoil me on the cg.
Ruka's double element style is very versatile for newfags/people without proper comps, but stats wise isn't it pretty mediocre? Maybe I don't see something, but it doesn't have any modern attacker damage gimmicks, it's basically last anni light Kanade/thunder Ruka tier.
Done with the art battle, and it was a pain. Nothing but pain. I do like the card game; you can come up with some decent build and combos, but the forced battles just for the sake of it are tiring. You can't even auto this mode consistently because at any point, with a bad draw, you can fail. For each area boss, you pretty much have to go manual if you want to make sure to kill them. I wouldn't care about this minigame if it weren't for the 2k quartz. I hope they do some changes in the next season. It's truly painful to play in its current state.
Anyway, any guesses on what the SS styles for the summer event will be? I would have say SS Karen Ice and S Megumi since they are the last two of the band, but for some reason it doesn't seems like they want to release any Ice yet for 31A. Dunno who else will be there.
>Anyway, any guesses on what the SS styles for the summer event will be? I would have say SS Karen Ice and S Megumi since they are the last two of the band, but for some reason it doesn't seems like they want to release any Ice yet for 31A. Dunno who else will be there.
Swimsuit Karen + someone banner into Megumi(paired style with Tama) banner or swimsuit Megumi + someone banner into Karen(paired style with Tsukasa) banner feels like a no-brainer to me. If I were them, I would stop this 31A SS + 31A S thing this year, because that would allow you to have a 31A SS swimsuit for 2025 too.
Man this new Ruka is kinda trash. Dark does less damage than Adelhide. Fire does less damage than Yurripe and OG Ruka. She's literally only good for her mind's eye for Ruka.

Looking at the datamined new final boss, it might be a better investment to go for Dark Yuki. Fire Aoi and Irie seems like they would've been good investments too. Then again it does have less health than hard mode ultimate hand and waaaay less health than Hell Ruka who has 70 Million HP for some reason WTF
>chapter just released
>Looking at the datamined new final boss
Google gamer cucks never fail to surprise me.
I don't know about you, but the name Eclipse whatever didn't spoil anything for me
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>3.8GB update on Steam
>open game
>0.1kB update
>0.7kB update
>127MB update
>0.1MB update
>38MB update
>start chapter 5
>342MB update
Fucking stop, holy shit. Where's the "download all" button?
Main menu, options. There is a download all button.
>light Kanade/thunder Ruka
Wait, those styles are obsolete now? That's nuts.
Technically not. Practically yes.

Thunder is dominated by blunt damage. But technically if that's not usable, you could use Ruka. Or Tama. Though the next best option would be Tama (wis scaling + party buff) or Byakko.

As for light, it's an aoe element now. Kanade isn't really more useful than Karen suit or the newer Monaka, and they are both aoe specialists. Considering aoe should be worse than single target.. you get the idea.

HBR is full of that kinda stuff. The new Ruka is technically the best dark and fire st Attacker, but practically it doesn't really matter as Attacker aren't needed. Especially in dark.
Even though they encourage people to play the story with 31A, their cross-unit synergy planning is still so fucking poor. First they release Tama, whose whole point is that she can contribute mind eye in addition to crit, and then they release this Ruka with mind eye. If she had a multi-hit self buff instead, it would make 10x more sense.
So many gachas and none of them are 1.5x. I've been saving quartz since forever, but most of the new styles are just a small upgrade at best.
Big dark field is nice, but you have to sacrifice a slot for that alone. Guess I'll wait for SS2 Iroha instead.
The illustrations look nice though, especially Wakki.
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I have a feeling we'll soon get some big ones. Maybe because last year's March and April were absolutely nuts.
I've last pulled on Sharo + Maria's banner, spending all my free quartz, and am basically at a spark now.
There's very decent chance the next event gacha will be broken because they've been sucking quartz out of people for the entire month with the anni hype and limited styles, now it's time to hit everyone who spent all their shit with the styles that are actually must-pull.
imagine if they finally did a tezuka and nanamin event story
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Heres you cg bro
They've clearly introduced buff removal for this chapter, but it's such a normal difficulty that it literally doesn't matter. I guess when they will make a hard mode version in year or two, then it actually will be decent.
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Chapter 5.1 (aka the I'm really getting tired of 31A chapter)

It's another case of Maeda building a drastic and interesting situation then resolving it immediately scenario. But this time he does it twice in the same chapter! Well at least Yuki's woman moment was funny. But I think the bigger issue is that after watching the trailer, you pretty much know exactly what is going to happen by day 6 or so. It's really that predictable.
I feel like the less we know, the more interesting they seem because the truth is always far less intriguing. I never thought that would apply to Ruka's backstory, even the narby part. Her mom feels like such a manufactured character too. Like she was written for her role and not as an actual person. Higuchi and Yuki's backstories were more interesting imo. Don't get me wrong, they are corny as hell, but they introduced more interesting ideas

Pretty underwhelming chapter overall that could've been executed and written way better

>Gameplay - Art
Maps are beautiful. Some parts are just stunning. They're really getting better at the stealth gameplay too. But you JUST know most of the time was spent on that stupid lab. Meanwhile you know no time was spent on Ruka's past. I guess rightfully so, but still, I can count the polys.
>Gameplay - Battles
They REALLY toned down the difficulty. I guess it's fine, but I would at least like the bosses to be hard. Knot was an utter joke. Creature was an AWESOME fight. Easy, but awesome. Wish that got more time instead of Razing, which was just a shitty tree.

Was it worth the almost 1 year wait? Hell no. I'm really starting to lose faith, especially with chapter 5.15 31A redux coming up. Something BIG better happen soon cause this did not deliver
31A is the main squad, of course they get a lot of screen time in the main chapters.
>>>I feel like the less we know, the more interesting they seem because the truth is always far less intriguing
They barely revealed anything while adding a bunch of questions though?
>>Her mom feels like such a manufactured character too
It's fine if you dislike the execution but I think it's partially intentional to make it hard to tell if it's Ruka's memory or actually the past.
I played most the chapter with 31A SS1 styles so the difficulty felt just right save for the final fight. Overall I have some problems but the chapter is quite satisfying for me. Also this guy has a pretty good list of qusetions in this chapter https://youtube.com/watch?v=Abx_to3K2MM
CN server tutorial gacha just lets them pick whatever they want instead of wasting their time.
Not like it matters since most JP players who actually play has almost all of the starting SS at this point
It matters for new players rerolling because it's an obnoxious moment where you 100% will get whatever starting style you want, but you have to jump through extra hoops to get it, just pure time waste.
Most of the starter SS sucks shit on JP so nobody in JP would be even rerolling for that garbage,
People absolutely reroll for characters they're interested it in or for stuff like healer Tama, don't project your autism on everyone.
>don't project your autism
A bit late on that when >>1413101 shows that metafagging is as inevitable to gacha as end of service is. Said people you talk about would also pull up a wiki with an awful tier list and reroll using that.
>when >>1413101 shows that metafagging is as inevitable to gacha
They nerfed the story so hard by now, you can clear it with complete trash as long as you do the proper equip/leveling. When people complain that the new styles aren't the best thing ever, they're complaining about the score attack highest numbers minmax/hard mode usage, which is irrelevant to an average player.
>Said people you talk about would also pull up a wiki with an awful tier list and reroll using that.
So? They exist, and this selection thing keeps them from pointlessly wasting their time, so it's a good change overall.
We could go around circles arguing about casuals and get nowhere so whatever.

More annoying it took until now for the game to even get a suptix but WFS seems to have PTSD from how they treated Another Eden.
Is there a summary of all the niche scenes that only show up when you active certain story flags / do weird stuff? I've encountered more of them this chapter than the two previous ones combined.
The chapter just came out so it will probably take a while for people to find everything. It seems like you can get pic related if you've been doing the morning call seriously.
I got that one, was very happy to see that my effort to make Ruka (slightly) more reliable paid off.
It's a shame that the cancers in chapter 5 are so weak. It feels like they balanced the game against launch day levels.
Clearing chapter 3 when it released a month after launch with level 60 S and 90 SS styles, now that was a challenge.
It was already enough that they removed physical resistance from random battle cancers in some update (was it for the 1.5th anniversary?). But now? I mean if a player can make it through chapter 4.2, they are more than capable of clearing chapter 5 at that point. No need to nerf it so hard.
I hope they'll do some feedback/gameplay questionnaire on this. They need to up the difficulty again or at least add a setting/scaling based on party power.
They weren't lying when they said they were abandoning some of the original ideas behind the design of this game around the 1.5 anniversary. They decided that the great normalfag filtering that happened after the release and the constant clear rate problems were a mistake, so we'll probably never go back to that.
Chapter 4.2 wasn't difficult, only annoying with the resistance shit (one enemy weak to element X, the other resistant and vice versa, also neutral resistance).
And fuck was it annoying. It was already a filler as fuck chapter, on top that gameplay? I never had less fun playing the game.

They were clearly unable to balance it in an interesting way, so abandoning the idea and focusing on making possibly fun bosses for SA and whatnot is probably a better idea. Dungeons SUCK.
Now why they made a glorified dungeon based game-mode with cards.. that I can't tell. Maybe they somehow thought only the moving part is an issue..
I mean, the resistance thing isn't too much of an issue anymore. Most cancers have an elemental weakness, so you can usually hit them neutral anyway. But not having any challenging gameplay during the story just lowers the impact of it.
You can't have a relief or sense of accomplishment, without building up some pressure first. Keeping dungeons, but making them super unchallenging is not that great.
They should just add a difficulty button like in that survival island event. Casuals can still go through the story and people who want the challenge can play it that way.
I dunno. As I said, they achieved the opposite more than anything else. People getting stuck, and those that don't getting more annoyed than anything else.

Chapter 3 was simply different in design. The enemies hit hard but didn't have much of any HP. They stopped doing this for a long time now, making all normal fights a lot more spongy. They just never understood why some liked chapter 3 (vanilla).
But if you'd do this today, I fear nobody would have a challenge like that anyways.

HBR only really excels at bossfights. If you want things to be a bit harder, playing "story accurate" is an option.
My cope theory is that 5.1 is easy because they have 5.15 in the works already. Surely they'll have it out by 2.5 anni
>HBR only really excels at bossfights. If you want things to be a bit harder, playing "story accurate" is an option.
I might try it next time. This time my 31A wasn't all properly leveled so while I considered it I passed on doing so.
Tennen is cool as fuck
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That's 4 gold coins for me. On the one hand I figured they'd never do this, but on the other hand I always thought it'd not amount to anything anyways, and I'm correct there.
At least there's something we get now.
It's not too bad though, you only need 25 silver pieces for 1 gold. Pretty much no one needs A or S pieces anymore so this is like passive gold piece income.
I thought you needed 5 for 10 points. Guess it's a bit more relevant then.
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Bungo just got a whole new set of poses and it kind of broke the pose viewer. If you load the new pbz file, it'll replace the existing "Bungo Yayoi" entry instead of making a new one. I fixed it already, but you'll have to download the new v4 of the script or exe. If you load it with the old version and then switch to the current one, you may have to delete pbz2_files.pdb and let it read in all the pose files again.

Okay, it's actually a good 2 lbs I get out of this, though I need to wait 2 more months to get everything.
Now the question is, what will this cause? LBs have been less and less important with the recent-ish changes to level cap. Sure, they are nice, but I've been using a bunch of lb0 without any issues whatsoever for a while now. Kinda unthinkable for shit like max level SA before the change.
I noticed that event pictures are in the story folder now. Is it supposed to be like that or just an issue with the mega?
>no event in April
>March event is recap
That's a long break they are taking. Though for whatever reason, people tend to like these in HBR. (Ichigo, Kura)
I must have just misplaced them. I'll fix it.
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Today is a special day. Arguably the most broken style with essentially 100% usage rate for those who have it, becomes 1 year old.
Used in every single SA or otherwise challenge of some sorts. And even the extremely minor exception of "enemy has no weakness" has disappeared for about 4 months already.

I honestly didn't expect her to last this long. She combos well with Mari ss2, but if mind eye became more prevalent on styles, she could be replaced for better healers, as her mind eye would become redundant. It didn't happen though. The only attempt was made via Tama, but single target and very slow to use (aka high SP cost) made it easy for Muaa. I haven't even used suit Tama once.

I wonder if we'll ever get a style like this again.
>and very slow to use (aka high SP cost) made it easy for Muaa.
Her cost is literally less than Muua's.
It's not about how expensive the ult is, but about how fast a character sets up characters, and how many. Tama alone is just way too slow (34sp for a SINGLE character). You can technically use her well with Yunyun ss1, but that one isn't used much anymore outside of thunder, and thunder still has Higuchi and Yunyun ss2 covers the crit-rate needs anyways.

In short: No styles really synergize well with her, and alone she's too slow and is downright terrible the moment you need more than 1 char set up. Muaa + Mari is generally a much better deal than suit Tama + whatever.
>if Tama becomes a solo full buffer and does 3x more than Muua, she would need more SP, so Muua is faster
Sorry, I forgot you were retarded, I shouldn't have replied.
It seems like you stopped reading after what you quoted. Try continuing to read the post. Alternatively your reading comprehension is questionable.
Muaa + Mari > Tama + any healer. That was my message.

Also don't call people names. That's not nice. Usually doing so just makes yourself look stupid.
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>Reach area 11
>Stats are already maxed and can't keep up with rank 1K+ Cancer
So you're telling me that I have to grind in areas 1-10 praying to get a Tsukasa + Tama/Higuchi combo while farming these shitty mobs that only give 100-1000 pts a piece? What a joke of a gamemode. Calling this a roguelike is an embarrassment. I'm glad I didn't fall for the arts battle scam and invest into getting dark yuki
Now that a few weeks have passed to look at it realistically, I'm pretty sure if Ruka just got a better solo dark style, it would be much better for her. Good dark style + inherited fire SS1 ult >>>>> fire/dark elemental switch thing she got.
The dreaded feeling of emptiness set in again after clearing all content. I hope we'll see the next part before the end of the year. Oh well, back to the waiting game.

By the way, can someone recommend similar stories like HBR, where the focus is mostly on the interactions between characters, but with a larger plot keeping it all tied together. Bonus points, if it's all girls.
JP only is fine. I'd take anything, VNs, LNs, mangas, even a voice drama if there is one.
Well there's obviously Angel Beats but other than that I can't think of anything that is quite like HBR. However there is a few somewhat similar stories I can recommend:
- Shin Sekai Yori: there're some yuri moments but it's not the focus. The tone is also different from HBR with verry little comedy. However it has a pretty interesting setting.
- Haibane Renmei: the main cast is all girl. It's mostly SOL with some mysteries.
- Ergo Proxy: nice SF show but it can get a little abstract at times.
- Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria: a pretty good LN series that isn't that long (7 volumes). I think it's hard to stop reading once you start. The ending could be better but overall a very enjoyable read.
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It has been almost 3 months since the last meta relevant style. This Tenne is nice for light teams, but was it really too much for them to make her a resistance swapper? I suppose it doesn't matter since chapter 5 was a cakewalk, but it would really suck if they're just going to design new styles around trash modes like tower and arts battle. Also I feel like it's about time we got more fanservice-y styles.
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I wish there was an option to transfer SS1 LB3 passives too. The stun coin flip on entering battle that Megumi SS1 had was actually super useful, I would take it over any micro buff/debuff crap passives her better styles got any day.
Honestly, passives have been awkward for a long time. There are a lot of interesting enough S passives, but you never really see them.
I have been under the impression for way too long that abilities transfer between styles just because they weren't marked 専用 like stats
Kozue's VA is going to be on the next stream.
A new style with more debuffs and good passives would be very welcome honestly.
She already has a non-elemental style, so it's probably either thunder she skipped or fire like the other recent 31B styles.

If it's thunder, there's a very good chance it's some gimmick shit to keep her from overshadowing Sharo. They are still heavily pushing that style.
If it's fire, then there's a decent chance to get a good style. Isuzu's position in the comp is very easy to snatch. Megumi is also very easy to powercreep debuff-wise, but she also has a big field, which makes it a lot harder, but still not impossible if they will give her a super big field or some shit.
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If it's elec I can see her getting big field or perma elec def down, which would both be boring. If it's fire, I pray that we'll finally get another resist reversal instead of just something like perma fire def down. I don't think they'll give debuffers another new mechanic so soon, but who the hell knows. Worst case scenario is if she's a fArts battle style.
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Exactly how limited is limited duo Ruka?
I had just been lazily doing dailies for the past year and didn't think to roll, but now I'm catching up on the story and regret it.
>If it's elec I can see her getting big field
So far, all 3 big fields have been given to 31A, I think it's a protagonist squad thing. They don't have the gameplay gimmick as a squad, but at least they get this.
Hard to say. They said they are going to rerun it later, but nobody knows how often it will happen yet.
hbr.quest is updated.
What the fuck am I even looking at.
I'll just assume that means the half anniversary
If morale's skill damage boost doesn't stack with regular skill damage boost and is instead multiplicative then she's... ok I guess? Max is only 50% which is really low. Fields themselves are kinda deprecated these days. If it does stack then she's garbage. I think this morale buff doesn't go away like tokens after combat (cause if it does go away you'd have to stack all the way up to 10 again). So she's the perfect Arts battle buffer with a spammable crit buff and a perma 50% team wide boost. Kinda shit everywhere though. Man instead of designing styles for dungeon and fArts battle maybe they should make the modes actually fun first... Also
>One character rate up
They're really taking that break huh
>Max is only 50% which is really low.
I mean, it's decent by itself(if it doesn't stack), but how much SP do you need to stack it, like 30? What the hell. I like the idea of skills you can spam through the fight, but I think it would be better to be a cheap 3-4 sp normal skill, not the ulti.
Congratulations. You win. It's a fArts style.

I'm pretty sure at least. People will need to test it first, but I'd assume morale persists, and a no use-cap crit buff is also very fArts. +50 stats and 50% damage without using any buffs is honestly speaking borderline broken for that mode.
>+50 stats and 50% damage without using any buffs is honestly speaking borderline broken for that mode.
It's kind of dumb though. If you now have to use this one specific character in any comp to be on top in the mode, then the mode is inflexible as fuck, the exact opposite of what roguelike is supposed to be.
Also, when did she get a Tower? Is that new? Because that buff to her base ult is not small. It's only a normal enhance, but still. That alone would cost 9sp. And then a 20% amp for debuffs in your party?

I'm not sure how good this char is, but I'll be honest: She looks like a very cheesy but potentially really powerful style.

No use limit crit buff, st but a bit costly.
Party enhance (limited in use) + party recovery + debuff power up
4sp -20stat ST attack (from second style)
elec def down and aoe non elemental dungeon nuke
On top of that the new ult.

She can basically cause a 70 stat difference, permanently, if you give her enough time. Which.. well, takes time. But you know. The main question is how crits work with that. Because that was always the caveeat with crit buffs. Considering she literally comes with it, I'd assume it at least works with Morale? It didn't work with stat debuffs before, so unless they changed that it's still the same. She could be a MUCH better buffer than we think. Stat difference is a HUGE damage factor.

What a weird unit.
The mode is completely trash right now anyways, you are fully at the mercy of the game's RNG. None of the cards giving you buffs based on shit happening (i.e. winning fights) are retroactive, so if you put that into your deck, and get it late? You lost. Get the one time use stat +30% cards early? You lost. It's absolutely shit right now. And honestly speaking, it needs a full rework for the next season. There needs to be something you can do about card draws. Something to control your deck to an extend. Separation of enemies and your card hand would be a start.

It's not like there wouldn't be more styles working with it continuing either. I'm curious how this style ends up being. If the skill damage you get out of this is an actual extra multiplier, and crits work with the buff as well, she's actually good no matter where. Needs a while to get going, but then giga strong.
Kojuu's crit buff is basically an ult-tier ability. Not the best ult, but it's still leagues better than having normal attack up or some shit. I guess we're entering the power creep stage where some chosen characters will just have 2 ults on them.
The crit buff isn't even limited to this style, so it can be used on her ice SS, too. You can probably rush some stuff with this + absolute phenomenon in an electro team.
Also, Sumomo's S style is actually decent for once. They should release more self elemental buffs like that.
>It's only a normal enhance, but still. That alone would cost 9sp. And then a 20% amp for debuffs in your party?
She also got an upgrade on the effect itself allowing her to restore it beyond the 20SP limit. What even triggered this treatment when most characters get some random effect with condition/limitation and she just gets 3 upgrades for free? She also got today's stream where the character was jerked off for about an hour. Did they just decide to test if they could force the popularity of a random character?
Probably was always popular-ish. Her ss2 is one of the old styles that got animated, and I know she ranks within my top 3 at least. She may not be one of the biggest, but..

Also Tsukasa's field was also buffed. Bonus enhance buff (we'll really have to see how these work), among a flatout lower SP cost. Depending on how the new Kozue is, she + swimsuit Tsukasa might be better than Megumi + other crit buffer for fire, especially because Isuzu exists and can do all the debuffing you really need.

It's been a while, but whoever they got for style designs for their break.. is definitely an interesting person.
This sounds like ass to play, to be honest, even if ends up being better mathematically.
>Kojuu needs infinite SP to both set up her ult and buff crit while having inferior crit to Yotsuha
>Tsukasa enhance buff is one use, so you need 40SP to double field and double enhance to get the full effect
>Isuzu needs 4 turns to full debuff now
>You lose fragile and elemental buff, so you probably need double style Ichiko as an another necessary slot
>If you're not playing Ichigo, integrating YunYun into this is complete ass
>no convenient buffed breaker/secondary attacker anymore
>zero free space to slot anything else ever
Let's face it, fire was always ugly and weird to play. You always had these bad overlaps. Yotsuha having fire enhance, when Ichiko has that on the best spell of the game, including dmg cut. Megumi having fire def down, when Isuzu provides that along her DP shred (in case this isn't necessary, you can ditch her), completely aside of the diminishing stacking so the fire def down loses value. A clean and synergizing team is hard to get. But depending on the performance, it might be worth looking at the new stuff. Pure debuffers like Isuzu and Megumi always have one issue: Nothing to do till you go in, other then maybe using an OD orb. Getting rid of one, or even both if the DP def shred isn't needed sounds like a start. In faster elements, debuffers don't have this issue.

You also make assumptions that are still just that. We don't exactly know how everything works in regards to the new stuff Tsukasa has. And it's important to know. But one thing is for sure: You overestimate Yunyun. Regardless of Ichigo, you don't need a strictly single hypercarry buffing character. You even mentioned yourself that fire has usually multiple characters that can deal damage. Ichiko and whatever your dps is are obvious, but plenty of others can, in theory, also help. And in my opinion, the cornerstone of a fire team is Ichiko. As someone using Seira in ice a lot, this buff is way too fucking good. Party elemental enhance + party damage cut for 9sp is too broken to not abuse.
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I love randomimpulserolling
>stories like HBR, where the focus is mostly on the interactions between characters, but with a larger plot keeping it all tied together
every gacha ever?
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Yeah right. Most of them don't allow characters to interact without the presence of (blank slate character).
According to people testing it, the damage part of Koju's ult seems to be the part of the enhance stack, it's not that amazing. The stats are still good though.
I kinda want to do some of this but it feels like such a waste not to save up for spark every time
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That's kind of unreasonable unless you're always getting the passes.
I save up for sparks in every other gacha I've ever played, but I've never reached 20k gems in this one
I'm playing a game from a genre I hate in a language I can barely read just because I love Maeda and Key, my reason is long since gone.
I've already done it once or twice. I have around 45k now. Maybe I've gotten lucky and only returned to this game when they've been very generous. I think the last time I did any 10rolls was the first AB collab, don't recall if I sparked or not but I got both SS at least
I don't get passes, but I don't roll on anything that I don't either like or feel like is too good to skip. Last time I pulled for Sharo and Maria, after which I was out of pulls, and now I have a spark again.
Not to say I always spark. But reaching one? Totally possible. That said, I'm an older player, and my account is in a good shape. So things like the current popular banner aren't very interesting, as I have all you really want from it. In fact, I have a lot of styles to begin with. I also often do things like scams, and stuff like the recent selector, aka spend some money.
After quickly luckshitting Kozue in a 10 pull, I tried her out vs the highest level Spider prism.

My dark Adel has a border advantage of 131 during a crit (she's lb3) vs this 400 border Spider. Her damage increased by ~30% after 3 Kozue stacks.

So two possibilities:
-The skill power bonus is a multiplier
-Crits stack with the border bonus.

-Adel caps at 147 advantage, and compared to her 131 the damage difference is 9%.

I used two Mari buffs, which technically should be 318% dmg amp (lb3 passive + style upgrade making it 50% stronger), and Adel has her own dark enhance of 94%, and lb 3 provides another 25% so let's round this to 435%. Add 30% to that and it'd be 5.6% more damage. (535 vs 565) Multiplied with the former 9% it's 15% more damage.

There's damage variance in this game, but I don't think it's this big. So the enhance bonus is unlikely additive, but the crits don't work with the stat buff. That is my current theory.

I'll try it some more. But if it is like this, she's really largely useful for dungeons to get away from needing crits all the time.. which she can however provide? Weird.
Alright, it was just Adel being broken.

Tests with other units show:
Skill damage additive, crits work with stat boost.

You can realistically expect 40-50% boost on crits from the stat increase. My test-case was 40 above border, and gained 33% from 4 stacks. With ~220 skill damage bonus from enhances already there, this gave a net increase of 50% damage. I also tested Lolita with full con build (510 con baby) already exceeding the limit via crits, and Kozue's buffs basically did nothing. The cap remains the same.

I don't think this is good enough outside of dungeons for lategame accounts, but for newer accounts this isn't bad at all. There are a bunch of really high border enemies in the game that aren't hitting that hard. Kozue can massively amp your damage there, and once she's done provide you crit buffs. It's gonna be taking a while, but thanks to getting 4sp per turn in the front past 3 buffs (lb1 needed, and also very recommended), she can definitely help.

No denying that she is supposed to be about dungeons and she definitely shines there. For everything else, I think the game is too fast to make use of her. Maybe vs the two big weekly bosses. High border, and very long fights.

With lb1 she needs 8 turns to fully stack her ult, ignoring OD. (which you shouldn't, as those 5 stacks bring 75% of an OD bar, + 22.5% from her attacks) With the SP orb, you can cut this down to 7 turns. Most enemies can be killed within 7 turns, so that's all she'd be doing if you want it maxed. You don't have to max it of course. If you are fine with 3 stacks, and considering 1 OD use, a permanent frontline Kozue lb1 gets 17 more SP to work within a total of 7 turns. Enough for her ss1 ult, 2 elec debuffs or a crit buff. Note that she has the critical chance increase as a passive style upgrade, so a single buff should be enough to guarantee crits!

My rating for older players: A (if you have her other styles) = very convenient to have
For newer players: S
Why do they almost always either autistically over-inflate the new effects numbers or make it completely underpowered shit? 95% of the time it's like that, the exceptions are super rare.
They are incompetent at balance and design, simple as.
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Tier 0? Really? She doesn't seem as gamebreaking as sharlo SS2 or tamasuit in what she offers, unless I'm missing something
There's no way. Maybe for new players rerolls she's the top tier, but there's no way you actually need her ever, it's more of a luxury character.
Yeah I imagine for a new player, the infinite crit buffs is insanely good. Existing late game players hardly need that.
Anyone knows why the game sometimes lags really hard in combat? For example when buffs get applied. It does this for quite a while now, but today it's been so bad I gotta ask. Some attacks lag so hard, what should take half a second takes like 3. Notably only when the effect "hits", aka when damage pops up or buffs get applied, nothing before.
I'm also getting lags now. But they just released v4.2.1, a huge 3.5gb update containing "light bugfixes". That might fix it.
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I had this issues for a long time, and they are still there. The weird thing is, that it's not always, and isn't a battle specific thing either.
As if the game spikes in power use the moment an attack hits, and due to typical energy saving of CPU and GPU these lags happen.

Anyways, dim X done. Kozue wasn't needed here, suit Tama or Higuchi would've done the same. I only used her ult once, and buffed Isuzu and Megumi once each. Pretty sure her buff really is 100% crit-rate though (max level with style upgrades), which Tama and Higuchi don't hit, so depending on RNG you might be unlucky.
I honestly feel that the hype some people are trying to create around her is kind of unhealthy or even malicious. I can guarantee that a bunch of less knowledgeable people who already have good crit buffers and attackers/blasters with a few LBs will roll for this expecting some insane game changer because it's a new "super broken tier 0 unit". And then what they really get is just a convenience side grade.
If you are less knowledgeable, she is a massive improvement though. Most players don't really stack shit very well, and her ult buff lasting forever and her crit buff being basically good by itself to hit guaranteed crits is actually very powerful then. Unlimited use is also helpful when you don't stack until ohko.

If you are already good at the game, you will know yourself that what she brings to the table isn't gonna massively change your game.
Totall forgot I started the expression script yesterday. Miya got 5 new ones and a second blush. Call me crazy, but I think they have something big planned for her.
You underestimate the number of people who exist in the wide gap between being completely new and clueless and actually understanding the underlying mechanics properly. People who have learned how to play the game correctly don't always know why it works the way it does, and how less obvious things would affect them.
If these are new, it'll be day 20xx of me coping that they'll finally add another resist reversal debuffer. Hell it could be on an attacker or defender for all I care, but making it exclusive to lightning just doesn't make sense unless each other element got their own unique ability. So far it's only (maybe) idol Aoi's debuff resist for fire, Akari's 150? OD guage break for ice, Yotsuha's AOE rengeki for light, and Megumi's perma debuffs and heal negate for dark.
They designed Megumi specifically so she could coexist with another dark debuffer perfectly, so maybe she'll get something important like that, but I kind of stopped expecting them at this point.
Something エロ
If it's something BIG I can see her and Yuina maybe getting a unison style. Though I wonder just how effective a debuffer/attacker unison style would be. It feels like the attacker side would just be completely useless unless the debuffer side doesn't do damage. They also have to stride the fine line of making it too weak and pointless like throne ruka (there is no debuffer side and it's just two ok attackers) or making it too strong and having it replace multiple characters (if there is no attacker side and it's just two strong elemental debuffers)
By big he meant an event, I'm not sure they have a reason to rush a 2nd unison already, they will get old and unexciting real fast if you spam them.
I don't see why it can't be both. If it is for an event, it'll be released late April which makes it two months already since Ruka. I think 2+ months is an ok gap of time for limited styles being back on a banner
>limited fomo shit every 2 month
Just how much have you been abused by gacha companies to actually willingly ask for this crap?
Have you been living under a rock? 99% of gachas ONLY release limited high rarity characters with a small pool of shitter "premium" characters. I mean you really have to be a first time player to get affected by fomo in this game genre
I wonder if they are earning enough at this point. I guess their real life events and concerts make enough profit to keep going like this.
But still, there is barely any challenge left in the game, which was part of its selling point in my opinion. I don't think whales would want to spend money if they keep it like this.
Maybe they'll drop another dungeon or new content to grind again.
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I guess you're lucky enough to miss dumb revenue discussions, but yeah it does really well consistently.
Yeah, and this one wasn't, so why are you asking them to make it much worse by making it a regular occurrence instead of it being a rare (un)necessary evil anniversary/chapter release thing?
It does well in revenue, but the new player rate is abysmal. For some months, they have been unable to attract new players, and the playerbase is almost the same as it was one year ago, which will bite them in the ass in the long run.
It's still good, but I think it could have been even better if they were smarter about managing power creep instead of randomly releasing complete bullshit styles like Sharo for quick cash. I also think their waifufag strategy is really lacking too, they focus on milking and shilling Aoi/Yuina(especially Aoi) as the ultimate waifus too hard instead of trying to shill other popular characters harder, You can see it in the popularity poll where Nanami wins over 90% of the playable cast, it should simply not happen, it means they're not doing their job well enough to sell them.
That's completely normal if it's Nanami
>there is barely any challenge left in the game, which was part of its selling point in my opinion
I thought its selling point was "new Maeda/Key work"
It obviously is but this thread has a weird number of obsessive gameplay posters.
I mean to be fair in most other gacha the gameplayfags whale far more money than the waifufags who whale far more money than the storyfags, but I'm not sure how it is in HBR's case
I think most people would like their new style to be usable. Maybe it wouldn't be that big an issue if they finally made swappable costumes a thing, but it has been 2 years and they still haven't made any indication of adding that.
Yeah I don't really get it
Maybe they think people are less likely to roll for something new if they can just use whatever look they want
They probably don't want to create ult animation for old styles every time they release a new one (which add up very quickly the longer the game runs).
It's 3d, that's no effort. SS1 ults also work on all styles, and it's not like they remake the animations. Same goes for normal attacks all styles use anyways.
I have no idea how they make the animation but it's probably not just a copy paste work. I've seen vids on youtube comparing different versions of Karen's base ult and they are not completely the same which means they have to manually adjust it to some level.
I'm near the end of 4.1 but I'm getting fucked over by only having SS styles of half of 31A.
I get it, everyone else is also busy with the mission, but still annoying. What am I even supposed to do here?
I can try maxing out Karen, Tsukasa and Yuki in the hope that they'll be at least a bit useful but otherwise I guess I can only throw my saved up gems against one of the gachas in the hope to get a better style for them
If you are new, playing story accurate is a bad idea. Just use what you have.
Ok, now I feel stupid. I could swear I tried using characters disabled by the story before and it wouldn't let me start with them at all.
But it does work, thanks
>I could swear I tried using characters disabled by the story before and it wouldn't let me start with them at all.
It was probably in the ch.2 final fight. The main story only hard restricts the use of characters if they're actually on the field in some way.
>You can't set jioramas as your profile background
This game is fucking ass. C'mon Kakinuma, it's the least you can do
It was discovered that Koju's morale stats effect counts as a normal status up buff under the hood, so it doesn't stack with and replace other status up effects like Tama's skill.
>You can run out of ace enemies in an area
So there is a hard score limit... Fuck I didn't know and missed some gold hoppers
Anyone have the new albums?
Tried 10 x10 rolls for the anniv gacha and got nothing, I really shouldn't try my luck if I can't spark. Fuck.
Good stream, data stuff, bugfixes, future plans:

Debuffer like vampire Sharo for the other elements, too. It was about time. They plan to release more high difficulty content.
New character enhancement stuff, probably (?) something to grind like those elemental teardrops from the dungeon.
Looks like no event for 21 days after the current one ends. They are taking a break. So that should be from April 5 to 26. They'll do a special stream on the 26th to talk about the next event then.
1 free SS gacha for the 777 day campaign.

I think that was most of the relevant information. Feel free to correct me, if I got something wrong.
Looking at the debuffer list, I'd say
Light: Isuzu
Dark: Miya
Ice: Megumi
Fire: Aina or Fubuki
I'm terrible at predicting WFS decisions though.
But are they doing April Fools instead?
Why is the wishlist gacha still so expensive when there is already a cheaper version you can get just by buying the premium pass? Yeah you gotta wait and the pool is like 3 or 4 styles short, but you also get the other pass bonuses. Seems like a really big bait to me especially when other elemental debuffers are on the way
Did they change this? The premium pass only ever had a fully random guaranteed SS in it. But I haven't paid attention, as you can't buy it via steam anyways.
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Spending my dungeon tickets, something interesting happened at the end of the dungeon with its 2 phase fight. I don't know if it stacks (based on nothing being grayed out it should?) but, it I don't think this should happen when a second phase starts?
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What's the point of this retarded gacha? I don't see why would you ever try for this instead of just waiting.
Why does no one in these threads care about She is Legend?
What do you mean? I think most people here like the game's music, SiL inccluded.
gachas literally make all their money on people who cannot wait
I WORSHIP She is Legend
I like Yanagi Nagi a lot more personally, and they sing the same songs for the most part
this is not ok
Ok, never fight an ace enemy in area 11+. Duly noted.
So a 106% skill buff just overrides it? Wow that really sucks
The stats buff part. So, if you have level 3 morale and +30 all stats, and then you use a different +20 stats skill, it won't become +50, it will still be +30.
What about the skill power part? Does it get added with regular skill buffs or does it get overridden?
>level 3
I meant level 6. Not sure why they made it 5 two steps instead of just 5 steps. Maybe other characters will have skills with different morale level gain.
Skill power just goes into the stack like any other additional skill power effect. It's a really weird skill, it's an unique effect with an unique icon, but mechanically it's just already existing buffs bundled together.
true. she gets the better battle songs
I'm doing it when I'm on the go and have literally nothing else to do. And even then it's pain and I have to semi-force myself. 1m points are unironically easily 15-20 hours of extremely boring manual grind.
Considering the MANUAL part of this, I'm fairly certain I haven't grinded this much since launch of the game, adding up all the manual grind I did in the game since then.

This mode should ideally never come back, or have the battles removed/drastically reduced. The biggest joke is how this was supposed to be a shuttle run replacement. WHERE?!? HOW?!? Shuttle run is AFK grind, where you check your character once every 20-30 minutes and send them to the other end of the dungeon, taking like 3 seconds, while you do other stuff.
Yeah, you can full auto with every character on the ch.3 shuttle run, even if it's just an S style. Can't do that on the card battles.
Also, those medal currencies just sit there once you have all cards.

I'd rather play baseball with HBR characters. Come on Maeda, that's like your thing.
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Trying to rank was definitely a terrible waste of time and resources. Breaking it down I want to say it's:

>0% the deck
It's already solved which arts are usable and which ones are trash

>25% the team
Only specific styles can help you best 1-turn trash mobs and also deal with ace mobs. Though at 999 stats almost any standard team can pull off a 1 turn prior to area 11

>40% luck
This is absolutely the worst aspect. Sometimes you can get lucky and pull off all the necessary Tsukasa doubles early and other times you're just stuck discarding the key arts until way deep into the run. Also sometimes you just don't draw into Higuchi or Tama and get fucked out of an area

>35% knowledge
There's the general gameplay strats you need to know (like when to best use certain arts and how to best use ace enemies) and then there's the more pivotal calc knowledge you would only know after experiencing it - like how buffed you have to be to 1-turn or 2-turn enemies. This is only really an issue because the difficulty between pre-area 11 and area 11+ is like night and day. You can go from taking no damage in area 10 to getting one shot by a trash mob in area 11. This wouldn't be a problem if you can reach area 11 easily and experiment, but the time it takes to reach 999 stats just to do this... you'd really have to be locked in

All of this without mentioning that even on the luckiest run where you're looping Tsukasas, Higuchis, and Tamas like no one's business, you still have to spend an exorbitant amount of TIME going through trash mobs for a meager 100 pts once all the ace enemies are expended. It's honestly a miserable experience, especially after coming home from work. And all that effort can be wasted if you get fucked by rng 11 areas in. This has to be one of the most autistic and unrewarding rogue likes ever conceptualized. Thank you, Shimoda rat
Gameplay datamine is up. I'm honestly not sure what to say about this.
>coomer set
Thank you yurina-sama. She has finally blessed us. That aside, why the fixed damage meme? Are they making damage limits actually a thing? Cause otherwise that Yunyun is pretty much useless. Especially if you need 30SP for 1 mill
>Especially if you need 30SP for 1 mill
Sounds to me like you can do it with 1 SP as well, so pretty much twice in a row immediately
So the dark resist character has a multi-hit buff(so its non-resist effect is useless for Adel and Chie, the main dark attackers) and has no debuffs, so she doesn't replace Fubuki and the whole weird debuffer thing Dark has isn't solved.
So is the 15-30% dependent on skill level and not SP? I guess that's pretty good for multi-layer DP enemies as well. Maybe for something like razing eclipse hard in 2 years
At least they can finally get rid of Shiki if they haven't already
Dark 31A is the first 31A variant that you can play without feeling like you're gimping yourself. Obviously not the most optimal, but it actually has things you're supposed to have and then Karen should add DR gain(and potentially become the main attacker style for them).
Wait nevermind yunyun and the orbs only deal HP damage. That shit is actually useless unless they make damage limits a semi-regular thing.
I like what some guy on 5ch said about it, it was something like
>Can you stop experimenting with the new effects that you can tell are garbage just by reading the skill description?
This is hard cope, but since they're still cranking out the useless amon series, suuurrely they'll have something for percentage hp damage. I mean idol aoi finally got her use for this current galaxy front thing
Do you need a VPN to play? Does this run well on bluestacks? I'm curious about playing but I'd wanna read everything. I wonder if the in-app translation tool would work.
It's on steam.
Oh thanks. Pls tell me no one's screenshotting dialogue by dialogue...
Im hoping an anon over gets/post shunmin ryodan over here or any of the newest stuff
Use a ocr reader fetus anon, there was a steam guide on it
The main attacker is Ruka. No idea what they'd do with Karen. Maybe like the suit version, but Blasters are easy to break. I also want more love for blasters not fucked by slash resistance. The only useful Blaster vs that is Byakko right now, and I do not have her.
>shunmin ryodan over here or any of the newest stuff
Already available at the usual place for shunmin and all the new yanagi songs.
Irene: Anger, Joy2, Special1 and can now sweat
I also discovered that I missed a few hands in previous events
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well that's certainly a reroll
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On first glance, Tsukasa and Adel don't seem to synergize that well. But due to how broken Adel is, it hardly matters. If the enemy isn't too tanky, you can just rush them down a bit faster, too!
And some people worry about Yunyun making low HP enemies too easy if you can refresh her ult with Muaa...
they really killed the game with this "hurrrr just keep inflating damage" bullshit
People generally don't care about this
It was guaranteed to go this way from the release, just from the way effect stacking and crits worked. It's just that we had too few characters back then, so it wasn't as obvious.
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They haven't really inflated damage much for quite a long time now. The only new-ish thing recently was the weakness creation, but it will always be worse to do than go with a natural weakness. Unless you have a really fucking strong char + team to overpower said advantage. If you had theoretically access to everything however, I think you'd still always prefer to play on element.

Anyways, score attack was changed, and I think they reward clear speed more, and max damage dealt less? The difference in score doing a quite a bit higher difficulty doesn't seem to be very big though. (doing exactly the same things with the same chars and stats)
I was never one to try and deal the most damage I can in these, so I can't say if it really got harder or not. I always liked aiming for fairly fast kills instead.
>The only new-ish thing recently was the weakness creation, but it will always be worse to do than go with a natural weakness
You can do both though, additional weakness from the skill improving the original weakness instead of replacing it based on what's bigger is another layer of number stacking that really wasn't necessary. I generally hate how useful these weakness units are, they create weakness, buff original weakness if it's already there, and have other useful effects too. If it was just minus one slot for the sake of creating a weakness, that would be like 10x more balanced.
Am I tripping, or is there really no aoe light def down in the game even after two years since the release?
>game recycling content as of late, just making it more numbers
>banners getting more jewish with new limited
>writing is the most soulless maeda has even been
>anything else from maeda still mia
>new story is as braindead as last story involving megumi
>no fanart or attention from doujin artists
this game has always been shit but its been unbearable as of late
cant even be bothered to login these days
There's always lots of fanart. There's even a campaign right now. Try existing beyond danbooru.
Tsukasa is a downgrade vs dark weak though. There needs to be no weakness for her to matter. Or you do something silly like Monaka carry. Lolita and/or Adel don't care about her if they hit weakness' anyways.

Sharo.. is too good. Yes. But it's not like there's no other styles that just end up really good. Doesn't make thunder stronger than other elements either.
"aoe light def down" is a specific enough thing that it's no wonder
I would rather wonder why there's only one slash and two blunt but 13 pierce breakers
>"aoe light def down" is a specific enough thing
Pretty much the entirety of meta light (Karen/Monaka, Tsukasa, Yuki for minmax retardation) is aoe, them not having specialized aoe debuffer and getting super efficient ST one instead is quite funny.
It's all aoe, because they didn't want to overpower Kanade in single target. And the single target support light got is precisely for Kanade. I mean look at her kit. Single target heal able to overcap (for Kanade v2) and fragile + light def down (part works for v2, all for v1).

Miko is literally Kanade's bitch (for casual players starting with the colab). You could even use her ice version and add the heal to it, for Kanade v2.
Random steamer made me remember how they added useless elementless Inori and then never gave her any support to actually make her work as a style. What was that even?
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I never looked at the street signs in dungeons. Am I lead to believe that this is either right outside the base or that Nanamin built a post-apocalyptic version of Flavor Town in the arena?
Getting 1mil feels impossible. Mainly because their border is so damn high. You basically need Kozue or else you are fucked for damage.
So they did lower the points you get from damage then? Because you could get that easily with 120 before. And that was unchanged.

I feel like going single target also makes more sense, because the damage for score isn't actually caring about aoe which is kinda dumb.
>So they did lower the points you get from damage then?
Yes, the amount you get from total damage was essentially halved (0.01->0.0047). The damage cap also got raised to compensate, but otherwise nothing else about the algorithm changed.
>I feel like going single target also makes more sense, because the damage for score isn't actually caring about aoe which is kinda dumb.
I can see that. At least AOE damage is multiplied by the amount of enemies that are hit by it, so that can boost your total damage score by quite a bit if you go that route.
Okay that explains why I thought aoe doesn't matter. Also was it raised? I think it still gets less points per damage at around 15m.

But like this you might really need to weight damage and speed.
>Also was it raised? I think it still gets less points per damage at around 15m.
The Damage Cap had been 30m since at least the first anniversary. It's been raised to 42m, but with the 0.0047 coefficient means the score only goes up to 197,400 before extra damage starts contributing a lot less.

A lot of the info I have is based on hbr.quest's Score Attack widget which is now functional for the new Score Attack mechanics. I know it's accurate with random youtube videos, and I like using it to see what my own score calculations breaks down to.
Okay, I kinda started ignoring it because it was wrong with turn bonus score for quite a few SAs. They definitely tinkered around with turns, and now it's completely different.

HBR always goes through these phases.
Level cap raise: LBs become optional
->few months later higher border stuff comes into the game and LBs become a lot more important again
-> level cap increase..

We are now back to the pre level cap raise, where a dps wanted to have lb2 cap and lb1 on the style at the very least, and supports struggle without lb1 with survival. Just with the tiny difference that style levels are now mandatory. I feared that. Those take forever.
But obligatory disclaimer: 400k isn't any harder than before I'd like to say. Even for 600k it's not necessary to go past 120. So in the end, this is, so far, only for those who want to aim higher than you really get mattering rewards for. The next weekend boss will be scary.
most likely reused post model
Got my 60k, current gachas worth rolling or keep waiting? They don't seem that good to me
If you're maining dark, it's in your best interest to get this Tsukasa, otherwise no.
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I think the most comfy elements are ice, thunder and fire. If you have decent stuff there waiting for those res shredders might be better.

Dark is still shit. It's carried solely by Adel. So it depends on how good your Adel situation is, and even then I'd always prefer playing ice Adel, due to ice being so much easier to play thanks to Seira.
Maruyama is my main battering ram at the moment, and Tsukasa is the only 31A I don't have an SS for, so I'd like to have her. Can't really justify putting her in there just to buff one character though
Why did they even call the new Tsukasa a debuffer when all of her skill effects and passives other than resistance removal are buffs? Fucking buffer class preferential treatment.
Because her style passive is + debuff power. In other words, her buffs are kinda sucky compared to a real buffer. Not like that ever stopped them from breaking this concept. Thunder Tama has better buffs and is a healer, just like suit Tama has but is a buffer.
Maybe they simply realized that this is dumb and call things now by what they passively have. Ah, who am I kidding. It's a coinflip.
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Really feels like debuffs are incredibly hampered by the high border, but there's always destruction to fall back on. Also Irie is the strongest style released this year
I've gotten all the score attack rewards until now, but I can't get 1M on this one. Border is too high, I'm dying and can't get enough damage either way. RIP. This is the only week I have a chance with my box.
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If they keep shilling and rerunning this Megumi style, can they do something about its use count limitation? It doesn't do anything for the balance, it's just pure annoyance for the player, that's all.
it's been so long since I played, any way to reread the story all over again ingame or am I going to have to watch videos?
Nothing prevents you from replaying any and all content but the colabs ingame. Though that includes replaying the gameplay. Alone for checking out different choices this is important.
>Though that includes replaying the gameplay
That's perfect, just what I wanted, thanks anon!
The Arts Battle Leaderboard got finalized and I barely made it on there. A few hundred points less and I would've missed it. I could've been in the top 500 if I finished my best run before the leaderboard closed.

Now Live Fes is on and while it's only been a few hours since it started, I'm already doing really well in the rankings. In the previous Live Fes, I ended up ranked 41, so I expect to still remain in the top 100 this time as well.
>garbage banners one after another
>more powercreep in the horizon with new limiteds
>score attacks are now even more cancer
just end the game already
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How are SA worse? This one was definitely not the hardest. Not even remotely. The scoring was changed, but this doesn't matter unless you tried to get 1m+ score before. My score hasn't changed whatsoever compared to earlier SAs.

Being the new one and some Adel ones from pic related. I never tried for high-scores and only to kill relatively fast and get 400k.

I remember some pretty hellish SA like the Aoi one in January, or one where you basically couldn't do shit unless you had maid Aoi last year. This SA is harmless in comparison.
SA is worse if you tried to get all of the rewards before but now its harder to do.
>100 now forced
>more score requiring more exclusive materials
>to push more people to spend money to limit break shit characters that will be irrelevant in a matter of two or three months
its all so tiresome. im just done with this game
>didn't fix arts battle's autistic turn grind
>added Tenne card to make it even more autistic
They're never going to make it an actual rogue like are they
>all rewards
Just due to cheese being possible. The mattering rewards are still normal.

>100 forced
That isn't new for "special" SAs though? Unless the next one is doing this again, nothing is new.

Sure, the highest difficulty is now harder and I think they went too far with the border (~400-410 would've been a perfect stopping point), SA isn't really the place for this stuff, but it still doesn't change that everything mattering in terms of rewards has absolutely no change to it. If you want useless trophies that much, I can't help you.

They mentioned something about something new to grind though, so I hope the "too high" border is just a temporary problem.

They should really just remove the mode. Unless you have literally nothing else to do, the mode is just not something anyone would play..
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They're doubling down on it for some reason, there's even an arts battle focused gacha tomorrow. Not sure who in their right mind would roll on this though.
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Guess I need to start doing dungeons huh
I swear the database website said new yunyun's ult did max health percentage damage before, but it says it does current health percentage damage now. So it's actually useless unless it's being used against damage limits. If it was max, you can actually cheese kill the Amon bosses with furisode Muua
If it did, then it wasn't translated correctly. I don't have the game open, so here's a tweet from the official account where it already says "current HP". https://twitter.com/heavenburnsred/status/1775865904233849243
Yes, it was max there before, that's how it got any positive outlook at all, current is undeniably complete garbage. Perhaps admin reused the orb prompt without checking it properly.
While we're still at it, isn't it weird that they decided to optimize YunYun's def down SP usage when her normal def down is only 6 SP? You basically only need 24SP to do a double ult + double def down combo on her, why did they add a whole fucking style to reduce its SP cost in some specific scenarios? They always try to SP optimize characters that already have it very easy, like her or Tenne, while characters that have to sell their organs to get the SP needed for their combos never get such mechanics.
It's unlikely mattering anyways, as you usually OD when you are starting with debuffs, and you very likely get positive SP from that.

The new Yunyun is giga trash. I do have her, and I will max her style level, but I seriously doubt she'll ever be used. She needed permanent def down on this ult.

The current vs max HP doesn't really matter though. You tend to do your debuffs/setup before even breaking, which means it's max HP. Of course the second use would be worse, but against any mattering opponent it's shit damage anyways. Heck, it could even possibly fuck you over by making the enemy too weak to live the blaster if you are aiming for super high scores..
Lolita gundam looks cool
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fuckin hell
Gunna need to see the numbers on that myaa skill. If they're high it's crazy how it's generic for all Miyas.
They need to release better defenders before styles like this. It's nice and all, but using Seira in ice is so comfy with the def+ and ice enhance, it's hard to care about a new unit that deals more damage and adds ice crit damage to it. Well, my Seira being lb3 by now, aka +5% OD every turn she's in the front, also doesn't help.

Ice Megumi for aoe?

Looks like a breather banner. Not bad, but also not really necessary. If Lolita had ice crit rate.. I would've liked the style. Elemental crit-rate buffs are so comfy.
lmao I've already had dozens of them expire in my mail
>They need to release better defenders before styles like this
This Chie feels like one of those "you're not supposed to be in this role, so just sit there for a bit" styles. She's specifically designed to be a little bit of an upgrade over Seira, so all the gameplayfag youtubers/sites will put her in their ice comp guides over Seira, but she's not actually a relevant upgrade, she barely adds anything of real value.
They will release ice resist removal next week
>Now roll for both banners you dogs, you want meta ice, right
Ice is too scary to give that readily to. Dark is still played in a scuffed way, but ice?
The only way they could make ice weakness creation "balanced" is by making the character buff something extremely weird like hit + ice enhance (aka Tsukasa, though unlikely as they release another ice enhancer now) and/or make the style a Seira/Mari style so it clashes with what exists.

Well I'd hope they let people recover their pulls a little regardless.
>Well I'd hope they let people recover their pulls a little regardless.
I don't think they will, it's golden week and this gacha really doesn't feel like THE gacha. There's a stream next week too, they're probably dropping THE gacha there, whatever it is.
At least, there is a guaranteed SS ten-pull, tons of free quartz + 20 free pulls. Let's hope the event story is good.
I think elemental resist reversals are a bit overvalued just because sharo is overkitted. Fragile, ele def down, 0 sp cost, and the reversal effect. Realistically they'll probably be more balanced like Tsukasa. Perma debuffs are have a lot of benefits too - like how they carry over DP layers and can stack with regular debuffs. Unfortunately they do suffer because of their high SP cost, which makes them worse in score attacks.

Ultimately this Miya will live or die by her numbers. Presumably her base numbers will be really low because perma ST debuffs are on the same level as AOE debuffs so perma AOE debuffs will be even lower. That makes it really dependent on her new skill. There are three possible scenarios
>Base numbers + new buff is still less than regular AOE
She'll be borderline useless. You do have the def downs and fragile on one style, but the value would be terrible
>Base numbers + new buff is equal to regular AOE
She'll be meh. Pretty much relegated to story and weekend bosses because of the high SP cost
>Base numbers + new buff is equal to ST debuff
She'll be super strong and replace Tenne outright since she gets access to fragile too.

This Miya also benefits from ice having Akari so maybe the SP cost can be mitigated by her break effect. All that's to say that she's definitely the better style between her and lolita. I have no idea why they didn't give lolita const or int scaling on her ult damage at least. It's only marginally better than ice Seira and you already don't use her that much after Irie. It'll probably be a good investment just for the unique buff. And I'm almost certain that the ice element reverser will be another Tsukasa case where you would want another debuffer.
30 - 20 base, 50 - 40 with buff, 60 - 50 with passive. That's equal ele def down to ST and greater def down to ST, not including other style passives. 40 SP for the full effect and then 10/20/14/24 SP for fragile(s) without/with buff is a lot of SP though.
>30 - 20 base, 50 - 40 with buff, 60 - 50 with passive
Shouldn't the buff be a multiplicative multiplier? It reads exactly like the effect Kojuu had on her ult upgrade that one was just x1.2, not +20%.
I'd be very surprised if it's additive.
It's pretty bad. The worst is that these permanent debuffs are about as permanent as permanent fields, aka not permanent whatsoever. Second phase? Gone.

I still consider these styles to be casual crutches, rather than for normal players. It's easier to work around, even if the end result is worse.
I don't understand why these styles are so anti-fun in their design. I think both hers and Megumi's should have been aoe, have Megumi's numbers instead of Miya's even without any self-buffs, and also have 4 uses. Resistance removal+weakness addition is much more conceptually broken than adding diminishing returns defence downs, and it's not nerfed or limited in any way, why did they went so hard on perma debuffs instead.
Are our youtubers obligated to be as disingenuous and shill-like as possible?
They seem to forget, that you (by now) only replace, never just add. So additional debuffs aren't a thing, it's something you use instead other debuffs.

So take this case and compare it with Isuzu. I.. don't think I even need to continue. And Isuzu isn't even limited to use in ice teams..
Maid Aoi was the second GW banner last year, so I expect a style like that again.
Some popular character, such as Yuina, Karen, Megumi, Tama etc. Then something to hard sell the style, like broken gameplay, super fanservice theme, unison, or anything like that.
Leave it to Japs to be the most disingenuous shills ever on the planet

Considering how much they spend on garbage like FGO shows how far gone the Japanese race is as a whole
You can only have one instance of Miya's buff on her(it reapplies instead of adding an inactive copy), so you can't just prepare all buffs needed like offensive self-buffs, it has to be buff > ability > buff > ability. I didn't think they could ever come up with a more annoying debuffer mechanic to use than Megumi's insane SP costs, but somehow they did it.
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Another kino event
sasuga maeda
I actually clapped when she pulled this line
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Surely you made a mistake here and meant youtube as a whole.
damn am I the only one who still reads event here?
I don't care about the cover versions at least.
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The event boss was easy this time.. if you play ice. You could cheese it with od3 20sp, and on top you can use Kozue's new style to get 5 stacks before, then in dungeon switch to her ice style and keep the buff.

The biggest problem is likely the DP, so Isuzu, the aforementioned Kozue and the typical ice trio should make short work of this regardless of how much LBs you have. My overkill was pretty drastic, letting the enemy only attack in turn 1.
I liked it too. The weird time gap and the general sentiments involved were such a Maeda thing to do. And the BGM was magnificent throughout but that's a given at this point.
I just auto'd through all the fights and only paid attention again when the dialog returned. There was a boss?
Wait, Miya's seraph is a bow? Not a gun? Wtf.
Does that mean she's super special like Ruka's duel wielding and Yuki's dreamcatcher?
Ruka is super special because she has double seraph, the form of it doesn't matter much. So many girls share the same class seraphs so wfs can reuse animations and shit, not for lore reasons, if they were less lazy most of them would have their own weapon class.
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Yeah, they even have a menu for it now, so you don't miss it existing. Pay attention during day 2's dungeon, there's a hidden branch.
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I see it's weak to dork and Akarin is my strongest ST breaker. I'll give it a shot.
So the event just ended there?
Miya walked out of the dojo all badass-like while her sister was crying on the floor?
Will the brass confront her about the secret she just learned (what year it is), or will they play dumb since she hasn't figured out the actually important part (Narvies) yet?
It seems that Maeda now wants his events to be properly integrated into the story instead of just being side content. We got swimsuit 2 directly affecting 5.1, and this event seems to be setting up the actual main story subplot.
I would prefer it that way actually. Set up the backstories beforehand, so they can be referenced without disrupting the flow of the main story too much.
I just got suit Tama through an S ticket and I don't know what to do with her. I have ninja Mari at LB2 and she's been an essential part of every team so far, should I really use my gold pieces to raise Tama's LB and replace ninja Mari? I also have base Tama at LB2 and base Muua at LB0. No Yunyun or any other fancy buffer. The fact that Tama only buffs one character at a time makes me hesitate, is she really comfier than Mari like people have been saying?
Just play what you're comfortable with. If Mari is working for you, there's no need to change anything, you're not going to get some insane power up from it.
The new Tama is meta-wise uninteresting. She isn't bad, but finding a good team is very difficult. She largely synergizes with Yunyun, but she's mostly a thunder support nowadays, and thunder tends to prefer Higuchi till the next fielder comes out.

The only cool thing about single target abilities is that you can buff the char in the backrow, which Mari can't do. But in the times where Kozue stocks are rising (and she has a crit-rate plus damage buff, even if it's a bit worse, that in exchange maxes crit-rate in one cast), it's harder than ever getting her in. Muaa is also still the only mattering healer with a buff.. game is hard.

I don't think I've ever used her in mattering content. She gains a lot of value when you have no Muaa, or have the colab defender that's really powerful. Alas I hated that scummy banner and stayed far away and made sure to not support the colab.
I see, thank you. I've been trying Tama through orb bosses and dungeons and yeah she's alright but perhaps not worth replacing my already comfy Mari/Muua combo. I guess she will be useful in future main story content now that multiple squad fights are becoming the norm.
accidentally replied to myself, meant for >>1460413
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I saw some fanatics complaining about the explicit indirect kiss, but they clearly don't know what's good in life.
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Good thing I don't care about 1m, because I feel like it'd be rather tough this time. No aoe ice blaster.
Anyways. Misato is actually quite good. You can just use her ult once to generate OD, and get everything Kozue set up by turn 9 with OD 2 available.
They did, Kakinuma just said there won't be any style reveals today. They've completely given up on this GW, the 30G banner didn't even make the top 10.
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Can't even DP break againt this event's secret boss. I guess I can say goodbye to those quartz
>2 dead weeks
Is the game really doing that well for them to not give a shit after chapter 5 came out?
they know the game is dying
eos imminent
Well it is, but it doesn't seem out of the usual anyway
>2 dead weeks
The new event/gacha started last week, and they still added the hard mode upgrade and a few shit banners this week, what the fuck do you want. People were expecting another gacha today because doing back to back gachas on Golden Week to drain people's resources is a cancer thing gachas sometimes do, not because they're supposed to release new styles every week.
>Hard mode revamp is just the mode repackaged for new players
>still no new hard mode boss
>'shortened' cutscenes instead of removing them entirely or having an optional instant skip button
>added another limited resource like the bells except this time it's actually super impactful and extremely limited
I appreciate the quartz and all, but outside of that, the mode is still dead. It really is sad that the only interesting gameplay content now is 100k score attack, but all it does is artificially inflate the numbers. Pretty much all the modes have been flops in terms of gameplay and just feel like chores. Star front was the most promising of them, but only the first ever one had an interesting gimmick. It's funny though that all the gameplay flaws lead back to the root problem being the divide between those who have no idea how the game works and those with complete understanding. It's crazy how even after 2 years, you still need to read up on the game's mechanics on your own. And now we're stuck with shit like sharts battle. That kamen guy needs to go to one of those fan meetings cause whatever they've been telling the devs up till now hasn't been productive at all
Huh I thought they were going to make the weekend bosses harder by giving them damage limits so the amon orbs and yunyun will actually have a use, but I guess that'll take as much time as them making typeless relevant again
>It's crazy how even after 2 years, you still need to read up on the game's mechanics on your own
I'm baffled by the lack of proper descriptions for skills and there's no "expert mode" or something to actually enable it. For example, do you know what the new Miya's self-buff description reads? It's something like
>Clear you mind and get the cherry blossom arrow
That's about it. It doesn't say what it actually does. Even after rolling the style, you have no idea what the fuck one of her skills actually is. You have to go into the fight, cast it, and THEN it says on the effect description that it buffs attack and debuff power. And even there it doesn't say how much it is, so you have no idea if it's even any good or not. It's as if the game is meant to be played with the datamine/guide sites for you to actually know what you're getting.
>but I guess that'll take as much time as them making typeless relevant again
I still have this schizo theory that the first resistance remover was supposed to be typeless, so they released that typeless Inori preparing for it, but then they just went "you know what, fuck typeless" and made it thunder instead.
You want both a blaster and something for breaking against this boss. Even if you DID break, this would likely not cut it (pun intended). Any enemy with relatively high max destruction (in this case 700%) isn't a great idea without a blaster, unless it's one of those very old weekly bosses.

But yeah, it has the highest legitimate DP in the game. Only one boss has more and that is a forced loss boss of an event.
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Thunder support banner next week. Maybe the next new style banner will have something good for thunder, they did this kind of banner for dark when Tsukasa was released.
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I've already failed to get Sharo enough times
My monthly "any news on global version?" query...
Just learn jap already
Tried the new season of the arts battle today, and they improved nothing. All the issues from before still there, but now even more with worse bosses in endless. Absolutely great.

Feels like whoever designed this mode has never played the game. For starters, why do enemies get more and more dp/hp? This makes no sense. You don't deal more damage as you get more stats. HBR's damage formula doesn't work like that. If I have 300 power and the enemy 200 stats it's the same damage as if I had 900 power and the enemy 800 stats. Or less for that matter, because damage cap which you reach with 100 dif and crit, or 50 dif Kozue buff maxed and crit.

It is such a fucking bad mode. I gave it the benefit of the doubt for its first season, but holy crap. Either people didn't complain enough, or they don't care. At the very least that makes it easy to skip. The rewards are not worth it. Takes a certain amount of talent to fuck up a game mode THIS much.
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It's kinda cool how Matsuoka of all styles has risen up to meta status with 1m SA. I hate how 1m is the only interesting gameplay content right now though
It really is a mystery how anyone can think a mode like this could be fun. Putting the absolute disaster that is ranking aside, fundamentally there isn't anything interesting about the actual arts themselves. It all boils down to either: boost stats or kill enemy with a different coat of paint depending on the team. How they can be this creatively bankrupt is beyond me. Honestly it really seems to me that arts battle is just something cheap they threw together as filler content with its main incentive being a skill farm rather than something fleshed out. It shows when they haven't made any arts battle only geared styles, which I guess is a good thing at its current state.
I just realized that this permanent debuff gimmick would have been so much better if it was a defender-like skill instead of an attack. You have this 11 SP skill with party def or aggro+self def and it also puts permanent debuffs, it would feel so much more comfortable.
There are barely defenders to begin with, but yes. It's why Seira and Ichiko are so comfy.
next score attack is weak to light and dark so that's more likely. Pretty sure they're also going to release a dark style soon for the shitty arts battle season.
I just swapped my ice Adel to dark Adel. It's more important to take your suit Karen with you, because they had a funny brainfart to bring a dual boss that deletes your entire DP pool from full to 0 in one turn, unless you have def+ or DP overheal. And they have big HP pools with high destruction cap.

There's no salvaging this mode. They increased the "necessary" (if you want all available free quartz) grind by about 400% with it, and that's that.
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I almost gave up on the black trophy, Finally, figured it out
who the fuck is this
>google it
what the fuck
she doesn't smile like that
You never leveled up any Misato style?
You're just proving my point.
She laughs like a freak.
She doesn't smile like a bishoujo
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It's Christmas. Everyone smiles on Christmas.
I dunno what you are seeing there, but that's something pretty typical. This self confident (look at me!) smile.
Was there really a need to repeat the score attack? Multiple cancers, 300% max destruction, light/dark weakness again.
RIP anyone who doesn't have shingan, rengeki and AOE... like me.
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Damn, this SA hits hard, I needed another healer for this one. They really want us to not use MaidAoi anymore for SA, do they. I'm fine as long as I can reach 400k, but even then, seems like it's harder than before for 無課金 if you don't have a good range of styles.
>Nothing but new score attack which might as well be a repeat of the ruka yuki one
>No galaxy front
>No tower floors
>No High Difficulty ticket
>Not even "new" orb
>On top of a event that was supposed to be "special", but didn't have anything special about it
>Following a dead month
They better have 5.2 almost done. I don't want to come up with schizo theories on how they could've spent their entire budget on commissioning the 3DMV scene this event
Yeah, I rushed it down with light suit Karen in 6 turns. First I did that + Niina, and then for the heck of it replaced Niina for Aina. It was better... rip Attackers. Seriously.
I did disable the crit nerf though.

If I'm not lazy I'll see how Adeling compares. Rushing down 1 guy and then overkilling the second. Mind you even with Niina it was over 600k, so this is just purely for science. Dual Bosses that get mad when their friend gets killed aren't very comfy with ST, but if they don't I just wonder how it compares. Too much shit in light and dark is just ST.
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Best I can do without mind's eye or other styles.
I really need that buff.
i prefer chapter 5's bad ending
Has anyone else's game started freezing and crashing lately? I've also had it get stuck after an attack with a "Now loading" message multiple times now.
The new gorita is so mediocre that I forgot she was the character with the big multi-hit buff. Surprised A-san didn't get this treatment for any of her alts.
Big hit buff doesn't matter. Being a blaster and having that matters.
I use them both vs the weekly boss Flathand with 2 phases and weak to dark/light. The damage difference with the exactly same buffs/debuffs is hilarious.

Lolita kills phase 1 with like 4m damage, Adel deals well over 20m vs phase 2.
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Mari: Shy, Sweat
Tama: LittleJoy2
Tama Swim2023: LittleJoy2
It's weird how stingy they are with the big def down addition. You'd think it's a generic effect just like big enhance, but Isuzu still sits on it alone, 2nd perma def down was added before the 2nd big one.
Is this game actually worth playing or will I not lose much just following a playthrough on youtube?
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Anyone knows how ultimates go past lvl 13? I just tower upgraded Yanagi, and the ult is somehow lvl 15, but with other tower upgrades this didn't happen?

The only idea I'd have is LB. The only other generalized tower upgraded ults I have are from lb 0 styles.
>The only idea I'd have is LB.
You are correct. LB adds a skill level to upgraded ultimates for a max of 17.
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Pretty broken honestly.

Anyways, I ( >>1469091 ) wasn't lazy and tried my Adel. Her high LB definitely mattered, but even without it I'm pretty sure she performs better than light aoe..

Also put that Yanagi to work already. She's so good with suit Tama now. Tama ult + charge = 100% crit rate. And the HUGE heal really matters in this SA. (~60% more than Muaa) Kill the first in 6 turns, lowering the damage considerably, and then stacking max buffs to kill the second.
worst part is you know powercreep is coming with more limited twin pairings
this game is so fucking tiresome nowadays to the point I cannot be bothered to log in
it is turning into another eden part 2. cannot wait for overdrive autofill on turn 1 autism on exclusive buffer limited to make me actually uninstall this kusoge
Hello? Head canon is nice and all, but the only twin style so far is terrible.
Power creep will happen over time, but HBR is all over the place regularly releasing styles that do literally nothing. (i.e. the last YunYun, or even the now released Kanata)

Part of the appeal, that it can be so damn all over the place and nonsensical. They just made Yanagi (first style) into a seriously competitive style again, arguably the most impactful "release" of this update. And it's a free upgrade.
the sheer amount of garbage they release to fill the offbanner is equally annoying. it does not matter when you get fucked for not getting a broken shitter like the thunder resistance resetter. how is seeing trash all the time with one of the stingiest gacha income even an appeal??? sounds more like you are out of touch with reality
>get enough care to login
>only shit they do is keep making bosses harder and harder to force people to pull
>barely any story updates
>new powercreep system for 10% all stats because why not add more tedious and annoying shir
these retarded devs are as out of touch as the saga devs
its just some tiresome
If you can find a comprehensive playthrough on youtube, I'd go with that. No gacha game is "worth" playing unless you somehow have unlimited time and money, and this one is far from an exception.
I mean the game is much nicer if you were here since day 1. If you pulled the right styles when they released, you could just hoard your quartz forever.
Of course now, the 1m score requires some quicker setup for the multiplier.

Remember when you had to spend your life one by one on prism battles with a dozen SS styles available? That was tiresome, daily took forever compared to now.
Same goes for the event dungeons, no one wanted to do them just to collect medals, if you were even lucky enough to get the freaking tickets dropped from event prism.

I like that HBR turns into a low maintenance side game once you are done with the story/event. Better than games that force you to play multiple times throughout the day just to keep up, like playing songs in Project Sekai 24/7 just to clear the event shop.
now you get to spend your life one by one doing that retarded card game mode. devs want you to be wasting your life all the time
idk why you think the game is much nicer when they just keep adding stats on stats on retarded upgrades
the game is at the worst its ever been
So the new styles are shit again? That's a shame these are very cute
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You can't rely on a youtuber to go through all the choices.
My lord, I'm on the worst luck streak I've ever been in this game. I'm going for like 280 pulls without a random SS now. 1 full spark without seeing one and a whole bunch before.

I didn't need these 1/5000 odds. HBR rng is so broken. Either it's one extreme or the other.

Only Aina is alright, but only if you have Tsukasa bunny, dark Adel, Tama suit AND the old Yanagi (tower upgrade).
Tsukasa's bunny form shits out 5 hit buffs with her ult for up to 3 dark styles (including hers), which you can use to build OD rapidly. 1 Tsukasa ult + 2 auto attacks (hers and Adel's) + 1 new Aina ult is 36 base points of OD. 1 OD bar is 40 points. Should be able to get a bit more with giving Aina an OD increasing accessory.

This covers Tama's weakness of needing a fuckton of SP quite well, the new old Yanagi has so good healing (+ charge) that you are able to live against harder hitting enemies as well. Aina can also help with a little sub-dps as her dark def down skill actually hits fairly hard during OD. This is where 1 Tama ult + Yanagi charge could increase this to be significant, but it's cumbersome due to needing to apply your fragiles as well that obviously eat buffs. They don't eat dark enhances, but that's it.

Considering dark is an element you can force it's pretty strong.
Now that I think about it some more, dark is shaping up to be near broken.

Consider the following vs ST: Suit Megumi, suit Tama, Bunny Tsukasa, dark Adel, dark Aina and tower Yanagi. (31A is dominating!)

-OD building galore via Aina and Tsukasa's hit buff
-Charge + 1 Tama ult = guaranteed crit + good sub dps for breaks via Megumi's second ult
-2 stacks of def down, perm def down, perm dark def down, fragile, possibly even dark def down (even if it's aoe), dark resistance down + heal block
-2 stacks of Hit buff (adel or otherwise), dark enhance, normal big enhance, mind eye, crit rate, crit damage, 1 stack of +20 stats (if you have thunder Tama)
-Actually very good healing via Yanagi (close to 4k per 11 sp with 20% overcap. Better value per sp than Muaa's 7sp healing)

You can do this with Lolita as well, if you think the blast isn't needed, you have no Adel or want another healing source/defensive helper. For aoe purposes Megumi wouldn't be useful, so you'd do Isuzu again (maybe also against VERY HIGH dp enemies). Aoe damage if needed could be done via Kura. Not nearly as good, but serviceable thanks to Tsukasa's hit buff.
What you are technically missing is a field and ST dark def down would be preferable vs 1 target. The field is a huge problem in some fights, but aside of that? And it's not like dark fields don't exist. They are on.. not very useful characters, but even with that it'd be likely good enough. And if you remember... Tsukasa can actually use a field. Wrong one, yes, but it still dispels the sandstorm of the desert worm just fine, as an example. It's the cheapest zone in the game, too and buffs enhances.

tl;dr: Dark stocks rising hard. More powerful than thunder I think.
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My ears are ringing
This banner is an absolute flop, it's doing abysmal, nobody is fucking rolling. Just give good skills to characters people actually like and treat unpopular ones like a cute bonus, whoever thought of giving Aina a better style than what characters like Miya get is retarded and should rethink what the fuck they're doing.
told you the game is at the worst state its ever been
nobody is pulling because next twin pair can be god tier and dick everyone over so why bother even pulling on all these trash
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So, I tested it. It is broken. Adel ult once with only 2 of her hit buffs to raise DR and then another fully set up OD3 nuke. I misplayed/ got a bit unlucky and considering the gimmick of the boss it took 3 turns longer than I hoped for, but yeah. >250m damage vs. non weakness

With Tama stat/heal buff, my Adel caps damage based on stats, but none of the supports do that even remotely.
Never thought I would have upwards of 75k gems in this game but here I am
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Adding it around summer surely isn't calculated at all
I don't wanna nitpick and I know it would take tons of work, but this is kinda pointless since most battles is just the characters using their ults. So having your choice of costume for them doing other skills is just well... incomplete to me. But I guess I can compromise if they start generalizing costume ults
Irene acquired. Time to do farts battle. Surely this is the obligatory farts battle character of the season and there's no one else, right...?
The worm was definitely worse when it got released. I feel like dark Adel can probably 1 team this fight, but ice can do funny things with an immediate od3 and no bonus SP, so it's completely pointless to do.

Between Muua, dress Mari, thunder Miya (why is she better in ice than her own element?), cat Miko, Higuchi and Seira's second SS', nobody needs more than 2 turns in the front or more than 26sp, aka what you definitely get after swap + od3.

I did it without bonus stats, so next time I will do it with. Gonna be interesting how much it changes in the fight.
i keep confusing myself with it, i'm like wtf is this team did i choose the wrong one
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>googling hbr in english
>found this
I genuinely cracking up someone modded only higuchi in
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I want to get into Heaven Burns Red
I can read Japanese.
Is it actually good? any anime with similar story for reference?

don't care about gacha. just the story.
Also can I clear all the main story content without much effort (grinding/gachaing)?
Well if you've seen Maeda's anime since Angel Beats, or just familiar with Key at all, you probably have an idea of what general feeling to expect. Except in this case they aren't totally hobbled by episode restrictions so yeah it's good.
I don't like his anime

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