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Happy birthday Nanaka
She doenn't appear in the group but here you go. Lime wears the same panties in every game, but her underwear looks better in the console games. Using the words of MonoSaaaN Gaming: ''This is BLUE REFLECTION''...
Towa is dead too
Will this come to ps5?

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Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
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You will always get a net positive from blooming specific nectar than from mushrooms. From what I've gathered the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted. The biggest the diversity of flowers on a bloom the more random it is, so pretty much if you plant 300 carnations on a bloom it's pretty much a gaurenty that it will be a carnation. Only the basic pansys have a higher chance to be another flower type but it's still pretty low and either way the fruit bloom will always give you more than enough nectar than what you spent to bloom.
>the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted
White flowers used to be random based on the colorpool of what can be bloomed (e.g., white Lily of the Valley flowers would bloom white or red 50% of the time), however it seems like recently they've made white flowers significantly more likely to bloom white flowers, or maybe even guaranteed. Haven't experimented with it enough to make an education statement, but I know for a fact it used to be painfully tedious trying to max out white nectar for rare flowers.
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flowerposting bump
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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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i don't get what makes matthew so popular with royalty but they can have her
big fat chebs and not a magic ghost like 99% of the other women in the series
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I got my wife Beni in the mail yesterday. She's pretty geat.
>Arrive in fifth lostbelt
>Vinci and Friends spend 20 minutes going back and forth about what great servants we rolled and how this lostbelt will be a breeze
I'm starting to worry that Camelot was the peak of this games writing.
everyone getting their shit kicked in at the start of Atlantis is great though

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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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what I posted is basically all I have that isn't level 1 right now. I'm stuck on swimsuit mammon so should I use all green units to counter her or does the rps not matter? she basically one shots my entire team when I tried before. is there no way to get more than 300 evo shards a day from the daily dungeon?
It's a shame you're not in the /vmg/ guild since you can buy more daily dungeon tickets with the guild currency. Cunnyseurs is currently full, I hope the guild master checks this thread and kicks an inactive for you.
As for Summer Mammon, using green casts helps but if you've gotten the latest dark casts like Lucy and/or Belial, they're better even if not hitting weakness. Of the greens, I find Xmas Lucy and Gunslinger Lucy hit the hardest, it looks like you have Xmas Lucy almost leveled to max so that's a definite pick to work on. You also have party dress Belial and she's really good at keeping your party's move gauge filled with her ult so she'll help you take more turns than the enemy. Bellydancer Sariel's another good pick, she'll make you go faster and hit harder and her ult can charm the enemy along with her charm passive at the end of each wave (consider restarting until Summer Mammon is one targeted by the charm at the last wave). Speaking of greens you have, you could try freezing with Summer Levi. Regular Mammon has a very strong consonance skill but you need to max it and they'd be too much investment for you, I don't think even I have it fully maxed yet, I'm probably one level shy. Summer Belial isn't green but is a decent tank and more importantly, she could daze Summer Mammon for you; try building up her ult on the mob waves and use it on Summer Mammon at the start of the last wave if you can.
For reference, the all green team I used to S rank the current kizuna tower event (except the last 3 stages of the top floor) was Xmas Lucy, Gunslinger Lucy, General Sandy, Bellydancer Sariel and Idol Mike. Idol Mike's consonance skill makes her a crazy good healer, it's the one consonance skill I'd recommend above the rest since I think it starts healing even at level 1 and just gets better.
So I guess your team might be Xmas Lucy, Party Dress Belial, Summer Belial, Bellydancer Sariel and either Xmas Satan or Summer Levi.
Hit the word limit. Most casts in your pic you could try messing around with.
Oh, big thing: do you have maxed sets of star shards on your team? If not, that could explain your struggle. They make a massive difference in power and stats, I remember when the game launched and I was struggling with stages on manual, then I got some starshards up to +15 and suddenly I was breezing through everything on auto. If you can't farm the 2nd anniversary event, then starshard temple is the best use of your stamina right now. Get four bears if you wanna do damage, or four panthers if you wanna go fast. Even three star shards are great, and can even be better than five star shards if they have better stats (prioritize atk%). Then the other 2 shards can be bull or tortoise for more hp or def to survive.
I'm looking at the stat block for the Summer Mammon on that stage now and just wanted to correct something: she's immune to daze for her first three actions, so don't try that thing I said with Summer Belial. Luckily, this version of her is only level 50 with all her skills and passive only at level 1. If you want to check what she does indepth for yourself, go to the stage, hit edit and then scroll the enemies in the lower right until you see Summer Mammon at the end and long press on her portrait.
I tried the stage again with this team. I had her frozen for a couple rounds but was only able to do like 10% damage. then she attacked once and killed 3 of my characters. asmodeus and mammon lasted a few more turns and somehow got her down to like 15%, but then they got one shot basically too.

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Anyone play this?
Used to like three years, it was a comfy little distraction but expensive MTX wise.
it's a thing? lol i remember playing it when these build a town games were all the craze back in the baby days of mobile microtransaction bullshit

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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
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Wait this triggered a theory!! There are two characters per region except the Fire Kingdom. What if the next bottom is from the Solaria region? Will the speculated sleepy/lazy Quincy equivalent bottom come from there?

Someone call in Detective Blade!!
solarians arent doing so hot in the polls
if they do that they'll make him not brown or just a tiny bit tan
there's only one
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Love this cutie
If anyone needs a guild in NuCarnival, NU:Anons has two open spots.
Usually they get taken pretty quickly, but it feels like the game has slowed lately. If I kicked you from the guild before - apologies. I usually preen people when they hit 7 days of inactivity/0 points towards the guild rewards for a whole week.

You already have Giansar and Volley Ball Sadayoshi right?
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They should balance it out by making his pecs bigger!
2025 will be year of the snake, so next year at the very least.
It seems like our next repring event is Cruise Train of Star Ocean. Meaning Tabit, Brave Guard Yoshiori, Eperdica, and Raizi as the rate ups.

That's fair, but I never gave that game a chance. Never meshed with me.

I'll hope, I'll hope.
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>crossed 600 stones today in my savings
Praying Esperdica or Vulpecula gets a summer alt next month
LW please

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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I'm totally blonde, I didn't realize the silhouette was her, maybe because she didn't look as curvy in it
Anyway, be nice with my rolls
so i guess more beast gods for halfanni?
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8 event 10 rolls, 1 dupe and pic related
Pretty lame
This was a terrible anni
i would take her if you dont wanna

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Thread made to share and discuss any old mobile game.

>What is java games?
Early 2000 mobile games made with the java programming language or mostly known as J2ME

>How do i play them?
For PC
For Android

>Where can i find games?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I just finished this game recently, it's a neat gta-like game but it doesn't have a lot to offer besides the story/racing missions
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You guys know what? there should be a retroarch / emulation station core for these games. these would be perfect for those chinese handhelds you often see.
interesting thread
Yeah where's that approved java games list OP?
For my part I haven't played but I have registered here games from DeValley such as Nowhere and Gun Fever and them rpgs id Software made of their fps games (doom 1, 2, wolfenstein RPG) plus Orcs and Elves 2.
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here is the list, feel free to suggestion more games and i will add them eventually https://pastebin.com/SHF7Uque

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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
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i love qursha
it is why the game refuses giving me his five star
Ziz and Arachne
Fatty sexo!
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What went horribly wrong?
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You can check it yourself retard and no i won't bump the vg thread
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i use CN anyway kek
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Chink Fatigue.
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If only they released Molinia properly

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This is a thread about Azur Lane.
CN stream tomorrow, new event due 5/21! Pouty Ms. D!
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NTA, I haven't been to /alg/ in like a month or now now. Is that really one of his shitposts now? If you don't like inflated tits you are gay?
I think Scylla looks the best in her maid uniform.
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decided to test these three torp autists together
Unzen's max has been 335k so far; Implacable didn't even have time to land her last airstrike
fucking lmao
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Rock strong
rock's paradoxically soft rocks...

Why do you play mobile games instead of real ones?
I've spent over £150 on epic and like £100 on steam games. Paid games are just ad mid desu
I used to be pretty good at finding actual games with actual gameplay on the app store I swear these were actual games.
>instead of

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thanks anon!

how many weeks until swimsuits bros? i've got 100k in gems but all i want to do is dick roll
summer events were july/august last year probably the same this year
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Series apparently crossed the 6 million threshold.
manga sales?

Lissandra is here!
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You’ll get nocturne again :)
Is this shit game dead?
Thread is 3 months old, and there is no general on /vg/, I wanted to get into it because I don't wanna have to pick up HS again, and I hate Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic.
>there is no general on /vg/
We weren't active enough, every post was a bump and it still 404'd constantly. It makes most sense to be here.
As far as the game is concerned it isn't EoS but it certainly looks like it's heading that way. They're moving away from PvP and are supporting PvE more. The game has a serious cash flow problem and no one has any idea of how to fix it, it's not even that it didn't have enough players it's just too f2p and there's literally no reason to spend money even if you wanted to.
they will push one last time with Arcane S2 and then kill it for good. the expansion will be Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Amumu
There was a Yone spell this expansion so I could see Yone coming as a champ.

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