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new code
it has to be all lowercase or it won't work
I had fun reading this new event. Especially Claire's roles. God, I love it every time she is chasing after Cid and trying to spend time with him!
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you can't do that bro
thanks anon!

how many weeks until swimsuits bros? i've got 100k in gems but all i want to do is dick roll
summer events were july/august last year probably the same this year
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Series apparently crossed the 6 million threshold.
manga sales?
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there is another new code, beta7shadow
500 gems
>SHITnga sold 6 million total
Fucked up, how's the LN sales?
how did pvp go from a sea of yellow to the return the human team
I remember seeing that manga and LN sales were about equal, but I don't know anything concrete.
sakano anri made most of all the hilarious scenes where the LN otherwise took itself too seriously to not be absolute cringe about the chuuni (though the later arcs are so bad it's unfixable), the early chapters have had fucked pacing that the adaptation fixed, but even more importantly downplayed the whore romance where some child trafficked prostitute tries to settle down when she's turned 18 (was still forced into depicting the fox as a whore anyway)
this trash heap should have never gone past the first sherry arc
>inserting jokes where it doesn't belong
The humor of EiS is having an /x/-tier schizo like Cid say made-up shit about the subject other people are talking about because people think he's some sort of godlike entity with unequaled intelligence and infinite strength when in reality he just guessed the most likely conspiracy theory and got it in the money. Sakano Anri is literally being carried by EiS' success, not the other way around, look at her other manga.
>complaining about chuuni
Cry moar. This is literally a series for everyone who had chuuni fantasies at least once.
at least the sameface got rid of cid's retarded looking hair. neutral is still better than a negative.
>he just guessed the most likely conspiracy theory and got it in the money.
lmao fuck no. there is absolutely no reason to believe that he could've deduced that from what he's seen. as far as we the readers know him saving alpha is the first time he's stumbled upon someone with the curse, but it's been a while since I've read this.
it's meant to be a complete headcanon he thought up on the spot and if it's meant to be anything more then the author's fucked pacing definitely fumbled the execution. the "humor" of it also died like the 50th time it's happened btw. the author leaning into this like a one trick pony was how the story went from one of my faves to my prime example of a hack author.
>her other manga.
women can't write plot for shit, what's new. but jap moids can't into humor, that's a fact.
>This is literally a series for everyone who had chuuni fantasies at least once.
the draw to me was the whole idea of being the mastermind in the background that defers to the main characters of the story. at least that's still a thing in the later chapters. generic chuuni trash are a dime a dozen out there, even if selection bias means they never end up on the eop's plate.
The sameface ruined literally everyone. Cid, Claire, Alexia, Rose, Iris, Seven Shades. Literally everyone.
>there is absolutely no reason to believe that he could've deduced that from what he's seen
It was literally mentioned in the LN/WN that he read a lot of legends/tales/folklore and came up with the most reasonable conspiracy theory. I never mentioned otherwise. Are you stupid?
>the draw to me was the whole idea of being the mastermind in the background that defers to the main characters of the story.
He doesn't, that's Alpha's job. LN6 has Cid being a murderhobo which is pretty disappointing compared to Jimina and John Smith, though maybe it's because of the deuteragonist being uninteresting (Christina Hope) compared to the main three (Alexia, Claire and Rose).
When did they say there was gonna be an announcement again? On May 22?
>he read a lot of legends/tales/folklore and came up with the most reasonable conspiracy theory
that is incredibly fucking stupid. even more so if you're right and the author actually meant that the way you think it does. that is an even dumber excuse than any cope I've seen amongst all the trashy WNs out there. is his cheat really supposed to be his godlike media literacy?
it's like trying to write characters smarter than you as the author ever were: just a complete insult to anyone who's not had the foresight to turn their brains off when reading your slop.
>He doesn't, that's Alpha's job
alpha is the real mastermind, shadow is the plot's mastermind, cid and all his other personas are the sidekicks of the plot's protagonist of the month. mastermind is also not entirely accurate: characters like these don't drive the plot (which alpha does), they only fit themselves in as the keystone of the existing plot by doing just enough to turn the tide in his favor. just like his swordplay, which I'm sure is a coincidence (it probably is all things considered). incidentally it's how the "elites" irl operate too.
the second school shooting arc is just as average as the rest of nu-jitsuryokusha, there isn't much wrong with it in and of itself.
>is his cheat really supposed to be his godlike media literacy?
No his cheat is autism, right in the first chapter you're clearly told that he searched high and low for any way to become an Eminence in Shadow and once he crossed out every single solution he settled with "magic". He's not smart.
>the second school shooting arc is just as average as the rest of nu-jitsuryokusha
I'm not talking about that, that's LN5 which was good. LN6 with the Thirteen Night Swords was sub-par.
what in the fuck is going on in here
dunno i didnt read
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another code
it's actually gammahalfanni
CR is retarded
How am I supposed to kill the bird of the 14th world tree floor? Took me 3 months to beat the bullshit double yellow pair of the 11th floor, then 12th and 13th were pretty easy but now I'm stuck again against this bird.
Is this any help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f75l24Wv9PE
Imagine there's bit of leeway on team composition and awakenings as looks relatively f2p friendly (probably not new and f2p friendly) and bunch of new shit has come out since/+20 level cap.
I don't know if they made it so the enemies scale according to level but this strategy didn't work for me, Eta gets immediatly one shotted.
How many yellow SS+ gears do you have? Because it took me having Gamma, Beta and Claire's SS+ gear to do it. Other 2 units were Victoria and Rose. Try ranking up your characters if they're getting one shot.
>Try ranking up your characters if they're getting one shot.
That's the thing, in the video Eta is rank 14 lv. 99 while my Eta is rank 16 lv,120 and she gets destroyed immediatly. I also don't have any SS+ aside from blue Beta's.
>I also don't have any SS+ aside from blue Beta's.
What are you doing anon. Go grind for the good SS+ gears.
>be retarded whale
>pull every unit
>multiple events I get first event unit in 20, then the next one needs pity
>got idol rose in 20
if Alexia takes pity it's time to find new toilet to throw my money down
It's a pain to grind the shards but I realized I could get Sherry's SS+ which was a godsend.
Also after testing different character combinations I'm positive I'll be able to beat the bird in a couple of days once Beta reaches rank 16.
>Idol Alexia/SF Aurora/Sherry/Annerose/SG Rose can do 4m damage on hard guild boss
Oh I'm gaming now
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Are they really that tall?
I'm gonna need an official source for this
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finally it's my turn with the broken
I need more...
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oh, my chuuni heart yearns for more animated shadow-sama
>only one SS+ ticket given away excluding the free one from attendance
Shame, I was looking forward to some awakenings for my units
On the plus side I got Masquerade Nu
>still no blue Sherry exclusive
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You've been 3x bonus hard quest for all three attempts everyday, right?
I just got her today by redeeming shards
I'm talking about her equip
Oh. It took me soooo long to get yellow Zeta's equipment and over 1 year to get the SS yellow cape (defense boost).
Maybe she will have another banner with her equipment available for 30 rolls exchange
good luck
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4th code
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Our single lewd artist did a Nishino
>masturbating with a dead 15 year old's clothes
What the FUCK us wrong with Nishitani?
>Guy gets her name right once
>Steal his clothes after his death
>Masturbates to them every day for three years
>Make another 15 year old she just met wear it because he vaguely resembles that guy
This is your hero, Japan?
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It's happening
dual unit slop not even 2 years in
Where'd you get this image?
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5th code
still bit mad valkyrie connect got better skins for our characters than we get
Are dual units common in gacha? Barely played any other gacha and this is the first time I'm seeing dual units.
My 2 推し. So it's a roll then, right before summer...
Depends on the type of gacha. You won't see them in Genshin-like gacha, but they are pretty common in FEH, HBR has started doing it too. They are getting more and more common.
i dont really care but when can i dick roll next? swim suits in july?
2 weeks
Can't decide if I want the 10k paid pack
Don't think I really want the SF enough to make it worth it
15 more minutes before livestream, any JP translators?
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I missed one slide but
>there is more ppl answering than last year
>The new chapter will have players' choices changing what's happening
>What players think it takes too much time/are a pain in contents
Bushin, bushin x3 and sanctuary for the top 3
>What players like in kagemas
top 4 is original story, main story, talking to characters and alt outfits
>What players don't like in kagemas
top 4 is huge app size, lag, stamina is limited, crash
>Favorite events
>top characters used in bushin
top 5 is green Shery, Blue shadow, masq Claire, Green shadow, Kimono Epsilon
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Planning for the next months
June, start of a new arc
July/August new sanctuary + private room
September, new chapter of the new arc
October, special event
November, anniv
They will fix some bugs
New event each month, as usual.
2-3 new SS+ weapons each month.
>new sanctuary
From 5 floors to 3, you can use the skip function, hard mode with score ladder.
>cast for the new arc

english not supported
why though
time for gacha original characters instead of fanservice, bros
>gacha original characters
Utterly shit, introduce them in the LN first
Got Epsi&Beta in 50 rolls, I hoped they would at least be together on the main menu screen, but nothing. They aren't both showing when you select them while managing your team, or even on the field.
No new character event either.
They were damn lazy with this one.
>No new character event either.
This is the one that really blows imo. I barely bring myself to read it within a month of pulling the unit, it's only 20 gems back, they're pretty tiny and someone always uploads to youtube so pulling for it doesn't matter, but fuck them for not bothering
Claire GODS win again
First gacha game I play where the duo characters aren't both shown in game, this is a new low lmao
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If you don't roll you're literally certifiably completely BRICKED
who is aun
They're so cute
I have enough meta to keep playing the game comfortably. I will save for dickrolls.
One guaranteed thing in this game so far is the consistent power creep. Not every new character is stronger, but the strongest at any point was never the strongest forever
for me it's continuing to suffer chasing ranks in arma and event
>Do free roll
>Get blue Sherry
Did I win?
Is it better to get these two or save for Shadow?
are we even getting shadow?
When the movie releases, yes

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