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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?

Ruby Farming Guide:

>Daily missions: 150 Rubies.
>Daily time attack: 20 or 300 rubies depending on your level and completion rank.
>Rush dungeon if active: 100 daily rubies.
Total potential of 550 rubies daily.

>Weekly mission: 300 rubies.
>Weekly participation in Absolute War: between 400 or 2,000 rubies depending on where you rank.
>Weekly Team Relay replay: 150 rubies.
Total potential of 2,450 from weekly missions.


6,300 rubies per week, or 25,200 per month.
More generic memories, and added difficulties in story mode.
Mortal Kombat collab.
Skullgirls collab.
Nier Automata collab.

EoS or server meltdown.
I would would really like is a proper fighter game with these 3D models and graphics on mobile Ala Street Fighter IV Champion Edition.

Not like KoF Arena.

How much would it take to scrape the models and resources to make such a game?
Name this team.

Well, the character models are floating around, so they can be ripped (not sure about the stages, though it shouldn't be impossible).
Animations, I'm not sure about either, though if you can get them, I can't imagine too many variants of a character differ enough to make them un-reusable.
Team Uhh What Was Our Name Again?
Hoping for EoS.
Fearing that it will continue with even more stupid gated shit like Overpower.
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Reminder that Adel and Heidern are next
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It's freaking hilarious the mess they made of this Heidern. He has the looks of 01, skills and theme from XIV and the XV stage for Rush dungeon
We like to kick
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The contrast between retarded steroid veiny gorilla arms and baby face is so stupid.
This game costs almost nothing to run and as long as one retard buys in on a collab it will run forever.

This guy is about to run side by side with my polygon rugal. I gotta say all stars rugal is my favorite just because of how he brushes his leg after every genoside cutter.
Remove Marie Rose. She doesn't have titties. Replace her with B.Jenet.
>This game costs almost nothing to run and as long as one retard buys in on a collab it will run forever.
Dissidia fags thought the same thing.
let me put it this way, kof survive is still fucking up and ain't nobody playing that slop cept a few dudes I know.
And KoF Arena is dead.
We don't know how much it costs to support the game, but I reckon that the lack of simultaneous PvP modes with good rewards helps with KOFAS infrastructure support, with only Dream Match being there and having shit rewards.
Netmarble is also juggling like a dozen of mobages at once with their main focus on their own Seven Knights high budget games (2 and remake of 1).
kof arena doesn't exist to me so I didn't say anything about it. the gameplay is literally a better looking dream match but has the same fucking problems online.
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>kof survive is still fucking up
You sure about that?
Took them fucking long enough. Game was a fucking isometric clone of all of those other games. They didn't even bother to record new voices. It was just 98-2003 soundclips.
>It was released worldwide on April 18, 2023. It is scheduled to shut down services on November 30, 2023, lasting for a grand total of 8 months.
It lasted way longer than it should have. You play one of those, you played all of them. It WAS the exact same. Right down to the tutorials and everything.
>tfw you name your game Survival City, but it couldn't survive
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All Stars lives on, because it's the only game with actual live gameplay, not turn-based shit. And actually has good graphics.
There's another ongoing chink All Star game , but it looks like this.
Even with all the traced sprites, I would really love to play Destiny. It looks crazy in all the right ways
I think this is the first time I've managed to max out the cumulative damage on an Aegis challenge. Could possibly do a bit more if I replace Mature with someone else, she's just kinda dying instantly.
What do you even do with Yashiro in the first phase? He focuses on me and I lose like five full seconds when he decides to command grab me.
Switch characters, let them get grabbed, go back to dpsing

Fucking faggot invincible grapplers is the only annoyance of this fight
oh boy thank you so much snk, what would I do without such great fucking bingo rewards such as 10 awakening capsules. Only 201218 to go so I can max a character
Dissidia had a gem cap. The sales it was pulling in towards the end in Japan was downright sad.
Though I dunno how much this game is making, especially with all the collabs they no doubt have to license.
the craft rewards mystery box is great though. i got so many 100% AP capsules.
"God didn't make Ralf, I made him"
I want new Ralf and Clark. They even can be EX. Or even better - Lady Ralf and Lady Clark.
quiz is up, who fucking ever could they be....?
Waiting for he rest of the Lady American Sports Team. They can even give Lady Brian a change up kit so she can eventually go A9.
No more Ladyboys until we get Ralf, Clark, Robert, and Joe. They haven't even got FES units.
Dude choi hasn't even got a gold just a ex lady version that doesn't even play like or looks like choi.
You could show a kof fan the other lady characters without explaining anything and they would know who it is.
Also krauser he's a boss character geese's younger way more successful and powerful half brother.
Honestly Lady Krauser probably has a better chance than another regular Krauser. They may want to complete the 96 Boss Team in lady form.
>Huge buff mommy Lady Krauser that doesn't look like a tranny like that one SF6 character
Please do it
I want a new Krauser

Krauser has more muscle than marisa if you think she's a tyranny what would lady krauser be.
A boring v faced pop idol like most of them.
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Like a hot buff woman like this one instead of whatever the hell that street tranny 6 is
That's way worse than marisa.
My man really posted russian she hulk
>t. Captroon
You know you could just say tranny it's ok here newbie.
Also marisa is a hundred times better than what you posted.
I wouldn't say 100 but it's like a less jagged rock
I haven't opened Tower of Illusion since the first two days it was introduced. What a useless mode.
Hey now, the rubies locked there are good in an emergency and extra generic EX memories are never a bad thing
I've done a number of floors but eventually got kinda stuck. It's annoying to do because it's gatekept by your OverPower stat which after a certain point you can only build up with plugins, and to get stronger plugins you need to advance in the Plugin Plant, which has separate dungeons for each element, and to advance in these dungeons you need three fighters of the same element raised up to the recommended OP because the game penalizes your whole team for the fighter with the lowest OP.
So yes it's a pain, but there's a good amount of rubies in there. At SOME point the tower itself will succumb to power creep and become easy to do, just like the Tower of Trials is now a joke if you have any decent UE fighter. But it will be a while.
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They don't look that impressive
Adelheid looks like shit. Veiny steroid arms and stupid korean face.

>Adel is blue ATK, Heidern is Green Balance
>Alexandrite is back for Aigis Challenge
>Mclovin and Angel rerun in a special banner that you roll with special coins
>They are the first EX to get buffs, weirdly, their cards also get buffs
You forgot all ex characters including change up can reach a9 now and you can invest 30 points into the tier 1 options instead of 25.
not to mention plugin plant will finally be less ass.
They're just filler shit. They know the majority of the playerbase wouldn't have rolled for them even if they had the funds to do so.
Why didn't they make a UE of XV/XIV Heidern?
I'm glad someone else thinks his art is shit too.
his OG outfit is 100,000x better
They didn't even give him a new voice
I hope the next pair is someone I don't give a shit about either. Like taking it easy and saving.
Interesting, Heidern can summon the Ikaris.
I roll exclusively on what music someone has at the main screen
I guess change up fighters get to be level 90 chads too
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not my screenshot tho
I like this update. Now I just need to skip 1000 times the EXP dungeon so I can get BS Leona and XII Leona to lvl 90 too.
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I'm surprised this Kim is still buried in the files
lost to arena
I want to try this gacha. do you recommend bought accounts? Usual sites seem overpriced.
yeah buy an account directly from the google play store. All you have to do is hit install.
On a related note, glad they finally increased the cap for skip tickets with this update.
Lol no. There's no point, because like every 3 months, usually when collab happens, like 95% of the roster gets powercreeped to shit.
Nope. Buying veteran accounts is pointless unless you're a collector because the latest banner is usually the best one. Old characters don't retain value like FGO with like one exception being Swimsuit Kasumi.
anyone can get her thankfully
Best point to jump in is when a collab is about to happen since you can get 5~6 good characters at once. If you jump in now you'll be able to get 2 good characters and then wait a month for the next banner with two more.
You are forgetting veteran accounts most likely having characters that can actually get somewhat far in plugin plant and tower of illusion plus stuff like battle cards skip tickets ap and other resources.
I say they're better off taking that money for a veteran account and just getting A9 Adel who seems to be shitting all over everyone's DPS right now.
Adel is incredibly strong yes
Absolutely a new account would take quite a while to build up resources, but it can be done. You can also buy resources in game if you want to get going faster, although I don't know how that compares to buying an account.
The only thing an old account has that a new account can't get is older collab fighters and cards, but obviously they're all horribly obsolete by now, so it really would be just for collection.
They're always putting all the non-collab BS/SS and EX fighters in the UE banners now, so a new player rolling for UEs will eventually get those older fighters too.
Can you reach pity on the coin/ex banner without buying the pass.
They are giving 10k coins, so you can only get the pity on the card banner and 3k coins are on the challenge tower so you need to roll for Heidern/Adel to get them
Well that sucks i just wanted 1 angel since I didn't have her and my second chance to obtain her has failed.
Rando event for tickets


Answers are

1. O
2. Integration
3. 60
4. O
5. X
thanks anon
The recently buffed ex characters are great for plugin plant.
You sure the first one is correct? I thought it just gets stronger every time it gets beaten.
What screen am I supposed to screenshot for this.
I already did rush dungeon over 500 times
Kusanagi has some stupidly long hyper armor in PvP.
what are they cooking up for the 30th anniversary?
a really dogshit event likely to top last year's
Well what could they possibly do? Finally give us jacketless 94 Rugal? Wouldn't really be that exciting.
A unit that is probably a discount banner unit again. Though at least sf6 was good. Jamie is a good unit period for anyone and can lift weight mukai doesn't always in plugin plant.
Didn't realize Adel was anti-hype. I thought people liked him.
He does have his fans but ultimately he is just a lamer Rock and Heidern was never hype so this banner and ended up being really underwhelming
It's more that this entire gameplay loop is anti hype. Boring perma hyper armor enemies that constantly strip off buffs and or anything really that swap types with very little visual indicators is boring.

Oh boy, they must be bleeding players left and right
i dont get it. this game is the best gacha out there in generosity and gameplay
You are here again, you lowercase shill?
See >>1381284

They royally fucked up with the OP bullshit.
Why are you gay?
Lol, didn't get shit from free pulls on any of the event banners.
People like Rugal, not his washed out twink version. The only thing that people like about Adel is his evil ojou sister.
This banner will be coom. 100%
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Sounds good
I went hard on the banner and only got him to A3. Heidern was even worse since I only got one of him. I did get to awaken BS Zero to A4, but it just reminds me how much he's outclassed now.
The pull rates feel like shit even if you do like him.
punk ass bitch
The most anti hype thing they did in this game was making it so you can do little to nothing with unit variety. It's always latest banner but they made latest banner so fucking bad they had to panic buff ex because people stopped playing and even then they still took the piss by not giving them a change up so they can wear the shitty watches.
I am sorry fellas, I haven't been logging in to beat on the colossus. This game somehow has made me lose interest again.
Understandable, the game is a slump right now
I lost my jp account and noticed there's a pc client now. is it a bad time to start this?
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My only motivation is ruby farming for the next good collab.

I would go bankrupt if any of these happen. All the more reason to farm.

What's your dream collab, fellas?
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I'd like a Bleach collab
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It is a good moment if only because it gives you enough time to farm rubies for a collab. Those usually happen every three months so the next one should happen in March/April

It will never happen but Valkyrie Drive, let me beat people up with big tiddy lesbians
Easy skip.
I stay asleep.
It took five years for the Athena in the opening to finally be added
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Meiten and Oswald would've been more interesting picks
Another month of saving it is then.
If Athena has nice tits I might roll for her
Is that the Athena with the titty window?
It looks like it and she seems to be decently sized based on the silhouette
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Yeah, is the one with titty window that has been in the intro of the game since the start

Well look at that, a usable Benimaru. All these years and he never even got a regular FES. Maybe there's hope for Ryo and Robert too.
I wonder what Athena's special card is gonna be. Whatever it is you probably don't have to roll for it if you have the EX one.
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Her LDM would be great


Also, apparently that Benimaru is a tweaked portrait of the XIII one that is buried in the files
I'd be excited for this if it wasn't such a fucking chore to get ue characters useful.
Benimaru is one of the more popular kof chars so why the fuck doesn't he have anything in this game.

Just realized this nigga gets fucking nothing in this game till just now. Been too busy on 15 anyways and 2k2
FYI, both Veteran and Master TA are available right now so I'd suggest clearing them for extra 300 rubies

Oh no, she's hot
NOOOOO. I MUSN'T COOM. I have to save.
Nah, Beni is looking fucking sick as well... Those animations are great. I'm blowing my rubies.
Green and Purple again
why do they fucking hate blue and yellow
To be fair, they just released a great Blue with Adel and Guile is solid for Yellow
Guile is solid yes. The variety is still lacking though

Ex will have to keep my gaps up for now
Some SS generic memories would be nice.
I don't know about Guile but Ken is a great yellow. He destroyed the current Aegis challenge for me.
Shit, Benimaru looks great.
Would've liked 15 Beni instead.
Mai and Kula buffs
Oh boy, Plugin Plant level six and Tower of Illusion floors 40 to 60 are being added
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Trailer got reuploaded with the correct music for each of them

Is it worth it to log back in for this
Depends on how much you like Athena/Benimaru
say I have a neutral stance, don't hate em maybe like them a little. Is the game itself fun with the current event around them?
If you have played during previous UEs banners, is more or less the same, you get one or two different events but for the most part they play the same. If you got bored from them, then is better to wait until a collab drops or when your waifu/husbando is being added.
I see, thanks. I suppose I should wait a little then.

I do not enjoy the current gameplay even with maxed out characters. I want to ko things, not fill a damage number up.
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If you missed Mukai, they are giving him again


Just use the code MUKAICOMEBACK from Feb 5th to Feb 19th
I got royally fucked by this banner. I got nothing but Athena memories in two pities, I managed to a5 her before getting Benimaru even once. now i cant dig in the banner anymore or i might pull more useless copies of Athena. fuck.
Well, extra Athena memories aren't completely useless since you can exchange them for prime memories to further awaken her.
yeah i know but i don't want to waste rubies on prime memories. man the one time i don't want the coomer character more and this shit happens. ill just cut my losses and keep saving.
I hope they make fun content again. Everything has been samey.

Watch shitty boss change rng element and reset till the damage is high enough never being able to ko them paired with ai dies in seconds so it's just you trying to hit bosses after they whiff with perma super armor that always removes your shit
know what I don't see here?

>that drop for Black Clover
What happened?
You think this game is toast? I think it might last until it's 7th year at least.
It's toast the moment they think they can try something else
This card is really fucking good, worth getting at least a copy
How is it in Guild Collosal and Aegis? Although, Aegis doesn't really matter as I can comfortably complete all rewards nowadays with autoplay.
It is a noticeable boost but it will depend on how built your units are. It's biggest usefulness is that is generic so you can slap it on any unit
Go vote which EX you want to see buffed next, no collabs nor Polygon versions
Chose Iori, Luong, and Kasumi.
Mukai code is live
I've already got him to A9 from the first time he was released, so it's useless.
It still gives items that might be useful later.

In the current state of this game though nothing fucking matters. You max out a character and the gameplay is still super unfun.
UE Athena is just a better UE Ash.
Can't imagine it going too much longer. The story feels like it'll end at Ash and gameplaywise, Plugins and Overpower have been a complete let down.
You won't seduce into wasting all my rubies trying to A5 her.
Story went completely nonsensical after NESTS. It doesn't help that they're jumping in the narrative to the future with stupid Aegis intros each time. And each new Rush dungeon having it's own unrelated story is also retarded.
The Aigis intros aren't jumping to the future, the timeline is

Oroshi saga story mode>EQ1>99-01>BS Dungeons>EQ2>02>03>Aigis Challenge

Rush dungeons usually focus on retelling a game from a specific team's POV but a handful of them fill in the blanks on the Tuners.
I haven't even been able to get myself to login even to pull 1 single athena and beni
Once I get Athena to 90 I probably won't login for a long time myself. Bored out of my mind with this game. Can't even be bothered to do dailies.
UE truly is the eos class
UEs being A5 or bust makes hard to get excited for them
Only thing that could possibly save this game is the removal of the OE system completely
Aigis is really easy this week. Turns out that being able to spam finishers makes a world of difference, who knew?
Please keep playing it.
>Finishers don't get drained when hit
>The full-screen move is easy to avoid and doesn't rely on you trying to stack debuffs or whatever.
>As a result, your teammates don't die immediately.
How did Netmarble let this shockingly doable AC happen?
If you need a guild join neog
I just can't bring myself to login
I have not felt myself making any progress since UE came out at all and the way epic quest is setup I have completely lost interest just slapping a billion menus just to watch the boss keel over to give me dry macaroni as a reward
How do you actually use Jamie? I've had him all this time but never really used him much. He should be perfect for this Aegis since the boss stays blue for most of the second round but I'm not getting much damage on that phase (I get my damage with Ken in the first round so I'm fine, but it'd be nice to know anyway).
You have to get 4 Tisane stacks by using Phantom Skill and then, you activate Phantom Break to spam your skills for massive damage.
That upcoming banner better not be fucking Darli.
cuz I have no fucking Rubies left after maxing out Athena. pls just be Haohmaru and Nakoruru again. This is all assuming Nakoruru being on the Temp Ruby Check-In picture means anything. Hopefully it doesn't.
unironically the same way as in sf6
max your drinks
While it's cool to finally have Oswald, it's too late. Easy skip.
Another fucking purple? You know what this is awesome. I can save rubies
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Man, I would whale for Jeff
Still won't make me log in
What would?
Cowikini Mai
If I have to be honest, seven knights getting turned to extreme units or a Data East mixed banner
These versions of 7K look completely different nowadays, I don't think they would promote old designs in that way.
I don't care, I want to see old characters shine again.
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Terry is Blue
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But Oswald is Red
I want to log in but I just cannot bring myself to do it when I realize it's just gonna be beating on a statue and then logging out.
Weirdly, NM announced that Iori and Rugal won the poll to get buffs but their buffs are pushed to March, so Goeniko and Lady Choi are getting buffed instead.
Good, I just got Goeniko to A9
>see terry finally got a new unit again even though i don't really play anymore
>do one (1) free ticket 7 pull
>get terry
>fuck off again and uninstall
Isla, eh?
So who's the damage dealer and whos the support unit of this banner
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Too early to tell, Oswald's kit is geared to support but he is doing more damage in GR than Terry

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Oswald is so cool. This whole system with buffs from a different card suit looks interesting. And I don't know what awakening core to pick out of the two.
nevermind, Terry is the DPS of the banner

wasted 10,000 rubies just to get the option card. hopefully no one too cool comes out next banner. i have to save from nothing again.
not logging in chads, how we holdin up?
No coom in the banner? no play. simple as.
>Use Oswald
>Woe cards be upon ye
I think he's fun.
You're the problem
I don't care about fucking low poly bitches with mobile graphics. I care about is the game fun and it's just isn't
then go back to mortal kombat, fag
>mortal kombat
retard and esl
What skills should I put points towards on lady goenitz ex core board
Bloody Frenzy and max the core finisher. Spread the rest as you like
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Needs more Metal Slug characters.
So when is eos
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Never. Here's a puta, it's her birthday.
You don't play angel so I don't care. She's only puta to sylvie anyways
RIP Toriyama

DB collab is a must now
Me making sure to not log into this is a must. I'll just play fighterz busted clone wars rollback
fuck off then, bitch ass nigger
Play retention at an all-time low. Next banner will be coom.
I found a better source of coom and took this guy's advice
I don't remember asking. But you should probably kill yourself too.
This game will die first
If Dragon Ball happens they should probably wait until the eventual final tier above A9.

u mad bro?
These threads have a dedicated whale autist who made playing this game his entire personality. Any criticism towards the game is a direct, personal insult to him no matter if it's constructive or not.
Sad, there is nothing worse than having money and still being nothing of value to anyone but an intern for a phone game
I fucking hate that they always end collabs and events two hours before the daily reset time. Fucking why? Why not on reset itself? I always think that I have time to catch up on leftovers at the end and always get bamboozled.
This wouldn't happen if the events were fun
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Shun's girlfriend is coming next
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Also, it seems a collab is coming

Every time "Next Update Tickets" have been given as a reward it meant collab
Her tits might tempt me to pull for her, but I should probably keep saving
It's not just her is it?
Everything so far points to her being the only new character but is confusing that the free rolls are just "New Update" instead of UE Vol. 8. Normally that meant collab but they have been too quiet to be a collab
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Great tits

Isla is indeed the only new character, Ash and Maki are being re-run alongside her as filler and are getting buffs.
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Well well, it seems my waitchadding has paid off
UE Ash and Maki JUST came out, do they really need buffs?
>JUST came out
They came out seven months ago.
Yes actually. Maki is a shit support right now with niche usage for twist fighters and Ash is already lagging behind other UE DPS.
Coomin time
damn you are basically a robot huh?
>Ash is already lagging behind other UE DPS.
Really? I've had him since release at A9 with all stones and cards and he's still great in Aegis when not against Red. Same as all other DPS UEs.
It really doesn't matter what buffs he or anyone else will get when most damage is locked behind Overpower.
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O.P. needs to go honestly
He's honestly one of the worst ue pre buff
I can't be assed to care about this story at all. They've been sitting in this back alley for two-three years with this stupid shit with Ein that goes nowhere.
You can trade in ash memories for maki memories and vice versa.
Also both of them are good now.
Ex Rugal and Iori are also way better
Even the devs have admitted this shit is getting old in universe
I mean, this cutscene makes it sound like they are finally moving into the endgame
This game ended years ago, why do you think epic quest has a retardedly long arbituary grind requirement then just stops?
To stop people from completing it as soon as it was added. And the plotline has been picked up in other modes like the different Rush dungeons or the regular story mode.
New event in the forums to get tickets for Isla's banner


And another survey to pick the next EX to be buffed, Summer Kasumi and Orochi Shermie are getting buffs next month. Looking at the current banner, the fact we're getting a confirmed rerun next month, makes me think the odds of a collab coming next are low

Yeah, and if they want anyone to care about the story, why do they make it impossible to view any of the past cutscenes?
Story mode seems to go up to Ash Saga, so it makes sense we're reaching the endgame.
But the Aegis Challenge cutscenes just feel like a holding pattern. As >>1438315 says, you can't rewatch the cutscenes, which is especially bad for this one since it seems to confirm that Noah used to be Wynter and we finally get an explanation for what happened to protagonist-kun
I've been skipping the cutscenes for the past several banners. The last time anything interesting happened was when Noa betrayed us. Since then it's just been cryptic bullshit, like they're setting up something but the set up phase never ends.
Yep, they basically write filler shit about them doing the EXACT same shit
>last actual story content was wwe
>everything else has been trash in comparison
isla is busted. She can do trillions of damage in fucking no time with a single button If you have the rubies get her to a5.
its never leaving. ex characters have absurd stats, they added these new stats to gate them from ever doing new content, they want you to keep buying new characters.
huh? you do realize EX characters are going to plateau and aren't going to be able to do the highest levels of plugin plant, right? surely you're not that stupid.
snore plant
ok so you're stupid. get that ass filtered. don't bother replying.
>implying plugin plant is fun
So is watching paint dry I guess since you must be high on the fumes
Also to expand on this, I don't care what you think about the quality of the end game content. These are simply the facts, Rajesh/Juanito/3rd Worlder. End game content is Plugin Plant, Tower of Illusion, and Aegis Challenge.

The new UE stats were introduced to kneecap EX fighters. Simple facts.
wake me up when they add cool fighters like ss and bs again
everything new has been boring beat on guardian reskin content
this nigga never waking up again. RIP.
Wake me up when they replace this new shit meant phase out EX units with the old shit meant to phase out fes units. That's how stupid you sound, street shitter. Its the same shit, moron. Just admit you want to focus on SS/BS units because you don't want reinvest and that's the tier you stopped playing the game at. Stupid poorfag.
damn he really got in your head for you to seethe about this a day later
I'd love an offline version of this game like the megaman gacha. Can you play with keyboard or controller? How f2p is it?
If you install the PC client you can play with either keyboard or controller with no issues. Is relatively F2p friendly as a new player since you'll get enough rubies to get a bunch of maxed units that will carry you for a while but once you are done with those resources you'll have to save for a couple of months to get more maxed units, that's why during Collab is the best moment to jump in since you will be able to get 3 to 5 max units at once that will carry you for months.
I wish. Modders would actually put KoF characters in the game too.
>The rates shown are rounded up
I think it would be okay to round them up a bit more.
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>They aren't giving enough free tokens to get one of Isla's stones, you only get half and have to get the rest by buying the $50 package

What the fuck NM
Based. Seethe poorboy.
Why care? This shit's all kaput when oil man pulls the plug
This banner definitely feels like bait. Collab or EoS is next.
I don't even know what collab will make me pull for it. Tekken 8 with Azucena, maybe. A lot of people were predicting SamSho collab with Darli, but this collab won't really pull new blood in the game.
>add op
>game dies instantly
lmao even
Can someone upload the portrait animation of Athena 2003?
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Here, the green background is because Unity can't capture animation without a background but it should be easy to remove in any video editor.
Easy chromakey, good job anon but you can probably assign it to be an alpha color
Unity lacks that feature, only allows the Alpha channel for image capture.

Superspine might have the option but I'm retarded and couldn't make it work.
I see, no worries anon. You are already doing good work
Thanks for the webm
Do you have UE Vice's animation on hand?
The most attention-grabbing collab they could do right now is Dragon Ball.
They pretty much already covered every major fighting franchise so anything on that line would be a repeat/sequel. They could do Tekken 8 already I guess, it's pretty early though. They could also do GG Strive since the old GG collab was Xrd and it was a really long time ago.
They don't need to do a collab to get Darli into the game since she is in KOF XV. But a SamSho (2019) collab would be nice for Iroha and Shiki and Chinese Velma.
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Here you go

There is still Mortal Kombat but they would have to figure first how to implement fatalities and the like. Alternatively, they also could go for a "normie" collab out of the left field like they did with WWE, Capeshit for example
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You're welcome. Here's Mature to complete the set.

And if anyone else wants a specific character's render or animation just let me know.
I love the way her tits bounce independent of the armor

I'd like the animation for this Jenet>>1382926
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Here you go
Got the polygon characters?
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Looking at these, their animations are pretty lame
Akira's and Sarah's are references to the old vf games.

The rest are lame though
Polygon rugal defined an entire era of time attack
Thanks! Could you also get the animation for the most recent Elisabeth?
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And Elisabeth 11 because I like the tiddy window more
Based and thanks
I still don't understand how OP works, to the point that I don't think it works (outside of arbitrarily gating content.
>SS Kusanagi has 2585 OP
>Does scratch damage on level 1
>Shun's wife has 1880 OP
>Can pretty much solo level 1
I know UE is the new hotness, and SS is outdated, but still that tells me that OP isn't actually doing anything.
O.P. Itself is straight up arbituary additional multiplier to reduce damage done I'm almost sure.
Aigis is pretty easy if you have Maki/Cammy/Isla/Oswald/Ken
It's easy period.
When did we get free summon tickets for this? I've posted screenshot the same day it was open and I think didn't get anything.
It was about a week ago. I got jack shit, as usual.
This banner sucked if you had Maki and Ash A5.
I hope next banner isn't just one new character and two reruns.
can't get the last 60 isla tokens

big fucking rip
This game is spiraling the drain for sure. I hope it doesn't die. Favorite game to pick up and bullshit with.
Only now checked card set from Isla rush dungeon and was surprised that it was only for Gold farming. There's no point in a limited gold farming card set when anyone can get similar ones from the normal gacha. Especially when bonuses are not much bigger.
and now UE Ash after the buff is just a better UE Athena. I'll be waiting for the buff that puts her over in about 4 months.
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I came across this tier list for Dream match and is hilarious that nearly all UEs are shit tier.

Presumably that is for newbies who missed on the event farming sets
real shame PvP sucks.
>Ángel is B
Wew. When I used to still play that mode, I would just roflstomp everyone with her.
Every match was her taking 3 and never dying.
In what way fes Nameless is better than BS one?
Better damage and meter build, doesn't give that much meter to the opponent and is easier to trap the opponent with his skills.
Am I blind or is Bison missing? I've always found him to be strong in Dream Match, the teleports throw people off. Although I only play DM when there are actual rewards to be had, so not often.
He's only strong because he is desyncing 90 percent of the time. He even managed to desync this list.
Ukyo in SSS tier. Happy for him.
>It's another fucking Kyo
Holy shit I'm gonna hit 200k rubies at this point
I sleep.
I geniunely don't know why they haven't done a garou or world heros set yet.

Anything has been better than the current UE slop filler units that have been coming. I just want some new music and something fucking different than bitch made tuner says shit in a fucking kof13 stage for the 1000th time then beat on talk angry cyclops man that just wants to go to sleep or bitch with arms that likes big fat men
>another banner with 1 new and 2 reruns
At this point, they're putting more effort into trying to kill the game than anything else
What's even the point in rolling for these characters right now if they're just gonna shove them in new banners anyway?
It must feel so bad for people who already have these rerun characters at max level and keep getting useless dupes of them while rolling for the new character lmao
Holy fuck, they didn't even bother with a trailer for Kyo XI

To play Devil's advocate, you can't get their optimal imprint stones unless you roll for them during their banner
You can buy around 20k EX summon coins for rubies in the shop this time. And their stones, too.
zzz event
That shit is bait. A collab is definitely next.
You can buy a lot more. There's no limit. But in the end it's only for Orochi Shermie and Summer Kasumi. Both are outclassed.
either that or eos
cause they are just dumping this shit and not even paying the editors to make trailers
I unironically want for it to EoS. It's eating too much time daily, especially during events. And I have sunk cost fallacy as I've kept playing since Original Zero release. That was what? 5 years ago?
Out of all the gacha I play it definitely takes noticeably more time daily than any of the others, so I'm torn between wanting to be free and not wanting to lose everything I've worked for in the game
They are kind of shotting themselves in the foot with no collabs, just one new unit per banner and already rerunning UEs

Yet another Kyo is probably the worst pick for a new banner, especially one that looks-wise is just Kyo XV without the bandana

Already rerunning UEs is spitting on the face of whales that now will end with a bunch of useless memories in their box when trying to get the new unit and making F2Ps hold on their rubies and wait for the rerun since it will give them more bang for their buck

Collabs were the only thing to look forward for slightly different events, monthly Tower-Rush dungeon-Aigis-random event to collect stuff got stale like two years ago
The game deffo peaked for me at wwe but some modes have always been shit.

I actually do miss the old want content worked and not this stupid OE or fake co-op bar filling shit.
The nature of current-year endgame content like plugin plant means that you need "at least" a three-star unit to participate, and the UEs and their extensive powercreep make it hard to justify running even EX characters (in my experience anyway; stuff like XV Chris or Poly Rugal, even at a 70-80 level range struggles).
So everything that isn't a UE is functionally useless and UEs themselves are functionally useless if you can't get them to A3. Thus, anyone can't score an A3 UE character is essentially gated out of that content unless they get lucky on the next banner or whale.
What I'm trying to say is that UE and O.P. were, once again, a mistake.
Even maxing the characters isn't fulfilling because they aren't actually good. They just have the number that makes them be able to run the hell dungeon reskin
If you got Kyo and cleared at least 5 floors of the tower, post a screenshot for tickets


And if you completed 20 rounds in the dice game, you'll get more tickets, otherwise you'll get AP

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I've been waiting for a Darli. I haven't spent a single ruby since Athena. I'm so bored.
Koreans don't want africans in their game
Even the Koreans are joking about this being the final banner. Grim.
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I grinded all those rubies for nothing
Don't be pressured to waste them. It's them just shitposting. Who really knows what's going to happen, I just found it funny.
I had a dream I logged into this game, then I woke up. Glad it wasn't real
just quit faggot make everyone else who actually likes the game happier
this god game is better than any other trash out there
all of you faggots can piss off like that crybaby discuck admin
>It's eating too much time daily, especially during events
This. At least half an hour to do dailies even if you use normal skip tickets everywhere applicable. And you can't use these skip tickets on rush dungeon without shelling out dosh.
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I only need to actually play like 20 minutes to clear AW, League, GR and TA. I let the AI do the rest while I watch something or surf the net
Autoplay still takes time where you can't use your device for anything else. They either need to let you use skip tickets in all modes outside of PVP or remove them from dailies. Farming rush dungeon without battle pass is especially egregious, because you need to leave it for more than an hour of autoplay to get one full set of cards, for example. Potentially overheating the phone.
You can and should the PC client for that. Although I haven't even bothered getting the shop cards for the past few banners, they just don't seem useful.
Something fishy is definitely going on, NM didn't bother to make either a trailer or a site banner for Kyo XI unlike every other unit released in the past years.
I wish they would just come out and say what's happening so I would whether I should even bother to continue playing
Yo where is the bitch ass anon that tells everyone to quit?
I was just wondering what happened to him. I'm surprised he hasn't been mass replying to everyone and talking about how good the game still is and how it's going to stay alive without them.
I wonder if he will pull an hero if this game indeed EoSs.
Bro is obviously already a shell of a human being anyways for not recognizing this shitty fucking time loop the game has been in and the lowered efforts of the team. I wouldn't be surprised if they are just rolling out shit they finished enough to slap into a silent update while they work on the next project.
Aigis is such bullshit this season, EX Memory got booted to the 11k reward, a bunch of useless bullshit is bloating the rewards and now you have to do a cumulative damage of 100 billion to get all the points.


If you don't have a maxed yellow or Red, you're fucked
Aigis was never fun. They removed the beatemup from this game which means it's dead.
It's really not the time to run a shovelware filler idol event for two damn weeks.
eos send off
They always do filler event after a banner ends, though
>filler for filler
sad times
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Are we getting new characters or just a rerun?
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>kills your money sink
We are getting at least one new character in two weeks. Whether is a completely new one or a retrain of one already in the game, is anyone's guess
Another Kyo
>Piss off whales with this shit
>Proceed to piss off whales even more now that they're rerunning UE characters on the same banner of a new UE character so now whales have a bunch of useless dupes
It feels like the dev team has had enough and is trying to purposely kill the game
no hopes and fears
A3 Kyo/Oswald/Isla certainly makes it possible, if luck-based.
>It's a "you fucked up the timing on your supers and spawned the second team right before the boss super" episode
Doubt it means anything seeing as they removed the characters and the bingo itself has nothing to do with it. They're just reusing an old background.
game so stale now that asset recycling is getting dug into
Even if they get another GG collab it will be with Strive.
Imagine the shit storm if tranny Bridget gets added
3 more days until we get any sort of news...
New Kyo. It was revealed to me in a dream
We better get something in time to actually use these.
kyo revival
I will forever associate that shitty korean anime Solo Leveling as the thing that killed KOFAS.
This is the biggest fucking cope next to anyone who invested into this game post UE
Hello, why is this game SHIT still

wasn't this the first fucking fes banner?
Is this basically a send off?
Kofasbros... not like this...
Why the fuck they don't create new variants? What's the point of her, when we already have '97 O.Leona with the same fucking outfit? Go all out with new designs, like with Nightmare versions of Mature and Vice, ffs.
I don't mind a new O.Leona, hopefully they at least have the decency of giving her a brand new character model.
The fact that they're insisting on this format of just one new fighter and two reruns per banner is way more annoying and worrying than the choice of character itself. And we're really massively overdue for a collab by now.
Because if they edit the model in any way they have to create new art.
Are the welcome back bonuses in this game good? I need to take a break from this game
We're all gonna be taking a break soon by the looks of it.
If her animations are lame im not fucking with this banner. I'm not rolling for FES O.Leona with fresh paint.
they will probably give her a tiny gloss up or ai textures with the same old anims sped up like kusanagi extreme (though he was actually fun to use before they decided everyone needs o.p.)
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Well, the model does look better at least
They touched her up a bit. Not terrible
Her animations are corny. She doesn't even have a cool intro or victory pose.
It's like this game is allergic to making money. They could've done Cat Suit Leona from the Heroines game if they really wanted to make another Leona alt, and instead of rerunning this UE shitters they could've added Cow Print Mai in the banner with Leona.
They don't make money because they're retarded, everyone and their mother would pay for these instead of what we've got the last couple months.
Time to join kof survive in the grave
They could have given us O.Leona in a thong and nipple pasties. Stupid fucking Netmarble.
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>when you came too early and she gives you this look
How stinky is her breath?
You know, I've actually thinking about this for a while. I think I might find mai to be hotter than Angel. Something about Mai just makes her extra breedable compared to the other snk girls.
>new kofas update
How many of you guys still play it? I got into the game just before ex mai and kula came out. One of my first ex were nakoruru and omega rugal. The game was a lot of fun at that time, not gonna lie. I didn't do the end game modes yet, so everything felt comfy.
I still play and haven been playing since the game launched. I still enjoyed but even I have to admit is really disappointing the way the game has been handled these past months.
I haven't logged in for close to half a year now. I stopped after plugin plant 5 aka hell dungeon but even less fun
I still play despite wanting more and more to take a break/quit, but I haven't been able to break the habit. And I prefer Angel to Mai
I login when I feel like it. Sometimes I login daily then other times I don't play for weeks. I usually login the most when they add more floors to tower of illusion. I'm currently on floor 75 once I clear this I probably won't login for a good while.
I still do my dailies but they're really pushing it now. I haven't been excited for a non-collab banner in literally years and we should have had a new collab like two months ago.
I'm gonna hang on until the next collab or EoS, whichever happens first and if it's trash I might actually walk away.
A0 Leona can only go up to floor 25 in the tower, the Sacred Treasure match is impossible, A1 can steamroll it though.

Still, you only need get to floor 23 to get all the crafting materials but floor 27 has the valuable selector box for Imprint stones for Goeniko and Leona

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