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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
The previous Time Layer collapsed...
Cooking I guess.
Dipshit OP got himself banned and his posts deleted; fucking retard.
Some you hardly ever see - Clergy for instance.
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What was that, ESL? The Clergy personality?
nta but that wasn't esl my guy
you might just be retarded
To expand on the original point, the only Clergy characters who have actual synergy with each other are Thille ES/Mariel ES, meaning for 90% of the game's existence you'd only see that finisher if you were running a meme West team.
That's definitely improper English my guy.
If anything it is overly proper.
Why are you being obviously retarded here?
>"so which Personality finisher is your favorite?"
>"some [that] you hardly ever see - clergy for instance."
explain in detail how that's improper enough to be esl, retard
>another eden: the grammarians beyond time and space
I mean in theory you could have been running a fire focused team with Thille AS, Rosetta OG, Prai, and someone else.
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Literally who. Next stream scheduled for June 4.
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Mystery character
Dunarith Alter's sister.
Utapalaka. Time to save.
Got it backwards but whatever. Also free possible Ilulu Alt/Yakumo/Sesta/Iphi/AS Premaya (why?) for starting 3.2
Yakumo AS supposedly magic support
Is the 3.2 one a rerun?
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It's a rerun so you won't get it twice.
It says rerun on the pic
Damn that sucks, Illulu Alt is the only character I actually need right now because the only thing I have left is fucking Gariyu challenge.
It's not those characters specifically, it's ANY RANDOM staff or katana or bow or axe character.
iirc I got Heena from it when they initially did it
Ah gotcha. Now I remember it.
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OHHHH! Nice. She's top cute! They got me. I'm getting her. I hope she's strong.
Nice, back when she was first teased I thought she had potential to be a future unit.
Well they're not going to waste the time and effort on a unique sprite/face if they're not going to make the character playable. Especially if the character is a cute girl.
The real question is, which one will be the Axe user to finally benefit from the Western continent crystal axe? Thus far only Necoco can benefit from it and only in crystal zone.
Forgot the reforge means it boosts Thunder/Shade damage too, which expands it from Necoco in Thunder/Crystal/Shade zone to Necoco in Thunder/Crystal/Shade zone AND Orleya.
I mean there's several characters with unique sprites/faces that have been stuck in NPC jail. Sebastia, Ratchett, Vares, Kagnome, Garnelli, etc.
Ratchet's face sprite was fan made and she uses a generic body. Kagome shares a sprite with Tsubame and Garnelli and Genshin are villains. Adult Sebastia and/or Alt Amy are pretty seem likely for the 3.3/3.4 free story unit, though.
Ishar also has a unique body/face, to add to the count. And everyone has been clamoring for Seze for years.
>yakumo as is better magic support than flamme as and makes her pretty much unnecessary
Fuuuuuuuck as a new (~20 days, still on free trial) player I had a reg flamme and spent the 3 times I got to Elzion in the PCD on her treatises since she was supposed to be good with Xianhua. I could have used it for other stuff like the free necoco or something. Guess I won't buy the remaining 2 shop treatises or upgrade her for now...
ok so is her name
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What a fucking dork.
tfw Kumos AS is different compared to Kumos NS
Nice belts. Is he gonna be the FFXVII protag?
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He's literally me...
>Left with 9 whisper of time drops cause I either couldn't bother to update the game or forgot to claim them
fucking kill my retarded ass.
Saved you the anguish of an NS Philo dupe.
I took the bait and started this game, will I manage to finish the story before EoS?
You'll be fine - game has been doing well and EoS is unlikely before 2026 (due to crossover durations). There are at least two more main story updates (likely more), one in June and another in 6-9 months.
Yeah, you have plenty of time.

Amnesia personality spotted
Ratchet is an important character who came in clutch multiple times, I won't hear it.
She will never be playable for exactly that reason. Too many quests revolve around her being specifically located in Palsifal Palacifal.
Based, she is the only one who knows the feelings of Shanie my beloved
That reminds me, Shanie ES with broken SA fucking when? And cq where she ends up with Aldo. It's been too long
>Shanie ES
It is extremely likely that Melina ES was originally Shanie ES. Her moon Armor became the Stand/Alexander. They changed it last minute because they didn't want to expand the Sword/Wings cast that late in the story, although she appeared in the first scene.
Good because Melina ES is pretty shit so Shanie might be able to get one that's actually good now
>Good because Melina ES is pretty shit
Yeah, she's split in too many directions. Can heal/buff/debuff/dps but do none of them particularly well. In thunder teams I usually swap her out for Necoco/Dewbert after the first turn.
>wasted 1k trying to get him
I wish specific Treatise isn't annoying to get
>You have to remember what every single fucking location looks like to do the new cat hide and seek
>no way to get hints anywhere
Fuck me, I don't know where this could be. It could be somewhere locked behind the fucking records room for all I know
Anon that's Corinda Plains. It is easy shit. On the other hand, this confirms that they're not the same between each player, as I already got all mine and didn't have that cat. Looks like we're limited to 14 cats per week, five cats a day.
Sounds like Corinda Plains. Maybe that spot ip on top.
*6 cats a day
long playing chads, our time is now. This is punishment to you all for not posting pictures of your favorite cats. You could be master stampers already.
I just remembered that place existed because of Shanie's quest. I was running through everywhere in the Future (first 3 locations were Laula Dome, Nilva, Elzion so I thought there might have been a pattern), then went everywhere I could remember that was obviously a Meadow (mostly Garulea locations) or that I remembered had the Calming Spores environmental effect, then went to Zerberiya because the crystal region has a glowing sky before finally remembering Shanie getting cucked out of her ES by Melania.
It's not a location I would consider a Meadow though.
But 2 free Red Keys is a damn good reward.
You got keys? I could only return two cats and got a fluff ball from the cat queen and that's it. I guess even the rewards are randomized.
How do you guys have 7 cats? I'm maxed out at 6 and have beaten all other content.
Also have 171/171 cats in cat-alog. Maybe randomized as well?
What regions have the update already? I don't have it yet
You need to download the latest update from the store. It should be available everywhere.
I didn't get any furballs. Murmurs, Exp Scrolls, something else I don't remember possibly more Exp, and then 2 Keys.
I only got 4.
Okay. So I guess the number of cats you can return each day, and the rewards are all randomized then. Interesting.
>I didn't get any furballs. Murmurs, Exp Scrolls, something else I don't remember possibly more Exp, and then 2 Keys.
I got 200 stones but nothing else (and 5 stones from Rewards for getting 5 cats). Must have mega-lucked out. Will post screen in a minute.
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Thought this was guaranteed - must be some super fucking rare shit.
Or more likely there are set rewards which are in a randomized sequence or something.
Should I roll this fag if I already have his NS or should I save for the dragon reaperfag who will be mediocre like the other arcadiafags?
go for Dunarith's sister instead who's coming next update
>who will be mediocre like the other arcadiafags?
Melphtard is pretty good, lets you consolidate your sword grasta slut with your buffer.
She's an anniversary character so she's just a bar above mediocre. The homodragonreaperfaggot is only overhyped because unironic faggots like him.
I personally like Dunarith for being a good friend to aldo and for his loyalty to family.
Trying to get through the main story for the catch up charas and holy fuck it's such a slog. Fuck whoever designed the kms split party bullshit to explicitly waste your time. And for 10 floors too.
It's like doing homework, weren't games supposed to be fun?
>I like [the gayest one of them all]
Somehow got 2 Anabel ES Codex and 1 Chant Script today but still at 0 Yakumo AS Treatise. I wish I could exchange useless extra Treatise for other characters to a specific ones.
Like is not the same as lust. Why you niggas always in parasocial mode?
Cetie and Hardy are gayer than Dunarith.
Dunarith will always have a place on my side teams for the fact that he used to be the fuck you do big damage support guy
So apparently you can continue to get cats above the 14 required for all weekly equipment mats.
>Colorful cloth on a round door. What a nice find in the plains.
Drawing a blank here
Sarupa in Past Migleina
Got Minalca from the part 3 ticket bros!
Pretty ecstatic, out of the five I would have been happy with either her or Toova ES since I had Anabel ES and Yakumo AS but I wanted her the most. Mostly because I haven't really heard of the other 3.
Definitely worth grinding the story for since I now have my very first consistent barrier piercer and Tetra. Big props to WFS for giving such strong units for free, here's hoping for Iphi or Sesta on the 2nd ticket once I get there...
What did everyone else get, from those that pulled or remember what they pulled?
>out of the five
You're actually way luckier than that, it wasn't between those characters but between ever character of those weapon types.
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2 days or so into the game, it's not breathtaking or exceptional, but it's chill vibes and dare i say, fun. Anyway, the quest backlog is stupid insane, I've spent like a day reading 5 hours of VN just to get done with the level 25-30 quests. In only ONE era.
Do the Sword and Wings mythos.
What's your team so far? And make sure to eventually progress the main story since for a limited time you can get some free 5* characters from doing it
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Congrats on getting marked.
Yeah, I'm thinking based.
I'm running Aldo because MC + aoe MP sustain, the blacksmith girl that I picked with the selector for aoe hammer hits, Hozuki who I somehow managed to get via rolls and Erina for the heal+2 support skills. I'm really lost as to what I should spend my green and red keys on, which I assume are basically this game's stamina system, so I'm just doing all dungeons so far.

Also how long do I have to claim these 5*? Should I just rush the main story?
After you finish Chapter 23 it unlocks (many) of the ADs (Another Dungeons). You spend your Red/Green keys there. Each dungeon has a chance to drop tomes, which you can use to boost a character from 4.5* to 5*, and many can drop Treatise (used to unlock a character's AS form) Codexes (which unlock EX forms) or Opuses (which unlock Alter characters).

Additionally, certain dungeons can permanently increase the Light/Shadow rating of your welfare characters. For example, the Miglance Castle AD has a chance (10% for a green key run, 20% for a red key run) to permanently increase Aldo's Light points by 1 if he's in the party when you clear the dungeon. Man Eater Marsh can increase Cyrus. I'd recommend running Miglance Castle and working on Aldo's Light rating. He gets a buff that increases his damage depending on his Light score, and he becomes one of the top damage dealers in the game at max Light.

For the 5*s you have until July 31st to claim them. I wouldn't rush the main story, but I'd certainly make it the focus. Some of those free characters are really fucking good like Tsukiha.
Aldo is a good character
>what I should spend my green and red keys on
Pick a random crossover/episode and use them for getting easy stones.
Wait what? Do you mean the pool was every character of those weps to ever exist? That doesn't sound right, why would they show specific powerful characters then? And 5 for what looks like 4 weapon types
>Do you mean the pool was every character of those weps to ever exist
They just showed 5 of the most recent characters (at the time the banner originally ran) of those weapon types.
They obviously couldn't show every single one because there'd be something like 80 characters if they did.
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How the fuck are you supposed to know where this is?! Do you know how many places have statues in them?
Only Baruoki lmao
You guys were right... just got the 2nd ticket... dupe Flamme when I only had like 4 of the possible characters lmao
Overall, still satisfied just from the first jackpot though
Will we ever get an event with Shanie? Considering how many cameos she gets, it feels really weird that she still has jackshit for content.
Man, I somehow rolled the paladin girl with my 10 rolls who came with an alternate spear style built in. Now all I have to do is autoattack with her and she wipes anything from elites to bosses.
Maybe I'll keep her out for the time being so i can struggle some more with a more basic team.
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I did it bwos
>>1469215 (me)
Also, having gone through the entire story up to part 3, here are my thoughts for anyone who cares:
>Part 1
Pretty good, the ending was also very nice. As far as gacha first stories are concerned it's definitely one of the better ones and sets the bar for what's to come
>Part 2
Not as good, I don't feel like any of the new characters were properly developed and Aldo acted like he knew them all already for some reason. Villains sucked and dungeons were an absolute slog. One part that I really liked was the Satellite Stadium part, though.
>Part 3
Actually really awesome so far, the world is gorgeous and production value is insane. Story is interesting as well. Music probably the best it's ever been outside of Satellite Stadium.

Overall really excited to see how this goes cause it seems like everything's getting better.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Her SA Shield is pretty good. Still using my random team until I'll encounter something that cannot be killed randomly while lvl preparing full mono teams on slot 5 and 6
Tfw I still haven't got even one of his Treatise and got Flamme AS Treatise instead today. All my White Key runs are also mostly instant fail.
Did they say what this girl is supposed to be, unit wise?
Dunarith's sister
Glad you liked part 3, because I thought it was really mediocre compared to the previous arcs. I agree 2 didn't feel as strong as 1, but I did still enjoy it.

You've got a lot to look forward to if you haven't tackled the major side content. Song of Sword and Wanderer in the Vortex are clear winners, but the rest are fantastic too. Some were a bit meh, like Ocean Palace and Azure Rebel, but none are huge stinkers.
I mean like her kit.
Usually only released w/ the character trailer the day before the unit drops
Better not be Water/Ax I swear to fucking God
She's got that giant scythe in her picture, so it's a safe bet that she'll be ax or lance. For Mazrika's element, I'm guessing she'll be Shade. We only have one Shade Lance user (Milsha) and we still don't have a Shade Ax user so she'd be the first.
>Mazrika's kit leaked
Holy shit she's gonna be busted
Come on anon, you can't just post that without including something you made up.
Damn I wish I knew who the hero of this game was. What a shame.
>the hero of this game
Phantom Roja?
Uhhh are the damage numbers on the wiki accurate for Minalca? Or a trick to get her to do a lot of damage? She has insane multipliers on Rip and Tear but is hitting like a wet noodle (like 1m x3) compared to Xianhua, Anabel ES, and Yakumo AS cranking out fat 15-30 million numbers on the regular. All with relevant support too, although nobody has any grastas yet since I just unlocked them a few days ago.
Get those Tributum Stacks maxed out. She deals 20% damage to the party at the beginning of the turn and gains stacks depending on how much damage is dealt. The higher the party's HP, the more damage is done and the more stacks she gets. At 50 stacks, she's got some of the highest damage in the game. Rip and Tear especially since it gets the follow up attack.
Sorry I forgot to mention that I can get her consistently at least 48 stacks already. So it should be pretty close to max, it's weird.
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Here are my minalca's damage numbers for a turn 1 prep.
How do you get 9k+ HP?
>How do you get 9k+ HP?
If she has 50 Tributum and does not do enough damage to push them below 50%, she does 4020%+4020% for the equivalent of 8040%
If the enemy is below 50% after her first attack, she only does the one 4020%
If she has 45 Tributum and the enemy is below 50% after her first attack, she deals 3636%
If you're using Xianhua and Yakumo in the same party and if Xianhua is SA'd with the relevant abilities unlocked, both of them start with +50% Staff damage and Mental Focus for another +250% (Xianhua might only have like 180% depending on what nodes you picked). Xianhua also starts the battle with an extra 200~300 INT depending on how everyone is geared.
Yakumo's Despair treats the enemy's MDef as if it were 0 as does his Overclock, as well as Xianhua's Horizon so if what you're fighting has high defenses those will be a significant source of disparity in damage
For Anabel I'm assuming you're using her in a Light team for damage, in which case she starts with +100% PWR and will always have Singular Focus for about +66% damage. Using Justice, she pops Paladin's Path for another +50% damage before hitting Divine Dusk which is a 3200% attack in Light mode and buffs her subsequent attacks with +100% Lance Damage and +100% PWR buffs.

If you're not using Minalca with Thillelille ES or Porcelain Pixie, she won't have Singular Focus. Those 2 are also among her best supports, since both of them can also provide Weapon Damage (50% from Thille or 100% from PP), with PP increasing Weakness Mult +1, giving +50% damage with her Prayer, and giving between 25 and 75 PWR to Minalca, while Thille gives Multi-Upgrade and straight up adds another hit to Rip and Tear making it go from 4020% to 5360% at max Tributum, and both of them also provide the typical party-wide PWR and SPD buffs.
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>giant android girl
lawyer-friendly Frog knows the good stuff
Thanks for the write up, now I get it
It was all the extra buffs like mental/singular focus and +100% dmg and crit and stuff that characters like Anabel and Xianhua have that jack them up so high, Minalca doesn't have that many self buffs so I'll have to teambuild more.
It's crazy how loaded the newest character kits are, they do everything by themselves with barely any support.
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It's real
this is a great little thing honestly. I like playing cat tag
I would not be surprised if someone gets an Allcosmos from it. It seems to be their way of addressing the f2p resource shortage.
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I just did flamme's quests for fun and I didn't expect her to be the way she is damn
Holy shit the auction house quest is a SLOG
When you're done, be sure not to pick up the quests again, otherwise they'll sit in your quest list forever.
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>dragon spine
>1 chest
Wow, thanks for letting me know there's a singular chest throughout the entire fucking map of dragon's spine that is now accessible. Does anyone know where this is?
Your cat is cool anon
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My Xianhua will be overpowered now.
Thanks, anon.
>helena has frenchish accent and pronounces th as z for her speech quirk
>but only sometimes and other times she talks completely normally
Is this a localizer moment?
Depends on her mood.
What, you can't just remove them from your log? I think I just did with one low quest about airport seeds
No, if you take the quests again the only way to get the out of your log is to clear them again without turning them in.
>Have to find cat in 4 places
>3rd time get 6x Skip Tickets
>4th time get 200 CS
Now we just need this thing to give out Allcosmos
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>run around the world to fetch a superweapon for ogres
>no backup plan at all just do as they say for (1) hostage
>ogres turn the superweapon against you
>they don't give the hostage back
Decided to do a no gacha run (no pulling using cs) and damn Benedict is super broken. You can pick him from the starter selection, then immediately get him 5 star after ch13 and start doing 5m+ AF within a few hours of starting the game for free. Aoe regular swing oneshots everything.
I'll probably have to ban him for myself until much later since he trivializes everything right now. Guess the game is technically super f2p after all
Main story SA characters fuck as well. Shame the octopath kids aren't that great.
Meta total F2P would probably be Serge setting his zone, Aldo SA, Helena SA, Benedict and then Serge swapping for Kid to buff/debuff.
New player here and pretty much doing the same with Anabel, for some reason she does easily 20x the damage of other same level characters. Maybe she has in-built endgame stats idk, benched her after one shotting 3 bosses in a row
Benedict is straight up the go to for certain shit bosses outright. He is in fact justified in having his power too.
Did they add the phase shift exp thing yet? Need to max a few weapons and I am losing my mind.
Yeah, two updates ago. It is pretty RNG though.
Ok, thanks anon
W-what about Galliard?
He's good but he's not slash or magic so wouldn't slot easily into the bullshit comp I made up.

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