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News when
When the cunny models are ready
next year
yuriCHADS won. Keep the shitposting thread going, hetcucks.
>supposedly 2M signups
>this is the only decent fapart
it's over
>with a playable male mc
Holy cope
Manjuu should go the way of Snowbreak and ban any kind of yuri discussion, as well as banning asking for a female MC or playable male gacha characters.
I want to fuck the pammies
Game is designed for normalfag audience. Prepare for massive disappointment.
At least it will guarantee stability, even better if its not discussed on /vg/ for being too normie friendly.
I thought they already did
Only in some fan communities, but it's useless if Manjuu themselves don't support it.
Each day Manjuu fails to commit to male panderinig, more people get hooked by Snowbreak.
Azur Promilia would become irrelevant if they keep the +12 no horny design and female MC.
>Game is designed for normalfag audience.
Are there any games with a normalfag audience that only have female characters? GFL2 tried that and flopped.
Depends on what you mean by normalfags, but plenty of these games have tried to expand to a wider audience and pander to even women:

Blue Archive, which is why they originally made Sensei's gender ambiguous and added little romance. But they have mostly settled on pandering to horny otakus and NTRchads now.

Nikke has a pretty big female audience and ShiftUp fliflops on who they want to pander to

Azur Lane tried pandering to women with their anime but got beaten into submission by chinks

Girls Frontline 1 added female commander and made marriage ambiguous to bring more women in

Honkai Impact 3 obviously

Mahjong Soul IIRC originally had only female characters but then added males to expand to the obviously extremely big female mahjong player audience.
>Azur Lane tried pandering to women with their anime but got beaten into submission by chinks
Azur Lane anime completely removed the admiral from existence and instead shipped the girls with each other, specifically Akagi now is lesbian for her sister and they added Enterprise x Belfast shipping.

This caused a massive shitstorm in China with women and trolls coming into Azur Lane communities and saying the girls are actually lesbian and don't like the admiral, and male players started quitting. Azur Lane was bleeding players so badly that Manjuu had to step in and make a statement that the anime is not canon and the girls actually all still love you the Admiral.
And it caused Yostar to start their anime own studio kek
>Manjuu had to step in and make a statement that the anime is not canon and the girls actually all still love you the Admiral.
God, Incels are so cringe...
Chinks are so based
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It didn't help that the anime was ass, only the first episode was nice because of the creative interpretation of battles, and the fourth one, with nipples for almost everyone. They mismanaged the budget and each episode was more of a slide show than the last.
Shit was so bad that the publisher created it's own studio and adapted Slow Ahead and Queen's Orders, by the names you can tell they are slice of life, which is the only way to adapt a gacha into anime.
>+12 no horny design
They need to remove the Sony port.
Blame the women and trolls for starting shit.
>ap thread
>its actually just a few sperg whinning about shit not actually related to it, and a few other retards baiting said spergs
whats the point in making these threads when there is still next to no info but it gets used by retards for shitposting and trying to talk about "drama" nonsense
This thread should be retooled into the upcoming gacha thread at least until the first CBT given how broad the discussion is here and the lack of AP news.
>ShiftUp fliflops on who they want to pander to
And how and the hell do they do that?
>women and trolls coming into Azur Lane communities and saying the girls are actually lesbian and don't like the admiral
Yeah, I wonder why they hate real women
Hmmmm what is you opinion about Arknights then ?
Arknights doesn't have only female characters
OP is a faggot and just want to shitpost.
>And how and the hell do they do that?
By half-assing things though mostly just shooting poses and events without SKK.
>Genshin release on Playstation in patch 2.1
>Get censored on 2.4
>ZZZ and HSR got hit with censorship on beta
Sony is fucking aids, chinks need to stop this shit.
Genshin was on playstation since launch
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>Genshin was on playstation since launch
Genshin was on PS on launch but the 2.1 was the first time Genshin showed off an actually busty women who got censored to hell on her release during 2.4. For whatever reason whether it is due to Sony or the CCP genshin playable characters are more covered up/less filled out then their non playable counter parts looking at Furina and arlecchino.
Aloy is not Genshin. What was released with 2.1 was the PS5 version, but it was on PS4 since launch.
>over 2 months later and no news
they're really shooting themselves in the foot...
>still think guys would hurt from being called virgin or incel
Projecting much?
The game is at minimum 2 years away, what news are you expecting? Their license expiring next year isn't relevant, they probably got it as a just in case thing if they need to rush out the game, they'll re-apply for a new one when it expires.
Can't wait to fuck the MC's sister
>They need to remove the Sony port
They won't and it's already over for the straight male audience. They want the genshin audience, they are going for all ages zero romance plutonic catering to all. Sony will never let them have any male pandering.
But the MC has a brother
And the ironic part is that it will still be a massive success. The bar is so low these days and its funny how wuthering waves is completely missing the mark.
>they'll re-apply for a new one when it expires
How much will it cost them?
No idea, but it's a cost they're willing to pay, think of it like insurance. Maybe the economy will go to shit and they start having massive cash flow issues with Azur Lane and they need to release Promilia early. Or some competitor that could completely surpass them starts getting attention, maybe they find a release opportunity due to some other circumstance like, I don't know, mihoyo imploding because someone leaks dawei snorting cocaine while calling his playerbase dumb pig cucks, and suddenly there's a gap on the market.
Fact of the matter is you don't want to sit on an expensive product and find yourself unable to release it because you don't have a license. None of these unlikely scenarios are going to happen but if you're a business you have to mitigate risks and sometimes that comes with a cost.
Anyway, I wouldn't believe leddit china experts that tell you getting a license is some one in a lifetime endeavour where you have to prostrate yourself before Xi and hope he doesn't decide to cut off your head and subject your familiy to death by a thousand cuts.
These discussions about "safe horny" are so nonsensical because I've never once seen them address what really matters: loading screens.

I am not kidding. There is nothing more awkward in games than lewd loading screens. You can tell your parents things like "I'll play with the blood off" and "I'll play with the swear filter on" and "I won't dress her in any of those outfits" but there is no avoiding the loading screens.
Get a job and move out of your parents basement chode.
you have to be 18 to post here
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>They won't and it's already over for the straight male audience.
Well there is Nornium which is looking more and more like a true successor to Azur Lane.
you think so?
I think Normium is dead on arrival unless they add sex.
>just add sex
Do you people just not know about H gacha games and how utterly shit their revenge is
What is this esl babbling about?
I think it might be from that same autist on /v/ whos only life goal is to start gacha flamewars
Nigger, it looks so trash, snowbreak shines like gold when standing next to it.
Shut up nigger
See the trailer, are you blind? Might as well play with Koikatsu if the gameplay loop is irredeemable garbage. And Shit like unity project in 2018.
But enough about Snowbreak
To be fair it's not like the devs have alot of backing and they know they need to polish the game alot more.
Yeah, sure? I don't even play snowbreak, but when compared with the two you'll know which one you'll play (even though both are garbage) but we'll see until they released it. I wouldn't put much hope to it though, the gameplay alone puts me off.
Focusing fast-paced button-mashing 'arpg' in the first place is already a mistake, even worse with chink generic honkai aesthetic, and itt has been done to death six million of times. They won't make it as some no-name studio.
Nornium looks very barebones so you would rather want to play Snowbreak.
Probably would do decent if it's a full on R18 game on DMM instead. But as it is now it would just flop horribly when people get bored of the coomer designs.
Also the devs were dumb enough to get their ass kicked out of their own project before so I have doubt that they can manage the game well.
That's what I think as well, the gacha industry is saturated and the game doesn't really have anything to make it stand out. Releasing an adult version on Steam and on DMM would at least distinguish it from all the other action games.
>Probably would do decent if it's a full on R18 game on DMM instead
Not at all
Nornium looks like MMD shit. Unironically. I don't see it surviving.
>gacha industry is saturated and the game doesn't really have anything to make it stand out
Could say the same thing about Wuthering Waves and Azur Promilia.
Are you some new schizo I'm not aware of?
nta but the game does look like an aimless passion project
Kancollefags said the same thing about Azur Lane.
Yeah except AL got a massive amount of fanart and marketing to pump up its popularity. You really think this literally who devs could do the same?
Small dev team = smaller production cost = smaller playerbase required
>You really think this literally who devs
Yostar and Manjuu where literally who devs when they started with AL and ironically the KCfags where shitting on the game for being historically inaccurate coombait from a no name studio while KC was a flagship of Kadokawa at the time.
Kancolle was in massive decline during that time since the events kept getting harder and harder with more nonsensical bullshit mechanic, and Kadokawa just created a massive shitstorm by shanking the fuck out of Kemono friend anime staff. That gave Yostar a golden opportunity to jump in and snatch players from them. The marketing push for AL was fucking massive back then because Yostar knew they won't ever get a second chance like this.
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Another game apologizes to the chinks. This is why it's important to only have a male protagonist.

For context, they re-released an animated PV but it only had the female protagonist, when the game is a waifu game.
What gaem?
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Cross Core
>Cross Core
That game still has players? It's censored af.
This is why it's important to not care about the vocal chinese shitposters.
>This is why it's important to care about the vocal chinese shitposters.
The answer to cancel culture is to never apologize. If you apologize you're yielding ground to them. Chink devs need to learn this.
Good idea, they should go bankrupt instead
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dataminers found mention of Steam and Switch in Azur Lane code, either AL will be released on steam and swtich, or they are testing for Azur Promilia
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Now that Snowbreak is becoming a massive success, I think it's guaranteed now that Azur Promilia will go full harem direction.
Good news. Guess we'll be able to create our Manjuu account or whatever it's called pretty soon
>Snowbreak is becoming a massive success
>Nikke has a pretty big female audience and ShiftUp fliflops on who they want to pander to

i look forward to the shitstorm when they release troon or male nikkes. You can tell shiftup badly wants the normie audience, and want to pivot away from coom and instead sell muh deep story
What shitstorm? They put that robot in with the Nier collab and there was barely any complaining. Gacha players don't complain about anything and will gladly let the company do whatever it wants.

Next step is for ShiftUp to add a trap Nikke with a collab, and players will slurp it up.
>Nikke has a pretty big female audience
Isn't that a game way more coom than AL, why does it attract a big female audience?
Because you can sell cute and hot girls to both male and female audience.
You know I always found it weird how a bunch of people just want (You) pandering games when Fanza games are literally for that. And yet Fanza games barely make any revenue despite literally pandering to (You). Everyone calls for more sex in games in Snowbreak and Nikke and are hoping for sex in Azur Promilia but seem to ignore actual pornge. Why?
Because 99% of them are shitty browser games and the 1% that isn't can be defined by hilariously low rates, neccessity to pull for dupes for characters to work at all and/or general greed
Sure, stuff like Aigis is still playable even though the game is 11 years old, but why would you when the porn is so low quality and the gameplay has been massively improved by arknights?
>Because 99% of them are shitty browser games and the 1% that isn't can be defined by hilariously low rates, neccessity to pull for dupes for characters to work at all and/or general greed
You also just described gacha games in general though. Azur Lane combat plays like a literal flash game yet it still has a dedicated fanbase that just buy skins and don't give a shit about the gameplay outside of raising their botewives. Plays like a flash game and doesn't even have sex yet people hold it as a golden standard for coomer games.
Nikke gameplay is also nothing groundbreaking, requires dupes to get past the 160 wall and is a literal idle game where you are encouraged to buy power in a combat system where your stats are actively punished for trying to tackle on content under the recommended power levels. How is this any better than the pornge on Fanza again?
I haven't actually played Snowbreak myself but I still do hear that the game, despite as coom-pandering as it is becoming, still has issues being absolutely dogshit in the actual gameplay department.

Overall it doesn't seem like coomge live up to any high standards anyways so why should pornge have to?
Azur Lane is still better than any porn gacha I've witnessed. You might think it is a low bar to beat, but god damn, porn gacha still manage to get below it.
>sell cute and hot girls
>to female audience.
Does not compute.
Get off /v/ and twitter for a while
>Nikke gameplay is also nothing groundbreaking, requires dupes to get past the 160 wall and is a literal idle game where you are encouraged to buy power in a combat system where your stats are actively punished for trying to tackle on content under the recommended power levels. How is this any better than the pornge on Fanza again?
Its not, I think anyone who legitimatley thinks Nikke is good needs to be checked for brain cancer
>"why don't you just play actual porn game with below average production value made by literally who devs in a shit anti-gaijin launcher?"
I wonder.
are we pretending most gacha aren't made by literal who devs as well?
monmusu td is a better game than that snowcomplex garbage people have been trying to shill in 4chan lately.
nice joke
A joke is supposed to be funny, those games being worse than porn games is just pathetic, gotta say.
Oh it is funny, it absolutely hilarious that theres this random post out of nowhere asking why people won't just play games on DMM and then bring up monmusu in comparison to a game that has been getting a bit more attention recently
I used to play the Eiyuu Senki game, it was actually pretty good and challenging but it closed down. Almost all of the other games in FANZA can barely be considered porn games, they're utter trash and the only adult content they have is a couple scenes per character that you get from raising their affection, so you're better off skipping the game and just looking up a gallery for the scenes. Also the scenes are censored.

I also tried some Erolabs games but most of them are really greedy and uplayable F2P. Ark Re:Code is one of the best porn gacha you'll find but the Epic Shit system they copied just filtered me.
modern gacha aren't for-fun amateur gamedev indie projects. they are high production value enterprises that are backed by real investors and have real money at stake. the bitching online is the tip of the iceberg. what these devs and their less egalitarian paypigs really feel is the drop in sales that comes directly after.
>requires dupes to get past the 160 wall
A retard check that any non-retard will instantly pass, especially now that they give you free shit specifically to help you pass it
>a literal idle game
You don't understand what idle means
>encouraged to buy power
This is not any different at all than any other gacha game where you can buy weapons and/or dupes (or whatever other system the gacha uses) for increased player effectiveness, which is all of them, because there needs to be whale incentives or else the f2p game dies
>actively punished for trying to tackle on content under the recommended power levels
Actually a better system than being literally incapable of beating things out of your power range, which is what most gacha do

I don't understand what it is about Nikke that causes people like you to seethe so much. Does it bother you that Nikke, a 2D "png collector", is earning a lot of money? Why does that bother you? Why does it matter to you which game that you don't play is successful?
>cowardly non-reply that does not address anything that I said
The previous poster clearly doesn't play the game so here's my take,
>they give you free shit specifically to help you pass it
The only *guaranteed* way to pass the wall is to either wait for months to get welfare MLBs and/or use silver mileages for your guaranteed first ssr and the one you'll pick from "f2p" anniversary selector and any "non-retard" knows not to waste jims on standard. I won't account anything with chance since it won't be the same for everyone.
>a better system
Only players with meta team would defend this dogshit system. It's a lazy way to balance the game and it's why everyone hates elysion tower, however it's a pretty common system in idle games so it's not like they're the first offender in this.
Azur Promilia
>The only *guaranteed* way to pass the wall is to either wait for months to get welfare MLBs
I passed "the wall" very shortly after reaching it (before they gave retards extra help clearing it) because I used the wishlist system knowing that I needed to pass 160 before I could continue to play the game. Retards don't do this, so they get stuck at the wall. The wall is only a retard check, that you will only really encounter if you are either retarded or the unluckiest person on the planet (who is probably also retarded)
>Only players with meta team would defend this dogshit system
In most gacha games, you literally cannot progress past a certain point. Sometimes it's a hard stat check, sometimes it's account level, you get the idea. Nikke's system allows you to possibly, if you are skilled enough and/or have a meta enough team and/or have niche enough units for the stage, to pass a stage before you are supposed to be able to, which usually also allows you to instantly get to the next "wall" stage due to the way the levels "brackets" are structured. The ability to possibly get to the next "wall" or two earlier than you are "supposed" to be able to is, to me, a superior system than hard locking an account from progressing until it acquires an equally arbitrary form of "power level", whether that be raw account level or stats, as is seen in every gacha game to ever exist. Being able to "fudge the numbers" in Nikke, so to speak, is objectively superior to being forced to wait a week so that you level 48 account can become a level 50 account and unlock the next progress point. In one system, you are disadvantaged in progressing, but it is still possible to progress. In the other system, you literally are hard locked and there is nothing you can do besides wait
>want to pivot away from coom and instead sell muh deep story
Yeah thats why the newest chapters had 2 fanservice cgs along with discussion about Fragile's ass. Not to mention Crown skin and Bey, I honestly think that this who Nikke hates fanservice thing is overblown.
>yet Fanza games barely make any revenue
Low production values, lack of marketing and they tend to lack IOS releases.
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You know I always found it weird how a bunch of people just want cuckshit/omnipandering games when Mihomo games are literally for that. And yet Mihomo games make a lot revenue despite literally pandering shiptroons. Everyone calls for more omnipandering in games in Snowbreak and Nikke and are hoping for cuckshit in Azur Promilia but seem to ignore actual cuckge. Why?
It's because they want to be the primary audience so that most of the content targets them

>Mihomo games make a lot revenue despite literally pandering shiptroons.
The thing is they don't really pander to shippers dispite the shitposting look at fgo or gbf if you want to see what real ships look like. After GGZ and HI3 Mihoyo heavily dropped it's yuri themes only to keep it in off media like youtube videos or comics, besides the tighter restrictions this is due to trying to cast a larger net for normalfags as a result like with genshin all character interactions are kept in a permanent, eternal non offensive neutral like how there was no real confrontation with Wanderer and Raiden or Navia and Clorinde along with how the nobody cares about what the fatui are doing despite being the evil shounen organization. So as a result the playable becomes disgruntled and seeks out games with similar production valves that something more that what genshin is giving which could be seen as better endgame, actual canon relationships between the cast, actual romantic relationship/development with a heroine, a good MC that can actually trains and can fight and so on.
Meant playerbase
>I don't understand what it is about Nikke that causes people like you to seethe so much
NTA, but i fucking despise Nikke because it was market as the "supreme waifu coomer game that you can play with one hand" but instead was censored in the release, i droped the game after the last shitty christmas event when they starting forcing the SKK to be a beta cowardly faggot and look the current state game in the last months they toned down the (you) pandering, they censored Bay because now is too dangerous to show a pantyshoot,they removed the SKK from the anniversary and Crown design is the most shitty safe horny genshin tier design i ever see made for normalfag audience (that fucking lighting in the skin just make me KEK).
>The thing is they don't really pander to shippers dispite the shitposting
As ex-noellefag i extremely disagre, they literal killed her with the mika shit

If you dont consider genshit and tranny rail cuckshit, what are you doing here faggot? go to watch Firefly railed by Blade in the car shu shu
>or the unluckiest person
Glad we're on the same page.
For that reason alone, i wouldn't recommend anyone to start outside of big event or strong carry banners unless they got hard from rerolling. It's just not worth the effort.
>soft wall > hard wall
One is a brain check while the other is a stamina check. Both can be alleviated by spending to some degree, but i'm specifically taking shots at the penalty system/dynamic difficulty since there's no proper explanation about it within the game and you just left dumbfounded when trash mobs deal huge damage all of the sudden. The only way to get around this is as you already say, characters.
I'm pretty sure there's a new feature to borrow units but they're limited to three times a day so...hard wall?
>Noelle hung out with Mika one time.
Call me when Hoyo has the characters dating or kissing on screen.
Nikke has always been antsy with panstu due to muh 12+ rating, Crown's design was shown off almost half a year ago and her outfit shows skin.
I honestly think these people are obssessed with the novelty of having developers pander to them, but then they never play the game, or support the developer where it matters, financially. It's like how all those journos praise the hell out of troonshit, cuckshit, but then those games flop.

Look at aether gazer, reverse 1999, snowbreak, Higan eruthyll, outerplane, path to nowhere, neural cloud, brown dust, tower of fantasy. I started playing these games on release, they were sterile, no coom, and omnipandering with playable male characters, then those people who want ominpandering never supported the game, so guess what? Now all those games pander to males because coomers are the only people who support devs. People who want omnipandering just stick to genshin and star rail and stop ruining other games.
Same. I've followed Nikke from even CBT1, and the fact that they censored Anis in CBT2 and still flipflop between full coom or not are really stupid. I fucking despise anyone that support/defend ShitUp and parading Nikke as true coom game. Fuck Nikke, Fuck Stellar Blade, Fuck ShitUp.
I'll do the same if Manjuu fucked up Azur Promilia.
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I'm so glad I jumped off the ship while it's still a hotcake, on top of your complaint my other gripe is the tower that gives you 61%? (they raised it to 1% after player complained lol) chance of common unit despite it's being one time thing and get progressively harder to clear.
>they removed skk from the anniversary

I dropped nikke more than a year ago because of all the pvp chores in the game, loved the story though but as a game is fucking miserable to maintain.
Is the guy still seething here because the games doesn't force you to play as a gay twink character?
>Now all those games pander to males
now if only that were true and all those gacha went the snowbreak route to delete all males. things is devs want to have their cake and eat it too to attract "potential" players despite a majority of their focus be on the females.
how are the moids in outerplane?
Yeah, it's hilarious how this one guy is trying to spin a narrative that snowbreak is the most succesful thing on earth. The guy is trying to say that reverse 1999 is trying to pander to the same players as snowbreak, this guy lives in another dimension, I think.
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What you perceive as sterile may not be sterile for the average audience. People see fully covered women in the cover and they instantly pick up that it's a coomer game mainly for male anime fans audience regardless of truth. You can't just say any game with only 1-5 male characters is omnipandering. Outerplane for example had picrel as its key art, in what world is it 'omnipandering'? Just because there's Leo who is a token male character meant to be the MC's rival suddenly it's omnipandering? Same with Tower of Fantasy, apart from King and Zero the rest of launch playables were women. How many men are in 1999? My point is token male characters are pointless because people can sense when they're done half-heartedly. The better approach for game developers would be either going full omnipandering (by centering both male and female) or just go the default waifu route if they can't commit to it. Releasing 1-5 token males, then doing nothing with them, while centering females marketing materials, is a recipe for failure.
>Just because there's Leo who is a token male character meant to be the MC's rival suddenly it's omnipandering?
Actually, yes. Can't have rival characters on a coom game because coomers know they will lose if they have any kind of competition, I'm not joking, it's how it works.
>they will lose
the online flame wars, yes. shippers are a rabid and persistent bunch, and they are such miserable creatures that close contact with one is enough to have you caught up in their air of despair.
it's the kind of aoe villain where your lose condition is to engage with them.
NTA >>1469892, Reverse 1999 and Path to nowhere aren't made for the straight male audience, those games are made for lesbian players and you can just tell from the art styles.
I'm playing R1999 and it's obvious the game's aimed at female yurifags - Fixed female MC, story focuses on the girls, the male characters are an afterthought etc. Because it's a game for women it doesn't need to rely on fanservice to stay afloat.
>rival characters
Are fujobait most of the time
To be a seething faggot or the faggot seething at the seething faggot that is the question.
>Can't have rival characters on a coom game
Just make it a woman Mayadere is a thing you know.
I think people who focus on "waifupandering, fujopandering, omnipandering", etc. are being too categorical. Games don't all fall perfectly within these strict categorizations and players even less. There's a large amount of guys who just like cute anime girls and want to see cute anime girls but don't necessarily care if they're going gaga over a male MC or not, they just want to see a cute anime girl. Most female-only slice of life anime appeal to male fans but they're not "waifupandering" or "yuripandering", it's just cute girls. Same with plenty of female-only ecchi anime. The majority of JRPG with female protagonists are aimed at male fans first and have no romance. For most anime girls, if you look up fanarts, the majority of pictures aren't her fucking the male protagonist or lezzing out with another girl; it's just the girl by herself looking cute or sexy.
yeah but china controls the gacha industry now and chinks are mentally ill so this is the new norm
I highly doubt that "casual anime girl enjoyer" don't exist in China; they do in every other country with a large fanbase of otaku. I think waifufags and yurifags are more likely to be terminally online and more likely to enjoy anime girls in only one specific way so they're louder. Similarly, fujos are a lot louder than yumes yet there are far more games/anime/manga catering to yumes.
I think its that one fag from vg that was forced here because even /v/ caught on to his attempts at flame wars, I'm more surprised this thread is even still up since its pretty clear it has gone beyond topic
>anon is *still* butthurt over christmas rupee
>fails to mention the outfits that were lewder on release than in leaks
>"""safe horny""" """genshin tier""" """normalfag"""
>(i.e. an meaningless string of mindbroken buzzwords)
kek, 10/10, made me reply
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To me it's a simple affair. I just don't want to spend my money or time grinding out mats for some bara faggot to appear and ruin my chance to get my waifu. I feel less angry getting a cute female than a male would. On top of it being a good or addicting game of course.
I don't think anybody is asking for male characters in the gacha
nta but they never reversed the censorship so fuck off shill faggot.
>/v/ tier gimmick threads are starting to get common here
Honestly i haven't been here for long but it's crazy how all these threads are gacha-related.
Yeah! Nikke is the true coom waifu game! You can see it with Yuni lewd animation skill where she licks her chain. W-what do you mean she doesn't do it? But Nikke is the true coom game, it doesn't make sense why they change it!!!1!1! It's not even an implicit action like Azur lane character licking ice cream!
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what are you on about, there are a handful of characters that released slightly lewder than the original, or just completely changed the original designs, but not for the lewder. But most design changes were self-censorship. Pic related, this is the average shit we get nowadays.
Right is AI, I won't believe otherwise unless the faggot draws it right in front of me.
Gotta delete a file to get the good shit back. Sucks ass the lengths we gotta cope with.
Wow what a fucking downgrade, glad I quit last year.
Right is hotter deal with it.
Arguing about censorship in Nikke is a mute point because we all know AP is going to get hit worse than Nikke thanks to Sony.
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There is none just seething retards. He's not an omnipresent god who can be everywhere in the world at once which makes retarded coomers have a conniption fit because he has to be in two places at the same time being a part of every single thing that happens in the entire world or the game is cucking them.
The last event focuses on a far away place when he is busy doing something else and somehow a small minority equates this to NTR.
cuck rhetoric
I'm dropping this game from my to do list for good now. heaps more gacha out there that respects the player
>male nikkes
There is a male nikke, as a NPC that is
I really don't give a single fuck about this game. When the fuck is project MOGGING coming out?
go ask in the project muginng thread
>but not for the lewder
lmao even
Nikke makes people so illogically mad for some reason
Not only that he is wrong see >>1470302 >>1470305
I'm not seeing it
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wow is this nikke thread? anyway wife d is my favorite
Seek help.
You first shill
why don't you talk more about azure promillia instead of seething about game
just a thought
All we got is a single trailer and a shitstorm that's already settled
It'll be months, if not years, till we get some new info to work with
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This is my pre-launch ship.
fairyxelf is canon
>plays coomer game with a self insert
>call others coomers
>make excuses for the devs that keeps removing the MC on every big event
>devs making the Mc acting like a beta bitch on the christmas event and reducing the (you) pandering in a fucking harem game
People really was not joking when they said Nikke is full of redditors now, no wonder why the game revenue dropped so hard in the last months. Next step is adding a male nikke and people making excuses and calling everyone who thinks is bad a chud, incel or whatever buzzword.
Everyone's arguing over male characters, yuri, blablabla, but what worries me is that they haven't shown a single hag.
Well at least I know why the thread went to shit.
>make excuses for the devs that keeps removing the MC on every big event
>the game revenue dropped so hard in the last months.

The pilgrims/the goddess squard are the sandalphon/angelslop of Nikke.
this is what i am worry about as well. when it's a 3d game and gacha one at that, the body variation is a bit limited to tell who is a hag unless you see her face. i am sure I will be proven wrong though
Niggkers coming out of the woodwork for exposing how much of an ironic coomer they are.
i don't care about nikke can you guys fuck off?
let's talk about stellar(lmao) blade instead
Who says I play the game? I'm just laughing at you cuckold fetishists for crying about not being able to jerk off your faceless mc 24/7.
There literally is Shinano clone in OP image >>1464226
>Inb4 it needs to be more older
Honestly shut up. Older than this and it's ugly.
Yeah, I really don't get what causes the illogical, woman-like Nikke seethe. I remember Reddit fucking hated Nikke on release, so maybe it's just Redditors? "Coom" games should be bros, but instead they keep using strings of buzzwords, unrelated to reality, to express their anger at a game for... what reason? No one knows
not hag enough
That looks like a teenager.
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Oof, sorry If I'm rude before. After playing Azur lane for a long time, I think that's the maximum they will ever go for. There's someone like picrel(I don't know if that's hag enough for you) but when I think about it, I realized that there is no shipgirl that looks older than 30 yo.
This is alright, look older than op one at least
>no girl older than 30
easy, just slap thick lipstick on her and boom, a hag.
>knows a lot about the game and the event and defends the game like a shill
Sure thing redditor, btw the only one who keeps talking about cuckshit here is you faggot
You've been feeding me all I need to know. Crying because your favorite bitch isn't getting sucked off in every event. If that isn't the definition of a cuck I don't know what is. Grow up, wash your penis and touch some grass.
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>every thread for any gacha that features only girls inevitably turns into crying about Nikke
I don't know how this keeps happening, but it does. Is this a case of literally one person?
>censorship apologist
Last (You)
I want to start fresh with this game but do I have to know al story just in case? from what I see it doesn't seem to be about boat girls anymore and I don't want to play al
>game is lewder than anything else on the market besides actual porn games
>no matter what Promilia turns into, it wont be as lewd as Nikke is
>Nikkes go lewder than their leaks, which you fail to acknowledge or mention, you just screech about """censorship"""
I'm not a "censorship apologist", anon, I just live in the real world. That's all. No matter what this game ends up being, it wont me lewder than even censored Nikkes
don't lie to yourself we know this won't be your last (you)
you just can't resist it
keep crying
Well you are getting them, lots of them. Have fun with that.
please respond
>Crying because your favorite bitch isn't getting sucked off in every event. If that isn't the definition of a cuck
I don't get this post. are you trying to say incel but used cuck instead to not blow your discord tranny false flag rhetoric apart? because this would imply that the game itself is cucked for anyone that plays it, the "crying" notwithstanding. or maybe you're trying to say that nikke players are only NTRed and not cucked because of the assumption that they were never under the delusion of the game having pandered to them?
go on /fgog/, ctrl f cuck and observe. this is your future as a BA, majsoul and nikke fan.
I'm not talking about being pestered by discord troll-vultures, but the way it is responded to. I'm talking about the rampant bitter, suffocating cope that permeates the general's atmosphere. everyone existing on a hair trigger, that's made them such juicy targets as lolcows to begin with.
it's the same tone as you might find in yuri threads. its posters like a skittish, aggressive pet with a barly treated past, in this case authors under a common understanding of the juvenility of yuri, and it thus being a crapshoot if any given yuri series actually ending that way.
it's not a matter of pandering or shipping, but fundamental human psychology at play. it is a misuse of operant conditioning, the thing that also drives the cycle of abuse, not to mention gambling and addiction.
people weren't mad at mihoyo because they're literally cucking the irl you by pushing weird ships, or that they're no longer fluffing and trying to keep your dick hard every waking moment. that's not what it's about. learn to love yourself, anon.
Sure thing redditor i will totally believe in your seeth, but keep acting like a fag shill for this game and pretending you know nothing about it, that only shows how much of a cuck coward you are
Most likely not, but if has a Azur in it's name they might throw some references here and there.
look at this >>1470481 and i can tell it's only one mentally ill dude
nobody should be this serious about gacha game and make it everyone's problems
>every opinion that scares me must be from le boogeyman site
sure thing redditor cuck, now go on and keep shilling your censored game again in another game thread
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lmao look at this dood, replying on cooldown tilting at reddit windmills
>lewder than anything else
You mean Haze/Reverb? Though it is a niche gigantess game by a small team but they have a lot of fun with it. Gotta give em some props.
>only I know that I'm not samefagging
feels good. at least now I know to rank nikketards below fateshitters in terms of deserved respect. at least the latter knows they're being cucked.
it may only be one other guy in this thread right now but stellar blade was a whole thing. if you're still a shift up simp after that blatant mask off moment you might be retarded.
Meds, double your dose this is unhealthy.
We're all laughing at you bro, this is embarrassing.
You need to let the NTR ghosts go, they aren't actually in the room with you.
friendly reminder that one of the nikke whiteknights in this thread hasn't even played the game. like finding a jew in a BLM rally.
no you, gacha player.
>no you, gacha player
>he says while posting a gacha general
oh no it's retarded
dude i don't think i'm the person you think you are arguing with
i'm literally the only one who ask about azure promillia in this whole thread
Yeah the one who needs to go back in this thread is you.
>replying on cooldown
>when you are literally doing the same seething nonstop at anyone criticizing your game
>anime reaction pic
Damn, cuck shills like you are really not the smartest
A lot of them are getting desperate thanks to the game becoming normie censored shit and reducing the (you) pandering
>an apparently JP only game that barely has 300 followers on the plebbit
Obviously, woman anon, I do not mean this game that no one has heard of, and you know that. Inb4 sales posting
can't feel anything when you type like a brownoid. you already have the mentality of a cuckold and will never love yourself
yeah? seethe harder. never played a single gacha game in my life, save for some casual idle game with a private server.
I'm only arguing against points as they come, I don't care who any of you are.
I didn't want to call you reddit like the other guy, but you can fuck off from my website any time. take the (((trump)))tard election tourists with you too.
>I'm not samefagging but everyone who disagrees with me is
Azur Promilia!
>the crying about Nikke is getting even louder
>projections, projections, projections
>"cuck cuck cuck shill shill shill"
>"I'm not samefagging, (You) are"
Yeah, I'm almost positive that the Nikke seether is literally one person
That's a good idea, really. But I really don't know whether it will fit the current model or not, because all the current characters lips are really thin.
No. After rewatching trailer many times, I think the story of this game will at least be good(the shaman girl is crying). I really hope that the writer of this game gets the same message with azur lane writer, that is "don't try to make it convoluted if you can't tied it skillfully." At least we can write this in beta later. Oh and I really hope that the writing is not using Chinese writing where they really like to write long and verbose story.
>i don't play gacha games I just know everything about them and talk about them in 4chan gacha generals all day long
Oh you really really do need to go back. This is a bad look for your kind. If they knew you were here the consequences would never be the same.
Holy fucking projection shill
>he cries about projection while literally projecting
Holy fucking projection shill2
>I'm only arguing against points as they come, I don't care who any of you are.
you just called me samefagger not long ago dude even though i am not participating in this shit
make up your mind
I play on my smartphone and unfortunately I know a thing or two about fate. this promilia game looked good. bzzt shizo try harder.
If it's this bad when there is zero information about the game imagine how bad the threads will be when it actually comes out.
>you just called me samefagger not long ago dude
lmao piss off. the voices in your head are not real
>/pol/ spamming
>i don't know what gacha games are haha i just know what fate is trust me bro i'm not like you nerds i only play manly games like football simulator 2024
bro please no one is going to believe you have sex
ok that's relieved to hear i don't have any space for more gacha
>chinese writing
they sure love their prose holy shit i remember i skimmed through some translated chinese novel in bookstore and it's a whole page of characters pouring a fucking one cup of tea
you are unhinged
>says the pol spamming faggot who "doesn't even play gacha games"
sure ok bro whatever helps you sleep at night
you don't even play nikke, hoyotard. stop deflecting. defend this schizobabble:
>i just know what fate is trust me bro i'm not like you nerds i only play manly games like football simulator 2024
any genre of gacha has its own kind of schizo these days
it will go away, get use to it
>it will go away
I don't think that's how it works. They breed and grow with time not shrink. Look how scared the competition is that this game is just a whisper. It's going to be so much worse when it actually starts stealing their players.
I sure love posting about azure promillia in azure promillia thread
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No Baltimore no buy
go away as in getting tired but you are right, this kind will just come back.
i think competition isn't a bad thing. be real here, mono gender gachas mostly don't make money except for a few. if azure promillia is a success then it can only mean good thing for the scene (the market is worth tapping your game just needs to have more quality). so i don't get this tribalism that's going on.
>can finally use sexy skin in actual gameplay this time
can't wait
still I hope they don't give up on al 3d game though
news wehn
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Apparently someone was able to play a recent version of the game and a version last year (as always, take it with a grain of salt)
>he starts to say that we need to lower our expectations if we want to be surprised
>the current version looks like a version made in an emergency to respond to the current demand
>certain assets and 3d models from last year no longer exist in the current version, either they were redone or completely abandoned
>lots of things from last year's version should never have been there, because they have nothing to do in a Waifu game, and also the game looked like several projects mixed into 1
>the current Test version focuses on combat
>he thinks there may be a CBT next month
>the way he speaks suggests that in last year's version there were playable male characters, but that they no longer exist in the current version
>he says the game is much more enjoyable now than it was last year
>and the game experience is like removing the poison from Kuro game's projects

reading this makes me think (if it's true) that the game has changed direction between last year and now, so it's possible that the rumors that it was decided not to include a male character in the gacha were only decided at the beginning of the year are maybe true
It's really obvious that they only decided to remove males after Girl's Frontline 2 exploded.
based Baltibro
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AP x AL collab for 7th anni
Is GFL2 still doing well despite all the drama? I remember that game raking in millions in its first month.
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Nvw just checked out their thread, LMAO the game is totally dead as fuck after only a few months. Other Mica games aren't doing much better, looks like the boycott really hit them hard.
Imagine if Manjuu really did nothing after the leaked male drama and snuck males into the beta test, wonder if AP will kick the bucket like Girls Frontline 2 too?
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It's doing as well as GFL 1. They're trying to go the pandering route now with their new banner but unless they remove the ugly female commander option it's just not gonna work as most chinks don't want yuri. Doesn't help that they keep making constant mistakes
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>They're trying to go the pandering route now
Way too fucking late for that >>1470760, only 10mil RMB is laughably pathetic for a 3D game with high production value, AL pulls in 4 times that amount and it's a 7 year old 2d cheapass game.
I recall ToF also tried to cater to normalfags at the beginning with lots of males in the roster and censorship but when devs couldn't hook the normalfag they went full coomerbait, by then it was too late. People's goodwill was gone, bridges were already burned.
It makes me sad because I love GF but the second game looks so bad. If they had to stumble so AP could fly that's a sacrifice I am willing to accept.
I take this info with grain of salt. The other leak is 100% true, but this one is really ambiguous and doesn't feel like anything.
Now for AP, I think the Kibo AI is really stupid(you can see it in the second battle from gameplay demonstration). I really hope that Kibo is not gonna just follow you along and don't attack, because if it's like that, then WuWa Echoes system is better(because if Kibo died, we can't use it's skill). But considering dragon kibo in the butterfly boss battle attack without command, I think Kibo will really be battle companion.
I really hope that you can date in AP though, preferably with First POV like in Fire Emblem three houses.
Honestly manjuu is really lucky that they got rid of male characters, because Genshin Impact will add mount. Imagine if they still add male characters, then they will filtered ex-genshin player that hate mixed game and they won't make the current Genshin players interested with this game(because Sunk-cost).
>I really hope that you can date in AP though
Will never happen with a 12+ rating and being a sony exclusive. You need to set your expectations for romance at 0.
For me the game lives and dies by the quality of Ironblood girls (which do exist per the website btw) and if they retain some of their uniqueness from AL or if they are gonna be genshin-ified like the characters they advertised the game with so far. And I'm not just talking about the designs of the characters themselves but even if it is a fantasy game, going from the riggings and cool other weapons the characters have in AL to generic little swords, bows, daggers, etc. is a huge downgrade.
What's with age rating and romance? Age rating literally only affect lewd and gore. Sony doesn't affect anything too.
Even if there is no romance in CBT1, it will be added if many players(CN players) asking for it.
>Sony doesn't affect anything too.
Oh you sweet summer child. What cave have you been living in for the last 5 years?
Unicorn Overlord is literally full of romance. And if you're talking about lewd, stellar blade literally release not long ago.
>B-but Stellar Blade get censored
It's self censored by ShitUp. They've done the same thing in Nikke.
Don't reply to me anymore shitposter. This will be my final (you).
>It's self censored by ShitUp
Why make up lies?
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>Sony doesn't affect anything too.
Lmao are they really censoring physical extras too now?
>hating fags and furries
Based chinks
>just own physical copies bro they can't take that from you
Reminder that it is always morally correct to give helicopter rides to censorship apologists.
i need a female mc because i'm not a selfinsertfag but i don't want the girls to cuck me with mc-kun
>game is lewder than anything else on the market besides actual porn games
Nah you are fucking wrong lmao, Azur lane is more lewder than anything in nikke and the skins have more interactions in the lobby, just look the Skin of racing Shinano you can move her tail to see her ass, pull her skirt up, touch her tits and have her doing some sexually sugestive talk with (you) and the funny thing is that there are other skins that are more lewder than that.
stop samefagging loser
not only that AL l2d are like 20 bucks
This is about as lewd as regular Nikke is
>lobby features
ok now let's see what the skins look like during actual gameplay
You also get new voice lines
I've admit I'm wrong because it does affect something.
>Game will remain unaltered
So there's that. And the fact that Switch and Sony art book version different from each other mean Sony "censorship" only affect PS itself.
Still doesn't change the fact that Stellar Blade censorship is from ShitUp and not Sony though. If the censorship is from Sony, then there will be no lewd costume and the only costume available will be safe horny. The fact that they censored some costume when there's a more lewder costume is proof that the one who censored it is ShitUp.

OOT aside. Let's talk about AP(kinda). AP is created using Unity, right? What happened with Unity decision before? Does Manjuu still need to pay money per-installed?
Correct me if i am wrong, but as far as i know the characters in Nikke doesn't have that type of interactions in their Live2d
iirc larger companies get a sweetier deal for the install thing, unity kinda went back on it after the backlash
You cannot move a tail out of the way to see an ass, no, but I'm not really seeing anything here that's lewder than Nikke, and that game isn't even Promilia. I'd love for Promilia to be lewder than Nikke, but I just don't think it's going to be. Not in a post-Genshin world
>You cannot move the tail out of the way to see her ass
You dumb fucking ESL
>Correct me if i am wrong, but as far as i know the characters in Nikke doesn't have that type of interactions in their Live2d
>You cannot move a tail out of the way to see an ass, no
Reminder that I also posted this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keHyhsOkEt8
You dumb fucking ESL
show me one skin of nikke, just one that have this type of interaction

>that's lewder than Nikke
nobody show this guy the Grozny onsen skin or the hatsuzuki swimsuit
Can you post the NJ prone bone, and Shinano swimsuit were she poses and shows her pussy?
Nikkers are the mos fragile faggots when you tell them their censored slop is censored slop even redditards say the fanservice has been toned down a lot, i hope ShittyUp adds male units so i can see what mental gymnastic they do KEK
>hatsuzuki swimsuit
i remeber how twitter was crying for the
"irealistic" tits of Kashino Skin but not for loli simulating a blowjob
>the same one (1) retard crying about Nikke again
>say incorrect shit
>get btfo
>"y-you a-are crying!"
>everyone is disagree with is the same person!!!
>its not censorship if its still lewd because... it just isnt okay
Ok, ironic coomer
Can the Nikke niggers fuck off already?
>"let's make another thread to bait shitposters!'
>"nooo do not shitpost! stay on topic!"
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no offense, it's sexy, more suggestive than nikke for sure but you made it sound like she will have visible nipples and pussy while suck dick on screen or something, kinda disappointed desu
but i get that if it's lewder than this the gacha is either very obscure or already eos'd
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I like this one more
T-That doesn't count coomers, look at this...i ALMOST can see the pantyshot, also long coats are more sexy btw
true, also my favorite.
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this one pisses me off, i find her extremely hot but then she gets censored, but then you can see her panties in the burst (who leaves bursts animations on?) but she makes that stupid face which kills it.
hey I have seen this one on my tl
this one look better than kashino one but the latter got all the flank from twitter's screeching, I guess some underage discord's just found it on their tl
I remember seeing loli skin webm that is pretty lewd but I don't remember whom it belongs to
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i love bunny suit series
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Brown Dust 2. It's a shipping game with no selfinsert, so it's making no money.
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at least describe the character
Shit like this makes me hope nornium takes off.
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idk which but le malin one is pretty UOOOH
Wasn't this the era when they started censoring/toning down?
oh yeah this one
i see, i always wonder who is the husband she talking about but it probably is another character
Yes, when the arknights troons reported AL to the CCP
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hindenburg sexo
please elaborate
i already don't like arknight but what did they do?
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just contribute to boat girl posting
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what is the tag when girls are sweating and get wet hair plastered on their skin
that has to be the worst UR ship in terms of design, i hate guam, should have made her SR
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hope promillia design can top boat girls
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Arknights players in China mass reported Manjuu and AL, Manjuu had to censor the game, remove some botes, change names and Manjuu didn't release a swimsuit for over 1.5 years.
The swimsuits made comeback in December 22nd 2022 with Parallel Superimposition, or the Yorktwon Tsu event.
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what did dishwasher ever do to you bro
He's the anti dish schizo from /alg/
schizo this schizo that, you guys seem like the schizos naming random people i've never heard of, i just think guam sucks, i like musashi, prinz heinreich and kronshtadt, i don't give a fuck about dickwasher, never met him
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>ak chinese players
the fuck is wrong with bugmen
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he made owari he can't be that bad
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iirc the majority of the player base in AK China is females.
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>this was posted 2 days ago
what a timing lmao
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appreciated the webm since i can't make one myself
>female players
holy cn players are bonkers no matter the gender, good thing they are busy with that husbando 3d gacha right now
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ok i will try posting less triggering boat girls just for you
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whoops wrong prinz my b
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ok i can see why the anon above said this is his favorite now
naga my beloved
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I wish I can forget that this artist draws scat
>i always wonder who is the husband she talking about but it probably is another character
It's (you), this character comes from the 1st brown dusk, in the 1st there was a self insert character, and she was in love with him
so in brown dusk 2 when she talks about her husband she talks about (you)
also now a large part of the other characters who have recently been released are quite ambiguous about who they are talking about in their line, they no longer say a precise name so people can headcanon. the devs also want to put a relationship system, but are blocked because the game does not have a self insert, so they are thinking about how to do it
so the dev are gradually switching their shipping games to self insert games because they saw that waifus sell (it's been months since they released a male character and they say that male characters are at the bottom of their priority list)
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Elf sexo
trying to change target audience mid game life span is quit convoluted but good luck on endeavor they try to achieve. I wish this isn't turn based genre with in-game sprite as 8bit chibi I
i would have given it a try
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oni sex
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>mid game life span
the game was released in June last year, so it hasn't even been 1 year, if they want to change it's now because if they wait too long it will really be too late
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that's all
>if they want to change it's now because if they wait too long it will really be too late
Why do they even think shipping in the game will sell? Even Mihomo only ships boys with boys and girls with girls and they don't dare to do straight ships.
Why would BD2 choose to do that?
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talk to the feet shoo shoo
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love hag
simple as
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Holy shit, I can't believe that I've do multiple tag, but it's a must.
Retard, stop spamming OOT. This is Azur Promilia and not Azur lane. If you want to spam image just go to azur lane general(vg/vmg).
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you tag me but not that n*kek schizo or bd2 talk huh? fine, let him shits up your thread then
Love me some fat pasta
>twitter tards screeched about kashino jelly tits
>but not about the loli on a towel with her tiny sideboob and a literal bear plushie next to her
Why do you phrase things exactly like the bikini schizo? This post is highly suspicious.
Also an NTR game don't forget.
It's not NTR if there's no self-insert bro
Whatever helps you cope watching your whore characters you spend rolls on fuck other guys.
Bear chads can't stop winning
>so the dev are gradually switching their shipping games to self insert games because they saw that waifus sell
>still have male characters in gacha
>they will never go as far as deleting all of them for waifufags
>story still has girls that lust for other males
>they will never retcon anything for the sake of a self insert story
>they even bait shit like Orc rape
>forever known as the cuck gacha
It's too late for them to go into the waifu with a self insert territory, they have a better chance with that if they give up on this game and make a new IP with a better fucking name this time
>whore characters fuck other guys.
wat? post proof this happens
Hi, I know you.
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Say it with me
Brown Dust
>Shart dust 2
>Brown shart 2
>Brown fart 2
Actual shit name, what were they thinking?
>It's too late for them to go into the waifu with a self insert territory
according to what I've heard from BD2 players
BD2 is a prequel to BD1
but lately they have the impression that the story is moving in a way to catch up with the temporality of BD1 probably to bring back the self insert of BD1
also in some last story they introduced the fact that even if it is a prequel to BD1, it takes place in a different timeline than BD1 (like Fate/Zero with Stay night)
probably to justify putting new content if they decide to continue with the self insert and not just repeat the story of BD1
They are fucked either way, imagine the new player experience. Going into the game expecting ML (master love), but the first weeks of story content is all shipping, with no self insert in sight.
Would any of those players get to the later parts to see the pandering? They should go the Snowbreak route and rewrite the earlier parts of the story to match the later tone.
If they were serious they would just straight up delete the gacha male characters. These games fucked up by copying Genshit but now think they can pivot and attract the male audience simply by making more girls. Then new players will play the game, get spooked by the male banners and will quit, or they will pull a like Aether Gazer and use the new players' money to make more males.

It worked for Snowbreak because they actually deleted their male character and rewrote the story, but no one's gonna play Brown Fart 2 only to get spooked by males.
Even if they make up a lore reason to have a self insert now in the story, my point is that is too late for that and they will not make any changes to appeal to that specific playerbase, they would have a better chance making a new game with a new IP.
>They should go the Snowbreak route and rewrite the earlier parts of the story to match the later tone.
At this point BD2 devs would have to make a new game. In snowbreak case a lot of shit got changed in the beta before the game was out, the game had no male characters on gacha on release and the biggest problem with the story in snowbreak is that it was just fucking boring
>Aether Gazer and use the new players' money to make more males.
Aether Gazer with the female playerbase is so big that they had to delete a skin to appeal to them, game is legit fucked in revenue and they still pull that kind of move
>Aether gazer problem*
Skipped a word there
>Please play Snowbreak please brooooo
>please play nikke guys we keep losing against other games in our precious xeddit revenue chart :(
The story in Star Rail 2.2 was incredible. It made me wonder if Azur Promilia can match up to it. I really hope coom isn't the only selling point of this game.
Aether Gazer is unsalvageable
You'd think AG's female players would've fucked off to Genshin by now
No one gave a fuck about Azur Lane's story (even in the fucking doujins it shows); I doubt Promilia's will be much better
Snowbreak fan are fucking aids.
>Aether Gazer is unsalvageable
Also isn't AG like AL also published by Yostar? They're aimed at the same target audience.
>aimed at the same target audience.
Lost its niche to Genshin as the omnipandering, braindead-easy Honkai clone. It's pretty obvious females aren't really gonna bother with that game outside of the ones that still do for some reason, which is why people around here are advocating for the game to pull a Snowbreak even though it's, like 2 or 3 years old.
>Also isn't AG like AL also published by Yostar?
Yes, but compared to AK, BA, early AL, or even Mahjong Soul, AG may as well not exist in their portfolio.
>They're aimed at the same target audience.
LOL no, early AG designs looked like PGR/Honkai/GFL rejects; if they wanted the AL audience they would have not only pushed the coomer shit they're trying to push now FROM THE GET GO, they would've also built their girls more like the average AL girl circa Taihou. Honestly between AG and AP I'm starting to think Azur Lane's art team was one hell of an anomaly.
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Anchosexo expy when fucking Manjuu.
I don't think Manjuu will follow Yongshi direction, they're just the coding monkey after all which is really bizarre why Yongshi didn't follow AL direction or took counsel with Manjuu on their game.
Holy shit. I just realize that many female designs are sleeveless now(HSR, AL, AP). The funny thing is I just realize it by now and it doesn't really bother me. Maybe it's because sleeveless is really great for female. I hope that they realize this too, so the design will stay diverse.
Which one? Personality or design? For me it's better if they separate it and the only time we've got both when we collab with AL.
Counterpoint, at that time female-only mobage became rarer in China. And there is still no gender war, though Yongshi betray CN otaku fanbase, because "spokesperson" said at first there will be no male.
>And there is still no gender war
What do you mean?
>"spokesperson" said at first there will be no male.
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Our sister game is dropping soon, do you anons think it will be a hit?
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I'll be honest, there's just too many males.
It will be dogshit.
It'll be a hit with women. Not going to make anywhere near Mihoyo numbers but it's not going to EoS either.
EoS day 1
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male chars look pretty chad, surpised they didn't go with the effeminate look for the fujos
The no-male characters sentiment is almost non-existent at that time. The current CN fanbase is like KR fanbase where they don't want women in their fanbase because Genshin.
TLDR: Genshin female character clothes become more modest because a female player snitches to CCP about this + the current Genshin dev pander to women more than men(you can clearly see this in Sumeru).
Pandering to global normies+elitist/hardcore player rarely works. If they can beat Nikke's number, I count it as massive success. I hope they're success though, because they clearly target different audience from AP, so you can't really think of it as an enemy. Project Mugen on the other hand will be AP rival. Though if you think about it, it will spur AP to become more competitive. Imagine that AP (you) pandering is less than PM, then they will need to do something if they don't want to lose their player.
>Project Mugen on the other hand will be AP rival.
But PM has males.
Many people don't really care about males(including me). As long as (you) pandering is max, I will like it, case on point Persona series. If AP's (you) pandering is weaker than PM, I will play both and wait a bit, whether AP will increase its (you) pandering or not, if they don't increase it then I will drop it.
Though you can forget what I've said if NetEase does what it does(greedy company). Oh and if they add female protagonist, you can forget it too. Because the only way (you) pandering in mixed games work if there's only one gender of MC. P5X is a really good example, that even though there's male character, they don't decrease (you) pandering. All women likes you and Men respect you, that's why P5 is the most successful JRPG.
>The funny thing is I just realized it by now
Yeah, it's already a thing from pre pandemic but the trend somehow got oversaturated with unnecessary windows just for the sake of it. Personally i find it tiring.
>two faggots and a bunch of cool dudes
at least they're doing it right
>P5X is a really good example, that even though there's male character, they don't decrease (you) pandering.
Have you actually played P5X or did you hear that from someone else?
>As long as (you) pandering is max, I will like it
There are also a catering type that pander to both (You) genders anon. Case on point PGR, MC doesn't have a specified gender but has a male body type. Everyone wants to fuck you, both males and females alike. It has (you) pandering at max but i don't think you'll like it, PM can opt for this PGR type of pandering if they want to attract female players.
>two faggots
The middle one is (You).
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Taihou is pretty average nowdays
At worst they could go for the FGO route, where despite having both male and female MC, there's pandering with both male and female units, though the game is a jap one, my understanding is that that is a no-no with the chink and gook governments.
Since the units are based on historical figures, some of them already have canon pairings, and some of the females don't give a shit about (you), but for the most part they are alright with lending you their spouse, having a threesome, or having sex without falling in love. They sometimes introduce an alternative version/summer version that is for (you) too, like Tamamo or Lancer Artoria.
The vast majority do love the MC though
>Even frenchies lost their sleeves
it's over
So... another 3 character swap in swap out open world sandbox with zero innovation and whole design philosophy is dipping their hand into the Genshin cookie jar but first let their big sister WuWa go first and see how that turns out so they can try to avoid any of WuWa's flaws.

How can anyone be excited for a literal cash grab??????
it looks pretty and has flashy gameplay, almost a return to form, too many of these new online games are a step backward from what their predeccesors were (MMOs)
genshit looks visually awful and has shit animations, wuwa looks dreadfully... dreadful, AP is bright, colorful, has great animations and solid graphics.
AP won't have better combat than Wuwa. it's not even focusing one combat. it's whole selling point the cutesy colorful world with cutesy colorful characters.... and flight.

WuWa entire selling point is, "we are the guys who make the HARDCORE combat and this is HARDCORE Genshin" and that's why everything is less colorful... because HARDCORE vein pumping action, characters dying left and right, men chest heavy breathing, etc, etc ,etc but they got negative feedback from this and made things a little bit more colorful while still being dead tone.

Both WuWa and AzurP are Genshin clone. They're not trying to dethrone Genchin, they're goal is to take a percentage of Genshin's revenue. THATS IT! If they can steal 10% of Genshin's monthly revenue every month
>WuWa&AzurP together: WE WON! WE FUCKING WON BROS!!!!!!
I never said it has better combat, I've never played either, but the combat in AP LOOKS nicer, faster paced too.

Nothing about wuthering waves looks hardcore at all, it has like 3 buttons, same as all these other gacha games, and a gacha game can never be hardcore.
Mugen isn't gonna compete unless they remove this dude
I agree in general. No mobile game will ever have combat with depth unless it's a game that was console/PC THEN ported to mobile. But terms of just Mobile games Kuro has made the best mobile action game so the entire selling point of WuWa has been "this is hardcore Genshin". but I 100% agree with you, non of these game do anything amazing, they don't even come close to real action games like Devil May Cry and they aren't trying to be that in any way.

but what I don't get is why people who hate Genshin will go play a Genshin clone. Again they aren't trying to dethrone Genshin, they only want a percentage of Genshin revenue - this is their end game.
Things like Genshin are fun for like a week, and unless they can consistently put out good content then there's no point sticking around, so while I dislike Genshin because it failed at having any good content at all beyond the initial explore the world part, I'll try a clone of it because the initial experience is fun, it's the long term experience that isn't.
I've watched many video about it. There's activity like in normal P5 but with stamina, and sometimes you can use that stamina for date like watching movie theater. If AP has this, I'm sure it will be huge success.
>Genshin clone
WuWa maybe so. But AP clearly different, just like Arknight Endfield too. They've got their vision. And honestly why do retard really like to scream "X Killer!!!". AP and AK:E will just do their own thing. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>Genshin female character clothes become more modest because a female player snitches to CCP about this
Or you know, maybe chinks should vote in anti-censorship politicians so the rules can be changed.
>chinks should vote
who told you chinks can vote?
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Huh? Even if chinks can't vote, can't they join the CCP en masse to affect policy down the line? Or convince those men at congress to drop censorship laws. Just get them addicted to play Azur Lane and Azur Promilia lol, they're still men after all. Only bitter women and faggots dislike waifu and harem.
>You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
No I do know what I'm talking about. You make it sound as if AzurP found its own player based. You make it sound as if AzurP doesn't have 3 character portraits on the right side of the UI. You make it sound as if AzurP isn't an open world sandbox built entirely with vertical and horizontal mechanics for the player to take usage of while exploring said sandbox. You make it sound as if mid-combat AzurP doesn't have typical AND NOW GENERIC character swapping and ultimate attacks with their own animation that kills the flow of combat. let me guess you also think it doesn't perfect dodges and perfect parries.

1st, (You) losers don't realize, besides the first one, how generic these games how and how they all copy each other for a QUICK CASH GRAB. You will place yourself into a delusional realm where you can't see any of these generic traits and (You) will swear to your creator, your higher being, that THIS ONE IS DIFFERNT.

Nope, they're all the same.
go back mihomo
Genshin = An actual Lamborghini
Tower of Fantasy = A Toyota engine with a Lamborghini frame
WuWa = A BMW engine with a Lamborghini frame
Azur P = A Mercedes engine with a Lamborghini frame

Notice what the three that came after the original all have common. Are you just going to pretend that it's not blatant?

I bet you think I'm a Genshinfag now because it appears like I'm defending that shit game. I've never played Genshin and I won't be playing it any time soon or ever. So you can skip moving to that goalposts.

My argument is these fucking games are all the same and they do the bare minimum to say, "hey guys, we are different, teehee~<3" and you retard will soak that shit up, open your wallets and spend thousands of dollars while defending these devs low efforts.
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NTA but I would be happy if we returned to chibi auto-battlers, but that's not the current trend. I'm not here for the gameplay in a gacha game, just for the collecting aspect. Since it's from the AL developers, I expect something good. Only a fucking retard wants a gameplay in a gacha game, and they'll leave after a week of playing anyway.
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Looks like Kuro is having some serious internal problems. Is Wuthering Waves going to explode?
ah so you openly admit you enjoy spending money on literal shit games as long as then jpgs get your dick ROCK HARD!
at least you are honest and aware of your poor decision making. I have no right to stop you. I'm just happy that you aren't being delusional.
shouta pretty boys are for straight women in lieu of consuming kpop or boy band slop. bara looking greek statue dudes are for passionately rough gay sex in the hands of fujos.
the mc looks like the main char a woman would draw/have for her work if aimed at males. QED: wuwa is a sister's game
you've never played a single open world game aside from genshin. I doubt you've ever touched a PC.
genshin is a blatant zelda clone. coming out years prior to any of thar trash, cube world did it all way better anyways.
promilia looks much closer to palworld, satisfactory and [any survival crafter unity asset flip you could think of] than the above. the two games have nothing in common but having used 3d engines that implement all the same graphics tricks, and the retarded toon shader paired with horrendously made models.
anon we both know the kicker with this kusoge is how the pozzed writers love to bait and switch new potential romances to have their cake and eat it too, sowing chaos in the process. let alone ruining old mc-ships at the drop of a hat.
there all the same and you will spend money on them all like you been doing. you're going to play wuwa too. you'll tell me you aren't but we all know you pre-registered nigger lmao. they all say it. they all pretend. this is nothing new.

mobile hoppers and the new mmo hoppers
>chibi auto-battlers
those are a dime a dozen, i've been playing those since GFL1 released, it's time to move on. Production values are too high nowadays, no company will be able to compete with chibi shit anymore
I wanna see the oppai lolis
sex with blumine
just use a food analogy next time
>this Friday 17th
>Azur Lane anniversary stream
>Aether Gazer anniversary stream
>GFL2 "very important" stream
Why is this friday so important for the chinks? Also
>Wuthering Waves stream this sunday
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It looks like Snowbreak may be getting censored soon in the future? Just a rumor for now though.
Thanks, anon. Now I understand. I understand that you're retard. If you think Monster Hunter=Dark Souls=Devil May Cry, then yeah you're correct that AP is Genshin clone.
>gayshit impact
>random chink comment
>trust me bro source
Yes, i will totally believe in anything translated from chink to bad english from some random chink comment
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they're already testing an uncensor option just like in Azur Lane. Doesn't mean it will get censored but the devs are acknowledging it can happen.
would would would would boring would would would reddit
if it has less RNG gear system and no terrible unskippable 10-hours-of-dialogue main story then it will be better already
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>What's with age rating and romance?
Games need to be 16+ to show marriage and talk about romance.
>look at thread again after a while
>LOTS of new posts
>"oh nice maybe there has been some news finally"
>it's just the a dude spamming pics from another game
>no discussion at all about this game
Yes, the game is getting reported to the ccp since the fans are shitting other games and forums.
>femcels went after Azur Lane to censor the game
>Femcels now going after Snowbreak to censor the game
They are like a nonstop seething force for anything that is made for the straight male audience and only them are allowed to be pandered, what a bunch of mentally ill cunts
>Source: Dude, trust me
Azur lane literally has 12+ before changed to 16+. And of course oath mechanic is still there in the first place.
It's honestly really hard. If we at least have CBT info, we can discuss it properly and not assume/predict it.
Though I will try.
- In the Characters info screen, all characters background show their origin. Like Dual Sword Elf and Blue-hair high elf have the same background. Now here's the mystery. The blonde elf is the only one with the background of big tree(except Katana Girl, but it's obvious we will go to not Japan in the story later). I thought we'll go to Blonde elf place at first, but I think we'll meet Blonde elf and go to Charlulu Village. I think there will be at least 2 arc in Charlulu Village, about Shaman Girl and the other one about that Chocolate girl(though it's possible that they're both are in one arc).
- If there's no CBT news in maximum June, then let's don't make new thread (at least until CBT) and lower the expectation of the release date will be in January 2025.
until some news drops, it will stay like that since the small j isn't doing his job for free
Shit changed over the years retard, same for the underage restrictions.
Again, where the fucking source? Just show me the chink land rules or at least a fucking post from game dev concerning this shit.
The gameplay demo doesn't inspire much confidence in me.
>The attacks don't feel weighty
Kind of like if the shitty parts of Ys were on mobile.
>Bosses aren't that interactive
They just flap their wings while you wail on them with longer than average periods of doing nothing.
>The cut ins look incredibly cheap
Literally like some shit you'd see in an RPGM gamejam.
>80% of the designs so far have been utterly forgettable
The 20% is the pic in OP and the smurfs. >Farming mechanics that haven't been modernized at all.
Lack of streamlining that reduces the banality of gardening like planting and watering each spot 1 by 1.
>"Starlight into you"
What kinda ChatGPT mumbo jumbo are you on about, bitch??
The only people looking forward to these games are victims of generational abuse. They haven't learned to feel comfort in their loneliness and have idolized love to a point where they can only find it through virtual companions who won't disagree or hurt their feelings.
sex with blumine
This but Nikke.
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Aether Gazer just made two girls lesbians for their second anniversary. As expected of these omnipandering games.
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I just hope AP got enough pandering like BA. Azur Lane got plenty but most of it is very static lines behind l2d or some one-off events while BA's characters got the equivalent of a short LN chapter of how the relationship between (You) and the girl progresses.
I'm gonna give Manjuu a chance before doomposting
Are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions? If true it really feels like Yongshi is trying to kill the game
>m*le characters
>Are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions?
just look at the fucking screenshot and you can immediately tell that it's a common yuri moment
It's worse. The two girls were previous for (You).
It could be a misunderstanding
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If it were a misunderstanding why did the devs cave, change the text and send out 10-rolls (2 mails of 5-rolls)?
>game with garbage revenue
>ip so dead nobody even knows about it and the people who knows don't care
>still tries to pull out yurishitter content
Incredible how every single omnipandering falls to this kind of shit if not yuri garbage its some random shipping
Those devs are fucking retarded if that's true
So chinks complained about it and they gave a 10 pull for damage control?
It's because in gacha companies there's usually no lead artist or writer to make sure everything is consistent, so the writers or artists can basically do whatever the fuck they want.
They should just a full Snowbreak already, they have nothing to lose other than the 3 women still playing it.
>not having at least 1 guy making sure some retard doesn't fuck with the game
Imagine putting your game IP in risk and only relying on dmg control after the shit is done, those companies are braindead
Doubt they can go full Snowbreak when their game has male characters on gacha, if they try to remove them they would get sued for sure. Snowbreak deleted their only male character in the beta before the game release and later only removed some Png pictures of gear that no one really cares about it.
That "1 guy making sure some retard doesn't fuck with the game" is probably fucking the female writer (as in the case of GFL2)
I guess they could make a separate client and then kill the original after a few months.
Not a single company has done that successfully. It always ends up killing the second game along with the first.
They could just remove males from the gacha so new players can't get or look at them. Old players would still have them.
Calabiyau just added a new emote
Would be funny if this is released on global
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Hehe cute yuri-ACK!
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This texture really pissess me off.
I thought Nono is the only one with heavy attack. It looks like everyone will have it.
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Aether Gazer dev team (left) vs. Snowbreak dev team (right)
azur promilia?
>two femcels
A shame they couldn't be positive examples like Manju's CEO
azur promilia news? leak? anything?
recently got into the game, first they remove the awesome OL skins, then this cringe yurishit, it's sad because it has potential, but it's like they want to kill it on purpose. Do women really play this game? I don't see the appeal for women, I understand something like mihomo games, but not aether gazer.
sex with blumine
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>they actually went full yuri while already being down
>are you sure
>she is literally holding her by the head, gazing into her eyes, and leaning in you idiot
>might be a bug up her nose
>they had to change the fucking text
This is something that only happens in sitcoms my sides
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Same shit also happens with western devs. I think the only example of a based female dev that i know is the Manjuu CEO like this anon said >>1473525 and hopefully she stays that way.
AL used to release some loading screen with some yuri undertone to it, why is this suddenly a problem?
And AL had to pull them and this was in a less hair-trigger social climate. AG's already struggling to tread water and then decided to do this.
Because yurifag is really uppity and make trouble wherever they are. If you've seen how yurifag acts in 4chan, you'll understand my sentiment.
Women are really not a problem, as long as the game direction is clear. There are many women staff in manjuu, and if you think Azur Promilia mainly created by men, then you're stupid. It's obvious that AP is woman wet dream(Cute creature+Cute loli+Farming), but as long as there's romance here(of course with MC), then I don't really care.
>but as long as there's romance here(of course with MC)
You sound like you hate yurifags, but you also want romance in Azur Promilia. They're either going to not have any because of the female MC and it being a chinese dev'd game or they're going to somehow have it and it'll attract yurifags. Overt romance would ensure the game gets plenty of social media presence, but it'd be 95% yuri content. Bad actors would shit up all threads with it and that leads to the other dumb shit like anti-schizos and OP thread waring and vandalism.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be optimistic and doompost all day, but i'm not sure how this works out for you.
>Azur Promilia
I have the feeling Manjuu is still deciding on the details, which could mean they're rushing development for before the CCP licence expires, which could mean it could be unfinished by release.
I'm curious about what they're showing tomorrow on Azur Lane's stream.
Yeah, I know. That's sacrifice I'm willing to make. In the first place, yurifags number are really small, and if they make trouble then it's easy to bully them.
Did you mean stream today? Today stream is the only stream where they can show news for AP, if they have any. Because I'm pretty sure the JP stream is organized by Yostar, and I doubt Yostar will give Manjuu space for IP that Yostar won't publish.
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>Did you mean stream today? Today stream is the only stream where they can show news for AP
>flashbacks to that shit about equating Ark Knights being shilled during an Azur Lane stream to Azur Lane being the prostitute paying for its younger sisters education that sparked off a war that resulted in mass censoring
Lord Jesus, not again.
>female MC
Calling it now, chinks will make them move her to a gacha/main girl status and have the male MC as the only canon MC option. Manjuu always end up listening their chink community and after Aether Gazer omnipandering flopping hard, gfl2 death and snowbreak doing so well with a bunch of straight male pandering, there is no reason for them to risk it going after the genshit fanbase not like they had any chance to begin with without having male characters on the gacha
Years of trust they've garnered with Azur Lane leads to me giving them the benefit of the doubt, but the reception to CBT or future teasers would have to be downright disastrous to have them walk back on a female MC at this point. They've already shown her off and used her in promotional material.
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It will be unfinished unless if they decided to postpone the release to 2025 and beyond.
Among the monsters they've shown almost half were recolors, three were evolutions, one was the dragon used to showcase flying, one was the fairy used to showcase boss fight. To be a true pokemon-like game they need ~100 more with their own unique movesets, AI, pathing, skill animation, and balance. I think nobody thought of this, but balancing 100+ monsters is a tremendous task. You don't want 5-10 monsters to be the only meta ones. You don't want certain monster + character combination to be OP. You also don't want players to abuse/exploit unwanted mechanics among those 100+ monsters. Mess just one thing up and everything will be ruined. I truly think they'll need at least four beta tests to smooth things out.
It's not releasing before 2025. Even if their license expires they'll let it expire and reapply. Releasing this year with what they've felt comfortable showing, which would be their latest and greatest, would be market suicide. They aren't that crazy.
>but the reception to CBT or future teasers would have to be downright disastrous to have them walk back on a female MC at this point.
Why? If the majority of chinks i see are calling for her, not to be removed from the game, but just not to have her as the a canon MC and having her as a main girl. The only fags that would be complained about this would be the redditors from global and their opinion doesn't matter.
>They've already shown her off and used her in promotional material.
That doesn't mean anything at this stage of the game, everything is subject to change and the game could be years away from now. Even on CBT shit everything can be changed or even removed, we already have examples of that with Wuwa changing the 90%, Snowbreak removing the only male character from the story, GFL2 trying their hardest to damage control after Raymond drama
Chinks and some people here are too focused on the romance aspect of this game. They forgot if the game underdelivered, no amount of (You) pandering would be able to prevent it from flopping. Waifu game + pokemon-like game is a very ambitious project surpassing Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves because tamed monsters are like characters themselves. They need design, voiceover, AI, and background lore just like gacha characters. But all I hear about is chinks wasting Manjuu's devs time/energy with open letters about MC's gender and stuff. It's ridiculous.
I don't get the feeling that they're feeling much pressure to change it that much, I suppose. When they revealed it they immediately had to do damage control because of the " males" leaks. And then right after, and I mean right after, they had that whole nuclear issue with Azur Lane's Anson and had to do a quick turnaround to unperson her and redraw shit for the event. Even with all that it would've been an easy PR win to at least announce a "clarification" that it was male MC only if that was their intent. It's not a card they'd hold to their chest when they're in the middle of a 1 - 2 punch that might've kneecapped their next big project they've invested tons of money into before it even had a beta.
>everything is subject to change
This is true. It's not impossible. I'd be lying if I said I believed it likely though. Next trailer would really convince me one way or the other.
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you mean what genshin does? granted you're fighting against them, but i don't see why manjuu couldn't do the same, really doubt people would complain, i'm sure people care more about protag than monsters
As an action combat game I don't think the palkemon are going to matter at all. They'll be stat sticks at best except the three or four that have some broken interaction.
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Yeah, Genshin devs being a bunch of lazyasses is already a meme at this point. Players are still fighting slimes and hilichurls with horribleass stupid AI after four whole years. But
>i'm sure people care more about protag than monsters
People care in a pokemon-like game. Reskins are understandable but still undesirable. Unless it's something like Evee evolutions people don't generally put recolors/carbon copies as their favorite monsters.
They're front and center to this game. It's the thing that sets them apart from other gacha games.
>They'll be stat sticks at best except the three or four that have some broken interaction.
That's just WuWa.
This is a gacha game, what do you expect? Only autists go after gacha shit for the gameplay stuff, people care about the characters more than anything, that's literally the monetization of this genre. Don't believe me? Just look at the "gameplay" of Nikke, Blue archive and Azur Lane and all of them still makes money, plus there is what this anon said >>1473609
Well i still believe that they will do that with the history Manjuu has and i do see that pressure going to chink sites even after the male on gacha banners drama died.
BOTW also has little enemy variety and majority of people still has that zelda as one the best games ever
>They're front and center to this game. It's the thing that sets them apart from other gacha games.
Ehhhhhh. I think gacha standards are low enough that them existing is enough. X + Palworld is really all it needs to be categorically to have a niche. Hell, being gacha female only makes it stand out when the only other noteworthy competitor in the 3D realm at the moment is Snowbreak with their weird shaders.
>That's just WuWa.
I forget what the actual in-universe name for the creatures are, but I remember them being the "equipment" grind you blow stamina on. Wuwa's got its own laundry list of problems too so I don't think Wuwa will have any lunch left for AP to eat by the time it releases.
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>This is a gacha game, what do you expect? Only autists go after gacha shit for the gameplay stuff
This is an outdated way of thinking, the fact that Manjuu decided to go big with Azur Promilia instead of staying low with Azur Lane means they're ready to leave the low budget Azur Lane BA Nikke market to compete with Genshin Impact, Wuthering Waves, Project Mugen, and the likes. The notion that "Gacha=lazy and low budget with shit gameplay" isn't true anymore nowadays.
Yeah my point is just one look at the demo and it's clear that monsters won't just be stat sticks in this game. For one, your monster will have their own HP bar which means they can DIE. Unlike WuWa where you just transform into monster for 1-3 seconds to cast skill (they're just stat sticks really), AP monsters will need robust AI to make this system work.
>which means they can DIE
temporarily disabled you mean
Oh. No, no, no. I don't mean they'll literally just be stat sticks. I mean effectively. They're actual units, but like Palworld I expect them to not matter that much past a certain point because the characters themselves will be more capable and their most important quality will be simply existing to transfer stats or some other auxiliary purpose.
I expect you'll be able to revive them mid-combat or they'll wake up or something. This is still a gacha game.
Yes, dying usually means temporarily disabled until after battle.
It will be like in Palworld, but everyone knows the AI in Palworld is atrocious and worthy of ridicule. Which is exactly why they'll need to develop a much better monster AI than Palworld if they want to avoid PR hurricane upon release. Remember ToF and its 10000 glitches "What a cheap cashgrab chink game" "Genshit killer my ass" "DoA" "Janky game".
>I expect you'll be able to revive them mid-combat
Yeah but anyway is there a healer among the revealed characters?
No is not lmao, just because the game is 3D and has a budget behind it doesn't mean that characters stops being the most important part of a gacha game, your own example, Gayshit is there to prove that, where the gameplay is giga casual normie where you spam E + Q and the revenue is always determined by how much people like that said character on the banner and devs refuse to give the game endgame content because they know that will push a lot of that casual player base away with "anxiety"
>The notion that "Gacha=lazy and low budget with shit gameplay" isn't true anymore nowadays.
Never used the "Gacha-Lazy" argument, my point is that characters and characters interaction/story is the most important part, and even gameplay loop is more important than the gameplay itself or else dailies would stop being a thing in gachas. The only type of gacha where you could say gameplay is everything is games like Master Duel, games that their main focus is the PVP.
I think it's silly to dismiss the monsters part in favor of characters when this game sets itself apart from its competitors through the existence of capturable monsters system. it's an ambitious project aimed for both waifu collectors and monster collectors. Without the monsters part this game is nothing unique.
You talk like people will care more about monster pets than waifus in a gacha game bro, maybe furries will do, but not your average gacha player. Gacha banners in Azur Promilia will be all waifus, and at best they will have those pokemons being a gacha weapon of some kind, people will pull for characters and not the monsters.
>Without the monsters part this game is nothing unique.
That is already not unique, WuWa have already a similar system, Gayshit had pokemon events in the past, Snowbreak is having one event right now where you do exactly that, but with soldiers and machines instead of monsters
That's not true, the system in Azur Promilia is very different from other gachas. It's front and center to the gameplay unlike the games you mentioned. From flying with monsters, fighting with monsters, farming with monsters, using monsters to solve puzzles, using monsters to refine ore, the monsters part is the gameplay itself. And if your gameplay is bad, nobody would care about pandering.

You can see the label people have been using for this game are "Genshin x Pokemon", "Waifu Palworld", "Beautiful girls + Cute Pets", one cannot function without the other. The monsters part of this game is equally as important as the waifu part.

Yet despite monsters being a big part of this game, 90% discussion about this game among chinks have been about MC's gender and romance. They seem to be unaware that there are much bigger concerns than that.
>Which is exactly why they'll need to develop a much better monster AI than Palworld
They really don't. Most people aren't interested in it for the creatures. In fact most don't care about them at all beyond being able to have a flying mount. They talk about the big tiddy chicks and elfs. Not the little electric floaty thing. They really just need to exist so they can slap it on the metaphorical box, release a couple gacha ones that have some higher stats every once and a while, have a few updates with "unique" ones, and they server their purpose. If their AI is messed up and they hang around the edge of the combat area and launch an attack every 30 seconds there still wouldn't be much of a fuss.
Combat AI was the absolute least of Tower of Fantasy's problems. Comparing what might be dumb AI to being literally unplayable lag fests with giant model glitches and stuff is like comparing apples to Hondas.
>They talk about the big tiddy chicks and elfs. Not the little electric floaty thing.
In a perfect world they would talk about both just like how people talk about pokemons AND their trainers. I guess this just proves that devs have failed the monster design part.
>Yet despite monsters being a big part of this game, 90% discussion about this game among chinks have been about MC's gender and romance.
That's because that's all that it matters for a gacha player and this is a gacha game after all, and that's how the monetization of this type of game works around the characters. Look i'm not going to repeat myself over and over again, i already made my point very clear, the only last thing i could say about this whole thing is that a gacha player would forgive gameplay problems and give time to devs to fix it, but they would not forgive if they fuck with their favorite character, that's how important characters are for gachas
I mean, maybe? In the same way that in a perfect world any given game would have people talking about all its content equally. Kinda unrealistic. Features get dumped and ignored all the time. Nobody talks about what trainers attacks do because they don't have any. AP does and will be the aspect of combat people focus on. This isn't /vp/. It's a gacha game whose current potential audience are long-time coomers from Azur Lane with the game trying to appeal to them with a female-only promise. They both know their audience isn't going to care all that much about the vaguely bipedal rock.
>enter thread
>the self-insert schizo is STILL seething about yuri
What mental illness is this?
>yurinigger came back after getting btfo several times
>they're both still going at it
Even if the protagonist is male, the game can still cater to yurifags. Just look at Nikke, in a recent patch, the bonding story has the girl bonding with another girl instead of the player (You).
I am a yurifag and I wouldn't play a (gacha) game with a forced male protag, even if it has yuri in it, so I guess its not completely unfounded.
>ignore all the posts about creature design and whether or not the creature mechanics are going to be as important as the characters to schizopost about yuri boogeymen
Name me some good yuri gacha games. Already played HI3, it was great until it shit the bed. R1999 bored me to death in the first chapter.
so they just added farming to AL
what do you think
it's a limited event
Heaven Burns Red
You are already hard pressed to find good gacha games, finding a good yuri one would be even harder.
>Thinking that Azur Promilia will have yurishitter content when Manjuu already Btfo them many times before
some people are just fucking delusional
sex with blumine
I think it's important the models are very high quality
>pick female MC
>interact with all female roster
Official yuri content.
>Chinks makes them remove the female Mc
>Manjuu always listen to chinks complains
yurishitters like you that gives them even more fuel to remove her, since mentally ill yurifags cannot control themselves with their headcanons
>Chinks makes them remove the female Mc
Not happening
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guys, i know what you need
come play wuthering waves
we have 3 female limited banner confirmed
there's no yurishitters either
sex will be added in 1.1
breeding press in 1.3
the only seed you get in azur promilia is from the farms
we have palworld mechanics too
>omnipandering garbage
>first banner is a homo
>bland and boring female characters
>bland world design
No way fag
>sex will be added in 1.1
>breeding press in 1.3
Lying this much wont make people download your ToF 2.0
When can we expect some news? The samefag is getting boring...
saw that red head with a ponytail, she was kinda nice. Then I saw this had male characters in the gacha, lost all interest.
>symmetrical designs that are somehow worse than asymmetrical designs from its rival
Stop making me feel bad for kuro.
my good sir, the blistering vein on your temple is most gallant, well endured!

>bland and boring female characters
i don't know what universe you live in where azur promillia's characters are any better. they look like assets you get from a fantasy game starter pack on unity store, save for paimon 1 and 2
>bland world design
okay, prove it and also prove why azur promillia doesn't share the same bland world design.
idk, i think the problem is you're gay :(
>shilling this hard
Don't care about your trash game fag, this is another ToF flop incoming It actually has less hype than ToF on release LMAO. Bland girls, bland world and omnipandering trash full of homos, you can shove that shit game up your ass
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>y-you must into ugly girls as well otherwise u gay!
here's your (you)
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that wasn't me
they're literally the same game, but azur promillia panders to men who haven't talked to a woman without having to give their credit card first.

>both have bland girls
>both have bland world
>battle system better in wuwa
>pet mechanics better in promillia

not even baggin on your game, let's just keep it real, i'll try both, but you tribalist retards are the worst if you can't acknowledge these basic things. thou of relentless retarded vigor, if they're not the same, then prove it.
You threw jab at me and now you fucking cry when i punch you back.
Again, seriously you kurofags should stop making me feel bad for you.
You see that black fabric on her chest? That's classic self-censorship to placate feminazis.
okay, you win
you've bested me in ettiquette, evidence and argument, i can only lament at my lack of talent.
i gotta change my diaper, homie and then get a new one cause it's gonna be a TOF FLOP LMAO...!!!
nta but a lot of anons here probably won't play Wuwa because of yumepandering. I tried PGR butdropped it for the same reason, the gameplay can be a bit better than HI3 or AG (played them all) but still Kuro isn't doing anything groundbreaking with PGR gameplay so I think it'll be the same for Wuwa. It might have good combat for a mobile game but compared to actual pc/console games it's mid af and the dev expect hardcore gamer audience to flock to Wuwa? Yeah right.
Plus Wuwa soundtrack is pretty mediocre since Vanguard doesn’t do the music aside from a few tracks, you could doompost because of the music alone.
Wuwa is basically a Genshin clone just like PGR a HI3 clone, there is a saying in CN about Kuro just copying whatever Mihoyo makes lol.
>both have bland girls
No, only your shitty black and white censored girls has this title faggot
>both have bland world
In your dreams, Kuro cannot make a vivid world if their lives depended on it
>battle system better in wuwa
Imagine talking about the battle system where we don't even have information about Azur Promilia other than 1 fucking trailer your disingenuous cunt, but not a surprised coming from a kurofaggot that keeps pretending that their shitty HI3 clone is some kind of DMC in terms of combat
>pet mechanics better in promillia
Like everything else

Just by the fact you have to shill your garbage game full of homos in a thread of a game that is not even out shows how desperate your fags are, have fun losing your 50/50 to some random homo faggot, something that will never happen in AP.
u sound buttblasted lmao
Says the Kuroshill who cannot stop shilling their homo game here, shows hows desperate you fags are of that game flopping
take your meds my nigga
>gets BTFO after shilling your homo game
>T-take your meds
You lost fag
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>black and white
Not true there is also red.
these characters look like complete shit what the fuck
game is eos before release lol
>proves my point on showing how dogshit their designs is
Thanks retard
>literally every fucking piece of clothing features prominent shades of gray, black, white
>causes all the chara designs no matter how vibrant their hair or other features to melt into the same unrecognizable, unmemorable slop
What the fuck was kuro's design team thinking? I get the art direction is supposed to lean towards a more grittier world, but how do you fail THIS bad at not having a single recognizable character in your launch unit pool?
It also absolutely doesn't help either that pretty much all the units' names are in chink and super tedious to distinguish apart or remember.
Mark my words, if this game isn't already DOA it's going to have an extremely difficult time bringing in new players who aren't just gameplayfags. If they ease off the chinawank and somehow manage to design a memorable female then maybe there's a chance, but I'm pretty sure this shit is terminal.

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