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Magical girls are believed to spread light and fight evil but they're actually racist, bigoted and corrupt! And you're going to prove it to the world! You've evidence of
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>Usagi Tsukino driving around beating up homeless people
>Madoka Kaname accepting bribes from Boeing
>Nanoha Takamachi shooting heroin and drunk driving
>Ichigo Momomiya at Diddy's parties
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Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Wait FarmersOnly.com is actually a Mahouist honeypot?!" You gasp in shock as the magical girls track your IP and teleport behind you. "Always has been desu" - the last words you hear before you're shot dead.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

c'mon bro
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Knew we should've joined them instead.
Tfr, QM.

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You are Charlotte Fawkins, dashing heroine, detectivess, adventuress, heiress, sorceress, etcetera. Three years ago, you drowned yourself in a quest to find a long-lost family heirloom; nowadays, you're just nobly c̶a̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g solving problems with the help of trusty retainer Gil and MIA snake/father Richard. Inexplicably, many people tend to "dislike" you, though you've never done anything wrong in your life.

Right now, you're wrapping up the final bits of pre-planning before you blow up the sinister company Headspace. In other words, you're speaking to Eloise.

"Charlotte! Always nice to see you." As always, it's impossible to tell whether or not she's joking. How does she do that? "I keep my promises! Got you the info on the Headspace locals. Alleged Headspace locals, anyway, they don't usually make a habit of publicizing the thing. I suspect it's the contracts. Here's all that... let's see here..."

Eloise pulls a folder out from under her cloak and presses it upon you. "I hope it's helpful! What happened to your hand?"

Your hand? You sliced it open so harvest blood for a cultish effigy. "Uhh... accident?"

"Quite an accident, if it hasn't healed yet! I hope it's not too painful. And, oh— hello, Gil. Nice to see you too, of course. Didn't mean to—"

"Hi," Gil says. He is standing behind and a little to the left of you.

"Hi! Have you two had a busy day? I heard there was something going on with Madrigal's new friend— was it Pat? Sounded like you were involved? No need to dish if it's not important, but..."

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Whoops I copy pasted wrong


Called for [3]. You can get Gil out without issue, but (since you missed your prime opportunity) I need dice for possessing Virginia.

>Please roll me 3 1d100s + 10 (+10 Practiced) vs. DC 65 (+15 It's Happening Again) to take over her body without complication!

Spend 1 ID for +10 to all rolls? You are at 14/14 ID.
>[1] Y
>[2] N
Rolled 56 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 27 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 61, 80 = 141 (2d100)

Rolling for:

1) the last roll
2) Gil's composure

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Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley, Tool-wielding shamans of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Armored feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks, Potters, winebrewer, cheesemakers of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, History-recorders and pacifiers Cerulean

For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)
Reminder that Bacback have 2 turns thanks to last thread's last action.

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I'm trying to accelerate the game to avoid boring out both you players and me, so yes, yes you can.
I am not exactly bored. I just wish I had more bonuses to counter my bad rolls. The explanations for why I fail feel adequate though. My repeated setbacks are pushing me into more and more esoteric decisions for development. Everyone else is moving forward technologically and especially culturally. I have a plan, but I feel that in the end, a dual empire is my best bet to protect the Whitemane ethnicity in the long run
Ooph, I feel you there. Zero reliability on being able to get something done is really crushing my ability to develop in any sort of coherent direction.
Yeah. Haven't done stats on the success of each tribe, but as is said : Dice Giveth, Dice Taketh
>Colonize the adjacent regions using our meditation to keep in touch. Food density is low and the northern tribes lack agriculture, but that doesn't mean that they can't spread their culture across the frozen north.

Your car has broken down on the road.
The engine is pouring smoke.
There is a light mist in the air.
You can see the town ahead that you were driving towards.
[You] -> [Red Bottlecap]

You are a:
>Fog Spirit
>Write In
In addition, you are a:
>Townie. I live here. I am returning from an extended leave. I know the town and people. Easy.
>New Arrival. I moved here recently. I don't know most of the town or people in it. Medium.
>Out-Of-Towner. I do not live here. I know barely any of the town. People distrust me. Hard.

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if trait == good then >Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]
else >Take a piss
>Throw up
>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]

>Throw up

I’m a little grossed out but I guess we have to know what the trait is, lol
>>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]
Yeah. We weren't hungry, so that weird feeling must be something else. A worm, maybe. Get it out.

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Welcome, one and all, to the triennial (though one hopes perhaps we can do this more often in the future) QUEEN OF /QST/ TOURNAMENT!

For those of you just joining us, this a celebration of some of /qst/’s greatest girls. It’s a successor to The great /QST/ Waifu Tournament of 2021 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4999756/), meant to bring together our creative community of QMS and their most passionate participants to select a single sweetheart to represent our board for a year! Alongside the KING OF /QST/ (thread pending), the winner of this thread will be undisputed (read: very disputed) supreme grand poobah of all females and femmes until whenever someone opts to run one of these again!

In our preliminary thread (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/) we whittled down our contenders to a nice, manageable TOP TWELVE. Ranging the gamut from young and old mortal and immortal, organic and inorganic, magical and mundane, they represent a wide swathe of what our board has to offer. Some are sexy, some are cute, some are both, and some (if you’re a filthy pleb) are “abominable freakshit”, but every single one of them was SOMEONE’S favourite, with enough interest to appear here today. So, how about we make some (re) introductions, huh?
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>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She’s an AI. I’m sure she can scan for things pretty quick.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Hollow Knight’s The Ghost
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

The fact that she's an AI probably helps her get integrated with her ship's sensors, right?

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

1+1+1+1+1 YEARS MERCENARY COMPANY. WON'T VOTE AGAINST MY XYZ. Ahem. With that out of the way, she can probably cosplay as many different people by virtue of... being a person? I suppose she'd struggle if she were to try and cosplay more otherworldly things that conform to the normal body shape, but every other cosplay is free game to her.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
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>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
"Machine, yet not a Core. Certainly not Ferrum; all readings indicate a foreign design. Under normal circumstances it would be dangerous to extend trust, however, this isn't combat and the risks during this tournament are minimal. With all considerations accounted for, it is worthwhile to place faith in a fellow A.I."
Sorry Storkie. I actually like your quest a lot ooc, but for this tournament, I'm committed to voting for who Beta would vote for.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
"A good commander. One who achieves decent results while genuinely caring about her troops. Jealousy is one of the few negative emotions that I am allowed to feel, and that is what I am experiencing right now. I am envious of your troops and wish my masters were more like you... also, how am I supposed to vote for the other thing? I don't even understand what it is."

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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The board is slow as shit the last couple days, and I need to see a return of Sunbelt Crusaders & Star Wartz: Interregnum. Seriously contemplating going full /x/ mode in here, the curse must be lifted. How did it even begin? The vile envy of /tg/ faggots? An ominous array of digits upon the board's founding post? We must undo the evil inflicted upon us. Whomst'dve will take part in an /x/ crossposting ritual to cleanse us of this miasma?
The QM curse has been around since the /tg/ days. It killed Crusty back there.
Fucking hell man. Who would be the bane of storytellers? I can't think of any deity or demon who would fit the bill.
Solomon's got a couple, but they're more the political-metaphorical carrot and stick off a cliff types, least going by their abrahamic fanfiction.

strangely, firefox wants to autocorrect abrahamic into abracadabra, which is all kinds of funk
Kek, nice. Well it occurs to me that the spirits of great storytellers might intercede on our behalf if beseeched properly: Homer, Sturlusson, Shakespeare, Poe, Kubrick, & more besides. Not to mention Odin/Apollo/Mercury (Lugh as well if I recall correctly)

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Wife is a emotionless sperg with somehow a taste for romance CYOA, so I wanted to get her one for her birthday but I'm over my head
There's too much barely started proof of concept out there, and this is way more niche than I thought
She said she's played most freeware on itchio, but I want to get her something so I need your help guys
Her favorite one is superstition, pic related
This would be a good question for the /qtg/ thread.

Also out the CYOAs thread on /vrpg/, they’re in the know about computer CYOAs and IF games both old, new, and in development.
Thanks anon, that helps

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To recap, you died, and was then reincarnated as a tree in a fantasy world. You cannot do much since you are a tree. Or so you thought.

Soon you realized that You were no normal tree. You have skills and can level up, obtaining new abilities.

At first common stuff like growing apples and letting them fall, or blooming flowers.

But those powers have grown. You are obtaining followers, people that tend to you, give you energy.

One moment you decided to grow a second tree in the Beastkin Forest, and after saving a cat girl there, you leveled up and obtained the magical energies of the forest.

You then obtained the power of beast controlling fruits. Any animal and apparently, animal adjacent creature that eats it, is under your command, partial or total.


You enter the command, and the Beastkin offers no resistance. Maybe because it doesn't go against his nature, or it is not a dangerous command to do, but he pets the rabbit, who doesnt move or run away.

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>Command the ants to attack him
We are about to pull a Salvador Dali, and make this man our PAINting.
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No one attack your followers. If they do, who is going to tend to you and give you sacrifices in blood and compost?

So you command the ant hive to rise up and attack the fat bastard noble. The little black things get out of the ground, and like a well trained army in single lines, they go towards the man.

The woman soon start giggling and laughing as the ants get on top of her, the noble thinking he finally got her. "See? Now you are having fun! It is much easier that, hahaha, what are you, hohoho, what is happening? Agh!"

And he finally looks at himself and how the ants are getting on top of him, crawling over him, and biting him.

He jumps around, getting rid of his clothes, and trying to get the ants off him.

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>Make a flower fall on her
You called out for help, and your prayers were answered. Calm you down.
Command ants to remove corpse, drop flower to girl

“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackCompany666
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sworn%20to%20Valour
Our Knight, Deeds and Equipment Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/NcsL5Wtt
Faith, Politics & Intrigue Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Zkumkcg1
Foes, Foreigners & Monsters Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nXwzHGGa

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He cant keep getting away with this

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>Can't keep his drink

Karlus would be ashamed I say ASHAMED!
Love ya to stitches, Forgotten!
Makes sense to me, incoherent as it is. There should also be tower shields, just not in use very commonly. The kite shield should give a bonus on horseback, which it might already. Maybe the heater shield too.

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The dim, fluorescent lights flicker above as you walk through the narrow corridor, the echo of your shackled feet bouncing off the cold, concrete walls. You're a man who's made mistakes—sure, who hasn't? But as the heavy metal door clanks shut behind you, sealing off the muted daylight, you can't help but wonder if those mistakes truly warrant this harsh dehumanizing reality. "Step right up, fresh meat!" a voice calls out, dripping with mocking cheer. It's a rough welcome, and it comes from a burly inmate with a scar trailing down his cheek. He's leaning against the bars of his cell, a smirk playing on his lips. You keep walking, trying not to meet the gaze of the other inmates, each of whom watches you with a mix of curiosity and appraisal. The guard behind you, a tall woman with a stern face, gives you a push. "Move along," she says, her voice firm and unkind. As you reach your cell, the door swings open with an ominous creak. The space inside is small, the air stale. A thin mattress lies on a metal frame, and a small window high up lets in just a sliver of light. You step inside, and the door slams shut with a finality that sends a shiver down your spine. "Hey, neighbor," comes a voice from the cell next to yours. You look over to see a young man with a friendly face, his hair a tangled mess. "Don’t let the bastards get you down. Name’s Danny." You nod, unsure of how to respond. Your throat feels tight, your stomach in knots. Danny seems to sense your discomfort and chuckles softly. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in. But you'll find your rhythm here. We all do." That night, as you lie on the hard mattress, the sounds of the prison wrap around you—the distant clanging of doors, the soft murmur of voices, the restless shifting of bodies. You close your eyes and think back to the world outside, to the life you once had. The mistakes that led you here begin to replay in your mind, each one a sharp stab of regret. But amidst the noise and the harsh reality of your new environment, you make a silent vow. You're not just going to survive here; you're going to find a way to live, really live, even behind these bars.

>>Keep a Low Profile: Stay out of trouble by avoiding conflicts and not drawing attention to yourself. This might mean keeping your head down and observing the prison dynamics before making any moves.
>>Build Respect: Earn the respect of fellow inmates by standing firm when challenged, yet respecting the unwritten rules of the prison.
>>Plan an Escape: Although risky, if escape is on your mind, it involves observing guard patterns, securing tools, and possibly forming a pact with other inmates for a coordinated effort.
>>Seek Rehabilitation: Engage in educational programs, work assignments, or therapy sessions available in the prison.
>>Develop a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes physical exercise, reading, writing, or other activities that maintain mental and physical health.
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>>Try to talk your way out
The moment he touches us though…
Absolutely adore your use of imagery in the short story you provided. I could see the smirk and the guy with the scar down his face glaring at you & the natural sounds of prison. The end is pretty cool too. " [ .. ] really live, even behind these bars." Do they allow inmates to use computers at a prison?

"A body with a heart is home." - ???

This is nowhere comparable but I was in County Jail for 3 days and 3 nights a long long time ago for the most ridiculous reason. The caretaker called the cops on me for battery when I didn't even leave a bruise on her. I barely even touched her. I slept in a jail cell nude with a plastic blanket—one of the worst experiences in my life! Well worth it though.
>Try to talk your way out
Nigga, we just playin, I'm from the hood man, don't get loco on me man, we good thug we good, we wearin the same colors young blood
>Talk your way out:
Ask him if he's going to finish the food on his tray. This makes him look unreasonable, thus reducing his tradability with other inmates, and commissary is where they flow of social power is at.
>Try to talk your way out
We don't want to fight someone and add time to our sentence. I'll support this >>6000639 line of reasoning.

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Your beloved leader is dying. You have been in his guard for the better part of your life, always protecting him from harm, defending his image and fully upholding the views of his moral compass. The necromancy team that was assembled, in order to give your leader immortality, finally finds the right incantations but it is too late. He, who was supposed to be the One, is finally gone, silent tears roll down your cheeks.

You proclaim your undying loyalty to him and promise to finish his reshaping of the world, entering the binding circles of the necromancers. You will live for eternity and your only companion will be the cherished memories that you had with

>Tokugawa Ieyasu
>Pol Pot
>John F. Keneddy
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>Continue with the invasion as planned
>Continue with the invasion as planned.

You address Koro, Hamza, and Miran- the three generals that followed Timur and yourself north. Timur brought the strength of his armies, leaving enough for the border generals and sultans to rattle their sabers at the Ottomans, Mamluks, or the Delhi pukes.

"What is the current status of your regiments? You go first Koro."

The squat man snaps to a salute, sending the main of horse hair on his helmet swaying. His moustache pokes from the corners of his lips like the plumes of a paint brush.

"Our 50,000 men and their horses are ready. Our forward scouts reported a possible sighting of a Ming envoy in Tibet, perhaps meeting with the Pagmodru." He quickly nods his head as he finishes and turns to his right, gesturing Hamza.

Hamza was tall like a reed, and his voice nasally. Thankfully he commands his me with iron-like discipline.

"Of course Emir Kartal, the 80,000 infantry are growing antsy. If we are to stay put, I will put them to work fortifying." You acknowledge his work ethic on working his men with a nod.

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>Kartal (You)
>Koro (50,000 cavalry)
>Hamza (80,000 infantry)
>Miran (1000 war elephants)
>Necromancer Muhammed (4/5 assistants)

Considering your options, there are a few ideas you have. Before his death Timur had called an alliance with the other various Mongol tribes, so ideally Eastern Chagatai Khanate will not stab you in the back and was supposed to allow you through to attack China... however that deal was with Timur. Alternatively, you could contend with the Phagmodrupa dynasty in Tibet, and possibly seize that envoy for information. Sadly, the Himalayans are brutal under the kindest conditions, and the elephants will be slow crossing.

>What will you do?
For these responses, type up a little bit on what and how you intend to enact your plan. (How many men, what to say, etc. A lot of things are on the table fellas)
>Meet with the Chagatai Khanate, perhaps they will honor their deal, or be willing to renegotiate.
>Attempt to seize the envoy in Tibet.

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>>Attempt to seize the envoy in Tibet.
I’ll be able to type up a detailed reply later but my first thought is that we should try to keep the bargain with the Eastern Khanate, although how we’d do in diplomacy given our new form is unclear at best…

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A little girl with a gun.
The thought alone jolts you out of your lingering hangover.
"What business does a little girl have, wandering the rain-slicked streets of Tokyo under the cloak of night?" That question haunted you last night, and now, it seems you might stumble upon the answer.
"You there, Kurosawa?" the chief's voice blares from the phone, pulling you back to the urgent matter at hand.
"Yes, chief, I'm on my way to the station right now," you reply, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts.
As you head out, a rumor you once dismissed flickers through your mind—the one about a sinister government project in a distant country designed to transform young girls into ruthless killers, devoid of emotion and remorse.
Could there be a connection?
No, it’s better to focus on uncovering the truth rather than weaving conjectures.

First thread: >>5964817

>Which country ran the secret child assassin project?

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"You deserve a chance at a normal life, away from this violence," you plead earnestly, hoping to pierce the armor she's built around herself. "Let me help you find a way out of this darkness."
"You don't know anything about me, Mister Kurosawa!" she exclaims, her voice a mix of defiance and desperation. "This is the only life I've known, the only thing I'm good at! I've lost count of how many I've killed."
Her confession hangs heavy in the damp alley air, a reminder of the twisted path her life has taken. You step closer, carefully choosing your words, your voice soft but firm, aiming to reach the lost child beneath the trained killer.

>What do you say?
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>A life spent as a contract killer rarely ends well or lasts long. Let me help you find a safer life.
>You have the power to choose a different future, one far from violence and darkness.
>I couldn't save my daughter, but perhaps I can help save you from this life.
>Write in
>Write in
>I hear that you're getting worse, I hear that you've been struggling with this for a long time, I'm trying to be here for you, I want to support you, I'm always here to listen and also I'm terrified that one day I'm going to wake up and you're not going to be here anymore. You've said "You don't know anything about me" which means that I'm ignorant of some part of you, help me understand what that part I'm ignorant of is.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.

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In an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar.

And in this harsh realm where iron and sinew forged the path to glory, flowed the lifeblood of the Whispering River. It winded through desolate hills and past crumbling ruins, a serpentine ribbon in a land that brooked no weakness.
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Are you genuinely surprised? QM was actuvely trying to get banned or buhleted, for some reason.
>Comes back
>Baits a ban
>Doesn't elaborate
Sasuga Cegremo.
Jannies can't take away the spicy images from the archive. We still won.
I'm emailing lord licorice to delete those tasteless, pornographic, unsafe images
archived.moe isn't run by licorice LOL

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Previous thread here:

All threads:

In the last thread we convinced Tim to not report our extrajudicial killings, and enthusiastically participated in Pahan-Hys' maturation ceremony. After undergoing uncertified 'medical' procedures, we are now healthy again, if slightly stranger from the experience.
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“Don't look so down, Commander. I wouldn't call the cells in your skin sample hu-, umh, hominid, but what they are, is extremely resilient. Their regenerative capabilities are near-miraculous, even.” He turns towards his computer, “Nonetheless, procedure is procedure. You know better than I the costs of rampant gene-editing, especially when done to people.”

Delicate as Tsu was in glissading over the subject, the spectre of old, hearing the sower's summon, grew heavy over the room, its bough sunken floor-deep, its branches laden with stinging fruits. You could almost reach out and crush one of them in your hand, feel the juice mingle with your blood before it stained through the picture-perfect shirt to wet the scar below. From this mixture distilled, red brilliant, unfading, an ink that never quite dried on the Titanean Covenant Governing the Use of Psycho-, Bio-, and Geno-Technology.

No, you shake your head. This time, past ghosts must play Cassandra to the living present. “Write down nothing yet. As you said, no what is certain. You want to ruin an innocent young sister because of a guess? Guess with basis, correct, still, just a guess.” Staring blankly ahead, Tsu sits motionless, saves for a twitching index finger.

Eventually, he sighs longingly at the whitewashed roof as the light drives back the rotten tree, “I know you would ask that. Trust me, I'm a sucker for slow-motion trainwrecks myself. Yet, this time, why do I feel like the train is heading straight for me?" The corners of your lips don't quite reach your eyes as the choker murmurs a soft ‘Thank you.’

“Before you leave, Commander, just one last question. How is Silas' investigation going? He haven't been in touch with me.” Heart skipping only one beat, you careless toss the answer behind like a crumbled piece of paper, "Oh, can't tell you too much. The murderer still is not caught, remember? But... Request from Goldsmith might be related.”

Turning right from the nanolayer room, you head for the recovery room you were placed in earlier after putting down Chernov's little rebellion. As expected, the room has been turned into a temporary holding cell for Pahan-Hysin. A badly bruised orderly snaps to attention to your approach, though his eyes betray doubts as to the wisdom of your decision. “The subject has been sedated, Ma'am. It, uh, he is ready for interrogation.”
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The room was as stark white as you remember, sans the bed. The faux-window normally playing pastoral scenes on loop has been turned off. In the middle, surprisingly not restrained, Pahan's torso presses against the floor, slowly rising and falling in lock step with his breath. You make sure to close the door and flip the switch on the privacy field first before removing the collar.

“Pahan-Hysin, fighting ready? To you, what they did?” Slowly, mournfully, like a cow chewing on his last moo, Pahan croons, “Sleep-potion me poisoned. Also, not protecting you, great shame!” Gently squatting down beside his massive frame, your hand deftly slips in between the exoskeleton's gaps to stroke the silky membrane of his abdomen. From numerous breathing-holes air is periodically sucked in and shot out, creating a sensation not too different from a spiky massage ball.

Gradually, your hand moves forward and upward, climbing the slick and thick prothorax. As you reach a particular spot just behind his head, Pahan hums in a low voice, apparently enraptured. “Sivi-totonret, something dimly hears. As softshell hears not. This the you-once-mentioned ‘behind look’?” To memory he must be referring. “Here, more easy show.”

Instinctively, just in time, your other hand snuffs out the coalescing moan. “Totonret, warm-feeling not? Humble prostration.” You let go of your mouth, “No, no, to prostrate no need. Warm-feeling me surprises.” Yes, surprised, but also nostalgic. What you felt first waking up to Mother's embrace, the strands of her hanging cradle brushing against your soft skin. Here, far from the Rock, surrounded on all sides by vengeful-hands, you can only share these memories with your brother.

No, no, wake up. What are you thinking? You are human, you have always been human. Yet, this feeling, these behind-looks, are they not part of you too? Is She not your Mother? Has She not loved you from the moment you refuse to kowtow like a pathetic outsider?
>Stand up. Leave. Immediately. You need fresh air, time to think. But the decision has already been made: never bring this up again.
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?
>Maybe just one more time. Let Her image crystallise, something you can treasure always. You owe the Queen that much at least.
>Write-in (no, I won't write it, my internet history is weird enough as is.)
>>Stand up. Leave. Immediately. You need fresh air, time to think. But the decision has already been made: never bring this up again.
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?

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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

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Burstock walks past your party.
"Just one thing I gotta sort out. Don't worry I won't wake her."

Burstock phases through the wall of the doctor's office.

Jorn looks at Richter
"Did you know she could do that?"
Richter shrugs and smiles
"If I did, I have forgotten. When one demonstrates such a mastery of their discipline, it can be easy to forget their sphere spells."
Jorn nods
"That's the truth. Haven't found a use for running across water yet, though."

Jim and you shake hands and he smiles warmly. It's fascinating to hear his voice without the flange filter his armor gave him. He looks as wise as you expected.

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>We are fortunate to have such proximity to their outpost
Your guards were handling things quite well, but I do suppose having Vanguards close is a good for receiving extra help in a pinch.
You've got a real neat arrangement with Den Tanqueray and it seems to be working well.
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>"Your guards were handling things quite well, but I do suppose having Vanguards close is a good for receiving extra help in a pinch."

Jim looks quite proud
"We haven't actually required their help in combat, no but we do have no real place to store any prisoners or criminals., so the Vanguards help us with that."

>"You've got a real neat arrangement with Den Tanqueray and it seems to be working well."
Jim rubs his chin
"Between you and me, I don't think it would have occurred to me in the past. My bastion and I have had to deal with goblins in some very unpleasant circumstances in the past. But I saw - and then heard about from Ms Tauloppo - the sort of good work you and your partner were doing about these lands and it made me think."

Jim glances thoughtfully at the town

So when, in the ashes of this town an envoy sought to make a contract with me offering highly trained operatives at a low cost in exchange for a goblin run business in town, well it seemed like a sign to me. Their training and weapons are really quite impressive."
Ask if there anything else we could help with?
Or does Jim know anything that could help us defeat the Edgewaters gang?

Someone posted earlier they wanted to speak with the arresting Vanguard, so I suppose we could seek them out?
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>Ask if there anything else we could help with?

Jim folds his arms
"Not that I can think of. You just helped repel the biggest bandit attack we've had so far then given our doctor a much-needed day off. And by all accounts you've been spending money around town. We'll gladly buy some of your wares once you have a batch finished. We can't pay as much as the big cities, but it will be a pretty straightforward process."

>know anything that could help us defeat the Edgewaters gang?
Jim rubs the back of his neck
"It took three of us to take down troll last time I encountered one. And we still lost someone doing it. All I can say is: if something seems like overkill - it's probably the right thing to do. If you over prepare - it might actually not be that bad."

You thank Jim and bid your fond farewells and head back outside of the town. Gopniks are being loaded into mogwomp drawn carts. Vanguards on Rinkans are scouting the further edges for anything dropped or any clues. Other still are just speeding back to base.

One particular Vanguard is hunched over their saddle bags with their back to you but this makes them no harder to recognize. Hearing your footsteps, Interceptor Sergeant Boddickers straightens and turns to you, hands on her cocked hips like shes getting a cg introduction in a squaresoft game. She does a usual smile.

"Well well well. Where there's smoke there's fire crotch. I should have known."

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