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A little girl with a gun.
The thought alone jolts you out of your lingering hangover.
"What business does a little girl have, wandering the rain-slicked streets of Tokyo under the cloak of night?" That question haunted you last night, and now, it seems you might stumble upon the answer.
"You there, Kurosawa?" the chief's voice blares from the phone, pulling you back to the urgent matter at hand.
"Yes, chief, I'm on my way to the station right now," you reply, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts.
As you head out, a rumor you once dismissed flickers through your mind—the one about a sinister government project in a distant country designed to transform young girls into ruthless killers, devoid of emotion and remorse.
Could there be a connection?
No, it’s better to focus on uncovering the truth rather than weaving conjectures.

First thread: >>5964817

>Which country ran the secret child assassin project?
>Write in
Guess it's still alive. QM, you could've continued in the 1st thread though.
>(Write-In) China
>Chinese state intelligence explored the concept of child assassins and the viability of such assets in the field in their covert war against the US and its allies in Asia, particularly Japan and South Korea.
Welcome back, QM.
Bolshevik child soldier project. The truest form of conscription
>continuing a thread on page 9
Jebem ti mater ustaško
Would not a new post bring it back to page 1?
that's not how it works anon, when it starts to really fall, it won't go back up. while bumps are active, a thread will at best go to page 2 and return.
Thanks for answering, anon. Would the previous thread be automatically archived?
>(Write-In) China
>Chinese state intelligence explored the concept of child assassins and the viability of such assets in the field in their covert war against the US and its allies in Asia, particularly Japan and South Korea.

Has to be manually archived. Also QM you fucker your still alive!
She doesn't look chinese
>He doesn't know about China's European child trafficking rings
Kek, this guy >>5998919 just obliterated yo punk ass nigga
Damn chinese kidnapping kids of other countries to better infiltrate and hit their targets.
>>Write in
Trudeau is grooming little girls for his nefarious zionist globohomo purpose

The Chinese would never do that
Switching to Romania to prevent china disrespect
>Chinese state intelligence explored the concept of child assassins and the viability of such assets in the field in their covert war against the US and its allies in Asia, particularly Japan and South Korea.
I'll switch to
Just don't let her be a gypsy.
because it sounds fun
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As you drive towards the police station, navigating the bustling streets of Tokyo, your mind whirls with fragmented thoughts—Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, state-run orphanages.
These words, heavy with dark histories, keep echoing in your head as.
Years ago, whispers of a Romanian government project aimed at training child assassins circulated in the channels of international intelligence.
What if those programs never truly ended?
What if Luna, the little girl you sheltered last night, is a product of such a program?
"Her name probably isn't even Luna," you murmur to yourself, the suspicion settling like a weight in your chest.
The idea that the innocent-looking girl could be linked to something so sinister seems almost inconceivable, yet the pieces are beginning to align too neatly.
As the city rushes by, you feel an urgent need to peel back the layers of this mystery, to understand who "Luna" really is and what brought her to the rain-drenched streets of Tokyo.

>What is your primary objective?
>You have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.
>You must protect your city from spiraling into chaos.
>You need to expose the truth, whatever it might reveal.
>You must fulfill your duties as a police detective.
>Write in
>You have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.
>Write in
>You have to make as many blood sacrifices to Mazela as humanly possible
>you have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.
>>You have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.

First the girl next movie night after we run away.
>>You have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.
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You have to rescue that little girl before it's too late.
For the first time in six years, a sense of purpose rekindles within you, urging you to reclaim the sharp instincts of the detective you once were.
"Kurosawa, what's going on? You have that look in your eyes again," the chief observes as you stride into the station.
"Don't mind me, Chief," you reply, your focus sharp. "What do we know about the assassination?"
"Like I said, Boss Yamada was taken out last night. Eyewitnesses claim it was a little girl who did it, though it might as well have been a midget for all we know," the chief retorts with a hint of skepticism.
Suddenly, another officer bursts into the room. "Chief! There's been another hit! Boss Takeda was just shot dead!"
"What?" the chief exclaims, shooting up from his seat in shock. "Another Yakuza boss dead? What the hell is happening?"
"Someone is systematically taking down the current bosses," you interject calmly, your analytical mind piecing together the chaos. "My guess? It could be the Russian Mafia. They might be eliminating the local bosses before they move in to take over Tokyo."
"The Russians? This operation seems too sophisticated for them," the chief grimaces, his brow furrowed in doubt.
"I think they might have hired a professional assassin for the job," you suggest, maintaining a level tone. "Someone who is very good at their job... Any eyewitness descriptions of the one who killed Boss Yamada?"
"A little girl with European features," the officer replies, confirming your suspicions exactly as you had feared.

>What do you do?
>Sit down with the chief and tell him everything you know about Luna.
>Reconnect with your former Yakuza informants to gather intelligence.
>Stake out the territory of the third-ranking Yakuza boss, anticipating the next assassination attempt.
>Investigate the locations of recent hits for clues that may link back to Luna.
>Write in
>Write in
Make a blood sacrifice to Queen Mazela in order to resurrect the dead bosses and mortally wound the child killer therefore solving the case
>mazela simp is a serb
The ottomans should've finished the job
>Stake out the territory of the third-ranking Yakuza boss, anticipating the next assassination attempt.
>Investigate the locations of recent hits for clues that may link back to Luna.
>Stake out the territory of the third-ranking Yakuza boss, anticipating the next assassination attempt.
>>Investigate the locations of recent hits for clues that may link back to Lun
>Investigate the locations of recent hits for clues that may link back to Luna.
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You decide to investigate the locations of recent hits for clues that may link back to Luna.
Each site shows the aftermaths of violent actions, with police tape fluttering in the breeze and hushed conversations among the officers still lingering.
You meticulously scan the scenes, searching for anything out of place—a dropped item, a footprint, perhaps even a witness overlooked in the initial chaos but the assassin is too well-trained for such mistakes.
Finding nothing concrete at the scenes, you shift your strategy.
Knowing the pattern of the hits, you predict the next target might be Shogu Yamato, the third-ranking Yakuza boss.
With a mix of apprehension and resolve, you stake out his territory.
Concealed in your parked car, you watch the comings and goings, the night slowly enveloping the city around you.
Hours tick by with little to show for your vigil.
Then, a flicker of movement catches your eye—a shadow slipping through the alleyways.
It's too small, too nimble to be an adult.
Your heart rate picks up as you realize this could be the assassin.
Could it be Luna?
Or are you letting your emotions cloud your judgment?
You keep your eyes fixed on the figure, ready to follow, ready to intervene.
This could be your only chance to solve the mystery, to prevent another murder, and possibly to find Luna.
The quiet of the night stretches out, punctuated only by your measured breaths and the occasional distant siren.

>What do you do?
>Step in and confront the shadowy figure to prevent further violence.
>Maintain your position and continue observing.
>Alert backup but keep your distance.
>Write in
>>Step in and confront the shadowy figure to prevent further violence.
>Step in and confront the shadowy figure to prevent further violence.
>Step in and confront the shadowy figure to prevent further violence.
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You decide to intervene, stepping into the dimly lit alley where the shadowy figure pauses. "Luna, you need to stop," you call out in a steady voice, projecting calm but harboring a storm of anxiety.
The child assassin halts, turning slowly to face you. Her semi-automatic is aimed directly at your chest, her hand unwavering—alarmingly professional. "You shouldn't be here, Mister Kurosawa," she states, her voice as cold and detached as the night air.
"Neither should you," you respond, locking eyes with her.
"This is what I do for a living, Mister Kurosawa," she replies, her tone devoid of emotion, the starkness of her reality hanging between you like the thick city fog. "Please leave. I don't want to kill you."

>What do you say?
>It’s not too late to change your path, Luna.
>No child should ever be forced into a life of contract killing.
>You deserve a chance at a normal life, away from this violence.
>Let me help you find a way out of this darkness.
>Write in
>You deserve a chance at a normal life, away from this violence.
>Let me help you find a way out of this darkness.
>You deserve a chance at a normal life, away from this violence.
>Let me help you find a way out of this darkness.
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"You deserve a chance at a normal life, away from this violence," you plead earnestly, hoping to pierce the armor she's built around herself. "Let me help you find a way out of this darkness."
"You don't know anything about me, Mister Kurosawa!" she exclaims, her voice a mix of defiance and desperation. "This is the only life I've known, the only thing I'm good at! I've lost count of how many I've killed."
Her confession hangs heavy in the damp alley air, a reminder of the twisted path her life has taken. You step closer, carefully choosing your words, your voice soft but firm, aiming to reach the lost child beneath the trained killer.

>What do you say?
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>A life spent as a contract killer rarely ends well or lasts long. Let me help you find a safer life.
>You have the power to choose a different future, one far from violence and darkness.
>I couldn't save my daughter, but perhaps I can help save you from this life.
>Write in
>Write in
>I hear that you're getting worse, I hear that you've been struggling with this for a long time, I'm trying to be here for you, I want to support you, I'm always here to listen and also I'm terrified that one day I'm going to wake up and you're not going to be here anymore. You've said "You don't know anything about me" which means that I'm ignorant of some part of you, help me understand what that part I'm ignorant of is.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
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"Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this," you assert, your words a blend of conviction and empathy. "Let's find that together."
She pauses, her gun still trained on you, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. For a moment, the hardened assassin facade slips, revealing the vulnerable child lurking beneath. "And what if I can't be anything else? What if this is all I am?" she counters, the tremor in her voice betraying her doubts.
"You can be anything you choose to be, Luna," you respond firmly, stepping closer, unafraid of the weapon pointed at you. "This life... it isn't what you deserve. Let me show you the possibilities that lie beyond this darkness."
Her grip on the gun loosens slightly, and though she doesn't lower it, you see her considering your words, wrestling with the idea of a life not dictated by violence. The seed of hope is fragile, but it's there, sprouting amid the chaos of her young life.
She finally lowers her gun, the tension in her shoulders easing as the weapon hangs loosely by her side. Hesitantly, as if not fully convinced of the safety or sincerity of the moment, she looks up at you. Noticing this shift, you slowly approach and gently wrap your arms around her. "It's okay," you whisper, offering comfort with a warmth that has long been absent from her world.
Her body stiffens initially at the unfamiliar embrace, but gradually, she allows herself to relax into your arms. The cold, distant facade of the contract killer fades, and for a fleeting moment, she is simply a child again—vulnerable and in need of reassurance.
"You're not alone anymore," you continue, reiterating your promise to help her find a new life—one filled with hope rather than despair. And for the first time in what feels like forever, you realize you no longer feel alone either.

Damn was hopping for a longer story as we teach the assassin how to live again while dodging gang fights and our new daughter has to go killing to keep us safe. But good job OP at least this quest gets an ending.

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