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The world as you know it is gone, who knows why, but at least you had enough foresight to build this nifty bunker in your backyard.

For being such a genius survivalist you didn’t bring much, maybe you’re looking at things the wrong way.

What things (and or people) did you manage to bring down here with you?
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>Head into the wrecked shed to get your gear
>Take the solar panels down and head back inside
Dont forget APHEFSDS rounds
You stumped me on that one, I'm sure I can find some for my .30-30 though.
Loving this art style. Delicious.

>Head into the wrecked shed to get your gear
>Take the solar panels down and head back inside

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It is regarded as the ultimate arbitrator of the end. The finality in which what perishes, must begone and move from the bones of the Earth. All energy is lulled into cessation. All lively pangs meet their final beat. All throes of darkness take ahold.

You, however.. for reasons of either sorrow, regret, arrogance, spite or pure happenstance.. find yourself bereft of a deathly finality. From death itself, you will be "rebirthed" into a new existence beyond anything you could have possibly imagined in your living hours.

In the early half of the 20th century, the entire world has been engulfed in the web-tangles of European spheres of influence or outright control. Under the screen of feigned cordiality for the sake of appearances, every major power in Europe is in fear of any pronounced movement from their rivals. Alliances form, and from them emerge two blocs poised for war: one being the Allied Powers composed of the British Empire, France, and Imperial Russia; the other deemed as the Central Powers, comprised of the German Empire, Austria-Hungarian Empire, and the ever-ailing Ottoman Empire.

All this came to a head, when in the 28th of June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir-presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated by the politically radicalized Serbian Gavrilo Princip. Immediately afterward sprung out the July crisis. By the end of that event, almost all of the major European powers were at war with one another.

The War to End all Wars had begun.


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>You had a fairly average well-privileged life as an Austrian noble. You often visited an entreated with the royal family. Along with that, you were tutored fairly decently by the various itinerant scholars and diplomats of the royal court.
>You had a fairly average well-privileged life as an Austrian noble. You often visited an entreated with the royal family. Along with that, you were tutored fairly decently by the various itinerant scholars and diplomats of the royal court.
>>You had a fairly average well-privileged life as an Austrian noble. You often visited an entreated with the royal family. Along with that, you were tutored fairly decently by the various itinerant scholars and diplomats of the royal court.
>Your father is fired from the Austrian council due to rampant incompetence but manages to wiggle himself into the military echelons of the Empire as a newly minted officer. Much of your childhood is moving base-to-base with no set stability at all.
Kill. yourself.

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06 – 28 – 1999 | SOUTH SIAM | WEEK 1

Your last patient fidgets on the exam table, sun-weathered hands thumbing through a chain of jaap maala prayer beads with practiced dexterity. Her daughter watches you with eyes that are a measure too sharp for her age. Dark pupils scan across your face for traces of ill-intent – an instinct that has barely mellowed over their past few visits.

“Red. Skip days….and the blue, take daily?”

She runs her finger down the page as she translates for her mother – speaking in a south Asian language you cannot easily identify.

“Yes. Remember to finish the entire pack. Macrolide with a modified bacteriophage booster. Reds and blues.”

She nods.

“…her cough?” she asks.

You consider your answer carefully. “It’s a new strain, but she should still improve with time. If your mother isn’t doing better within a week, come back as soon as you can.”

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Based, thanks for update QM
>BLOOD. Run a full panel of blood tests on the woman and see if you can identify anything unusual.
>PREPARE. Your HOSAKA suite is dated, but it can still make essentials that are otherwise lacking here. Small molecules, large molecules, and simple bispecific. Vectors and phages if you invest a measure of time. [MEDS +2] [You have 3]
Although I do gotta say I don't see why we couldn't ask some atleast basic "where were you in the last x days" questions in the meantime.
You can I will add this to the update.

I had to stay in lab super late today but I promise that there will be an update tomorrow.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolling for prepare-1/hire-2

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Daemon Blackfyre lies dead upon Redgrass field, together with two of his sons. With them, dies the first Blackfyre Rebellion. These are the days when peace once more returns to the seven kingdoms, the days when the brave and true fell in battle, and left behind the embittered and mournful.

King Daeron II 'The Good' Targaryen owes his victory over his half-brother to his two sons and another half-brother, together with two Valeman, one a knight of the kingsguard and the other the Lord of the Eyrie.

The seven kingdoms are as united as they'll ever be; Targaryen rule has been secured once more, and peace reigns throughout the land.

But not all is well; rebellious lords have had their lands stripped and hostages taken in an effort to maintain order and compliance.

Across the narrow sea, Aegor Bittersteel lurks with a growing army of exiles, including the remaining members of House Blackfyre. But for now, an uneasy, bitter peace hangs over the realm.

You are in mourning as well, for your lord father has fallen as well. Whether it was at Redgrass Field or some other battle, the histories would not remember. But it does leave you the lord of a minor house.

But where?

>In the Westerlands

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Though of course to know what is in those marshes and how much of it, we'll need to do a survey of them, and probably the rest of our holdings at some later date. Who knows we might stumble upon something even more exciting than a swamp that's been overlooked by previous lords. Though I do think we should inspect the marshes in an official manner at some point, since while they're good for resources and defenses against enemy armies, they're also very nice homes for outlaws. And this being Asoiaf, I'd bet my left nut there are at least some bandits squatting there so soon after a war.
>The Crownlands
I agree with dragonbloodmaxxing, but I'm torn between the Westerlands and Crownlands. A Velaryon wife would be great, but they're probably out of our league unless they've got several daughters. Longwaters are a minor house and wouldn't really bring much to the table. Marrying a Celtigar cousin kind of defeats the purpose of a marriage in our situation.

Going to have to go with
>The Westerlands
Might get an in with the Lannisters, and new trade opportunities would be good.
Something ideal would be House Plumm - old so likely at least respects first men culture, presumably wealthy, descended from Elaena Targaryen (and possibly Aegon IV) for that dragon blood.
That can be indeed good.
Once again, I'd prefer a smart and pleasant woman against a higher born one; we'll might have several opportunities.
Yeah, and getting a match from a house that doesn't mind our culture/religion rather than viewing it as some sort of heresy is important.

Also, now that I think on it, I don't think enough time has passed for the Plumms to have any dragon blood daughters from Elaena's marriage yet, aside from the actual male heir. A wife from a house that has some control of the headwaters in the Westerlands or Reach could be good.

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You realize your life isn't real, and is somehow being affected by the votes of an unseen audience. Now, you need to escape. Your name is Oza and you have vague definitions about yourself. You're a 16-20something year old who has only ever known the life they live. You always felt somehow you had to go with other people's decisions to survive. It's Sunday, MOTHER'S DAY, and you're being reminded to call your mom despite what happened. While scrolling a forum online, you realize that the format of a story telling page exactly follows your method of action- wait until enough pressure pushes you a certain way. Now, you're too close to a truth you can't unsee. You spot a thread for a story game called "The New Unoriginal Quest" you click on it to read that it's exactly describing you and your current situation. What do you do.

>Watch it for a while, see how it affects you.
>Select one of the choices being presented.
>Write your own choice (expert difficulty-reality could fall apart)
>Call mom (end quest)
>Dismiss and start a thread about how it's weird humans are supposed to be superior but still need to brush their teeth when other animals don't.
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Wasn't a choice.
>Endure the pain. Become an empath.
You called your mom.
>Check the "The New Unoriginal Quest" thread.
>Endure the pain and see how well you can read others, starting with strangers outside.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

“Ma’am. Ma’am.” Your eyes slowly drift up. The just past middle age woman jerks back as the full weight of your ‘two years of college debt and nothing to show for it’ dead stare drives into her. Alas, the just past middle age woman’s eyes do not begin to pour blood, and her face twists.

Beep. Slide. Bag.

You grunt, and the woman accepts that this might be the limit of your vocabulary.

“Ma’am. Miss. Those eggs. Those eggs were on sale, miss.”

Beep. Slide. Bag.

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> Practice with your crossbow? It's basically a wooden gun, right?
>> Practice with your crossbow? It's basically a wooden gun, right?

How do I shot bolt?
>> Practice with your crossbow? It's basically a wooden gun, right?

You grab the crossbow and the bolts and spend some time learning how it works. Loading and pulling it back is a real bitch, you weren't exactly strong before the coma, and it and the crippling depression certainly didn't help. Still you figure it out, and then bury a bolt into your mattress seconds later. Fuck.

A quick google search later and you're checking the dumpsters around the colleges for Styrofoam blocks. The nearest business with a range is an hour away, but with a little rigging you manage to build a little target area in the alley behind your apartment. You're a handful of hilariously off target shots in when someone speaks.

"You should use eye protection."

Your bolt goes wildly off course and slams into the wall, shattering to bits.

"Fuck!" You whip around angrily, then freeze. It's the fucking cop. You lower the crossbow slowly.

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Dear diary,

Today was not that good of a day. It all started with my mom and her botched breakfast. Or her drink of choice, to be precise, as the dates and the wheat pancakes were fine... it was the milk again. She always stores it 'for later use', without telling, and I had to spend my whole day at school with a tummy ache. How can you mess up milk, mom? Again!?!? ... Anyway, I got so mad at her I started calling her Lupa because she doesn't like it (hehehe take that mom :p). She says that was her maiden name before dad kidnapped her to introduce new blood to our settlement... not sure what that was all about but whatever...

Soooo, now school!

The history class went terrible! The teacher wanted everyone attending to give a brief summary of their family history and Etruria, this pompous bitch >:( !!!, started to berate me how I didn't have culture of my own and I stole a dress idea from her last week! While it was my turn to speak! Well sorry that I don't have rich parents like yours to fund my degenerate lifestyle and nightly drunken escapades, I can't afford to throw up my food yet (willingly at least... MOM!!!). I am so mad at her enabler too... Samnitia-chat or whatever, she is the new kid on the block but just because she is a sun-beaten tomboy with a fetish for horses she gets to play cool with the popular kids and I don't :(

Initially the P.E. class started great when I noticed that Grecia-kun was staring at my quads!!! It feels so good that my gymnasium gains are finally getting recognition... and from him at that! He is so cute, I want to get married to him asap!!! but then Samnitia-chat started flaunting her riding skills and he didn't look at me for the rest of the session :/ Maybe I need to get some tan too. Grrrrrrrr ... I try to get mad at him but I just can't... he is so cute, sigh... oh, Grecia-kun, one day you will be mine - I swear by Jupiter Capitoline! hihihihihi >:)

Anyway, that's pretty much it my dear diary, catch you on the flip-flop, muah-muah

680 BC, with love and many pilum, you trusted Rome-chan

PS. I'm so exited for the Saturnalia <3

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>>6003736 | >>6003742 | >>6003770 | >>6003898 | >>6003946 | >>6004741

Dear diary,

I fear that I might be too powerful. My enemies are defeated left and right, I feel an ascendance happening in my soul... Etruria the slut is now crying in the embrace of her protégé Samnita-chan behind our school, after engaging in valiant catfight with me and Celtica-chan. She said that Umbrio turned out to be a paper tiger since he didn't show up to our showdown ( she really likes the army lingo ), I just call him a giant pussy. Epirus took a literal brick to the head so he won't be a problem anymore and the whole latin neighborhood now swears fealty and undying love towards me (witness me, diary, witnesssssss true greatness). It can't get better that this, right?

Well, the issue with Celtica-chan's boyfriend still stands but she resolutely is taking his side in the matter, I don't know for how long I can trust her. Also, we have 2 new twins in our school - Teutonia and Kimbria-chan, and live in the houses north of Celtica-chan. And oh Jupiter, are they pretty!!!! They have silver hairs just like a noble elder, skin - white as snow and eyes more blue than afternoon tuscan sky! Mom says that I have to marry a man to continue our lineage but by Mars, I am tempted to steal one of them for myself :3 Grecia-kun, you might have competition... Now mentioning Mars, I remember hearing Celtica-chan saying that she doesn't like them in our neighborhood, they have been giving her existential dread... Because they are different looking than you, Celtica-chan??? Talk about being prejudiced...

She also mentioned something about them being extremely violent and berserk-like whenever the hairstylist doesn't do their braids right, but but but they are so gorgeous! Something so pretty can't be evil, Celtica-chan is just jealous that her freckles aren't good enough next to their moisturized porcelain skin.

160 BC, signed with the hand that united the neighborhood

PS. I had a weird dream about the twins not arriving for like another 80 years or something, kinda weird that they are here now huh, well, hopefully the Norns that spun the fate of all cute girls won't sperg out... Anyways, kisses from your trusted Roma Victor, mwah mwah

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>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
But feign ignorance.
>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all
>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
>>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

You had your hands full with the Stonemasons after their arrival. Fiercely independent and holding on to their own identity, it would be a while until you have managed to integrate them with the rest of the Alteracis, but you did manage to accomplish at least something. The welcoming feast seemed to be a success and you struck some understanding with the mercenaries they had brought with them. Now having them guard Sofera's Naze, you felt your right flank to be more secure.

You also had promised to yourself that you would take it easy and relax a bit. So you decided to go camping with Malevus. Your plan was to spend a day or two enjoying the beauty of nature, and maybe talk about Malevus kissing you earlier, but something completely else also happened.

You met Thrall, the escaped gladiator from Durnholde and a very good friend of Taretha Foxton. Avoiding conflict, the two of you worked together in finding and destroying death knight Umo Shadowheart and stopping whatever plans it had.

Now with spring having started to turn into summer, you had a feeling that the world around you would turn into a way more hectic place.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Also question is Katrina prestor coming to visit? I'm pretty sure we invited her.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Indiana Alric ova here

>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
>Other, write in.
"Looks like an old Stormwind armor I think...Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead. Found these skeletons and burned whatever was wearing this armor in particular. Perhaps a warlock, a death knight from the Wars. Now rival remnants of the Horde looking to put it down? A ritual gone wrong? A dispute over leadership? Hard to say for sure."
>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
Though don't give so stilted of a presentation as the prompt does.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Do what we came here for.

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Your name is Blooming Dandelion, but most people know you by your street name, “Meepis”, you are a self proclaimed vinestalker nomad of sorts that decided to spelunk into a dungeon housing a mythical legendary amulet, this amulet is said to be able to grant riches or be worth a really good penny itself.

Having no place to call home nowadays due to your miscreant nature, this is a golden opportunity made just for you!

[ PREVIOUS THREAD: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5966131/ ]
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I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess based on the whole rotting aspect of the slime monster's room and the fact that it had a freaking skull in its belly, I'd say that the slime is somewhat acidic. Wouldn't want to get that on our bare epidermis (is that the term for plant skin?). Also I dont think that would work, at all.
I say we still fight it, because we do seem to gain some experience from fighting. That and because we don't want that fucker on the way out. What we need to do is find a good ambush spot and exploit our bonuses to dirty tactics, especially opportunism if we can.
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> That and because we don't want that fucker on the way out.
Damnit. That's a really good point, especially if we need to ever run back where we came for any reason. But the corridor is too narrow to schmoove around the thing, and where the floor opens up is covered in ice so it'll be tricky to move around in.

Alright, how's this plan?
>Use the smoke scroll to make a smokescreen down the corridor
>Then, knock it flat on its ass by tripping its legs with our vine appendages
>Finally, stab the corpse in the same head wound we threw our dart in
If we really have to kill it, I'm opting to go for the head and stab its brains into gore, hopefully removing that means it stops moving.
We can go further back into the corridor and out of it then climb to the ceiling like we did before. I think a smoke scroll would be wasted on this dipshit because he won't choke as he's already dead. We go full death from above on his ass
So we abuse his aggro until he gets into a bigger room, and then spiderman our way up the ceiling and dropbear him to death? Alright, I can see that working, but after going back up a few posts I can see how this can be optimized even better.

Deciding to change this >>6008964 into the following actions:
>Bait the corpse monster into chasing us by staying in its line of sight, but backing up so we stay out of attack range
>Keep backing up until we end up in Room 6, then grab the water bucket and spill it all over the floor the monster has to walk through
>When the cadaver slips and falls, stab its brains out until it stops moving
A delightfully devilish plan that's sure to take advantage of our talents, the environment, and keep us from wasting a smoke scroll.

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In the year 2537, the dreaded hosts of Chaos descended down on the realm of Jekatarina Bokha the Great, the Ice queen of Kislev. The hordes of Kurgan marauders mounted on horses struck upon her majesty’s provinces east of the Goromadny mountains (how the Kislevites call the World Edge mountains) and plundered Zhitozemlye (the Wheatlands, or the farming provinces of her majesty’s realm located in that accursed plain). All my estimates place the initial invasion force at some ten thousand bandits that descended down upon those poor and unfortunate souls and suffered by their wrath, no doubt either killed off or enslaved and dragged off to their dark masters. The invasion happened in two prongs encircling the central hills and lake and plundering and enslaving the northern edges of the colony. It is estimated fifteen thousand souls perished in the raids of that year, with a great cavalry battle occuring in the west of the colony, where a Dolgan chief butchered a great many Ungols.
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Here's my picture I didn't have any luck getting an ai generator to work >.>
I must be retarded.
So another Kurgan`?
Have you chosen a tribe? No mechanical benefit but Ivan is a Dolgan, Mulrog a Kul, Hangar a Hastling, & Torchak was never established but I'm thinking probably a Tahmak.

You could be a Hastling as well since you're joinging Hangar, or one of the other tribes:
Iron Wolf
I'll be a good lil half hastling half iron wolf. Father was a strong chaos knight and raided the iron wolves taking a woman for his own. I'm the strongest of 8 brothers now there is just me. There can only be one.... ;)
Apologies for lack of posts, basically keep moving west and plan to surround the village and its minotaurs with Ungors before making the assault.

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Moon in prominence: ~~ 17th day of Rumina's last cycle
Orbital partition: ~~~~~~ exiting Volupta's last squadron
Epoch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yuga of Soranos

Location: ~~~~~~~~~~~ celestial body Providentia


start group listing...

... listing...

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>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
unwilling companion
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
Unwilling companion
Very intriguing story, getting some Fear and Hunger vibes. Glad the anons chose this character
>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)
Number 114, what's the hold up? Don't make us bring 115 into this.

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At last the familiar stone donjon of your castle looms above the horizon. You have journeyed long and hard and it is has been many years since you've seen its cheerful banners wave. Your companion, still dressed in his gloomy funeral clothes, shades his eyes and squints at something moving on the road. A procession of men with tonsured heads and plain white tunics fastened with nothing but belts of thick rope.

At their head is a great red coffin borne on the backs of four men. You recognize the two in front as, Gamling, your father's closest friend and beside him your father himself, his mane of hair now white to the tips. They turn in a fork on the road, heading in the direction of the cairns in which several generations of your family are interred. They are too far and preoccupied to have noticed you.

"A bad omen," says your companion, spitting over his shoulder in the custom of his people when they receive unwelcome news.

>Continue to the donjon
>Join the procession at the back
>Ride to the front and hail your father
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>the campaign against the heathens is over.
>>You've had your fill of the continent
QM you alive?
I'm willing to take over if the QM is really dead.

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You wake up in the middle of a room, the bloomy ambience blurs your memories. You have absolutely no clue of where you are or what were you doing before you woke up in the room.
The ambience is cold and weird, you feel like you are dreaming or under the effects of a hallucinogenic substance, something that is weird because you have been weird your whole life.
You can:
Check your inventory
Examine (object)
go to (place)
use (object)
self inspection
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You inspect yourself.
I first check your face and shivers go down your spine as you feel you are not human anymore.
a pair of animal ears grew on your head and overall your whole physical apparience has changed and resembles an animal
Examine note and fridge
I found you
>Examine anal cavity
We might have a storage compartment in there since we're not human apparently... Fuck if I know how aliens anuses work

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Your whole life, people have called you a "downer". You're no fun at parties, you don't have any friends, you like to bring up morbid topics in conversation, and you have a generally gloomy mood about you. The reason for this is because since you were a child, you've known the exact date you and everyone you love, are going to die. Why, you do not know, but it's true. You know, and it's haunted you. You wish you didn't, you really do, but it can't be helped.
Your name is Fido Ballthrow. You're a college dropout, a failed musician, and a disappointment to your family. You have very few friends, you have no job, and you only have, from this moment on, five days to live.
You knew today was the day it all begins last night, and in an anxious frenzy locked yourself in your closet with all the essentials. Tissues, a gun, blankets, and a pillow. In a rage, you punched a bunch of holes in your wall, because of course, you did.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)
>Cry (2-60 minutes
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Call someone (2-100 minutes)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
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We could even leave our old place for Ralph while we move in with Lily. But we'd have to talk about it first.
I hope you don't mean actually moving in, we're like 4 days from the world maybe(?) ending, we don't wanna spend that time moving.
What do we have to move really? But yeah if it takes too long then I agree it's not worth it.
>Offer to let him stay at your place
If we let him go clean, he's gonna have his last few days be an absolute hell. I suggest, knowing what we know, that we keep him supplied with drugs. Or at least encourage him to keep using them. Imagine your last day alive being one where you're shivering and feel like a schizo

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Is it always this warm out here? The sun beats down on dust and debris and all the curling, serpentine line of soldiers strung out behind you. Each and all sweat-stained and wind-bit.

Six more miles and six more hills and then that'll be the camp and then - finally - this long, long wandering reconaise patrol can end, you can pry off your boots, sign off on the last reports and maybe at long last get some sleep.

Nothing ever happens out here, anyway.
It's always quiet on the eastern front. . .
477 replies and 101 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Air wents with a soft 'woosh' as seals give way. The sterile environment maintained inside collapses. Scores of men and woman turn from their tasks to stare, in faint surprise, at the Scholae in armour and his associates. Pathfinder Regini gives a cheery little wave.

One of the workers shakes his head, which takes bravery, and steps *forward*, which takes bravado, and *draws a knife* which takes a level of practically applied malice combined with stupidity and lack of foresight that can only be found in that most singular of criminal subspecies, the Slicerats. Fiercest cutters and knifefighters in Pyther, Grand, smugglers without compare, fast-running, scurry-quick, treasure-seeker slicers, each and all touchy about their reputation and trained to defend it with sharp claws of fine wrought steel.

Pathfinder Regini quietly questions the cunning, if not the courage, of drawing knives on Legion troops. This isn't Pyther. This isn't Watcher business. The Legion cannot cross the river, by tradition and by oath.

But we're way aways out past the Pyther rivers now, slick. Are you sure and certain you'll be wanting to use that knife? You could put it down. We could all talk about this here enormous shipment of Mothflower you seem to be storing, for no adaquately explainable reason.

The Slicerat lunges forward in a viciously fast jab instead. Grey Rat candidate, Slicerat's elite cadre-core of knifemen. Always bad news to find in a dark alley. Faster than many and second in murderous instinct to none.

It is possibly with some faint surprise he finds himself on the floor with a pounding headache and most of the bones in his right hand in various new, exciting arrangements. Someone else quitely coughs, past the glittering ranks of knives the Slicerats have now drawn.


You know there's a war afoot, right? You really should get proper locks for your doors. All sorts of people could sneak in while you're distracted.
Rolled 4, 2, 2 = 8 (3d6)

"Princeps Veldspar! I heard you served in the first Pytheri-Vanadian war to subjugate filthy V*nadian scum." Superbus is practically convulsing in the paroxysms of excitement.
"And Scholae-Fulminant Fireskellian, or should I say former Primus of the 7th Mechanized! Whatever happened to that superbly cool Jackal-Class Heavy Variant Sigilcraft Battlewalker with rocket pods artillery capabilities and experimental energy emitting weaponry you used to trounce the V*nadians in the second war?"

"By the Eye I wish I could've served alongside you both to drive back those mutant war criminals..."

>Personal: Fangirl.
>Affiliation(Houses): Help with organizing supplies for Fireskellian's project.

Also my Reputation should be 10 instead of 9.
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It made little sense from the start. The sheer scale of it. How would squadrons of cavalry, riding fast, crossing a mountain path, low on supplies, high on operational tempo, ordered to take ground at rapid rate, how would such a troupe contrive to ferry the endless alchemical cargo required to poison wells over the jagged, unreliable terrain with them? How would they know the location of most of the Legion and House troops around Howlhammer, around Glimini, the patrols in the wilderness, the wetlands further south?

How would such squadrons for all that they would be fast, nimble, deadly, surprising, know precisely where and when to strike, simultaneously, along the width and breath of the Spanway Plains?

And if all those questions are just curious pieces of of circumstantia trivia, they do beg one more thought. It's a small thing. Hard to notice in all the horror. After thought, really, to all the other events. A Cohort patrol, swinging in the wind, strung out like dolls, naked, because scavenging outriders had taken the tools of their trade. Later, 7 sets of armor in a checkpoint with seven sets of matching holes in them, from dead loyal soldiers who died defending the innocent from the ravages of the fiery.

Wasponi troops don't use heavy armor.
Wasponi troops don't strip heavy armor off of fallen Legio.
What cavalry outrider wears such confining gear?
What looter, enthused with the idea of treasure, would strap a cuirass to his horse and ride back across impossible mountains, to sell mass-cast armor to people with their own factories?


But maybe if you had a man on the inside. Maybe if they had friends that needed new gear. Maybe if hiring a House Legio company is costly, and fielding heavy cavalry is more so, perhaps instead one might simply prepare the people and wait for someone else to deliver the (lightly used) armor?
Where would the Wasponi of all people get Cesteriphon uniforms to man a checkpoint near Howlhammer? Did they bring those across the mountains with them too? Neat, carefully folded, stored in saddlebags, then lovingly pulled out once arriving in new realms and worn as a prize of victory. Seems far-fetched. It might be a fair bit easier to instead have twenty or so knife-men simply take over a checkpoint.

The Wasponi. They burned the field north-east of Glimini, and hunted the House workers there for sport. Cesteriphon lands. Cesteriphon House people, employees, markets, plans, contracts, research. Strange acts, for hungry men on hungry horses.

But imagine the wealth. All aflame. Imagine, if you had known such a thing ahead of time? The sheer enormity of the money you could make, by pre-empting the harried arrival of courier-borne news to markets. Buy up as much grain as you can, Cesteriphon is losing fields, invasions are happening, the price of apples is about to go exponential! Take out some futures contracts, why not? The price is about to *spike* like it has not in a decade.

You wouldn't even really need to be bought by the Flamespeakers. They'd just be providing the seed money for the exciting investment project that is the slow crumpling of nations. Some startups do disrupt established businesses.

And then you buff out the dents in all the armor your allies of convenience have delivered, you repair the bits of it you can repair, and you start helping them recruit people for your new pretend legion.

If only you had some sort of way to scrub them of old loyalties and nudge them along to accept such a thing. A drug, perhaps. But where would you find a specialist able to carefully coordinate the precise dosages needed, on a region-wide basis, to leave people suceptible to picking up used armor, putting it on, and joining up with eastern invaders?

You'd need some kind of doctor-philospher.

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Why bring heavy legions across the mountains when you can source your own, locally?

Just take stolen armor, add water, add slight touch of narcotic incentive influence, pressure to match, and presto. Bulk out the ranks with hired hands.

Four times the invasion force.
Half the effort.


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