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File: NG20240512-105938.png (108 KB, 720x1271)
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You realize your life isn't real, and is somehow being affected by the votes of an unseen audience. Now, you need to escape. Your name is Oza and you have vague definitions about yourself. You're a 16-20something year old who has only ever known the life they live. You always felt somehow you had to go with other people's decisions to survive. It's Sunday, MOTHER'S DAY, and you're being reminded to call your mom despite what happened. While scrolling a forum online, you realize that the format of a story telling page exactly follows your method of action- wait until enough pressure pushes you a certain way. Now, you're too close to a truth you can't unsee. You spot a thread for a story game called "The New Unoriginal Quest" you click on it to read that it's exactly describing you and your current situation. What do you do.

>Watch it for a while, see how it affects you.
>Select one of the choices being presented.
>Write your own choice (expert difficulty-reality could fall apart)
>Call mom (end quest)
>Dismiss and start a thread about how it's weird humans are supposed to be superior but still need to brush their teeth when other animals don't.
>Select one of the choices being presented.
Select the "Select one of the choices being presented" choice
You see a reponse to the thread that says to pick the "select one of the choices being presented" choice.

You're a follower, so
You select the
>Select one of the choices being presented

You feel strange. Have you done something, or nothing? You start to experience a weird new sensation in your head, too close to a headache to distinguish any further.
You close the thread for now and go to start one about how it's strange humans need to brush their teeth despite being superior to others. Some time passes. You get a couple of troll responses, but for some reason you can understand why people are trolling. You can see their emotions. You can read their intentions to protect themselves through the screen.

It's all too much.

>Take a nap.
>Check the "The New Unoriginal Quest" thread.
>Call mom (end quest)
>Endure the pain and see how well you can read others, starting with strangers outside.
>Cheesy Ramen and tv.
You came up with an idea for a novel as a satire for over controlling parents who try to influence their’s children’s every decision. Don’t mind if I steal your idea.
Wasn't a choice.
>Endure the pain. Become an empath.
You called your mom.
>Check the "The New Unoriginal Quest" thread.
>Endure the pain and see how well you can read others, starting with strangers outside.

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