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The Galaxy is in flames.

The Emperor's glorious vision for humanity is in ruins. His favoured son, Horus, has turned from his father's light and embraced Chaos.

Brother turns against brother, sons against their father. Full half of The Emperor's mighty legions have betrayed him, dealing a mortal blow to 3 of his loyal legions on Istvaan V. War has begun, a conflict that will engulf mankind in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Elsewhere, the daggers are being drawn. Sanguinius and his Blood Angels fight for their life against monstrous Things from nightmare, while Roboute Guilliman sits confident in his realm of Ultramar, awaiting the arrival of his brother Lorgar yet unaware of the dagger pointed at his back.

On Prospero things are different. The hand of Leman Russ has been stayed, temporarily, while Constantin Valdor and you, Alpharius, a captain of the Alpha Legion disguised as the Raven Guard, deal with Magnus. You have entered his inner sanctum in secret, and spoken with the Red King, in an attempt to save him and his legion.

Even as Prospero waits with bated breath, the ruinous powers exert their influence, and the galaxy trembles. To meddle with Fate is to court ruin. But Hope has not yet died, and there may still be a chance, or is it just an illusion?

The screams of the innocent, the pleas of the righteous resound to the cruel laughter of Dark Gods. Suffering and damnation await should the Emperor fail and the war be lost.

The age of knowledge and enlightenment has ended.

The Age of Darkness has begun.
Welcome back to the Horus Heresy! Captain Alpharius and the Orphans of Lerna must make their choices and face the consequences, as the galaxy goes mad. Will you be able to turn Magnus away from his fated path, or will it all end in ruination as it was before?

Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5940124/
You step forward to look Magnus in his one good eye. It gleams brightly with coruscating colours you can’t quite describe. His words echo in your head, either an effect of Magnus’ power or simply their significance. Are you willing to defy the gods?

You only think about it for a moment. You are. Fate be damned, you’ll do it. You know there will be a cost, there always is, but if anyone can cheat it, it’s the Alpha Legion. You let yourself have a rare smile beneath your helmet as you give Magnus your answer.

>Yes. No Gods, no Kings, No masters. Just Men. This is the Imperial Truth, and while it may be a lie, it remains the Truth, Humanity has no need of any of these.

Magnus’ eye glows as a slight smile spreads across his face. The primarch seems a little larger now, more sure of himself.

Very well. So it will be. Come, we must plan while we still have the time. Ahriman, do not leave, I will have need of you as well.

Ahriman looks uncertain, but obeys his primarch. Valdor walks over, his fury over discovering the scope of Magnus’ sins seeming to have subsided.

“What did you say to him?”

You shrug.

>That I was willing to defy the gods, whatever they are.

Valdor stares at you a moment. You’re not sure if he’s about to say anything, but he remains silent and walks over to Magnus and Ahriman, and you follow suit. Magnus pauses a moment to look at you all before settling down on his throne, seemingly at ease, though there is a tension in him that even you can notice.

It must be a gambit. My routes are limited at this late hour, but If I am to challenge my fate I must have proof. I will not damn my sons without cause.

He looks at Ahriman then, almost mournful, but the moment passes. He looks at you.

I peered into the Well of Eternity and received a glimpse of what was to come, but when I looked there I did not see you, Captain Ales, nor the Captain General at your side. That may be our chance. If I did not see you, then it may be that neither did others. Maybe even… but for that I will not hope. No. I must have proof. I must know.

He nods his head solemnly.

We are going to summon one of Them.

Valdor and Ahriman are quick to shout objections.

“Don’t you dare-

“Lord Magnus!”

And slay it. Or fool it. Will you allow me that, Captain-General?

“You are mad.”

Magnus grins.

Mad enough to defy Them? Then so is He. I have ruined His project, and for that I deserve all that is to come, but even so I may meddle with Their plans elsewhere. I will summon this and then we will see if Fate can be changed.

The room is quiet, the only sound the faint flickering of the torches to an invisible wind. You do not know much about these gods that Magnus talks about, but if they are anything like The Emperor, they must be formidable foes indeed. But Magnus knows how little time he has left, and he is quick to speak again.

So, I must have my test. Captain Ales, step forward. I must have proof that my fate may be changed. This is what I would have you do…[

>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
>To carry a message to Russ. The real danger lies with him and his legion waiting in orbit.
>Escort Ahriman and part of the Thousand Sons to the Mechanicus enclave, that they may escape. Magnus must know that at least some of his sons will be free from what is to come.
Welcome back! I asked about this quest in the Nostroman quest that launched today and was very pleasantly surprised to see this shortly after. I hope the short hiatus was enjoyable. As for the vote, I remain impressed at how well you write Magnus' arrogance.

We have the full might of the Captain General, Ahriman, and ourselves. Surely we can best a single Lord of Change? I know our plan was to evacuate but surely that was before we managed to get all the way to the inner sanctum without any combat? Let's give Magnus his proof.

>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.

>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.

Let’s double-down on our approach

Ah, this wait has been well overdue, and I am quite happy that this has a back. Anyway, since we seem to be given a task of defiance of some kind, I can only assume it’s probably going to be something for Russ or from banishment of a demon. For me, I just want to crush a demons skull and then give magy a head pat to help fix his depression.

>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
We will do as we wilt, not in accordance with any god.
>>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
Hold a blanket up so it can't see that we are here. Demons don't have object permanence right?
>Escort Ahriman and part of the Thousand Sons to the Mechanicus enclave, that they may escape. Magnus must know that at least some of his sons will be free from what is to come.
This thread made my day. Happy to see you back at it, QM.

>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
If we'll still have time to head into orbit with these other three and have Valdor accuse the Sons of Horus in Russ's ship of treachery for us to prevent the battle from happening in the first place, I don't see why not. We may want to decide whether now or after we slay the daemon is a better time to reveal to Valdor our true identity and fill him in on the plan. That idea suggested last thread about maintaining our cover to the Space Wolves and Sons of Horus still sounds feasible.

For some reason, I keep getting the mental image of Ales putting Cookie Monster in a chokehold. kek
>>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
Should Valdor be informed that the Sons of Horus are the Enemy?
He may have to be for things to go smoothly. We could, hypothetically, wait until we have Magnus and whoever in tow with the assistance of Valdor in Russ's flagship and try to make an announcement there, but the amount of things that could go wrong on the way to orbit makes keeping him on a different page too big of a risk.
>>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
In that case, should inform Valdor of the snake dripping poison in Russ' ear. The danger hear lies in the accusation that our meeting with Magnus has compromised our minds, and that we can no longer be trusted, potentially driving Russ further into Horus' camp.
need to kill that guy whispering into his ear.
That will be an important issue to discuss with Valdor. If there's an argument between him and Russ over whether he should be executed, it'll be important to note that there's nothing forbidding Magnus from being brought to Terra and standing before the Emperor first. Should he need Magnus to live to fulfill some purpose in light of Horus's betrayal, he would waive what is otherwise a death sentence by default. That's perhaps the best way to diffuse such an argument if it arises.

I think it will be very interesting to see what happens to leadership of the Thousand Sons once Magnus is in custody. Ahriman is the most likely to become legion master, but I suspect there would be abrasion between him and Amon, who we'll definitely need to keep a close eye on to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. It's likely that the Emperor's Talons would have closer oversight of the XVth as well. That being said, if we pull off our stunt on Prospero after all, we'll have the following in one fleet:
>Space Wolves
>Sisters of Silence
>Thousand Sons
>any Sons of Horus in voluntary custody the battle was supposed to be a smaller purge of loyalist elements
>Raven Guard or Alpha Legion, depending on how things go

It'll be a massive shit magnet for traitor attacks and we should plan accordingly, on top of pissing off Tzeentch. Garrisons on Prospero and Fenris would need to be mustered just in case. Just imagine the sheer irony of Space Wolves on the defenders' side of a siege on Prospero.

I mean, a bigger concern to me is that even a nominally loyalist 1K Sons is still going to be chock full of psykers who are used to dabbling with daemons. We could basically see a piecemeal chaos conversion process where big chunks of the 1K Sons and the marines they come into contact with go traitor over time. This might even be worse for the Loyalists than the “canon” outcome of the Prospero…
>>You will participate in the ritual to summon this servant of the Ruinous Powers, to test it, and perhaps slay it. If it cannot see you it may give Magnus an edge.
What about the thing we grabbed from the mirror.....? Hmm does Magnus want the demon to spill what it knows to him, trick him essentially ? Would the demon be able to inform the traitors of what we did if it understood whats happening ...?
Magnus would have to drop the news on his legion after this. I think one big thing with the TSons being predominantly loyal in this quest is a crisis in identity. If tutelaries are daemons, what else could be tainted? This would be an interesting arc to explore.

>What about the thing we grabbed from the mirror
Handing it to Magnus or Valdor first is probably a good call.

>Would the demon be able to inform the traitors of what we did if it understood whats happening
We should ask Magnus how we'd know if it's bullshitting not being able to sense us before it jobs to us.
>abandoning mystical portal loot
>as a renegade alpha legionnaire
For what purpose?

It’s probably in-character for us to hold onto it for now as an “ace in the hole”
Good point, but let's try to avoid shattering it or losing it. We should remember that Valdor could take it from us at any point if he wanted to.
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You nod. You will remain here and witness the summoning. Whatever that may entail. You have fought many foes during the Great Crusade, but Magnus warns that this will be unlike any other. He does not go into detail as time is short, but you understand that The Emperor has been concealing certain things from all but his closest advisors. Valdor is silent, and Magnus does not touch upon the Edict of Nicaea, but you sense the subject is still sensitive. Regardless, you will be here, hidden in the shadows when the daemon comes. If Magnus did not expect you then perhaps neither will this Thing, and there will lie your advantage.

Magnus’ goal is to test its knowledge of the future and the past, to see what it knows, and whether fate can be bent or broken. If it truly knows all then it will see your influence, on this moment and future moments, but if not then there is a chance, a chance that you must seize. For if you are invisible to the threads of fate, even if for just a moment, then Magnus may escape or alter the Doom that hangs above his head. That is the test. A gambit, to conceal the paths of the future from one who knows all.

You shake your head. Magnus did not speak a word during that brief moment, but you instantly know all that he wished you to in that instant.

So it shall be. Let us begin.

“This is a dangerous game, Magnus. I am not sure He would approve.”

Magnus looks to Valdor, one demigod to another. Two creations of The Emperor, a Red Wizard and a Golden Warrior. You’re not sure who would win if they were forced to come to blows.

I renounced all hope of His approval when I ruined His Project. You should already know that.

He raises his hand over the brazier in the centre of the room, and instantly the fire leaps up, flickering strongly where it was only glowing embers before. It is a blue flame, bright, yet dark in colour, deep purple or almost black. You feel a chill within you just looking at it. Above, the marble roof of the chamber fades, revealing a dark field of stars that glare at you. Ahriman raises his hand as well, and the flame grows taller until it is no longer flame but a sphere, floating freely in space. Then, a voice echoes out.

“Master Magnus? What are you doing? The empyrean sea is bright with lightning, and I see great figures with fire striding. The warp is in turmoil, and I feel it biting. What is being done?”

You’d recognise that strange lilt anywhere. Stopholes.

blue]Quiet. I must be precise. I do not need your prattle.[/blue]

But it ignores Magnus and continues.

“Will I be freed? I see you have great need. Great need indeed. But I will let Ales lead.”

Magnus looks at you and Valdor with some annoyance.

You humoured him?

You shrug.

>I said we would leave him to your judgement, when we found ourselves there. He did help us.

You hear Ahriman sigh.

Very well then. You have known its deeds. Should I free this creature or not?

Will you free Stopholes?

With Stopholes dealt with, Magnus returns to the ritual, concentrating on the dark sphere writing with strange energy. It grows smaller, gradually, until it is no smaller than a pebble. Magnus breathes out slowly, and so does Ahriman.

Ahriman. Fetch the bastard sword.

“My lord, do you really think-


Ahriman bows his head and leaves the room. Magnus drops his hand and returns to sit on his throne, looking at you while the sphere slowly rotates in front of him.

Once Ahriman returns we will begin. There is not much time left. If you have any questions, ask them now, for we may not have the opportunity again.

Do you have any questions for Magnus?
>Write in

>No, don’t free Stopholes

We got what we wanted from him - no need to introduce more variables. There’s no shame in a preemptive doublecross here.

>produce the flask of untainted geneseed, make sure Magnus sees it, and put it back safely. “I wonder if your creature will know what I have in my possession, Lord Magnus?”
Having a decent rapport with Valdor is worth far more than a mutant space marine lieutenant.

I'll agree with >>6007283, let's ask him about the flask

>Write in
flask question
>ask how he was used by bird boy

>As is there hope for Stopholes?
The least we can do is say he did a good job to Magnus. I believe that part of our deal may have been to put in a good word for him.
He may not be freed but perhaps slightly better conditions or chains.
>ask about the flask.
I gotta admit, we did pretty promise him that we would free him if given the opportunity with Magnus, and in all his time with us, he never did wrong by us in any form and risked his soul at times to help us. With that background knowledge, why would we feel compelled to backstab him in the back after all that?

>produce the flask of untainted geneseed, make sure Magnus sees it, and put it back safely. “I wonder if your creature will know what I have in my possession, Lord Magnus?”
If Stopholes demands to know why, we could argue something along the lines of
>We have all agreed that it would be up to Lord Magnus. If he is not yet certain of the matter, then I am not confident in making the choice to free you myself.

>Do you have any questions for Magnus?
Asking about the flask would be a smart idea like others have mentioned. Here are some other suggestions.

>What purpose will the bastard sword serve?
>How "big" will this creature be? This better not be Kairos.
>Anything I should NOT do when it is time to slay the daemon?

By the way QM, what will Valdor be doing?
Changing vote, this anons vote and reasoning sounds way nicer on why the thread would try and backstab stophole like this, in addition to the additional questions that we might want to know about in order to fulfill our role in this plan better.
>No, but i would like for his illness to be healed. Then he could be free.

Lets ask a few questions.
>Write in
>Do you know what is this vial ? I found it inside a mirror while i was with your son.
>What exactly is my role in this, beside being a witness ?
>I don't request a full great explanation, not now at least, but whats the important part of this summoning and demon ? What is crucial for me to know ?
>What is your goal here ? What you hope to gain from killing it or trick it ?
>Will Ahriman and Valdor conceal themselves meanwhile ?
>How long will this take ? Lord Russ remains above and didn't hear anything from us. It might be prudent to confirm we have come to an agreement and aren't prisoners or dead.
>Can this summoning influence the city around us too ? Are your sons and people at risk ?

Not questions
>Since we are at this point Lord Magnus, we have forces nearby that can help us if needed, they would be able to arrive quickly. I am saying this also for avoid a fight between your legion and them.
>In the fleet above us, i had a feeling that the Son of Horus giving counsel to Russ hadn't the best interests in mind for your legion and you. You might want to consider this, perhaps you can make a better use of this information.

a promise is a promise, I know we’re alpha legion, but I don’t see him deceiving Valdor, ourselves and Magnus at the same time, lmao.

>ask about the flask.

this is the only question I’m sure we want to ask. I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else.
Will be updating tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

No rush, QM - we will wait patiently
You take out the flask you retrieved from Magnus’ worshop and hold it before him. It shimmers in the dim light of the room, a hue similar to that of his eye. Once Magnus has seen it you put it back on your hip.

>I wonder if your creature will know what I have in my possession, Lord Magnus?

Magnus seems unsurprised. He nods once in acknowledgement of what you’ve found.

My untainted geneseed. Keep it safe.

Valdor looks sharply to Magnus.

“Untainted? But the flesh-change…

Will not affect it. It is pure, and will suffer not the flaws that afflict my sons.

>Then why not use it?

The Lord of Prospero sighs, and seems to sink into his seat a moment, as if burdened by a great weight.

It requires refinement. That was all I was able to produce in all my years of research. Not even He could have made better stock. It was not enough. Those of my sons who volunteered for the replacement process rejected it, and turned into those Things you saw within my workshop. So my entire legion was damned, and I could do nothing to save them.

>Is that what lead you to deal with these… “other powers”?

Yes. I could let my sons be cleansed and start again and become a mockery among my brothers, or I could do whatever I must to save my legion. There was never any choice at all.

Valdor shakes his head.

“He warned you. He warned you and you did not listen. Was it worth it, Magnus? Turning away from Him? Inviting this Doom upon yourself?”

No. I did not think it would come to this.

He pauses a moment, before continuing with strength.

But even if I knew what I do now I would do it all again.

The room falls silent, as you each ponder the situation you find yourselves in. Magnus would damn himself again, if given the chance. Is Russ’s eagerness to execute him really so unjustified? Magnus seems remarkably unrepentant for his actions, at least those that lead to him turning away from The Emperor, though you do not know what precisely transpired to invite the censure fleet to Prospero.

Short decisionless update for now because I have a killer headache and can only write with difficulty. Proper update answering the rest of the questions and showing what's next will come tomorrow.
Fair enough man, take your time when dealing with a headache like that. Also curious, did he try and experiment by putting in the pure geneseed into marines that have had the prior geneseed in them? Is so, was the rejection because of the geneseed, or was it because of the Changer and him denying Magnus a way to help save what sons he already had, and would have an even harder time rebuilding his sons then even Fulgrim did? And if it was for non marines, and instead neo-phtyes and scouts that haven’t been implemented yet, what could have possibly caused them to mutate as they did?

This all reeks of sabotage of a kind most foul.
>I could let my sons be cleansed and start again and become a mockery among my brothers, or I could do whatever I must to save my legion. There was never any choice at all.
There was. He could have let the existing marines live out the rest of their service and train new ones with the clean geneseed planted so the legion's contemporary traditions and legacy live on. Dammit Magnus, you fucking idiot. At least TSons Inductii may give it another chance to be used en masse after we defuse this Prospero fiasco.

>Keep it safe.
It's strange that Magnus doesn't think it'd be safer in his hands anymore. What do you guys think we should do to keep it secure?

>Short decisionless update for now because I have a killer headache and can only write with difficulty. Proper update answering the rest of the questions and showing what's next will come tomorrow.
No worries about it, QM. Get some good rest until then.

>This all reeks of sabotage of a kind most foul.
When the geneseed inevitably gets brought up with Russ, Magnus, Krole, and Valdor in orbit if we pull off our stunt on Prospero, this will get debated. We do have some civilians from that Fists planet we "borrowed" militia from, so we could take an upstanding lad with stable enough genetics to see what happens. Approach him about it, vet him through Valdor and the SoS, and compensate his family if he dies from complications. The issue I could see arising from this, however, are any implications that come from giving someone from neither Terra's nor Prospero's system XVth geneseed for the first time.
Yep, this is all a delicate situation to think about, especially since all that remains of that pure gene-seed is a literal vial held in our hand while we try and ambush a demon to stealth kill it.

Might want to keep it with Ahriman, because he is going to do everything in his power to study this thing since he is going to have to be told the truth, and what that means for their protection from the curse, is now at a sad but final end. At least, unless this pure geneseed can be spared and replicated for the future of the legion and his brothers.
>Might want to keep it with Ahriman
Out of everyone else present, he would be the best person to hand it to. Keeping it on our person in proximity to a daemon is a bad idea, Tzeentch has his eyes all over Magnus, and who knows how willing Valdor would be to let it see the light of day again without any specific orders from the Emperor. However, it'd take some convincing to let it be tested on a non-Prosperan if we hand it to him.

Alternatively, we could ask Valdor for a Sister of Silence to borrow to hold it until something is decided. Geneseed don't have souls, so proximity to a blank shouldn't harm it, but if we decide to do this, we should check with Magnus just in case. Maybe all the geneseed needs really is some motherly love. kek
>We do have some civilians from that Fists planet we "borrowed" militia from
hehe civilians
hehe compensate it. I don't think they have a choice if we order them something honestly.

They are a few hundreds psykers we have grabbed from the world, with no training (one of the reasons we have come here is to grab some Thousand Sons for psykers training and education). In regard to the "militia", is a PDF of 60 million men that is directly under our command and really thinks we are Imperial Fists.
Just has a reminder....
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You shake your head. There is no time to waste. You must get what you can from Magnus before he starts the ritual and summons this Thing he wishes to test.

>Is there hope for Stopholes? He did aid myself and lord Valdor, and I promised to speak well of him to you.

Magnus angles his head.

There may be. Of all those implanted with the untainted gene-seed he was the most… successful. But as you saw, not successful enough. His situation was rather unique. I did not know if I could trust him. But if he aided you, then that does count for something. If I can, I may review his situation once this is done. I promise I will do that much, if it is in my power.

You nod. There is not much else you can do on that front, for now.

Do you hear that Stopholes? You must wait a little longer.

“Very well master. But be cautious, the warp is churning faster.”

Indeed, you see that the dark sphere floating in the middle of the room is beginning to writhe even more, and you would almost swear that smoke is beginning to rise from it. Ahriman has not returned with the sword Magnus ordered him to fetch.

>What purpose will the bastard sword serve?

It is a weapon that will allow you to harm the beast we are going to meet. Material weapons are of limited use against these beings. I and Ahriman have our psychic powers, and the Captain-General is second only to my brothers in his ability. But you have no such weapons or skill, and I feel you will have need of it. And as for why it is called a bastard sword…

He smiles.

You will know why when you see it.

Magnus expects you to need it? That already does not bode well. But there is no going back now.

>How "big" will this creature be?

Large. Larger than any beast you have fought, I wager. Have you heard the stories of the beasts of Caliban? It is one such as they, but with an intelligence older and greater than many who have inhabited this galaxy.

Valdor hesitates, then steps before Magnus.

“Are you really mad enough to summon a greater daemon? I implore you, stop this madness before it is too late!”

It was already too late the moment Russ arrived. No, even before that. What I do is merely using this Caos to escape the madness that is to come. You should know that by now, Valdor. Even He used those powers.

Valdor says nothing, either unable to come up with a response or unwilling to speak of such things in front of you.

>Is there anything I should NOT do when it is time to slay the daemon?

Magnus turns away from Valdor and back to you.

Try not to let it see you before the opportune moment. If it does, do not let it know who you are. This will be a battle of wits as well as strength. And do not think it will be easy. When the time comes, pray that you pick the right one.

Your mind springs with several more questions but before you can ask them Ahriman returns, bearing a long thing wrapped in cloth. The bastard sword. He is about to unwrap it when Magnus raises his hand and frowns.


>What is it?

Magnus waves his hand, and your helmet suddenly beeps with an urgent comms request. One of your lieutenants? But no, when you accept it you do not hear the voice of your subordinates. It is instead the simmering fury of an angry primarch.

Captain Ales! Answer me! You have had your time, and my patience runs thin! Overseer Kurn is adamant that delay will strengthen our enemies, and I am strongly persuaded by his words. And my Rune priests are becoming nervous. Explain yourself! Where is Magnus? I am on the verge of coming down and dragging him out of that hole myself!

Magnus flicks his hand to Valdor, and you hear his voice on comms as well.

“Lord Russ…”

Answer me Captain Ales!

I must have my proof! I cannot let Prospero burn! Do what you can!

“It has already burned.” Mutters Valdor.

What will you say to Russ?
>Tell Russ the truth. Magnus is here, but he is caught by something bigger. If Russ will allow it, Magnus will explain in person on his flagship.
>Stall, and ask for more time. You’re close, you know it, you just need to delay Russ for as long as possible.
>Lie, and say that Magnus is nowhere to be found. Maybe Russ will delay his attack?
>Write in.
>Write in.
>"My mission time was all used for accomplish it with perfection, not causing any disaster. Lord Magnus is exactly where he is meant to be Lord Russ. He has agreed without a single loss or blood drop spilled from either side being made, so discharge your weapons. I will have Lord Magnus make sure the city defenses are deactivated. The mission you assigned me by all means is accomplished and there is no need for any kind of conflict, your brother or Prospero for that matter doesn't want it. There is something else though, outside our mission that we have learned."
>"One more thing that must be done, and i am deadly serious on this Lord Russ. Something me, Lord Valdor and Lord Magnus must do, is a matter of principle and duty toward Prospero and mankind at large. I cannot fully speak for now beyond this vague words Lord Russ, because this is a matter that only Magnus could tell you face to face when this is over. We all agreed that the three of us can do it, even if its dangerous. Trust us, and give us exactly two more hours."
>"If the worst happens, we have instructed our men to lead a rapid evacuation of the city and the Thousand Sons legion. Do help them. Ales out."

Supporting this as it’s more of a “genuine plea for more time” than simply stalling
Seconded. I couldn't have worded it any better myself. It may also be prudent to hand the geneseed over to someone else before we're at an arm's distance from the daemon.
>"My mission time was all used for accomplish it with perfection, not causing any disaster. Lord Magnus is exactly where he is meant to be Lord Russ. He has agreed without a single loss or blood drop spilled from either side being made, so discharge your weapons. I will have Lord Magnus make sure the city defenses are deactivated. The mission you assigned me by all means is accomplished and there is no need for any kind of conflict, your brother or Prospero for that matter doesn't want it. There is something else though, outside our mission that we have learned."

>"One more thing that must be done, and I am deadly serious on this Lord Russ. Something me, Lord Valdor and Lord Magnus must do, is a matter of principle and duty toward Prospero and mankind at large. I cannot fully speak for now beyond this vague words Lord Russ, because this is a matter that only Magnus could tell you face to face when this is over. We all agreed that the three of us can do it, even if its dangerous. Trust us, and give us exactly two more hours."

>"If the worst happens, we have instructed our men to lead a rapid evacuation of the city and the Thousand Sons legion. Do help them.

The line is silent a moment as Russ digests your words. The entire room is still as it waits for his reply. Magnus looks intently at Valdor, and it seems some silent communication passes between them when Valdor flinches. He stares intently at Magnus, who nods once.

So you have disobeyed my command. I ordered you to bring me Magnus’ head. Or has he used sorcery to bring you to his side? I will not fall for foul witches tricks!

But before Russ can declare your damnation Valdor speaks up with all his might.

“Lord Russ! I declare that these words are the truth and have my full backing. This is no trick. Magnus has revealed which are of the utmost importance to the Imperium! By The Emperor, you must listen!”

Damn you. Damn you all. Why should I listen to the words of a traitor? I have my duty to the Throne!

>Lord Russ. You may disbelieve whatever I may say, but you know that Lord Valdor would die before he would imperil The Emperor. I implore you, trust us, and we will reveal all when this is over.

Roll 1d100-4 [-9 malign influence, +5 Valdor present] Bo3. DC 70/80/90.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 13 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Rolled 89 (1d100)

>"I did this out of my own free will. I know what i did is right and so do you Lord Russ."
Rolled 78 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Wait, why did everyone add in a +4 to their rolls? It’s supposed to be a d100-4?
Oh thank goodness. That's (89-4) 85. Bless you anon.
What the Fuck? I explicitly rolled that as a -4 to my roll?! Okay, can someone please explain why my dice just decided to do the exact opposite command that I just installed in it?
You lucky Son of a Bitch. Praise be your Name Anon. ALL HAIL ANONYMOUS!
The feathery blue one is fucking with us
... many of us don't know how to do that. We know how to do the +. I don't think is a fault, just something never well explained/learned.

And now for remain on topic ..... wouldn't Russ have also a small modifier for consider .... that he might be murdering not just warriors of the Emperor, but also men of the Ravens legion, a loyal brother of his.....
I don't believe a modifer like that would apply here. Some Russ excerpts show just how much Russ enjoyed burning Prospero and culling the 15th. Russ is much more savage than noble.
Ah, my bad I just thought it was like the dice format for other websites, but apparently 4chans just automatically makes it a + and not a -. Which, is really dumb for an image board that’s over 20 years old now.

Besides that, I lay the blame on his paranoia and Tzeentch shenanigans to help unhinged Russ to be liable to go start Killing Valdor and Magnus, as Kurn starts getting to Russ’ head and his own hatred of Magnus blinds his better judgment.
Eh, their is also that whole Audio drama where Russ is completely shut off from burning Prospero to the ground before locking himself in the Room for realizing he went too far and killed a loyal and innocent brother thanks to Horuses machinations. And their was that entire scene where in the burning of Prospero focuses on Russ talking to a chaos sleeper agent, that he thinks is relaying to Magnus, so he relays his soul to Nagnud and pleads with him to come up and hand himself over.

Russes characterization, much like a lot of the Heresy characters, most notably Big E. And Perturabo, really suffer from complete tonal inconsistency and even memory forgetfulness. This I would say, would be mostly thanks to the “too many cooks in a kitchen” trope. Where, since BL authors rarely if ever talk about everything they have planned for a novel of someone or discussion about someone, a person can change wildly in personality book to book sometimes.
That's fair enough, he is very much a savage and bloodthirsty.
Which, I admit is not terribly unsurprising, BL in the early 2000s to mid 2010s, was not making a lot of money, so they tended to focus a lot of writing towards 40k and the heresy (the heresy especially in the early 2010s to around 2017) as that gave them a guaranteed sales profit and helped pay the bills. Which, was a massive detriment to fantasy, and why the number of books to fantasy before its death, utterly dropped in production and creation, outside of a few exceptions like Gotrex and Felix.

From what I’ve heard, they’ve stopped focusing almost exclusively on the 40k and heresy focus, but that communication and cooks problem has absolutely not been solved, and BL practically admitted they are never going to fix it, when they realized that God awful statement a few years back about how Literally everything is Canon now, which it isn’t, otherwise that would mean that female Custodese do not exist in that case. Sigh, why are the British always so fucking lazy with their office management systems.
I should probably make it clear that my Russ is more of a warrior-king type than savage beast. He's second only to the Lion and Dorn in loyalty, but weighed down by his duty to The Emperor and he does not like having to murder another brother, though he may hide that through exaggerated bravado. Still, if he thinks it justified, which he does in this case, he'll do it without question, which makes Horus's influence all the more subversive because Russ considers them practically equal. Russ does not enjoy what he does, but he does it because he believes he must.

There will also be an opportunity to potentially change his character later on to a more introspective character who realises he can be more than just The Emperor's attack dog, but that's for another time.
>my Russ is more of a warrior-king type than savage beast


>Why should I listen to the words of a traitor? I have my duty to the Throne!
Were these circumstances less dire, Valdor would have snapped like the Key Bridge in Baltimore at such an accusation.
Russ is silent for a while, and you can feel the tension in the room as Magnus waits for his reply. Valdor does not add anything, perhaps aware that Russ is on a knife-edge. But, eventually, Russ sighs, and says,

I will be lenient just this once, Captain Ales. I know what The Emperor desires, but I will give you your time. I and my Wolves will descend to the planet and prepare ourselves if he will not come out. That is your window, Captain. Magnus must be brought before me, alone, before we are done. You have until then. I will not wait forever.

The line shuts off, with grim finality. Russ will land and prepare to assault the city with the full force of his legion, and you have until they are ready to finish the ritual and get Magnus before Russ. If not, what is left of Prospero will burn, and you have no doubt that it will be slaughter. That’s no time at all, but it’s a chance.

You still have Gamma company out there in the city. Should you task them to keep an eye on Russ?

>Yes, send them orders to relocate and keep an eye on the Space Wolves as they come down.
>No, you shouldn’t risk their discovery. Keep them as an ace up your sleeve.
>Write in

With your orders given, you turn and look at Magnus.

So be it. We must not waste time. Let us begin. Ahriman, the sword.

Ahriman nods at his primarch, and unwraps the blade he is holding. You recognise that it is an Eldar blade, that is immediately clear, but the rest of it…

The blade glows with an artificial green light. It is covered in runes that do not seem Eldar at all, and attached to an angular hilt that contains none of the elegant craftsman ship that all Eldar swords have. Furthermore, it seems haphazardly melded together, like different pieces of a puzzle made to connect without reason. There are even wires, wires connecting the different parts! And, in the centre of the hilt, is a round gem, black instead of the typical red you’ve known eldar stone to be. It buzzes with an almost imperceptible whine. Ahriman holds it out to you, and you take it.

>What is this?

A leftover from someone insane enough to mix things into something that Should Not Be. Use it well. I doubt it will survive the coming battle, should you need to use it. And no matter what happens, do not let that gem break. But it will bite, and bite well. Now we may start.

Magnus claps his hands, and lights blow out while the dark sphere in the middle of the room comes alight with blue flame, flickering weirdly, hovering in empty space. It writhes, as if resisting Magnus’ will, but eventually it bends and subsides into a particular shape, the sphere becoming purer while the flame splits in the middle, weakening on the right side while growing stronger on the left, becoming two distinct shapes on either side of the sphere. You feel a sense of wrongness just looking at it, impossible to explain.

You shake your head, and see that Magnus’ eye is gleaming brightly, brighter than anything else in the room. Ahriman too is beginning to glow, though not as brightly as his primarch. Magnus nods at you, and you feel a tug, a compulsion to move. Almost without realising, you begin to move so that you are opposite Magnus, on the other side of the sphere, the sword drawn by your side. Magnus points a finger each at Valdor and Ahriman, and they too begin to move so that they are opposite each other, to the left and right of Magnus. The four points of a compass.

Then, Magnus stands, bringing himself to his full height. He towers, his hands clenched, and walks forward towards the sphere. You did not notice it before, but you hear a sound, a whispering, no, a choir of voices whispering things. You cannot make out the words. It is like the voices from that other world, the workshop, though these voices are more, many more, though they are quieter than before. Valdor and Ahriman are silent, though Ahriman is holding a staff of his own suddenly.

Magnus stands directly before the sphere. He holds out his left hand, and in his right is a dagger. He spares a glance at you.

Do not look into the Ḙ̴͈̗̜̝̣͍͙͖̟̦͔͋̽̎͂̃̿͐̃͌̍̕̕͝͝ý̴̨̻̱̼͚͇̋̉̿̚͜͜͝ê̷͇͈͓̙̝͎̪̱͎̥̔͋̈͑̇̆͒̕̕͜.̴̱͍̋̓́̓

With that, he cuts his hand, and blood flows into the sphere.

Space disappears…



Many things that are Must Be, and many things that must Will Not…

It has already happened once.

You open your eyes and see the stars. You recognise it as the night sky of your homeworld. But, there is something different about this sky. The stars are all in the right place, but there is a spot, one fierce and darkly glowing spot you do not recognise. But you have heard of it. The primarch Perturabo has spoken of it, in the hushed halls of the Iron Blood. Omegon has cursed its name. It pulls you, pulls you with knowledge of things that are to come. Of powers beyond age. Tempts you, yes, tempting because it can give you something in return. There will be a cost. There always is. But think of what you could gain!

>Look into the Eye of Terror.
>Look away.
>Look away.
>Write in
>Order Gamma company to keep an eye on the Space Wolves, but not to the extent risking discovery

>Look away.
I think we have enough sense to do so after seeing what it did to Magnus.
Trap option is a trapped option, also amazing post as always Aurebesh.

>Yes, send them orders to relocate and keep an eye on the Space Wolves as they come down.
>Look away.
>>Look away.
What do you think I am, retarded?
>amazing post as always Aurebesh.

I half expected the Buster Sword to be pulled out and Valdor to roll his eyes at Magnus. kek
>No, you shouldn’t risk their discovery. Keep them as an ace up your sleeve.
>Look away.

Space demons are ugly look away
>Yes, send them orders to relocate and keep an eye on the Space Wolves as they come down.
>Look away
>>No, you shouldn’t risk their discovery. Keep them as an ace up your sleeve.
>Look away.

>No, you shouldn’t risk their discovery. Keep them as an ace up your sleeve.


>Look away

Better to take the advice given here…
You will not look at that cursed spot. You know enough to realise it would bring untold ruin upon you, like it has with Magnus. Whatever powers or boons it grants will not be worth it. It is difficult, and you still feel it’s glare, it’s watchful and infinite glare, when you turn away, but you do not look back. You will not stain your soul, if such things exist. No, you look elsewhere, and see four figures standing around a fire in the distance, floating freely in the darkness of space. The ground beneath your feet has disappeared. You will yourself to move but find you are unable, and then the fire you see moves closer to you and you realise you are looking at the ritual. Space rushed by and you are in your own body again.

Magnus is chanting in some language you do not recognise, Ahriman too. Bright energy is flowing from their fingertips to the sphere in the centre of the room, which is still a room, though its roof displays a view of the sky not dissimilar to what you just saw, though without that baleful Eye. Magnus’ blood floats around the sphere, before it is suddenly absorbed into it, and the chanting stops.

You still hear whispers in the back of your mind…

Magnus looks at Ahriman, who seems to hesitate a moment before obeying. He brings out a bright blue feather from within his robes, and throws it, and it flies towards the sphere before bursting into flame. Magnus looks at you then, and waves his hand. Statues appear in the room, each one a copy of you exactly, though in different poses. You look down at your own armour and it appears to be coated in a layer of stone, identical to the statues Magnus has just summoned.

Be still, until the moment is right. It is essential he does not know you are here.

With that, Magnus begins chanting again, and you are somehow able to understand him this time, though you know you have never heard the language he speaks.

To the realms of Chaos I reach out! Beyond the eight pointed star!

There is a crackle in the sphere.

To you I speak, Changer of Ways, Architect of Fate! I seek counsel from One who aids you!

Valdor looks extremely unhappy beneath his armour.

I seek to know the paths of Fate! I seek to know that which is purest of all! I seek what you desire most! I seek the future!

Energy starts blasting out from the sphere, you feel a pressure building in your head. You ignore it.

I summon one of your servants, a great one, one of your Eyes and Feathered Lords! I summon and bind them to myself, offering one part of my soul!

The sphere suddenly distorts and expands, becoming a shimmering gateway glowing bright blue. Blue flame of all hues erupts, and more things start blasting out, blue things, and you hear a great cacophony of sounds, screeches, and squawks. Blue feathers start falling from the ceiling.

I seek thee who sits at your right hand! The Oracle, The One Who Comes at the Appointed Time!

Valdor suddenly realises something, and he moves as if to break out of the circle, but it is too late. There is something emerging, something large with gigantic feathered wings, holding a blazing staff with an aged tome atop it. Polished armour gleams on its joins, covered in symbols of eyes. Two heads peek out, birdlike, staring wildly at everything around it. There are screams of the enraged multitude that were not chosen. Magnus raises his arms and with a booming voice that shakes the very room shouts aloud:

I summon you out of time! KAIROS FATEWEAVER!
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The room snaps, and the sphere disappears. Standing in its place is a gigantic being, taller than even Magnus, a two-headed feathery daemon. You did not understand the meaning of the word before, but now you do. It is indeed an entity from the oldest myths of humanity, old, and powerful.

It says nothing, only looks curiously at the primarch standing before it, but Valdor is quick to shout out.

“Kill that Thing! Kill it before you doom us all, Magnus!”

No. I must know.

Valdor leaps towards the daemon with a cry, but with a single movement of its hand he is frozen in place, struggling against the spell the beast has cast on him. It chuckles, speaking from both heads at once, in a leathery voice wizened with age.

Such a petty thing. Built only for the war that will engulf these stars. You are the greater creation.

Magnus nods, in seeming respect.

Do you know what I seek?

The beast laughs again as its two heads begin to speak, though each says something different.

The left says: I do not know what you seek. I cannot read your mind, only your past, and future. Why have you summoned me?

The right says: I know it. I see it in your future. For what other reason might you summon me?

Ahriman moves forward.

“You speak in riddles?”

The beast bows towards him, the two heads speaking together.

As I am fated.

One head lies, while the other speaks the truth. That is the key. Do you know that I wish you to die?

The two heads turn to stare at him, bobbing up and down.

We see that which was and thus we know your secrets. We see that which shall be and thus we know your fate. The now is trivial to us -- we know the day we perish is not this day.

What shall you do?
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
>Valdor needs help. You’ll prove it wrong the direct way. Draw your sword and attack.
>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.
>Write in.

Ugh, I can’t. The only good thing in this, is that Kairos can’t see the present, otherwise their would be no chance in fucking he’ll for us to banish this feathered fuck back into the maze he belongs too.
Well shit this makes our job harder.
Not sure what to vote yet but I lean on the side of the Valdor option.
>It really is Kairos
Magnus, you giga retard.

This reads like a riddle.
>The left says: I do not know what you seek. I cannot read your mind, only your past, and future. Why have you summoned me?
>The right says: I know it. I see it in your future. For what other reason might you summon me?
OoC, we know that the left must be lying, as it can only see the past. Pay attention to what the left head says, again.

>I do not know what you seek. I cannot read your mind, only your past, and future.
How could it not know what Magnus will seek if he could read the future? This is another indicator that the left head lies. Thus, I suggest that whenever we decide to strike, we sever the left head in one clean cut when its neck is low enough.

>The now is trivial to us -- we know the day we perish is not this day.
This shouldn't matter if we decide to "kill" the left head; it's a truth for the right head, but not the other.

That being said, how do we get the head in position? We have three options.
>Let Magnus continue.
We can hope that Magnus is at least smart enough to get its head into position to strike and distracted enough at that, but it runs the risk of Magnus getting carried away in conversation.

>Valdor needs help. You’ll prove it wrong the direct way. Draw your sword and attack.
We'll need to sneak up on it or be really fucking quick once the neck is low enough. I doubt the check would be easy.

>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself.
This can be entirely separate from a dice roll, but places all the chips on the table and ends the quest early if we fail. The best way I can think of setting this up is:

>1. Ales challenges Kairos and makes a wager that he can guess the head that lies the left one
>2. If Ales guesses right, he is permitted and able to subsequently cut off the head of Kairos Fateweaver that speaks lies in Photep today
>3. If Ales guesses incorrectly, his own head is severed

It would be a good idea to get on the same page before we decide our next action.
>>If Ales guesses right, he is permitted and able to subsequently cut off the head of Kairos Fateweaver that speaks lies in Photep today.

I am changing this to:
>2. If Ales guesses CORRECTLY, he is permitted and able to subsequently cut off the head of Kairos Fateweaver that speaks lies in Photep today
Better safe than sorry.
Alright, I’m going to outline which options I feel is the best, but then after that some other anon can pick one of these four options and argue why they choose them. Because I sure can’t one way or another. Especially not with the migraine that the greater demon we are personally sent to Banish, is fucking Kairos. At least it isn’t Aetaos'Rau'Keres, that would be somehow worse than Kairos if that was possible.

>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
He dragged us into a suicidal ritual against Kairos, he absolutely deserves to continue this shit by himself after that. On the other hand, this will also have the 50 in 100 chances, of Magnus fucking up and losing a portion of his soul. Which, we are explicitly against in all ways possible, so we have valid reasons to not let him do this.

>Valdor needs help. You’ll prove it wrong the direct way. Draw your sword and attack.
On the one hand, Valdor is a Custodese so helping him out, will leverage someone with the same prowess as some Primarchs, is a really good reason to attack and free Valdor. On the other hand, it would explicitly go against the wishes of Magnus, and will have to pit us against Kairos and receive his full undivided attention in order for Valdor to free himself from his prison. And this probably won’t have Magnus come join us in attacking him.

>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.
It does allow us to not obviously do the suicidal option of attacking Kairos straight on, and it fulfills Magnus’s desire to see if his fate can be broken by us defeating Kairos at his own game. And we already know that the left one is a liar, since he contradicts himself on not knowing why he was summoned. On the other hand, it means we are going to need to fight Kairos in a word game, with a 50 out of a 100 chance of success should kairos decided to switch his heads on who lies or speaks the truth, as I highly doubt he as a follower of Tzeentch, would make it a permanent feature on which heads spoke the truth, and which one spoke lies.
Behold, the unfathomable pride of Magnus, the Red. The man who actually decided, that he couldn’t just summon any greater demon, but THE RIGHT FUCKING HAND OF TZEENTCH HIMSELF!

Besides that realization, I’m leaning on as you mentioned the third then. Where we make a wager, and the loser must offer up his head to be cut off at the neck, fair and square. And since we’re all autistic, and won’t need to roll to see if we can’t make a obvious deduction of when Kairos contradicts himself, then this is the one I feel most comfortable with in that case.

>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.
>>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.
I will pick this for now, bar any particularly cunning write-in.
>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.

it will be funny if we fuck over the double headed chicken through trickery
>I highly doubt he as a follower of Tzeentch, would make it a permanent feature on which heads spoke the truth, and which one spoke lies.
If that happens, we could just ask the same question that Samurai Jack asked the "Magic" Worm, rephrased as
>If you were the other head, which head would you say is the head that does not speak lies? Answer this question one head at a time.

I have to admit that the realization that we're in a thread full of autists makes me more comfortable with the third option. Either Aurebesh continues with this quest or goes on a hiatus after Ales's wager with Kairos.

>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.

We should discuss how this wager would work and how Ales elaborates it.
Abso-fucking-lutely! We need to get this shit locked down, and either try and as mentioned pull of a Samurai quote, or ask the most simple answers possible, like Is Water Wet, which head is the better one, Are you mighter then your master? Those types of questions are going to be key in cutting off either one or both of this fuckers heads.
>>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.

>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.

All of you guys are crazy, why can’t we just ambush Kairos like we were planning to??? nothing good can come of going rogue at the most critical moment

I would just add - the whole fucking point of summoning Kairos is to prove that we are invisible to him and if we step forwards to challenge him autistically, we ruin the entire effort. Do you guys think we are really smarter than BOTH Magnus and Kairos? I don’t.

We should just follow the plan.
I am changing my vote from speak up to
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
>>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
>OoC, we know that the left must be lying, as it can only see the past.
You don't know that in character, and I may have switched it. Or maybe I didn't. ;)
>>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
Just have to act at the perfect moment
>>Speak up and challenge the Fateweaver yourself. If you are truly invisible to fate, and you can tell which head is which, you may be able to trap it.
changing to
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
>You don't know that in character, and I may have switched it. Or maybe I didn't. ;)
The contradiction the head made also points him out as the liar. Thank you for the reminder, by the way.

Fine, but if Magnus looks like he's about to do something stupid, we'll have to intervene.
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.
I'm >>6006965 but my mobile IP has changed.
Busy day today, so update will be coming tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

Thanks for letting us know QM!
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Sorry anons, feeling under the weather right now, so update coming tomorrow, guaranteed.
lol no problem

I wonder if Ales can do it. He might just be able to do the job, anons are making him cunning and persuasive. A bit noble even.
>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.

Welcome back qm. Super excited this quest is back.
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Real sorry anons, having a lot of trouble writing this update. I'll try to get it out ASAP.

My fault for using a character that's supposed to see the all the future and past and lie believably while doing it, lol.
All good QM, take your time.
I have faith in our almighty God-Emperor
Go home, Lorgar; this is an Imperial Truth sector.
>>Let Magnus continue. This is his moment, if he wants his test he will have it.

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