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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.

You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. In a feat of tactical and somewhat suicidal ambition youve defeated and captured Prince Elric the leader of the monarchists defeating them wholesale. Afterwards some time is spent in the Wartime capital of Nevefar finding the potential reason for an earlier coup attempt. The last few weeks have seen you fighting in the mountains of Kresh before finally subduing the Kresh bandits and moving toward the frontline.

Past Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The morning of july 12th 1285

The day is already starting to heat up as the sun comes up lightning the flat plains of southern Ferrovia. Your men are already loading up and preparing for a day that will spent undoubtedly fighting their fellow country men. Your western flank ends in the sea while your Eastern flank is covered by Norton and his new found horde of former criminals. Due to the situation on the northern front you will have no reinforcements or replacements for some time. How would you like to push the enemy line?

>slow and cautious
>fast and Brutal
>slow and cautious
It's the end of war and we have some green troops. So not to much agression
>>slow and cautious
Fast and brutal can come around when we know exactly who, what, where, when, why, and how we're attacking.
>slow and cautious
>slow and cautious

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 68, 30, 68 = 166 (3d100)

Rolled 52, 5, 90 = 147 (3d100)

RNGods, i beseech you
Rolled 48, 65, 20 = 133 (3d100)

I'll throw in that last roll even though one of these was me on mobile.
please RNGods, i beseech you.
Like a well oiled machine your men mounted up in trucks and riding atop your tanks move out traveling across the plains. Your scouts pretty easily spot the signs of the enemy hastily abandoned outposts and recon positions but no actual sighting of them. The enemy most likely having seen your force coming and deciding to pull back. Your convoy soon comes to a cross road. You can either keep hugging the coast and eventually come to a river crossing or you can deviate east somewhat to a somewhat familiar place, the ferrovian military academy the massive campus where all officers of the ferrovian army were formerly trained.

>keep west
>go east
>go east
Lets great some cadets shall we.
>>go east
Probably a stronghold that needs to be seized or neutralized.
Also Norton just got 4000 men and probably zero trained officers. We could use a handful of cadidiots to handle all the administrative work nobody else wants to do. And they should know by now what not surrendering will entail for them.
>go east

3d100 best of three
Rolled 7, 84, 71 = 162 (3d100)

Rolled 87, 83, 100 = 270 (3d100)

Rolled 29, 14, 49 = 92 (3d100)

Turning east somewhat you start heading for the military academy where yourself and the majority of your officers were trained. The sparse fields and farm houses soon turn to the outskirts of the academy's campus, well manicured hedges and properly kept training fields. Your scouts moving forward get good eyes on the buildings on the academy itself. Thye sight well dug in trenches and foxholes with many of the buildings having been reinforced with sandbags. The occasional machine gun position or rifle bunker is obvious.

The fortifications seem to be manned by a mix of regular infantry and young men wearing the academy's uniforms. Your scouts, apparently having learned from the failures of the monarchist campaign, manage to stealthy dig observation posts to keep an eye on the enemy while you plan what to do.
>gunship attack
>Maneuver attack
if failed
>bombard and then attack.
Seconding. They get a chance to surrender then we do the usual whirlwind bombardment and combined arms assault with gunship support.
if failed
>bombard and then attack.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 55, 59, 95 = 209 (3d100)

please RNGODS, please.
Rolled 62, 55, 3 = 120 (3d100)

Off to a good start.
Rolled 10, 50, 49 = 109 (3d100)

You nearly get shot when approaching one of the academy's outposts white flag raised the young men guarding it, fumbling with their guns as you approach. It doesn't take long for someone of a higher rank to arrive and ask your intentions. You inform the officer that you request their surrender and to save their men's lives. The officer disappears for some time, probably relaying your request to whoever is in charge the academy's dean most likely but he returns a stern look on his face. They politely but firmly inform you they will not be accepting the offer of surrender and inform you a similar offer is given to you one you have to deny.

The scouts in their hidden positions inform you the enemy has begun to move about many of those out in the open now hidden in fortifications and other last minute preparations for battle are done. Likewise you see to it that your battery of artillery is ready to begin firing. You give the order to open fire shortly after noon and the guns begin to bombard the campus.

3d100 best of three to see the results of the bombardment
Rolled 16, 50, 32 = 98 (3d100)

Rolled 14, 40, 4 = 58 (3d100)

Rolled 46, 2, 19 = 67 (3d100)

burn them out
well then
The artillery begins to land around the campus, plumes of dirt flying into the air as they hit but you begin to notice a worrying sign out of all of your shells, nearly half of them are not exploding, instead just burying themselves in the dirt. It seems youve received a batch of dud shells in your most recent resupply. Your mortars do a bit better but still they lack much of the needed explosive to damage the enemy fortifications. The enemy's own artillery starts to try and counter your own battery and they seem to be doing very well at getting near your own battery. Its takes you a few moments to figure out why. Your men in a cruel fate have set up your battery of guns right in the old artillery firing range. You quickly order a cease on the barrage and order your artillery to pack up and fall back to a safer position. Its only through the lack of heavier guns on the enemies part you don't lose any of your guns.

>follow up with the assault
>pull back and reconsider
>pull back and reconsider
Prepare for an armoured night attack it seems.
>>pull back and reconsider
>>pull back and reconsider
>>pull back and reconsider
The academy has the surrounding fields well sighted for artillery which means counter battery fire is far too dangerous for you to properly bombard the campus. You back off the campus and go through your options. You could just order a general assault and hope the skill and experience of your men is more then enough to take the campus. You could likewise see if encircling the place with armor could force them to surrender. Or you could see if your gunships could deal enough damage to make a proper assault.

>Frontal assault
Gunship attack
cut their lines of communication
>Gunship attack
specifically their artillery.
can't perform counterbattery without batteries.
>Gunship attack
>Gunship attack

ok two pronged then 6d100 best of three please
Rolled 64, 68, 73, 71, 11, 23 = 310 (6d100)

Rolled 83, 2, 68, 63, 33, 49 = 298 (6d100)

blood for the blood gods
Rolled 28, 3, 81, 51, 29, 96 = 288 (6d100)

>83, 68, 81, 71, 33, 96
Best rolls for each section laid out for convenience.
You once again call in your gunships and their crews to earn their pay. The modified transport planes take off from a section of highway converted to an airfield and begin to circle the campus. The occasional machinegun tries to fire at them but they are far too high up for regular crew served weapons to have an effect as they begin to fire. The 20mm and regular 12.7 machine gun rounds begin to pepper the campus as your armor and motorized infantry begin to sweep around the flanks easily bypassing or destroying various choke points as they do so. Its when the gunships run out of ammunition when the situation worsens somewhat as the junta forces scramble a reserve of infantry and trucks to form impromptu blocking forces which manage to halt a full encirclement of the enemy. Thankfully the enemy doesn't hand out too much punishment before your men realize continued attacks would cost too many lives and equipment.

The campus still has at least one decent route in and out meaning starving them out is out of the option you could potentially try to complete the enrichment but you risk severe damage to your force. The option for a full assault of the enemy position is also possible You can always hope the enemy guns are distracted with your attempted encirclement and try to bombard them again

>Try to complete the encirclement
>Frontal assault
>attempt another bombardment
Do we still have enough gunship ammo to do a bombardment to give cover to the troops that do a frontal assault on the half successful encirclement side of the campus?

The idea is since we destroyed some of the choke points on half encirclement then there is a safe and mapped out area to assault with while gunships give covering fire for a full assault from one direction.

Some people may die but its is better than attempting another encirclement or waiting them out as they can call in reinforcements.
You could drain some ammunition from your stock for your infantry and tanks but it would put you dangerously low on crew served ammunition
did the gunships manage to take out enough of their artillery to allow us to use our own without fear of counterbattery?
do we have eyes on their line of communication?
if both these conditions are met, we could settle for bombarding the road if/when they try to use it.
Some of the enemy guns were undoubtedly taken out but exactly how many there are left you aren't sure

The Junta make heavy use of radios unlike the monarchists who used runners
right. we learned about that at Albrecht's Ford.
looks like we need to start blasting "It's a small world, after all" at various points when they are trying to use the radios.
but also we should be triangulating their broadcasts and calling fires on the source.
Not much of a agreement on what tactic yall want to use Ill give it another day
>but also we should be triangulating their broadcasts and calling fires on the source.
I'll vote for this one
Is that something we even have the know how to do?

Assuming that we don't got the skillsets required among us to pull that off I vote for
>attempt another bombardment
>Try to complete the encirclement

Effectively textbook for this situation, minimize the enemy's ability to respond while continuing to maintain mobility although if this fails we will probably have to do a controlled retreat cause things are gonna be real bad otherwise.
we used their radio transmissions to triangulate the Junta HQ in Albrecht's Ford back in like, thread three. now we have howitzers.
Sure I still think a frontal assault and bombardment cover is a better idea but we should move along.
>radio triangulate to try and strike the enemy artillery followed by a frontal assault

4d100 best of three

the academy attack is giving you guys alot more trouble then I thought it would
Rolled 26, 85, 17, 22 = 150 (4d100)

Rolled 24, 18, 84, 20 = 146 (4d100)

Rolled 46, 43, 31, 16 = 136 (4d100)

Making use of the garbled radio transmissions of the enemy, your signal corp tries their best to nail down the location of the enemy guns. However The sheer number of radios and different frequencies in use inside the academy campus makes pinpointing the location of the guns nearly impossible.

Despite the guns not being neutralized, it is decided that you need to take the academy before enemy reinforcements arrive. The morning of the third day of your impromptu siege of the campus your men step off from their entrenched positions under the cover of mortar fire and your howitzers at the extreme of their range. The barrage does well at concealing your men as they approach the outer edge of the enemy defenses. Your men make good headway as they clear the outer edges of the academy. The Enemy however makes it a costly endeavor Several platoons take several wounded and dead as they clear the trench works and foxholes. The cadets of the academy are heavily dedicated to their cause. The day comes toa close with your men having made a substantial foothold in the outer defenses with only the main buildings and some of the dorms uncaptured.

3d100 best of three to finish the fight
Rolled 15, 63, 62 = 140 (3d100)

Rolled 3, 75, 67 = 145 (3d100)

Sadly all these young men will die. Propaganda is one hell of a drug.
Rolled 4, 78, 13 = 95 (3d100)

oh lord I thought my 15 was bad
Our luck is starting to run out it seems we gotta end this war soon before we start rolling real bad.
Monarchists were the tutorial faction now we are dealing with the difficulty spike of trained grunt before we hit the vet core
which is part of the reason I wanted to try doing a bit of EW in the first place. even forcing the monarchists to hop frequency more often can give us an advantage.

but my idea is that adopting slightly more unconventional tactics might offset the bad rolls. Gotta go Goblin Slayer and refuse the gods a chance to cast their dice!
junta, not monarchists, point stands
The next day in the earliest hours of the morning your men are preparing for a day of CQC and room to room fighting when they hear shouts and and cries of. FOR LORD PROTECTOR BARIC! As the enemy launches a counter attack. They rush from prepared foxholes and the few remaining buildings they hold. Your men are badly caught off guard by this attack as they were busy preparing to attack themselves. The attack is repelled somewhat easily but it does make your mens coordination quite poor. It does however mean as the smoke clears the enemy positions have far fewer men to clear out.

It takes nearly the entire day but you men do eventually manage to clear the last of the academy's buildings. The enemy that you dont kill or capture take advantage of their clear route of retreat. The academy grounds are covered in the bodies of young cadets and regular soldiers alike; your own blue armbanded dead stand out from the enemies. The cost of taking the academy has been higher than most of your regular attacks but still not too severe to threaten the combat effectiveness of your units. Your men have spent close to a week on the front so far but seem to still be in good spirits and decently rested enough.

>Halt the advance so you can rest and resupply

>keep pushing
>>keep pushing
if we rest now, they'll get reinforcements through the open corridor
>>keep pushing
>keep pushing

3d100 best of three
Rolled 68, 99, 27 = 194 (3d100)

Rolled 75, 60, 13 = 148 (3d100)

Rolled 10, 36, 58 = 104 (3d100)


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