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ITT: Post philosophers and describe what they would be like if they lived today.

>Pic related would be a discord groomer.
counterfactuals have no truth value
Not an argument.
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Incel who shoots up his school
Some things never change.

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #5

In the next threads we will be reading and discussing important art, culture, history, and political essays.
Regardless of the original problems they were aimed at, the concepts introduce and the analyses they make are extremely relevant to the issues we face today such as AI, the inefficacy and decline of nation-states, the growing rift between entertainment and 'real' art, and more.

>The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin
This is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of a work of art, and that in the age of mechanical reproduction and the absence of traditional and ritualistic value, the production of art would be inherently based upon the praxis of politics.

download here:
the file is encrypted, pass is

Thread elaboration (old version, new one is under construction):

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Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism. As an exercise find Atlantis and show why your answer has to be the correct one. When you see it you don't have to ask if you're right, it's demonstrable.
I like this ongoing timeline overview of Rome.
The first BBC documentary and the most ambitious. Post-Rome European historical overview with footage of all the places, structures and artefacts being talked about.
Timelines can act like the memory palace trick, we can put things in shelves on the timeline. If we have elaborate imagery associated with an event it's easier to recall and associate when relevant, like in the memory palace trick. Seeing the temples, castles, cathedrals and artefacts helps.
wtf is Imperium Europae
the cultural empire of Europe, it's a concept we debated in the last couple of threads and I'm currently in the process of writing an essay irl about it which I will post as a pdf here to explain what we're doing
pre-emptively not a fascist/alt-right/conservative thing, it's been covered in the replies in the previous threads
>Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism.
definitely, I have a separate list for the dialogues to see which one fits where and how, so this is much appreciated
thanks for the links as well, I will check them out later today
Has anyone tried to use Obsidian extensively?
>ignores Atlantis
The city sat on a peninsula on the southeast part of a landmass the size of Turkey with a mountain running roughly north to south. It's north side faced southern Spain. It's also called Erytheia in myths about Hercules. Pliny and pals incorrectly place both the pillars and Erytheia in Spain.

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(/lit/ edition)


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Journey is good but it is an incredibly negative book the entire way through. Instead of having your soul wrenched out you'll probably just be annoyed at how whiney the MC is by the end. Still a good book. I recommend that.
The Passenger, Norman "Corncob" McCarthy
The chit chat in the pub
Hungry as fuck
The crowd
Earlier but its just depressed me

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>Confessed my undying love to a woman yesterday.
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Top kek
Yeah basically but I have had feelings for this woman for 5 months
Now I must either join the French Foreign Legion or languish
I think I am too fat for the Legion
Ended up making a ham & cheese melt with eggs on the side

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I want to know where the other portals went.
There should've been a book for every portal.
>tags: giantess fetish
>"Well, then, it was jolly rotten of you," said Digory."Rotten?" said Uncle Andrew with a puzzled look. "Oh, I see. You mean that little boys ought to keep their promises. Very true: most right and proper, I'm sure, and I'm very glad you have been taught to do it. But of course you must understand that rules of that sort, however excellent they may be for little boys-and servants-and women-and even people in general, can't possibly be expected to apply to profound students and great thinkers and sages. No, Digory. Men like me, who possess hidden wisdom, are freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny."

I remember reading this while 9 and agreeing with the uncle. That's when I discovered I'm a chud.
I thought the scene where the witch mowed face on the forbidden fruit and got the juices all over her face was pretty hot.

Is there anything more pathetic and useless than "literature" made by trads about yearning for the past.
What is one supposed to gain from reading an old man's inability to look at the future?
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>History repeats itself
No it doesn't.
Yes it does.
just like threads on 4chan, they don't quite repeat but you get a strong sense of de ja vu
There's nothing to look forward to. We're not going to the stars, we're going to be buried under an avalanche of third worlders.
YOU are
because you are poor and worthless

Why does the Bible contain DMT-like imagery?
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>biblically accurate chariots
not DMT, a certain kind of sabra that is also hallucinogenic
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You will never have a real soul.
Communication was inevitable, given working together has a higher rate of success than being a loner.
Pic related gives a good surface-level explanation on the topic

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What do you make of a logician and philosopher who did not feel the need to read Aristotle?
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i personally consider wittgenstein to be one of the best people to have ever existed, alongside the likes of Bach, Milton, Leibniz etc.
>'Paradoxical' has a precise technical meaning
Does it? I can only remember hearing 'paradox' used in an informal way to mean a result that bothers people. What's your definition and how does it differ from just saying a logic contains a contradiction?
Kill yourself.
i think about it every day tbf
Well, stop that.

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This idea has been gestating in my head for a long time, and I finally decided to put it into words. I have no working title yet, but the main character’s theme is snakes, so I tried generating a cover using AI. I’ll post a few pages, and I would appreciate it if you guys could give me some feedback. I plan on publishing it as a web novel on RoyalRoad. I've written about 10k words in the last two days.

The main draw of the story is that the protagonist is actually the villain, not an anti-hero, not an anti-villain, but an actual villain. He does horrible things to get what he wants, without caring much about who’s in the way. I want to create something a bit different. I’m tired of stories where humans have no agency and every other race is perfect, harmonious beings who offer great knowledge and save the day. In my setting, most other races are straight-up monsters that want nothing more than to kill and probably eat you.

I feel like these traits would make a dislikeable main character, but I don’t know. One of my pet peeves is when villains, for no real reason, turn 180 degrees and decide they’re good now. It mostly happens in cape-shit.

I’m ESL, so this first draft is going to be rough. Any criticisms or advice are welcome
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Drop the idea and read the Bible, save yourself
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on my setting, the wizards are fairly technologically advanced, nearing modern day on their knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. But the rest of the world is still chugging along the industrial revolution.
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I try to give each wizard a few things they’re good at.
1. Check the upper and lower case
2. Check grammar
3. I don't get the appeal of your idea. Will the vallian eventuelly defeaded by a hero?
The whole ideia is that the villain sometimes wins. Most stories start in a place of calamity, with the villain already in power, knowing how he got there can be interesting

>it's called the Bible because it's two books
Can't believe I just realized this after all this time.
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no ble must be latin or greek for parts or something
Unfortunately you can look up "Bible etymology" on Google and it will tell you this is not the case. It comes from Greek biblia, meaning books, because the Bible is a collection of many holy books.
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>two books
The Bible actually has 66 books.

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At Barnes and noble and I came across this interesting looking book. Is it worth a read or not ?
The book of the Watchers is unquestionably /lit/.
The 1st book of Enoch as a whole has some of the best imagery I've ever read.
I think the 2nd and 3rd books of Enoch came much later and are probably fake and gay.
Thank you for sharing. I'm going to read it

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The Shankara era of /lit/ is over
Madhusudana Saraswati mogs both. Advaita wins. Bhakti wins.
Sri Sri Vasugupta is the master, other gurus simply can't compare
I have been posting on /lit/ since 2011. In these 13 years of posting I have never seen a single anon who has actually read Ramanuja and who is knowledgeable about his thought and able to explain or defend it. People who seethe at Advaita just glom onto Ramanuja and make one thread about him bitching about Advaita but then they never actually post anything in the thread because they haven’t read Ramanuja. This is like the 8th time I have seen this exact type of thread.

Ramanuja’s arguments against Advaita are easy to refute, and his own Vishishtadvaita system has several notable inconsistencies, so to say that he mogs Shankara is just incorrect.

Does Madhusudana Saraswati disagree with Shankara on anything essential? It seems like he accepts Advaita but just places a greater role on the value of bhakti in one’s practice, which Shankara isn’t opposed to anyway and which he endorses as valid for the right person at the right stage of the path.
Nice to see you around again Guenonfag, I still remember our argument in my Kashmir Shaivism thread last year

how to combat meaninglessness? which philosphopher to read? what books to buy?
Any metaphysical author, Evola or something
By bumping threads in 4chan that matter most to you. Read the ones you've bumped in the past, don't let your bumps overflow. Same answer as before, the ones you've bumped
There's no way out, read Cioran.
You're better off reading the Quran lmao
Evola, and ancient religious texts once you understand how to interpret them.

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I bought the complete volumes of The Story of Civilization by Will Durant today for twenty bucks from an old college professor today. Is it any good?
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Good post. You've put into words what I've long suspected of the Durant critics. I've read through a few of his books and it mostly aligns with general consensus of the historical narrative. If you read his narrative in a vacuum, you would emerge significantly more knowledgeable of history than not -- that counts for something.
Snobbishness about knowledge of basic chronology is what killed the historical profession. The competence crisis and hyperspecialization of the last 50 years wounded it deeply but it could have recovered if it had just kept some semblance of standards alive, some kind of proud old guild tradition of "knowing your shit," like mathematicians have for example, mathematicians instinctively admire anyone who knows his shit or who can do mathematical pyrotechnics. The historian's version of this should be knowing your shit, knowing your chronology, being able to cite your sources chapter and verse.

Instead what you have is an army of careerists who have never read the major historiographical landmarks in their field except maybe 30 pages of them in some methods seminar in their first year of grad school, and they probably skipped 2/3 of the readings for that class and just soaked up what the barely invested professor (who hates teaching "the methods seminar" and only agreed to it in exchange for getting to take the following spring off for research) half-correctly repeated from his own dim memory of taking such a seminar 20 years earlier. Nobody knows basic chronology. Nobody studying Greek literary history feels ashamed at not having read the lyric poets, because "ummm I study 4th century encyclopedism." Nobody studying the French Revolution feels ashamed either of not knowing the basic facts and dates of the July Monarchy ("ummm I don't study the July Monarchy though") OR of not knowing the basic facts and dates of the American Revolution ("ummm I'm not an Americanist"). Actually these statements only accurately reflect the field 20 years ago. Now, you're lucky if the person studying the July Monarchy even knows about the July Monarchy itself. They all have an air of still being in the first few years, still learning the ropes, well into finishing the PhD and even getting hired. Their PhD is basically 4-5 first year seminar papers glued together, maybe one of them a genuinely decent workmanlike (but still rough) article that would have been sent back for revisions three or four times in the '70s, but at least it's the raw material for something real. The other chapters are thinly disguised redundant lit reviews nobody asked for and which nobody will ever read, with a very tenuous attempt tacked on at the end to justify how the miscellaneous crap they found in the archive qualifies as an "intervention" in "the literature." All of this is just aping what real scholars did 50 years ago, like little kids wearing dad's suit. They think that because they're going through the PhD hazing process they're just like dad when he did his PhD. They don't notice or care that dad's dissertation was twice as long and ten times as contentful, and even then it was still called rough at the time.

Then they get jobs, whether TT or perpetual adjuncting, and shoot the shit with other phony scholars and brag about having a PhD in their fucking twitter bio.
Hey anon, do you have any survey recs that would be good reads? Anything goes
I liked it the most and I read the whole series. It just depends on your interests.
This is kinda true in my limited experience. Most history grad students I have met are either uber niche specialists who don’t actually like the people or period they study. On the other hand I have met some great guys who were history spergs like my self who live and breath only history.

Release day is here who is copping this
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Lockwood can at least hold a sentence, and sometimes even string a few together. Her problem is dull predictability, particularly when she's trying to be shocking. Like Moshfegh and all those creative writing people there is a kind of functional American cleanliness about it.

Recently there's been a lot of Young writers trying to break away from that, and though I'm not sure mid 2020 internet schizo babble (perhaps a level removed from l33t speak) is the stylistic revolution they've been looking for, the new wanna be avant garde is at least trying to be different.
This effort might be transparently simple and overly affected but at least she knows to do something new. If the first quarter of the century has been defined by an intentional avoidance of style (for commercial as well as ideological reasons) if literature is going to have any sort of staying power (forget about a comeback) we need more of that.

Personal guesses that some kid on substack is going to figure this out and make a boatload of money.
Then every masculinity coach and influencer will take notice until finally, 6 or 7 years too late, penguin will try and follow through.
(>>23394484 , >>23394878)
Yes, yes, yes, I do.
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...what the fuck did I just read?
the most based thing ever
I'm a young writer and no one cares. I live in Manhattan and I am writing about true love. If you want to know more, message me on Urbit. I am actually a good writer too, not just an e-girl. I will only see success in like 40 years, and I have no problem with that. This is all I can do. I am a writer.

Hinduism is just retarded paganism for street shitters.
They literally worship krishna's penis and smear cow shit all over themselves
Why did schopie have such high regard for it? Did he misunderstand it?
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welp, found what i'm jackin off to tonight *saved*
Where did the recent racism against Indians comes from on this site lately. Every few months /pol/ comes up with a new boogeyman I swear
ahh ahh ahhhhhhhh shoulda lurked more baybee now everyone knows you're a stinking NEWFAG
Jeet bashing has been going on at an intense pace for a decade now. On 4chan it also didn't even start on /pol/ but rather /g/, /soc/ and /int/ for obvious reasons.
He didn't defend LGBT rights in any way, so I don't know how he was being anything like the average /pol/ poster

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