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What lit should I read if I like Spiderman?
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My favorite books.
Read the Ditko comics
He's Irish retard. Father was a NYC cop and his surnames are Parker and Reily. Kill yourself.
What if I already read the ditko comics?
My diary desu

Welcome to the sonnets thread.
If your post is not a sonnet,
may God kill you dead.
This is a sort of shadow game;
you're wagering your life
on the bit of your big bite
and the sharpness of your knife.
How you cut and how you sharp
us all will be the height:
how we catch your rhythm and
how we harken to your plight.
O woe; you see, it's black in me,
and that's why you see me write.
Prithee give me 14 lines or you might lose your sight.
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Lazy bitch, you've skirted death, you think,
but now you're in the game: will
you leave it as lifelong shame,
that in a high high jambus, you proved you no John Wayne?
Does it hurt your brain to write a verse?
Does exist some man so curst?
What is he worth on Earth, mirthless man?
Take a piff, you fucking wink, or drink,
what ever courage you need, stinker.
I got ball enough for two,
bigger than all of any you, it seems,
you would-be queens, shooters with empty magazines,
have ye not one wit, or teen dream?
Did ye think ye'd be here like this, spitting at the compote wit?
Arkansas sounds so nice: a name so rad.
The state full of rangers,wilder men,
So shocking much are not the bruisers bad.
A loser user out of smokey den.

Away in mud, yet still along with you,
a logical deduce sure is thought one such.
To drink away the cash, some bucks not few,
a feat indeed even if money's liquid much.

Ingrate is law with crap police ranks.
To Tow a car with pissful many jars,
a way to tax that liquid cash by banks.
Oh sonnet Arkansas, fresh of bars.

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She came from up Sourh, had a down North way,
what I mean to say is no one knows, anyway.
She drove a fat truck, took a job now and again,
the Arkansas clay had a scent that drew her in.
Oh, she can roll a mean bin, swing a factory hammer well,
stir a vat of batter like a witch, and devil's twinkies sell.
Think he simply could mot, like he had no brain,
when Arkansas John met Arkansas Jane.
She to him was perfect, he to her was just the same,
the first thing that she said to him I say to you again:
"Yadeedleyhiherk, I'm Arkansas Jane,
got cakes dor me to bake, or wanna fuck my brains?"
Now you might see 'em driving with each other in the rain:
His old car and then her truck, in case she has to tow him free.
Behold! A king is crown'd by jester's court,
A jester king and proclaim'd lord of all.
A kingdom that is nothing of import,
For none will ever heed a jester's call.

See now such conjur'd splendour and such awe:
The royal scepter and the golden crown
There shining like the sun to all that saw;
Yet rarely if it shines has gold been found.

Now look and see no bearings of a king,
No kingly wisdom nor a kingly gait.
The king's full tithe and land of royalty,
Bestowed for want of better candidate.

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Gold were polisht, was it not,
pulled from garden of the rock
after long and arduous process?
Him but gilt may yet compote
a purer melting: burn off his skin
or grind it, his thin but shim'ry layer,
collect its drop, add it to the pot
which is of a like with that bubbling here.
Roil it, that the impurities are burnt off,
inert rock is turnt to molten gloss,
and trick of gold may seethe to top.
Short-armed, I grabbed the ring
for which no one else was reaching:
if I am king, come suck my nips, and gandermilk be drinking.

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Redeemed Zoomer, he's a YouTuber.
>First the Ottomans got them, then the Soviets. That's a solid 500 years where they were being stomped on and unable to thrive outside of their home countries. In that same time, the Catholic Church expanded around the world.
Those are reasons why the Orthodox are the one true church. Whichever church is legit will be persecuted the most and will be hated by Satan the most.
>I don't know, I just think that if the Orthos were the real One True Church they wouldn't have had so many obstacles thrown into the path of their expansion. Jesus did say to bring the Gospel to all the nations, and the Orthos really haven't gotten a chance to do that. Maybe it means they're not God's favorite.
True, the Orthodox are not that good with evangelizing outside of the East, though that shouldn't disqualify them, nor do I think the efforts of non-Orthodox Christians evangelising do not count (they do). They may be heterodox, but they still spread the Gospel.
>Mark 9 38:39
AI hasnt ruined memes as much as I thought it would. Sure, you see shit threads devoted to them (that never have any interaction...just people posting their garbage) and a crap meme like yours every now and then but overall I thought it would be a lot worse.
Its not just that the Orthodox have ben conquered. They have historically been the most morally degenerate countries in Christendom. Any reading of Russian literature can attest to this.

Catholics counties are better, but no by much.
Protestant countries were the ones that actually encouraged moral behavior in their population. The US, England, Germany, and other historically protestant countries had to explicitly renounce their religion before they feel into depravity. Not so for Catholic and Orthodoxy countries.
Meant to say Mark 9: 38-40

What are your favorite quotes from books you've read?
I remember Journey to the End of the Night had a lot of them.

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No Lovecraft thread? Let's fix that.
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Celephais is my personal favorite of Lovecraft's stories, even doesn't hit on cosmic horror like some of his other work. Music of Erich Zann is also very good. Both are short. Reanimator or Dreams in the witch-house would be my recommendations for something a little longer.
Rats in the walls
>3 volume one from Hippocampus
Damn, it looks like the hardcovers are OOP. Guess I'll just get the B&N one...
There should still be the paperbacks tho. Hippocampus Press paperbacks are pretty top
yes, it's actually great. It'd by far the best edition of lovecraft stuff I own, highly recommend.

Simple as
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either typee or mardi
endurance by scott kelly
Robinson Crusoe
I would If I had it anoen :(
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Any novels that delve into the existential crisis of losing your religion and being stuck in a perpetual state of dreadful uncertainty?
I imagine there'd be a lot of dopey Russian books about that.

Different media but the claim circulated for years that this was what Angel's Egg was about, but then it came out that the motifs that made people think that was literally just because Oshii thought it looked cool.
God is love, you can believe in love, you can believe in God.

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8
Dogmatic religion is a different thing than this, it's about authority, obedience, and truth. Leaving one of these religions is a mindbender if you were raised in a devout way.
the chinless Italian

wtf was this ending? I'm not usually a plotfag but this is just deflating
He wrote a couple short stories that act as epilogues. I didn't think the ending was that bad especially since King is known for shit endings (a fact so established that It: Chapter 2 force mentioned it at least 3 times).
It's dark but I don't think it "comes out of nowhere" or "doesn't make any sense" or anything.

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>makes a struggling and obviously coping gooner from /trash/ seethe uncontrollably and project his mental illnes on the buddha and his teachings on every buddhist thread on /lit/

holy based. you may have noticed that there are only two religions that make midwits and all kinds of degenerates mald incessantly: christianity and buddhism. why is that, /lit/?
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they sin->seek penance->sin again->go to heaven forever
People who love dogma have a hard time accepting the Nothing
They seek peace through the constant lighting of chaos's fuse, soul perpetually aflame, like drinking cyanide as an antidote
Unrepentant sinners can't be forgiven
yeah so then they just repent
is there any repenting for bad karma though?
Yes. The wheel of karma rebalances when one seeks forgiveness. It's the same concept. But
Repentance isn't just saying or sorry or even being sorry. More to it than a five letter word
A quote unquote degenerate who thinks he's got a get out of jail free card at some point by definition isn't repentant

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All the possible terminologies and creative wording and concepts have all been laid out for us 50 fucking years before we were born. TRY and write Cyberpunk without regurgitating what another book said YEARS ago and that sounds way better, just try.
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schizo detected
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alright fine you got me
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That was not me, idiot.
Just write a noir then make the femme fatal a computer and the mcmuffin your misunderstanding of technology
neuromancer is so horribly written. the bridge trilogy he could actually afford a decent editor. none of his novels are good but virtual light is at least decently written.

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what is the most /lit/ form of therapy?
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Psychoanalysis because it also became a critical theory through which to analyze literature.
entering into a state of acute psychosis and then physically beating the psychical representations of your issues until they flee
1. Reading Nietzsche
2. Mountaineering
>The Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) is an integrative approach to individual psychotherapy developed by Richard C. Schwartz in the 1980s.[1][2] It combines systems thinking with the view that the mind is made up of relatively discrete subpersonalities, each with its own unique viewpoint and qualities. IFS uses systems psychology, particularly as developed for family therapy, to understand how these collections of subpersonalities are organized.
>IFS posits that the mind is made up of multiple parts, and underlying them is a person's core or true Self. Like members of a family, a person's inner parts can take on extreme roles or subpersonalities. Each part has its own perspective, interests, memories, and viewpoint. A core tenet of IFS is that every part has a positive intent, even if its actions are counterproductive or cause dysfunction. There is no need to fight with, coerce, or eliminate parts; the IFS method promotes internal connection and harmony to bring the mind back into balance. IFS therapy aims to heal wounded parts and restore mental balance. The first step is to access the core Self and then, from there, understand the different parts in order to heal them. In the IFS model, there are three general types of parts:[4] Exiles represent psychological trauma, often from childhood, and they carry the pain and fear. Exiles may become isolated from the other parts and polarize the system. Managers and Firefighters try to protect a person's consciousness by preventing the Exiles' pain from coming to awareness.[5]
Managers take on a preemptive, protective role. They influence the way a person interacts with the external world, protecting the person from harm and preventing painful or traumatic experiences from flooding the person's conscious awareness.
Firefighters emerge when Exiles break out and demand attention. They work to divert attention away from the Exile's hurt and shame, which leads to impulsive and/or inappropriate behaviors like overeating, drug use, and/or violence. They can also distract a person from pain by excessively focusing attention on more subtle activities such as overworking or overmedicating.

The DSM is an invalid model that treats human beans like machines with broken circuits instead of living life with soul

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This sentiment is obviously stupid right?
If the author really did mean "the curtains are blue" then they're just a bad writer because a good writer wouldn't waste the readers time with pointless details that add nothing to the story.
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It's very much dependent on context and as in most things both sides are correct to a certain extent. I will just add there are certain authors who seem to include details that are mundane or apparently meaningless for the sake of authenticity/realism, Graham Greene's a notable example with books like Brighton Rock. What are we to judge is "pointless" to a story given that life is itself composed of so much pointless fluff, detritus? DFW's Pale King is similar but in a more postmodern way in including masses of details and even storylines that may be "pointless" in an almost purposeful "waste" of the reader's time.
Texts exceed readers, and readers produce texts from texts. Learn what exegesis and eisegesis are.
Also the US school of New Criticism.
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but if the point of including pointless details is to add realism or make the reader self aware that they are intentionally pointless as some meta commentary... then are they really pointless?
Nothing is pointless. Your conscious mind is a blip on the radar. Lose yourself as you write then come reread it when you find yourself, you'll always spot something unforeseen.
Nothing is pointless

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>*expresses dislike for something*
Why was this amoral son-of-a-pastor german satanist such a moralizer?
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trash thread
Being in a matrix pod deep dive VR (made in china) slaying dragons
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who knows how his mind works
Why are Nietzsche threads so unbearable? They always have been as well. Doesn’t matter if they are pro or anti. They just bring terrible people out of the woodwork
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Good shit. Will address my cat with this when she is slavishly begging for treats.

>Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
>Introduction to Christianity - Pope Benedict XVI
>The Confessions of St. Augustine
>St. Thomas Aquinas - G.K. Chesterton
>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
>The Everlasting Man - G.K. Chesterton
>A Shorter Summa The Essential Philosophical Passages of Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica - Peter J. Kreeft
>Catechism of the Summa Theologiae - Thomas Aquinas
>Catholic Catechism of Saint Pius - Pope St. Pius X
>Early Christian Writings The Apostolic Fathers - Andrew Louth
>History of the Christian Church (Complete Eight Volumes In One) - Philip Schaff
>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament RSV 2nd Edition
>The Faith of Our Fathers - James Cardinal Gibbons
>The Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam Robert A. Krieg
>The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection

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Don't know who that is, but Malachi Martin is a crazy ass nigga. Jesuit exorcist in New York. Hostage to The Devil is a crazy book.
>>Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
>>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
Written while Protestant
>>History of the Christian Church (Complete Eight Volumes In One) - Philip Schaff
>>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament RSV 2nd Edition
Protestant translation
>>The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection
Translated by Schaff, a Protestant
He's less schizo than a lot of writers in his school but Solum Ipsum by András László is worth reading. Dominique Venner also comes to mind. He's not as explicitly Catholic as Wast. Venner has been accused of both fundamentalist Catholicism and paganism, but most accurately he's a Catholic/pagan syncretist. He committed ritualistic, insurrectionary suicide in a cathedral. Analogia Entis by Fr. Erich Przywara is often used for fuel for outlandish social teaching.

What kind of occultism is your friend involved with? Is he mainly interested in pop culture stuff like astrology/tarot/crystals/healing, is he getting recruited into a cult? Demonic Foes by Richard Gallagher details a lot of credible encounters with not just demons, but the dangers of the occult in general.

That's awesome, Anon.
A lot of the recs are definitely more Anglican than truly Catholic, hence why I recommended the Douay-Rheims and focusing on the Catechism.
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Can I ask you guys for some advice?

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here's your sacred scripture bro
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You conveniently omitted a literal death cult which worships human sacrifice and has a wide spread tradition of converting bread and wine into literal human flesh and blood for a cannibalism ritual. Much of Buddhism is about living a tranquil and stoic life in harmony with nature and the universe, yet you castigate it with impunity while ignoring a religion which extols earthly self denial and self flagellation in deference to "treasure in heaven" (after death). The only thing that can be called life affirming (in opposition to death worship) would be those ideologies which emphasize the flourishing and prosperity of human kind on earth in the one life we know we can live. The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
To be fair, I need to see more bitches shitting.
>Every other ideology than my chosen cult is an anti-human hate club
Fuck off retard.
kek, you once again show the depth of your insight, you grace us with such a skillful formulation of your opinions. Shall we hear how you can reconcile your views on "anti-human hate clubs" and how Christianity factors into that? No? Typical.
Do you seriously believe you're capable of thinking or communicating? Why do you think your fantasies are relevant to any discussion?
>The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
>I know my ideas are the best because I know my ideas are the best.
Thanks retard.

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