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No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She looks like that slutty girl with the sword from 2nd Trails in the Sky game.

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.
i preordered it

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What's the best game engine to use for a 3D low poly indie RPG in the style of Final Fantasy 8 or Neverwinter Nights?
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Couldn't you just render the backgrounds in a separate program and use them as images, then have the box you're in not be shown but still drag the player around the background? I don't know if you can have a z axis in a 2D game. That's way above my pay grade.
This is why nobody likes rpgm fanboys.
>3D low poly
>RPG Maker
Pick one
Not my fault everyone else is just a faggot. Stick to your gay bears.
give up

Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
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Oh sure, I guess I might as well give it another try.
What are some games that let me impregnate women?
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Life of a Wizard which is an odd mix of basic and delightful. I banged my magic college roommate and cheated on her with my elf childhood friend who I knocked up and married, then 25 years later got our son voted in as the college's master wizard while I dealt with other wizard stuff. It filled an evening and I don't regret the purchase.
what's the replay value
Medium range, I replayed the first hour 7 times happily but haven't gone back after beating the tougher situations.

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What was the best RPG on the Nintendo GameCube?
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tales of symphonia. though the chibi graphics could be a little better.
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My perfect 2005 summer preteen waifu could never look better
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
final fantasy crystal chronicles

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Which one is superior? They both possess a procedural generated overworld and dungeons.
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Oblivion is carried by nostalgia. The only good part about the base game were the guild quests. The game was saved by the Shivering Isles DLC.
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it's pretty lame to say since the dev team have unlimited time to touch it up, sculpt it and terraform it before shipping it. A true procedural game doesn't have this luxury.
I just replayed Oblivion for the first time since 2006. The base game was tolerable though not great, but SI was absolute garbage and virtually unplayable
The food isn't tasteless, though. Daggerfall has a very charming semi-cartoon art-style. The game is visually pleasing despite it's shear size. The main street in the city of Daggerfall leading up to the palace is very comfy.
It wouldn't have hurt if a couple of the dungeons had been greatly expanded, I particularly remember being disappointed the first time I went to Dagoth Ur, but if every dungeon is a 3 layer cake then backtracking becomes such a hassle you have to turn it into a donut. Maintaining a balance between short and long dungeons also helps to make the long ones feel long rather than just average.

What is the comfiest jrpg?
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Definetly not the comfiest RPG, but comfiest DS
Atelier desu
Trails is god-tier but not as comfy
Rune Factory series, Frontier in particular. Avoid 5 like plague.
Also pretty much anything made by GUST is essentially cute girls doing (more or less) cute things.
Steambot Chronicles
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I can't speak to Evolution's quality (I like it, but I also acknowledge that it has some flaws), but the vibes are good.
Just be sure to play through the Dreamcast version of the first game, or at least the Neo Geo Pocket color version if you decide to play the Gamecube version for some reason.

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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>you'll learn about if you talk to NPCs and interact with the environments
This. SoA is probably one of the few RPGs I've played where I can always name every single town and at least five random facts about their history/culture/economy/whatever.
>Valua is probably one of my all time favorite RPG towns, period.
muh nigga. I remember the first time I played this game, I got to Valua at like 2 AM and I thought it was the coolest shit. I know the whole "evil techno-metropolis slums" had long been a JRPG trope at that point, but I think that was the first time I ever saw it in full 3D. The dark skies, dingy metal textures, and flickering electric lights were such a harsh and memorable atmospheric shift compared to what the game had shown so far. I loved how you could see the imperial palace and the upper city across the way.

Also, it just hit me that Valua is literally built in one of the craters left by the rains of destruction.

And that fucking music, man.
>And that fucking music, man.
I think my only complaint is that there wasn't unique music for when you get to upper city. Like something a little more elegant sounding, but still kinda dour. I can see why they didn't, though; you're only in upper city for like 2 minutes.
Why does he hold his sword wrong
Is this a zoomer game
Le heckin quirky chungus tranny
They didn't do much for me. I found them fairly generic and visually uninspiring. It's the over world in skies of Arcadia and ship combat that make it stand out. The towns and dungeons are a snooze fest.

>in times of need. We call upon. The power of the ancients

Still remember this combat quote even after like 20 years...
Shut up already

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People deserve to eat shit, because they keep buying this. It's akin to simp behavior with women.
the subhumans deserve their suffering
>the games condition sounds pretty underwhelming even to fans of the original
I wasn't underwhelmed but I was expecting a little more meat on top of the original game's nice skeleton. I think it's a little unfair to compare the two now until 2 gets its BBI equivalent, but I can see why the general impression is what it is. My biggest complaint is the removal of primary/secondary weapons (and, no, warfarer does not make up for it).
>announce sequel to niche but beloved game
>showcase some really cool stuff
>release a doghshit unfinished unoptimized game with basically none of the cool stuff you promised
>sprinkle a bit of DRM and microtransaction kikery on top, for good measure
It's a mystery, they did everything the shareholders told them to.
based yusuke

of course. If it had it's own launcher I'd never play it out of sheer laziness.

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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Lacrimosa or P4 depending on if you want action and a fast-paced game or turn-based and a slow burn imo. I am not a fan of Star Ocean at all however.
Persona is trash
Ys and it's not even close
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From serial killers to ghosts.
It is not a happy island full of man eating beasts.

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Post your ultimate rpg party of four members.

Fighter: Demi-Fiend from SMT
Healer: Yuna from FFX
Caster: Emil from Nier
Wild Card: Gig from Soul Nomad
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nocturne was the binging of the end for megaten, the atmosphere and design went to total shit
Fighter: Cassandra pentghast
Unbreakable front line granted

Healer: Raphaƫl Ambrosius Costeau
Party member down?
"The road to healing is going to be a long one, stay the course, you will make it. Some day."
No one is ever down.

Caster: I don't take bitches with me

Wildcard: Nate the rake. Fully customized RU5.56, angular grip, extended chamber, heavily compensated, full on folding stock, glowing sight, switchable to 4x scope, 3 nuka-grenades, Night vision goggles, and extreme hate for Canadians, gays, and women
Pretty sure gig mogs the others here, powerlevels in 'gaea verse goes over the top
Freeza-Goku from the SNES Dragonballz RPG. (you can bodyswap Goku with Freeza if you failed to get Goku's body back from the Purple horny guy).

DOOM guy from DOOMRL in any of the melee-master builds.

Blouge from Saga Frontier's Blue's scenario.

ASSellus in full-mystic/gayvamp mode, also Saga Frontier.

T260G, Type0 body, with all the biggest guns equipped. Saga Frontier.


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Squall from FF8
Seifer from FF8
Tony from WAXF
Levant from JC

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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While I've never interacted with rogueknight, I've stumbled a lot over his posts in many forums over the years. He never struck me as someone with a sense of humour, if any, he takes DnD pretty seriously. He's an autist and I guess that's why lilura flickes the bean to Swordflight.

I'll keep that in mind if I ever bother replaying it.

Come to think of it, of all the community modules I've played I think the Aielund saga was the one I enjoyed the most. I liked the scope, from a lv 1 scrub killing rats on a basement to an epic character fighting godlike creatures. It was competently written, if memory serves, even if a bit archetypical and unoriginal, but that's not a necessarily bad thing.
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since the thread is like 3 weeks old now I don't think op still cares about the answer but I felt like typing it anyways
I think it is worth it if you have some nostalgia for ye rpgs of old. As funny at it is now ,when nwn2 is already an old game, back then I believe it tried to pay homage to 'older' rpg games in times where the genre was pretty much dying
as such it never tried for anything extravagant or overly creative (untlill motb expansion) but purposefully retold the classic zero to hero story in a competent way, not ashamed of the tropes and predictability
the problem with zero-to-hero stories is for you to appreciate the hero part the zero part has to suck a bit so you can feel the progress you've made etc.
I think they overdid that part, the first like 10 hours of the game are a boring slog where your 1 to 5 dnd lvl characters do pretty much nothing of importance. Personally think the game picks up combat-wise around the orcs in the desert part and storywise just after that, and in the end since the OC campaign is very long and then there's the MOTB it's all worth it, but I can easly understand how one could play it for 5h decide it sucks and never pick up again.
>I believe it tried to pay homage to 'older' rpg games in times where the genre was pretty much dying
Not a bad take in hindsight but that was not exactly the feeling people had back in the day. In retrospect the genre was dying, or right about to decline, yes, but at the time nwn2 came at a peak. NWN1 still had a strong base of players, the community already had a ton of player-made content and growing, and the bioware nwn forums had thousands of very active posters. I remmember people thinking nwn2 would kill nwn1 and in a way it did, but since the engine and toolset had issues it never got the ammount of comminity content 1 had. But for a few years a lot of players migrated, crippling the nwn1 community which never really recovered -even if it persist to this day, a testament of the possibilities of the game if you ask me- and nwn2 failed at mantaining players intetested for long.
In a way nwn2 was either the genre's killer or its swan song. But I beleive that it didn't so much tried to pay hommage to old games, but rather be the epitome of them, to set a new standard, be the cornerstone or whathaveyou.
Anyway, I this thread, if any, makes me want to replay it, something I've never done since its release.
>BTW, another pro-tip; There is literally no point using sword & board in this module. Your AC will literally never be high enough to consistently beat the trash mobs' +attack, and if you aren't using two-handed weapons you will not deal enough damage
>rpg games
>genre was pretty much dying
very little brained post. rpgs have never declined or died, they've just had lulls.

I feel like this phenomenon happens in rpgs way more than in TV or film. Why? Anyone else noticed this?
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there's no consuming skooma "once or twice". once you're in, you're married to the pipe. don't do drugs, kids
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Jesus what a retarded post
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault for not shoving it down my throat like my boyfriend's cock
It is hot. It's also very dusty so people wrap up the bottom of their pants sometimes like Caius has

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Dread Delusion came out, we got some open world Dishonored kino.
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Is it a full game or early access?
I love Dishonored, i may give this one a try.
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The fuck does this walmart morrowind got to do with Dishonored
It just left early access and is now being patched. They should've taken more time if you ask me
Wtf does this have have to do with Dishonored?
But there's just no reason to actually do it. Stamina doesn't do shit so you can just spam light attacks until they die.

If you compare it to something like morrowind (with the claim that morrowind heavily inspired DD), you actually had a compelling reason to brew and use different kinds of potions, create and experiment with different spells, play around with different builds, enchant various armor/equipment pieces.

In dread delusion, all the builds play the same, half your stats are meaningless because it doesn't matter if you have 1 point of might or 10, everything is a pushover that does minimum damage, there's potions but literally no reason to use any of them except for mana, like why the fuck do you need shielding or regen potions if enemies only do 5-10% of your health on every swing and they swing once every 30 seconds in a slow ass telegraphed attack, the only spell worth casting is the one that increases your movement speed, etc. The equipment has no variety in it besides minor stat bonuses that you don't really need anyways outside of charm, which is the only worthwhile skill that can't be gamed like the other ones.

This game dread(fully) needs mod support or a hard mode. I just can't fathom why the devs decided to market the game as inspired by "classic" 2000s RPGs and then dumb down the mechanics so much that they're even simpler than RPGs released in the 2020s. Even if they had no inspiration or design sense and just copied the morrowind mechanics 1:1, all the skills, stats, alchemy/spell creation, enchanting equipment, with the creative as fuck world they built for the game this game would've genuinely been an 8 or 9 out of 10 GOTY that people would've been coming back to and playing for the next decade. But instead it's going to be remembered for what it really is- a walking simulator from the era of indie obsession with trying to cash in on the nostalgia trend of "PS1 style" graphics.

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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
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I want to go back!
>But Sacred is just dogshit all around.
kys faggot
>it's either linear and in order or it's an MMO
That's the most dogshit retarded thing I've ever heard.
kinda surprised to see so many people here say 2 is bad. The only things 1 did better were having a slightly bigger (but less engaging) world, and a more focused main story (but with less side quests).
2 is literally just 1 with more in depth character progression and more side content.
>MMOs do story telling right
>millions of players
>everyone is the chosen one

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