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This game is actually pretty fun.
What happened to Rean
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This particular entry is about Rean's long lost brother, Knuckles the Echidna.
Lacrimosa of Dana is pretty much the best regraded modern Falcom game.
Also got a Christmas album for some reason
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Yeah I thought it was cool.
For me, it's Volitional Decision
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Sunshine Coastline
Died in a shipwreck. Very tragic.
Kinda weird how they didn't surpass it yet with 9 or 10 but i'm not complaining.
10 isn't better but is still very good. Sadly all 9 has going for it is the Saints Row 4 style movement abilities.
I liked 9. But 8 just kind of clicked.
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Damn this game rules.
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Lmao what a scrub
I couldn't bring myself to play 9 as someone that's played 1,2, 6, 7, 8, origin, and felghana and loved them all (7 being by far the weakest of those).
Still looking forward to 10 on pc.
The reviews about performance are horrible for the chinese/korean version sk far. I hope they get their shit together.
If you liked the others there's no reason you won't like 9.
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Man this is seriously addictive. The combat feels great and I love running around exploring at sanic speed mowing everything down. The characters even yell at you if you stand still too long.
Yeah Ys is like distilled fun. The games are better played after you played other bigger names in the action/rpg genre because that's when you appreciate what they are trying to do and your expectations are more realistic. That's just my opinion.
Great game yeah
>The games are better played after you played other bigger names in the action/rpg genre
There aren't any other good ones so I wouldn't. Like I love Ys, but I'd rather eat an entire 5 gallon bucket of broken glass than play kingdom hearts or TWEWY for even 5 minutes.
As an update, I'm like 10 hours into this so far and still enjoying the game. Its like the perfect ARPG, the exploration is very well designed, the combat is great, and the story is like a combination of Lost and Jurassic Park.
Yeah, played it a couple of months ago. Easily the best party-system Ys, and probably top like 5 if not 3 in the whole series.
It still has that falcom charm/soul or whatever it is.
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A lot of these locations are actually pretty damn non-linear.
God I hate Adol's stupid gay ass outfit in this game, getting rid of the silver armor was such a mistake
He looks like a real cutie.
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Dana's dungeons are one of my favorite part of the game and you also get 3 Danas which is a plus in my book.
I'm more bothered by how bad his classic armor looks in game
What makes you say that? Pacing issues and feeling a bit claustrophobic are definitely problems IX has, but if you liked the gamplay of VIII then there's still plenty to enjoy here.
Durante will do the PC port for the Western release, no? So it's gonna be fine in that regard.
>even the parrot is a semen demon
How does Falcom keep getting away with this?
lol wat kingdom hearts fucking destroy ys
funny joke
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Wow so there's night versions of zones too.
Ah, good old walrus rape cave. Classic.
I actually just finished the part where you fight the bosses that feature that track and holy FUCK it is so good.
The second fight in particular felt kino once I got into the rhythm and timed my Flash Guards properly
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This character is super cute. I like her funny accent and I like it when she does that spinning attack skill, gets dizzy and falls down.
This is a cute and funny game?
Yes but not in the way you are asking, no.
The game has a lot of dialogue and interactions that genuinely made me kek and it also has some very endearing, cute moments.
how do you rank all ys games?
I wouldn't, only bickering third world retards with bad taste make posts like that.
I just finished Lacrimosa of Dana and honestly some parts of the ending were just a clusterfuck but one thing in particular confuses me: was Little Paro ALWAYS the goddess Maia in disguise or did she just sort of... hijack his body during that last scene or something?
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Always. Remember that bonding event with Little Paro where he talks about his dream ending and such? Yeah, THAT dream.
Could also look up the
Oooooh shit, right right, yeah I had completely forgotten about that conversation.
That also explains why he never wanted to leave the island I guess.
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What the FUCK was her problem?
I genuinely don't understand what people like about this. The combat is braindead and running around is a chore. The dialogue and as such characters are terrible. The story as far as I am has gone nowhere, and the town shit completely breaks the momentum of the game. Stop making me upgrade my gear like it's a fucking gacha. All skills feel the same and swapping characters because enemy toughness is a rock paper scissors minigame is retarded.
What is it, just falcom cultists praising falcom for their yearly dump? There has to be something I'm not seeing besides the cool soundtrack.
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>The combat is braindead
The combat is excellent, fast-paced, and heavily rewards aggression. Feel free to crank the difficulty to nightmare if you don't feel challenged.
>All skills feel the same
Skills exist for numerous reasons, like extending ground combos, extending air combos, area of effect, burst damage, etc.
>swapping characters because enemy toughness is a rock paper scissors minigame is retarded
The swapping system is genius because each character has their own unique playstyle.
>running around is a chore
You can hold down L1 to dash. Additionally, you can air dodge close to the ground to move at hyper speed since it has no recovery like a ground dodge, or simply do extended jumps out of a dodge. Basically there's never a moment when your hands shouldn't be busy.
>What is it, just falcom cultists praising falcom for their yearly dump?
Clearly not as the game released in 2016 to critical acclaim.
>the town shit completely breaks the momentum of the game
Hunting for materials and treasure a key feature of the game, due to its extensive non-linear world map and focus on the spirit of adventure.
>I genuinely don't understand what people like about this.
Its an incredibly well put together game from a design standpoint, which manifests as a love letter to old JRPG gameplay rather than a subversion, which is true of most Falcom games versus something like Final Fantasy Remake shitting on them for example.

Sorry you got filtered.
>square-slopper seethe
Many such cases
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Oh good, now we're trapped on dinosaur island with a serial killer.
I can understand why you would think the game is mindless mashing but the optimal way to play it is by using Flash Guard and Flash Move, which actually requires you to time your blocks and dodges in order to maximize damage.
Like other people have mentioned, unless you are playing on Normal then it would be hard to just ignore those mechanics entirely.
Some skills definitely felt like lesser version of others, it's true, but there was still plenty of variety with them in terms of damage and usefulness for positioning.
You don't have to be "missing" anything here, it sounds like the game is simply not for you.
Oh boy, that part...
sex with Laxia
I'm gonna be honest with you /vrpg/ I was not a fan of Sahad...
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Neither was I, at first. But then someone told me his skill magna wave was op and now I use him a lot when re-playing the game.
Sahad is cool.
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Why the FUCK does the PC version not have all these special costumes?
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This character is fun.
Wait, they aren't? I looked it up, and unless there's more that isn't shown due to my settings, there's only Laxia's "Eternian scholar" outfit available. And you got the Silver Armor when you pre-ordered, if I got that correctly.
That's weird, indeed.
Yeah, Silver armor for Adol and that one Laxia costume is all you get, also one pallette swap for each character I guess.
The costumes from the picture I posted plus a couple others and a bunch of accessories are only on consoles
Ys 8 just groomed people into liking trails, it's ys with kiseki plot structure
I loved 8, 9 and Oath. Bounced off of 1/2 and Ark. With that in mind, should I pick up Origins, 7 and Celceta while they're on sale?
It's strange that you wouldn't like Ark if you did Oath, but Origins is generally considered the best of the Napishtim engine games. You might enjoy 7 and Celceta, but they're basically to 8 as VI is to Oath, so keep your expectations in check. Celceta also gets mogged by Dawn and arguably even Mask. Give Chronicles another shot in the meantime. Although very unusual among modern games, once it clicks, it's amazingly intuitive.
NTA but Ark of Napishtim feels underwhelming compared to Oath and Origin and even Chronicles, aside from some cool bosses and great OST it rubbed me the wrong way by the time i finished the game.
Origin and 7 are worth it but Celceta is generally seen as one of the weakest in the series.
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Luminous Dana is HOLY... tier
Yeah it's a very good game, although i don't get why it gets so much praise when it's not the best ys and nowhere near falcom's best in general
I have only played Origin and Lacrimosa of Dana.
That means that Lacrimosa is the only game I've played with Adol as the protagonist. Is he always this autistic? Because I'm all for it.
It might not be the best Ys, but it's definitely the best Trails. On that point, by leaning more heavily into the RPG side than the action side while still decisively being an ARPG made it relatively accessible to a modern audience and see less scrutiny than the earlier games, and it doesn't outstay its welcome.
Those are done by a different shittier company than the one that handles the english/japanese port, wouldn't worry about it
No pedophile
nice assnime game. never liked the old Ys games.
>it's another tourist faggot randomly complaining about anime on fucking 4chan episode
I am so tired of this re-run, I keep seeing it in more and more boards.
Pretty much.
I recently bought Ys Chronicles.
I am very likely to get filtered by bump combat and the exploration of the older games but I'm still excited about giving it a shot.
You will rage and then you will beat what made you rage. And then you will feel satisfaction, this is the path
this picture hit me so hard i now want to replay this game
You're like that ff8 dude that cannot accept that his game was shit, so they post about it all day long to force meme it
I don't see any of that in this thread.
They're aware, they just know it's not going to get any better. Your move sir
Welcome to a post autism/trannyfaggot world
It's how you identify them now, sort of like how when you were a kid pretending was cool only those types never grew out of ot and now it's cringe
yeah the optimal way to play is to abuse the absurdly generous flash windows and then mash away. boring dogshit, play a real ys
Great game desu
I find "block right at the last moment" mechanics very fun in video games so I think I'm going to keep playing this one, thanks.
I rarely post about Ys IX. My favourites are the Ark engine games.
The game is literally designed around flash guard.
>mash away
You can't mash it, it has an enormous cooldown.
you can trigger it multiple times
How in the world is that mashing? Why are you so retarded? Leave this place and never return. You belong in a mudhut, not the internet.
These games being utterly braindead as fuck is a feature to them.
did you even play it
...Anon, I'm not that guy and I think he's being an obnoxious faggot but yes, you can actually trigger it multiple times.
If you are fighting a boss that has any kind of beam attack, or gas cloud or whatever that keeps doing constant damage, you can Flash Guard the initial hit and then start a chain of Flash Guards one right after the other.
This is mostly pointless and it's better to just do the initial Flash Guard, go on the offense and stay on the lookout for the next attack that you can Flash Guard and so on, but there really are situations in which you can do several Guards one right the other.
I distinctly remember some enemies that had a sort of rolling attack which allowed you to do like dozens of Flash Guards in the span of a few seconds if you spammed the button. Like I said, it was pointless in practice but it looks funny.
This happens because after a successful flash guard the timer resets, where as it doesn't on a whiff.
This was more useful in Ys Seven, where successful flash guards charged your extra meter. Using it more often than strictly needed had a benefit.
I think this anon >>3478463 meant normal attacks and skills when saying "mash away", though.
Anyway, the problem with flash guard isn't being able to trigger it off of the same attack multiple times, per se. But rather the fact that the invincibility lasts so long that you can easily overlap flash guards to stay invincible for a long time.
Guarding the first and last hit of e.g. a beam attack can help with that.
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>no more solo adventures, always saddled with a party of generic JRPG archetypes
>Art style is soulless compared to the classic games
>Easy even on nightmare
>Combat adds pointless bells and whistles that don't mean much
>More grind and crappy fetch quests
Ys has fallen... Billions must vanish.
I like the new Ys better than the old ones desu, but I never found the old ones particularly challenging. To be fair, I have much higher standards of difficulty due to being a high-level athlete.
I think I made a mistake by playing Ys VIII as my first party Ys, almost everyone seems to agree that both of the previous 3D Ys AND the following one are just less good...
I'm still going to give at least Seven a try though, I like the character designs on that.
Just play them and see desu, anons have terrible taste.
>accidentally find out you can fill your extra gauge by mashing flashguard if the enemy attack hitbox is large enough
top kek
kek fair enough.
They are super cheap on GOG anyway, might as well.
They're fine, don't give money to cdpr though. That would be foolish.
>don't give money to cdpr though. That would be foolish.
The older Ys games are cheaper on GOG than on Steam and I get to save them without dealing with Steam's retarded backup system.
yeah, it's good. nice that story parts can be fast forwarded through, too. the only thing that really sucked about this game imo were the dana parts.
i played it for you, and i played all of the games you mentioned. the only two ys games i've played and dropped within 1-2 hours were wanderers from ys and 9.
Because CDPR funds gay parades and BLM riots, and GOG has absolutely no desirable features as a storefront that make it preferable over pirating.
Yeah nah, I am physically incapable of caring about that.
I have no intention of pirating my games and if a game is on both Steam and GOG, the GOG version is better 99% of the time. So far the only exception to that was A Hat in Time because the GOG version was abandoned by the devs
I'd say the ethics of offline installers and getting old games to run on modern systems out of the box are desirable features.
9 isn't that bad, I liked it more than 7 but they're both alright games, just not the best ys games

9 has one of the best songs in the entire series though
>I'd say the ethics of offline installers and getting old games to run on modern systems out of the box are desirable features
The games on GOG already did that prior to GOG. I'm not sure how CDPR sold this snake oil to retarded boomers, and they've done a fair bit to get abandonware sites taken down.
Unless you're a retarded yuropoor there is zero reason to defend or support this.
>The games on GOG already did that prior to GOG.
OK, where else can I buy DRM-free versions of the Ys games other than GOG? Or where could I do it before GOG existed?
You can't expect anyone who is not an assblasted /pol/tard to care about your reasons for disliking the store.
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>I'd say the ethics of offline installers and getting old games to run on modern systems out of the box are desirable features.
What do you mean? The games on steam are identical to GOG. Steam technically even has less DRM than GOG, all base steamsub DRM is removable with steamless. Additionally, launching a game in DOSbox is not "running on modern systems". You probably bought a bunch of shitty games on GOG for $1 and are coping now, but the fact of the matter is you get nothing from GOG, none of the client/store feature of steam, and once GOG inevitably closes (its been operating at a loss for years) you lose all that cloud storage and you basically paid for absolutely nothing.
GOG is just bloatware. It has no advantages.
>the only thing that really sucked about this game imo were the dana parts.
Do you mean gameplaywise or storywise?
The gameplay part of them was a bit boring at first but it really picks up imo when you get her alternate forms, especially Lumina. Io was also a very fun fight
The story bits were a bit padded too but I liked the payoff, I found all that last section genuinely heartbreaking.
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Got to the part where I can finally kill dinosaurs.
>mistook this thread for a Celceta thread when I saw it a couple of days ago
>start Celceta today because I was thinking of it
>over four hours in, see this thread again and realize it’s not a Celceta thread
I’m having fun. It all worked out.
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Gog galaxy, the software, is useless shit, but gog will sell you old games with necessary patches to generally run fine out of the box on modern systems, it’s all DRM free, and you can freely download offline installers as a hedge against them pulling the plug on the servers some day. They’re far and away better than any other storefront in those regards. The only drawback is for a new game that’s still receiving patches, they’re frequently neglected and belated for beta patches and such in that regard.
>gog will sell you old games with necessary patches to generally run fine out of the box on modern systems, it’s all DRM free, and you can freely download offline installers as a hedge against them pulling the plug on the servers some day
You keep saying this shit but it was already explained to you. All you are paying for is the ability to be ignorant.
How old is this character
Take a guess.
things start getting pretty nuts from here
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Oh god, oh fuck.
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After the giant chicken gets beat up, its revealed theres a giant Made in Abyss pit at the northern end of the island and this starts playing while you scale down the mountain towards it. Pretty cool stuff.
That's a large pigeon
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Hummel is a cool guy
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>Big hole
Both these characters where a nice surprise to me. Edgelord wasn't edgy after all and the annoying loli was actually wholesome and not annoying. Imagine that.
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>expect some kind of edgelord
>get transporter autism instead
I finished it a few weeks ago and it really exceeded my expectations. Gameplay was really fun and Eternia's/Dana's lore were really nice.
>went to Seiren Island to deliver a jar of pickles and some blueprints
>even went to the trouble of growing the pickles himself and getting them just right

The Trabaldo family is something else.
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>Big hole
>Big hole
>Big hole
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Man this place is cool.
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I know it's a world of fantasy and magic and stuff but man, DINOSAURS. It just vibes different.
Easily the best modern action JRPG.
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I fucking love Shoebills
This doesn't look like a real animal.
They really DO stare right at you, huh
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Nature's funny like that sometimes. Everything's all nice and normal then all of sudden you're looking at something that looks like it fell out of the The Dark Crystal.
This ancient city is pretty dang impressive.
All those times that Little Paro ended up being so fucking high in the Raid score boards make a lot more sense now kek I thought it was just a meme.
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The theme is really genius, there is nothing else like it.
True, never thought about that. Then again, Dogi & co. also get outdone by literal kids sometimes, so I guess I didn't even question it.
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Character is voiced by Aoi Yuuki? That character is automatically the best in the game.
It really is that simple.
Miyuki Sawashiro*
How has Falcom managed to churn out so many masterpieces?
Largely because they love games desu. The current head of Kiseki and Ys got there from first making a fan-site for Ys where the devs eventually started taking feedback from. And then he got a job at Falcom and so on.
>girls named after food products
>my late 90s self in avatar fedora form
They have discovered every one of my secret chud kryptonites.
This is bad.
I don't want to be a weeb. What do I do?
They're actually very social with humans and like to sit with fisherman and watch them work.
His fan site was for Legend of Heroes White Witch, not Ys.
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Should I play ys lacrimosa of Dana, persona 4 golden, or star ocean 6, 4chan
I was rather fond of star ocean 6
My mistake desu, remembered wrongly
Lacrimosa or P4 depending on if you want action and a fast-paced game or turn-based and a slow burn imo. I am not a fan of Star Ocean at all however.
Persona is trash
Ys and it's not even close
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From serial killers to ghosts.
It is not a happy island full of man eating beasts.
What's the best version?
The PC version I guess because it has enhanced graphics? There is only one version really, unless you count bad Nintendo ports, which are the worst version of every game in existence.
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The PS5 and Switch versions have a bunch of cute costumes that never made it into the PC version.

PC and PS5 versions run better of course, but Switch (docked) honestly looks and runs just fine. The game is carried by its art style, not graphical fidelity.
>The game is carried by its art style, not graphical fidelity.
The PC version has improved rendering differences which lets you see *more* of the art AND it doesn't looks like someone smeared vaseline all over it, so you can actually see the art to begin with.
>rendering differences
>Slutty Pirate Laxia
Totally worth playing a console version just for that. Though on PC, I guess modding it in is potentially an option?
Yeah switch is definitely the wrong way to experience this game. Somehow it looks worse than it does on the vita.
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That one and this swimsuit make me wish I had gotten the Switch version instead of PC, yes.
I don't own a PS5
>I guess modding it in is potentially an option?
All I remember seeing was a mod by someone who was made uncomfortable by Ricotta and he gave her more clothes.
sus post
What do you mean?
>I wish I bought the Switch version.... uh yeah i guess you could mod it but its totally pozzed anyways just forget about that haha
You faggots are totally transparent. What is it with turd worlders being so willing to be manipulative and lie? How would your mother feel if she knew you lied all the time and didn't feel bad? Is she a nigger like you?
The PC version looks better, runs better, and frequently goes on sale for peanuts.
I'm sorry console war faggotry has rotten your brain I guess but that's a (You) problem, not mine.
I pointed out that PS5 and Switch versions have costumes not in the PC version, this Anon >>3492476 can decide how important that is, and he can also look up mods by himself if he so wishes.
>I'm sorry console war faggotry
I don't think I'm the one "console warring." I don't think about consoles at all and don't see the point of them any more. The only current gen console I have is a switch and I deeply regret it, will never buy a nintendo console, (I bought every single one starting with the NES) and if you don't believe me I can post pictures of said switch.
>will never buy a nintendo console
I genuinely hated this bossfight and "The Falcon" from Seven because it shows how bad the new combat system is when you're not fighting huge ass monsters and instead human sized ones. First it makes Adol a complete bitch and takes away from his adventures that his showdown with a serial killer/evil swordsman required 6 other shitters in order to stand the slightest chance, and it kind of sucks fighting this one guy and trying to keep up with his attacks when you have three characters vomiting very flashy and animated skills at a rate of 60 skills per second.
>if you don't believe me I can post pictures of said switch.
Like I said, completely mind broken.
I don't give a shit m8
Go reply to yourself in your xenoblade thread. Don't bring nintendrone retardation into a perfectly good Falcom thread.
I killed him in like 10 seconds on hard.
I'm the type of faggot who has to play everything on max difficulty so it took a while.
I haven't played Seven yet but yeah, this is a very good point, that one boss fight was probably the worst in VIII
I was also not a fan of Oceanus, it felt like a goddamn chore but for completely different reasons I guess.
Was that the one that introduced some gimmick temporary mechanic?
I don't exactly recall what the mechanic is but my memory says it was either a catapult or a grappling hook.
>catapult or a grappling hook.
Both, kind of, it was some kind of slingshot. That and the underwater mobility made it very obnoxious to me. Unfortunate too because it was an important part of the story and I didn't even feel satisfied when I was done with it.
Well its max difficullty so why wouldnt it take awhile, thats the point
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Star Ocean 6 is the best out of all of these
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Made it to the big hole. This game does scale really well.
It does certainly do a good job at establishing a sense of wonder and majesty.
Yeah it's a pretty impressive scene for a Vita game.
I'd see if at least in terms of presentation if not pure graphical prowess the game is still very good at making stuff that should feel big FEEL BIG. There's no dancing around the fact that Falcom at there best still feel a generation behind but in terms of conveying it's intended scope and sense of awe? Yeah, pretty solid. Characters react and treat things with the proper scope and reverence.
9 is the worst game in the series. Most quests are quick traveling to map marker and watching a boring cutscene ffs. The only good moments are when you are not in that goddamn city.
They should make him reoccurring villain. The game really lacked a big bad.
The combat is just parrying the attack and then offloading the strongest skills. Aside from siege levels, you just remain stationary. The game is carried by its exploration, plot and atmosphere. The combat is dogshit.
He wasn't a big enough deal to be a recurring villain. Adol's pretty good at putting his enemies down for good unlike some other adventurers I could name. And the series is better for it. But anyways not every game needs a big epic villain reveal. Especially if they're really gonna focus on them anyways.
You can mash flash guard button 80% of times. And while you are invincible, you may just run into enemy hitbox and mash it again to extend the time.
Well, I liked the combat, therefore the combat is good. Simple as.
>You can mash flash guard button 80% of times
No you can't, ESL.
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Too bad they haven't made a single good game since this one.
What's wrong with IX? I was thinking about getting that one next.
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I liked 9.
Looks like shit, the structure is too repetitive (unlock new city block + new companion + new prison Adol section, repeat until you have the full party, finally some story happens, final boss).
>Unlock new part of the island+New companion+New Dana Dungeon, repeat until you have the full party, finally some story happens, final boss.
8 is far less predictable, companions leave and rejoin all the time, you never know if you're going to unlock some new area or backtrack somewhere else etc

9 is literally the same structure as Cold Steel which is pretty fucking stale at this point
IX is more predictable. You always know there's exactly one dungeon (and one outside area, after Hawk joins) before you get your next party member. How much stuff was there in VIII between Hummel and Ricotta joining?
Plus, unlocking new parts of the island feels more organic than "do these side quests NOW or grind random encounters, lol".
And while the freedom VIII gave you in terms of exploration/optinal areas is often exaggerated, by contrast in IX you only get additional parts of the city for which you need to grind more NOX.
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Damn, now we have to help deliver a baby.
I will boil some water
I loved the gameplay but it went too hard on the Kiseki-style gameplay structure. Just let me Saints Row 4 around.
X is really good, luckily.
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I actually liked the story of 9 a lot. I just wish Jeanne D'arc was playable.
Her name is Apples.
And apple a day keeps the English away.
Honestly, I didn't find IX's story too bad, and I love homunculi as a concept. But they usually boil down to lol clones, as was the case here.
>generic FF clonbe japshit
yeah i bet it is
He's a mind broken warpiggie, ignore him
He saw three niggas in a row across from a monster in the thumbnail and lashed out.
Everything. Ugly, boring, shit music, downgraded combat, meme gimmick movement mechanics, abysmal level design, really awful story.
I don't believe you.
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This was actually a pretty cool dungeon.
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Any option to hide the HUD outside of battles?
Was it? Maybe in terms of atmosphere, but even then it's weird this even exists.
I think that's a thing since IX, it and X have it. Not sure about VIII, probably none of the earlier ones.
>Was it?
Yes, it's literally a gigantic boat dungeon you travel through gathering backstory on the undead crew.
NTA, but the ghost ship dungeon is a very old and common JRPG trope. The one in Vesperia is virtually identical. Although my favorite one is from Trials of Mana, it's relatively short and there's a fun gimmick, one of the party members gets cursed and becomes a ghost, so you have to fight the boss with fewer people
Sure, but as far as I remember, it was practically a walking simulator. Go in, open all the chests (none of which you could possibly miss because of the very simple layout) to read a note and a barrier disappears so you can repeat this.
And again, it's weid they even included this. It had some amount of relevance because of the pirate notes you find earlier and because Captain Reed makes that "so you're from Crete, eh?" remark to Sahad. But Seiren Island has enough things going on that it didn't need to have a ghost ship on top of that.
>Sure, but as far as I remember, it was practically a walking simulator
It's full of infinitely spawning skeletons which chase you through the ships interior, so you scramble to find the notes as you make your way through the ship.
I fucking LOVE ghost ships in video games. I don't care that they are cliche as fuck, in fact, the more cliche the better.
And this one was pretty cliche, down to the blue flames and everything. The whole thing seemed a bit odd and mostly like a detour in terms of the story but I still liked it a lot.
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Dungeon design continues to improve and now I'm underwater.
Ys games are too hard.
There's no shame in playing them on Normal, Anon...
I always thought this part was really weird.
The farther I go the more the game opens up. Theres whole areas that are missable with enitre quest lines.
It's important that you do them.
Continue posting with screenshots of your playthrough. I greatly enjoy it.

Have a bump with this cover of a banger from another falcom game i'm currently playing.

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Bros... I just want a new bump combat game, is that too much to ask for.
>Continue posting with screenshots of your playthrough
I am busy with trails and skald as well.
I guess it is.
What i enjoyed a lot about earlier Ys titles has more to do with the slightly darker tone and buying into the whole ancient mysteries thing and less so the actual bump combat. The more vague representations limited by the graphics certainly help in that aspect by making your mind fill more gaps.
>What i enjoyed a lot about earlier Ys titles has more to do with the slightly darker tone and buying into the whole ancient mysteries thing and less so the actual bump combat.
This is actually what I feel went slightly wrong with newer Ys titles more so than any gameplay changes or parties now. Feels like in newer Ys games, the tone has been cannibalized into this feel-good cozy jrpg tone that has more to do with Trails than Ys. Early Ys games felt in a way something like a very simple but soulful fantasy novel come to life in a way that Zelda also similarly captured.
Where should I start with this series?
The easiest way in my opinion is picking a version for every entry in the series and just going with it.
>1/2 chronicles or pc engine
>3 Felghana. Maybe try wanderers(pcengine) if you like zelda 2 but its not amazing and it's only if you're curious
>4 Dawn of Ys(pcengine) . I really dislike celceta and its a huge gameplay departure even comparing felghana to chronicles.
>5. Wait for the inevitable remake.
From here none of the games really have choices beyond vita vs pc. Pc has 60 fps so I'd go for that, not sure if there are other versions and if they offer anything more.
I've yet to play 10 so I can't form an opinion on it.
Much appreciated
Oath or 8

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