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Any RPGs that deal with racism?
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There are a number of them.
It's usually a subject in any large RPG. Final Fantasy XII for example has humans look down on the half rabbits (driving them from their lands)
In any RPG, usually the monsters and demons are discriminated against heavily. (kill on sight procedures, etc.)
On human level, its mostly beast tribes or elves are victims of racism.
In some games its culture. Breath of Fire III shows the protagonist being from a tribe the gods are discriminating against to the point his kind is nearly extinct and he needs to find allies.
Anyway, it's hard to find one that doesn't discriminate against something. It's a common subject I guess.

What kind of racism are you looking for?
Racism is just victimhood, or more specifically perceived victimhood or perceived expectation of victimhood.
There is no racism if there is no deep insecurity and mistrust due to victimhood.

If people think they are victims, they often also become entitled, strongly entitled. They demand better treatment, etc.
Using their victimhood, they feel its okay, justified, for the sake of good, etc. to do the worst to people.
So you see all the traits of narcissism essentially.

You're split up, either you're with them or against them.
They weaponize their insecurity and sense of helplessness to socially demonize you. (or you're the one doing that to others).

In actuality, racism is discrimination.
You expect them to be a problem, so you lock them up before they can even do anything for example, or you keep them out of your bar or you perceive them as an infection or whatever. And it comes down to victim mentalities of a group.

Generation after generation, people do not forgive what happened to them, their parents, grandparents etc. It blinds them, demonizing others.

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imagine bumping a retarded thread 4 days after it got its last post just to shitpost
Racism as we know it today is a modern invention inextricably linked to legal fictions invented by European elites to bypass anti slavery laws, while prejudice has always existed, the concept of whole groups of people being immutably less human than others down to their flesh and blood instead of an inferior culture would be somewhat alien. Furthermore these prejudices were often more linguistically derived than from physical distinctions. That's part of how modern Racism was a pseudoscientific scheme that leaned heavily on scientism by attributing bespoke racial qualities to genetic differences. Ancient prejudice had no such language available and so distaste for outsiders, organic or propagandized, was expressed along grounds of observable realities like language or custom.
It was an American soldier and cultural imperialist actually...


No one wants to learn about their country anymore :/

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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I assumed OP was mocking redditor speaking patterns
it was a decent DLC never the less, eh summon an undead dragon with a shout, fun fanfic vamp hunter guild to co-lead or strike down, journey into SOUL Cairn realm, meet the last living Snow Elf and the last undead Snow Elf, etc. good times
what mod is your fan art based off of? asking for a friend
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The vanilla outfits are even more offensively problematic than the vanilla models

That better not be sarcasm
Yes because you can marry other players in ESO it feels substantially more authentic than a Skyrim marriage

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I geniouteley think that RPGs these days are made for 30 year olds. Youngsters are too dense for that
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When people talk about this intangible "soul" element in an artistic work, this is what they're referring to.
Despite all the individual parts of this being irredeemable trash, they all come together well to tell a compelling story that clearly comes from the creator's heart. Higher-end CGI and better production values would only serve to work against the creative spirit of the work.
>why is this go genuinely good
It turns out what no pussy does to a mf is the basis of all creation. Tesla almost learned the secret language of birds before his passing.
Does this exist with sound?
Yes. It's 10x better with sound, too.

I wish there was someone autistic enough to make an action-RPG platformer out of this. Just have meowsynth remakes of cool tunes as the OST.


High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

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LE Trilogy remake needed more way genocide quests. For example Ronaldo Shepard should have had an optional renegade quest to attempt hunting down and killing literally every Keeper on the Citadel, his logic being (despite whatever unreliable data Vigil sprouted on Illos) they're probably still slaves to the Rapers thus remain a Massive threat to all Humanity here. Maybe Ronaldo is right. Either way the quest ends up being impossible to complete 100% no matter how hard you fight for TKD on the Citadel because every time the Commander kills a Keeper the Citadel immediately births out a newborn Keeper to replace the dead one. Sadly Shepard is forced to give up his crusade upon realizing he is unable to hunt the Keeper race to complete extinction since the Keepers are literally programmed to have a permanent population. He can't keep up. It'd be like trying to gun down every single human being within modern day China rn but with a squad of only 3 elite commandos, you'd never actually succeed at your goal because the bugs breed even faster than you can shoot them to death

Brb gotta go bump my 24 mlp RPG threads now eat shit
Typo. Meant to say "LE Remake should've offered us more in the way of genocide side-quests" iirc

LE should have let us genocide ALL Keepers, Asari, Salarians, Humans, Batarians, Hanar, Drell, Turians etc etc if we choose to. because player freedom does matter
Scott Grimes is a far better voice actor than Seth Green
You've been talking to yourself in this thread since January, aren't you bored yet?
Which one would make a better star pilot though? Both seem somewhat smarter than most actors, which isn't saying much since most actors are naive spoiled clueless retards nowadays. But theoretically I'd say Scott Grimes and Seth Green would make much better star pilots than say Alec Baldwin or John Travolta. I'm still holding out hope that in Mass Effect 4 you find out the Joker is actually a clone of Seth Green. Maybe TIM was a fan of earth 21st Century films, and figured somehow Seth Green has the potential to be the best pilot in the Galaxy. So he digs up Green's DNA and clones him (but intentionally inflicts the clone with vrolik syndrome, ensuring he'll focus solely on flight school instead of getting distracted by any passions for stage acting) and he secretly inserts Jeff into the Tiptree colony, killing Hilary's real brother. Meaning Hilary never was his real sister, Joker never had a sister, because he's a clone of a deceased 21st Century actor. That could fix a few plotholes maybe, idk I mean we all find it weird as hell that the games never have a conversation along the lines of:

>"You know who you remind me of? Seth Green. You probably hear that a lot I'd bet."
>"I do, this marks the 19th time somebody told me this month so far. But thank you, sincerely, for the eternal reminder, Ash."

Just undo the plotholes by confirming he is a literal clone. Except even that begs the question of why it took the Normandy Crew 4 games to figure out the obvious fact

I haven't had the luxury of boredom in over a year, too busy for boredom not to mention redeeming /vrpg/ is only but one of 206 passionate spiritually fullfilling hobbies

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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Depends entirely on you and your tolerances for old game jank/graphics/consoleshit/difficulty.
I should have clarified, I have a large tolerance and specifically want one of the older ones
Just play the first one and go in order. I recommend the PS1 ports of 1 to 5.
I tried going for Beast of a 1000 eyes with my shitty lvl 20-ish party and got wiped. lul
>wizardry jp>wizardry

that's just like saying Wiz1-5 > Wiz6-8
Which is a highly questionable opinion.

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Discuss vidya that allow you to roleplay as an evil character! From SMT to Fallout there isn't really that many games with real evil choices, stuff like Mass Effect just has you being a dick but it never changes the outcome of the overall game. Shephard still saves the galaxy. I find it really interesting when playing an evil character puts us as the player in the villain's shoes.

SMT IV/Apocalypse (picrel)
Soul Nomad
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fallout New Vegas
Caligula Effect Overdose
Growlanser II/IV
Langrisser II/IV
FE: Three Houses
Steambot Chronicles
Beat Blades Haruka

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>The latter is a really high effort game which you wouldn't know it was RPGMaker
A great many are trapped on that wretched format.
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for me its edgy/antisocial nanashi who's only weakness is his giant soft spot for asahi. He doesn't trust the others because he knows how quickly you can die in tokyo first hand, and he wants to prevent that from happening to asahi
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Kuroinu did a better job at this than Tyranny. That is why it got a sequel since people want to play as a rapist overlord beating up pure innocent women fighting to stop you and turning them to cock addled sex slaves
>Baldur's Gate mainline entries (not Dark Alliance, although they are great games)
>Ultima Online/EverQuest
this game just takes inspiration from DnD

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How did it feel to see your favorite RPG franchise go down in flames?
Nothing ever happened, and nothing ever will happen, to Final Fantasy Tactics.
I don't see the problem with your image. Both are absolute pleb tier games/series.
A little late for that. It was sullied by fallout 3. Fallout 4 made me not care for it anymore. By now they can make a crossover with kingdom hearts, I just can't be bothered to give a shit.
If you care about a "franchise" and you use that word, then why are you shocked that it's just a cash grab. The word franchise is based on some idea which is sold and traded around like a whore. Time to grow up and stop internalizing the businessman lingo that informs your youth.

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With Square Enix looking to multiplatform releases I think this is a great opportunity for the aging JRPG series to explore different types of gameplay.

5e or Pathfinder 2e rules could work or we could just use the actual Final Fantasy TTRPG rules. Or we could use a proprietary system meant for computers.

Now the player character can be whatever job he desires while interacting with the world and characters the way the TBRPG's never really could.
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Wasn't there evidence that Deus Ex devs pitched a FF game?
Not really that difficult to convert any ff to a crpg considering the first 6 were d&d ripoffs.
No, you're thinking of the little easter egg poster in HR
There are a lot of custom rules for every system imaginable for ff stuff since people wanted to do ff7 tabletop because it was cool back in the days.
No, the FF universe is really bad.

I've played about an hour into this so far and it really doesn't hold up at all. Compared to the intro of FF6 the game is slow as molasses. By the time you fight the boss at the 2nd reactor, (who also dies in one hit from breaker, kind of mind boggling) which is nearly identical to the first reactor, you'll have already gotten to 4 or so comepletely distinct locations and fought equally as many bosses in FF6. The dialogue is also just terrible for the amount of emphasis there is on character interactions, and some of it doesn't even contextually make any sense. Additonially, the Switch port is really bad. I've already had it freeze up once, about 2 feet away from a save point, and there's some questionable design choices like speed up only working in *some* cutscenes. (even at 3x speed the game is still really slow) The one thing I can say is the background renders being animated so the camera can occasionally shift around while you are moving about is seriously impressive, but its scarcely used and thats about it so far.
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>How about the MODS do their fucking JOB
Sounds to me like you're getting your money's worth
I would've preferred you said nothing instead of whatever that robotic reply.
>How about the MODS do their fucking JOB
Because theyre the ones shitting up the board
FF6 is a better game, yes. Many people agree it is the best installation in the entire series. FF7 was a change for the series over all but it was a good game, especially mechanically. FF8 was foreshadowing what the series was going to become, cringe normie pop fantasy.
>especially mechanically
what lol, you can't just say that

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>play kingdom come deliverence after it being shilled here for so long
>all the posts about it seem to be about how it's le hard this and that
>it's actually super easy if you do the entire training quest and not just the first bit
>economy is completely fucked once you get a horse because it basically gives you basically infinite inventory space and just a few trips back and forth from any fight with armoured opponents nets you great boons
>combat is clearly designed for dueling and yet the game keeps throwing multiple enemies at you, yet using the bow feels like cheese because it's so trivially easy to hit anyone if you just put a dot in the middle of your screen
common comback is "hurr durr have you tried fighting 3 guys at once irl" well why does the fucking game keep throwing 3 guys at me in missions huh?

There's a lot more i can complain about, open world basically runs out of content once you're done with the town that starts with R and the one with the chuch under renovations, the rest of the map is basically filler.

Story is kinda shit, some chapters are neat in the same way a mid TV show can have a good episode but the our protag's motivation is really weak. Hometown gets massacred by some thug, go kill that thug, right, makes sense. But the guy that ordered it is so distant he can never realistically be involved in the story. So once that is done, all that remains is "hurr durr i want that sword my dad was working on" even though the guy the sword is for says he has like 100 and doesn't care, so that feels incredibly contrived. And then that gets resolved in the first third of the game also. The rest is just kinda meandering from random assignment to random assignment until the game ends.

Searching for treasure is somewhat fun but the game can't reward you with much more than money and shit you sell for money. I had the absolute best gear 1/3 through the game just because i did sidequests as they appeared.
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Many people expected it to be Oblivion 2, aka easy as shit Bethesda open world game, and most of the complaints seem to stem from that or that it follows historical accuracy "too much" ie that you're not a perfect fighter at the start or that muh hecking women's rights or niggerinos weren't in the game. The only valid complaint is that the game limited how many saves you had thanks to them being a limited resource, it should have honestly been relegated to some sort of hardcore mode and not been the main game feature.
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>main complaint in the OP is that the combat is too easy and braindead once you level up some and know what you're doing
>hurr durr too hard for you?? hurr durr bathesda
every time
What are you talking about? I didn't mention combat, I just mentioned how people were looking at the game at the start.
I don't really have a problem with the combat, it's clunky but once you get hang of it it's much more enjoyable than the mindless combat you see in TES games and many other fantasy RPGs. Not the best by any stretch, but I'm glad it's different. People should really be treating the game as it's own thing, but many really still think to this day that this is basically Oblivion 2/Skyrim in Bohemia, no matter how stupid that sounds, and treat the game as such.
I got the gold edition for like 14 bucks, so idc.
While I agree with your statement, what would you deem good dlc for kcd?
> I didn't mention combat
Then what exactly was expected to be easy about it like Oblivion?
Dogshit posts.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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Marvel's x-men aren't like DC's metahumans. His power isn't an adaptation to a situation.

His relationship with Rogue sounds poetic with the right words. Her touch drains; his charges. But charging isn't accurate. He taps power, releasing kinetic energy in a object. So he's got infinite stamina to a point. In some stories he can manipulate the direction of energy, controlling the movement of his throwing cards. In more advanced forms, he can stop or perpetuate motion, freeze or accelerate time, even become pure energy. But those are special occasions.
how many of these cursed spikes am i supposed to farm and convert to dark matter? i have 4 dark matter already.
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What are you trying to do with them?
that novel needs to get localized already man
>SE probably doesn't remember that it exists.
>All the fan translation projects give up before completion (or digging into the real meat of it)
Never ever.

With the cancellation of a number of games and now this, does Final Fantasy still has a shot at relevancy or will this truly be THE Final Fantasy?
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It would be poetic if FF7 was their last FF game.
That's not what poetic means
ptolemaic then
probably due to people dont want to spend another couple of $$$ to play sequel and knowing there still one coming next and they have to pay same amount of $$$ to that
>Movies older than color television teach many valuable lessons to anyone smart enough to watch.
They are still plenty entertaining beyond just being valueable lessons. Try watching something that isn't Citizen Kane. It's like a zoomer who won't play an NES game because it's "outdated" but will say they are still important.

does anyone have any good rpg maker games about menhera girls? i thought hello charlotte was pretty alright, idk if i'd really consider HalOPE to be in the same vein but there's gotta be some better shit with similar vibes out there
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yume nikki is really good, and yume 2kki. lisa the first is probably my favorite nikki-like, it's story is a little more accessible ig.
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Black Souls is about romance with multiple menhera girls. Male MC.
YTTD has the female MC go slightly mad over the course of the game, though really it's just an expression of intense guilt and I'm not sure if she counts.
Witch's House can be seen as one, right? Not really niche though.
Seraphic Blue
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hnnng need vincent bf
anyways play deep-sea prisoner/funamusea's games if you havent already, theres 3 of them in english you can find them on vgperson's tl site

Seraphic Blue/Devil of the Mirror/Blank Dream are your closest bets, doubt you can find anything more related.

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Did you "save" your world?
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Okay, move over to the new thread
(not the one who made the comment you replied to)
Feel free to keep posting.
I'm using your feed here to follow your development activity generally, so its interesting for me.

Feel free to comment on trashposts. I generally ignore them unless my mind turns sadistic and needs a laugh. Rather than schitzo, I'd say unique. People have their own styles, obsessions and beliefs. It should be fine no matter what you make.

I have seen people making games willed with the usual sexual jokes, for example cocks everywhere. Despite that being cliché, overused everywhere and sigh worthy, people don't crybaby about it. I don't get why they do it with your products.

Your storytelling is actually interesting and the constructs you make, the effort you put into your games, the complicated web of plugins communicating and making it work together to create your art pieces are impressive and should be recognized as such. It seems some devs are still, thread after thread, too busy with other things to see that.

Well anyway, you're welcome is what I wanted to say. Feel free to milk the cows who try claiming you aren't.
I'm just saying this after reading a number of the posts here.
>complicated web of plugins
Fuck off Sigma.
It'll be another half week before it falls off the board.
You guys are just showing off the same stuff from a year or 2 ago
no u

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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NTA, but this was helpful to me, thanks. I was writing my encounters in events instead of using the in game random encounters because I wanted a battle results screen. I forgot that a switch triggered common event on every map with random encounters would do it better for less.
This makes me curious. Could you emulate some real action hits in RPGMaker to enemies? Not some autistic action battle system. But just the player giving various hits to something and destroying it. Something like
>Get close to enemy
>Attack it 3 or 5 times pressing X
>Each time the player does a swing
>Finally the enemy/object is kill
I have a rough idea of how to do this. But the problem is how to do it with moving enemies because they're already using the touch event trigger instead of action button.
You can absolutely do a full blown action battle system in rpgmaker but you need serious patience for it.
To make the event either trigger battle or death (of the enemy), have touching the enemy activate a switch that counts down v[x] amount of seconds while you store presses of the z button in v[y].
Conditional branch v[x] = desired amount of seconds:
Conditional branch v[y] = desired amount of hits:
Yes - enemy dies
No - enemy battle
Something like that, I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
Well, I try to follow your advice and it kind of worked. Here's the event pages more or less. One thing that I disliked was a bit of delay between the timer starting at the player touching the enemy/event. They just stare each other for a second and then they go. Otherwise it worked fine, not very elegant. Probably you meant something well done instead of this mess. Why for the button press, I surrendered with that one. My brain is kind of fried after work.
> I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
No worries. I wasn't even expecting an answer.
Made a compilation video of all scenes with Salik and Alisa, from False GamerGater

> Watch video:


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