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>play kingdom come deliverence after it being shilled here for so long
>all the posts about it seem to be about how it's le hard this and that
>it's actually super easy if you do the entire training quest and not just the first bit
>economy is completely fucked once you get a horse because it basically gives you basically infinite inventory space and just a few trips back and forth from any fight with armoured opponents nets you great boons
>combat is clearly designed for dueling and yet the game keeps throwing multiple enemies at you, yet using the bow feels like cheese because it's so trivially easy to hit anyone if you just put a dot in the middle of your screen
common comback is "hurr durr have you tried fighting 3 guys at once irl" well why does the fucking game keep throwing 3 guys at me in missions huh?

There's a lot more i can complain about, open world basically runs out of content once you're done with the town that starts with R and the one with the chuch under renovations, the rest of the map is basically filler.

Story is kinda shit, some chapters are neat in the same way a mid TV show can have a good episode but the our protag's motivation is really weak. Hometown gets massacred by some thug, go kill that thug, right, makes sense. But the guy that ordered it is so distant he can never realistically be involved in the story. So once that is done, all that remains is "hurr durr i want that sword my dad was working on" even though the guy the sword is for says he has like 100 and doesn't care, so that feels incredibly contrived. And then that gets resolved in the first third of the game also. The rest is just kinda meandering from random assignment to random assignment until the game ends.

Searching for treasure is somewhat fun but the game can't reward you with much more than money and shit you sell for money. I had the absolute best gear 1/3 through the game just because i did sidequests as they appeared.
Combat against multiple enemies is so fucking shit, the game devolves into holding S and spamming the top down swing with a hammer to get easy bonks on the head, or cheesing with the bow on horseback.

Stealth is bad, I don't feel like explaining how, those that played the game know.

Really buggy in places, honestly kinda disgusting that they're selling it like this. I had to play the silver mine mission with a guide open because despite the game giving you several objectives and making it seem like you can go to any of them in any order, if you don't activate them in a particular order you will fuck up your save forever. And no I don't mean missing out on optional stuff, I mean the game is bricked. What the hell?

Skillchecks sometimes help you and sometimes skip entire quests and you have no way of knowing which it is until you do it.

Some quests are timed and the game doesn't tell you this (fair enough) but also this kinda punishes going off because they're timed from when you activated them. For example, the quest about helping the sick next to the church under construction. Story-wise they've been lying there since before you arrived, but in-game the moment you talk to the lady in charge it starts a timer on their fate. This punishes you for venturing off-course and exploring the new location and talking to everyone "before you're supposed to" since you can get that mission before you get a horse and it sends you to bumfuck nowhere in the northern part of the map.

Speaking of which, some perks are super useless and feel like they're not even implemented. There's like 3 first aid perks and there is only one time in the game where one of them is used.

Performance is bad because cryengine is an outdated engine that performs badly.
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DLC are legit scams. The game itself was very much alright though with glaring flaws, but the DLCs are legitemately and honestly scams that are falsely advertised. They're the only time I've ever demanded a refund for a video game (thank's epic for giving it to me) because they were the only times I felt cheated, not just dissapointed. For example, the kickstarter page promised a "playable female character" as a stretch goal. They reached it, but not only can you not play as a woman in the base game, the DLC is basically spitting in your face for wanting to be a girl as you are tasked to collect flowers for 2 hours and that's basically it. I wish I was joking.

Another massive scam is the "hans capon dlc". It's called something like "the great adventures with hans capon" so you'd expect the guy to be majorly involved in the story but no, it's basically a glorified cameo in a dlc that otherwise feels like some cut content sidequest they felt like charging separately for. I think I did everything there was to be done in 1 hour or so. I could break every DLC down like this (other than the free one amusingly enough) but I don't feel like typing anymore, I'd be putting more effort into this post than they did into the DLCs. If I was smart enough to do so I would honestly sue for false advertising and I think I'd win.
Nobody cares.
Your opinion doesn't matter
Yeah some of us tried to tell you. Still it's quite soulful. Looking forward to the sequel much more than anything else
>he didnt play on hardcore mode
try playing it for real next time
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>not play as a woman in the base game, the DLC is basically spitting in your face for wanting to be a girl as you are tasked to collect flowers for 2 hours and that's basically it
Please explain to me how hardcore mode would fix any of the issues mentioned earlier
Good to know. Of course I wasn't going to play it either way, because Christianity is gay and the developer is Jewish.
You knwo what really fucking suck? The fucking fall damage. Fucking hell, what a ridiculous fucking thing
>You fell a 1 meter gap? That's 80% of your health, you're on death's door bro
Does henry have fucking glass bones????
Best part of the game is being able to level all your stats in the tutorial. numbers go up quite nicely for a while
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>not only can you not play as a woman in the base game, the DLC is basically spitting in your face for wanting to be a girl as you are tasked to collect flowers for 2 hours and that's basically it
grow up
I finally beat the game today.

I wonder about some things. I've heard people say that you get locked out on certain quests if you progress the story too much, they've made it seem like you can miss out on quests without notice and I wonder exactly when those moments are. As far as I know, I was never locked out of any quests and they made it crystal clear when it would happen When you approach the bandit base at Vranik. I made sure to do all the side quests before then. I had them all done by the time you have to find the German soldier Ulrich.

Holy shit, I hated the Monk Monastery quest, I hate following their schedule, I'd rather kill myself than be a monk. There's so much waiting and not being able to do anything, and I kept getting locked up in solitary confinement. I hated it so much so that after I figured out who Pious was (after he poisons me at meal time and then tells me everything), I reloaded a save and decided to skip the tour he gives me and then I knocked him out and stomped his brains in for his dice.

I'm mixed on the whole end of the game. They give you so many nonsense busy work jobs, there's a lot of waiting around, and I don't think it entirely made sense. Why bombard Talmberg with the trebuchet when Sir Radzig and Lady Stephanie were in there? They could've been killed.

I liked the game. It took me a long time, but I got used to the combat.
>DLC are legit scams.
Eh. I bought the complete edition because it had a gigantic sale so i got it for peanuts. I'd say it was worth it, if only because of the Rattay Tourney allowing for some actually hard fights...if you use a mod that reduces the retarded riposte spam.
Name one (1) rpg with a decent economy
X3 and X4.
Not an rpg
The tournament dlc is free
It's also the only one that isn't a scam
It's every other dlc that ranges from bad to "I've been robbed"
>I reloaded a save and decided to skip the tour he gives me and then I knocked him out and stomped his brains in for his dice.
That's funny, that is exactly what I did when I first played the game because I got softlocked out of the quest by an early release bug. To this day I have yet to do that quest because of the bad feedback people give about it, it's much more fun to just sneak in at night all in black and assasinate him anyways.

The Rattay tournament is a free update, not DLC. Not that other anon but I'd say the DLCs are not that interesting, most of them are just quests that could have easily have been part of the main game except for the Lady's Lot and From the Ashes which add new mechanics or have you play as different characters.
Incorrect. Don't parrot words you don't understand, pleb.
Its the truth
>after it being shilled here for so long
ESLs truly make the worst threads.
Make your dick grow back.

Oh wait, you cant.
that's a normal sentence tho?
>tHaT's A nOrMaL sEnTeNcE tHo??
God shut up...
that's how someone from new jersay would say it
never in all my years on god's green earth have I played a game as immersive as Kingdom Come: Deliverance. the ratio of dollars spent to hours of entertainment is simply unmatched, on both developer and consumer sides. if I could spend the rest of my life in any video game's world, I would choose the hyper-realistic set piece of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The flaws, which are numerous, simply highlight the dual nature of man and his struggle with coming to terms with God. Kingdom Come: Deliverance convinced me that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will one day return, and that it is my solemn duty to create a world which he would be proud of. There has never been a more Holy video game. The theme and message is concise but also expansively detailed in the gameplay itself; riding through the rolling green hills of Kingdom Come: Deliverance brought me from the pits of hell and "delivered" my soul to God. Demons will say this is a shitpost, but the truth is that I can only speak honestly since playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's entire being reflects the limited but perfect nature of the soul. Perhaps that's where the term "soulful" came from. I don't know, but what I do know is that you're fucktarded if you don't like Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Shut up.
> if I could spend the rest of my life in any video game's world, I would choose the hyper-realistic set piece of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
You'd want to be a peasant in a shitty, burnt down part of Bohemia in the middle ages? Enjoy getting impaled on a stake by a cuman, i guess.
yeah it's not the best
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I reclaim this thread from the clutches of evil, and reconsecrate it to a Godly purpose.
dogshit posts
Many people expected it to be Oblivion 2, aka easy as shit Bethesda open world game, and most of the complaints seem to stem from that or that it follows historical accuracy "too much" ie that you're not a perfect fighter at the start or that muh hecking women's rights or niggerinos weren't in the game. The only valid complaint is that the game limited how many saves you had thanks to them being a limited resource, it should have honestly been relegated to some sort of hardcore mode and not been the main game feature.
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>main complaint in the OP is that the combat is too easy and braindead once you level up some and know what you're doing
>hurr durr too hard for you?? hurr durr bathesda
every time
What are you talking about? I didn't mention combat, I just mentioned how people were looking at the game at the start.
I don't really have a problem with the combat, it's clunky but once you get hang of it it's much more enjoyable than the mindless combat you see in TES games and many other fantasy RPGs. Not the best by any stretch, but I'm glad it's different. People should really be treating the game as it's own thing, but many really still think to this day that this is basically Oblivion 2/Skyrim in Bohemia, no matter how stupid that sounds, and treat the game as such.
I got the gold edition for like 14 bucks, so idc.
While I agree with your statement, what would you deem good dlc for kcd?
> I didn't mention combat
Then what exactly was expected to be easy about it like Oblivion?
Dogshit posts.
>Economy is shit because I can loot 2k armors and fast travel with my horse!
In hardcore, armor is now worth less and you can't fast travel with your horse. Economy in general doesn't favor you (buy high sell low)

>Combat is designed for duelling but the game keeps throwing multiple dudes at me wtf!
You expect bandits to be honorable duelists or something? If anything this adds to immersion and why you should be smart when you're travelling to somewhere secluded

>But I can just cheese with a bow!
Yes, thank you for listening in during the combat tutorial

>I can put a dot in the middle of my screen for MORE CHEESE!
Seems like a skill issue to me

>Hurr durr the MC has shitty sword motivation
I don't know what to tell you. It's the last sword they've worked on together. Everything from Henry's house is gone. The sword is the only memento that he has of his father
>after it being shilled here
KCD is for retards that don't play any rpgs and just discuss gothic, morrowind, vtmb, and NV all day. These people absolutely don't belong here and are not part of vrpg. You should never listen to anyone who likes these games.
>You expect bandits to be honorable duelists or something?
I hate that midwits keep saying this shit

>inb4 it's bad on purpose
skill issue. just block when you see their arms move, you will make a master strike
Spamming master strike is a bad solution to an issue that could be saved by having a combat camera that isn't garbage. It's all because of their 'lock in' feature.
Nobody mentioned fast travel
The map isn't that big you know
the bigger problem (at least to me) is that the enemies usually end up running around, not even trying to reach my back, just constanly running wich is annoying.
>t. fought the Parthians or the Sarmatians or the Huns or the Mongols or the Scythians or theā€¦
I think its really good if you immerse yourself instead of nitpicking like you do. We really don't have all that many games in this style, I mean we kinda do, but they all have magic, dragons and shit, here everything is more grounded and I like it.
>rEdDiT CaPiTaLiZiNg
>not an rpg
>late game combat punishes you for attacking because every goddamn enemy even a peasant know how to masterstrike and will fuck you up so it ends up being a masterstrike QTE based combat
>stealth is useless, just walk in during the day in full plate armor and rob anything you want, it's not like npcs are there to see you do it anyway
>fetch quests that send you to other side of the map for some fucking reason (restless spirit, masquerade etc.)
>there is nothing to explore as points of interest are either some random remains of a campfire, hunting grounds that no one cares about, accidents or my favorite one a fucking boring ass hill in the middle of nowhere
>houses outside of cities on the map are just random villagers with nothing special that you've seen already somewhere else in the game
>gathering is useless past 1st hour of the game, you'll never need to gather any alchemical ingredients ever

also fuck training with captain bernard, game shouldn't allow you to get your stats leveled up with him and it should only serve as a way to familiarize yourself with combat system as of right now though you are encouraged to get your stats to 15+ (and it takes a no time at all) if you don't wanna die to a random bandit on the road
i probably could go on but i'm gonna stop here
>In hardcore, armor is now worth less and you can't fast travel with your horse.
This might be the most retarded shit I've ever heard of in my entire life holy shit.
is this nigga serious?
If a game were ever to let you fast travel, it should be on your fuckin horse.
I don't like how the swordplay relies on timing of mouse swings. I always over time a swing or under feint.
If they updated the swordplay to use buttons or something, that'd probably be better.
>the DLC is basically spitting in your face for wanting to be a girl as you are tasked to collect flowers for 2 hours and that's basically it
So I just got around to that DLC and this is just a fucking lie.

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