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This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
I got inspired by False GamerGater, so I started learning to use VX Ace. Hopefully got something to show soon.
Samefag, and everyone knows who you are trying to to promote your shovelware shit, pajeet
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I'm actually someone else. I'm not trying to shill my game, but I am interested in seeing other people's projects. I'm currently using RPGArchitect to prototype, but the tutorials haven't caught up with the engine's possibilities yet and I'm also waiting for MonMae to see if ever updates to not use GameMaker, as I find it clunky. I'm making a pony based Monster Taming RPG in Godot 4 so I didn't have to deal with the woes of a framework not being done (yes, I know the irony of this, but my game is 2.5D with simple models and no physics so I should be able to make what I need using Godot 4.2.1 stable) so I can post the monsters but not the ponies because of Global Rule 15.

I'm working with the design phase of the battle system and I wanted to gather opinions on what makes turn based battles fun or if systems that mix it up like Paper Mario are good.
>putting sage in the name field
Holy retard
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't it been a while since using sage actually, well, saged threads?
Only if you sort the catalogue by reply instead of bump order.

And only if you're a loser that hangs out on 4chan all day trying to engage with people instead of topics.
why rpgm vx? it's old as fuck
False flag to try and get rpg make banned from the board detected. Honestly kinda based tho if it gets rid of Salik Hussain.
Is there some drama going on? Who is he?
trannies would rather salt their own fields than share them with an outsider

something something karma doesn't follow chronology something being punished in the past for actions taken in the future something something
Problem is son (or daughter, idk), you aren't destroying your own vessel. You are destroying the dock we all use, yourself included.

Those who sail the seas would rather dispatch of you and your ilk, and righteously so.
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>sort the catalogue
by creation date always

>I am interested in seeing other people's projects
I can't show you sorry unless it is finished

tried it but can't code
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What do I do to make this character look wait/irritated with just eight frames?
What can I add to make her stand out? I actually really like silly hats but the res doesn't allow for that, and it would be kind of a waste of tie to fuck with it
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sex with wagie lady
Is there a list of mini games for rpgm?
Claw Game
Sliding Ice Puzzle
Sliding Block Puzzle
Fishing in various forms and mechanics.
Lockpicking in various forms and mechanics
Triple Triad
Beat the clock/ Racing
rhythm and Quick-time events
Raising sexual fluid meter, hold the threshold. (works for fishing)
Collect-a-thons (Pac-man)
Guessing games
Rock Paper Scissors
Sliding Picture Puzzle.
Corral the animals
Escort the NPC
Tower Defense
Basic Platforming
Bullet hell
Grapple hook mountain climbing.
Side Scrolling Escape
Space Invaders
Pong/ Paddle Board
Basically every Atari game imagined.
How do you market an RPG? Shit's so complex that is hard to call attention to the main selling point of your game
You put it in a market place. A place where people go to look for RPGs. It's really not that hard.
ask this guy

Captcha: 2SGAY
First you got to reinvent the wheel
Then you got to pave a road.
Then you have to build fucking Rome.
Then you have to fake account activity to defraud investors.
Then you go to jail for 11 years.

There should be a new RPG Maker released by then.
This looks good to me, what's the final resolution of your sprite? Is this the resolution you're going for here? You could have her tap her foot like Sonic's idle animation, cross her arms or look from side to side impatiently.

I was just hoping to make a thread like AGDG for this board. RPGmaker isn't the one I prefer, it's just the most known that people seem to have heard of.
Sank you, anon-san!
Like carrying big stones?
Like in mgs?
>corral the animals
>every atari game
I already have foot tapping going, I think I may just set her to pace a bit in place of anything more. I'm not sure I can do a looking around or anything like that without having it look like she's just shaking her head, seems like I thought of everything already. I forgot her cigarette, maybe I will give her a pocket chain.
Why lady if not sex?
Got a ton of content and they are accepting new official DLC ideas. Should I go for it?
I bought 2003 recently
I am stupid and have no ideas
take some LSD or psilocybin
> I bought 2003 recently
Congrats on buying the best version of RPG Maker. 1000 pictures on screen basically allows you the opportunity to do things beyond user interface bullshit when you're skilled enough, and zero script required (because scripts aren't allowed without the Maniacs patch)

>I am stupid and have no ideas
Literally copy other games while you're learning how to use the program; but please do not release some clone that can be summarized as "Yet Another NES Final Fantasy" because we already have enough of that shit floating around the twin toilet bowls of itch.io and the steam store.
Yes, and make sure to top it off with some datura and cocaine right as the shit drops, trust me you won't reget it.
>"Yet Another NES Final Fantasy"
nothing wrong with that, in fact, I take that over "Yet Another Horror Adventure" which rpg maker is overly saturated with
RMN is still down. I've been going through discord discussion about it's front page. And how the games - while well made - weren't really RPGs and the creators weren't engaged with the rest of the community. So it wasn't a good representation of anything. So why was it on the front page?
RPG Maker is the engine that gave millions of talentless little shits the ability to post their god awful shit all over the web.
It's a simple difference between East and West.
Take a look at VIPRPG, the Japanese hobbyist RPG Makers who make games for their loosely-defined festivals, but largely allow their games to speak for themselves and do most communication anonymously on imageboards.
Their games are usually quite impressive for 2k/2k3 and are usually a good decade or more ahead of what the equivalent western developers are/were doing with the engines.
There's little/no glory to be had personally. You make your game, it makes its statement and its impact, and that's the end. You're lucky if you can contact the developer of a particular game at all outside of posting in the 感想 threads. (This has changed slightly since more VIPPER use twitter/discord/itch.io, but many still prefer to remain hard to contact or anonymous.) There are some recurring devs, and an even rarer few host their own sites where they keep their work posted, but those are extreme outliers.
Lots of these devs all got very good very fast by seeing what others were doing, learning from them, and refining the craft to an extreme degree. Techniques and resources are less "proprietary" and are instead shared to raise the tide for everyone, although implementing the techniques still requires skill in RPGM since 2k/3 don't have plugins, and copy+pasting someone else's custom systems will usually only end poorly for you unless you understand how they work inside and out.
Meanwhile in Western RPGM dev, it's a crab bucket. No one actually shares knowledge, skills, resources. Everyone's a grifter who seeks only personal fame, money, glory, etc. All the while, people's tastes in RPG Maker games were shaped early on by VGPerson's own awful taste in games and their resulting translations of them, causing westerners to gravitate towards crappy horror and dark/gritty/edgy garbage for their own projects that banks on the aesthetic and presentation rather than good fundamental gameplay and what's under the hood.
In addition, ever since plugins/scripts became a thing starting with RMXP, rather than becoming good at RPG Maker properly, we now have a bunch of retarded script kiddies who are content to throw a hundred Yanfly plugins at their problems instead of using their own brains and honing their own skills. This problem isn't exclusive to western RPGM (Jap users of XP/VX/a/MV/MZ quite often commit similar sins), but is far more pronounced in the western sphere.
tl;dr - good fucking riddance that RHDN is dead since it was never anything more than a walking corpse since its inception. It's not a community that western RPG Maker developers need. What they need to do is to get good.
It's not really a difference of east vs west, it's a difference of you finding a community of easterners who managed to make extremely good things. The vippers are all localized on an imageboard, it's not like they're more famous than the horror games that have gotten onto steam.
>Meanwhile in Western RPGM dev, it's a crab bucket. No one actually shares knowledge, skills, resources. Everyone's a grifter who seeks only personal fame, money, glory, etc.
There's a poster on this very board who does a lot for RPGM with both making and translating and I doubt he's some random japanese guy spoonfeeding us westerners. You ask the guy anything and he posts a tutorial for it.
Is there really no option to have a FF-style sideview battle for VX Ace?
MV is hot garbage but the sideview battle is so good. VX Ace is way better but has no good sideview battle script.
If you want a fully customizable battle system but can't program, you should really try 2k3. You can go a long way with dicking around with pictures, variables, and switches in it.
Looks good. Pic related is exactly what I'm going for. How close can I get to making FF like game? I know it's generic, but I'm not aiming for the game to be played by other people. I just want to make a retro FF game cause square ain't making that shit anymore
working on a project where you play as a fox exploring the world. main gameplay is walking and the only "combat" is when you talk to other foxes you enter a conversation with them where they try to outsmart you. it's very Phoenix wright, in a way. not really any objective yet and I'm just filling in the world as I go.anyone have any good vids on making my own assets? I'm using MZ
Tried it. The damage numbers appear way to fast to have it be like an actual FF game. Sucks that you can't script in this version.
The good news is that the 2k3 Maniacs Patch lets you to override the default battle system's number pop for damage and healing. You could even do the slower, authentic Final Fantasy numbers if you want to.
The usual process for this isn't terribly hard.
>Store the damage value to a variable
>Break it up across individual variables using modulo and division
>Store the target's coordinates to variables
>Prepare a lovely animated sprite sheet of the numbers
>Show the numbers at the coordinates of the target
Disclaimer is that webm related isn't the default 2k3 battle system. I just opened up a test project with a half working CBS to demonstrate quickly. But it IS possible to do it im the 2k3 default battle system. I assure you.
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I've been playing around it a bit more. Not sure what maniac patch is or how to even install it.
Would love to patch things up or use a script editor because the base game has awful exp curve and janky damage calculation. Like the sole decider of any skill's or weapon's power is their base power. Actor stats mean jackshit.
4 niggers in a row - perfection
About the animation, how do I remove the old damage numbers? Planning to use control battle and show string picture from maniac's patch.
>This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
I believe in judging a tree by its fruits and RPG Maker games have the highest concentration of soul in gaming and therefore it is the best game making software.
The lack of rpg maker 2003 and 2k3 help support online is driving me insane.
Post something you're struggling with and I'll try my best to help, I'm terrible at explaining things but I can try.
How do you start making an RPG in let’s say, RPGMaker? What is the foundational step 1? Learning to code? Learning to draw art? Writing the story/plot/characters? Writing a novel seems way easier than making a game.
How do I make the exp curve actually accelerate? The curve is going up arithmetically. The "acceleration" slider doesn't do anything and acts like another base value slider. I want the exp curve to start off at a low number like 50exp to reach level 2. But have it so that you'll need 30000 exp to reach level 50.
pic related >>3485266
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I haven't used the dbs in two years but this is how I'd do it, even if making a cbs. To get rpgm to do what you want you're gonna have to use variables for almost anything.
I accidentally left switch 1 off, it's supposed to turn on at the end of that branch.
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Invoking the DamagePop control battle command and setting its callback event ID to... anything at all, will automatically override the existing number pop.
In order to trigger this, you'll want a Common Event set to "Battle Start" to contain this command as well as any other things you want to initialize.
TPC Code (Paste the appropriate sections into common events 10 and 11 respectively by clicking in a Common event, pressing F3 to open the TPC editor, and paste it in.)
Rename this image to "[system] numberpop FF" (without quotations)
Rename this image to "[system] numberpop FF" (without quotations)
Place both images into your project's Picture folder.
This is merely a basic example that hopefully demonstrates how this works.
Maniacs Patch Default Battle commands aren't very well documented and not self explanatory either.
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Also disregard the variable names in there... I just did whatever since it is a test project and left the variables named as they were.
Feel free to name variables whatever you want if it helps you stay on task.
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Also the 2nd image should be named [system] miss
Haven't had enough tea yet today. Sorry.
How do you call a common event after a battle ends?
Using Parallel Process seems like overkill.
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What is the best pre-2005 RPGM?
XP? 2k3? 2k?
also jesus my captcha is picrel so
Is it possible to do a CRPG and/or lifesim in RPGM? Or should you only do JRPGs
Isn't the best is an understatement. You tinker with it and marvel at the simplicity only to discover later than you cannot do anything serious without Ruby. And instead of updating it like you know, any sane devs would, they are realeasing new standalone versions that take one step forward and two steps back. Its a waste of time, better to jump straight intro proper engines.
2k for lyfe brotherman
>better to jump straight intro proper engines.
Yeah, get actual experience you can put on your resume, and benefit from in real projects. RPG Maker is for kids.
2k3, even without maniacs patch, has some critical updates that make it difficult to return to stock 2k.
Variable pic layers, spritesheeting, and being able to specify variables at the end of filenames are big ones that are difficult to live without once you've used them.
hey we made our own thread so could you please take your gay (derogatory) ass back to the other one so we can enjoy our gay (complimentary) thread for ourselves? thanks
Nice critique. Care to share your game with us then anon?
I didn't finish that game, but familiarity with coding came in handy at a job I worked at.

Do what you prefer, I hope it goes well, but my advice is something I would give to people I care about.
if you had anyone's "best interests" in mind you would've kept to yourself in the other thread instead of knocking down some other thread's door to take a big stinky shit right in the middle of it. fuck off
I am making an RPG because I am compelled to, but it's depressing because I know the game I want to make would take an efficient indie dev 10 years, and I am not that smart or efficient. Realistically I probably going to die working on this thing and never release it
it is what it is man
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Been working on it on and off.
Trying to settle on visual design and style.
I drew this character render but, the flowers are a bit too girly for my liking. It was better in the initial concept art.
I like how I shaded the pants the most and realized that the way I do my lineart is a little too messy for such "neat" shading.
It looks nice in full view but, when you zoom in, some of the lines are complete shit.

Other than that, I did some more concept art and went back to the drawing board regarding the UI and level scaling.
There's a reason all the most famous RPG Maker games don't have combat at all, or have a very simplified combat system that functions secondary to the story. It's simply not a good engine for mechanically driven games. If you are making a 2D exploration/adventure game though? It's much easier to learn than most other alternatives.
looks pretty neat. i personally like the flowery design a lot, the character's overall design and body language already communicate "gentle" so there's no harm in adding that to his clothes too.
>RMN is still down
Why is it like this? I don't wanna join their pisscord to find out
What sort of a game do you want to make that it would take a fucking decade? It's the rpg maker, it's for making porn and low effort shitposts. Who would dedicate a decade to it?
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The person who ran the site is literally donation begging now.
That specific flower shirt is just asking for the wearer to get bullied though.
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>the character's overall design and body language already communicate "gentle" so there's no harm in adding that to his clothes too.
Totally. But, there is something about the concept art that gives off that gentle but, also classy feel. The new pattern gives off a more feminine feel than classy.
I guess I'll make his in-game art as a mix of both of these designs.
I also agree but, what are the ethics of bullying the terminally ill?
Never again. I've been through this all before.
>I also agree but, what are the ethics of bullying the terminally ill?
It's like giving advice, nobody is obligated to do it but it's better if it's done with care by somebody close to you, but if it's obvious that nobody close is willing to do it then somebody further out can try.
I'm not using RPG Maker, I didn't know that was a necessary requirement of the thread and thought it was just about development in general
I think it's fine to post here. At least compared to the other development thread.
>rmn goes down
>dev threads nosedive in quality
RPG maker really is dying huh
XP is when RPG Maker turned into shit.
Isn't it also because there are more engine competitors in the same vein now? I occasionally see nip devs try out other engines, though I barely remember their names other than funky stuff like Bakin or something.
There always have been. Besides that sprite-based engines have been basic tutorial stuff for decades. You could make your own in a day just following tutorials. No reason anyone should stay with it unless they like it for some reason or use it to make an easy story game.
Are you making a visual novel? I really dig your artstyle.

Two of the biggest indie releases past year were made in RPGMaker. Better get to learn instead of shitposting, sisters.
>Two of the biggest indie releases past year were made in RPGMaker
>that slop cannibal siblings game
yeah, don't fucking remind me...
What games? Your response makes you sound like you're coping and not living in reality.
Yeah but, I consider it vaguely like devil survivor with dungeon crawling.
So a persona-like? That's interesting. Do you have a devlog already?
Andy and Leyley is an excellent game. Not everything has to be a carbon copy of Final Fantasy or a nostalgiabait grifter scheme.
Anon it isn't even a fucking RPG and barely a game.
But how does that refute RPG Maker being used for story games?
We're talking about RPGMaker games, not RPGs. Learn to read. And if you want an RPG there's Fear & Hunger 1 and 2.
No, we're talking about RPGs. Learn to read, this is an RPG board.
Not at the moment. I still working on assets and the UI design. Mostly everything is planned out. I'm just hype-fixating on refining things.
Seethe harder. You can go and play some grifter nostalgiabait.
>Mostly everything is planned out
So you have almost everything done? I fucking envy you. Any place where you post progress often?
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>So you have almost everything done?
Not even close. I've got things planned but, now I have to make the assets. I personally feel that I nothing is really presentable at this point.
A lot of backgrounds and UI elements still need to be done. I haven't even begin on the character portraits. Enemies have more art in the files than party members.
I'm currently working on the shop screen. (pic semi related)
>vaguely like devil survivor
in terms of atmosphere/story? or in gameplay? that definitely piqued my interest.
The tone for the most part. A lot of my writings start of simple and happy. But as I start to write characters, the tone changes into something more somber and melancholy.+
Probably because I'm a fond of Misery porn types of stories like Aspergers Girl or Clannad. I try not to fully go into that territory though and aim for a tone that's in-between Persona and Devil Survivor.
Replying so this gets noticed again. I'm still struggling how to get a common event going when a battle ends.
Using 2k3.
Turn a switch on during battle, make a common event that runs when the switch is on but only outside of battle. You may need to pasta this on every map where battles can take place.
I've got like four or five mostly abandoned RPG projects I want to come back to eventually, three in MV, one in 2003, and one in GMS2.

One was meant to be a sort of weird semi-autobiographical one, a yume nikki-like where you help a girl explore an ever-changing world, the one constant being her room.

Another was a POST VOID fangame where you play as one of the suit enemies after the end of the original game, but born from the flower, and with the flower on their face.

I think the first of these I started work on was another semi-autobiographical one, where you play as a group of people trapped in a hellish nightmare dimension, a twisted version of reality where they can still sort of interact with normal reality but also are exposed to alien places, creatures, and things (think Saya no Uta kind of; might also be like SMT or Persona but I haven't played either lol).

There was also one heavily inspired by Deltarune and the Tower of God webcomic that I outlined an entire story about, made lots of sprites, and then just abandoned. It would have been crap anyway.

There was one more that was semi-autobiographical, but it went nowhere and I don't even remember what it was about.
I am. It's my first game (besides quest text adventures from years back) and I'm not trying to make it muh dream game. I'm having fun just learning how shit works and since the game is a joke/meme I'll dump it here for you guys to tear apart free of charge.
New maker just dropped
Oh, so you're literally making a dungeon crawler. I was thinking for the style of drawing that this was something more girly/shoujo. Still, interesting.
NTA, but this was helpful to me, thanks. I was writing my encounters in events instead of using the in game random encounters because I wanted a battle results screen. I forgot that a switch triggered common event on every map with random encounters would do it better for less.
This makes me curious. Could you emulate some real action hits in RPGMaker to enemies? Not some autistic action battle system. But just the player giving various hits to something and destroying it. Something like
>Get close to enemy
>Attack it 3 or 5 times pressing X
>Each time the player does a swing
>Finally the enemy/object is kill
I have a rough idea of how to do this. But the problem is how to do it with moving enemies because they're already using the touch event trigger instead of action button.
You can absolutely do a full blown action battle system in rpgmaker but you need serious patience for it.
To make the event either trigger battle or death (of the enemy), have touching the enemy activate a switch that counts down v[x] amount of seconds while you store presses of the z button in v[y].
Conditional branch v[x] = desired amount of seconds:
Conditional branch v[y] = desired amount of hits:
Yes - enemy dies
No - enemy battle
Something like that, I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
Well, I try to follow your advice and it kind of worked. Here's the event pages more or less. One thing that I disliked was a bit of delay between the timer starting at the player touching the enemy/event. They just stare each other for a second and then they go. Otherwise it worked fine, not very elegant. Probably you meant something well done instead of this mess. Why for the button press, I surrendered with that one. My brain is kind of fried after work.
> I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
No worries. I wasn't even expecting an answer.
Made a compilation video of all scenes with Salik and Alisa, from False GamerGater

> Watch video:

Can I make a successful rpg indie game if I just include cute girls?
How many successful rpg indie games are out there?
Yes yes yes. But it must be in an attractive artstyle.
Do you consider the artstyles in Andy & Leyley or Helltaker to be anime?
Yes the style and expressions are very anime-like
> We want our own safe space
> But other people are bad if they don't let us invade theirs
Fucking 100% already.
That market is dominated by gacha. High barier to entry I'm afraid.
Anybody got some cracked/free plugins for MZ?
I'm looking for the ones that change the gameplay style into a strategy rpg or sidescroller?
Well, you can just download MZ games and copy the plugin files.

Plugins aren't cracked, that said, some are obfuscated making them useless; unless you abite by the developer of that plugin and only use their plugins. You're going to encounter issues with conflicts due to unnessecary bloat in plugins and won't be able to fix them when they're obfuscated.

SigmaSuccour kept a list of all plugins for MZ that he could find in a spreadsheet.
Here's a free one from it: https://github.com/Ohisama-Craft/SRPG_GearMZ
(steam link)

Yes, there is a competitor on itch.io that google, etc. prioritize (because western) which costs 25 dollar. (the western plugin community sucks due to the devs feeling entitled, are money greedy and obfuscate shit)

Anyway, find sigma's list and you'll find plenty of side scroller helpful plugins.
Look up Side on youtube if you want to see how to make a side scroller in MV/MZ
thanks a lot anon
Note that one of the extended MV plugins IS a rudimentary gacha system complete with a demo that lets you roll for pictures of generic anime girls, just in case you really want to break into the gacha market with fucking Therese, Marsha, et al.
>there are more engine competitors in the same vein now
yet none of them are as good as rpg maker
Based on nothing, it's not that complicated, it's been solved since the 80s/90s.
rpg maker has more documentation and tons of plugins carrying it
The docs make sense for beginners, but plugins only really apply if they're what you want. The reason Japanese devs use it is because of the same reason English devs use Renpy. Exceptions proving the rule.
> Got a new let's play of my game!

"Uglification of everything is a psyop." ~ watch Clef2Pieces as he starts playing False GamerGater.

> Video:

Here's the SigmaSuccour plugin list:
>How many successful rpg indie games are out there?
Here's a list I made of "Successful RPGMaker games, that have made a net revenue of at
least $1,000" (on Steam)

>Can I make a successful rpg indie game if I just include cute girls?
Cute, little, helpless girl(s), in a cruel world out to hurt them.
That's many of the most successful RPG Maker games.
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>I'm making a pony based Monster Taming RPG in Godot
>That's many of the most successful RPG Maker games.
Yeah it's the main ingredient
What kind of game is it?

Isn't it better to prototype first and make sure gameplay is fun before making art?
What 2 games?
It's a traditional RPG while also having tile-based strategy elements similar to Shining Force. There are some elements that make it different from existing games but I want to keep them secret until the game is playable
What RPG Maker is best for beginners?
Playing around with thoughts normally just stuck in your head and see what you can do with it without needing to learn programming languages and try to understand stuff other people wrote up front
without it being limited to text. (being more visual)

You can make jokes with it if you want.

...... javascript is a mistake. It still is.
anyway if you want to learn the programming language anyway, people will point to the mozilla instructions and good luck trying to understand that with limited attention span and patience and just wanting to play around with ideas in your head instead. Ooh the ADD/ADHD symptoms showing up.
Its too bothersome, even when you're just depressed. Its so much text you're... sitting still and reading the same shit over and over.
and javascript is for websites to load gifs so while you're reading that all you wonder how that even works with this game engine.. e.e;
2k3 because it's self contained. All later editions expect you to know a minimum of scripting to add in features
How much does it cost?
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>Isn't it better to prototype first
My current project is based off other prototypes I've done. The less rpg aspects are actually from a template project I've made.
I'm more of an artist so, making art and ui is my bread and butter. As for gameplay, I thought a lot a about it and did some prototypes.
The initial gameplay was too ambitious for me. So, I settled on making the gameplay more streamline and less tedious. Focusing on a single main mechanic and making feel just right.
It often goes on sale for $2 USD on steam. The steam version is also DRM free, for what it's worth.
Does anyone have a script to generate quests?
What do you mean?
Do you mean like, a site with a button that when clicked generates a random no context quest?

Do you mean like a window that has a list of quests and loads quests in after a switch is set or some progress is made? (like yanfly's nonsense?)

Also what RPG Maker version?
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A hand gesture like this.
>make her stand out
A fictional corny logo sign on her hat/uniform?

I haven't been as productive since I stopped posting...
And so I start posting again.
Made a new sprite for a new(?) character.
>See Screenshot

I really wouldn't recommend it. For what it does and the price its more like an asset pack that a monger maker. Most rpg maker versions (even mz) have plugins for making a monger.
I was but the story worked better as a VN.
You shill it here obviously
I want to make a game but I have no talent and last version I had was an arr matey version like 10yrs ago. im way behind the times and wouldnt know all the new features and stuff so my game would be horrible. and on top of it I have no art talent for monsters or heroes and my story plots are as basic as climb the tower of power to get strong and defeat the baddie!. so I want to really badly make games but I just think they'd just be 2 outta 10 games and nobody would like them.
But is it any good?
Started a new project today, pretty simple one in Godot.
I'm going to be honest. I like RPG maker for porn games but I think I'd be better off learning GODOT to make a grid based turn based tactical rpg.
I'd say do a small project in any of them, then give Godot or Unity a try to see if you can handle basic coding.
Godot's C++, right?
I'm not going to say it's 'easy', but there's ample documentation.
You can augment it with C++ but it uses its own native language called GDscript that has most functions you need built in and simplified
So the hard part is learning Godot's own autism and maybe learning C++ if you want something complicated?
The hard part of any coding is learning the logic behind what you actually want to achieve and how to accomplish it with math and logic gates. The actual syntax of the language is what intimidates people but its a pretty minor point of coding once you get over the hump.
Ultimately, though, that's a trial of just putting in the work.
If you aren't retarded, you can learn.
Am making an RPG, but I'm using godot
>other thread blew up in schizo spam
Do you take godot refugees in this thread?
C#, not C++. And yeah, the GDscript is the "default", C# is added on.
Posted a video onto YouTube, of the final cutscene I made for False GamerGater.

>See Video:

someone pls make nazi germany RPG maker game like F&H
The biggest issue with any game making is the art.
If you have no skills in drawing or hate it you will need to ask someone else and that requires pennies. Although challenges and suggestions are interesting, the art makes it clear what it is about and so required.
maybe try someone from /ic/ as a side project? i bet there are some pixelart enthusiast - you guys just need to cooperate instead of arguing
Just got rpg maker MZ and have started working on my world. Learning the program as I go but its similar to the older ones so im not completely lost. Never released a game (tho ive semi-made a few). Anyways this one involves islands, a tower, a fallen kingdom, and comfy sailing on a ship.
someone translated my shitpost rpg game into chinese, so yeah.
It's June. When's the next vrpg jam?
I thought you had your own engine, not RPG maker?
There's never been a vrpg jam. You're thinking of the (You) jams hosted on itch.io that never explicitly mention 4chan or a specific board. You couldn't beat the stupid out of the dumbfucks that thought otherwise.
>retinacyst made a new game
let's goooooooo
Whenever minkulus finally releases the continuation of Jet saga and goblinbro releases the next Shoukan Gaki
Rpgm Jam threads devolved into stage 4 cancer by the end.
Nobody was uploading anything,even when someone did upload something noone played or reviewed it,threads were dead they took like 50 days to reach bump limit,not only the quantity was low the quality was also low people were discussing the local ecelebs instead of game development and jam games,the last like 2 or 3 threads were filled with people trying to get someone to make their game for them because they dont like to game dev but they have big totally game changing million dollar ideas that could revolutionize gaming as a whole! What if we made pokemon... but it was inside Skyrim!!! Anyone wants to collab on my idea? And by collab i mean i dont wanna draw or code or write the dialogue or anything i just want to be an idea guy.
Let them rest in peace.
Just go to /agdg/ on /vg/ if you want game jams.
I think you have "idea guys" all wrong.
Projecting a goal on to them that they've never once stated.

I don't know how you can read their [idea]+[idea] formulas and get
>i'm an ineffectual that can't do what I want.
I don't think to desire to manifest these forms and functions is as strong as you think it is.
ironic part is that those jams get more traffic from some obscure taiwanese forum than here
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check your analytic page
I'm a very good writer, and I have an idea that fills a niche. I just don't think it's worth the effort when 99% of indie games can never be found without spending thousands on shills.
As someone who just got rpg maker MZ 2 days ago I wish this thread wasnt so dead and was more active.
How easy would it be to remove the atb in 2k3 maniacs? Also what are the best DRPGs made in it that I can steal take inspiration from?
you'd probably have to program your own battle engine from the ground up

some day the rpgm jams will return...
I will continue to post in the threads while they are up and check the tab on occasion thruout the day. im going to end up having the most posts in the threads because i'll reply to everything since its all so new to me
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Possible, yes.
I've seen multiple examples of it, but I personally haven't tried it before because I feel like by the time you've messed around with the 2k3 デフォ戦 enough to implement things like that, you might as well have made a custom battle system from the ground up. There are just too many limitations and weird quirks present in 2k3's default battle systems that even once you go in and try to force things upon it that weren't intended for it, you're still stuck with a lot of terrible parts that come with it.
It seems that mostly/almost exclusively coping western 2k3 devs are the ones doing this crap anyhow, and I haven't seen many/any Japanese devs doing it since they're usually good enough not to need it.
Id love to make a dungeon crawler game, but sadly im too retarded.

That being said i have a million ideas to make dungeon crawlers/rpgs better.
anon ive been playing with it for a few days and using vids and tutorials and just experimenting have put together a tiny lil romp thru a dungeon tower set in an area of islands. it lacks a ton of stuff but its getting further along than the zero games I was making 3 days ago
It's probably one of the simplest games to make as an indie. Give it a try and see what happens.

They used to be a lot more active, but SigmaSuccour literally killed them. I'm not even exaggerating. Everybody left because of that stupid fuck.
I legit have no idea who this is or why they ran off most of the MZ creators. unless its the one guy being mentioned in the game development thread that thinks he created his own rpg engine using plugins he downloaded. than I was made aware of him earlier in that thread reading thru it.
And no, I'm not talking about these bloated Fire Emblem clones. I'm just talking about fight in the maps and in grids. The whole engine has everything it needs to make it possible. Yet there doesn't seem to be a simple way to have battles happen in the map instead. What the fuck?
>I legit have no idea who this is
Allow me to introduce myself.

I make games, primarily with RPG Maker MV

After releasing a few games, I started becoming active in the RPG Maker community. And started contributing, by showcasing interesting plugins that people didn't know about.
> Link:

I then started doing RPGM News, where I would mention new plugins, as they release. And other RPGM relevant assets.

While I stopped doing RPGM News videos some time ago. I still do news work, and list the plugins and assets I find, in the following spreadsheet

I then volunteered for and became a moderator of the official RPG Maker discord. This was a discord run by the Japanese developers of RPG Maker.

The English publisher (Degica/Komodo/RPG MakerWeb), did not like that the Japanese developers were cutting the middle-man (i.e, them, the publisher). And connecting directly with their userbase.
And so they forced their way into this discord, to try and take over. So I used my knowledge, from gathering news around the community. And exposed the publisher's shenanigans, to the Japanese developers. Leading to the publishers being stripped off their moderator roles.
>Link for more details:

And since from this point, I've been targeted, maligned. People who support me and platform me, are targeted, harassed.
Years later, I am now collectively banned from pretty much everywhere in the RPG Maker (English) community.
I am no longer a moderator of the official discord, and just do not associate much with the RPG Maker community anymore.

Hello, I'm SigmaSuccour.

>The English publisher (Degica/Komodo/RPG MakerWeb), did not like that the Japanese developers were cutting the middle-man (i.e, them, the publisher). And connecting directly with their userbase.
>And so they forced their way into this discord, to try and take over. So I used my knowledge, from gathering news around the community. And exposed the publisher's shenanigans, to the Japanese developers. Leading to the publishers being stripped off their moderator roles.
Based if true.
That's your headcanon, the jam and development threads became too /vg/ for me, personally.
You should know the RPG Maker community's 'leaders' are general trash.
By leaders I mean those people they generally whiteknight + virtue signal for and use as a reason to shit against others.


Rather than addressing the subject, team visustella and their guardians address the fact that they deobfuscated their plugin to make the argument. Take a glance at how they do it.

Throw critique at anything they do and you have to pay for it. You affect their rep? They're going to play innocent, switch the subject, gaslight, redicule, etc. till they find reasons to ban you or get you banned, on the forum or elsewhere.

Despite not contributing to anything Lis needed a separate entry in the credits (without anything specific credited to make it sound like she did a lot) in the rpg maker english version. (Lis being archeia). This is relevant because it lets you understand what kind of person archeia (my example) is. Like her, there is some serious narcissism going on with the RPG Maker community + a number of social manip games. Think about changing the direct meaning / intention to their posts on the fly to protect themselves, passive aggressive nonsense, etc.

You're viewing a community infected with people you'd normally find on twitter, "ratioing" people, that succesfully have a number of followers + have obtained power on those platforms.

Look up "splitting" (psychology). It rather than addressing what is happening now, some of them are self asserted entitled endless victims who need to demean people and get away with it. That is why there is a hate towards everything sigma posts, instead of a case by case judgement.
why do you have such an axe to grind with rm and rm users this is like your 40th post about it
this is all very ...alot to take in. I will go work on my lil tower climbing rpg and post in a bit tho not on this subject.

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