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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
Lol worst game in the series. Imagine being worse than 2 xD.
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If only it tied into something deeper...
Yeah thats around the time the story becomes incomprehensible trash. First 2 disc's are cool though
GF's give you Alzheimer's, stop victim blaming.
How is it in the jap script?
Thats the other thing, it goes nowhere for any of them except for Squall. At most it explains why Irvine was reluctant to take the shot but thats it, plotwise they only go back to Squall being in the orphanage, none of the others. So why go through all this contrivance to do nothing with it which included Selphie "accidentally Junctioning a guardian force last year" or something to explain her memory wipe.
I played it for the first time in January and February and it felt like they just changed their minds on what the game is halfway through Disc 2. It goes from a special forces academy trope with this political story with Galbadia playing a heavy role to Galbadia just playing no role except for random mooks but they don't explain what they're doing or why and how they literally have no leader, Edea is no longer in control, the President is dead.

What happens with the stuff from Timber? Thats just dropped, at the end of the game they're just still under Galbadia control? It all of a sudden becomes this time story with space shenanigans and shit and all this sorceress lore that the game acts like you know and should expect like the past 20 hours have been like this or something.

I think the Laguna plotline was meant to be the connective tissue and 90% of his stuff being dropped caused all this weird tonal clash and lack of insight into the lore.
Anon, it's post SNES Square, they have no idea what they are doing in the first place. They just throw shit together and hope fanboys fill in the gaps.
It's fun to realize that jamming random poorly thought through scenes together is how they made FF7 too and it just fit together in that one by accident

It's why FFX feels so sterile, they actually got their shit together enough to make FF7 on purpose but it's soulless
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>lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
If that's so unbelievable, why did you forget your best friend from childhood, anon?
FF7 is different in format. Most of the game is about chasing a dude across the globe. So just inserting whatever set piece or obstacle or sight they might think is interesting actually kind of works.
I just stayed with him and his wife last month for two weeks. Had a great time.
idiot zoomer
attention span of a goldfish
FFX is peak comfy, idk what you are talking about
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Why do FF8 fags act like some small amount of fluff dialogue is what makes or breaks the issue when the larger problem is a major lack of consistency and plot significance. And no having a handful of NPCs mention it does not make it work when you never fully commit to the plot point outside your big twist you think is oh so clever.
That's cool and all, but the game explicitly states that Seifer and Quistis are the only ones that used GFs prior to the start of the game, and that Squalls first use of a GF is shortly before the Ifrit mission.
Zell/Selphie doesn't use GFs until the Dollet mission
And even if there is the case of "oh Squall and Zell used them off screen before the game even though the game treats them like they've never used them before" it still doesn't explain how Selphie, someone who isn't a SEED in Trabia therefore wouldn't be using GFs, is also amnesiac.

Quite literally the only ones from the orphanage that should have memory problems are Quistis and Seifer.

It is such a collassally stupid plot point that I will never undertand why the thought it was a neat twist.
Forgot to add:
It's especially stupid when you consider that Irvine doesn't immediately bring up the fact that they all know each other. It's played off as "Irvine thought they were just being dicks" or something, but at no point did he ever go "holy shit all my friends from the orphanage growing up!" and have the party confused or act like they have no idea what he's on about. It's simply never mentioned.
The problem is that it's completely selective to what the plot wants it to be. By all defined logic the party should be Alzheimer's mode 24/7 but they only forget whatever is going to make for the most interesting reveal. If they lose their entire childhood from that one early instance of junction then they really should be potatoes after every mission. And seriously they're just giving us some nameless plot NPC who doesn't matter and you never actually interact with go "What why don't you remember me?" who doesn't exist outside those instances and we see the game throw Squall's eyes so that shit doesn't work. Why not instead of that we actually get something that might be a bit emotionally significant. Zell comes back from across the sea and doesn't remember his adopted parents. Selphie visits the ruins of a bombed out Trebia and doesn't remember any of her friends as they lay wounded and hurt around her calling out for her to help them or giving words of relief she transferred. Why doesn't Irvine say "HEY GUYS LONG TIME NO SEE?" Did Squall know who Quistis and all these people were before the Ifrit mission?

More to point the game never really makes any interesting or significant insights or statements about the importance of memory. It's their anchor when they go to the time kompression world but that could have just as well been anything else for all it mattered plot wise. Wouldn't there be more of an emotional bond if the characters actually knew each other beforehand? Maybe Rinoa feels left out because of that. It would certainly better explain why everyone dickrides Squall even though he's frankly kind of an ass. He was their step bro and they know he was messed up from what happened. FF always has this problem where they get the idea for a big twist or event but never really consider what it means in the long term or how it all connects.
>FF always has this problem where they get the idea for a big twist or event but never really consider what it means in the long term or how it all connects.
Except with X and XII, which are very much written around their twists and have all setting details flow from them.
When the hell did XII have a twist?
Jecht being Sin was cool but the whole dream shit was retarded.
Jecht being Sin wasn't a twist at all, Auron just straight up tells Tidus like 2 hours into the game.
u missed the part where Selphie found a GF and junctioned it then forgot

love when criticism isnt even accurate
>u missed the part where Selphie found a GF and junctioned it then forgot
You missed the part when that's superficial fluff nonsense.
>Yeah no I totally did it offscreen for realsies.
And it still doesn't address the bigger actual problems. And that you think such a band aid solution does shows you're intentionally missing the point.
Clearly story got too complicated, so they went with time god sorceress go brrr
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Forget the plot, the awful, broken, backwards ass combat system is why this game is a stinker. The best way to play the game is to suck enemies off and then run away, because leveling up offers no tangible benefits and can actual be a detriment thanks to the level scaling and almost all of your power comes from the junctioning shit
I replayed it recently and just cheated it so draw would suck out 100 spells at once and casting spells myself didn't deplete them. Its not practically any more broken than abusing triple triad and more fun
Its funny because the story is pretty simple to follow the entirety of disc one. You're part of a mercenary school, graduate into the mercenary unit, get put on a mission to help Timber resistance from Galbadia who is expanding its territory aggressively, Galbadia is lead by an evil president and his sorceress aid, contract for said mission turns out to be explited so the heroes have to serve the resistance in perpetuity until Timber is free. Go and adventure!

And then Disc 2 starts and its revealed the mercenary academy is actually a secret training programme to defeat a specific sorceress that was created by the very sorceress you're trying to fight who is also married to the headmaster and refuses to say anything except vague hints and now the academy is in a civil war with some Fat alien thing who is the actual secret leader of it all and wants to make money? And there was no hints or forshadowing towards this at all its just all "roll with it"
It goes downhill FAST.
I think all the post FF7 stuff and their milking of it proves that they lucked out with FF7.
>Optional hidden dialogue
>Vague reference that is never elaborted on and you don't understand unless you actively seek out optional hidden dialogue 1
>This is taken out of context this has to do with Squall not caring who Nida is and to do with his growth in how he connects with others, not GF stuff
>This happens AFTER the reveal not before. Not foreshadowing.

Its poor foreshadowing.
Also as >>3474272 says the big issue isn't the reveal its the fact nothing comes of it after. Some stuff with Squall's past sure, regarding Ellone and his relationship with Edea and how Edea got her powers etc. but the "We ALL grew up in the orphanage" serves no point, especially since the second most important character going forward is Rinoa, who doesn't grow up in the orphanage. Its just never referenced again for any of the others once they visit Edea and she reveals its true. So ultimately.. why? Especially because they had to create a bunch of contrivances to make it make sense, why not just have Squall grow up in the orphanage and thats it? Then its all completely easier oing forward.
They add a throwaway line for Selphie in order to explain why someone who they previously stated never junctioned a GF before and comes from a Garden that doesn't junction GFed lost her memories and its literally "Oh I stumbled upon a GF last year and it accidentally junctioned"

I also forgot Seifer was in the orphanage too because that goes even more nowhere, he never mentions it at all nor is it brought up to him. Does he even know?
The best way to play is:
>Have Quetzacotl set to learn Card Mod first and Shiva set to learn her refine abilities
>Play normally until Ifrit
>Junction Ifrit and set him to learn his refine abilities
>Go to Balamb Town
>Find Queen of Cards
>Have her set the rules to you win all cards on victory
>Buy a fuckton of Tents
>Return to Balamb Garden
>Play card games with the kid by the board
>Use your Ifrit card to rek his card and win the game and win Minimog
>Go to Cafeteria
>Play Quistis fan
>Use Ifrit and Minimog to win the Quistis card
>Use these three cards to play everyone in the Garden, winning a ton of cards
>Refine them all (should be a bunch of Tornados and Quakes)
>Refine your Quistis card into 100 Triples
>Junction all these good spells (Death, Quake, Tornado etc.) from the cards you won onto your party
>Keep playing through Dollet
>Draw Siren
>Have her learn life magic refine
>Refine all your tents into Curagas and Tonberry cards into deaths
>Junction all the curagas onto health and deaths onto status junction
>Play until you get the magic lamp
>Get Diabolos
>Have him learn no encounters
>Play the rest of the game a lower level but with high status thanks to Curaga, Triple, Quake, Death and Tornado junctions that you got from the cards in the first fuckin area of the game
And it'll take until around finding Galbadia Garden/First ending Deling city until you learn life magic refine/no encounters which is still pretty early but if you don't wanna wait that long just grind by the beach the enemies give little EXP but high AP.
I forget, do they ever even bother explaining what GF's actually are? Because it seems pretty concerning that some are just running around out there for random teenagers to randomly junction with. And if she did junction it where is it now? Why not make that a secret one you can find later and get for yourself?
i guess we can have this argument again, sure.
>You forgot this one part that is mentioned in a single line of throw away dialog that happens off screen well before the events of the game take place where she juntions and then quickly unjunctions it
>and in that specific like 10 second period where she had it junctioned she lost 100% of her memories from the orphange, but no other memories
>and then for the rest of the game while she is full of junctioned GFs she doesn't lose any more of her memory whatsoever

I shouldn't have to spell it out for you how incredibly stupid the memory loss plot is anymore than I did in the first post I made, yet here we are
Even if people try to defend the whole orphanage amnesia plot twist then why is that the GFs only erase that particular set of memories?
It feels like there could have been an easy fix for that too. Like have it be so the GF memory loss is actually a big red herring. The memory loss of the orphanage was actually caused by something Edea, Ellone or even Squall did hence why it's so specific.
The memory loss was included to set the stage for the big reveal, that being the true identity of Ultimecia. Fight me.
The amnesia thing is integral for U=R.
The best way to play is
>stop trying to cheese the game you homosexual
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yea, the game takes on a completely tragic tone that tells a story unlike any other with R=U in mind. I found myself wanting to cry at some points playing through it again with this in mind. Never has a FF given me such an emotional experience. Nor did I even know such delicate flavors for the soul even existed
and to think this plot element was basically forgotten after it was introduced
Your fanfic will never be canon and the fact that you have to rely on it is the exact reason why this game's story is rubbish.
Must have been all the GF use.
Mandela effect from time travel shenanigans.
>why did you forget your best friend from childhood, anon?
He became an unironic glowie in my country, so we aren't on speaking terms anymore.
>he never mentions it at all
He mentions it when you fight him at the end of disc 2
There are a lot of errors in your sequence but I'll address the main points
>But a fuckton of Tents
You'd need to find and sell the Occult Fan magazine to buy a meaningful number of tents at this point, which you neglect to mention
>win Minimog, win Quistis
There's a pretty easy to replicate manipulation to consistently win the Quistis card without wasting time on Minimog or any other card games
>play everyone in garden
this is just a waste of time, you already have everything you need to finish the game
>Refine your Quistis card into 100 triples
It's 180 triples, and you can't do this until you beat Diablos and have him learn Time/Space refine

You also skipped refining Zell card for Str+60% but you listed so many errors and so much timewasting shit that's completely unnecessary to playing the game that I'm forced to conclude you don't actually know what you're doing.
>It's why FFX feels so sterile
Most retarded description ever. FFXV is sterile.
it's pretty crazy how obvious r=u is when you play through the game with it in mind. no matter how much this or that guy denies it, r=u.
>He became an unironic glowie in my country, so we aren't on speaking terms anymore.
That's not the same thing as FORGETTING THEY EVER EXISTED.
Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags? because they seem to love everything about the game, except for what actually happens in the game.
>Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags?
Not really, it stems from an interview with Kitase.

FF8 is quite nuanced in its storytelling. A good example being 90% of players didn't realize the 'interference from space' was Adel even though it's practically spelt out on the big screen during the Timber mission. The problem is if you don't like the game you're not going to give it your full attention and you're going to miss these subtleties, even if you do like the game you're going to miss some of them. So while there's plenty of content to imply R=U, most players will miss it the first time round.

When Kitase was put on the spot and said "no, that's not true" haters jumped on it and used it as ammo to debunk R=U. The irony being that Kitase himself retracted that statement and said that it's very possible and wouldn't be unusual if the other two writers who wrote the script had that in mind. So R=U exists in a funny place where there's a strong possibility it's true but it hasn't been confirmed. Kinda like how Laguna is Squalls father, nowhere in the game is it confirmed, only implied.
I should probably add that there's still plenty of people who use Kitase's "No, that's not true" line to try debunk R=U even after he publicly retracted the statement. If you ever see it used the person is usually arguing in bad faith and can safely be ignored.
How are you retards still getting filtered by this plot point 30 years later? They're reunited according to Cid and Edea's plans. Edea L I T E R A L L Y tells you so after her final battle.
The devil is in the details. It's not just Ultimecia that lacked character development, but Seifer as well.

Lol, did you forget? In this thread? Seifer grew up in the orphanage too.
It's not about what's in the game. It's what isn't in the game that logically should be.

Like how Ellone is transfering all her orphan friends into Laguna's Past.
Logically, Seifer should be include.
Reasonably, the "romantic dream" he was raving about at the start of the game was a Laguna Dream.
But they never make that connection in the narrative.

The only connection between Laguna's past and Seifer's obsession with becoming a Sorceress' Knight is the film that Laguna made.
At the very least, we can assume the film left an impression on Seifer as a kid. But there has to be a deeper connection, as there's a book in the library names the knight as Zephyr.

So there they are in Trabia, remembering they grew up together. Seifer included.
They decide to go to Edea's House. Seifer just happens to be waiting there for them.
Why? How? The last time we saw Seifer was at the missile base. He thinks he blew up the gardens.
We never see him learning that Balamb Garden is mobile.
We never see him mobilizing Galbadia Garden. It's just is as soon as you leave F.H.
He's still looking for Ellone. Even after blowing up the Gardens. Why would he think she's alive unless Ellone showed him another dream.
I finished watching this Korean drama series Queen of Tears and they more or less pulled this exactly plot twist.

*spoiler warning*

The entire main cast knew each since the protagonists were children, but forgot about it, complete with an orphanage and everything!
>Find out Zeus has been pretending to be your dead husband and manipulating you in an attempt to commit a massive terrorist strike on Great Britain because they're atheists
>not a twist
The problem is that a lot of the DETAIL and NUANCE of this game that might sound super deep and amazing in a game lore bible end up coming off as incoherent and slap dash insofar as the actual game is concerned. So people can point to BUT SO AND SO MEANS SUCH AND SUCH all they want, the actual story telling is pants.
this kino will never stop filtering retards
Kitase's a pretentious hack and a coward.
>Overall player enjoyment would decrease if we made a faithful remake of 7. That's why the narrative had to be different!
>A remake of 6 would take 20 years!
>I produce RPGs based on my normalfag dad who doesn't play video games in order for games to appeal to a mainstream audience!
Who knew kino was code for dog shit
You mean like within FFVIII is a prototype for FFX.

The Centra Ruins were essentially a cloister of trials.
The Centra emblem appears to be Yu Yevon.
Kiros does a Yevon prayer victory bow.

The "Discipline committee" were meant be "Templars"
"Sorceress Knight" was likely just a Summoner's Guardian by another name. Perhaps Seifer wanted to become a Guardian Force.

Everyone knows that if you have Odin in your fight against Seifer, He'll counter his zantetsuken. The question is why? Why Seifer? Why disc 3? There had to have been more on the cutting room floor for Seifer to even refer to Odin by name.
So 17-year olds super agents suffering from dementia are put in charge of saving the world?

Do FF8 dumbasses realize how stupid "solution" this is?
this is one reason (among many) why umineko will always be SHIT
you sound like you're filtered
Squall and the party didn’t start using GFs until the beginning of the game at which point they’re all already like 17 years old. Squall, zell, seifer and Quistis have no excuse for having not remembered their shared origin.
No doubt something must have happened to Seifer after the Garden Battle in Disc 2.

When we see him again on disc 3 his character model has changed so his long coat is all tattered. It's an minor detail that's easily overlooked.

As far as we the players know, he just went and retrieved the Lunatic Pandora and moved it into position. He wasn't in any battles. There was no one to fight.

Because they had to move Adel's fight to disc 4, I can't imagine they would have been able to fit any more story into disc 3.

However, I can see an alternate scenario where it was Rinoa's dad leading the Galbadia Army into Esthar, not Seifer. And Seifer just fought his way into the Pandora the same way he fought his way into the communication tower, and Timber TV station.
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The game makes so much more sense if you played it with R=U in mind. Otherwise, it's just stuff happening for no reason.
theres no in-game reason to think R=U is wrong
plus it makes the story way better
Shit fanfic cope. The game is badly written.
haha, baited a response out of you
epicly trolled
The game makes sense if you have a working brain and R=U isn't supported by the game at all. Arriving at the R=U conclusion requires missing basic information, and the dipshit theory didn't even materialize until years after the game was out, meaning you absolute assniggers wouldn't be able to think of it yourselves without first reading about it, lmao. Dumb theory for dumb people. Instead of hanging on to other people's theories, try paying attention while playing the game next time LOL.
Seifer is himself a giant throwaway character. He doesn't exist to do anything, he's a minor minion to the actual recurring villain, not even worth mentioning as a recurring boss because he's always the warm up act to a sorceress or worse some random monster
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based early game card player
>you absolute assniggers wouldn't be able to think of it yourselves without first reading about it, lmao.
Then who was theory?
FF7 shitmake (niggermake) proved that Squeenshit cares the least about “canon” of all people, so trying to argue that R=U is/isn’t “true” is pointless and naive. Whether it is be “true” or not depends on other issues such as public opinion and whether they would like to produce more FF8-related content (which is unlikely, given how unpopular the game is) and whether that theory helps selling the content or not. These aren’t artists — to which the concepts of original intention, artistic integrity, canon, lore or even truth apply — these are hacks, and of the worst kind. They won’t think twice before inserting Harry-Potter dementors in your precious “lore” for money.
you dont remember the black-robed guys from the original ff7?
Nigger, Kingdom Hearts is a thing. There are crackwhores with more sanctity than FF lore.
Sure you can abuse cards; you can also abuse Seifer to level (and other temporary member) to level all your GFs; but playing normally is more fun. You will even learn things like casting demi on diablos from stock makes him counter with curing you. You can also fuck around with limit breaks but that always seemed retarded to me since you'll die trying.
Having a bunch of different GAMEplay options is exactly why this GAME is one of the best GAMEs in the series.
Unfortunately very few people will recognize that a game is not a job and economizing it to death with more often than not suck all the fun out. FF8 is sabotaged by retards who literally cannot understand a system that has a "do it for you" button right at the top.

I feel like it's the exact opposite. FFX is the one that's just jamming unrelated concept art together and trying to make a story out of it. That's why the world makes no logical sense and why the art design is a disaster area.

There was no "translation", they just slapped nonsense concept art into a finished game.
FFX was a walking dream world, absolutely beautiful from start to finish. I am sorry you are unable to experience or appreciate these things, but some of us are meant to be worker drones I suppose.
The main benefit to leveling yourself and the enemies up is that they start carrying higher-level spells and drop better items for you to draw and refine. People point to Triple Triad farming as a good way to get high-level spells, but in practice it's absurdly time-consuming and tedious. When the Remaster came out, it was the first time in ages that I didn't play like an autistic munchkin and I was surprised how smooth the progression was when you play normally.
As long as you intentionally ignore anything that directly contradicts it. One of the very few things that we know about Ultimecia is that she'd been persecuted and hated since birth for being a sorceress, and that's completely different to Rinoa's upbringing. Rinoa's a pampered rich girl that's beloved by everyone around her, and no one knew she had any sorceress potential until Ultimecia possessed her.
The moment Rinoa became a sorceress (the first day of her new life), she was imprisoned by Esthar. Furthermore sorceress powers are inherited, one is not born from them. So it doesn't make sense that she was persecuted from the moment she was physically born in the literal sense of the word.
i only beat the game because cycling zells turn until limit break and spamming the first two combos damn near endlessly
the twist in xii was that the guy you think is the bad guy in the intro, vayne solidor, is actually a good guy. aside from larsa, no one else in the party ever knew the twist. vayne realized the conquered people needed a scapegoat for their revenge lust to be sated. he was willing to be that conquerable enemy to set up his youngest brother as a proper successor since he knew he coule rely on his brother having a strong moral compass and being a likeable enough leader to unite the countries fully. it is the coolest story in a final fantasy. so much of it goes over peoples heads and they get hung up on the ayy lmao mcmuffins.
Why do FF fans always cry
Every fucking time. Everyone KNOWS the plot. The problem is that the plot is stupid. It's told POORLY. And no amount of you sitting their quoting truncated wikipedia synopsis is going to change the major issue that the story is poorly told.
sorry you couldnt keep up anon. no need to feel ashamed.
The scene in the Albhed home base where Tidus realizes that Yuna is on a death march is easily worse than anything in 8. Its the worse scene in the whole series by a long shot.
>Its the worse scene in the whole series by a long shot.
No, it gets worse:
What can you do for me...
Why is this scene bad to you?
The narrative logic surrounding Bikanel Island doesn't make any sense.
Like, I can accept that SIN just flew them there purely by chance from Macalania. But for the Guado to have followed, and picked up Yuna, and Yuna ONLY, and traveled back to Bevelle by, what? uh, Not-airship?
These aren't just plot holes anymore; they're plot canyons.
I don't consider X-2 to be an actual FF game. Its firmly in spin off territory for me, like Crystal Chronicles.
but weren't some of the judges worried that vayne was going to assassinate larsa? its been over a decade for me so im not clear
I stopped with 10. The series stopped there. Feels good man.
Funnily enough, the plot of 8 is one of if not the most solid plots in the series.
Pretty much all of the previous games were about the characters individual stories than an actual plot. 8, 10, and 12 are the exceptions because they were made by a different team, not lead by Sakaguchi.
FF8 is one of the worst wastes of potential in a game.
>cool magitech military ops
>gets dropped for some anime shit about memory loss (hint: memory loss means skill loss, so...GFs would just not be used except by jihadis who intend to die in the line of duty)
>had an MP system that worked for more than half a dozen games before this one
>drop it for having to spam drawing.
>FF9 takes the music it does well and does it better.
9 has 1 (one), exactly ONE good song and the rest is hot garbage. You know why Nobuo said it was his favorite (to MAKE, not his favorite as a finished product)? Because Hackaguchi let him phone it the fuck in and collect a massive paycheck for nothing. Completely uninspired busywork.
every single ff thread, we have to put up with fucking retard trolls like you
>nooooooo not muh heckin cartoon game! You can't criticize it when I bring it up for no fucking reason in an unrelated thread!
your life is garbage
FF8 is an inevitable case of people feeling the need to innovate where none is needed.
They got rid of MP, which is still used to this day in like 90% of rpgs, for a system that makes using the cheat engine in the PC port feel very tempting.
I've covered this before in my FF8 & 10 connection thread. But it's really more of a generalized FF scenario.

Starting with FF1, the party acquires the airship in the desert.
Starting with FF2, the princess (Hilda) gets abducted and taken to the desert country Palamecia. In the novelization she's to be married to the Emperor.

So just think of these things as just structural notecards in their planning sequence.

In FF8 Squall and Rinoa land the Ragnarok in the desert, Esther takes Rinoa away.
>how they knew Rinoa was a sorceress was a little sketchy
In FF9 Kuja has the Hilda Garde I at his desert palace. The black mages kidnap Eiko to extract her Eidolons at Mt. Gulg.
>How Hilda ended up being in Mt. Gulg was sketchy too.
In FF10 the Al Bhed kidnap Yuna, then she's double kidnapped to be married to Seymour
>sketchy for reasons already mentioned.
In FF12 Ashe and company are abducted in the desert by the Leviathan
In FF13 Vanille is abducted by the airship Palamecia.

in FF7, Cait Sith steals the keystone at the Gold Saucer and teams up with the Turks. But in retrospect, this could have just as easily been the Turks kidnapping Aerith to open the Temple instead.

in FF6, Setzer kidnaps Celes(as Maria) from the opera house, with his very own airship. Given the Star Wars inspirations, this could have easily been Owzer who is like Jabba the Hut. But it would have been too derivative. Later Owzer does end up with Relm painting for him.

In FF15, there is a fatso photographer as well. I never connected him to Owzer or NORG before because I missed the Sidequest with the cursed painting in Altissia. A call back to FF6.
Altissia is basically where the game falls apart. They hit a bump in development or something. I mean, Verses XIII was something else.
Are mages are so cool why can't they cast a spell to fly?
>Verses XIII was something else
>Are mages are so cool why can't they cast a spell to fly?
The Empire passed the levitation act and banned it, anon.
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The Fahrenheit was likely a recycled design for Trabia Garden, or potentially another Centra mobile shelter.
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I remember noticing when X released that its world was very close in design style to VIII

Even the Celsius looks like an alternate design for Ragnarok
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>Boom! Like happy fireworks festival. Yeah?
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And they called it...
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But then Zell was a tattletale.
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So they took sis away.
Where do you rank ff8 in the list of best to worst final fantasys?
80th percentile or so. Not the best, above average, far from the worst.
It's the worst from the good years. It's not as bad as 10 and all the normie-tier septic tank shit they spewed out from then on. So it's still a fine game, but not as good as 1-7 or 9. The story was convoluted even by FF standards, character design was kinda shit, and the romance aspect was cringe.
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To Midgar.
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But Squall and Serah went looking for her in Valhalla, which is technically in Asgard.
Because they saw her in a dream.
She does that sometimes.
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Can we fix it?
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Yes we can!
I personally don't care for the early FFs
1 was alright but plagued by many problems; 2-6 don't appeal to me
10 was okay but again I didnt really care for it

12 (gameplay)/9 (story characters) > 7 > 8 > 1 > 10 > 2-6 > all newer shit
but tactics is of course the best
People say that 9 is really good and 10 also. Of course 7 is good and mainstream. Why dont you like 10? A lot of people love it.
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"Second star to the right..."
I know they did. It was the first ps2 one and had by far the best graphics so far, and it had voice acting. Underwater segments/combat and a beautiful tropical beach world. I think those are the main reasons.

- no map, very linear
- bland characters (lulu has the best body of any ff chick, and khimari was visually interesting, but otherwise meh), tidus was the first protag I couldn't really get into
- I can't even tell you 80% of what happens in the game and I beat it twice (but not in 20 years)
- I was a big fan of summons in these games and I can't recall any of them from 10 except for the bug sisters

it just didn't hit me; I can't say its a bad game because its not
oh, and I didnt like the temple puzzles
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Let's...never land.


It always ends again where it starts
The story of X made me wanna curb stomp my ps2. This vid sums up my problems with the game, the story section of the vid at least.

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The "Etro Script" on his shirt reads:
Seeker of Miracles at History's End — Walker of the Realm Unseen

and the dagger sheath reads:
Travel the desolate wasteland in search of hope's past.

I never really notice it before, but if you look out at the horizon, beyond Academia, it's set in a wasteland. Which is weird. Because we're told the pillar collapse was this ecological disaster. But evidently there was something else causing the climate change.
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>If you hate the story of FFX you have no heart
>If you think the story of FFX is brilliant you have no brain
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If you change the future you change the past
can we fix it?
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Squall and his sister were never seen again.

Olan spent the next 5 years writing everything he witnessed down."Witness" means fortune telling using Triple Triad cards; because he wasn't fuking there for any of it.
He had a kid in that time too. I guess? I mean, Cid was his step-dad. Maybe he had brothers and sisters. Mid or Midadol. He does in every other game.

The high confessor had Olan burned at the stake. Somehow they knew it was all true and needed to hide it. But not destroy it. Idk. It wouldn't be Final Fantasy if it made sense.
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Delita wasn't there for any of it either. Or Princess Ovelia.
She accuses him of killing Ramza.
Weird right? She barely knew Ramza anyways. Alma would make more sense.
The ending leaves a lot to interpretation. It is entirely plausible that Olan meets with Ramza after the ending and chronicles everything he is told. But this opens a can of worms. Is Ramza truly a reliable narrator? Perhaps instead he truly is insane and killed no demons, but rather the clergy, and his trauma filled in the rest for him.
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According to Matsuno's tweets, he intended Ramza to create a village for war orphans.
A "garden" if you like.

He also wrote a different fate for the Ivalice in FF14. Where everyone died sealing Ultima away, and Olan married Alma.
This is of course a different continuity. Where Ashe and Rasler of FF12 were not married but brother and sister.
FF2 would have been a kino game if it had narrative investment like more modern games have.
Like, leading a guerilla war against an evil Emperor would be pretty kino,
>evil Emperor would be pretty kino,
That emperor commands your friend.
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ACKtually, according to the novelization "Nightmare's Labyrinth" it's literally Satan that can possesses anyone with enough malice in their heart.
The Kings of Luci- excuse me, The Kings of Palamecia have been cursed to not know love, to be "LOVELESS". Giving Satan a decent foothold on the world.

When Emperor Mateus ascended to the throne, the loving memories of his mother were wiped from his mind. She went looking for a way to lift this curse. His father, for whatever reason, was immune to Satan's control, so Satan had him killed early.
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But there are big differences between the novel and the actual game.

Not surprising, they couldn't fit that lore surrounding regarding Palamecia in the early SNES game.
Or anything else for that matter. Like how Firion was an adopted brother to Leon and Maria. So Firion and Maria's love wasn't exactly forbidden but they were still brother and sister.
FF8 fags are a special kind of autistic
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I've been having these weird thoughts lately.
Like, is any of this for real or not?
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I can't find all the obscure screenshots or "leaks" showing that doomtrain was meant to be in FF15. Or Verses 13 at least.

It's very likely it was the same train battle sequence we played through. With Niflheim drops ship surrounding the ship, just like they surrounded Titan and Leviathan. It's just missing the context that the train (with an HP bar) was an astral.

Noctus was still dealing with Lunafreya's death. So there was some juicy implication of what might have been.
If you're this deep into FF fanboyism you're basically a non-person who has been domesticated and programmed by marketing algorithms, so it could be argued nothing you experience is real.
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There was only 5 episodes of the Brotherhood anime. But online you can find a 6th episode with Lunafreya that seems to point to a 2nd ring.
An abandoned plot element.

One of the differences between Luna and Stella from the VersesXIII trailer is that Stella could summon a weapon.
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>playing JRPGs for the story...

As long as the characters are reasonably interesting, with fun artstyle/design, and the world is fun to explore the story doesn't matter. It's all about the inventory/party management, XP grind, combat mechanics, and progression system.

FFVIII has flaws, for sure. Being locked out of the pocketstation items for NA is annoying. The draw system can be tedious during battle if you're trying to draw 100 magics with low magic stat. But once you understand the system it is very unique and fun. You should be magic refining and card modding, not drawing. The higher you're magic stat, the more you draw at once, so maybe that's your problem. I personally rarely summon GFs in battle. Getting Squall's best weapon on disc 1 is super easy, and you can do it several ways, either low level or combat grinding for drops. It feels good to tinker.

I do wish there was a dedicated magic user though... Best you get is Quistis and Selphie's limit breaks.
Someone who gets it
I think the equippable GF battle abilities are severely underutilized by players if not completely ignored, and they're the key to some of the most fun setups in the game

It seems like nobody wants to play games, they just want the easy "I win" button to get to the end and then complain about it online
The system also allowed for a tense as hell final battle iirc (it's been decades so...) Once the weird lady starts blowing your shit away and your options start shrinking it's a wild feeling.
Fuckers don't know what they're missing when they start the game trying to cheese it. I played it on release without knowing any of the systems and figuring them out for myself, leveling up like I would in any other RPG, collecting what spells I felt like getting without autistically grinding for 600 of every new one I saw, and the difficulty was just perfect throughout the whole game. Ultimecia was the best and most difficult final boss of the whole series when played straight.
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It should also be mentioned that draw-casting is an excellent way to deal damage on several bosses. Diablos has gravity magic... The zombie prez on the train dies to a single pheonix down. Which you can buy for less than 1000 gil.

The call shop is absolutely the best GF ability in the game. Have fun NEVER town hopping for items and gear. Island closest to Heaven and Hell is great late game level grind spot, with random high level draw points scattered. Enc-None ability is great for casual runs. The enemies scale with you, so there's never an actual need to grind for xp as long as you have a decent build.

It is easily my favorite FF. I find it odd that FFVII gets so much love, and yet it has even worse faults than VIII.
And in a way FF8 supplies an easy "I win" button, at least a lot more than other Final Fantasys, by giving you access to the best spells to junction in the first few hours through the card game, and giving you Diabolos early and having him learn no encounters very quiickly. You can skip all random encounters and annihilate the bosses with your Triple junctioned to HP and Tornado junctioned to strength etc.
I tried that on a later playthrough it and it was the most boring thing I have ever done.
2 is the best game, though?
>GF battle abilities are severely underutilized
I enjoyed making "thematic" builds for my niggas, such as Dark Knight archetype for Squall (Sacrifice, high HP, low SPD, dark magic) and so on.
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In the novel Leon went crazy and stabbed his dog.
There's really no connection between Squall and Leon besides the name though, and that's just a coincidence since Leon is just half of his last name and was clearly given for his lion motif and not for any callback to FF2 since he lacks any traits of the character
I have a theory FF8 is hated in part due to amount of gameplay options. Sorta like FF12. People that play FF want something as simple/dumbed down as FF7, which is perfectly fine, to each his own.
The junction system might be incredibly broken, but it provides a massive amount of gameplay variety.
>The junction system might be incredibly broken, but it provides a massive amount of gameplay variety.
No, it doesn't. It's the polar opposite. It provides no variety. You junction strength and HP to everyone and fight with yellow HP and spam limit breaks over and over. 99% of the junction commands are garbage. The junction commands are FF5 job commands, but completely fucking useless and retarded. You're also discouraged from actually using magic because that reduces the stat effectiveness and then you have to Draw or refine cards/items. Shit suxx. Enc-None: The Game.
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Playing it again right now. If you talk to npcs and look around you'll find they put a lot of foreshadowing in there.
FF8 should have just been entirely military operations and badassery.
Then, because it's obligatory, we have a military operation to fight God where we paradrop into Heaven or some shit.
KH2 really leans into the FF8 connections with Hallow Bastion being a "Garden" occupied by a "Sorceress" and Sora getting his Memories altered about shooting stars.

However. Conceptually, KH1 Leon could have just as easily have been FF2 Leon. The novel opens with a Star Fall Festival, related to the sunfire. It's celebrated like Valentine's day, where the Mysidian Mages cast lovespells and hold weddings. Leon lost his cool at a wedding because the bride did a lovespell on him and then was arranged to marry someone else. That's why he wasn't with the otheres when the empire attacked.

Following that story pattern, Hallow Bastion/ Radiant Garden should have been a mobile fortress like the Empire's Cyclone. Rinoa could have been a stand-in sleeping beauty or "wild rose" that you would have rescued from the chapel where you fight Maleficent.
What makes a Knight Dark? Is it mastery of evil arts? Trifling with magic (which innately corrupts the soul unless received as a gift from God)? Is it mere malintent?

Or does just putting on the outfit make you evil?
In Birth By Sleep, Mickey is still YenSid's apprentice. He doesn't have a gummiship or train. He traveled to worlds at random using a Star Shard.
Supposedly he met Leon in Traverstown after there world was swallowed by darkness.

However. We know that Laguna was planned to be in B.B.S. at one point. He would have been in the Mirage Arena.
The Heartless weren't around at that time. Instead it was the Unversed, anyone with enough "negativity" could contol them. Potentially Laguna would have been fighting the unversed to keep them from unsealing Adel. Or perhaps Maleficent. Or perhaps, Laguna was protecting Kairi/Namine as if she was Ellone.
>I only ever eat microwaved tendies
>making choices is suboptimal
In japanese, magic is an inherently evil concept. Demon for example is magic-person.
Conceptually it is in english as well.
In Christian and Islamic Tradition, Moses is the only magic user who can say his soul is clean.
It makes sense, humans cannot perform magic therefore magic is anti-human, and a human using it is siding with the enemy
"The Dark" is a substance. It's a noun, not an adjective. A Dark Knight commands the Dark. Although it's fair to think of it as an energy current as well. It's best demonstrated in Vagrant Story.

It's sometimes conflated with "chaos", because dark + emotion = chaos.

FF15 implied it was like star wars midi-clorians. Found on the moon.

We don't see a true Dark Knight until FF4. Magic in that world was a lunarien technique. Their homeworld was destroyed by a meteor. So their kind are all in stasis on the moon until humans advance or go extinct.
The difference between Humans and Lunariens is their command of emotion. It's weird, like Star Trek Vulcans, they have emotions but they are detatched. But also become pure emotion itself.

The Mysidians draw their magic from the fallen stars. And "the dark" is a sort of wasteproduct.

In Stranger of Paradise as well as Tactics Advanced 2, they dump it into an alternate dimension like nuclear waste. Indeed, it mutates lifeforms.

FF15 skims over the Solheim tech and what is essentially Judge Armor.
>another thread of pure FFSchizoKino
In FF16 it's called "aether" but the effects are the same.
Squall is young Cid
Rinoa is young Edea
Time Kompression sent them back to their own pasts where they knew they had to ensure their young selves fulfilled their destinies of defeating Ultimecia.
So they started an orphanage and gathered their child selves and friends to ensure they all had a subconscious bond
Cid-Squall started Garden by any means necessary, being a natural leader and military expert (he only faked being incompetent to force his younger self to take up the mantle. How could an incompetent man have come so far before Squall came along?)
Edea-Rinoa went on to Galbadia to ensure her younger self had reason to start a rebel group and contact Squall's garden for help. She purposefully let herself be possessed by Ultimecia to distract her from the real threat.
Cid-Squall of course gave her a special contract that was unprecedented until then, it was the contract he created Garden for in the first place.
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Did Square *really* destroy all of the original assets?
I would absolutely pay those bastards $5-10 for 4K backgrounds.
Japan has always been really bad about deleting shit as soon as it hit the disc press
So I'm at the Timber TV Station disc 1 and when sorceress Edea takes Seifer there's a moment where she tells Seifer to "say goodbye to your childhood" and he just waves to the player party. Another early nod to the orphanage, I was too slow on the screencap though.
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I just learned that after the TV station incident in Timber, if you have Quistis in your party this guy gives you a potion, but if you leave the screen and come back you can repeat this for endless potion / gil farming. I'm not going to do it but interesting.
"The fallen" are called celestials in Japanese. They belived magic was a gift from the stars as well.

What's not explicit is if the eikons were constellations. The AP menu is suggestive at least.

We know there was a script revision regarding the Astrals and The Gods in FF15.

So FF16 could just be continuing that idea. Ultima "sleeping" in the crystals isn't unlike the sleeping avatars in FF11 which were also constellations.
And it goes back to the FF2 novel with Satan trapped in stone.
FF7 Rebirth also fits this pattern with the Gi Tribe.

Only the Gi were like the Phantoms from Spirits Within. A chunk of their world was assimilated into the planet but the planet won't adopt their spirits or whatever into it's lifestream.
The fact that they created the Black Materia to summon Meteor might suggest how their previous world was destroyed as well. So the Gi are like Lunarians in that sense.

Probably trapping the mako energy in crystal, hoping to appeal to human emotions to restore their world. In the same way that Ultima was harvesting Aether in the mothercrystals.

It's not impossible to fit FF8 into this puzzle. The Moon might be a dead alien world. And the Crystal Pillar, is "drawing" the spirits down to earth. The biggest hole to fill, lorewise, are Guardian Forces. Their origins are basically unknown.
However, Red XIII's race were called "Guardians" as well. Guardians of the veil, keeping the Gi Tribe oppressed. The Summons in World of Final Fantasy had a similar role to keep the worlds separated.
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FF4 wasn't clear on the matter but the summoner village seemed to pose a threat to the Lunarians, the same way Garland in FF9 saw Eidolons as a risk to the Terran revival.

FF4 After Years also implied it was a kind of emergent property as well. An "evolution" that the "creator" was looking for.

I've pointed out the visual similarities of FF4's Creator and FF8's Shumi Tribe.
They moved offices across Tokyo during the enix merger, around '02. I think a lot of old stuff got lost in the rabble.
This is actually the reason umatsu decided to retire. He lived like 15 minutes from the old square office and when they moved he had to ride a train across Tokyo to the new HQ.
lmao thanks for proving my point.
Pray tell, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
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>The time dementors are actually from Kingdom Hearts
Damn, he figured it out. I'll spill the beans:
>In FF7 R3 the dementors will reveal that they're all Disney characters.
>Tifa gets permakilled.
>You romance Elsa from Frozen before the Northern Crater
>Sephiroth's final form is actually Jafar from Lion King
>You don't kill him but drop your weapons and befriend him with the magic of friendship
>The final scene is Cloud rubbing Jafar out of the lamp and wishing the meteor away to save the planet
Lol. I'm gonna get back to this playthrough. I found a lot of scenes and dialog I didn't know where even in the game last night. Like this scene in dollet where a soldier sends two hilariously-named mechs at you and they both fail.
There is absolutely zero build or playstyle variety in FF8. You need mods to make it a remotely good game. Stop being so fucking stupid.
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Just found this scene where this guy turns his head and looks up a chick's skirt the whole time as she passes by. I hate to use this word, but that's some kino shit.
It's a dumb plot twist but explained adequately I guess
The really stupid part is that Irvine didn't say anything or even foreshadow it
This is an epic mindfuck but it would've been way better if they focused on that aspect. Feels a lot like they didn't know what they were doing exactly.
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the love spell ritual involves bathing in pools.

Until FF7Rebirth, I felt like there's never been a character like Sorceress Adel in the series before or since. So her backstory is a complete mystery.

Only now we have the Shadowb̴̛̯̫͍͈̥̖̰͖̹̉̈́͋̽̐͋̇͘͘͝l̶͙͉͛̓̕o̶̢̨̺̯̤̱̣̻̰̗̬͎͖̮͎̾̾̎̒̈́͌̿̚͝͠͠ŏ̴͇͇̮͉̻̟̟̄͊́̉́̿͂͒̂̃̈̈̒̃ḑ̷̧͖̩̘͎̭̘͖̂ Queen
And we can assume that the only people who didn't love her were the "unwashed" that escape enthrallment.
The Gongaga region is a perfect parallel to Esthar's Grandidi forest as well.
I think that's a key identifier. Because FF certainly has other women with red hair. But that's such a superficial detail.

But "Queen" "Shadow" and dense forests make a pattern.

So I can look at FF15's "Queen", Crepera Lucis Caelum, as being under the Adel archetype. Her royal arm, Star of the Rogue, was found in Myrlwood.

When they die, the Kings (and Queen) of Lucis are placed in special coffins. They form the "old wall". Animating giant statues that protect the city.

It always bugged me that The Sorceress Memorial in FF8 was a thing. There had to have been more to it. But imagine if Esthar had an "Old Wall" too.
thats great
Why the hell the "kings" from XV look like cenobites
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There's a lot of theories that they're demigods. Collectively they make up something like The Knights of the Round. As if they're part astral themselves.
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Edea is pretty hot. I didn't think so as a kid, but whew I do now.
I'm having a goddamn blast this playthrough. It's the first time in 20 years where I'm actually fighting enemies and leveling up. When you start getting all sorts of abilities and do the item modding stuff things actually get fun, and I guess my previous low lvl runs were missing all that.
Unfortunately I'm at Winhill, which I love, and D-District Prison is next. I've been just chilling in Winhill for a bit b/c the prison sucks so hard.
Depends on the game. Some games imply that Dark Knights make pacts with evil beings (Technically speaking, Leon in FF2). Others imply that it has to do with one's shadow or if you can handle staring into the abyss (FF4).
Honestly? I like FF8 I really do. Its one of those Square golden era games. It has so much stuff in it, great card game, cool soundtrack, very well made summons and I loved how you can read Squalls thoughts. I even disagree that Squall is bad protagonist, I always defended him.

But its time to say that I think, after so many years. The FF8 story is dumb as fuck. It doesnt make any sense. Wooo I wanna be a knight for a sorcerer. YOU WAT MATE. I mean, fuck, compared to 7 its like a shit lying next to a diamond.
I mean even as much as I rag on the game, you're right, it was made during that square "golden era" so there's a lot of fun to be had, a lot of effort and stuff to find across the world, so actually playing and adventuring in the setting FEELS GOOD. I will give you that. And if you can accept that it's all that and completely fucking retarded there's ultimately still a lot more fun to be had in it than some of the games that would come much later down the road which are either overly cinematic noise machines while lacking that "golden age" sense of adventure and exploration and fun ON TOP of even somehow being even more retarded well I don't know what kind of metaphor to tell you.
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For years I've said this game is worse b/c of enemy scaling. But I'm finding that if you play well you get plenty of ways to overcome said scaling. Low lvl runs basically just speedrun the story, and as mentioned the story is the weakest part.
Also around half of the NPCs will have different dialog if you talk to them multiple times, kinda interesting for worldbuilding.
I always heard that they had a bunch of stuff about GFs causing ego deaths and Seifer was supposed to end up a vegetable.
Also that there was a planned Gaiden following Seifer and crew that was cancelled because FF8 failed to meet Square’s unreasonable sales expectations.
I think that last one stems from a video game magazine’s April Fool’s prank tho.
Cecil is only a dark knight because he was half-lunarian.
>remember when we all grew up on the moon but we forgot? Lol
Something I'm not sure you've picked up on is enemies gain new moves and use higher level magic at higher levels. The T-Rexaur is notable because it has a unique move it can only use at LvL-100.
He was by all accounts raised on earth Clark Kent style.
He wasn't the only one in Baron who was a Dark Knight, he was just one of the few who survived the mindfuckery needed to be one.
When the hell did XII have a plot?
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Oh, the moonmen want things their way...
But we make sure they see the sun.
>Rick and Morty
Fuck off, retard.
Cecil was explicitly born on Earth to a human woman dumbass.
Goodbyyeeeee Moonmen
dumb nigger
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I had a dream about a flood washing away a cat hoard.
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It must happen all the time. Especially in Japan. I've never thought about it before.
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In my dream I was helping this lady look for her cat named Mash. I was thinking of stuff to say to her and what she must be thinking. But then she'd say something that made me realize I had her all wrong.
She wasn't sad she lost her baby; she was angry she lost her pacifier.

I wanted to suggest comforting thoughts like "It will probably find a new home and forget all about you."
But she was thinking "If I find it I'll kill it."

I was thinking I needed to get away from her before she makes me responsible for her mood next. Of course, when my dreams get uncomfortable it snowballs into chaos. 'Cause that's when I ran into my own cat.
"Wtf are you doing here?! Oh no. I can't let her see you."
As soon as I pick her up I hear "Ooh~ What a pretty kitty~ <3<3<3"
The pure dread woke me up.
Yeah I dont care about the story at all I just love the world.
Unironically an 8 remake that made stupid shit up like the 7 remake did would only improve the game in this case
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I've speculated that Queen Brahne could represent what Sorceress Adel was supposed to be.
Replacing her lost daughter with a new successor.
Perhaps junctioning G.F.s like accessories. Like wearing eidolon gemstones as accessories.

Brahne was suppose to have a large cat. Cats hunt mice, and the Burmecians were mice. I've had a lot of theories about how this cat could have fit into the story. Maybe it's disappearance prompted her to attack Burmecia in the first place.
Maybe the cat was an eidolon, like Cait Sith. Maybe it was revised into Zorn and Thorn. Or maybe as Kuja, a genome, since they have panther tails.
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Maybe junctioning G.F.s made her forget.
Or she was set on destroying anything that made her remember.
All they have to do is add a little extra to make R=U canon, and the story is x100 better.
But that will never happen. They either add nothing (Remastered) or go balls-to-the-wall batshit (Remake)
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In Disney's trend of writing sympathetic backstories for villains, they set Cinderella in a Postmodern fairytale. Meaning characters have some idea that their destinies are governed by narrative tropes. For example, stepmothers are always evil. So Lady Tremaine was this kind-hearted woman until she remarried and became a stepmother. She knew what was happening to her. She knew fate, witches, fairies, and magic in general was conspiring to twist her. And she resisted for as long as she could, until she snapped. Realizing that Cinderella had plot armor.
There’s a little Alice in Wonderland subtext in the Alexandria castle. Brahne is the caterpillar, Garnet is Alice, Zorn and Thorn are tweedle Dee and dum, and the cat was the Cheshire Cat (it shows up in game in at least that big painting. Dr Tot could be the Mad Hatter. There are some playing card motifs and lots of roses.
Possibly intentionally in the game, possibly just what I saw when playing.
Just looking at what’s in the [Eng] original game there’s nothing really saying that Rinoa ISN’T Ultimecia to my knowledge. It’s what I thought on my first play through with no outside info. I’m gonna finish this play through probably this week so I’m going to look out for stuff about it in game.
The Caterpillar? Not the Queen of Hearts?

It's not unlike Episode Ardyn. Where he was under a geass, fated to be the opposite of a good king.
The real Brahne is the Queen of Hearts, the Kuja mind-controlled Brahne the caterpillar. Maybe, or they just modeled her appearance like the caterpillar. I genuinely think they put all that in on purpose, not for any real reason though other than maybe adding a mysterious European vibe.
I don't remember a single thing about 2 but I thought it was kind of cool when I was playing it. Doing the password and getting the correct jingle sound was fun.
Whatever it is you think you're doing, you need to stop doing.
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We need to talk about Adel's Tomb.
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Because this
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Isn't this.
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But it might be this
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It is the same thing, adel's tomb, but she's been taken to the planet during the lunar cry and absorbed by Lunatic Pandora (can't explain that though).
It could be the Junction Machine Ellone that we never see.

Why would it be in the Lunatic Pandora?
What did Ellone's Power have to do with the Lunar Cry? Was it just a coincidence that Dr.Odine was studying both simultaneously?
I think not.

The English entry for "Moon" in the Information Menu is incomplete. I thought it was odd that it talked about "Art and Epic Sagas" about the moon's mystical power. Because nothing like that is reference in the game.
So I checked the Japanese version.

The "art and epics" aren't important. It's the fact these things exist at all, that make them a testament to the moon's power, it's holy light, it's power to make you FORGET reality. Specifically, the reality that this moon should realistically be a symbol for death and destruction. Horror. Raining down monsters and mutating animals. But instead it's admired as this thing of beauty.

They didn't just seal Adel away, they launched her into orbit around the moon to be memory hole'd. The J.M.E. was likely designed to restore lost memories.
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did you not beat the game? their "timeline" is being actively compressed by Ultimecia. the events from their childhood are disappearing from existence.
>when you never fully commit to the plot point
they literally go to outer space to prevent time from being compressed, completing that plot point lol
He's not talking about Jenova's children. He's referring to the "Ghosts of Fate" or whatever the fuck they dubbed them. Those flying "ghostlike" entities that only Aerith can see, and point towards the "Remake" being in an alternate timeline.
the top one looks like the bottom one after being sucked in
you can see the same gold/purple panels in both

>their "timeline" is being actively compressed by Ultimecia. the events from their childhood are disappearing from existence.
are there other things in the game like that? like for instance estar being so advanced compared to everywhere else

I havent played it; I thought they were the same thing
>We never see him learning that Balamb Garden is mobile.
so your entire argument is that:
A. A bigass school can lift off and start flying after you aim some missiles at it and word is not gonna reach the millitary commander of the most powerful nation in the world
B. Seifer hasn't heard rumors or learned from edea herself about the location of the white seed ship and its whereabouts
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First of all, Galbadia isn't a nation. It's an army. A navy to be more specific. One that's had nothing to do for 17 years except occupy Timber purely because of its location to the horizon bridge, anticipating an invasion by Esthar via railroad.

Nobody is flying by airship because radio signals are scrambled. So yeah, communication is slow.
And yeah, I would like to see Seifer's reaction to a report that his high school campus floated away. I would like to see his conversation with Fujin and Raijin when they show up.
"Seifer! We knew you weren't dead. You know?"
"Great to see you guys. Heh. That's funny. You two should be dead!"
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Got finished with LoL duty, time to continue this run. Just got mobile Balamb and was going to do the card club sidequest but somehow I have the random rule on so screw that.
They're about to run a train on that bitch lol
>LoL duty
Referring to one of the most cringe games of all time as a 'duty' is probably the saddest thing I've ever heard. It's a terrible 'game' with one of the worst communities ever, and you feel duty-bound to play it? I just... I can't.... help
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Hey man, I play it with my dormmates from uni who I haven't seen in 15 years. We chill together still over a few matches of ARAM.
That was the implication yes :P
Why not play something better together, like, oh I don't know, literally anything else?
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Idk dawg. I hate LoL, it's just a way to connect with old friends (a theme of FFVIII...). I'm dropping ffviii for tonight because fuck you I'm a pint of liquor and 1500mg weed gummies deep. I'm gonna watch Lupin III from the 70s.
>pint of liquor and 1500mg weed gummies deep
ahhhh ok I get it now, yeah you're the kind of person who would play LoL
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Are you just maf that you lose to losers in their mid-30s on 4-7 drugs at once? That's what it sounds like to me, bitch.
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The memory pods in Chain of Memories help Namine restore Sora's memories that she manipulated.

Apparently "memory" is a shared experience. Because while Sora is in the pod, everyone forgot he existed. Forgot his name. And when he awoke, everyone remembered him simultaneously.

In FF8, there is an unspoken connection between G.F.s that cause amnesia. And the moon, that also makes people forgot.
That is, G.F. Items and Abilities are marked with crescent moon icon.

Of course the memories aren't truly gone. Just disconnected. Like links in a chain.
Which is why Ellone's ability to remote view memories is called "Connection"

Additional G.F. command abilities have "Card" icons like we see in KH: CoM.
Cards being formed from Sora's Memories.
We can't say that memory is shared in FF8 like it is in KH. At the very least, Irvine remembers their childhood because he had the least exposure to Junctioning.

Although I'd like to think memory that is completely forgotten by everyone must go somewhere.
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When talking about Memory and Crystals in the Final Fantasy series, just take your pick.

FF7's Materia. FF9 Memoria. FF10's Spheres.
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In FF Type-0, when people die the memory of them is removed by the crystals. People don't forget everything. They know they had a brother, for example, but they can't remember details like their name or the time they shared together.

The exception to this is Ace. Who remembers the details in his dreams. coincidently, his "weapon" are also cards.
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Another exception to G.F.s is Diabolos who debuted in FF8. His scan data identifies him as a G.F. from another dimension. But is that just a pocket dimension of his lamp? Or Dynamis, like in FF11? Dreams? Or alternate timeline?
In FF14, Diabolos is a voidsent. It was a parallel world like any other except it was flooded with Dark-aspect Aether. This calamity was triggered by an imbalance created through a faulty sealing/storing technique using "Memoria" stones.

The accumulating darkness, or Dark matter, mutated everyone into aether-hungry demons. Making it hell on earth, or Tartarus, or simply "The Void". Void mages in other dimensions learned how to summon voidsent in exchange for aether.

In Stranger of Paradise, the crystals the heroes carry are implied to be memoria as well. The darkness is suggested to be memories of a time that is no more. That accumulates everytime the Lufenians reboot time in that dimension. This wouldn't be a problem except darkness turns into chaos in contact with strong emotion. So they use "Strangers" to fight and quell Chaos. The "Void Knight" is a job class that Neon has that absorbs magic and converts it to MP. Like Celes' Runic ability in FF6.
This is also alluded to by Celes and Neon's team attack in Opera Omnia.

FF8 doesn't have a MP system. But the Draw & Stock system is fundamentally a Runic ability. In the Lost Stranger manga, Carbuncle's reflect ability is also essentially catching and releasing magic as memory.
Unless a sorceress chose an unborn baby to inherit her powers at night.

After Ultimicia almost destroys the world, the general populace could easily be seen to despise all sorceresses from then on out. The tale of Ultimicia could have easily became a well known tale of caution.

So after finding said baby is a sorceress, perhaps she was even abandoned by her parents before even giving her a name. So people ended up calling her the name of the well known evil sorceress from the fairy tail - Ultimicia. So it becomes a second paradox in the story.

This is all conjecture, but makes more sense than R=U. As Rinoa would need to literally live over 1000 years to be Ultimicia. Proven by how you fight every sorceress that Ultimicia has jumped her powers through from present to her time as she searched for the origin of SeeD.
extremely mentally ill thread
"Runic" in Japanese is just "Magic Sealing". Not to be confused with "Runes"

This is exactly what Dr.Odine and Esthar specialize in: Sealing Magic.
While Balamb SeeDs junction G.F.s, everyone else uses Odine "boxes".

The transference of memory has BIG implications. Especially in academia. We teach through textbooks and curriculum. But wouldn't it be amazing if you could just pass knowledge on directly? Isn't there a spell for that?
In FF11, Shanatotto created a curse that would turn people into her clones. "Shantottofication" It's a very light hearted misadventure in parallel dimensions.

But you have to wonder if any sorceresses attempted the same thing in FF8. Maybe the Sorceress Adel we see isn't the original Adel. Just someone cursed with "Adelification".

The Garland we fight in Stranger of Paradise isn't the real Garland. It's Neon with Jack's Lost Memories. Imagine FFX-2 Dressspheres.
Kingdom Hearts took the idea further. Why host the memories in a living being? Why not a doll? A Replica.
Organization XIII perfected this so that Xehanort could essentially time travel with duplicates of himself without paradox.

In Dissidia, this technology didn't really need to be created. What happened was, they (Onrac and Lufenia of FF1) opened a rift to a crystalline dimension (memoria) and the crystals there took on the form of memories it was exposed to. Like FFX's Beckonings.
As a consequence of time traveling or crossing dimensions, memory gets lost in-between. So they inadvertently created a bunch of "manikins"
This is where Dissidia and Stranger of Paradise get messy. Because "Garland/Chaos" according to Dissidia was an experimental amalgamation of multiple memories in a single manikin.

With Jack Garland in SoP, that's not necessarily "untrue" since they were swapping memories with each other over world resets. But they conclude in the end that he's a different Garland from the one we see in Dissidia.

In a flashback, the Lufenian tells Jack he is nothing if not the sum of his memories. You could interpret that as being true for everyone. Or you could interpret that as Jack being a literal composite of people's memories with no true original form to speak of.
Galka in FF11 are a special race that reincarnate with their memories wiped. With exception to their storykeeper, who has the privilege of remembering and maintain their cultural identity. But the all the bad memories add up and transformed him into the Shadow Lord.

"Holy" Magic was also briefly dubbed "FADE" in the original series. So you can see how Light and Dark interact in context to memory.
Particularly against these memory based entities like the Shadow Lord, Chaos, or even KH's Replicas.
In what way do I lose? The only argument I can see is that you have 'friends', but given I have friends I see on a regular basis and yours are just online people you haven't seen in 15 YEARS I'm pretty sure I got you beat there
>4-7 drugs at once
Jesus man I already implied you're a lost cause, no need to drill that point home. Mid-30s, drug addicted and playing LoL, next you'll be telling me you're a furry.
Is this thread basically just one anon schizo-sperging on his FF/KH memory theories like anyone cares?
Correct. He's been talking to himself in this manner since at least 2019 across /v/ and /vrpg/. I've heard he's also been schizoposting on /vr/, but I don't use that board.
Are you spamming the same disengagement with every thread in the catalogue like anyone cares?
Wait, you're the same guy in the other thread?
Jesus it really is just one schizo
Wait, you're the same guy in "the other" thread?
Jesus. I guess you're just not more interesting than Square's top selling Final Fantasy game.
FF schizo is mental illness incarnate, yes.
>Jesus it really is just one schizo
No, but that one guy's posts are very obvious. It's fun to join in on the schizoposting. Come up with some barely-plausible idea, run with it, and the comedy writes itself.
It's OK when Persona 2 does it
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Time for Battle of the Gardens. Disc 2 is really short.
good god the remaster is so ass ugly
Technically it's third.
Why didn't they just use AI to upscale the backgrounds?
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Yes, but it's still the best way visually to play the game. I first played it on PS1 on a CRT with composite cables in '01 and visually I much prefer the remaster in 4K (clearly, as I'm playing it). Some people like scanlines and ps1 wobble, I don't even though it's what I grew up with. I use AI backgrounds for VII and IX, but all of the ones for VIII that I've seen look really shitty in comparison.
I think they're counting FF14's expansions as unit sales instead of DLC.
And FF7 is probably only slightly above FF8 because of the interest in Remake.
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I just assume Adel's form is unnatural and that there is a story behind it. But I can also see her as a giant or gigas.
Gigas monsters have been as staple in the FF series since the beginning, when most of the monsters were just ripped from Greek mythology.

Of course in FF8, monsters either come from the moon, or wildlife that is mutated by lunar crys. Humans aren't an exception either.
At the very least there are lots of undead. Werewolves would be appropriate. And why not giants?

In Greek mythology, giants were created from Uranus' blood when his son Chronos usurped him. Read: Castrated him. His testicals fell into the sea, and the goddess Aphrodite was born from the foam. His blood fell on their earth, creating the giants. Aphrodite being the goddess of love; it stands to reason that giants would represent hatred. That's a relatively true characteristic of giants across all mythology. Including Adel.
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However Aphrodite is a goddess. The Giants are a race. Possibly the "first" race. Humans wouldn't come along until after Zeus usurped Chronos.

It's really fascinating that most myths have a race before humans. And usually, these giants have bad tempers would have likely murdered each other off if humans didn't exist.
Of course this raises some questions like if Giants have souls and and an afterlife?
Indeed. Not only do the Giants predate humans, they also predate Hades. The ruler and place associated with the underworld was Tartarus. And the giants were his first "prisoners".
The one-eye Cyclopes. And the multi-armed Hecatonchires
The giants helped Chrono overthrow his father. But he saw them as a threat to his position and had them locked away. In a sense they're not really dead just banished.

In the final fantasy games, we see a number of giants, gigas, hecatonchire. There's also Glasya Labolas. In Japanese, Glasya Labolas is the name of Doom Train. Why they made him a train summon in FF8, I can only speculate. He - in train form - was also meant to appear in FF15...or maybe versesXIII, in connection to the underworld and the goddess Eos/Etro.
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I wonder how the giants really felt about it. What was there to be banished from in prehistory anyways?
They're not human so their range of emotion might only be negativity.

The Gi Tribe in FF7 are essentially Giants in Tartarus.
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So Adel fits the mold in a broader mythological scene. But what about in Final Fantasy itself?

There are giant statues or "Sentries" in FF3. Something like FF15's "Old Wall". At the very least they form a barrier. But FF3 is notoriously vague with layers of obstacles and flimsy narrative logic.

Basically, Xande is up in the crystal tower summoning the Cloud of Darkness and the path to the tower just happens to be guarded by 8 Sentries. Or 4 gates.
The key to getting past them are 4 elemental fang/tusks.
What is the connection between any of this is anyone's guess.

FF12 also has Belias, The Gigas. Guarding the King Raithwall's Tomb as well as acting as a key to open the path to Giruvegan.
Raithwall. Wrath wall. Hmmm.

Adel stands apart from these other Gigas because she's not really guarding or protecting anything as far as we know. Although it is noted by Odine and Edea that Adel is VERY angry. Possibly beyond the control of Ultimecia. Possibly overwhelming and controlling Ultimecia herself. A firewall of sorts. Where did this emotion come from? She was like that before they launched her into space, after all.
Belias is called "The Majin" in Japanese.
Majin has a range of meaning that is equivalent to djinn, demon, sorcerer or even sorceress. The fact that he looks like a fusion might be significant as well.

I look at Belias, and then I look at Adel/Rinoa fusion, and I think maybe Adel isn't a sorceress by herself. Only through junctioning.
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Just started disc 3. Quistis visited Squall's room at night, in her seed uniform.
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Dragon Quest aside, it's possible Square Soft was influenced by Akira Toriyama's Majin Buu arc, which air in Japan back in 1995.

Jump forward to Final Fantasy 16, and we have an implied connection between "Living Flesh" and the giant torso Typhon. Dialogue implied it absorbed Ramuh's power. But there's no solid lore around it's existence and abilities.
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I mean, man-made sentinels that absorb superpowers is an idea that's been around in comics long before Dragon Ball.

Esthar is a technological super power. They have an army of androids and one NPC had aspirations of making robots that could dream. I would not be surprised with Adel was some kind of artificial lifeform.

But perhaps the intention to fight the "gods" is too derivative.
Potentially off topic. But what's the story/irony behind Gambit's powers?
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This card was so annoying to get. Forced Random and Same/Plus rules.
Marvel's x-men aren't like DC's metahumans. His power isn't an adaptation to a situation.

His relationship with Rogue sounds poetic with the right words. Her touch drains; his charges. But charging isn't accurate. He taps power, releasing kinetic energy in a object. So he's got infinite stamina to a point. In some stories he can manipulate the direction of energy, controlling the movement of his throwing cards. In more advanced forms, he can stop or perpetuate motion, freeze or accelerate time, even become pure energy. But those are special occasions.
how many of these cursed spikes am i supposed to farm and convert to dark matter? i have 4 dark matter already.
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What are you trying to do with them?
that novel needs to get localized already man
>SE probably doesn't remember that it exists.
>All the fan translation projects give up before completion (or digging into the real meat of it)
Never ever.
I wish FF8 had a novelization.
nice autistic thread bump to read later
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At the moment where Squall cathartically reveals himself, to himself I guess. About to do the Esthar crap, one of the worst sections of the game, but it's the best of the game after that.
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If you look closely you can see Quistis and the others tip-toe by.
It would be nice if Square were in this thread, noting these ideas like these for the remake.

If you believe in God and believe in eternal existence, then FFVIII will eventually be re-made. It has an excellent base template, if you ask me.

I fuck with /x/ and view FFVIII as soft Disclosure. It’s a much better game if you interpret it that way. Certain aspects of the story reflect real events and real technology that cannot be disclosed to the general public (pre-scripted NPCs)
Why else would you play them? If you like the gameplay of JRPGs, might as well just get an IT job.

I play JRPGs specifically for the story. If you play JRPGs for the gameplay, you are autistic.
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>Oh we Esthar now.
>I play JRPGs specifically for the story. If you play JRPGs for the gameplay, you are autistic.
RPGs are just a form of escapism, and different people enjoy different things. For me the story helps but I prefer atmosphere and interesting gameplay.
Stopped reading there, chat princess.
It's awesome how you KNOW this is the best game in the series because it makes 7trannies seethe so much. It's also never going to get a remake because it's already perfect, unlike 7 which has been vastly improved by Remake and Rebirth.
who are the 7?
SE are lazy
Someone was doing AI upscales of the backgrounds but I think they completely paywalled it and then never finished.
lazy for NOT using AI? That's a new one.... seriously though, it would have taken far less effort than the rest of the remaster, so what gives?
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Ellone has a sick room on the space station.
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Those silly westaboos.
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>Yes, I'm in a spacesuit, the world is threatened by space monsters, some factions are duking it out on the planet, and I'm the only guy in a position to save the world.... but hey, let's play some card games?
I see comedy in that.
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>Yo, Rinoa, I hear they can't get enough hot dogs. What's up with that?
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Then they throw you into the Ragnarok, but it's just you and Rinoa so you have 6-7 GFs and magic junctioned at a time per person. After hours of a party of 3 suddenly you two are super-strong together. They really tried their best to make this romance plot work.

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