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Post Kusoge rpgs.
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I have never played a worse RPG than Lunar Dragon Song.
Yeah I know Kemco
Very awkward first few hours with this. Like freem/mugen shovelware, except they charge a good buck for it
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Pure unabashed kusoge. I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
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easily one of the worst JRPGs I ever experienced
That doesn't surprise me. Golden Sun stood out in the US because it was the first RPG available for the GBA and one of the few non-Pokemon ones that got actual advertising here. And being a first party Nintendo title meant that it was pretty much always in stock and readily available. It worked fine as baby's first JRPG and an intro to the genre at a time when a lot of these games were still never leaving Japan. It was just another drop in the bucket there though, and didn't really have much to help it stand out from the rest of the market.

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I just want a small farm with khajiit slaves
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Animals can speak in BG3 They even show mastery of grammar and fairly adequate reasoning skills. Moreover, the bear in question is a druid, a humanoid. Thirdly, there is no in game sex scene with a bear, you don't actually see the act of coitus (or anal if you're a guy), it's merely implied
If you wanna take it a step further, Khajit forms are entirely dependent on the phase of the moons. An ohmes is basically indistinguishable from a boomer and an Ohmes-raht is just a lore friendly cat girl/boy.
*Bosmer. Autocorrect decides to work at the dumbest times.
Nice digits. What became of the Argonians?
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>What became of the Argonians?
Then one day, for no reason at all, the Nords elected Rolff Stone-Fist into power

Why’s the these niggas in DC so weak?
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I mean, the West Coast Super Mutants could be 2 shot with a BB Gun sooo...

Just for numbers sake, the Red Ryder LE BB Gun Deals 25 damage. A Fallout 1 Sniper Rifle deals 15-35, about the same as the BB Gun. Since the BB Gun can consistently 2 shot them I'm assuming about 50 HP.

In Fallout 3 a Super Mutant has 100 HP and a Sniper Rifle deals a max of 40 damage.

So yeah, seem pretty similar to me.
I thought super mutants were supposed to be these tanks and them being easy tot air down was just something exclusive to 3 but I guess that’s in other games too? Idk maybe I should play on hard.
Might as well. You get bonus experience from playing on higher difficulties in Fallout 3.

+25% exp on Hard but get hit for 50% more and dish out 50% less. Double that for Very Hard.
They need to be weak because Tod was too dumb to add a 14mm anti tank rifle.
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*laughs in SKS*

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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>sacrificing some trash ships to save an imperiled fleet of much stronger ships
A sensible gambit desu. We know from Codex that the Destiny Ascension is worth the entire Arcturus fleet, since by ME1 Alliance is still very much catching up to the Council in terms of space combat vessel technology, Normandy being a part of that catching-up effort through unconventional approaches built with Turian help. The Alliance only managed that attack because they blindsided Sovereign and Geth ships.

That choice should've been a four-way:
>"We must save the Council!" (Paragon, Vanilla)
>"Fuck the Council" (Renegade, Vanilla)
>"Play it safe, don't take any gambles, we can't risk it all in a suicide attack!" (Paragon, New)
>"A daring assault is our most promising tactic here" (Renegade, New).

So that you can both save and waste the Council, but with different reasoning.
cant spell mass effect without massive fucking plot holes
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I was considering posting a thread listing all the plotholes of the trilogy but remembered they only allow 500 posts per thread and 2,000 characters per post, so I wouldn't even be able to adequately describe even half the plotholes in the permitted 1,000,000 characters. So I said fuck it, it isn't worth posting 6 seperate threads to elaborate about literally every damn plothole. However not everything is a plothole, so no need to move goalposts looking for even more plotholes than we already got. Pretending the Citadel Council aren't (unwittingly) mildly Indoctrinated sleeper-agents would be a plothole in theory, except they are actually Indoctrinated so there is no plothole in actual practice

Ffs we already have more than enough real legitimate plotholes to cope with and ruminate over without you inventing fake plotholes in your mind. For example, remember in ME1 when Femshep and Liara T'soni kindly offer to invite Kaiden Alenko into a 2 female 3some? And Kaiden strangely says fuck no? That is a fucking outright offensive plothole! like Bioware heretics wiping their shitty assholes with the Lore itself! Kaiden isn't retarded, if they wanted to make ME1 more realistic he would have said fuck yes!

I can prove how it is a plothole, consider this... If Femshep offered any anon lurking here an invitation to enjoy a 3some with herself and Liara, I'd imagine 99% of us would happily accept her offer, right?
Don't care about them plot holes. I just play it to pound the squadmates' holes.
>If Femshep offered any anon lurking here an invitation to enjoy a 3some with herself and Liara, I'd imagine 99% of us would happily accept her offer, right?
I don't have sex with aliens. They will NEVER gain access to my precious seed.

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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>Beat Janice's route yesterday after not playing for like a year
>Sad because the only self-eaters I managed to beat were Janice's and Mel's, everyone else got devoured
My own damn fault for only ever improving Kelly, Prim and Melissa. Everyone else was way too weak.

Anyway, since I haven't played in so long I can't remember the systems too well. Any reason not to just give people whatever weapon I please? Starting Mel's route and wondering if I should just make her unarmed for fast stat growths.
Also forgot to ask, whose route gives you the most lore on hat world itself and/or big mama?
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You can do whatever you want, with the asterisk that characters who learn unique arts (like Janice's Moon Scraper) have an extra selling point for sticking to their preferences
Lore's split across routes; everyone explores different aspects of Hat World, Dora and Natalie are the only two who don't touch on Big Mama at all. Mel's route has the big reveals.
>characters who learn unique arts (like Janice's Moon Scraper)
Is that ever sign posted by the game? I learned moon scraper on Janice but just assumed it was a standard sword art.
Not that I'm aware of, but the only uniques that require flashing are Janice's Meikyo Shisui and Moon Scraper, and Primrose's Star Flare.

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A person told me to say this in 4chan
I didnt wanted to do it but whatever, its worth a try

Apparently, there a secret armor in a roblox undertale rpg game called undertale universal massacre

Here a quick example about that game:
You start, grind level, get weapons, reach max level cap, reset, Fight AU's bosses that is required to beat to reset

Pretty simple right?
Well there a armor in this game called 'Limitless" and yes its the gojo thingy
We have gotten clues about it but couldnt figure out how to get it
These are the informations we know so far:
Limitless possibilities
What we know:
Something related to a recent update.

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dude who gives a shit
based zoomer
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fuck off to your containment thread
OP is a preteen
Bump :)

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We need more Sephiroth Clones.
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i agree. Square is a bit late for the hole Marvel mulit verse stick.
It was a chance to give the player a motive of satisfaction by swatting the bad guy and given Cloud a symbolic moment of severing his past obsession, which Im sure totally will stick forever and not be undermined for cheap fanservice in a retarded CGI movie.
He's a Seifer
Sephiroth's "real" body is in Northern Cave all game long regenerating through Reunion but all the Sephiroth's you run into are still him, whether it's a psychic vision from Seph's will in Cloud's head or Seph physically manifesting by assuming direct control of Jenova/his clones, it's always him. In the final battle you kill his essence poisoning the life stream (and symbolically from Cloud's life).
Hear! Hear!

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How did this Irish demonspawn steal the heart of an once upstanding british gentleman?
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>who knows what's going on with unsupervised
The jyst I got was CoG made him turn it into a sequel type of game so he had to cut content in some areas and expand it in others to have a mid-plot climax and move stuff around. That would make sense why he thought he was done in 2023 but still had to do so much writing after the expected due date and hadn't introduced one of the ROs yet.
What's the most degenerate cog game? I remember that in the one where you play an immortal you can get bukkaked by a sex cult and fuck a giant dragon. Are there any more like this one?
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>I remember that in the one where you play an immortal you can get bukkaked by a sex cult and fuck a giant dragon.
>Are there any more like this one?
I hope not.
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Where dlc?
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The hands grabbed it

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Why is Baldur's Gate 3 so much better than Pathfinder:WoTR? It literally shits all over Owlcat's slop and makes Owlcat look like a bunch of hacks.
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I do, featherweights are sissy bois and manlets. They should all kys.
Wrath of the Righteous is a very good CRPG, but Baldur's Gate 3 is one of a generation type of a RPG, its truly among the highest of tiers, not just as a CRPG, but as a game.

Owlcat have their talent, not as talented as Larian but they surely do have talent, their problem is lack of proper management, lack of a good director (like swen) and lack of budget.

Owlcat started aiming too high too quick, they should have increased their scale and ambition bit by bit, if they do that they will steadily progress to become a much bigger RPG studio, you just need patience and to keep learning from your mistakes and improving games, eventually they will reach their peak.
Owlcat are terrible by any measure though, not just in comparison to Larian who are objectively at the apex of crpg design.
Then why compare them at all? Putting something in the same sentence is making a case for comparability. This is the inherent flaw of versus bait.
>Guys, why is this one game the best game ever made and this other one is stupid and dumb and stinky and ugly
>This is ragebait
>WOOOOOW we can't even talk about RPGs here? Hypocrite much?

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Should I even bother?
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i hate trannies so much its unreal
Pro tip: Shoot Ben immediately until he goes unconscious and run out of the vault. DO NOT speak to him. He shouldn't follow you past the next loading screen. This doesn't break any quests and there are no other consequences to this, not even karma loss.
Yeah, but that doesn't fix the dogshit story, worldspace etc etc.
It's good for what it is, but the mod is literally incomplete. It's a good DLC sized prologue for your character that qualifies as a short standalone game. I like how it actually feels like a sequel to F2/Prequel to NV, which was it's entire point, and at that it succeeds as a bridge game. It has it's problems, of course: Incomplete content, shitty story, cringy characters, optimization issues, it likes throwing a billion spongy enemies at you at random ect. I will say that it does a good job of being an actual RPG and captures the spirit of the Fallout setting well.
If you can bear with it's drawbacks and crave some actual OG Fallout(not the Bethesda slop) desperately, you can't really go wrong with this one, if you think you're gonna have a bad time looking into the game, I suggest watching the Four Friends play videos like someone already linked.
BTW I wonder when the lads will watch the Fallout TV show and commentate over it like they did with the Halo show. That should be a blast.
Very true but it does make everything lot more tolerable. I restarted my first playthrough very early on to try this since I just couldn't stand Ben's edgy bullshit.

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Anyone here played this one? Really caught me off guard how much I liked it.

I'm about 10 hours in and it's fantastic. Combat wise it plays like SOTN and the aesthetics are very mid 2000s doujin game (probably because thats when it started development).

I havent seen this talked about at all though.
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i got stuck in some orc cave thing? it said i needed a golden head. i couldnt figure it out and didnt want to look it up. so i stopped playing there
you have to take the wooden skull back to the lake. Remember what the lake lady did to the crow?
Remember to give the witch mouth to mouth, OP. Mortar and pestles are for losers.

You will hate the endgame but everything until the very last chapter is pure kino
Best description of the problem here yet. At least RPGCodex has some right to their elitism, the midwit takes I see floated here daily are like looking into an abyss of absent fathers and trailer parks.

There are a very few people of substance that lurk and occasionally comment though.

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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I love you schizoanon, I wish I could meet you irl. Even if all this is actually nonsense.

You are actually conversation-smart and can know very well when someone is trolling you, teasing you, or talking serious.

Thanks in advance, hope you rescue your squadmates.

Good luck, commander.
i'm agnostic about the theory

i think that the illusive man was sure as shit indoctrinated so control is actually a 4d chess move by the reapers to implant an organic intelligence to rule over them as a new sovereign

That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
>>That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
This is far better writing than what actually occurred.
I noticed absolutely none of those (I guess I was smoked out of my gourd retarded at the time) but when I got to the ending I just mentally checked out a few seconds in. Never really thought about the implications for the lore but I just sorta stopped thinking about what happened next.
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>Good luck
No worries Im profoundly lucky to a seemingly unnatural extent. maybe bc when I was a young man I spent nearly my entire 4th Year ocd searching for a 4-leaf clover, or that has fuckall to do with it and the Irish luck memes a hoax? Im perhaps the luckiest anon alive, were I an RPG character my Luck Stat would always be 100 even when Im level 1 idk why. However in the unlikely event my luck does finally run out soon, I have kevlar

>Even if this is nonsense
Her sins must be truly great indeed, or else God and The 9 Divines would not have sent a punishment like me upon her. Frankly Im sick of this evil scheming lunatic toddler eternally getting away with it bc of her stinky Jew vagina. Nobody else has the guts to bring this monster to Justice, your earthly proverbs state "If you want it done properly do it yourself" so it kinda falls on me to step up to the plate to end her 46 year reign of terror

>Hope you rescue them
Me too and my mission has larger consequences giving me deja vu of my fave mission of the trilogy. The 2nd mission, "UNC: Expose Saren". I nicknamed her Saren to serve as a reminder how imperative it is I dont fuck my mission up! Upon recovering my guard dogs&stolen property I need to expose/incriminate/ruin her, set it all up so her divorce judge sees her as the hostile devil-child she is ensuring she gets nothing/her husband gets it all, get $5,000 court mandated dollars from her for drugging my dogs after I told her NO, etc. I dont even want the cash I just dont think that greedy whore deserves that 5000. were it any other femoid fucking with me Id show mercy, not rob her blind in court. I hate courts. credits are fake&gay, Ill just give my mother that 5000

>wish we could team up
The Force has a funny way of working these things out. Perhaps my adventures will take me to northeast Africa and we can raid tombs fighting mummies or sniff cunnies or whatever you guys do for fun in Egypt. Believe it or not I've never been to Egypt

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is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
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>made up thing in my head and now I am mad!
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What? No.
Too early to tell, lets wait the reveal this summer fest.
I am so mad they went for action real time gameplay, why not turn based you little dipshits at bioware
WRPGs will always fail at making good combat in the form of action rpg because they will inevitable get compared to From Software and other action games like Nioh, they have a choice to polish their action gameplay but at the expense of the RPG mechanics and other gameplay systems which would kill their core identity, so its either a janky bad action combat system or a good turn based one and they have chosen wrong again.
Bioware are stuck in the 2000s with no intention to evolve, turn based are popular again.
Even if you dont make it turn based at least make it real time with pause.
Ditch that pseudo action shit
Doubt it. They've alread completely trashed all of their progress and started from scratch at least once, and they were planning to turn it into a microtransaction ridden hell because EA execs have literal brainworms.
Dragonage was a dead IP when two stopped being an RPG.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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There is porn games on the switch thos days
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Give me Beard and Peggy DLC.
If they got a whole party. How the hell will they survive if they fight against something like Fried's team?
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>Being a coomer means you're high-T
Yes? What do you think gives them that level of sexual desire?

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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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FFXII has probably one of the most famous postgame boss who's fight takes hours to do.
ff 13-2 and your third party member is a monster catching mechanic. Very fun and unique.
I don't remember that ff13-2had that many super bosses? I remember only one and that shit was easy as hell. Tho I played the og ps3 version and didn't buy the dlc for the colloseum.
Also keep in mind that certain monsters are only one of a kind (silver chocobo, Chichu who is also possibly the stronges tmonster in the game) and if you fuck up their level up path you can not get their full potential. Especially for chichu check a guide
It didnt have a ton but compared to 13 before it there was so much more to do. Iiked experimenting with all the different class types too
bumping the best turn based jrpg battle system in existence.

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