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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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FF6 is so fucking epic guys! I will never try any other JRPG but FF6 is the best one because the Opera Scene® and Kefka, well he's literally just like me! Haha, I'm such a retro gamer!
>FF-cultists are drug-addicts
Not surprising desu
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>FF6 is so fucking epic guys! I will never try any other JRPG
I just played skies of arcadia on this board and I'm playing ys 8 now. Also playing ff7 but it's really bad and I'm probably gunna drop it.
>haven't listened to this soundtrack in 20 years
>immediately start humming along perfectly with the song
holy hell. that's fucking great.
Stopped reading here

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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bg3 fan detected
monster rape is a punishment. If you actually try the game, it plays like a normal RPG with highly immersive elements.
yeah and the purpose of the game is losing and getting "punished" aka raped by monsters, which cucks love to see and jerk off to
What are you on about? BG3 fans are into those things.
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Apparently the next part will take place in this cursed city a la Bloodborne. I wonder how much stuff is already done, and how much is going to take to release. If this map it's a world map where you can move yourself to different locations, the dev must be very close to releasing. Judging by the drawing there is going to be a cemetery section in the game.

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Any RPGs where farming skills is rewarding and I can write AHK scripts for?
Had some in Project Zomboid, Kenshi (although that was kinda pointless) and my biggest script was for SWTOR crew skill missions but I don't want to play MMOs anymore.
Also recently helped my brother create one for farming melons on Minecraft Hypixel lol (he got banned a week later lmao).
It just feels good to automate tedious stuff and I like RPGs.
>inb4 idle games
I've made AHK scripts for Elona OOMSESTNC.
nice trips
seems interesting thanks

What is the comfiest jrpg?
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Majula in DS2 is home and Emeral Herald is wife
Definetly not the comfiest RPG, but comfiest DS
Atelier desu
Trails is god-tier but not as comfy
Rune Factory series, Frontier in particular. Avoid 5 like plague.
Also pretty much anything made by GUST is essentially cute girls doing (more or less) cute things.
Steambot Chronicles

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Enough about Earthbound-inspired RPGs, what are some LISA-inspired RPGs?
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None exist
That gutter game or whatever its called that was posted in the dev threads
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Will Buddy be a good mom?

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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
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>Praising Baldur's Gay 3 over Baldur's Great 2
You're the slop enjoyer mate
Francis E. Dec, is that you?
Shitskins and faggots were created by satan, brother.
So you are upset that you didn't get to fuck bear coochie? Game can't pander to all fetishes out there. There isn't enough development time.
>There isn't enough development time.
Modders will fix it
>t. average bg3 slopper

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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It's absolutely a shit festering cesspool of everything wrong with it. The whole one-sitting experience of playing this game is you watching a child get fucked by a bunch nobody-hooligans and monsters over, over, over, and over again. Until, you come to your senses of how stupidly time consuming this game is. That's all there is to it. Don't say it isn't.

Did I mention how the dev doesn't bother fixing the fucking translation even after update releases? Kys, anon. And snip your micro dick while your at it.
I think the official translation is outright abandoned because westoids kept pissing off the dev. The english version is maintained by fans on f95.
I am a porn addict and this is one of the most vile porn games I've ever played after Maggot Baits.
seek professional help
If only it were that simple

New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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OP is gay as always
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>be bernd
>there used to be some amazing german shards around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
>slowly die out
>what shards still were around get absoluty gutted by the release of the Enhanced Edition
>all german servers are now dead or only have like 3 people on them once week
>instead of logging in and just having fun you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
What is this like, exactly? What makes it so good?
The people who play on these servers are already maladjusted weirdos. The people who play on these servers and post on 4chan are a worse breed.
The type of person who plays on these servers, posts on 4chan, and then gets into fucking roleplaying server drama and then posts about it on 4chan is basically sitting at the peak of autistic retard and inherently adds an unspoken detail to any drama they're a part of. No matter how much they'll try and smear other people involved or act like they did nothing wrong, they're the kind of person who cries about roleplaying server drama on 4chan. Any testimony they can give can be safely thrown out on account.

This poster has been run off several PWs for being a dysgenoid

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ITT: Post the guys and girls who hard carried your party to end game.

I’ll start first. This guy with haste cast on him saw me through almost everything in the game. Only Lantern King at the end game me trouble.
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jaethal and harrim are just not straight forward
tristain and nok nok are very straight forward characters that are easy to build, harrim is a weird priest that specializes in damage and jaethal is an undead inquisitor
not really easy to build but if you know what you're doing they can be godly
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Nah Harrim has a bad Domain and has the lowest point buy in the game. You can make him a non liability sure since his Wisdom is good enough but he can't channel divinity for shit unlike Tristin. Jaethal is weird the undead thing really makes her annoying to use at times and has a meh class but you can work with it if you want.
Or unless your playing an Oracle yourself. Which is like the best class especially mixed with angel
I tried a replay as a solo paladin/oracle gestalt angel and it was cool at first but ended up being super easy, dropped in (((act 4)))

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>want to play PoE with a cool skill i like
>theorycraft about how to spec my character and how to play it
>can't come up with anything so i google it
>see a video of an optimized build that fullclears the entire screen in 0.01 seconds dashing from one map to the next
>realize i will never create something this good on my own meaning i'll either just copy the optimized build 1 to 1 or play something that's 100 times worse
>why even play it then?
Skinnerbox game
What's the appeal of clearing the screen with one spell? Where's the gameplay?
>What's the appeal of clearing the screen with one spell? Where's the gameplay?
Yeah that's also a problem. There is no appeal or gameplay once your character becomes this op. Not like the base gameplay of ARPG's of mindlessly clicking the same mobs over and over and over again is appealing gameplay to begin with...
There's an interesting mod for Grim Dawn called "Dread" that makes monsters much stronger and reduces their number. It pretty much concentrates the combined strength and health of a large mob into a few creatures. You have to make use of more than one skill to kill them.
It's not a solution to the problem, and I wouldn't even say it was good, but it's different.
Sounds cool i'll give it a try. Thanks!

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Is TTW the best or the worst way to play Fallout 3?
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Fallout 3 used a system called Games For Windows Live (GFWL) which connected your PC to your Xbox account. Since GFWL was discontinued, it broke every game it ran on. Bethesda literally didn't fix Fallout 3 until 2021 when they removed GFWL.
>I hate those giant supermutants, absolutely immersion breaking, it's just simply not possible to increase a humans size that much, no matter the FEV technobabble.
There is a lore explanation. The FEV in super mutants actually makes them keep growing. Young mutants are small, and older ones are large. Super Mutant Overlords are the oldest non-behemoths but you see how similar they look to behemoths.
Great bait you got replies.
i removed gfwl a few times but i couldn't get through the first metro it kept crashing at that one ghoul cage area
I completely blocked this from my memory. Holy shit it sucked. Had to deal with it and Dawn of War 2. Last time I played FO3 was whenever it came out, never finished it or felt a desire to replay it.

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what are your thoughts on the mana series? is it better than tales? what is your favorite game in the series?
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I had that thought too but I'm easily giving them a pass since ToM was so good.
There was an anime?
>is it better than tales
Why did you include this in your post?
They're very different games, with vastly different goals in terms of their gameplay, themes, and story designs. This really feels like useless flamebaiting.
I'll be real with you, Children is pretty shit. It's absolutely fine staying where it is on the DS, and Heroes isn't that much better.
Not everything needs rereleases and remakes
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Yeah, it released a while ago actually, I think in 2022. It was pretty bad if you ask me, just a bore to sit through.

What goes into making a good rpg companion, /vrpg/?
fake thread.
i dunno, i guess it's subjective but
make them interesting, make sure their class is useful (eg don't make a fucking fae hunter character in a game about demons)
have their commentary take your by surprise but also be insightful (regill is good at this)
have their morality be interesting and not just goody two shoes or teehee i am evil
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Big titty anime girls.

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I’ll let you guys know how it goes…
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I like it so far. Played for a few hours, just decided to call it a night after rescuing the tantar village chief from the dark dragon clan in lament forest. A few things I like about this game so far
>beautiful sprite work, animations and background art
>ost slaps, especially shop theme
>characters have different utilities in battle and on overworld map
>story is simple yet charming
>pacing is decent
>exposition doesn’t state player objective overtly, incentivizes speaking with NPC’s for hints
>clickable drawers in NPC houses with loot like herbs and gold
>day/night systems integral to certain missions (“let’s wait til the guards fall asleep at night and sneak into the palace”)
>Of an inferior version
>Of a mediocre game
BoF 1 was fun, but the it starts to drag near the ending.
A problem most jrpgs have. Why I have a hard time finishing most of them.
I always quit at the dream world part.

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>all four Guilds complete
>Arena complete
>Main Quest complete
Sell me on Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine.
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>Hey I clearly enjoyed the game enough to play most of its content
>sell me on doing the DLC content
I don't like Shivering Isles either, but you are a huge fag
Wow this was very good bait.
not really, this board is just very easy to troll
completing the main quest line without starting knights of the nine was a huge mistake. stomping through oblivion gates in holy armor fighting demons is a feeling like no other, all of the enchantments are designed to help you fight daedra, and the no crime rule for wearing it actually makes you feel like you've taken an oath.

shivering isles is great for if you want to scratch that otherworldly feeling some people really like in ES, and you'll get arguably cooler looking, better armor in case you don't want to run around in daedric. dont be afraid to go into the other side of the city.

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