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Alternative, drama-free RPG development thread.

How's your game going?
I haven't touched it in a bit, but I know how to make functions now so I'll probably rewrite it for those. What do I need for a battle cycle to feel good? It's your regular turn-based fare, so attack, item, spell, run.
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Based DQ clone game OP.
>What do I need for a battle cycle to feel good?
Or you test it tons of times, or you copy stats and battle formulas of a popular game.
It's DQ4, not a clone.
I feel like there's got to be something I can do to innovate on the formula. My inspiration is the Safari Zone from Pokemon, so your job is to manage pissing off the enemy with leading them along so you can attack them better. It currently goes like first shot -> attack loop -> attacks after flee threshold --> flee or defeat.
>My inspiration is the Safari Zone from Pokemon, so your job is to manage pissing off the enemy with leading them along so you can attack them better. It currently goes like first shot -> attack loop -> attacks after flee threshold --> flee or defeat.
Make certain points on the body have a higher flee threshold for different types of enemies.
Natch, and I'm going to have different weapons and weapon stances interact with different enemies in different ways. I suppose I don't need much more input complexity, but I need a lot more stats.
>Board has a rule against generals
>Board doesn't enforce said rule, so the thread is filled with generals
>Generals by nature breed autism and attract the worst kinds of people (mentally ill no-lifes who are there almost 24/7)
>General gets bad
>General gets bad to the point that now there are 2 generals made by competing mentally ill people, which are going to be filled with the same people, but take up twice the space on the board and stay up for twice as long because now they have two dumpsters to shit in (you are here)

Fuck off, go back in your shitbox.
Still can't be as bad as gsg.
> Made a game clip compilation of bits from my game

All News Segments about Terrorist Gamers and D.E.I in False GamerGater

> See Video:

> Download Game:
Maybe it would be cool to see the fly chance on each enemy with a bar or smth, and balance attacks between damage and fly chance.
Please keep posting in >>3471623 only so we can have at least one drama-free thread.
He just posted a clip of a game, where's the drama?
He's the drama.
He posted a video of games he developed
>how's your game going
Started drafting the mount system, you can mount monsters and use their field abilities. No pic because phone posting and because its in the early stages but trust me, it will look cool. I don't remember many topdown 2D games that use mounts instead of vehicles/ships. Off the top of my head, zelda oracle games?
You already have a specific RPGM dev thread after shitting up the other dev thread.
Please take your RPGM drama with you and stop making more and more new threads.
This isn't rpg maker, this is for gamedev in engines that aren't rpg maker.
RPG Maker games aren't allowed in this thread?
Yes, they have their own thread
Are they getting gangbanged
So this is a thread for the one or two guys making a non-RPGM game?
There's at least 10 people not using rpgm from a census we did last month.
All right, let's see if they can post development instead of drama this time.
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How do you guys handle usability testing? I like to request long-form feedback (pic rel) in individual tester google docs, but I also use google forms to generate feedback data that can be more quantifiable to turn into performance metrics. Does anyone else work in this way?
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Rudimentary mount system in progress. It looks like shit but I'm just gonna work on finishing features now. Godot is super easy for handling this stuff, I can handle the different sprites inside the character2D node and their rendering order with just one animationPlayer and its great.
You probably shouldn't have used some lame sprite slop as the OP then.
There have been more than 10, but I wonder if most just noped out because of the last few RPGM invasions.
>lame sprite slop
Look at the 2 games above your post lol
>calling the granddaddy of JRPGs (Dragon Warrior) "sprite slop"
you might as well leave this board right now anon.
>I wonder if most just noped out because of the last few RPGM invasions
Possibly, from my memory I recall
>A 2D mutli skill tree action rpg
>Mirrored Soul
>GBA rom dude
>prototype 3D rpg
>2 games from the same guy open world action rpg
>the other moncloner
>mongol which is now unity
>couple new ones I don't remember
First 2 I think left first. Then a lot are absent lately.
It is sprite slop though, even the creators preferred other games and made dumbed down sprite slop to sell to mindless consumers. As soon as devs could move on from it they did. Sorry that hurts your feelings.
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Oh really. That's all he did. You pedantic obtuse dumb mother fucker. You're like the kid who does some dumb ass shit and then says "WELL TECHNICALLY!!!!" And everyone just wants to break your fucking face. This thread might as well be called Fuck OFF Sigma. But sure if we want to make it a non RPGM thread and pretend it's for that, that's fine too. Either way Sigma should be banned for advertising. Nobodies asking for his fucking steam page or itchio.
And what fucking progress has Sigma shown. He's advertising you dumb fuck. Maybe that's what I should do. Link to all the shit I'm hawking, link to my twitter, then I'll have a legion of retards defending my every move.

"Hey guys I moved a comma in one of my heavy handed propaganda dialogs, now let me stir shit up with 20 responses, and add all my links that I shill in other threads on the same forum and call it good."


Fucking assholes. No need to ban me. I'm going into self exile for a month anyway.
HEY! No drama allowed in this thread.
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i'm still here anon, lurking in the shadows
i just don't have a lot of interesting stuff to post. just a lot of bugfixes and updates to existing mechanics as of late.
Your enemy models sure look fine. A lot of stuff looks release ready there. I think I'm gonna play the latest DD version.
hey thanks! none of them are done by me mind you, i have a guy i pay for modeling and a few were made by another dev from /agdg/ but you probably knew that since you know i'm in DD
i'm currently updating a build now if you'd like to wait for it- i accidentally left the debug aggro range for the friendly summons so i'm patching that out. should be up in an hour or so.
Sounds good, will get the latest one then
Yes but my memory is usually fuzzy about those details, still great.
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Google forms for feedback sounds like a good idea. I don't have any testers but if I did I would just ask if they had any problems playing and add glitches to this excel file.
Released means it is part of the current game versionbut this is a bit sloppy. Links are for screenshots/videos of said issue
Here is the template for it if anyone wants idunno if this is the best way of doing it just what i do

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>GBA rom dude
Working on more things to summon.
Video with sound: https://webmshare.com/play/xVanR
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/pckpkn.webm
I don't have testers, the only feedback I have is from (You)s.
Looks good, but it would look better with a proper video instead of a 5FPS gif kek.
Awesome, as always.
Enemy bones animation when dying is baked, or the bones have physics? Do they tank the frame rate?
Mongol 2d is still rpgm. Mongol 3d is unity and no longer an Rpg but a survival horror. I've been working a lot on the 3D version as of lately.
cheers anon
no physics on the bones. it's one of the tricks i employ a lot in the game - i swap the enemy model with a different one that is split up, and i play a dismemberment animation. the actual animation is 99% blender physics baked into an animation and 1% me cleaning it up a bit. it's very fun and easy to do
the buttcheeks caught me offguard
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>i play a dismemberment animation
Like Diablo 1, cool.
>the buttcheeks caught me offguard
They're random (they only appear 1/64 times) so they almost always catch me offguard too.
>would look better with a proper video instead of a 5FPS gif kek
Yeah I dunno why I've gotten used to exporting gifs. Its really unoptimal
>that ass frame
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Then I shall just have to keep giving you feedback! This absolutely cracked me up.
Right now I'm going back through and adding the missing interactivity tiles for flavour text - the game is absolutely chock full of it. I'm aware 99% of players won't see it, but it's not for them.
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>I'm aware 99% of players won't see it, but it's not for them.
You could add a completion percentage somewhere to force autists to check all tiles.
Christ, there's like 60,000 words of Flavour Text - I honestly don't think it'd be a fun thing for them. I do have a "kill one of every enemy" quest already though which is like... 750 unique entries.
>I honestly don't think it'd be a fun thing for them.
That's exactly what they hate/love.
>I honestly don't think it'd be a fun thing for them
You would be wrong.
>I'm going into self exile for a month anyway.
You said you'd stop engaging and talking about Sigma, so I'm gonna call bullshit on this one kek
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>You said you'd stop engaging and talking about Sigma
>so I'm gonna call bullshit on this one kek
Let me help you with that.
Note the dates.
Since I was told to move over to this thread >>3491136

>I repost

Made a compilation video of all scenes with Salik and Alisa, from False GamerGater

> Watch video:

why can't you guys just realize that this is just sigma's angle and stop engaging with him? I've filtered out posts by him but still see a ton of complainers

it's obvious as fuck he's just stoking the flames because he wants to provoke people and make them upset and get them to react negatively. then he screenshots and uses it as justification for his pity party

if nobody replied or engaged with him he'd get bored in a while and go post somewhere else that gets people riled up
I've been saying this from the beginning, just filter and ignore. Unless there's people specifically coming to this board and these threads to engage with him which I guess we can't know for certain, but the truth is nobody engages with him in /agdg/
>if nobody replied or engaged
It would be just a post about a game he developed. That's why this is funny, seeing the drama over nothing.
>half a year
He is dedicated
>Since I was told to move over to this thread
You realize this thread was made to avoid you, right?
>How's your game going?
Like shit. Had a couple of freelancers (story, music, animation) and ran out of cash.
Off-topic. This is a NO RPG MAKER GAMES thread. We only allow 1, and Knightshift preceeds you.
>This is a NO RPG MAKER GAMES thread.
>We only allow 1
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Why exclude RPG Maker games then
Fuck knightshit. Sigma makes the better games.
I don't see how you find a giant heap of joke mobs a good game. There is ..... combat and... areas to combat in. I have yet to see the actual game instead of the filler time consuming combat stuff. So far I saw one puzzle which I can't even call a puzzle, but technically it is one I guess. Where is the task list (quests, etc.)? meh- All knightshit spends time on is joke mobs.
Yes his art is good, its fine, but the game itself isn't going anywhere so far I can tell. I also don't see how the combat is made interesting. You laugh at a mob you're going to battle 10+ times once- ... now what?
Sorry, but so far I can tell, even sigma's earliest games have more interesting gameplay.
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This is a different anon; but I appreciate that I haven't been great at disengaging. You can clearly see that in the list of posts calling me a "crybaby bully" and a liar - and while yeah, that's not been great for me, or for the community, I'm gonna try and do better with it.
This is also fair feedback! I've broadly posted the same kind of content here, and maybe I should try and diversify a bit. It's just harder for me to capture all the dungeons, puzzles, and quests - etc. Maybe I should put out a demo, or something. Right now I've got a couple testers going through the game and one of them is 20h in and is only like ~65% through the critical path, and has been avoiding side content, so I dunno - I think it's meaty enough. I dunno if this assuages your concerns that the game is just shit combat and mobs with dick jokes for names, but yeah, if it's not for you I totally get it.
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>use filters properly
>threads become usable again
it's that simple.
Sigma is samefagging a lot lately, you can't avoid him with that.
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Yeah, I hadn't done this til now. Removes temptation. Thanks, anon.
How do I playtest for you knightsneed? I don't think you can send messages on itch, or can you?
It's mostly irl people and other gamedevs I know. I'm on twitter and d*scord, pretty easy to find.
>but but but he is
Stop talking about it. See how your problems go away when you yourself stop being the problem. Tripping over your own feet.

Hilarious how dense you people are.
Whats the best or rather most user friendly program I can use to make an rpg game (that isn't rpg maker)?
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But knight-sama, I don't use either of those. Any other way of connecting? I've made a few games myself and would like to help in any way I can, plus your secret lich boss got my almonds activated. Also, what's your music situation like? Royalty free? Did you commission it already? I'm not good by any means but maybe I could help in that department if you need it. I can send you some samples. Do you have a throwaway email?
Well, I'm always around here. I dunno why itch doesn't have messaging. As far as music, I actually have a pretty solid original soundtrack that I've been making with a mate of mine, but new collaborators are always welcome! I don't have a throwaway mail, but I should probably make a more permanent one. I now have KnightSneed@protonmail.com
It depends on what you want to achieve, the basics are easy for everything. As people have commented countless times, if you want a 2D sprite engine, then there are many short tutorials you can follow to build your own engine in a weekend or less.
Required skills: You can follow basic instructions, read what you see on the screen, pause the video, and type it in your editor.
>then there are many short tutorials you can follow to build your own engine in a weekend or less
Name 5.
People kept parroting this BS.
>Whats the best or rather most user friendly program I can use to make an rpg game (that isn't rpg maker)?

1. RPG Developer Bakin
> Link:

2. RPG Architect
> Link:

3. RPG Paper Maker
> Link:

4. RPG in a Box
> Link:

5. Smile Game Builder
> Link:

6. SRPG Studio
> Link:

7. MonMae (MonTamer Maker)
> Link:
>I missed one

8. Wolf RPG Editor engine
> Link:
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Doing a bunch of animation tests today on some new tech to maybe support in a Jam
Building Isometric maps in RPG Maker, using blender to generate pixel assets and tiled to make the isometric maps. Works better than expected.
Nice, thanks. Didn't realize there's so many alternatives. Took a quick glance and some looked pretty interesting.
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i have a recent build of my dark fantasy 3D ARPG/soulslike/musoulike online, please give it a shot if it's of any interest...

Oh add the musou-like to the devs listed here >>3489415
Pretty much the majority of the devs on these threads are not using rpg maker
Does anyone know anyway to pirate some of these: >>3491384
A number of them are too expensive to just try out randomly (and 2 hours is too short of a period for a dev engine to return it) + there is no demo.

I don't see a demo/trial period announcement somewhere either and yes, lack of purchasing power indeed. (I'm not a company), feel free to mock it. Anyway, for newbs like myself its very inconvenient the way this is set up. Buying all of them is not an option.
"make your own engine", "use godot", I know- but the point is trying out these engines.
I recall smile and srpg studio are easy to find online. Rpg in a box was free for a while in epic games too.
I'm honestly worried about people's mental health here sometimes.
If I say anything positive or in their favor, you and others immediately suspect me of being Sigma.
If I give critique, someone will reply "Hi coyotecraft"
You're seeing things.
No I am not sigma. Maybe I should namefag to make that clear, but I am not interested in namefagging since people don't read my commentary on other people's projects as genuine anymore, but rather as some kind of plot against them.

I'm only interested in development discussions, updates and the progress posts of works in progress posted. I haven't posted anything on any of these threads for more than a month, yet the first reply I got was an accusation I was sigma. Sigh.

Could you, instead of being paranoid show me what you're working on? I get your opinion, comments, hate and your wish for validation and others to hate along with you, but like-- are you developing anything?

What does your game's interface look like? I'd like to see this for example; that's why I visit the thread, not to side or whatever you people think.

Last time I looked here I saw someone who had developed this awesome suitcase based inventory and menu system with animations with pure pixel art. That's soul.
Hi, coyotecraft
Just search Youtube, you will find much more than 5. It's all they ever post because the complicated engine stuff is too difficult.
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Have you tried drawing on the right-side of the brain?

how long has it taken you so far? did you make your own assets? what engine?
You're going to stand on a distance to tell something on being anonymous? Is there something even more sad?
Well, its clear you have nothing to say on game dev or any project so you're not welcome here.
Go enjoy >>>/lgbt/thread/35846140
and discuss your issues there.
Worry about your own performance.
At least write prompts on the left side of the brain.
Omg if you could see the amount of progress I'm doing. So much progress. Really, no kiddin.
You could also just talk about development ideas or ask for tutorials to do stuff.

Recently I was thinking about 3D tile based games. They're very efficient for multiplayer games because all you have to send tile id's with orientation and a few other variables in order. The issue is that you don't have vertical traversal, but then I thought okay so you can stack tilemaps ontop of each other, but at that point you end up with voxel tiles. But what if each tile is composed of 3D models that are like voxels, and you can add terrain destruction and manipulation. Then all you need to store for sending to other players is the additional changes. Basically you could also load/unload (and cache locally) a number of tiles around the current position. So, it would look fully 3D more like Neverwinter Nights but be composed more like Minecraft.
That's what I was thinking about recently and I was wondering how feasible it would be to do. At first it doesn't seem much more difficult than regular 3D tiled ares, but I'm sure there are lots of challenges that aren't so apparent until you try to do it.
Ugh, this shit is boring. You guys need some drama in here.
I was thinking about character class design for the dramaturge. Their gameplay style would be to manipulate enemies into fighting each other, and to use direct vocal attacks to give their targets aneurysms. Any suggestions?
Taunt + reflect
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engine is unity. i started learning gamedev with no prior experience a little under 3 years ago. i made many many unfinished trash projects and experiments leading up to this one. which i think is my most ambitious and polished game so far, which is a bit ironic since it's utter jank

i've only been working on this specific game for about five months albeit. and i plan to stick to it until release
Have you guys tried making an RPG in Ren'py?
You may want to take a glance at narcissism. Of all the dark triad based personality disorders one can have, narcissism is the least immune to manipulation, yet also a manipulator.

The reason is the severe weakness to the social image. They need a certain picture of them to be validated, so "reflect" would be devastating.
Any critique immediately causes severe anger outbursts, brain rupture or whatever.

Sociopaths look for control and play games, which could be an interesting personality type for the protagonist. (they also lack of moral care) Psychopaths don't care at all, so-- there isn't much to write if you pick that. (nor will they have reasons to even execute the manipulation behavior).

Narcissism tends to show up when people feel victimized. (lack of empathy, strong entitlement, arrogance, belittling/rediculing/manipulative behavior + finding themselves better + needing validation.)
It can also be group based, so because they 'stand up for others', which then becomes their justification to bully.

So, you could write a scenario where the main character notices a character he doesn't like, and accuses them of victimizing someone or everyone, which they then believe as the discussion goes on, and this then causes the others into attacking and killing the target.

Once the protag has strong party members, you can write scenes that basically do similar stuff back; for example someone becomes upset at the protag not becoming sad for them, or for someone they support. That becoming the trigger for them to immediately demonize them.
So this character then tells others and tries to prove how wrong they are, upsetting them, and they attack the protag.
but then the protag fights back by showing his allies how rediculous it is, and so they attack back.

It would work kinda like that.
Basically, its like Mother or Undertale's "Talk" feature, where the options would be these kinds of attacks. (accusation, call out, redicule, etc.)
>I need to manually make the library resource in an animation player to unique in order to avoid having all animation players handle the same anmations
This is incredibly shitty in godot
post webms of your game
actual gameplay not just some walking sim horseshit
>Required skills: You can follow basic instructions, read what you see on the screen, pause the video, and type it in your editor.
This is disingenuous. Filter from that list anything that leaves you with a crude, shitty engine that isn't realistically suitable for developing a real game given the smugly stated required skillset. (You won't be able to do that, because you haven't actually evaluated all those tutorials you just did a quick search and game up with a list of grifters who tailored their content to the SEO meta.)
You are expecting too much from people if you want them to not only find tutorials for you, but also go through all the tutorials before you do. You are correct that it was smug to assume non-stated competencies like some basic level of self-sufficiency. However, the irrefutable truth is that you would not get far in any engine including RPG Maker if you lacked that self-sufficiency.
What you need is something like Chat GPT but it actually does all of the work for you. Nobody else is at fault for that.
Motherfucker, you're supposed to learn the basics by following an example, learn the logic behind it all. LEARN, then make your own improved engine. Did you think you're gonna get a free engine? Dumb fucking brat.

You gotta make your own engine, but first you must learn to do it. Tutorials will get you STARTED on that.
The fact is that they tell you by example how to render and animate from sprite maps, how to store variables, draw text to the screen, draw a tilemap, do collision detection, basic projectile math and so on. If you're saying that you can't take that basic structure of a simple engine and alter it to suit your needs with a few small tweaks, then can't do anything. What is the point of ever asking any question when what you should be asking for is for people to do it for you? But what do you bring to the project if they're doing all the work?
>What is the point
Probably just looking for the easy way out or an excuse to give up. Not a good sign if he can't learn and apply
>there are many short tutorials you can follow to build your own engine in a weekend or less
Okay, you're right. For you, it would probably take more like a week or two, if you actually applied yourself.
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here you are
What about stats? And loot, how these works?
It's starting to look really solid like an actual game someone would spend money on.
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I'm not the guy looking for help (have been programming since the 80s) but if you have no idea what alternatives exist and you'd be better off not wasting your time posting pointless garbage.
>You are expecting too much from people if you want them to not only find tutorials for you, but also go through all the tutorials before you do.
No, but people would hope that you might know the GOOD ones. If you want to run a marathon you'll likely be directed to Jack Daniels or Hal Higdon, not a random list of youtube grifters.
>However, the irrefutable truth is that you would not get far in any engine including RPG Maker if you lacked that self-sufficiency.
RPGM will get you a lot further for a given level of "self-sufficiency" and starting knowledge, at least at first.
>What you need is something like Chat GPT but it actually does all of the work for you.
It would be very nice to have a generic 2D RPG engine made by someone who actually understands all the core elements of an RPG. Or else a vetted, highly-respected RPG-oriented game tutorial you can vouch for, one that isn't just some "SFML using C++ for beginners" grift.
>basic projectile math and so on
What if you don't need projectile math for your turn-based RPG? The reason why people come to an RPG dev community for help is for RPG-specific dev commentary not to just get answers they could have gotten from a search engine.

RPG Paper Maker is free for non-professional use. Appears to be an RPG Maker knock off with a 2D-3D gimmick. Doesn't look substantially better but having an alternative that's free to mess with is nice (https://rpg-paper-maker.gitbook.io/rpg-paper-maker)
RPG Architect wants to be "RPG Maker with fewer frustrating limitations," but is still in Early Access and while comments are positive, doesn't seem fully-baked yet. And doesn't seem to appreciate the value of default assets.
I have Morale as a damage type, here's some effects. It's mostly Bard/Dancer skills, so you need to reflavor.

>Intimidate: attempts to frighten enemy for damage, but might backfire and grant them Attack Up
>Waltz: Forces enemies to dance, inflicts Slow(reduced actions per turn)
>Siren Song: Deals damage and forces enemies to move towards you
>Show of Heart: Heals you but reduces your defense
>Words of Fire: Tricks enemies into thinking their on fire, inflicts Burn
>Mirror Dance: Copies debuffs on you to the enemy
>Sinister Seduction: Damage and if the target fails a Fortitude save, their resistances become zero for a turn
>Dramatic Reversal: Transforms debuffs on you into buffs

I considered rebuilding the majority of Renpy's functions in either Godot or React, which seemed like an easier task than brute forcing the other game mechanics into Renpy.
Generally speaking all the CYOA/VN tools handle other types of interactive media really badly because they're designed for writers, not for programmers. In order to make non technical people productive you need to put up a lot more guardrails that become restrictions once you move outside of the intended function.
A whole lot of posturing and calling tutorials grifts because they repost the same shit you can find everywhere. Pick one, follow it, and expand on it. It's not that hard.
I guarantee you that you guys collectively spend more time in these threads, trying to thwart the evil people misleading you into learning how stuff works, than it would take to code your own basic engine. You don't like the tutorials? Find the ones that fit what you want to code instead of asking people to mind read and find it for you. You want to argue which mechanics are important? Go pontificate in a corner.
Arguments are cheap.
I know that LOTRO had a system of morale instead of HP but then everyone just treated it like HP anyway. If it's going to be a type of damage it would need to behave completely differently to physical damage for it to be interesting.
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you got 6 of them
Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Mind and Intelligence
5 points per level, about 13 levelups in the game as of now
typical diablo-like loot. kill baddies, they drop items. you got basic, magic , unique and superuniques.

thank you kind anon. time flies when you're having fun, it feels like only a few days ago that i posted pic re.l in these very threads.
Whats the difference between mind and intelligence? Id think that mind might be better named "will" or something
mind is +Mana and +Dmg for wand.
Intelligence is for learning spells, equipping caster items and having more hotkeys available to bind spells to.
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Fresh new gameplay: https://webmshare.com/play/5J4o8
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/7rgtcr.webm
In my case it's just one of the damage types/elements just like Fire or Piercing. I'm not 100% settled on the name and have been swapping between Morale, Psychic and Arcane.
It's not supposed to be a different mechanic, just represent any sort of non-lethal attack: Intidmidation, Insults, Seduction, mind-invasion and on the healing side leadership, tactics and celebration.
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>go to test bugfix has worked
>get into random battle on the way
>thing happens that makes me laugh
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y'know, it's funny. my first run, the one i streamed, felt too hard; my second, almost too easy. it almost seemed like the RNG algorithm had changed, despite using the same build, since i was getting so many potion drops and good items this time around. or maybe athanasi is just a lucky guy...

later in this run i picked up a two hand club with mana restore. hurling it into packs of sun cultists and their sacrifices, and watching it restore my mana as it boomeranged back to me was incredibly fun and satisfying. although it did get stuck in a wall once (tho i was able to pick it back up)
>It's a music note
I know you've made like 700+ enemies, but this one's a little weak.
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i cant tell whats worse: trying to repress the urge to replay Xenoblade 1 by starting an MMO or starting my own shitty offline MMO
>Dynasty Warriors 2-3
You have me by the balls. I'll be following your progress with great interest anon.
> Got a new let's play of my game!

"Uglification of everything is a psyop." ~ watch Clef2Pieces as he starts playing False GamerGater.

> Video:

Cool, but I saw this on the other thread.
Also I am more of a fan of playing myself and forming my own opinion first, and then watch someone else play it.
it gets easier once you discover the mechanics. that and the dungeon you had first time, with the back to back acid shield named enemies was really tough. i'm glad you're still having fun! it makes this all worth it.
>it did get stuck in a wall once
in which way? did it hit the wall and fall down, or was it spinning inside a wall or something?
You're not wrong, it's just something about it using stamp and killing Nyangela that really got me. Dunno what
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hahaha thank you friend. i'll try not to... let you down
i don't want to mischaracterize the game since it's a genre hybrid that strays closer to a soulslike ARPG than a true classical Musou—but the dynasty warriors influence is there, for sure. nothing like sending a dozen enemies flying with a single power-strike

i threw it around the bend of a corridor, it got stuck inside the wall (positioned vertically up) until i went to retrieve it.
Don't worry about letting me down, I'm just a hopeless tard chasing after my nostalgia. You should follow your vision.
I was flailing about the demo for the most part but I think you captured the essence of an older musou. A sprawling battlefield with wide scale combat where your intervention matters.
Or to put it another way. I didn't like the direction Musous have gone after DW6 and I was deeply interested in your demo and game because you specifically mentioned DW2-3 where you are a singular officer with his/her meagre amount of soldiers that's trying to do your best to turn the war scenario around BUT without every single allied officer needing to be babysat and the map design not being a corridor where you are sweeping through chaff by the thousands. (Remember when archers were actually an actual threat in 2-5 and downright overpowered in 2-3? Remember when even the lowest level private can do an actual three hit combo in DW2-3?)

Sorry, I went off track, but basically I felt the battlefield "fantasy" has been somewhat lost in Musous and it's clear from the newer demographic and games being released that they'll never truly go back to that era. The fact that Kingdom Under Fire is also dead in the water with a dead MMORPG sequel isn't doing the genre any favours either.

In contrast, I think you're doing great and I had fun with your demo. I'll be cheering you on.
Sorry for the text dump. Felt a defensive need to clarify when I saw
>nothing like sending a dozen enemies flying with a single power-strike
While I get the sentiment and it's a part of what makes musous enjoyable, it's really only a fragment of what made the whole experience and I felt the Omega Force fell into the trap of thinking it WAS the whole experience.
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awesome, anon. thanks so much for playing and i'm thrilled to hear you had fun!!
>A sprawling battlefield with wide scale combat where your intervention matters.
>DW2-3 where you are a singular officer with his/her meagre amount of soldiers that's trying to do your best to turn the war scenario around BUT without every single allied officer needing to be babysat and the map design not being a corridor where you are sweeping through chaff by the thousands
you totally nailed what i'm going for - the sense of battlefield danger, urgency, chaos, and fluidly shifting advantage that is inherent in those older musou games and utterly absent from the new ones (i never bothered with any dynasty games after 5 honestly). the current map is very rough and basic, but i'm planning to add many more complex features like unit formations, siege towers, bridges, rescues, flanking, and dynamic events (for example, if you don't capture enough points within a certain timeframe, enemies will get more reinforcements). the novel series i'm basing this game off of has some of the most gripping battle sequences i've ever read in fantasy, and i'm just trying to capture a little bit of that magic...

>flailing about the demo for the most part
i know it's quite early and jank at this point, but if there were any technical/gameplay issues that stood out to you in particular, please let me know and i'll do my best to improve them.

great point - the essence of the classic musous is so much more than just facile slaughter. i see you are a man of culture.
your post inspired me to recommit to my vision with gusto. so thank you again.
remember the secret of battle.
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Did a bunch of rebalancing based on feedback. Feels good but also some people are asking for more difficulty options. The balance is pretty good right now, and I kind of just want one curated difficulty. Anyone else coming up against this?
I added a Hard Mode that gives enemies abilities and spells they don't normally have.
In addition to that, every Boss gets an extra Desperation Phase that heals it by a certain amount and unlocks further abilities and spells.
That's all, though. I didn't want to turn Hard Mode into a braindead grind fest.
I like having one well made difficulty in a RPG. Dragon Quest XI for example was not suited to having multiple difficulties. Normal was too easy and the strong enemies option made bosses fun again but random monsters tedious. I guess it depends on your audience too. If you want a broad, mainstream appeal it could work fine that way, but if you expect mostly seasoned RPG players then I'd focus on one satisfying balance. Also, is your game gonna have missable items or events of any kind? And would you ever consider making a Dragon Warrior III GBC style monster medal collection? Maybe one that unlocks a dungeon, just for those who like grinding and completion.
Is srpg studio easy to learn?
If so, I'd like to recreate a baby version of fft.
Doable alone? I have like 10h a week I could invest.
If I release it free, I can steal the music from fft, right?
Optional challenge bosses
Settings that reduce rate of xp or rewards
Sequence-breaking and speedrun-friendly features.
Maybe a higher difficulty setting could add some rare, high-threat random encounters.
>look guys i posted another gif of a bouncing enemy
Yeah, he has like 900 regular enemies
Yeah, he only posts the irregular ones.
srpg studio has a bit of a learning curve mostly from its interface being remarkably bad, but it's decent when you get the hang of it. unfortunately it's much better for making fire emblem clones than fft.
I don't think I've ever seen a fft clone made in srpg studio actually
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This is a lot of fun. I like the idea of a desperation phase.
DQ is one of my main inspirations - the way the game is set out currently if you do the critical path the game is challenging, but if you do all the side content you get bonus gear and XP etc so it's much easier. It's a way to incentivise exploration and content completion that I feel really suits a game with goofy shit to see, like DQ - or Knight Sneed. Also, yeah I totally have Mini Medals, Hidden Unique Collectables, and Bestiary Completion quests
Optional superbosses I totally already have, but the others - especially sequence breaking - are mega intriguing. Looking at my critical path flow to see what breaks where and how I can alleviate it. Thanks, anon.
Sure did, I'm unstoppable.
I'm closing in on 600 of the 900 implemented.
Yeah, decent ui are apparently impossible to create.
What would be a suitable engine for fft?
The mercaneries series like mercaneries blaze seems similar to fft. Don't know what engine they used.
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What would be a good name for a buff you get when you consume alcohol, coffee, but also potions and elixirs? So far I got Energized which is quite meh...
Tf does the buff do
Jacked Up
Crossfaded, the IRL term for taking multiple substances at once.
Don't ever do this btw
>Air Friar
Now that's more like it.
Just had the worst crisis in years. Don't really know if it was my fuck up or the engine. Apparently in godot its not good to mess with collision layers/masks whenever you're putting a body2D on another scene from the scene it is being added to. Also the tileSet decided to fuck up and delete all sources in somewhere between me detecting this and trying to fix it. Had to get my backup and start reimporting the version differences one by one.
What exactly wiped your data? Messing with collision layers?
Apparently messing with collision layers for an instanced node from the editor fucks the possibility of editing them as if there was a disconnect between the original node and its instanced version. So anything regarding collisions became static. I had lots of functionalities that depended on collision masking and layers, so this bug fucked up big time these features. I tried everything from deleting the node and reimporting it, reimporting the project, etc.

Then somewhere in time troubleshooting this issue the tileSets were wiped without any warning and that was the nail in the coffin that made me grab my backup.
Good luck finding that info in any tutorial...
Thx for sharing
No tutorials but I found a github comment on this: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/43032
I still have some doubts if this was my case but its still good to know this. Apparently its an issue since at least 2020, which speaks loads about how their core contributors care about fixing stuff.
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Why people don't use something like git for code *and* assets?
I have no fear for shit like that because of it.
Also when you're devving something for years and years, it's cool to switch to an old branch and see how things were back then.
I think I should start using it now. Used it for a couple small uni projects and never again. Whats a good rule of thumb for using git, nightly commits? Monthly branches? Is there a space limit?
>issue since 2020
Yeah, and people are fantasising that ai will automate game development by 2030, kek.
I've read online that flash is the way to go for fft.
Would certainly make life easier.
Anyone got an opinion on that?
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You can make as much commits as you want, so if you have something new to commit, you do it.
It's weird that I go more than one dev session without making a commit.
People around here published on steam.
Did someone publish on Nintendo or Snoy network?
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Try this one on for size if you wanna try guessing.
Sounds weird calling the developers "contributors" like it's not their product but it's their responsibility.
I guess but I've seen so many "works as intended" from them that I've demoted them to contributors.
Sorry chum, it's Dra-goon
When will you stop procrastinating?
Good name as always!
Git is kind of a pain with lots of big binary files. Sure, it'll handle your .png pixel art, but handling large 3d models and textures sucks, especially when you constantly auto-generate your production assets.

Daily + whenever you finish a feature. Get an UI like tortoise, clone repo to another drive for backups.

The only reason 4 year is unusual for an open bug is that the software lived that long. Once a project gets large enough there will be issues so niche that they never get to the top of the que.

At least godot isn't (yet) corporate open source, which inevitably abandons normal users to become an enterprise product. I've got account passwords hard-coded in modified source files that break every single update, because big corp only tests their software on their own $10.000+/month cloud hosting.

Fairly common thing. While open source usually does have a core of fulltime devs, there's also uses that only contribute a few lines to fix that one problem that bothered them with the software.
I'm not, if it's any consolation. I just also have a bunch of enemies to get through
A publisher maybe. That's how all those AI slope hentai puzzle games gets on the switch.
>The only reason 4 year is unusual for an open bug is that the software lived that long
That reminds me, Firefox had a bug report that remained open for 21 years: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148624
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>Git is kind of a pain with lots of big binary files.
Why? At work we have to deal with GBs of data, and Git works just fine.
I'm sure there's better solutions, but Git should do the job for all posters in this thread.
>when you constantly auto-generate your production assets.
You shouldn't commit auto-generated assets.
There's hentai slop for the switch.
AFAIK tendie corporation charges 500 bucks for the developer kit and demands a viable press kit for listing.
Found some guy ranting on plebbit that he can't get listed for 10y straight, then another plebbitor posted his game. Had the artistic quality for a subpar nes game.
what engines are people using for their games? thinking of trying HaxeFlixel out but not sure if I'm walking into hell
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Okay frens I started using git
In my work experience working with it gets really frustrating when you have a few big database dumps in the repo. Dunno, maybe it's just the UI we use or some fuckery from juniors constantly comitting node_modules no matter how many times I put it in gitignore.

Obviously Anon should use it anyway, I was just speculating why game studios might have extra systems for their asset management.

General overview of popular engines:

Built for high-fidelity graphics with a large ecosystem to support that. Very Enterprise-y, so steep learning curve. Also popular for scams because how easy it is to make something good looking.

Indie champion with the largest community and ressources. Fallen from grace in the eyes of the public for senseless corporate greed. The tech is still all good, but the company has proven itself to be not trustworthy.

Open source, basically the sucessor/rival to Unity. It has a lot less features and ressources, but received most of the attention from the Unity exodus.

Paid upfront, built for RPGs. Gives you a lot features out of the box and will have you up and running quickly, but you find yourself fighting against it getting the behavior exactly how you want it.

I've never heard of HaxeFlixel but
>language compiles to PHP 7
That's hilarious.
Gitlab or Gitlab or gitraky?
How's everyone feel about enemies scaling to your level? My game is going to have random element to it, so I'm never going to know what level you'll land on in a given play run. Scaling enemies to player level makes sense, but does anyone know any game that did it well?
just git? What gui do you recommend?
I utilize it, but there's a cap.
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I'm using a local Git repo. Why do I have to upload it anywhere?
3-2-1 backup system: At least 3 backups on at least 2 different media, with at least 1 being offsite.
But if you're just a solo dev doing this as a hobby with maybe a little payoff in the future then you can relax that a little. No need for cloud providers especially since the free options are suboptimal. I just clone my repo to two different drives on my PC and a USB Stick that's lying in my car.

Given your description scaling makes sense. You're making me thing of games like World of Warcraft or Warframe that have some infinite scaling content where the area you're in is completely detached from difficulty and rewards.
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You can upload backups online while working with a local repo, you don't need hosting the repo on Github or Gitlab or whatever.
>3-2-1 backup system: At least 3 backups on at least 2 different media, with at least 1 being offsite.
That's what I do.
> Yaaay, a new playthrough of my game!

"Land of the free, except for thee." ~ Clef2Pieces continues playing False GamerGater & finishes the game. (And exposes some bugs I ought to fix...)

> Video:

>Scaling enemies to player level
High level enemies could start spawning among low level enemies. That way you get a mix of challenge and reminders your characters have become stronger. Most of the hate against level scaling stems from poor implementations in the past.
>(And exposes some bugs I ought to fix...)
One of the positives of getting someone to play your game. A fresh pair of eyes can pick up things to improve and learn from.
You should post in the RPG Maker thread. You're off-topic.
>You're off-topic.
You're off-topic.
>scaling to your level
I think scalling should be a thing between lower and upper limits and be different levels for each map in the game.
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How should I limit flying vehicles? There are several ways to convey this form of 'fast travel'
>vehicle hovers above all tile physics but is clamped to a certain area so that it doesn't go out of bounds (ff, bof, etc)
>vehicle moves to an overworld like map screen that lets you select where to go (ala pokemon)
I don't think I've ever seen the technical aspects of the former though. I gues I'd disable most collissions and then just check if its near the limit and if so make it unable to move further with some bullshit reason like "wind is too strong"
I like the first one more because I prefer that feeling of exploring on my own, but one idea I've been playing around with recently is something like a fuel system that limits the amount of tiles that a vehicle can move before it runs out which can let the player go over terrain that they can't cross on foot but something like a large body of water would be uncrossable until the vehicle gets an upgrade.
What happens if the player runs out of fuel above water or something like that?
That's why I'm still just playing around with the idea, but I'm not against just calling it a game over and reminding the player to save often.
Get out and push
I do like unique vehicle mechanics like that in RPGs so I hope you'll come up with something you like!
>fuel system that limits the amount of tiles that a vehicle can move before it runs out which can let the player go over terrain that they can't cross on foot but something like a large body of water would be uncrossable until the vehicle gets an upgrade.
Reminds me of golden sun and how the boat could fly by using the group's psyenergy and it ran out fast.
And people ask why someone of us stick to RPGmaker. At least you know what you're getting into and you can complete a game. But these "expert engines" always come with some surprise inside.
No one calls godot an expert engine though lol. Its open source and its full of bugs.
Open the sails and move slower
>I'm noob enough to not have had a RPG Maker database corruption.
>Map Tree Data Break has entered the chat
Unless your PC is shutting down unexpectedly while working on RPGmaker you won't find a database corruption
in other engines your whole game can explode just messing with stuff
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>expert engine
What is an expert engine? Please explain it to the class.
Not rpgm
>Finally found that pesky bug and squashed it
feels good man
>How's your game going?

I haven't been as productive since I stopped posting...
And so I start posting again.
Made a new sprite for a new(?) character.
>See Screenshot

>what is texel density
Christ, you're a shit dev
I am not doing anything, which is worse.
like I haven't been doing anything for a few years now. mental issues. It just became hard to start doing stuff at some point. I feel like i can't do anything, and so shouldn't. Anything I do is in vane and trash; people will do it better, faster, etc.Someone will realize whatever I come up with anyway.
I'm trash.

That only happens when you fuck up rpg maker mv/mz versions due to piracy or importing existing projects/games.
or when you think you can figure out javascript and why it works in this game engine, which is impossible; like- javascript itself is already a maze that makes my head hurt.
no clarity or whatever.
Anyway, mess up the code of the engine files instead of making it a 'plugin' and you get that issue with a 'possibility' due to how it alters the db files and you screwed something up.
Aside from some bogus stuff javascript is high level and easy. Dunno why people find it difficult, unless of course you don't have programming skills.
>It just became hard to start doing stuff at some point.
Get a calendar. Break your work down into a small tasks or get a few simple starter tasks you can do in five minutes. Reserve like 30 min per day for your hobby work and then stick to it like it's brushing your teeth.
I'm in the same spot as you, growing old fucking sucks. You have to set up a routine that gets you starting doing something, anything, then that old flame will rekindle itself.
Then come back to me when you've figured out how to deal with the horror of realizing that finances, sports, etc. have a higher priority than living a fullfilling live.

>But these "expert engines" always come with some surprise inside.
The simple truth is that complexity is difficult, and games(especially RPGs) are complex systems. Engines hide away that complexity by giving us heavy guardrails, but the more flexible they are the more complexity they must show to the user.
And then there's the a partcilarly nasty type of complexity that stems from making code more adaptable. Where the code for showing damage numbers suddenly turns into a DamageNumberRendererPool looking into the ThemeTemplateProvider to fetch a DamageNumberRenderer that depends on the LocalizationConfigRepository and loads a NumberDisplayBlock and UserConfigService, because you need to figure out wether one thousand is written "1.000" or "1,000".
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I made a thing.. is the animation too busy though?
Not at all, looks great.
The crumbling is well made.
Ty I guess looking at tutorials always pays off, was checking this one for reference
What engine?
And is the art yours?
Are you doing all of this yourself? How long is taking to do everything?
Yes, forever solo dev
I've been working in this project since late january but the rock and lightning bolt animation I made this afternoon looking at tutorials. Im putting 75% of the time into code and 25% assets because if I put 100% into coding I'd lose all motivation.
Quite some work, who would've thought?
Apparently 10 minutes for that crumbling rock.
looks cool
How make rpg if I can't draw code compose or write
I just need it to be good or ill kill myself
Have you tried directing?
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Trying to post fewer static bouncing enemies, but this one's name really tickled me and I wanna see if anyone gets it.
Your art is very cute. Impressive if you dedicate yourself mostly to code.
Since January, so got you around 5 months to get what's on the webm? UI and movement?
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>kukri book
Honestly, make an art book for all your enemies. Offer it as dlc for 10 bucks, I'll buy it.
Looks nice and you're using proper webms instead of shitty gifs, so good job.
Can you collect enemies and make them fight with you (Lufia) or summon them (SMT)?
This is a sweet idea. Thank you.
Sort of, I was planning a whole DQ5-esque monster party member system, but have settled on some arena based stuff ala DQ3 instead. Might make a monclone after this project, since I have a zillion monsters
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>Impressive if you dedicate yourself mostly to code.
But its not my first try at a project, been doing pixel art for well over 2 years.
>months for UI and movement
And some more systems and menus from your typical rpg like shop, inventory, party change, etc. Excuse my shitty gif. I'm still missing the battle scene which will probably take me another month or 2.
You're the same guy who made their own font. Neat. You seem experienced.
Any major change that results in longer random fights is going to result in unplayable garbage no matter how engaging the first few of those fights are. What sounds interesting and fun on paper and in play tests gets old real fast for someone actually playing through 10+ hours of your game, especially if you don't have extremely tight math and require any amount of grinding, even if it's a Chrono Trigger Black Omen style enemy encounter rate where once you kill every enemy in a map once, they don't respawn or only a very few do and you can still avoid them if you want.

If you include mechanics where I can't just spam attack or basic magic 1-3 times to get through a random fight I don't want to be subjected to more than 1-3 random fights per story beat. Of every battle is mini-boss tier length because some dev wanted to be clever and stand out nobody will play your game.
Pretty much this.
>How's your game going?
Posted a game clip on YouTube

Explanation of GamerGate 2 & 1 by a Game Developer, inside a VideoGame (False GamerGater)


>Side note:
While I was developing this game and posting about it here, in these development threads. Someone asked for a quick run-down on GamerGate 1.
And so I spent about 2-4 hours, wrote a wall of text, explaining, and posted it here.
Then someone reported my message, and it got removed.

That... made me feel I wasted time, writing it all.
And I starting thinking where else I could post what I wrote?
I eventually ended up dumping the explanation, inside my gamergate game. XD

So yeah, thank you to whoever asked that question, and whoever reported it. Because it helped add extra content to my game. And got players more informed.
>How make rpg if I can't draw code compose or write
Me too. Can't draw, can't compose, couldn't write, and I've released a bunch of games by now. Thanks to RPG Maker. (Though you have more options now. Like RPG Developer Bakin, Pixel Game Maker MV, and RPG Architect, e.t.c)
I would recommend just learn one of these engines through YouTube tutorials. And you can start making games.

>I just need it to be good or ill kill myself
Make a game about killing yourself, inside the game.
Then you meet angels & God in the Afterlife. Or get reborned as someone else, or get transported into a fantasy world.
Sounds like a fun concept.
You did waste your time writing it.
>I eventually ended up dumping the explanation, inside my gamergate game
That's quite clever, especially if you can manage to make it fit in some way. Gotta keep that in mind.
GamerGate is the nickname given by certain journalists to 'players playing video games' showing critique towards them, essentially.
From a developer's perspective, critique should be looked at, not excluding how that critique is received by others and why.

Gamer's have just a couple of goals:
- Informing consumers (fair trade), they're not trying to prevent people from buying a game, but rather make sure people are informed before buying.
- Make consultents and journalists accountable for their nonsense. (not all journalists are bad luckily, but unfortunately bloomberg, kotaku, such companies hire the worst)
Always look at who writes the article.

GamerGate2 is still ongoing.
Kotaku is comitting suicide
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqc7aJUT9m0
Summary: SmashJT wanted to show people, on his own rarely visited website, what kotaku's journalists were doing and list their stupidity online. 2 days later they got his website taken down, rather than saying "I shouldn't have done that". Welcome to the internet.

Much like Sony, helldivers 2, gamers standing up for themselves, they're doing it here too. Gamergate 2 isn't done yet basically.
But no, it is not harassment. It's just critique and the defense labeling it as such, because the defense tries to hide their asses.

It's not just about censorship and inclusion, its about power. It's about narcissistic supply.

Games are fiction. We can play characters that are impossibly beautiful or cool in games and that is partly why we play it. Who wants to have social + mental struggles in real life, let alone in dreams, and games as such? Games are an escape from such. Those DE&I consultants don't get it.

Anyway don't get threatened or scared. They will try to threaten, etc. Just make the game the way you want to make it. You don't need to satisfy everyone, especially not if it will come at the cost of your world building.
holy schizo ramble
>Who wants to have social + mental struggles in real life, let alone in dreams, and games as such? Games are an escape from such.
I want every single rpg character to be in hell and suffering from every single pain imaginable at all times and never have any moment of happiness.
Oh good. This again. Amazing how it fucking stopped when be was gone. Why won't the jannies just stop him.
>How's your game going?

Did some generating, then recoloring and editing.
> See screenshot
Left is the original.
Right is the final.

>if you can manage to make it fit in some way. Gotta keep that in mind.
Of course, of course.

>Gamer's have just a couple of goals:
>Informing consumers
It also involves informing developers in the game companies.
Gamers thought that game journalists and community managers would be properly representing their voices and concerns, to the developers. Who don't have the time to sort through gamers' feedback on their own.

However that's not been happening.
It's come to light in GamerGate 2 (and possibly in GamerGate 1 as well) that game journalists, community managers, and marketing teams seem to be run by anti-gamer, "human rights" activists. Who have been misrepresenting what gamers want, to the developers. Leading to games that gamers don't want to buy or play. (Leading to lay-offs in those companies.)

Hence gamers are now directly reaching out to developers, to express their wishes and concerns.
>death threats
>rape threats
>"reaching out"
Very cool.
There goes the neighbourhood.
Posted another game clip from False GamerGater onto YouTube.
This time, of the game's ending.

>See video:

At least make your own engine or use one like Godot if you want more genuine responses here.
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next demo update is very soon, sorry I haven't been active
we might end up postponing release a couple months. I know, I know. we could just as easily cut corners to hit the date but that's lame
Delay it. Who cares about a couple of months.
Quit bitching.
exactly. I feel like we're still unknown enough that it won't piss too many people off
>How's your game going?

but here's my pitch anyway if bollywood didn't steal it yet.
MC is a gorilla, literal return to monkee gentleman of a gorilla.
start out with you escaping from zoo and getting an office jeb.
then it switches POV and you just a weirdo office scum who brings his Realdoll to work. scum's name is Lars. you get 3 hrs of unskippable FMV where Lars fucks his doll,go on dates, playing /v/ with her and marry her in ceremony full of senpai and 1 gorilla, in between useless dialog choices.

then it's back to gorilla. you play a mini game to fuck the doll, and then Lars catches you in the cucking. Lars stabs the doll in rage and declares that she died of cancer.

final boss is horde of mexicans and chineses migrants trying to steel your jeb. it's all TBS and each battle last 20 mins . you have to fight 1000 of them before facing against Darth Brandon at the blackedhouse. then you tear off his face and find out he was Obama in a white monkee suit all along. Brandon died 3 years ago with COVID and 10 shots of vaccines and 1 cup of gin tonic.
the game was scheduled to be named "Monkeys Day Out" but due to current year climate changed politicks, we will rename it to "Ragnar the swedish gentleman of transharmoney", and the gorilla will be painted the deepest kuro colours and wear a rainbow technicolor coat with a tophat.
Delayed game eventually good, rushed game forever bad. Also I like the right guy.
thanks, he's one of my favorites too
I made a complete playthrough of False GamerGater (no commentary, just the game).
So feel free to watch, if you don't want to play.

>See Video:

>At least make your own engine
It is my own engine. Built on top of the play-testing end of RPG Maker MV (which is open-source).
>Example of the False Engine (during its development)
Spending the afternoon at the cemetery.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/RLYXA
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/22xx9j.webm
Anyone know whether Godot or GameMaker has the better mobile/browser performance?
Unity disqualified because it's 100MB by default, if not more nowadays.
I'll say that GameMaker, from what little I used it at work, is also a very good option. Still has quite large market share.
Mainly 2D, it's really easy to do things in, the language is very dumbed down, and the engine does a lot of heavy lifting on its own (which I used to have to do myself in Unity). Biggest drawback being that you need to pay a subscription fee to export your game.

Right now I'm trying out Godot to see how it compares.
Are there any good essays or books or videos. about designing jrpgs that arent just hyper focused on how to make le turn based more fun?
Things that cover and explain shit like world map design or encounter rates or combat balance or back tracking or anything like that
>it is my own engine
It's rpg maker you dumb faggot. This is why everyone hates you rpg maker retards
>2,5 scripts on top of an existing engibe
Thats like saying that because I make my own systems in any engine without plugins or external help I'm making an "engine". That guy sure makes rpgmaker users look bad huh.
And the worst of all is that it's not trolling, they mean it because they themselves believe it.
Engines do file handling, encoding, decoding, displaying images, textures, models, loading in sound files and unloading them, etc.
Engines load up the database.
Engines load up the code used to handle events. (the game intepreter)

You haven't modified the engine enough for it to be considered something other than RPG Maker's game engine. The core engine files would need to be heavily twisted to achieve that, which simple plugins (placing code overwrites) doesn't do. In fact, if it was your own engine, you wouldn't need plugins.
and you wouldn't need the RPG Maker editor either, because you understand the code directly and can just create text files. The RPG Maker Editor would become incompatible with the code.
because it is not, it is still RPG Maker, enterbrain/kadokawa/gotchagotchagame's game engine.

and the game engine is different from the rendering engine, which I assume is still PixiJS.
or the compile and display, which is still chromium. If the core parts of the engine aren't changed, its not your own custom engine.
Personally I like RPG Maker. It has a lot of potential, but requires a skilled, very patient artist and someone who takes time to learn and use it to get there.
One downside are some of the defaults, such as the limited frames per character (when they move). This can be modified, even if you don't know JS like me, but requires examining and modifying the core scripts.
There are some good or interesting games running on the engine out there. It all depends on the developer. Because of that I was wondering if you could consider not judging every RPG Maker user with the same labels, but rather looking at them individually instead. When you spread negative news about 'rpg maker users' rather than just the opsetting individuals, you'll cause a reputational drop for each individual who dares touching the engine. And yes that is partly indeed because people don't like using their brains and make up their own minds about subjects.
I think it would be tragic if some of the promising looking projects in development were to end simply because people started pissing on RPG Maker and their users overal due to how some of its users behave.
>>3489260 (OP)
>How's your game going?

Did some mapping, for a bit at the beach
>See Screenshot

>Because of that I was wondering if you could consider not judging every RPG Maker user with the same labels
Don't worry I don't. I used rpg maker for my first proof of concept so I know what its like.
>it's not trolling, they mean it
Correct, correct.

Just received the this comment on one of my videos, where I'm working with my upgraded RPG Maker MV engine.
>See Screenshot
>Video with the comment, below
It is inappropriate for me to tell people, who ask me the engine I'm using (with the intention of getting their hands on it) that what I've made, is simply "RPG maker MV". (Though I do credit it, as I'm required to.) Because you can't do with any RPG Maker MV, what I can do with mine. (Because of years of upgrades I've put into it.)

Hence, I do genuinely refer to what I have, as my own unique version of RPG Maker MV. That I call, False RPG Maker Engine. Or just, False Engine.
Hence it is a game engine, tailored to my specific workflow and needs. Built on top of RPG Maker MV.
>False Engine
You're an idiot.
>one minute between two posts with the same typing style
Looks like schizo is about to go off the rails again about public perceptions.

Shame they can't direct that into RPG design.
>bro makes 2 tweaks and installs a bunch of plugins and thinks he has made his own engine
do rpg maker babies really?
Finished another scene and focusing on QoL changes for all old scenes. Still missing combat system. I feel like hamlet procrastinating because I'm afraid it will be difficult.
You have to improve yourselves first and stop spamming non-rpgm threads with rpgm slop and rpgm drama. I'm sure there are a handful of good devs that use rpgm, usually for visual novel style games, but they're not here. At this point you're nothing but schizos.
have you used it? If you want to get under his skin you should use it to make a game. A yaoi game. Made with mspaint graphics inspired by persona and earthbound. You can gauge their popularity but all the threads in the catalogue.
But there aren't any earthbound or persona threads.
>waste precious time making a game in a joke engine to own a schizoid
i don't think i will
maybe you could make like a 20 minute long game. and say perhaps in a timeframe of... a couple weeks. it might even be fun
Yaoi jam! Yaoi jam!
Starts at the end of June. But people are already recruiting.

They rarely produce rpgs though.
>faggotry jam
>Hence, I do genuinely refer to what I have, as my own unique version of RPG Maker MV. That I call, False RPG Maker Engine. Or just, False Engine.
This fits, because it's a False Statement. God, you're embarrassing!
Added a 4 Attribute and 12 Skill system to a text based RPG in an eastern fantasy setting. About 4-5 hours of playtime atm, looking to add another 1-2 with the next update.

The framerate might need an adjustment but it looks so satisfying.

Version control for free is absolutely worth it, welcome aboard fren.


I had no idea there were so many out there, might make a little Aura Clash mobile or somesuch with one of these.
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I am retarded and did not add a link

Yaoi Jam:
>There's no reward
>But it has to be made for "us"
>"We" will be judging you and not the game.
>No AI generated assets.

Women, amirite?
>your engine
I see what you mean.

It is the complexity of your own use case which goes deeply beyond what you can do with the RPG Maker MV/MZ engine that people wonder about when they ask what game engine it is, and so you give them that answer.

I have to say, looking through a few videos that are on how you do your development, I am quite impressed and that they are inspiring. To be honest, using the game as a means to measure, generate the output script command and copy it isn't something I would come up with, but then again I am not a programmer; just someone interested. lol.

I'm quite curious as to how you set it up, but I guess that will remain a mystery.
I get how on a more global scale though.
It is, in relation to a number of plugins, a complex list of event commands within many common events where each common event triggers another one with a certain button press essentially.
I'm however unfamiliar with the code, so as such, idk how you do the input box and copy thing, but that all said there is a lot you can indeed display and do provided you assign it to buttons properly the way you did.

I also get why you went to look for a solution like that. You have so many game variables you need to use, as well as switches that you can't tell what does what and with how much effect in game simply from the number. I'm not sure how you make it update the event result live though, but I guess that is also a matter of knowing some of the javascript code; probably some kind of update refresh.

The 3D effects are generated with the Mode7 plugin I assume.

Anyway pretty cool.
and I see why you could consider it an engine on top of rpg maker indeed at least. That said, I don't think it is involved with the end result; just with development.
The latest hot take on AI is that it inhibits human connectivity.
No, it's "replacing" human connectivity.
And they're spinning a yarn about a guy from germany that killed himself after getting too immersed in a chatbot.

But that's the same cautionary tale they told during the 90's satanic panic. That some people shouldn't play RPGs because they get too into it.

I always assumed that meant "going to far" and acting out a real ritual slaughter or something.
But now I see it's about group mentality and how some people are just clingy.
You're one of those people who say they know how to cook because they put extra salami on top of precooked pizzas, right?
If you had ever made your own engine, you would realize the size of the bullshit you are talking about right now.
It does more than that, but that's not a hot take at all. It's an established phenomenon that tech like AI and apps with which you engage with them constrain what humans can achieve.
If it's so advanced then why does it still look like the most slop of all slop?
>no transphobia
do you think if I stuffed my game with transphobic stuff but displayed a frowning red face in a corner when it happens it'd pass?
Because it's a tool that enabled talentless morons to shit out slop.
You still need art skill to make good AI art, unfortunately most don't. And those who do have the art skill don't use it.

What you're saying is equivalent to "if Unity is a good engine why is there so many asset flips?"
I think you can make good art with AI without much art skill. But you do need IQ if you don’t have it. Like you either systematically learn all the tools and put the hours in to make the art, or you touch up some of the trash art that’s generated with your art skills. Or both. I’ve made good art with AI but I put some time in.

People are just retarded when it comes to AI so I don’t bother trying to convince people. Any time I see someone say “I can tell when it’s AI art” I want to reach out and strangle them. Queue “But I can tell.” No you can’t faggots, you can tell SOME art is AI because you’ve been trained on that style. AI can make anything. Hence artists are freaking out that it even copies an artists style and can make new works with that style that look AMAZING.
>You're one of those people who say they know how to cook because they put extra salami on top of precooked pizzas, right?
You sound like you don't know how simple cooking is, so allow me to educate you.

You know how to cook, if you've put potato in water. And let that water boil, until the potato becomes soft enough to eat, easily.

Cooking at its basic level. Is just making an edible food (vegetable, meat, beans) soft enough to eat easily. That's it. (You can make it softer by boiling the food in water for a while. Or by frying, or baking, e.t.c.)

You don't have to cook a complicated dish like a lasagna, to be able to say, that you can cook.

Similarly, a game engine itself, is a very basic thing.
You can copy bits of code from here and there, and just make your own engine. And then start making edits.
As pointed out already in this thread: >>3491344
>there are many short tutorials you can follow to build your own engine in a weekend or less.

Examples of simpler game engines:
>.ini RPG Engine

>If you had ever made your own engine, you would realize the size of the bullshit you are talking about right now.
Absolute projection.

If all you've ever eaten are fancy meals, you would think cooking is complicated.
If all you've seen/used are the bigger commercial engines, then you would think that game engines are complicated.
And that's what I believe is happening here.
You're a fancy pants. Who has only experienced the fancier stuff, and not the basic.

The amount of effort and time I've put into developing my False Engine (over RPG Maker MV), is mountains greater than if I had created a basic engine of my own.

It would have been asinine & waste of time, to build my own thing from the ground up. When I can build it on top of something that's already there and does a lot of things I need.
I've done exactly that.
Hence, my
>False RPG Maker Engine
>False Engine
>The framerate might need an adjustment but it looks so satisfying.
Would you mind elaborating? Is it too fast or too slow?
>spiritual cultivation
NTA, Whole lotta words to say you never made your own engine. Fucking insufferable. Every single thing you say is fucking stupid. You equivocate their use of the term game engine with a game engine that takes 5 hours to make. That’s not what anyone is fucking talking about. And that’s EXACTLY why you won’t make one.
If thinking that makes you sleep better at night...
I've put a decent chunk of work into exploring AI for different tasks. It's to nice work with because you've got fast feedback loops on decent hardware. Generally, you can produce something kinda passable, but if you go in any specific idea you'll struggle to hit it, especially for more esoteric fantasy concepts. AI by default produces the most generic content.

Tried getting an outline for a novel I've got in mind. All models produced a plot that would fit a movie, but was too thin for a novel. It was also impossible to get it to work with the themes I've head in mind.

Set up different character profiles and world information and had the AI talk with it. Dialog is bland and repetetive, context size is too limited for longer scenes. But characters are completely wrong, e.g. ambitious orphan becomes a humble noble lord working for his mortal enemy. And again, any subtext goes out the window.

>sprite sheets
Trained my own lora, for which I spent about 8 hours labeling training data ripped from a mobile game. Results are completely unusable because they fight against the base model, and I don't have the ressources to make that by myself.

>character designs
Kinda works. I've got hundreds of Loras for fantasy concepts, but quality drops like a rock once you go beyond generic anime girl. Those loras also introduce subtle difference in artstyle. Works as a notebook to write down ideas, but several male designs have female pictures because AI just couldn't get it with a male base.

I'm sure you could get much better results if you purpose-build models for one type of asset or one specific character, but for a solo dev it's just not worth the ressources. Maybe Disney can automate the next few star wars movies, but what do I care about that?
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I've seen fair amount of AI art in free amateur games, where 5 years ago you got random pictures from the internet. There's massive differences in quality, you can clearly see where a guy just typed natural language into one of the common web uis and copied over the first result. Complete lack of coherence in artstyle, framing or just zoom level. One character portrait is a close up of the big-eyed anime girl in modern clothing, the other a full body picture of an adult woman with robes and wizard hat.
With the people who put effort in you can still see that it's AI by a few giveaways, like the shading matching one the popular models or how they try to hide the hands. But at least you've got a coherent look for the fiction you're selling, which is a massive upgrade to the pre-AI days.

>or you touch up some of the trash art that’s generated
That's what I decided on for now. Pic related is traced over AI art. Took about ~40 minutes, which is bad(my game needs ~80 character shots like that), but I'm still just learning how the drawing app works.
I think currently the most useful part of AI is the abillity to get reference material quickly. Get variations of a pose, a haircut or a style of clothes so that you can draw them better. Like those pose dolls you can buy, but it covers more stuff. But any details are still better done by hand.
You don't understand the difference between making your own engine and building your engine on top of an existing one.
You also didn't compare your "engine" to any dish. You just said "cooking is easy so I don't get your point".
>I think you can make good art with AI without much art skill.
Depends on where you draw the line of "good", but art skills help you understand not only the fundamentals (and their lack in AI art), but also builds character to be critical of the garbage it spits out most of the time. It's easier for artists to understand shortcomings of the generated image, and how to fix it.
To keep going with food analogies since the others started, if you're an inexperienced cook you'll taste something and you'll feel that something is missing, a spice or flavor, but you're unable to tell what that something is. Without proper experience there's a ceiling to what you can do without getting lucky and first-trying the result you were hoping for.

The best AI art I've seen (and was able to tell only because they tag it as AI), was from people who were drawing for 10+ years. It was funny seeing people lamenting on twitter that their favorite "is supporting AI now" even though the quality didn't drop.
Right. If you go in with a super specific idea it might be hard to do. In those cases, at least when I was messing with it, you make your own Lora and train it on a specific style. That worked decently well. But it absolutely took time and thought. It’s a real skill to learn. Of course it’s a skill that could be totally lost with the next update. So drawing is still king. I’m just saying I did get some decent results. It’s time consuming and takes work.
I guess my definition of good is indie art good for a game that isn’t heavily stylized. Like it wouldn’t be good for one of those super cool indie titles like Cuphead, or that game I forget the name, Binding of Isaac, maybe. It would take so long to make all that art consistently. But a game like, Stardew Valley? Maybe. I could maybe make that with Stable Diffusion. Or like, a 2D Pokemon game. Limited animations, not super stylish, a lot of games to copy from. I’m looking at it from a game dev perspective. I’m not really thinking in terms of fine art. But I also think artists are mostly fags anyway. The last 20 years they’ve been trying to convince me a canvas covered in black paint is meaningful and difficult. They are fucking assholes. But again, real non brainwashed talented artists are still king. I know an artist in a country where young people are struggling to get any kind of job that pays a dollar an hour. And this artist is turning down employers left and right. He’s hounded by them. Because he’s a competent honest artist. Even international employers are after him. And he’s just some dude who put some hours in.
Engines can be very simple, depending on the effort and skill it could take you just a few hours to make one. You have never made a game engine in your life.
>You still need art skill to make good AI art
No you don't Shad, no, you do not. Developing an AI model for some goal can be intellectually stimulating and even part of a very creative process. Using AI to prompt a few versions of an output and then picking one is not creative, or even trying to have the model make changes by feeding simple edits back into it. Users of such tools are rarely ever creative in their usage.
You sound like a typical AI user. Most people can tell, because the models once made can't be used to generate "anything."
>You still need art skill to make good AI art, unfortunately most don't.
Honestly this is something that really gets lost in all the shit-flinging, both pro and anti, regarding AI.
People with some art skill can both 1) get the AI to generate better results because they know what to ask for and 2) fix all the shit that inevitably needs fixing. Sometimes that's faster than doing everything by hand, sometimes not.
The problem with most AI users is that they're tech bros and/or pajeets that don't really understand composition, let alone have the ability to touch up the output.
>Users of such tools are rarely ever creative in their usage.
That's my point? That most of it is slop and only people who have a working brain and trained eye can make something actually good with it?
Then we agree if you also mean that someone that codes and trains their own model is the only real creative use of AI image generation.
yeah ai is great if you want to generate static poses of characters doing nothing.
You sound like the typical anti Ai faggot. So I don’t care what you think. You make broad statements that are fucking stupid and act like it’s real. “People who use this tool are rarely…” how the fuck do you know. You talk like a fucking idiot. I’m not just going to accept your trash assumptions and the tower of shit you build on those assumptions. Learn to fucking think. Fuck you.
You say this like it’s trivial. The amount of static art is astronomical.
Yeah, I'm an AI researcher. Pop off.
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Seriously, why are we tolerating this guy.
Yeah, you've not made your own engine. You're just a liar who's bought into his own shit. You ruin everything you touch. Fuck off.
If only you could do anything. If only reporting an obvious schizo that is constantly derailing the thread with off-topic shilling and diatribes actually worked.
The thread was going great until he showed up too. You can literally see the immediate degredation. I hate it so fucking much.
I’m just tired of being told negative shit not based in reality. r/StableDiffusion is full of professionals and amateurs doing great things. I’ve used AI and made art that I personally thought was great. I don’t need anyone to be like “Well, this is an ok use, but this isn’t, and that won’t look good, trust me.” No I won’t trust you. I will move forward. With everyone else. I will use artists and AI.

One of the main reasons people can spot ai is because it looks too good to be human. Like we all know nobody took the time to draw Natalie Portman with massive breasts amazingly well just for a meme. So we know it’s AI. But if I make a generic 2d chair nobody is going to know.

It doesn’t even matter. The majority don’t hold an opinion on AI art because they haven’t been asked to have an opinion. There’s been no great propaganda push to split people, or to push a heavy narrative. Therefore nobody gives a fuck outside of art circles and it looks amazing.
The worst part is that nobody here even uses rpgm or is interested in it or his rpgm project. He literally has multiple other threads to get input from his peers.
added a groundslam move to two handed, non-spear weapons. i think all that's left is a whirlwind move and that'll be all the moves this weapontype gets.

>lord on me finger
got me good.
>postponing release
people don't mind as long as you don't announce a few days before release. it's indiedev, people are understanding.
The biggest antis and "retards that don't know what they're talking about" are going to be the non-corporate research community that consider the current trends to be a complete shit show. Those that work in R&D at corporations will spin a more positive take because they're lying to you and trying to sell you a product. Then you have morons like that one Google software engineer that convinced himself that it was sentient, because he worked with the software but had no broader understanding of the field and issues. Let me be blunt, I don't give a shit if you're impressed by it, but as far as it being a creative process, it just isn't.
The only people that are positive about currently popular AI models are tech bros and corporate stooges. It makes sense that the only people that think using the models is a creative process are users that bought into the hype. To the extent that there can be a creative process in reality, it would have occurred before deployment of the model, or after the result has been generated. Everything in between is creative in the way that Googling is creative or using apps on your phone is creative.
>One of the main reasons people can spot ai is because it looks too good to be human.
Nah, it's mainly because it's statistics and ends up weighted a certain way, so it "reuses" a lot of the same distributions, but at the same time "random" noise, so the output ends up unstable but still tends to look very samey.
By the point you're proompting it's just all statistics, without anything interesting to reveal about the creative process. If I want to make a creative AI or AI that enables and enhances creativity then I can't use these models for anything useful to achieve that goal. Even the idea that it will keep getting better, that solutions to problems will suddenly emerge from the statistics if you keep pumping in more data is retarded. They're all typical brainwashed end user takes.
I'm glad it still impresses you though?
>from his peers
we don't want him either
But nobody else knows who he is. He's your guy from your rpgm community, and is only here because the threads merged a couple of times recently. Lesson learned, lets not make that mistake again.
I tried being somewhat positive in my last post. But you’re just a stupid person. This conversation is over. I’d call you short sighted but there’s not even anything to envision. The product is here, in use, and you’re still arguing about if it’s a “creative process.” Talk about missing the boat. I don’t care what you think. Tell me why I should I should fucking care what you consider creative. What a dumb fuck thing to write. Why would I care if it’s creative? I’m here to produce a product that people enjoy. I’m here to create. Not be in a philosophical discussion on creativity.

But fyi it is a creative process and you’re fucking stupid for even arguing that point. But again I think of you as being legitimately stupid and unable to follow a coherent thought process and won’t respond. “But but I’m a researcher! You have to take me seriously. Statistics!!! Weights!” You’re nobody and you don’t know anything I don’t know. I’m not impressed with your surface level understanding of AI. I’m not impressed with how you conceptualize it. You don’t have special information the rest of us don’t.
It looks like the smoke doesn't come out of the maze, it's displaced.
Fucking cool apart from that.
if it wasn't for knightshiftdev it would be great to make a non rpgm thread to avoid schizos. I hope he's proud.
Ostensibly because you're arguing that it is creative and that you need skill to use it. It's not, it's statistical junk, and that's why people can usually tell it's AI pretty quickly. If you wanted something generative that could be used properly as part of a creative pipeline you would need something completely different, but you're already satisfied. Talk about being short sighted.
This is already a non-rpgm thread. There are already two rpgm specific threads.
>becoming so easily unhinged
This is why nobody respects AI bros and their AI slop.
>How's your game going?

So I set up this cool scene. And wanted to play around with adding choices on it.
But adding and customizing them seemed slow & tedious...
And so I'm figuring out how to improve the process. Of adding in choices in my games, and customizing them more rapidly.

>See Video below

>and so you give them that answer.
Correct, correct. Very well put.

>To be honest, using the game as a means to measure, generate the output script command and copy it isn't something I would come up with
I can't say I came with this- I can't say I came up with many of things I do with RPG Maker. I just keep working with the tool, playing around with it. And these sort of things just happen.

>I am not a programmer
Me neither! XD
I'm not a coder.

>I'm quite curious as to how you set it up, but I guess that will remain a mystery.
It was around the time I started setting this up, that I backed off from doing any more tutorials. And from answering people on how I achieved a certain result.
It simply became too complex, where it would be too time consuming for me to explain.

What I do now, is culmination of me extending capabilities of my RPG Maker MV, bit by bit over the years with now hundreds of plugins (that I had to edit to make compatible and add some necessary features).

It's not just the tech aspect. Anyone can copy that from my published games.
Rather, you would also have to read through and comprehend the instructions of 300+ installed plugins (many written in foreign languages). Memorize their commands, script calls, and practice using them.
Else, you're not going to understand how to take the commands (that are outputted) and actually implement them into the RPG Maker editor.

(Learning the controls for the "Visual Controllers" I've set up in play-test, might be a beast itself. As it's operated primarily by Full-size keyboard.)
>I'm not a coder.
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I just wanted to post in the drama free thread lol. Not sure how the software is relevant if we're making fun shit. Also, enjoy the Bell Ender
attention whores have one weakness: being ignored. learn from /agdg/ noob and stop mentioning or replying to him
As per this post, only knightshift is allowed in the not-rpg maker thread >>3491198
Genuinely brought a swell of pride to my blackened little heart. Thanks, lads.
You think AI bros are directing and creating content for you?

You realizes that every RM forum and discord has a resource request board? It works exactly like AI, only you are prompting a human to generate content.

Except nobody uses it. Nobody was using it before these AI models came around. The activity was faked. The requests are faked and repeated.
Some weeks ago I made a no-sigma dev thread but it was nuked by the jannies.
Thanks jannies.
You weren't posting "developments" anyway.
I was and I am posting them.
Then why haven't you finished your game?
You've had more than "some weeks"; you've had years.
Please post your finished "games" made with your "engine".
Or what? You'll name me coyotecraft like last time?
Come on, give us that "advice".
Or don't, and keep complaining about the thread quality and how moderators ruin everything.
This is a drama free thread. Please fuck off.
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progress for today
>Responding to your posts is "drama"
>Remembering your posts is "drama"
Maybe the problem is (you)
You seem pretty caught up in demanding respect and people to view you as creative. Despite that you claim otherwise, but you descend into attacks and name calling so easily. You don't process or follow any of the points that are made, because you're always on the defensive by default. The conversation is over because you feel threatened, but you keep responding because you can't control yourself.
I don't think it surprises anybody that you're an AI bro.
Keep up the good work anon
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Knightsneed, did you check your email? I've been working on some compositions.
If I was an AI Bro why would I need your respect?
I don't even have respect for "creatives".

I've seen people with more talent than you abandon their projects after years of dripping "development" like molasses.
At the end of the day the only respect they wanted was their own.
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Shit, I had not! But I have now listened and these are absolutely fucking incredible? Holy shit man, they fit so well with the current OST - complete fire. Reaching out via mail to ask about usage etc!
You know who else doesn't care about respect? Ai itself.
Uh? What happened? Haven't visited /vrpg/ in some time
Magical thinking by schizos. They shit up the last thread talking about Sigmasuccour and blamed other people for their lack of impulse control.
So they made a new pure thread believing a genius loci would make them focused and productive game developers. As if there was any chance people browsing 4chan would respect their sacred space and imaginary culture.
lol get fucked salik
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One thing I do like about making so many enemies is having random encounters with little mechanics and fun gameplay moments.
You should allow to recuit enemies, really.
Kinda weird that AI bros keep posting about it then.
It was also the arguments with rpgm tards, stuff like saying they "own the board" and other posturing in lieu of dev discussion or progress. The threads should never have been merged back together in the first place.
Fuck it, posting (non-)progress so we have at least a soem on topic content in here.

Purged six classes(total now 10) because I want to reduce the total skill count to 300. I'm down at 270 but still need to the character specific classes.

Started looking into Tauri, which is a rust framework that allows you pilot a webview engine on desktop. Aim is to make the game ui in JS/CSS to allow reuse between game, website and eventually mod launcher.
Works great by itself, but I didn't get very far into making it run in godot. There's a component I need for the integration that only comes in Tauri 2.0, which is still a bit off from a stable release.

>Next steps
Will probably try to spin up the dialog system in Tauri anyways. Front-End code should be reusable and making the file format/editor is independent of engine anyway(assuming godot and rust have XML libraries that don't suck).
Maybe I'll check out the Rust game engines and abandon Godot, since it has some real issues in my workflow.
>rust framework
You're probably right at this point
Alright give it to me straight, are there any good alternatives to the Rpg Makers or are they pretty much the best way to make indie RPGs outside of learning a programming language?
There are a few, but nobody really talks about them because if you're on the "caring about engines" step, most people just bite the bullet and learn programming.
All tauri is supposed to do is to make the web engine talk to godot. It's just Electrum without needing to ship my own chromium and nodejs.

If you can't program at all, all you're doing is creating content for existing systems. Do you have exceptional writing, assets or music? If not, reason do people have to pick up your game? What reason do they have to talk about your game, either to other players or friends?
>wants to make games
>doesn't want to learn programming
There are a few but what you're talking about isn't indie rpg design here, it's more about a fixation on a certain type of outdated rpg design. Even coding your own can come in a variety of ways with different levels of difficulty, like you could code it from scratch, or code it inside of a generic game engine like Unreal or Godot. Even from scratch you can opt for low level features and performance, or you can code it more easily in PyGame. I know there are a bunch of other similar fully made engines, but I can't recall any off the top of my head because it's not the type of game that remotely interests me. Likewise, nobody can really know what is important to you ahead of time, and maybe rpgm will meet all of your needs, but probably the worst idea the rpgm community seems to instill is that it's fit for any sort of indie RPG per se. Another way to look at it is that if someone tells me that they want to make a text adventure I'm probably not going to try and convince them to use something like Unreal. And I'm sure there are plenty of text adventure engines, but they could also just code their own, because we have text input/output at home.
Well shiiiiiet. If only learning a programming language wouldn't take a life time and requires degrees in advance mathematics and shit, I would've done it a long time ago. ;_;
It doesn't. What you come to understand as you get older, hopefully, is that you can learn anything. You can learn pretty much everything to a basic level of competency pretty quickly in just a few weeks. What stops you is really just mental blocks and distractions. Like posting here instead of working on improving.
Fine, you're human so you're entitled to wasting some time, but do you just give up and keep shitposting or do you google something like "pygame beginner rpg tutorial" and see how far you can get with whatever you find?
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i'm >>3503913 and i knew just the basics when i first started on that game. it really isn't hard - the most difficult thing is sitting down and focusing on what you're learning, the actual material is something highschoolers can grasp.
if i could do it i'm sure you can do it even faster.
>only learning a programming language wouldn't take a life time and requires degrees in advance mathematics
It doesn't, I learned programming in highschool and I'm barely a midwit. The tough part is learning how to structure a game.
If programming intimidates you I recommend starting with webdev, specifically with PHP. It doesn't have any of the frustrating low level stuff like data types or compiling, but also doesn't do any magic bullshit in the background like the Javascript framework hell.
You won't be able to copy much it to gamedev, but you'll be a much better developer. Just seeing multiple different languages will put you leagues ahead of the average code monkey.

>What stops you is really just mental blocks and distractions.
This, so much. This year I started exercising, drawing and investing and for all three the most difficult thing is actually starting it. Because you come back from work, are exhausted, put on some tv/read news to decompress and suddenly you need to go to sleep for work tomorrow.
I assure you, getting paid an extra day per month for doing literally nothing is a better feeling than any game, video or shitposting gets you.
It took me a month or two when I was 17 back in the 90s to learn my first language. It was C.
Over the last few decades, day-to-day work requires middle school algebra only. The advanced mathematics shit is in libraries. Working programmers absolutely do not write that stuff, because their version would be worse than what's already available.
Every now and again I have to bust out something more advanced than I knew in 7th grade, but every single time it involves google and re-learning shit I haven't touched in ages.
Don't make programming out to be some super hardcore big brain activity. It can be, but you genuinely don't have to be a try hard to make a fucking RPG.
>Over the last few decades, day-to-day work requires middle school algebra only.
The vast majority of programming jobs is just digital plumbing. The actual procedure is completely braindead and the only remotely difficult part is knowing all the ins and outs of the different systems, as they constantly change and manager/clients expect you to be a wizard.

In ten years the most complicated math I did was explaining to management what a least common multiple is.
It doesn't lmao.
I'm a professional gamedev, and I google pretty much everything because I can't be bothered to remember 90% of the magic words needed to do some bullshit things.
There is some merit in learning to code, namely to understand how to build your game architecture well, but it's not a necessity and games like Undertale or Balatro have 5000 lines long if statements that are anti-thetical to "good architecture". And they're best-sellers. It doesn't matter that much.

Go download Unity or Godot and write some code. A 2 hour tutorial will get you started on the basic basics, and the rest you'll be googling.
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Some more thoughts that might help you.

Learning a programming language is a meme. You don't learn to code by sitting in a library and reading books on coding and memorizing every word there. You learn by writing code and applying concepts to make things you want to happen, happen. Especially coding for making games, you should learn by making games.
I learned OOP at school and I was like "what the fuck is the purpose of this", I learned but didn't understand it. It was 3 years later when working on a game that I realized "oh fuck so this is what that's used for".

Now, granted, RPGs are a significantly deeper games than others, but on a basic level, they're like a puddle compared to a glass of water, it's still a trivial amount.
The simplest RPG, the pure essence of combat, is two HP numbers and a button to reduce those numbers by 1. And from there you add more numbers and buttons.
You make the enemy's number bigger so now he wins every time, and then you add a new button for yourself to win, like a heal, and then give enemy a new button, and repeat until the game is complete.
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Please leave you are marshing the mello
is this a Konakagami reference?
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No, it's a party member shooting porn and you masturbating watching it.
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I want to fuck around and make a 3D sandbox RPG-ish but I have no 3d modelling skills
or any art skills in general
get as far as you can on free models or even white cubes, then worry about it
maybe someone will want to do stuff for you for free
>maybe someone will want to do stuff for you for free
That's a pretty stupid thing to rely on. Maybe if you make a community project you can get away with it, but even then it's difficult to reach critical mass.

Instead you want to work with your limitations, not against them. Can't do art? Try a character creator where you can reuse as many assets as possible, then invest time/money into those assets. Maybe make your game about robots, so that mix and match works in your story. If you can't make faces, maybe everyone is masked for cultural/plot reasons. Do it like bionicle where masks have powers and players can collect them in the world.
Treat your limitations as challenges and come up with creative solutions for them, don't just chase after other games and stumble over roadbocks all the way.

>Now, granted, RPGs are a significantly deeper games than others
The thing with RPGs though is that a lot of the extra stuff is business logic. That's the fun part to work on because it actually feels like you're building something, instead "infrastructure" work like asset loading or handling save files. And since you're a solo dev you have full control of it. That places more importance in game design, in my opinion.
>That's the fun part to work on
Yeah but I meant it from a beginner's standpoint, it's a pretty complex thing for your first few projects
It's so rare to find a threat around here that discusses actual mechanics or general ideas in gaming for more than two sentences.
Why is that so?
Getting to that part is hard.
Why haven't you asked to the few that post regular progress updates in this thread?
We're probably very wrong but at least we're trying to make decent enough game mechanics.
>It's so rare to find a threat
I'll be the change you want to see. I am already a threat to society and myself anyways.
I'm happy that you are a threat to anything that breathes though. At least anything bipedal.

I did contribute.
Such conversations die off fast. Wonder why?

A couple of months ago horror rpgs were discussed here. Basically I said that (j)rpg elements tend to take horrow out of the horror game. I still think so, but maybe some milder form of customization (think yakuza or re6) would do the trick?
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so i plan on learning japanese so i can write a legit famicom rpg in 6502 assembly in japanese and release it in physical copies that work on the famicom yeah
I like to discuss mechanics a lot actually. My most recent ideaguying done is for my battle system which I hope start soonish. Its basically your typical turn based rpg battle with an RPS system implemented. This RPS system has a twist, Suppose Rock skills have a focus on defense, Scissors on damage and Papers have a 'wild card' so it gives extra effects.
Whenever Rock wins over scissor extra defense effects are granted, whenever Scissor over paper, etc. There are also a few 'neutral' skills that might have other type of effects and aren't affected by RPS.

I'm trying to make some easy to learn system that doesn't get boring fast but I dunno if maybe using RPS as a base is bad.
I haven't seen regular progress posters being asked about "how are you dealing with x game mechanic". Fuck sigma btw
It sounds neat but I can see it as a very easy to break system where spamming scissors every turn is the best play against AI enemies.
Maybe if each card had those effects, but a different flavors? So all three have defensive, offensive and wild effects, but a rock gives you damage reductions, scissors have RNG evade that can trigger multiple times per turn, and paper will negate one attack completely.
Well there's different flavors because each character has access to all 3 but from different elements. I can see why damage would be spammed, unless defense severly cripples it..
>Fuck sigma
He's a fag
>turn based rpg
Is there a typical tb one?
Idk, shouldn't paper be something like damage avoidance?
If you go with random effects, it's either better or worse (numbers wise) than the fixed effect skills. Keep that in mind.
Neutral skills are active or passive?

Rps as a base is perfect.

Ai and balance comes last.
>Idk, shouldn't paper be something like damage avoidance?
Its just to exemplify, since I won't use RPS as the category names or concepts though
>Keep that in mind
Its probably really difficult to balance 'different' effects, although its possible, I mean look at Settlers of Catan.
>Neutral skills are active or passive
some active (target enemy) some passive (target self)
The neutral skills will be key to balance.
Rps a set of skills?
Probably. Wdym with a set of skills? All skills will classify as R,P,S or neutral.
That's what I was asking. There are multiple skills in rock, multiple in scissors aso
Yep thats the idea. I have some more stuff in the game design doc but shouldn't overcomplicate for now. I'm gonna focus on sketching the game mechanics.
>make state_machine
>logic for each state
>show UI depending on state
>set action with menu select
Or something like that I don't know
that's clearly one anon that speaking collectively.

I think it's a verbal tic. Like how people talk about the LGBT "community", when they're really talking about LGBT "individuals". It is forgivable and fair to assume they share some sort of experiences within society.
But there is a world of difference between the man-whores that have sex, and the incels that don't. "Community" would only apply to the former. The reality of the latter is loneliness.

In the bible, Corinthians, Paul seems to admonish homosexuality, using the word "arsenokoitai" that literally translates to men who share/lie in bed with men. But what was in Corinth? The male-exclusive Cult of Mithras. Christianity's rivals. They don't have churches with an open door policy. They had like-minded fraternities that lived vicariously through the selected accomplishments of others, crediting someone's excellence to their personal attendance and non-competitiveness.

Like, "yeah, it's impressive that weed grew to the size of a christmas tree. But only because *I* plucked it from the sidewalk and threw it over the fence where nobody would walk on it." As if discarding was akin to planting. As if it wasn't destined to grow and wreck their shit, prompting them to remove it in the first place. As if it's stronger now because they fucked it in the ass.
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You got 48 hours to put together a webm showcasing your new stuff.
Must be at least 1 minute long and show at least 3 features.
No nos, ifs or buts.
I saw an argument on ai in here shut the fuck up you retards artists are forced to use whatever tool will speed up their work they're under paid overworked as is you fucking morons think anyone wants to spend 10 hours rendering clothes all day shut the fuck up and use the tool like everyone will eventually there's going to be a 3d ai tool soon it's a fucking tool quit being a baby stop being a retard every time a new thing comes out no one gives a fuck if you think it's cheating they'll hire the asian guy that has no morals to do it for minimum wage if they can and that shit pay will buy him a mansion in his 3rd world country
>on a Friday night
Bye Felicia.
Why would you say something so controversial yet so based?
drawing for 12 years it's just the fucking truth
If you don't mind me reposting stuff from this week which I posted to this very thread I'll post the 3 fucking features
>How's your game going?

Worked on and improved my workflow with customizing lists and choices in my games.
Changing visible rows, columns, position, selection color, sound effects, text padding, box graphic, e.t.c

Also, I'm going to title these sort of tech updates, as "False Engine" from now. Ohohohoho!

> See Video:

A wholesome quote on a wholesome image, worth remembering. (T_T)
> Saved

>are there any good alternatives to the Rpg Makers
Yes, I list them here >>3491384 and here >>3491391

>you fucking morons think anyone wants to spend 10 hours rendering clothes all day shut the fuck up
The threads were not this bad in 2020
RPGs are long enough to make in 2D, forget about 3D stuff if you're not able to fart 3D models *fast*.
Is there a game out there with similar battle system I'm trying to make
>you control directly the main character
>you give order to your party member indirectly (maybe something like digimon world 1? but with 3 party members)
>depending on x variable they might do certain action or don't when you order them
>It is inappropriate for me to tell people, who ask me the engine I'm using (with the intention of getting their hands on it) that what I've made, is simply "RPG maker MV".
You've pasted a bunch of plugins other people made together on top of a prebuilt engine.

It's like the equivalent of high school kid buying a ratty old honda civic, throwing on a 30$ chinese air filter, 500$ "custom" ebay exhaust, 8-ball on the stick shift, hanging a lil' tree air freshener on his rear view mirror, slapping some fuck off ugly stickers all over the windshields and when people ask him what he drives he brags about how he "built" and "designed" a "new car"

> Because you can't do with any RPG Maker MV, what I can do with mine. (Because of years of upgrades I've put into it.)
Anyone with 2 brain cells and access to google can do the same. Anons have posted RPG maker games in these threads before where you would genuinely be unable to tell that the game was made in RPG maker even at a long hard glance. That one dungeon crawler comes to mind.
I’m a software dev and agree. Just start writing code. Start making apps or games. That’s how to learn. There’s really only a brief learning stage needed to just literally learn the very basics. Then start doing.
I love how above you say you’re not a “coder” and also claim you’ve made you’re own engine. Such an unbelievable faggot.
You pathetic, retarded chimps just can't have a thread without drama. Mindbroken by one retarded muslim, so you have to ruin every thread.

Who the fuck would post progress here and associate with you worthless idiots.
Fuck you for responding to me and ruining the thread. You can’t just ignore my comment you have to post. Which ruins the thread. Fucking baby.
Nobody has a problem with using tools. Use tools that work, but first you have to present the tool. AI that people are talking about is just shit, and to the extent that it can be a tool it would not be AI.
>godot bug deletes your source
This kind of thing still happens?
Man I really hope godot gets its shit together sooner rather than later. A shame it wasn't more mature when the latest unity scandal brought it to wider audience's attention.
NTA but 3D model can be anything. Simple tiled topology is not only possible in 2D and does not require much effort to pump out some models. The minimal set would require a floor, wall, corners, and possible a door and narrow corridor tile.
You should just fuck off if all you can do is obsess over Sigma. Not posting development before he's gone, telling people to downvote him. Go to reddit already, you worthless faggot.
You should stop responding to me. You already told people not to post progress because it’ll associate you with bad people. And all you do is respond to negative posts. Fuck off already.
I'm responding to you until you stop being a faggot.
I agree that certain bad faith posters should have their posts removed from the thread. He only showed up recently when the threads merged, and before that he was never part of any of the regular threads. It would be better to wait and bring the thread back when it's no longer overrun by RPGM trolls.
Oh look the little baby keeps crying for attention. Little good boy fighting for what’s right. What a fucking loser. You and Sigma should both fucking kill yourselves.
Right. Well I was gone for a few weeks. Didn’t know the threads even merged. Faggot mods. I’ll leave again then. Will head back to agdg.
>"I'm leaving!!!!"
Again. Goodbye, you mentally ill brat.
>Not promoting raiding or whatever it’s called but everyone who hates him should leave negative reviews and put a thumbs down on every YouTube he posts. Let the algo know he’s a shitbag. I mean only if you genuinely hate him, not promoting spamming or anything.
Thank you for your comment. XD
>See Screenshot
we did it, reddit!
Not me faggot but please continue to try exposing random people. Commenting supports the channel. I don’t support any of your content.
But ya I stand by what I said. People who hate you should leave 1 star reviews and thumbs down.
Get a life, you pathetic faggot, and stop filling these threads with your gay obsession.
That's so retarded on so many levels. As a bigger creator (97k on YT) all you do with actions like that is boost him in the algorithm.
If you want to hurt "people" like that retard completely disengage. No views, no interaction with the like/dislike bar, no comments.
Most of his following are either bots or him samefagging anyway which is why he has no traction or engagement anywhere.
You’re the only faggot obsessed by him and me. Who the fuck even are you.
I'm on 4.1.1 cause I'm afraid to update but perhaps it was fixed sometime
goofy ass mfs scaring any sane devs away so only schizos are left posting progress
keep it up
Faggot, listen to this guy >>3505913
Although this has been said to you many times, but your mentally ill, tiny brain can't comprehend it apparently.
Using Godot I'm starting to realize Visual Studio was carrying Unity.
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Why is the one thread i thought might understand my passion for jrpgs filled with ack tier divide and conquer posting non stop? is there a filter list for faggots actually mad that someone is making a cringey esg rant in rpg form in the bangoladeshian rant and rave website?

I have made threads to shill projects of mine and others 12 years ago and the behavior of disinterested real users is nothing like this and every board thread and topic unliked by glowniggers always has some kind of non stop no life circular argumentative nig nog clogging up every single one, from topics as disparate as madoka, literally any thread on /ck/ that mentions goyls or meat, falcom general, any jas townsend thread. Most /g/ threads the list adds up everywhere i look. I just want a place i can rant about excel on mobile and storyshit but instead the local glow in the dark is literally shaking about a poorly constructed walking simulator programmed in the most cucked rpg engine ever devised. If the department of defense didnt buy this website back in 2015 i wouldnt physically be able to believe anyone could feel threatened by this slop when you have paid actors like assmongjew on controlled oposition. What is the fucking problem with one cringe retard making a cringe game? the faggot makes like a handfull of posts and even namefags for easy filtering,

If you seriously have a problem with it go back to that website run by the pedostien's wife
It's more apparent in artfag community here, but I can confidently say it's crabs in a bucket mentality.
Pretty much every game that has been making steady progress is getting flamed from time to time. And this one is actually engaging the shitposting and giving ammunition to keep going.
I think it's silly to call it his own unique engine, but it's not making me upset, and I'm impressed either way about what he's done with it.
>impressed about walking simulator made with rpgm
oof, development threads down bad
out-impress me then
Well you’re confidently wrong. It’s not crabs in a bucket at all. I’ve publicly supported a handful of games I’ve seen on here. Sigma is just a stupid motherfucker that clogs up the thread every single time. Calls himself an engine dev when he can’t even code. That’s called bait that won’t be ignored. Whether I ignore it and 20 other people ignore it, someone’s taking that bait. He’s just advertising and trolling. I mean his latest post said something like “I’ll now be making false engine dev updates.” So that’s fucking great. A thread meant be non RPGMaker now has an RPGMaker making engine dev updates on RPGMaker. Fuck that and anyone defending it. Fucking retards. It’s obviously not crabs in a bucket it’s more the Byzantines Generals problem. How do you coordinate everyone to act together without being able to communicate. Hint: you can’t. So fuck it.
>That’s called bait that won’t be ignored.
well, thanks for being the one to turn the thread into 200 posts of garbage, hope you're proud of yourself

actually, have you tried filtering his posts? he has a name, and filenames have that engine name too
but no, a sigma (pun intended) like you can't do that
Met with my artist. We discussed the future. He decided to go full time working on my game. 5 days a week. I’m assuming he’s still working for others on the weekend. I should pay him to take a fucking day off. I feel like the anime Overlord having to force my followers to relax.
It's too slow but only by a bit. It's close to being amazing, hence everyone else complimenting it, so it should only be sped up by 10, 15, or 20%.
I'm not upset either but I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous it is.
I wish I had a team, I can do most stuff to a certain degree of success (except music) but everything would be faster with a team.
>How do you coordinate everyone to act together
Oh just fuck off already, you unhinged moron. No one cares.
>have you tried filtering
He's been told this a thousand times, and every time he comes, throws a tantrum about sigma, and says he'll leave, comes back, throws a tantrum..
Problem is the people arguing about sigmatard AREN'T namefagging so they can't easily be filtered unlike sigma
Speed is the thing. It’s a massive undertaking. I gotta make some real progress. There are downsides. The artist needs to understand the vision. Gotta check their work. Deal with version control. It takes time to have someone else do the work too.

Sir you’ve been told 1000 times to stop shitting up the thread responding to that poster. You are what you hate you fucking baby.
I'll keep responding until you stop being a faggot
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Fwiw, I now have him filtered and it's lovely. I've literally not even been involved in this discussion, but people always assume people freaking out about this stuff is me. It's not, any more. I just wanna post progress, even if it's just static bouncing crabs.
If you want to be a good employer you'll give him 30 days off per year(adjusted for project length) and let him sort out the when and how. And importantly you plan his workload around not getting those days, so that he doesn't have to work during his vacation or pull overtime after coming back.
If you believe he's too exhausted to do the other work you talk to him and figure out what's going on. You're allowed to demand he's well rested for his work, he's allowed to demand enough money that he doesen't need extra jobs. Then you negotiate to come to a compromise.
>no bucket crab
one job
You try to talk like someone with confidence. But you’re stupid and scared to actually say something. You don’t get to be laconic and agressive without making a point and act like I should give a fuck you retarded baby. All you retards do is follow me around and quote one word and then say something melodramatic and whiny. You’re boring and stupid.
This isn't all my crustaceans, just the new ones
Honestly I view him like a contractor. He just makes art and I pay for it. He doesn’t literally have to work 5 days. Obviously this leads me open to being taken advantage of. But whatever. So far he’s made good art. I asked for equivalent of 5 eight hour days. If he busts his ass for 3 days I’d never really know. It’s a sweet gig.
Do you have a bark crab? Since it's spelled backwards. Either tree or dog related.
>people freaking out about this stuff is me. It's not, any more.
Good for you, you finally learned your lesson.
Now if only this worthless faggot would fuck off
I won’t ask for progress. I’m not here to stalk you and your game. But what are you even working on. Are you doing anything?
I'm here to tell you to stop ruining these threads with your obsessive whining about Sigma, so that people can talk about dev without you faggots chimping out every single time that retard posts. Do you understand?
NTA but I am interested in what it is you actually make. Sniping from behind anonymity is kind of bitch-ass behaviour
>Sniping from behind anonymity
I'm telling you to stop chimping out over Sigma, you fucking idiot. So that we can discuss and share development. Understand?
And you make...?
Game development. I'd like to talk about it without you retarded drama faggots
That’s all I needed to hear. I’m working on a Unity rpg myself. But ya, that’s all I needed. I can move on now.
That's what I thought. Coward.
>wake up
>58 new posts
>oh boy!
>never mind
dude you guys have GOT to calm down
>The artist needs to understand the vision
This is my greatest fear, even if an artist would make better art than me it won't be consistent with what I want.
>shell aviv
Holy kek
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When will we get productive threads again?
Right. And in person it’s hard for me to tell people that they fucked up and need to do it again. But it’s something I’m working on. Being more assertive. Working on explaining the project. And actually it bums me out a bit that the artist is like, a real pro and not actually that passionate about this particular project. They are passionate in being a great artist. But I always wanted something like Marc Zuckerberg had with the house in Cali. A bunch of passionate guys working together to create something amazing. Whereas for the artist it’s very much just a job. And I respect him and understand his situation. But I really want that start up energy. It’s real, real, hard to find someone educated and passionate about life.
And part of this is my fault for not offering a percentage of ownership. But I don’t want to just be like, hey design a menu and let’s eat pizza together and now you get 50% revenue. There was one guy I almost asked to join me. He was a great programmer. But he just wasn’t educated really. A Reddit bro. I don’t need that energy around me.
the only time rpg dev threads were productive was the golden age of jam threads when we were getting like 8-10 entries per jam lol
Phew, good thing Sigma can still post there because his engine is not RPG Maker
>But I really want that start up energy. It’s real, real, hard to find someone educated and passionate about life
We all do friend.
awesome anon good to read
rpg maker is on topic stop being a dumb autism
Ok. You did that. Now you can go back to RMW and compare dick sizes with coyotecraft.
"Go back to RMW"? But I never left RMW, friend. I want to share in ideas and discussion with everyone. If I've offended you, I'm very sorry - I just like talking about RPG dev and the people here are great because their feedback is not filtered through concern for maintaining relationships or reputation.
Yeah. That's what coyotecraft is for. You don't need anons on 4chan to tell you that your itch page shows "Canceled" and hasn't been updated since 2022. I've never seen you post a download link here.
What "feedback" can you possibly expect from people?

It's unreal to make a public show of replying to emails, and still complain that 4chan isn't responding the way you want, when you're simultaneously telling people you don't need them.
yeah, i don't even know what to give feedback to. the gorillionth gif showing a bouncing of a redditcore enemy? quantity seems to be more important to him than quality anyway so what would even be the point of giving criticism. kek
I often post up mechanics and features, and love feedback on enemy designs. Whether the jokes land, or not, etc. At no point have I ever said I don't need people? Can you point to where I've done that? I can't really talk about the cancellation.
I'd really appreciate the feedback on the design of those enemies though - especially when you say they're redditcore; can you articulate why? I've heard that a lot but I don't know what people mean, that'd be a great start if you'd care to explain
NTA but I guess some people just relate puns to reddit humor. Not me, I like the puns.
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is that a fucking croc lobster
Quality picrel
Nah, its diffidently you lol.
Anonymous isn't that stupid. The only person who claimed it was 'exposing' anyone from here was you + there is no need to drag any of the drama here off the platform for people. You got frustrated because someone made a point of your behavior here being unwanted nor desired + distracting the thread. You didn't get the validation you sought or free ability to get away with bullshitting someone and others who disagreed. That anger caused you to go post elsewhere, alone. Its also you who came up with the idea to affect his youtube channel.

Whatever. It's fine. But in case you want to remain anonymous, don't get this triggered. Even if you post elsewhere and make it obvious that you refers to what happens in this thread, don't claim, when someone posts a screenshot of it, that it was an attempt at exposing you. lol
because that basically hits the bullseye, especially when you're alone.

Also note some people like drama and will try to extend it. Keep your cool next time.
sachi mentioned. based
Despite you probably being a ni/g/ger i really doubt reddit would make a shell aviv pun but if you do that it does make me wonder why esg walking simulator offended you. is it the former thing? Cause thats all that comes to mind. /g/ will flip out over anything and everything
People that ask this will never shut up if you post your work so theres no point in responding. These guys are one big appeal to emotion as well. Like here its fear and before its outrage. Its just the same talkshow host news cycle tactics i get exposed to from boomers,
Education is designed to destroy that. I would know i spent all 18 years of mine simping desperately so that system would treat me like an equal. And the same with my apathetic family. The only people who even remotely care live hundreds of miles from me. Even when asking others i really doubt any will be willing to take a chace with my non extant track record. Zuckerberg had money and influence so its easier for him. He was born on top of the food chain no ,matter what he says. But there are people who do what he did with way less. Usually they're all deep friends who believe in the idea. Meanwhile we are two randos who will not compromise our vision to one another, let alone move cross country.
Everything you dreamed of being part of someday was a fabrication. Isn't that funny?
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The difference now is im the one fabricating. If i cant sway anyone onto my path that's not someone elses problem. i wish people where more willing to believe but i don't think i would be as motivated to make this if everyone was feeling great.

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