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Dread Delusion came out, we got some open world Dishonored kino.
They're still bughunting. I constantly fall through the floor in the Hallowshire Inn. Otherwise liking the additions so far
>Cover made with AI
Is slop isn't it?
Is it possible to do a pacifist playthrough using lore, lockpick, and charm?
Should be, so far I only finished one quest that required me to kill something. And combat isn't very difficult in this game anyway
no thanks, dev said its a TES clone and thats gross
Does this even has story/quests or is just another autistic "make your own headcanon adventure" shitty sandbox?
decisions impact your playthrough in meaningful ways
Speaking of Dishonored... what other games or series take place on an absurdly large (physically) planet but do nothing of significance with said large planet? The Oddworld series is the only other series I can think of that is contextually relevant.
It's decent. World is interesting, writing is not terrible, there's some interesting quests from what I've seen so far in 1.0 and in early access. Devs are creative to say the least.

IMO though I do get the feeling playing it that the developers couldn't fully commit to the difficulty of older TES games when making a spiritual successor to them. The game is way too easy. There's free healing items every 5 feet and enemy damage / your build don't feel like they matter much at all outside of dialogue options, opening doors/chests or shortcuts. I shouldn't be able to pick only the wimpy mage options at the game start, then run head into a fortress of hardened mercenaries and cut everyone down with a shitty sword without healing or dodging a single blow. And too much is spelled out for you in dialogue regarding what you should be doing. It feels like they started with a really good idea, and then got scared of losing sales to people bad at games, so dumbed everything way down. They would've been much better off just copying the gameplay / build mechanics from morrowind 1:1 but with their worldbuilding instead.

If there's ever a modding scene for this game, I eagerly await something that makes it actually challenging and gives some more thought to building a character out.
It has my favorite type of character creation.
any way to finish the cult mission in Pwyll by taking the side of the wiccans? i feel like talking with the weightmaster after finding the proofs will automatically end the quest
talking to him starts the second part of the quest

I'm actually not sure if you can side with them completely yet either. Would love to hear if someone managed it. You can complete the second part of the quest in a way that's more beneficial to the gods than the union but I don't know yet if there's long term consequences to it.
I guess if it happens it happens unless it's gamebreaking. Should I finally start playing or better wait for the next patch?
I doubt that when this game launched in early access AI was such a hot topic. God I hope it dies same as VR and crypto/NFTs so normies stop using it every other sentence.
I heard theres not much to gain from combat and that it can be totally avoided
Dount modding will be a thing. The game has like 1100 reviews and I doubt most of them played for more than an hour. Everything can be fixed with a difficulty slider though I guess
how the fuck is the stealth in this solodev game more functional than the ones in bethesda games lmao
what rpg mechanics does this game even have
I love the graphics, but found the combat and game feel to be so poor that I couldn't play more than an hour.
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it's over, Dread Delusion has gone woke!
Let's not jump to conclusions, maybe there is reasonable explanation, maybe he just ate one.
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They just dropped an update. Probably fixed that too with some rope
yo, upload the clean steam files
I'm about 10 hours in, and I can honestly say- not much, this game is more geared towards the "explore an interesting world" aspect of RPGs and not towards the mechanical ones.

There's 4 main attributes, they cap at 10, you get 1 point per level up, and the value of your main attributes affects the values of your secondary skills (lockpicking, charm, etc.) Your health, stamina, mana, move speed are based off of these too.

But it really doesn't seem to matter all that much what you pick. I didn't put a single point into might (strength) and near mid-end game areas I can still kill every enemy in just 2-3 swings even the tough ones. And even without raising it one iota enemy damage is so low and starting health is so generous I haven't died a single time outside of fall damage, you don't even have to dodge attacks you can safely tank anything without blocking.

There are skill checks for accessing certain paths/areas. But the approach to every locked/inaccessible area is always the same- there'll be a locked door that you can bash down with might, lockpick, open using a lore puzzle, talk to someone to get the key through charm, or go about the long way and approach it from the other side. I don't think I've seen anything yet where it actually matters which interaction skill you picked as far as gating or blocking you as long as you have at least one. So you should just pick one stat and dump all your points into it.

>Dount modding will be a thing.
Yeah unfortunately, it probably won't be. Which is a damned shame because it means there's not much point in replaying it. Hopefully the team that made this learns from their experiences. The #1 complaint I seem to see everywhere online is that combat/builds/world interaction is just way too shallow. If they ever make a sequel or spiritual successor to their own game, and take the feedback to heart and go all in on build autism, they'd have something really special that could stand the test of time
> And too much is spelled out for you in dialogue regarding what you should be doing. It feels like they started with a really good idea, and then got scared of losing sales to people bad at games, so dumbed everything way down.
Some more examples of this can be found in the quest writing. They don't leave anything to chance or for you to figure out. Very early on there's a quest where you have to root out some cultists in a town.

You go around and ask people what they know about it ingame, and the response you'll get from the first one is LITERALLY as blunt and on the nose as: (parts that would be highlighted ingame in caps)
>Oh, I don't know if there are any cultists. But if there were they'd be WORSHIPPING AT NIGHT. I would check then if I was you. If you see any SUSPICIOUS HOODED FIGURES at night they are probably cultists. GO TO SLEEP UNTIL MIDNIGHT and go outside and see if you can follow any.

And then you go outside at midnight and that's exactly what happens, the game spawns in a guy with the name/description "Suspicious hooded figure" that walks a path to the worship area.

Why be so blunt about it, for an "old school" RPG it just feels like the kind of quest design that panders to complete and utter retards. Let people figure shit out for themselves, be more subtle about it.
It's made for bethestards so it doesn't have any rpg mechanics
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game is a bad walking sim and you need to cast a speed spell every 30 seconds and recharge your mana every minute or walk real fucking slow, all loot+character stats feel like they have 0 impact on what your doing and enemies are harmless either doing 0 damage or being left in the dust as your ZOOM past them. avoid and get lunacid instead at least the loot is interesting there and it has cooler stuff to look at

the main "girl" in clockwork kingdom is a tranny so have fun with that
Shill thread. The dev/marketer tried to push it as a """"Morrowind-like""""" first, now it's """Dishonored"""". Pathetic faggot. I spit on you.
Somehow this game is even worse than Lunacid
this is literally not an rpg
Is it worth to buy? Or should i get V rising?
I'm not a shill, it's like king's field
Lunacid is not even in the same genre, I don't know why people keep comparing them. Because they look so similar?

And it's not that great of a game either, it starts out strong and then peters out halfway. The weird anime looking shit in it is also tone deaf as fuck.
>can't attack anyone you want
>weird disembodied weapon
>walking sim with tacked on skill checks and piss easy combat
>barely any customisation
>garbage writing that is either overly dramatic, quippish or breaks the 4th wall
>items just float around like in an arcade boomer shooter
>invisible walls
The game really feels like it could've used at least one or two more years in development.
The world building and creature designs seem like the coolest part of it so far.
It's weird to have a Morrowind-inspired game that holds your hand so much. Have some faith in the player.
Morrowind is a retard game, what did you mean by this
I feel like there are so many half baked features in this game too. Like, why do you for example have factions and affinities with them if it has no relevance whatsoever? Like, how do you even befriend the goblin faction? Will Hallowshire guards be hostile if you're hated by the Union?
From a thread the other day on /v/, there appears to be at least one (probably a few) retards who believe that "Lunacid" is the name of a game dev and that this "Lunacid" group made Dread Delusion.
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I'm sure the dev put a lot of work on the game, but, the game doesn't feel like a game, feels like a boomer interpretation of morrowind made for a tv show/movie.
I'm not talking about the graphics, talking about the gameplay, the whole game is a fever dream, reminds me of this game.
it very much reminds me of Might and Magic 9
it's actually just bisexual lighting ultima underworld
i hate the constant Vela cocksucking so much
i hope i can kill the bitch at the end
>it's actually just bisexual lighting ultima underworld

Not in the underground => not Ultima underworld

No matter how many factions there are.
The factions thing in UUW was pretty barebones anyway, to be honest. It was like two quests between the gray and the green goblins, and I think one between the paladins and the ogres, but I'm not even sure about that anymore
boring ass slop
why do people keep saying this shit
you have clearly never played kings field
Modern game, yet graphics looks like something straight out of 90s. Without benefit of nostalgia of playing the game all those years ago. Meh.
not ugly enough?
animation not shitty enough?
Also, but more than that kings field is a dungeon crawler
For some reason, zoomers love using games they've never actually played, but heard about in a video game easy, as comparisons.

It's retarded, because the instant they say some stupid shit like that you know with 100% certainty they have never played those games and can disregard literally any opinion they have.

Are you making shit up again anon
did they fixed combat or is it still easy as fuck ?
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yeah sure why the fuck not it's not like speed doesnt fucking breaks the game
It feels easier in 1.0 than it did in early access though I can't tell if that's just my imagination or not.
yeah it's quite bad

even as something as lazy as adding a hard mode tick box in the options that gives each enemy 5x health and 5x damage would have been welcomed. there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to use 90% of the combat oriented mechanics (block, spells that give you buffs or enemies debuffs, etc.) because nothing can kill you while you drop everything in 2 hits
Pretty sure ive seen this cover a long time before even midjourney took off, i dont think its AI
they felt similiar so i compared them and while it isnt perfect it does the "wander around in cool places and find cool stuff then yap a few lines to interesting npcs" thing better

i refunded so no screenshots but do the quest at the missing persons pillar in the city
Parries are cool againt shielding enemies, better than trying to circle around them or break their poise. I don't remember if that was a thing in early access too, though
Is it a full game or early access?
I love Dishonored, i may give this one a try.
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The fuck does this walmart morrowind got to do with Dishonored
It just left early access and is now being patched. They should've taken more time if you ask me
Wtf does this have have to do with Dishonored?
But there's just no reason to actually do it. Stamina doesn't do shit so you can just spam light attacks until they die.

If you compare it to something like morrowind (with the claim that morrowind heavily inspired DD), you actually had a compelling reason to brew and use different kinds of potions, create and experiment with different spells, play around with different builds, enchant various armor/equipment pieces.

In dread delusion, all the builds play the same, half your stats are meaningless because it doesn't matter if you have 1 point of might or 10, everything is a pushover that does minimum damage, there's potions but literally no reason to use any of them except for mana, like why the fuck do you need shielding or regen potions if enemies only do 5-10% of your health on every swing and they swing once every 30 seconds in a slow ass telegraphed attack, the only spell worth casting is the one that increases your movement speed, etc. The equipment has no variety in it besides minor stat bonuses that you don't really need anyways outside of charm, which is the only worthwhile skill that can't be gamed like the other ones.

This game dread(fully) needs mod support or a hard mode. I just can't fathom why the devs decided to market the game as inspired by "classic" 2000s RPGs and then dumb down the mechanics so much that they're even simpler than RPGs released in the 2020s. Even if they had no inspiration or design sense and just copied the morrowind mechanics 1:1, all the skills, stats, alchemy/spell creation, enchanting equipment, with the creative as fuck world they built for the game this game would've genuinely been an 8 or 9 out of 10 GOTY that people would've been coming back to and playing for the next decade. But instead it's going to be remembered for what it really is- a walking simulator from the era of indie obsession with trying to cash in on the nostalgia trend of "PS1 style" graphics.
I think i'm like one quest away from the ending but i'm waiting for the next patch to fix the islands that only accessible by airship.
The game really need to bump up enemies' aggressiveness/damage and nerf HARD agility's influence on movement speed.
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who gets an epilogue slide
>Dark Star mercenaries
>Hollowshire (you helped Paeguth or not)
>Pwyll (let the sacrifice happen or not)
>The Lands of the Endless (you stopped the earthquake or not/spared or destroyed the flesh-farms)
>Clockwork Kingdom (fixed or destroyed the CK)
it seems the different choices affect each other and create diffent endings
it's a shame the crystal goddess gets jackshit
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game sucks
>world is not fun to explore, level design is boring, environment textures and models get very repetitive quickly
>world feels static and dead - can't murder npc's, can't steal, can't do anything to them except talk
>if you sneak and use ranged weapons to hit enemies they will not react in any way when you damage them
>there are quests like "follow this mysterious shadowy figure who is sneaking around town during night" but there are no proper sneaking mechanics in the game, meaning you can happily run right in front of the mysterious guy doing supposedly unspeakable secretive things and he will not react to your presence at all
>no concept of stealing, breaking the law or ownership in the game except for beds for some reason (because morrowind i guess), again contributing to the dead world feeling
>you kill all enemies with just a couple hits even if you have only 1 point in might
>99% of loot is either potions, lockpicks or gold, how exciting...
>dialogue is plentiful, too bad it's generic as fuck and does not match the weirdness of visual style at all
>npc's are soulless and blather endlessly about boring minute things going on in their lives you won't care about, a complete tonal mismatch compared to the dreamlike visuals
>music consists of a single 45 second music loop per area
>expect bugged quests, getting stuck in level geometry, falling through floors
>no manual saves, only 1 save slot per playthrough and its auto save only
>no compass or map until you're few hours in but npc's talk about compass points when giving directions for quests which is infuriating as fuck, when you finally get a compass its so janky to use that you dont want to use it
all in all a huge disappointment, a very flaccid experience
imagine morrowind without character classes, loot, enchanting, coherent dialogue, npc routines, sneaking, stealing, guards, music and you get this game
only good thing about this game is the visuals
Agreed on most points. IMO, when games market themselves as "inspired by the classics", they really need to do at least ONE mechanic or element of the classics they're using to sell themselves with as good as or better than the original. If everything is just slightly (or more than slightly) worse and the game tells me it's inspired by morrowind, why wouldn't I just go and replay morrowind?
>good game comes out
>first game to rival the Elder Scrolls series
>it's a fucking indie game of all things
>setting even more unique than Morrowind
>vrpg hates it
Good thing I never listen to any of you, at least half this board considers JRPGs to be the most realest expression of a roleplaying experience
I haven't played it yet but I can see why they cry about the combat having 0 weight and 0 reward
Good luck getting enough lockpicks if you never engage in combat.
No excuse for graphics this bad in 2024. There's not even any style to it, it's just atrocious.
"Copius et Seethium." - Sneeder Feedus
I know you're just a low iq retard so imagine I'm not replying to you, but to the people reading your post. The style is called lowpoly 3d. It merges low polycounts with low res textures to create a nostalgic look that isn't as restricted as a psx, but it reminds the player of that era of gaming. Now since we're not the retard I'm replying to, we all know this, but what's important to keep in mind is that this style is affordable for an indie studio, and that it looks a thousand times better than what they could achieve with "realistic" UE5 type graphics. Couple that with the fantastic art direction, and you got something good, but retards will NEVER understand it (like with Morrowind).
>a nostalgic look
Now that is cope.
It doesn't look good. If you think it does, then you're delusional. You're suffering a dreadful delusion.
>cherrypicks only one small portion of the argument
>still manages to do nothing with it
Does the government pay you for being mentally disabled, or is that just a fact you have to live with?
The game is shit and there's nothing unique about the setting nor is the gameplay serviceable.
If I wanted to play a walking sim with a weird setting I'd rather just play Pathologic 1 and 2.
>he'd rather play pathologic than dread delusion
What does outing yourself as having shit taste accomplish exactly?
>What does outing yourself as having shit taste accomplish exactly?
Shit taste for what, not playing your unfinished garbage game?
I dunno anon, I played through it, I helped with the bug hunts. I don't think it's shit, but it's definetly a wee bit half baked and could've used a larger scope in terms of mechanics and landmass/quests
>>3493825 That's fair, >>3493735 on the other hand keeps outing himself as a shit taste, low iq retard who plays meme games because they are le deep, and le tedious, and le exclusive to le hardcore gamer
nta you are replying to. But this kind of posting on /vrpg/ is common and so tiring to read.
>you have shit taste and are a low iq retard because you don't agree with me
Really? How about actually responding to the opinion he put out instead of deflecting it?

I actually agree with him. >>3493583 is kind of a (in my eyes) crazy statement to make. First game to rival the ES series? In what actual sense? Objectively speaking, what does Dread Delusion do better (or even, at a minimum, as good as) than Morrowind? Oblivion? Skyrim?

I'll agree with you that the setting is fairly unique (but it would be hard to claim that it has more depth than Morrowind.) And the dialogue and quests are barely passing, at best. The mechanics are threadbare. The opportunity for actually roleplaying is minimal. There's no real challenge, difficulty, or risks. I'm about 9 hours into DD 1.0 so far, and played a fair bit of the early access, and was actually really looking forward to the full release. But it's disappointing to see all the features that seemed to me to be just placeholder prototypes to actually be what was intended for the full game.

I genuinely don't think this game will be remembered for much more than it's fairly well done nostalgia bait art style and a fairly interesting (for a bit, before it gets old because the quests, dialogue, ingame books don't do much to carry it) setting.
>low iq retard who plays meme games because they are le deep
You're projecting, Dread Delusion is the meme game in this case. You're the only person praising it to high heavens and playing it when there's tons of better games out there.
Why should I play a game that is supposed to be Morrowind's spiritual successor when there's barely any roleplaying and the only skill checks are just 3 different ways to get through doors? There's no race selection, no real class archetypes; the combat was an afterthought and the looping music sucks balls. There's more issues I'm too lazy to list. Just read the fucking thread and fix your game instead of seething about people not calling your faulty product a 10/10.
Alternatively look at games like Zenoclash, it actually combines a cool setting with fun gameplay.
I'd be fine with it if it were sold as interactive fiction/walking sim/a glorified point and click game, but they sell it as some grand revival of classic first person RPGs and have a bunch of cool-looking enemies and weird swords and spells in the trailers.
What I can't excuse is amateur coding, like why the fuck did you hardcode the dialogue advance key to E? Why would you not set it to be whatever is set as the interact key?
Plus you get resurrected at a checkpoint with enemies not resetting, so what little tension you could have in a fight is gone.
Meds, now.
does it have dungeons?
Repost from the thread i made like a moron without lurking: I like the world but holy shit is the game simplistic and full of bugs, The only quest i liked so far is the one in Hallowshire with the missing freighter. Also fuck whoever idea it was to make every talking character non-killable. Also faction reputation system is broken.
>Is it a full game or early access?
It got a full release technically, but with its state and the amount of bugs, i'd wait for some time.
>combat isn't very difficult in this game anyway
That's putting it mildly. I didn't up might once (only agility for lockpicking), 10 hours in and i still slaughter everything that wanders around in 2-4 hits with the sword i got in the tutorial.
Are there actual wiccans involved? I thought it was just that dumb teen who wanted to sacrifice himself, and you can just let him do it.
>first game to rival the Elder Scrolls series
Oh ffs, really? Really now?
I mean i like it, but let's be realistic here, it barely qualifies as an RPG and i have seen vanilla-compatible Doom wads with deeper combat and exploration (also fuck quests that can be taken but cannot be completed without specific build). There are two separate cases of single slavs working on better looking and more promising projects, three if we add sequel:
Not to mention
and the other great stuff Scumhead released, including for free. Or Blood West which has the same low poly style and also uses Unity.
Point is, it is not that impressive even compared to other indies.
if you check the mayor's basement you can find a wiccan mask
Interesting, i just ran to the mushroom hoping to catch the "hooded figure" there after speaking to Weightmaster. Can you turn their family in?
What's the /vrpgerdict?
I just want to preface my post by stating I have nothing against you or any of these games, I'm not a contrarian, they just don't have what I'm looking for in a "TES clone". Lemme explain why:
Looks cool, I might actually play this one, but it looks like its too much combat and not much else. I might be wrong though, but that's not what I want from a TES clone.
>Imprisoned Hyperion
Looks closer to what a TES clone could be, although the sim elements steer it towards games like Arx Fatalis (which is still similar) but the problem is it looks so uninteresting.
>Imprisoned Hyperion 2
More of the same except this one looks like an asset flip somehow, I don't know why the first one didn't give me that impression but this one does.
Looks great but that's a boomer shooter, not even close to the same genre unless you consider boomer shooters some weird offshoot of dungeon crawlers.
I've seen his stuff, I have some of his games. They're either JRPGs or again, boomer shooters. Seems to me that you don't truly grasp what makes a WRPG, let alone a TES clone. Let me ask you this, why exactly do you think anyone plays TES? Because the reasons people love TES, you won't find in any of these games.
>Blood West
Probably closer to FallOut than TES. Still it's more similar than the other ones you mentioned, but the setting is not medieval, which is a huge reason why I prefer Elder Scrolls over FallOut (I know it has steampunk/magitech but still, so does Dread Delusion for that matter). I might play it if I ever feel like playing the western equivalent of a FallOut clone, but I somehow doubt that'll ever happen because again, that's not what I look for in a TES clone.
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I'm fairly early into the clockwork kingdom and I just can't bring myself to start the game up anymore. Is there anything remotely interesting left in the game or is it just the same walking-simulator crap as the areas before?
Don't expect anything revolutionary to happen that will turn the game around
You got nothing against these games but I do. All fo them are 1h long experience of eurojank shovelware. These are not RPGs let alone games. Anon tries to slander them equating them with shit versions of Heretic/Hexen.
>first game to rival the Elder Scrolls series
>it's like [old game] you liked
>the TES killer!
Kek, nothing but shilling. Marketing that sets you up for disappointment. This type of shit is dishonest and/or just terribly misguided.

I get that people want indies to succeed, but this causes me to lose interest. If they use
>inspired by old game
as a crutch in their pitch, they better live up to it in a form that matters.
yeah just face tank enemies and have to run back to where you were when you died/
>the one in Hallowshire with the missing freighter
That was a good one.

The setting lends itself well to unnerving horror, despite all the bright colours.
>nerf HARD agility's influence on movement speed
This, but not only this. I am upping agility, and it seems that it affects fall damage somehow. Not only i run and jump around like i am in a Quake match, but also it already doesn't seem to affect stamina. I can jumpfrom Hallowtown to the ground and stay alive, couple of potions and i am fully healed (not a single point put in might), this is hilarious.
I thought it's persona that influences stamina recovery, and it takes only like 3-4 points so that your regeneration rate negates your sprint spending
>Looks great but that's a boomer shooter, not even close to the same genre unless you consider boomer shooters some weird offshoot of dungeon crawlers.
Author advertises it as "a nonlinear FPS game blending action, exploration, and light dungeon crawling". Which is what his previous works leaned towards, and which DD essentially is (without guns).
>>Blood West
>Probably closer to FallOut than TES.
Yeah but it is an ImSim in open world on Uinty in low poly 3D style. Which, again, DD essentially is (without guns).
>Let me ask you this, why exactly do you think anyone plays TES?
I have always thought that people play TES because it combines relatively complex roleplaying mechanics and narrative richness of isometric RPGs with the immersive first person real time open world exploration. DD would have been simplistic in those areas even by non-RPG standards, and while the world is pretty, the exploration isn't really well rewarded (also with high agility it starts to feel quite small). I didn't mention Blood West for no reason, it has significantly better and more plentiful build options, weapons, and enemy variety, and it is not even advertised as an RPG. As for quests and general narrative, i am about 12 hours into DD and have put a couple of hours in BW, but so far they are pretty similar.
As i said, i like DD, and i am planning to give it a 2nd playthrough in the future, but the statement
>first game to rival the Elder Scrolls series
is so dreadfully delusional (pun intended) it is not even funny.
Except that's not what I said and I'm no fucking shill, I legit liked the game. I guess it's impossible for (You) to comprehend that someone on /vrpg/ might like an rpg.
Nonlinear and open world are different things. DD has a gunblade btw.
Where did you find these?
They're available only almost at the end of the game, which makes >>3490987 really dumb for implying that you shouldn't be overpowered near the endgame.
Lunacid fucking sucked. I only checked out Dread Delusion because of curiosity and to see how it compared to Lunacid. It’s 500x better. They both have equally shallow combat, but at least Dread Delusion has a world worth exploring.
>DD has a gunblade btw.
You can only use it when you're so deep into the endgame that it could not possibly be useful. It's mildly interesting to play with for like 25 seconds and then you beat the game.
It's not even useful because the enemies are so weak your loadout and playstyle is totally irrelevant.
Reminder you played this garbage instead of playing through actually decent games and with each poor choice you make you will feel more and more dissatisfied and depressed, whereas those with more discerning taste will just continue to become increasingly knowledgeable and look further down upon you.
this but every game anon likes is dogshit
nooo :(
>gays in the main quest
>trannies in the major location quest
wow just like morrowind
For all people shit on Bioware's writing I feel this game does a good job on making quests and each faction morally grey. They all pave the way to hell with good intentions. Even the Cadaver Crusades have good points to them being endlessly old creatures chasing the one thing that gives their existence meaning.

I remember the flesh farm dilemma very well. Do the undead return to hunting humans or enslave, torture and harvest the meat of a sentient creature. There's no right answer except what you make yourself. I can forgive alot if a game has interesting writing and this game has been the most creative and thoughtful in a long time.
I enjoyed the flesh farm quest, but it pissed the off that the ghost bitch who can supposedly read you mind cries at you for making a deal with the cadavers even though I never did any such thing and saved the pit purely for its own sake.
I mean it was well written (though detectable from the moment i heard about flesh farms), but the quest was literally a serie of runs from the farm to the mansion of that warlord, how was his name.
Also why did those cadaver faggots had Dark Stars in their mansion, and why was i accepted among them despite having slaughtered everybody there for the retrieval of the daughter of that dead bitch?
Not him but man, they are right, game is just... plain boring. After a day of playing there's not really much to the game. It's empty and the quests are simplistic. Now that's all fine it's an indie game but the worst thing is the combat. You can literally kill everything with a few swings with starting weapon without even investing in might.
The setting is interesting but there's just NOTHING engaging.
Good morning, sir.

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