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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
you sound like a retard, so, yeah, play the OC.
fuck you, but i'll consider it
I've never played a NWN game either. You won't get any good willed recommendation here everyone is an elitist fuck with a superiority complex. A friend of mine says to play the main game as well but I always disagree with him when it comes to video games so I doubt I'll like it. He has been recommending BG3 non stop so I ignored it on Steam and just started Dark Messiah. I'm already having fun.
It's hard to not have a superiority complex when you tards shit everywhere. I've never asked for a recommendation or to be told how to play a game or what to think about it in my entire life. Like, just do what you want and play some games to the point where you know what you like.
mental illness
Fuck you. There are probably thousands of modules, I'm not gonna play all of them
Mental retardation.
Fuck you. It's called browsing.
What is the point of posting in this thread if you're just going to be useless? Fuckhead
To mock your ignorance and need for spoonfeeding so as to make you angry. I mean, the more I make posts fucking with you, the more likely someone will come along and help you to spite me, brainlet. So, you're welcome.
Discussion about a game is not "spoonfeeding". The fuck is wrong with you
But you don't know anything about the game, so you can't be discussed with. No, you want to be spoonfed.
No I want to make a thread about a game that doesn't have a single thread in the catalogue, dumb ass
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The original campaign of NWN1 is the greatest cRPG experience of the millennium, and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.
the OC has some decent enough moments, act 2 in particular is pretty neat. at the risk of spoilers i'll say it's centered around a big trial with you trying to gather evidence to proven your innocence of a particular deed, and then the actual trial itself you get to show off those noncombat skills (or let the sarcastic smartass elf do it for you) and it's really quite fun
the early parts are kinda shit however, the engine sucks ass in general, most of your companions are either forgettable or actively awful, the castle management sim later on can get tedious, and the ending is the close to the most horrendously fucking bad ending a video game could have. thankfully this is alleviated by the expansion but still.

give it a try at least. the last third or so of the plot is pretty good, even.
A game you haven't even played and know nothing about and are requesting to be spoonfed on in the OP. Now, cry.
So? No one is stopping you from discussing the game on your own, and discussing whatever aspects of it interest. Why do you need me to spoonfeed you directives? Just discuss whatever aspect of the game that you want. I have no interest in spoonfeeding you, so you're on your own
OC's biggest sin is just how archetypal it is. It's what comes to mind when I think "generic D&D adventure" and fact both subsequent expansions went for distinctly different campaigns doesn't help it.
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>the ending is the close to the most horrendously fucking bad ending a video game could have
what do you mean. it's totally awesome to reference this really funny classic webcomic for cool people.
jesus christ i remembered the meme but i haven't seen the comic itself in a longer period of time than i care to think about
time's a helluva drug
>no u
Ignoring that, why would I want to discuss with myself? That's masturbatory and pointless. It takes two people to have a conversation, but you can't actually participate. Sad, really.
Yeah, me and you are the only people on this board. Dumb ass. You are practically begging me to hold your hand and spoonfeed you discussion prompts. It's embarrassing. Be your own man
it's funny looking back at old webcomics, because the resolution is so shit on them. i was just rereading dm of the rings for a nostalgia kick and it was the same thing.
>anon attempts gaslight
>it's ineffective
Now I actively feel bad for you. I don't actually want to pick on real retarded children.
The most useless guy in the universe feels bad for me
Everyone you interact with is only thought of in terms of "use" to you, eh? You actually think you are the center of the universe. Yeesh...
And now the guy who came into the thread calling everyone a tard is morally grandstanding
The exact type of behavior seen in this insane bitchfest of a thread is why NWN isn't worth it anymore.
Oldfag here. Played the game when it released back in the day, just once and never bothered with it again.
Basically, what >>3470890 said. MotB is an order or two of magnitude over the OC in terms of writing.
The graphics were really goid for its era, but the animations were a bit clunky, the charactets move lile tgey have arthritis all through the body.
Also, the writing and characters are filled with the quirky humour and edgyness characteristical from its era, what you now call reddit. In itselt the game is a bit tone deaf, the comedic relief clashes woth the super grim story it tries to tell at some points. It's like the writers couldn't decide on the tone.
Ruleset is DnD 3.5, I never cared enough to decide if I like it more than the 3 in which NWN1 is based.
Over the years (decades now) I've chosen NWN1 over 2 always, so I don't know which, or if there are, good modules worth playing. The NWN1 community is way more active, so that says something.
At the very least, NWN2 is worth a playthrough.
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NWN 1 is far superior due to the wide array of user made adventures to go with it, the best of which have a really high standard of quality.
Other crpgs, BG, ToEE, etc are great but they cannot have the variety of campagin material because of thier engines and how they are made. Users can't go off and make custom BG adventures.

Arguable, NWN takes a hit in the aestetics because of this. Blocky, frequently ugly, never beautiful. But its customisable, so its a trade.

NWN 2 is even uglier and has way less material made for it. I'll take blocky over 2005-era 'realism' any day.
Does NWN have its own "Black Parade" like Thief? Basically a module that's a huge community effort and is so good, it rivals professional work and anyone that's a fan of the game should play it
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>Even when on sale on GOG for peanuts, none of my friends want to play NWN with me
I've been kind of hoping one day /vrpg/ or /v/ or whatever could get together and make some modules like the RPGmaker threads do, feels like it could be fun
Are there any good haks or content that people use for their modules
CEP2 seems pretty good
I recommed Tales from the Lake of Sorrows campaign for NWN2.
Beat NWN recently. OC is awful in all respects. Meanwhile SoU and HoU are fine enough adventures, but don't really have that much good writing. Combat is enjoyable enough and levels are decent, but the adventure it self really its about on par with BG1/2 side dungeons (sadly the vibe is never as good as in Durlag's), maybe a bit like IWD as well.
I've replayed the OC recently and I'm currently through SoU. The OC was not as bad as I remmembered, at least past chapter 1; and SoU isn't as good as I remmembered.
After HotU, if I still feel like playing NWN, I might give another shot at Aielund saga. Or perhaps Swordflight.
SoU is shit.
Did people ever actually play NWN in MP, though? And I mean ACTUALLY play as intended rather than persistent worlds experience.
I wouldn't say shit, but it's pretty mid even for a low level campaign. It shines because compared to the OC is way better. HotU is fun but loses a lot of steam after undermountain.
>It shines because compared to the OC is way better.
It doesn't and it's not. OC and SoU are shit.
NWN1 came out in 2002. Two years before WoW took over MMORPG genre and casual audience. I suppose there was some co-op RPG action as Everquest never reached WoW's level.
I didn't say it was good, but its an okay experiance and definetly better than the OC, which is the most drawn-out bullshit of visiting 4 boring dungeons each act, along with horrible loot design and shit story. Granted, the very end of SoU is basically same shit as OC level design wise and the story is mid, but not quite the lizardmen conspiracy bollacks like original.
OC characters are all paper cut-outs of class archetypes. Meanwhile SoU has more nuanced companions, although they lack in dialogue a bit.
OC has horrible level design where you have to do shit fetchquests 4 times before getting to do the main quest, repeated each chapter. SoU has an organic quest structure in the first act, linear in second and a lite-version of OC shit in the end.
OC has dogshit loot design with dozens upon dozens of locked boxes and doors as well as random enemy drops. All of that is trimmed in SoU, along with addition of more predetermined cool loot.

SoU is superior in every way. Is it good in todays context? Ehh, not really. Its like Diablo 1 minus Blizzard polish, but still way ahead of OC
>I didn't say it was good
You said fine enough. SoU is a steaming pile of shit and it annoys me you tards give it a pass. The story is shit, characters are boring to tears (only Deekin is passable, the other ones are a travesty), dungeons are not fun and it wasted Netheril for a low-mid level adventure when it should be an epic level adventure.
>definetly better than the OC
I do not compare SoU to OC, I appraise it for what it is, and it's shit. If you can't defend the campaign without hiding behind another, then you already failed.
Same to you >>3471420
>characters are boring to tears (only Deekin is passable, the other ones are a travesty)
On that I agree. I never used Xanos, sometimes I take Dorna to take care ofctraps and locks (not really necessary anyway), but she's a bore. Deekin at least is colorful.

>dungeons are not fun
Dungeons in the OC were pointlessly long and the devs overcorrected in SoU by trimming too much. I'd say HotU hit the sweet spot, at least in undermountain.

>If you can't defend the campaign without hiding behind another, then you already failed.
I think a lot of the creative decisions regarding SoU took into account the criticisms regarding the OC. Hard to talk about a reaction without putting on the table what it's reacting too. Things tend not to exist in a vacuum and sometimes context is needed.
That being said, I think the OC, considrede as a showcase of what the aurora engine was about, ain't that bad, save for the million -locked and trapped- containers and the overgenerosity with magic items and gold. Among other flaws, of course.
Leaving all that aside I lament that there was never an official campaing that really shone. The best modules are fanmade.
But then again, I beleive the devs wanted to steer in the direction of MP and persistent worlds which was exploding at the time with other games, rather than focusing on single player.
>Hard to talk about a reaction without putting on the table what it's reacting too. Things tend not to exist in a vacuum and sometimes context is needed.
Wise words, or rather they would be if they existed in a vacuum. In context, you use them to defend a shit game.

If you stand in a room of downies, are you a genius? If you stand in a room full of geniuses, are you a retard? If you grab two games, both of them shit but for slightly different reasons, is the better one not shit suddenly? Comparison has been a folly of humanity since before we started counting time. Don't use it as a defense, especially for a game as worthless as SoU. You could have compared it to BG, PS:T or Arcanum but deep down you knew you couldn't without ruining your argument.
Not him, but SoU wasn't bad and I've never made it past chapter 2 of the NWN1 OC, so I really can't compare them, It was just decent on its own.
>Not him, but SoU wasn't bad
It was. I hated it the first time I played it over a decade ago, and about 2 or 3 years ago I decided to give it another chance, to check if I wasn't simply jaded back then. As it happened, I hated it even more on my second playthrough.
Anybody like storm of zehir? Wish the random encounters didn't put you half a mile away from the enemy, or the map speed being tied to survival, or the exploration being kinda a choir, you know what. Never mind.
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>friend of mine says to play the main game as well but I always disagree with him when it comes to video games so I doubt I'll like it. He has been recommending BG3 non stop so I ignored it on Steam and just started Dark Messiah. I'm already having fun.
Can I be your friend's friend instead? He sounds intelligent and you sound like a stupid asshole.
Play the base campaign first. A good part of the enjoyment of going into MotB with you OC dragons slaying character and having your ass handed to you again. Also the main campaign does get a lot better towards the end.
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Talking shit again, huh?
The first act of base nwn2 is fucking torture. The rest isn't bad.
The other expansion pack, storm of zehir, is also pretty neat. It has no connection to the base game
That mod by a woman where you get raped in the first 5 minutes
I have never played anything with the bad content frontloading of nwn2. I have no idea how they fucked that up so bad.
What pw do we play on? Don't say Troonyloft.
The Dragon's Neck, when it's finished.

Dead within two months when everyone returns to Arelith just like Risenholm.

lmfao arelith players are so pathetic
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Sunset over OCEM, bitch!
The original NWN1 content is horrible.
The OC could also be very well a fan project.
SoU is somewhat palatable during chapter 1 and the interlude and turns into a boring shitfest in chapter 2 which also wraps up the adventure.
HotU is a nice dungeon crawl in chapter 1, a bag of bland microwave fries in the second and a war crime in the third with the devs trying to turn NWN into some shitts action adventure.
The community stuff is often rather well done though and the animations and effects are great for its age.
Nwn2 looks like ass with maybe a third of the variety and a tenth of the module editors functions than NWN 1 engine wise. The OC is ok but not a godly intervention of writing, MotB is all around good and SoZ ok if you are ok without written companions. SoZ needs a honorable mention because its somewhat open world and really rewards exploring with lots of sandbox like content.
If you play NW2 please play the Conan the Barbarian mod Module. It was one of the best experiences i've ever played in my life.
>OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock
On a certain level, one where I am likely giving them too much credit, it feels like that was on purpose. To me it does sort of help make MotB feel more impactful as well, starting from this swamp bumpkin loser to an adventuring do-gooder to the commander of an inexplicably important keep all while being some vague chosen one in a cliché story with a shit ending to suddenly waking up in a foreign land where everything you just did doesn't matter and you're pulled into something far bigger than some swamp idiot could have ever comprehended. Basically the contrast makes MotB stand out even more for me.
Also if anyone tries to tell you that A Dance With Rouges for the original NWN is a good module, do bad things to them because they deserve it.
Undrentide was great but the original campaign isn’t
Played thru both the original and 2 in multiplayer with my friends, it made them both far easier than was intended though.
Its really only act 1 that's abusively generic, part of it being so fucking dire
The eventual ammon jerro and king of shadows plot has a more normal video game amount of intrigue

Is it always the same guy shilling this?
I always wanted to play Storm of Zehir with a group but never had the chance.
Risenholm was always doomed due to a flawed design based on dumb untested forum mechanics theorizing. It unironically copied the joke about D&D 6e dumbing the game down to the same mechanics for everything just different descriptions. It turns out that everything being the same doesn't make for a fun RPG. Balancetards will never learn.
I'm playing the Nether Scrolls bridge module between SoU and HotU. Currently at the Ligth ans Shadow quest, I'm supposed to recover a reluc for tge Amaunator followers but the reluc is nowhere to be found. Apparently there used to be a walkthrough but can't find it anywhere, can someone help? I know this is a long shot, but just in case.
I will! I didn't know such a thing existed.
I wonder how TDN is going to fare considering the developers are cracking down on powergaming and magic especially.
It doesn't matter. As long as their system is fun and interesting it should do well. If they're dumb and too heavy handed every imbecile will figure out the one or two good options or only viable option. Many servers also address powergaming by shifting the meta, requiring certain levels in classes or capping the enchant bonus on weapons. It never solves anything and sometimes just makes it worse. All that really matters is if it is at least slightly fun and interesting after they mess around with the mechanics.
I remember there being Planescape PW, was it for 1 or 2? Also are there singleplayer Planescape modules?
Both for 1 and 2. Not sure about the singleplayer module.
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hi fren, enjoyed your post. given the following list of games i loved, what else would you recommend?

Planescape: Torment
Disco Elysium
Kotor 1 and 2, Jade Empire is surprisingly well written for BioWare, Dragon Age Origins, Witcher games, Gothic 1 and 2, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Mask of the Betrayer (though you should also play NWN 2 OC before), Dark Messiah of Might and Magic off the top of my head. Neither of these games is perfect but I think each is good in at least some way.
I’ve always wanted to give MotB a try but 2 things got in the way
1) I have no idea how D&D works. Should I find a cool build and just go along with it or is it better to take the time and learn D&D mechanics?
2) Will I lose anything if I don’t play the original campaign first?
2) yes, a little, but you lose more in total by playing the NWN2 base campaign cause it sucks
What are your thoughts on Pillars of Eternity? That’s something on my radar after having played Pentiment, also by Josh Sawyer. I was absolutely engrossed.

Another project that piqued my curiosity is Tides of Numenera.
Don't worry about that. Complicated builds are a meme and that's coming from a guy who likes to fiddle with them. You can play as a fighter and still have fun.
Act I of the OC is slow but after that the game is good.
>Pillars of Eternity
Tried the first one and hated it with passion. It was written by a guy who sniffs his own farts. Tyranny is better and I'm still mad it got shafted.
>Tides of Numenera.
Played and finished it once. Not a bad game actually but don't think of it as a continuation of any sort to Planescape Torment.
What did you dislike about PoE?
Everything. Setting was weird but not in a good, intriguing way. The story bored me. None of the companions I found interesting. The writing was a cumbersome word diarrhea. Also the stat system was a head scratcher, like they took DnD but decided to make it worse. The biggest offender was the OC donut steel every where. I know it's actually the least problem as you can, and should, ignore them but for a person who knows nothing of the developement, they might be tricked into reading all this nonsense. Additionally, I wanted for the game with a lot of excitement and had high hopes for it. Hopes that were shattered, which means I hold an old grudge.
Another proof that comparison is inherently stupid. I compare the existing PoE to PoE that I dreamed of, making my experience much worse.
That’s so weird coming from the guy who made Pentiment. I never played PoE, but Pentiment was very engrossing. The characters felt fleshed and believable, the story I guess can’t be attributed to Sawyer because it’s really In The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, but overall the game hit well in every department. I wonder if this is a kickstarter thing where the lead designer must meet promises made to the supporters even if they’re detrimental to the design. Because in Pentiment Sawyer had 100% control and to me the game was a success.
Try it out then. It's not like we have the same taste and for some reason PoE has a fanbase. I still suggest you tone your expectations down. I expected a lot from this game and hot sorely dissapointed. And ignore every NPC that can be soul dived but has no interactions otherwise. They are easy to recognise.
AFAIK Sawyer didn’t write most of Pillar’s actual in-game script, it was some woman.
>Pentiment was very engrossing
You didn't find it incredibly awkward and a form of authorial self-inserting masturbatory fiction? It's interesting to me how some people can't engage beyond the surface.
No, I went in with no expectations and soon enough I felt part of the characters’ lives and Tassing all of a sudden felt very real. I didn’t know the name of Josh Sawyer before I played Pentiment, maybe you have and it contaminated your appreciation of the product?
I don’t get what you’re saying. What precisely didn’t you like about Pentiment? Or is there nothing in particular that you liked?
there's 3 of us now, maybe if you joined in there would be four.
I didn't, no. I thought it was a pretty interesting depiction of a Medieval village and I felt drawn into the daily life of the peasants even though the main character was just as much of an outsider as I am to that life
The only masturbatory part was that Andreas ran in to save MUH BOOKS because obviously the whole game is about how awesome reading is, even if it didn't fit your chosen background

Sell it to me instead of vagueposting screenshots. Most 4chan 'active pws' are 3 man friend groups of meme spamming retards that end after two weeks.

There's a reason why everyone plays the top 10 pws instead of giving their time to charity cases.
oc nwn2 is worth playing once. it's better than poe 1 and 2 and bg3.
Why does it get so much hate anyway?
Neeshkafags are buttblasted to this day.
Rocks fall
Mask of the Betrayer is incredibly overrated, just like all of the things that Avellone worked on.
>the whole game is about how awesome reading is
Not quite. It's about how books shape your perceptions from someone attempting to shape your perceptions. It's about the power of the printing press to change society and spawn an eternal rebellion, that's why he picked that time period, to mirror the contemporary use of social engineering through entertainment media. The masturbation of the pawn, the artist, as a tool of ideological engineers.
is there anyway to make turns faster in nwn 1? i found a mod to change walk speed and rest duration. but with how much time combat takes and the buff casting after resting, it's still taking forever to play.
Anon, I... rounds are six seconds of time and they play out in real time.
i know but maybe there is another way to make it faster other than installing cheat engine and using speed hack
This one bear in NWN2 might be hands down the worst voice acting I've ever heard in a game
Not gonna watch your attempt to become an e-celeb
You really think I recorded this video 13 years ago and decided to share it now? lel. It's literally the only clip I could find on youtube besides a really really low res one
>worst voice acting I've ever heard in a game
You haven't played Last Alert, huh?
Nope, that bad?
Got to "wow, I really can't move my body" and had to stop the video. I kneel
Bros... You told me Swordflight is good... Why did you lie to me?
I'm halfway through chapter 2 and I do not feel like a doing fetch quests anymore for the air genaasi girl, I do not feel like killing hordes of generic enemies for the old paladin guy anymore... I do not feel like reading walls of text anymore...
My head hurts from reading all the gigantic text dumps any character keeps shitting out at the slightest of prompts...
There isn't even that much roleplay, just the occasional acknowledgement of your class and sometimes you can be needlessly evil if you want.
4chan fags were wrong, Codexfags were wrong and reddit fags were wrong, Swordflight can barely be called mediocre.
is this true or bait? i haven't played it yet but it's the first on my list
I like NWN but one thing that these threads demonstrated well is that the people who play PW's are the most mentally ill freaks imaginable.

You all are beyond pathetic, seriously.
nta, but the moment I left to city in Swordflight and ran into massive enemy mobs that required extreme amounts of micromanagement to kill (even with 4 companions, one of which is a fucking lich) I stopped playing.

my build was about as minmaxed as it could be too. bizarre spike in difficulty compared to all the Calimport content. having to slowly prebuff before every single trash mob is simply not fun, nor is having to revive companions each time they die due to having literally no control over them.

beyond that, the story of Swordflight is insanely overrated, as is the module as a whole
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No bait or sarcasm, I had to quit playing because I was getting headaches from reading all that text in these tiny text boxes.

Also the respawn system is so fucking shit that the creator of the mod is literally telling magic users to just go ahead and die to respawn and get their magic back.
And you will probably want to do that rather frequently because encounters are overtuned and numerous, your companions will get also shredded like tissue paper, especially if you get the good aligned companions so no help there.

I really don't get how people like these modules, the story is shit the combat is repetitive the characters are shit because of the constant text dumps and even a lot of the maps are annoying to navigate because they're too big and open.

I also heard that the second module is considered the best one? I can only imagine how fucking boring the rest is then.
>respawn system
*resting system
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>No bait or sarcasm, I had to quit playing because I was getting headaches from reading all that text in these tiny text boxes.
Well well well.
They were still too small for the amount of text, or is there an option in the settings that I'm missing that makes them bigger?
Is Conan Chronicles for NWN 2 good?
I heard it's quite buggy, is it playable?
alright thanks i'll make sure to drop it fast if i don't like it instead of wasting my time
What's your list?
I recommend Sanctum of the Archmage (only the first one) and Enigma Island.
Bloodright - The Blood Royal is also pretty good IMO.
Currently replaying it.A lot more grindy than I remember,going through 50 waves of orcs is a pain at least without rest spam.
I like that after the first 50 waves of orcs you are granted another 50 later in the game.
I think Sawyer literally said that he wanted to stretch the play time to around 40 hours by adding shitty trash mobs everywhere but it ended up being around 60 hours.
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>What's your list?
it's mostly unsorted but i did bump up those with more amount of people naming them. feel free to recommend more because these are all from the steam forums so i have no idea of the quality
Based, I am going to go replay the oc as human paladin Siegfried Orc-Hewer immediately
Honor among Thieves

Tortured Hearts 2 isn't good.
save yourself the typing

A dance with rogues
Aielund Saga
Perchance to Dream
Elegia Eternum
Excrucio Eternum
bastard of kosigan
Sands of Fate
dungeon eternal
Tortured Hearts 2
I like typing.
Any essential mods for playing NWN2?
I want to replay the official campaigns, last time I've played was maybe 10 years ago
Rod of Preparation
Tony K's Companion and Monster AI
GUI mod of some kind
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lil troony
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TND in 4 days bros... I'm so fricking excited!
>have a chance to remove weapon master in your pw
>you include it
such a stupid class
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I come to this thread once again to ask the anon that made this character how the hell did he fix arbor falls and made it look like this.
>such a stupid class
Also underwhelming and ridiculous prerrequisites.
>Or perhaps Swordflight
Get ready for going into a basement and getting swarmed by ten rats with 16AC and +4 attack. Legitimately one of the most bafflingly retarded things i've ever seen, especially since every other quest is really well designed and kino. The only other complaint i have is the orc bossfight in act 2; For some fucking reason the assassin orc party wiped me for 30 minutes straight and nothing i did worked, so eventyally i just fucking console command killed that fucker and proceeded to steamroll every other boss in the room, and every fight left in the chapter.
Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to design a module in which you actually have to die and respawn to beat it?

No fucking joke, tried Swordflight years ago and quit when the first encounter, a bunch of rats, left me unable to continue without resting. Of course, I was punished for resting. For some time I though I was at fault for being a scrub, but perhaps the blame was not 100% on me.
Rats as an early encounter became an RPG trope, so they probably made them into super-rats as a joke. Their dev team would have giggled through the whole thing and for weeks afterwards.
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>For some time I though I was at fault for being a scrub, but perhaps the blame was not 100% on me.
The cellar rat fight is no joke the hardest fight in chapter 1. Even with a meta fighter build they'll still fuck you up.

Yes i get the joke (HAHAHAAHAAHA WOULDN'T IT BEE FUNNEEE IF LE RATS WUZ LE SUPER STRONK LIKE IN LE FALLOUT 2 & LE RABBIT IN LE MONTEY PYTHON?!?!?!?!?!?!). Doesn't change the fact it's retarded fucking encounter design, and there's no excuse since after you kill the rats a wererat turns up and you can resolve the situation peacefully anyway. Why do you have to kill the rats for the wererat to appear? If he was tucked away in the back rooms and a peaceful resolution was possible from the beginning, that would teach the player to look around first instead of grug smashing everything in their path.

BTW, another pro-tip; There is literally no point using sword & board in this module. Your AC will literally never be high enough to consistently beat the trash mobs' +attack, and if you aren't using two-handed weapons you will not deal enough damage
Just a tip in case you ever replay it: rat encounter resolves peacefully as a ranger/druid and trivially as a wizard/sorcerer. The first one gets an animal empathy check, the second one (depending on your character creation choice) gets uber low-level summon with 25/+1 DR which can wipe rats out.
The rest are screwed, even though the rats have standard stats, because low-level ac and hp don't protect well against d20 attack with +4 to hit dealing a hefty part of your current hit points pool. Even with all potion buffs available.
Use MDL override that will change your dialogue box, either one from "Reborn UI" or the one from "Larger and more readable font with UI adjustments". The latter works for DE guaranteed but you can't reposition the dialogue window.
As for the Swordflight: always prebuff and use every mechanic you know of to your advantage. Otherwise encounters just break the poor implementation of 3e that is NwN unless you're a somewhat high-level caster class.
While I've never interacted with rogueknight, I've stumbled a lot over his posts in many forums over the years. He never struck me as someone with a sense of humour, if any, he takes DnD pretty seriously. He's an autist and I guess that's why lilura flickes the bean to Swordflight.

I'll keep that in mind if I ever bother replaying it.

Come to think of it, of all the community modules I've played I think the Aielund saga was the one I enjoyed the most. I liked the scope, from a lv 1 scrub killing rats on a basement to an epic character fighting godlike creatures. It was competently written, if memory serves, even if a bit archetypical and unoriginal, but that's not a necessarily bad thing.
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since the thread is like 3 weeks old now I don't think op still cares about the answer but I felt like typing it anyways
I think it is worth it if you have some nostalgia for ye rpgs of old. As funny at it is now ,when nwn2 is already an old game, back then I believe it tried to pay homage to 'older' rpg games in times where the genre was pretty much dying
as such it never tried for anything extravagant or overly creative (untlill motb expansion) but purposefully retold the classic zero to hero story in a competent way, not ashamed of the tropes and predictability
the problem with zero-to-hero stories is for you to appreciate the hero part the zero part has to suck a bit so you can feel the progress you've made etc.
I think they overdid that part, the first like 10 hours of the game are a boring slog where your 1 to 5 dnd lvl characters do pretty much nothing of importance. Personally think the game picks up combat-wise around the orcs in the desert part and storywise just after that, and in the end since the OC campaign is very long and then there's the MOTB it's all worth it, but I can easly understand how one could play it for 5h decide it sucks and never pick up again.
>I believe it tried to pay homage to 'older' rpg games in times where the genre was pretty much dying
Not a bad take in hindsight but that was not exactly the feeling people had back in the day. In retrospect the genre was dying, or right about to decline, yes, but at the time nwn2 came at a peak. NWN1 still had a strong base of players, the community already had a ton of player-made content and growing, and the bioware nwn forums had thousands of very active posters. I remmember people thinking nwn2 would kill nwn1 and in a way it did, but since the engine and toolset had issues it never got the ammount of comminity content 1 had. But for a few years a lot of players migrated, crippling the nwn1 community which never really recovered -even if it persist to this day, a testament of the possibilities of the game if you ask me- and nwn2 failed at mantaining players intetested for long.
In a way nwn2 was either the genre's killer or its swan song. But I beleive that it didn't so much tried to pay hommage to old games, but rather be the epitome of them, to set a new standard, be the cornerstone or whathaveyou.
Anyway, I this thread, if any, makes me want to replay it, something I've never done since its release.
>BTW, another pro-tip; There is literally no point using sword & board in this module. Your AC will literally never be high enough to consistently beat the trash mobs' +attack, and if you aren't using two-handed weapons you will not deal enough damage
>rpg games
>genre was pretty much dying
very little brained post. rpgs have never declined or died, they've just had lulls.
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No, it isn't. I'm currently running two campaigns with the same character, one specialized in two-handed and one in sword & board. Or rather i was, because there's no point running a sword & board because every fucking trash mob encounter takes twice as long to fight AND ends with my party almost dead, because just like i said, your AC will never get high enough to consistently beat their attack rolls, because the entire module has been designed with the expecation you're an autistic min-maxer constantly running your entire party with maximum buffs. So it's far better to just go full DPS.
Just admit that you don't know how to stack AC like a proper munchkin. I made a very nasty build and could trounce on most of the campaign and only a few moments forced me to reload.
>I am an autistic min-maxer
NTA but you are the same type of person he is talking about
Duh. Swordflight is famously hard module and to beat it you need to build strong character. He said that shields are useless and gives a retarded advice to use two handed. Of course I called him on out it.
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Yeah, the +3 AC from a shield is really going to make a difference with every trash mob having +15 attack bonus, vs going for a two-hander build and dealing TWICE THE DAMAGE IN A TURN especially when every trash mob goblin is sporting 50+ HP.
It will, if you can do the math properly. Tip: you need to get also other sources of AC for it to work. That's what stacking means.
Tip 2: two handed are shit. You can build crit focused one handed for a very decent damage.
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I have literally just tested this out. The AC increase you get from a shield is not nearly enough to justify the DPS hit you take. You can cope, seethe and dilate all you like, i WILL continue to believe my lying eyes (and simple mathematics) over your insistence that +3 AC is worth cutting your DPS in half, thus giving the mobs more chances to hit you with their bullshit attack rolls.
Show me your build and I will tell you what's shit about it.
unless you're using a keen falchion you're not going to be a doing a significant amount of dps over a keen scimitar
NTA, but I'd say that the difference in shield AC increases further with levels, if one gets +1, +2, etc., meaning one can get up to, like, +8 difference thanks to tower shields.
It's just that the difference is high enough only on later levels. Still, enemies' AB by 3d edition's design grows too fast compared to AC, and it remains a question not of full mitigation but of making enemies hit you on 15+ rolls rather than on 10+ or even lower. That is why HP gets so bloated and early levels are so bad.
Well, the OCs of both games are a bit bland, and is a little more than a showcase for the capabilities of the Aurora toolset. But Hordes of the Underdark and the Mask of the Betrayer are the best expansion, imho.

But I've enjoyed playing through both games and all their expansions (and other content, both official and unofficial) several times during the last twenty odd years, so I think it's worth it to play through them all regardless of their perceived difference in quality.

So yeah, just play the games through and through, if you feel like it. That's my advise.

I also don't care if anyone thinks my opinion is retarded and my advise sucks, so fuck off already.
I'm inclined to agree with you.
Fucking love the DM of the Rings xD
>So yeah, just play the games through and through, if you feel like it. That's my advice.
>I also don't care if anyone thinks my opinion is retarded and my advice sucks, so fuck off already.
Been waiting for this game to go on sale so I can buy it but it's taking forever
Can't beleive I was so into SP circa 2005, such a cringey comic in retrospect. Also Randy is a cunt.
why not pirate it in the meanwhile?
Ever since internet companies started cracking down on torrenting I've stayed away from it. I could get a vpn, I guess, but most of them aren't free and I don't know which to get. Search engines suck ass now so I can't even get good info on which vpn to use without it being compromised or having results hidden. I just give up on torrenting at this point
Isn't it on gog?
Yeah, I'm waiting for it to go on sale

It costs literally $3 on keysites always

btw play on Sunset over Ocem
don't know what that is, never heard of it
gog-games, anon. direct downloads are the benefit of gog installers. no torrent required.
I know, I just said I'm waiting for it to go on sale. It's currently 20 bucks, which is too much for a game that old imo
i'm not directing you to gog's website. note the hyphen. :)
oh, I don't know what your post means then
its a pirate website and you're a fucking idiot, basically
never heard of it. so will my internet provider lose their shit if I use it without a vpn? because that's why I stopped torrenting
torrents are peer2peer, so they can be monitored for IPs. direct downloads aren't.
ok thanks I guess
you guess?!? WELL, FUCK YOU TOO BUDDY.


g2a and similiar, you can literally google buy nwn key and click the first result
Will I need to do that in order for the gog-games version to work or is this something differeng

This is something different, you get a key you can redeem on Steam
they don't have nwn2 on steam unfortunately
Any modules for nwn1 aimed at evil playthroughs worth playing? All I've found so far have bad reviews.
>I watched an hour or two of both on YT
Kek. Are you going to spend more time watching gameplay and asking stupid questions than actually playing the game?
People who grew up with smartphones and social media have been trained to not form their our opinions and mistrust their own experiences. Not really their fault, if you think about it.
School teaches that first. All answers are only correct if approved by authority. Social media is merely further reinforcement of that state.
Is NWN the biggest poser game ever? I've never met a nwn fan that wasn't an enormous retard.
>t. retard
Almraiven is pretty good, it's made for evil wizards
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>they have been trained to not think for themselves
>it's not their fault
>no-one told them to think for themselves
Swordflight is surprisingly good for an evil character. You can roleplay anything from a reasonable selfish guy who consistently ends up defeating greater evil to a sadistic murderhobo.
My playthrough as a pragmatic LE wizard who doesn't want to get involved with planar wars and have forces of Good after his ass was genuinely fun, and you get to see paladins being absolute retards who attack you for basically no reason. Though I wish stealth options were better implemented by the author - I had to use Greater Sanctuary + abuse the party teleportation bug in a couple of lategame areas full of enemies with True Sight, where I wanted to stay unseen for roleplaying purposes.
Thinking for yourself is something you develop organically if you're not glued 24/7 to a consensus generating machine.
I very rarely play arcane classes, but I will jot that one down.

Good to hear. I want to play a power-hungry LE blackguard, but there's almost no modules that cater to that. I found one on the vault almost tailored to that but the reviwes were terrible.
That's a factor but you are missing the suffering part, if you never face any hardship of course you aren't going to be able to think for yourself
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>>How I fixed Arbor Falls
Anon here, theres an unofficial Arbor Falls v14 on Steam Workshop, I used that version as a base and worked with the NWN toolset to add stuff I like from there, like PRC, Henchmen System, Minion Controls, QoL stuff, updated Seasonal Forest tileset, Project Q creature models, Beamdog HD weapons, etc. You have to be familiar with the toolset, hak packs, and .2da tables if you wanna try something similar.
>>How I made it look like that
Reshade with some tweaking for the graphical effects, waifu was made using model parts and visual effects from Sinfar's hakpaks and Character Creator Override. I did some work on the .2da tables to merge the model parts and vfxs with Arbor Fall's for them to work. Theres lots of new high quality assets from the recently launched TDN PW Im excited about too, think I'm going to rip them for my own projects.
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Oh my god anon, I have been looking for you for close to a year when you posted those pics on /v/.
All this stuff that you did to arbor falls goes way over my head sadly. I did try introducing new stuff to it using the aurora toolset but I ended up making it worse every time and I don't know if I wanna sit there learning this toolset for hours on end instead of actually enjoying the game.
Isn't there a way to upload your world somewhere?
You guys actually think noisy textures and bad ReShades with obnoxious DoF look good?
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Hmm I'll see if I can...theres lots more stuff I was planning to add, but just havent found the time to work on my little Arbor Falls project in over a year. You can find me on the NWN discord, I posted a screen of my 'half-fiend elven PRC wizard' there.
Yes I actually think that, you are free to disagree but that would be like your opinion man.

I checked every link in the NWN vault and couldn't find screenshots of your character there and there doesn't seem to be any official discord either, can you please drop the name of the discord and I'll do the rest?
Here's the main NWN discord link https://discord.com/invite/up6NYcPT look for the post with a certain 'half-fiend elven PRC wizard'.
>decide to finally try and finish Aielund Saga, last time I dropped it around the beginning of coming back from dead arc
>defeat Ironlord easily, start planar shenanigans
>the wizard says to go to the high-tech place first, shit's fucked there but okay
>get obliterated by first shadow tiger group while having 50 AC
Should I go somewhere else first, or I just suck and it's the point in game where I should stack buffs? I'm never following wizard advice anymore.
I can deal with the small dialogue box, but I absolutely hate it when there's so much text that I have to scroll down to read it. Just do the "Continue" thing, for fuck's sake.
NTA but I highly recommend Tales of Arterra.
Go talk with the dragon and win the riddle game before you do anything else. If you made even one mistake, reload.
thanks, added
Thanks a lot anon!
So I just lurk here in case you upload it someday?
What kind of stuff did you want to add to it? Arbor Falls is really cool but the version that's in the workshop has some room for improvement and some other stuff like the custom animations are down right broken.
Just DM me so I know where to find you. I'll get back to working on Arbor Falls since you're interested too. You mean the ACP combat animations? I think I managed to fix them on my version. I was thinking to add some things like quick buff metamagic rods, creatures that react to light, portable holes, or a Mordenkainen's mansion which you can reach via spell from any module to deposit your items, and then step out the door to take a rest stop in Arbor Falls, before going right back to where you left off in the other module. Lots of stuff, but maybe I'll just polish up whatever I already added first so I can share them with you.
I want to say you are wrong but I keep replaying it with a different class and I still have fun with it. Don't know I guess I like slowly getting more powerful and people recognizing me for being a hero or something until I'm a freaking demigod by the third act..
Saleron's Gambit
This series is very obscure for some reason, but it's incredibly high effort - from heavily using custom tilesets and soundtrack to having interesting story and sidequests, and a pretty good reactivity. The only weak part is henchmen - chapter 2 has a very fun cast, but they are pretty bland later on.
He also made a cleric only module for NWN 2, which I highly recommend.
speak of the devil, is there a reason why all-inclusive module list was removed lilura's site at one point?
I dunno, but if I had to bet, I'd say because some autistic fit.
luv me some cleric so thanks

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