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What are the best WRPGs?
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>bg3 in god tier
Stopped reading there
You just responded to bait, anon.
That is not bait, this is the definitive tier list for Wrpgs, after more than 25 years of playing them.
obviously some of the things are objectively WROOOONG, but actually that's surprisingly decent considering how much stuff there is
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anyway: BG1, BG2, F1, F2, PST, Arcanum
>ranked anywhere above Kingdom Kino
Jagged Alliance 2 is there too. it literally have constant general on /stg/ sinve forever
Might & Magic series, Arcanum, NWN, Daggerfall, Planescape: Torment.

NOT BD, NOT Fallout, NOT TES (except DF).
I like your tier because despite me not agreeing with a lot at least you're not just a pseud pretending to have "patrician taste" by adding the most obvious games like trannywind and JA up alone. You still added polemic slop like TW3, BG3 and MA. That at least means you're genuine and not a npc who tries hard to fit in the "hardcore" rpg community
Why dont you ask Vavra and see what he says?
Dink Smallwood
Lies of P
You're going to get lots of flak from friendless losers but this is an absolutely solid list.
Missing a bunch of games but still a good list nevertheless
some of the god tier games are questionable, but solid list in general.
My only criticism of this list is that you post it way too fucking often. Good list, otherwise
You're technically correct, but many people don't even realize it isn't JRPG.
Excellent bait.
I kneel, baitnigger.
did op post sloppa
Based easy to please rpg enjoyer
>obvious slide thread
>AI art
>what are some video games
>people actually still bumping the thread (which they will do for months because that is the environment fostered here)
Jesus christ why is moderation so incompetent
What's a slide thread?
People like to fill the catalog with shit low effort threads and then bump them so they can control the content people see. So if there's a thread on a game someone dislikes or an opinion they disagree with, they'll bury it under 40 filler threads, and have so many filler threads makes it easier to push threads off the catalog.
i dont get why they are seething at you when the top games are the same games they keep talking about and jerking to.
were wrpg spergs born to shit and complain only?
The definitive /vrpg/ list of RPGs
>there's a conspiracy in /vrpg/ rather than just bored idiots create low effort threads
Good list but the witcher isn't a crpg.
Which NWN/NWN2 modules do you like
as in crpgs dumbed down for console
>Which NWN modules do you like
The Witcher
The anon who said Witcher is not me.

If you want the modules i like.

The Maimed Gods Saga
Lake of Sorrows
Pool of Radiance
A Dance with Rogues

Those are the ones i liked.
how is d4 higher than d3? just curious
The PS3 generation is the peak of WRPGs. All Bethesda and Bioware gaymes
>console generations
Older CRPGs are better but that's what a WRPG is you noodle. That gen was when they become noteworthy on console.
>Mount and Blade Warband
>Alpha Protocol
>Mass effect 2
>God tier
Aside from these I more or less agree but these are pants on head retarded.
Both are turds, its just a different level of turd.
D4 has a better story/presentation and i liked the accessibility options it had in regards to gameplay, ui and co-op.
But other than that, both games are trash.

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